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Infrastructure and Basic Services

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This guide introduces the infrastructure development needs
in developing countries. It introduces different models
for infrastructure and basic services. It further analyses
innovative nancing approaches to infrastructure and basic
services. It offers recommendations for infrastructure and
basic services nancing.
ISBN(Series): 978-92-1-132022-0
ISBN(Volume): 978-92-1-132561-4
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Nairobi 2013
Te Global Urban Economic Dialogue Series
Guide to Finance Infrastructure and Basic Services
First published in Nairobi in 2013 by UN-Habitat.
Copyright United Nations Human Settlements Programme 2013
All rights reserved
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
P. O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya
Tel: 254-020-7623120 (Central Ofce)
ISBN(Series): 978-92-1-132022-0
ISBN(Volume): 978-92-1-132561-4
Te designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do
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the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area
or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers of boundaries.
Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily refect those of the United
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Excerpts may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated.
Director: Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza
Chief Editor and Manager: Xing Quan Zhang
Principal Author: Stephen J Bailey
Contributor: Jaana Mioch
Assistants: Joy Munene, Agnes Ngana
English Editor: Roman Rollnick
Design and Layout: Andrew Ondoo
Ur b a ni z a t i o n
is one of the
most powerful,
irreversible forces
in the world. It
is estimated that
93 percent of
the future urban
population growth
will occur in the
cities of Asia and
Africa, and to a lesser extent, Latin America
and the Caribbean.
We live in a new urban era with most of
humanity now living in towns and cities.
Global poverty is moving into cities, mostly in
developing countries, in a process we call the
urbanisation of poverty.
Te worlds slums are growing and growing
as are the global urban populations. Indeed,
this is one of the greatest challenges we face in
the new millennium.
Te persistent problems of poverty and
slums are in large part due to weak urban
economies. Urban economic development
is fundamental to UN-Habitats mandate.
Cities act as engines of national economic
development. Strong urban economies
are essential for poverty reduction and the
provision of adequate housing, infrastructure,
education, health, safety, and basic services.
Te Global Urban Economic Dialogue series
presented here is a platform for all sectors
of the society to address urban economic
development and particularly its contribution
to addressing housing issues. Tis work carries
many new ideas, solutions and innovative
best practices from some of the worlds
leading urban thinkers and practitioners
from international organisations, national
governments, local authorities, the private
sector, and civil society.
Tis series also gives us an interesting
insight and deeper understanding of the wide
range of urban economic development and
human settlements development issues. It will
serve UN member States well in their quest
for better policies and strategies to address
increasing global challenges in these areas
Joan Clos
Under-Secretary-General of the United
Nations, Executive Director, UN-Habitat
AD Anaerobic Digestion
AIDS Acquired Immune Deciency Syndrome
AMS Asset Management System
BIDs Business Improvement Districts
BRS Business Rate Supplement
CBOs Community Buy-Outs
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CFOs Chief Finance Ofcers
EU European Union
FTT Financial Transactions Tax
GIB Green Investment Bank
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GPS Global Positioning Systems
G20 The Group of 20 Finance Ministers and
Central Bank Governors
HIV Human Immunodeciency Virus
ICTs Information and Communications
IFRS International Financial Reporting
ISAs Individual Savings Accounts
IT Information Technology
LVT Land Value Tax
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MOs Mutual Organisations
NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases
NPD Non-Prot Distributing
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development
PBF Prudential Borrowing Framework
PFIs Private Finance Initiatives
PGS Planning Gain Supplement
Piigs Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain
PPPs Public-Private Partnerships
RAB Regulatory Asset Base
SCT Social Cost Tariff
SIBs Social Investment Bonds
SMEs Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises
SPC Statutory Planning Charge
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
TB Tuberculosis
TIF Tax Increment Financing
UK United Kingdom
USA United States of America
VAT Value Added Tax
WHO World Health Organisation
WTO World Trade Organisation
Global infrastructural investment needs
are enormous, amounting to tens of trillions
of American dollars. Te OECD (2006 &
2007) estimates that some USD4 trillion are
required for investment in electricity supply,
USD5 trillion for roads, USD8 trillion for
telecoms and USD18 trillion for water supply
and sewerage systems. Because of their rapid
population growth most of this investment is
required in developing countries, population
in most developed countries being largely
static or even forecast to decline over the next
few decades due to falling rates of female
Not only are the populations of developing
countries fast growing, they are also becoming
increasingly urbanised. In 2010 50.8% of the
worlds population lived in urban areas, higher
(75.2%) in the more developed regions of
Europe, North America, Australia, New
Zealand and Japan and lower (45.5%) in the
less developed regions of Africa, Asia (excluding
Japan), Latin America and the Caribbean
and Oceania (excluding Australia and New
Zealand). However, the proportionate rate of
urbanisation is expected to be more than twice
as fast in less developed regions than in more
developed regions between 2010 and 2030.
Te worlds population reached 7 billion
at the end of October 2011 and, in its global
population report (UN 2011), the UN
Population Fund warned that the world is in
danger of missing a golden opportunity for a
demographic dividend as the largest cohort
of young people ever known see the potential
of their most economically productive years
wasted due to a lack of education, investment
in infrastructure and job creation.
Tat feeting opportunity for economic
and social development is in danger of being
missed because of the vicious cycle of poverty,
food insecurity and inequality leading to
high death rates that, in turn, encourages and
sustains high birth rates amongst a largely
illiterate and repressed female population,
especially in African countries.
As the populations of developing countries
increase so too does the incidence of disease
and health inequalities which severely hinder
economic growth in those countries. Solutions
to health problems require environmental
sustainability (especially to improve access
to safe drinking water), improved access to
afordable medicines and health workers and
promotion of womens rights and education
to reduce illiteracy and increase their
employability. Moreover, millions of people
still succumb to communicable diseases
such as Aids, malaria (the geographic spread
of which is expected to increase as a result
of global warming) and tuberculosis (TB).
Te most cost efective way of dealing with
these issues involves relatively small-scale
community-level infrastructure including ill-
health prevention services.
In particular, diarrhoea kills more children
worldwide than HIV/Aids, TB and malaria
combined. Caused by people ingesting water
or food contaminated by human waste, it is
easily prevented by installation of latrines
and this very basic infrastructure would
also reduce dysentery, cholera and other
diseases associated with poor sanitation. Tis
preventative measure would reduce the need
for clinics and other medical infrastructures
required to deal with these illnesses and reduce
the loss of productive potential amongst
people of working age.
However, according to the World
Health Organisation (WHO 2011a), non-
communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart
attacks, diabetes, alcoholism and respiratory
problems accounted for over 63% of deaths
across the world in 2008 and are increasing at
unprecedented rates in developing countries
as diets and lifestyles become increasingly like
those in developed countries as urbanisation
proceeds apace.
A UN summit in New York in September
2011 forecast that NCDs will be the cause
of nearly fve times as many deaths as the
traditional communicable diseases by 2030 as
people increasingly move to townships, cities
and megacities. Already some 80% of NCD-
related deaths occur in the developing world
where live 9 out of 10 people who die before
the age of 60. Moreover, the NCD epidemic is
increasing in Africa, South-East Asia and the
Eastern Mediterranean at a faster rate than in
developed countries.
Migrants to urban areas change their
previously rural diets in favour of fatty and
sugary foods with high salt content because
it is cheap, convenient (requires little or no
cooking, fuel for which is expensive), is safer to
eat (in terms of not being contaminated) and
can be bought on credit from street vendors.
Te adverse health efects of junk food diets
are compounded by high rates of crime in
urban areas deterring exercise. In general,
being increasingly overweight is more socially
acceptable than losing weight to become
healthily thin, the latter being associated with
Aids and TB.
Tese worsening health conditions in
urban areas are exacerbated by poor housing
conditions, overcrowding in fast-growing slum
(shanty town) areas forcing girls and boys (as
well as men and women) to live and sleep in
small spaces. Combined with female illiteracy
and so lack of economic opportunities,
vulnerability to exploitation, poor access
to contraceptive methods and inadequate
healthcare facilities, overcrowding leads to
higher rates of sexual activity (including rape)
and so high female fertility rates.
In many developing countries, getting
pregnant whilst still at school is common and
often leads to girls being expelled, ending their
education and so signifcantly restricting their
employment opportunities, compounding
poverty and consequently reinforcing the belief
(especially in Africa) that your family is your
wealth and so the more children the better.
Tis traditional belief has its origins in rural
areas, especially where infant mortality is high
and the potential for income from employment
is minimal However, having more children is
also often regarded as a sign of prestige, even
in urban areas. Moreover, pregnant girls may
be forced into early marriage by poor parents
seeking to avoid the costs of taking care of
daughter and child precisely because pregnant
girls are forced to leave school without basic
educational qualifcations and so are not able
to gain employment to contribute to family
Not surprisingly, almost half of the 40%
of pregnancies which are unplanned end
in abortion in developing countries. Most
of these abortions are unsafe and medical
complications kill an estimated 47,000 women
each year, 13% of all deaths in pregnancy and
childbirth. An estimated 21.6 million unsafe
abortions took place worldwide in 2008,
almost all in developing countries (WHO
Tis narrative makes clear that infrastructure
requirements in developing countries are very
diferent from those of developed countries.
However, the narrative is a gross generalisation
and it has to be recognised that there are
very considerable diferences between less
developed regions (e.g. Africa versus Asia) and
within regions (e.g. Africa, Tanzania having
one of the youngest demographic structures
and one of the highest rates of illiteracy and
Nevertheless, it is clear that there is a
very considerable immediate need for new
infrastructure to improve access to basic
education and health services, to provide
safe drinking water (in part through better
treatment of sewage) and to promote
economic growth in developing countries.
However, fast growing populations are
serving to increase the funding gap for social,
economic and environmental infrastructure.
For example, in the poorest countries 1 billion
people are without electricity and almost the
same number is without water supply.
Te question is how to pay for that
infrastructure. Te International Labour
Ofce (ILO 2012) estimates that 900
million workers and their families, mostly in
developing countries, live on less than the
USD 2 per day global poverty line, half being
below the USD1.25 per day extreme poverty
line. Tey clearly are not able to pay for
infrastructure and so other forms of funding
and fnance must be sought, these other
sources being investigated in the following
It is often argued that investment in
infrastructure will pay for itself in the
long run because there is a strong positive
correlation between growth of productivity
and investment in infrastructure, the direction
of causation generally being assumed to be
from the latter to the former. Improvements
in productivity arise not only from economic
infrastructure (e.g. transport systems and
utility networks) but also social infrastructure
(e.g. education and health services) and
environmental infrastructure (e.g. water and
sewerage networks). Improved transport
systems and better educated, better trained
and healthier working populations are all
prerequisites of economic growth.
Tese three categories of infrastructure
are complementary and, in combination,
can be expected to magnify improvements
in productivity leading to increased
competitiveness and so (it is hoped) to
increased exports and/or reduced imports. Tis
creates jobs and economic prosperity which,
in turn, can be expected to lead to higher
revenues from national, local and regional
taxes as incomes and wealth increase, as do
the increased expenditures they fnance. Tose
revenues can be used not only to provide the
urgently required basic public services but also
to repay the debt associated with government
borrowing money from the fnancial markets
to fund investment in their infrastructures.
Te same self-sustaining circle occurs in the
private sector as increased profts arising from
improved productivity and competitiveness
are used to fund further investments in private
sector infrastructure. Hence, investment in
both public and private sector infrastructure
can create a virtuous circle of economic and
social development lifting populations out of
poverty through self-sustaining and resilient
economic growth and shared prosperity.
Tis highly desirable development outcome
will not occur if government borrowing is
used for consumption, such as payment of
wages and salaries of government employees,
purchase of energy supply for government
buildings and welfare payments for those in
poverty because these current expenditures
will not generate the future tax revenues that
can be used to fnance the associated debt
(i.e. pay interest and amortisation charges).
Borrowing to fund current expenditures year
after year will ultimately make the public
fnances unsustainable.
Borrowing to fnance welfare payments to
unemployed people can only be justifed (for
both economic and social reasons) during
relatively short periods of economic downturn
which can be expected soon to turn to economic
recovery as a country progresses through the
phases of the trade cycle. If, however, recession
becomes prolonged and turns into depression
then borrowing for such current expenditures
will lead to crisis in the public fnances. Rating
agencies will downgrade government debt due
to fears of increased risk of default and interest
rates will rise as a consequence.
As a rule of thumb, the public fnances
become unsustainable once it costs more for
a government to borrow than the interest rate
paid by its citizens on mortgages or other such
borrowing from banks. An interest rate equal
to or greater than 8% on government debt is
generally regarded as unsustainable over the
long term because government bonds will have
to be refnanced at those unsustainably high
rates when they become due for repayment.
Tis scenario is amply illustrated by the
current crisis (2012) in the public fnances
of some EU member states, particularly
Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.
Tese so-called Piigs countries demonstrate
what can happen when borrowing is used to
fnance current expenditures year after year
in good as well as bad times for the economy.
Teir persistent budget defcits became
unsustainable and they are being bailed-out
by other members of the EU in an attempt
to safeguard the euro currency and prevent
implosion of the European single market
should one or more of the Piigs countries
default on payment of their debt.
Te possibility of adverse social and
economic outcomes arising from a structural
gap in the public fnances has long been
recognised (Bailey 2004). To minimise the
risk of such outcomes, the golden rule of public
fnance is that long term borrowing should
only be used to fnance capital expenditures
on infrastructure. As long as this prudential
practice is adhered to, it is generally accepted
that governments can be reasonably sure that
the higher tax revenues resulting the economic
growth fostered by that investment will be
sufcient to repay the related public sector
Tis golden rule is based on the widely
accepted belief that investment in
infrastructure will pay for itself. However,
to say that investment in infrastructure is a
prerequisite of economic growth is not to
say that prosperity will necessarily result and
generate the tax revenues required to pay of
the debt used to fund that investment. As
was made clear above, prosperity requires
infrastructural investments to lead to
increased exports, higher domestic production
also replacing imports. Tis requires the
terms of international trade not to be biased
against developing countries in having
their access to export markets in developed
countries restricted whilst simultaneously
being required by those developed countries
to open their economies to imports from
them as a condition of receiving aid from the
development agencies underwritten by those
very same developed countries.
In fact, developing countries have long
argued that the terms of trade are set against
them by the World Trade Organisation
(WTO). In this case, their investment
in economic, social and environmental
infrastructure will not lead to sufciently large
increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
through increased exports and substitution of
domestic production for imports and so will
not generate enough tax revenues to pay of
the debt used to fund those infrastructures.
Even where GDP does increase, there may be
systemic failures in tax collection leading to
tax revenues being insufcient to repay debt
(see Chapter 5).
Hence, rather than rely on hoped for
future economic prosperity to repay the debt
incurred in funding infrastructure, developing
countries must consider not only from where
to get funds for infrastructure but also how
to fnance repayment of the associated debt.
Funding and fnancing infrastructure must be
considered simultaneously if infrastructure is
to be provided and maintained and upgraded
on a sustainable and resilient basis over its
At a much more mundane level,
infrastructure will only pay for itself if the
output it is used to produce can be sold so
as to fully cover costs, for example tarifs for
consumption of energy, tolls for use of roads
and rents for occupation of housing. Traded
output can also take the form of sweating the
assets (see Chapter 5) and include revenues
earned by communities and households from
their own renewable energy infrastructures.
Here, after communities have reduced their
costs by generating their own electricity,
revenues are generated from feed-in tarifs
payable on their surplus electricity being fed
into the national grid. Te time it takes for
such infrastructure to pay for itself depends
on the original cost, the volume of output
generated and the market price of that output.
In the case of feed-in tarifs, the payback period
is estimated to be about 15 years in developed
countries such as the UK. Depending on costs
and markets, payback periods will be shorter
or longer in other countries.
Another way of making infrastructure
pay for itself is to adopt a spend-to-save
approach. In this case cost savings (e.g.
from reduced energy consumption in more
thermally-efcient buildings) arising from new
infrastructure replacing old infrastructure can
be used to (realistically only partially) fnance
the new infrastructure (see the discussion
of prudential borrowing in Chapter 4). In
general, however, other means must be found
to fund and fnance infrastructure, the subject
of the following chapters.
Te enormous global infrastructure
investment needs identifed in Chapter 1 are
often referred to as the infrastructure funding
gap. However, that term is inadequate for
proper consideration of policies and priorities
for infrastructure because it does not refer
to fnancing. Te distinction between the
funding and fnancing of infrastructure is
required to help understand not only how the
infrastructure funding gap can be flled but also
how it can subsequently be fnanced. Despite
these terms being used interchangeably,
funding and fnancing are not the same.
Funding refers to the money required to
pay for infrastructure upfront. Tat money
can be raised by either the public or private
sectors. Funds have conventionally been raised
by governments borrowing from fnancial
markets to pay for infrastructure which they
then operate to provide services. However,
funding for infrastructure is increasingly
coming directly from private sector
organisations building and then operating
that infrastructure to provide public services
under contract with the public sector.
Financing refers to how the upfront cost
of infrastructure is repaid over time. Where
the public sector raises funds from fnancial
markets, fnancing is concerned with
repayment of the debt related to government
borrowing for provision of specifc
infrastructure programmes and projects.
Where private sector organisations provide
and operate infrastructure to provide public
services, fnancing is concerned with how they
are remunerated during the contract period.
Failure to recognise the distinction
between funding and fnancing has led many
governments to borrow funds to pay for
infrastructure upfront but subsequently be
unable to fnd the fnance not only for paying
the associated debt charges (i.e. interest
and amortisation payments) but also for
maintaining that infrastructure in a satisfactory
condition. As a result, very substantial backlogs
of repairs and maintenance expenditures have
built up and public services infrastructures
have become increasingly unft for purpose in
many countries.
Tis situation was exacerbated by the easy
availability of credit during the global banking
boom years prior to the 2007-09 credit
crunch. Governments, as well as individuals
and companies, found it much easier to
borrow money than earn it and calling on
taxpayers to repay debt could be postponed
almost indefnitely by continual refnancing
of maturing debt with newly borrowed funds.
Te global banking crisis, recession, falling or
lower than expected tax receipts and sharply
rising interest rates on some governments
bonds demonstrated the dangers of being
over-leveraged (i.e. where debt is too high as
a proportion of revenues). Severe austerity
measures are now being imposed on public
services in many countries, much of which
could have been avoided if public and private
sector organisations had paid more attention
to both the funding and fnancing of their
balance sheets. More specifcally, governments
should have looked beyond flling the
infrastructure funding gap to its subsequent
fnancing, the latter being more difcult
than the former during credit booms. Hence,
the funding and fnancing of infrastructure
are considered separately in the following
In general, funding for infrastructure can
come from the following sources:
Commercial banks
Multilateral funds
Sovereign wealth funds
Infrastructure banks
Insurance and Pension funds
Retail Infrastructure Products
Corporate Investment
Borrowing can be categorised as short-
term (for less than a year) or long-term (for
more longer periods of time). Te following
discussion and analysis focuses on long-term
borrowing undertaken by national, regional
and local governments issuing bonds.
Short-term bonds
repayable within 12 months
used to cover temporary cash shortfalls
i.e. mismatch between spending &
Long-term bonds
repayable after as much as 30 years
typically dominate municipal
bond markets
used to fnance capital expenditures
Interest Rates
government bonds tend to pay
the lowest interest rates
default is deemed less likely than
for private sector organizations
but recent problems for Greece and
other Eurozone countries
national government bonds pay
the lowest rates on bonds
joint government & revenue-backed
organizations pay intermediate rates
regional & local governments
pay higher rates
Long-term borrowing is the conventional
way to fund long-lived infrastructure. In
general, however, borrowing instruments (i.e.
government bonds) have to be repaid after
a period (typically between 5 and 15 years)
shorter than the lifetime of that infrastructure
(35 to 50 years) and so the debt has to be
refnanced by further borrowing to repay
the original loans. Refnancing debt exposes
governments to the risk of rising interest rates.
However, they would beneft if interest rates
fall in the future and (even more so) if infation
signifcantly erodes the real value of debt used
to fund pay-as-you-build infrastructure. Many
OECD countries governments benefted
from erosion of the real value of their national
debts as a result of relatively rapid infation
during the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s
(Bailey 2004).
interest-bearing certifcates of debt
often issued in series by public & private
sector organizations
oblige issuer to pay the principal amount
at the specifed maturity date
subject to receivership on default
do not have to be held for their full term
(i.e. can be sold)
rank equally with other debt for payment
of principal & interest
amount & duration negotiated between
both parties to the bond
term can be extended upon maturity if
both parties agree
can be repaid before maturity in an
emergency (if they have a stress clause)
security is all the revenues of the national/
regional/local government
However, borrowing to pay for infrastructure
may lead to higher rates of interest payable on
government debt as ratings agencies become
increasingly less certain that increasingly
indebted governments have the fnancial
and economic capacity to repay debt and
so the increased risk of default has to be
compensated by higher interest rates being
ofered on government debt, if only to cover
insurance against default (Bailey, Asenova and
Hood 2009).
In most countries local and regional
governments are not allowed to incur
budget defcits and their access to capital
markets is often heavily restricted by national
governments. Tis is because politicians terms
of ofce last only a few years whereas borrowing
is typically over several decades and so political
accountability for borrowing and debt is weak.
Hence, local borrowing is usually through
(and so controlled by) national government
which borrow from markets and then on-
lend to local governments. Following the the
golden rule (see Chapter 2) borrowed funds
can only be used for capital expenditures on
such infrastructure as school buildings, roads
and water supply.
Most countries judge the sustainability
of national government borrowing with
reference to the ratios of public sector
borrowing and debt to GDP. For example, the
EUs Maastricht Criteria set a maximum limit
of 3% for member states general government
borrowing to GDP ratios and 60 % for their
debt to GDP ratios. However, those ratios
are not the most appropriate indicator of
the sustainability of a countrys debt, even if
they are readily understood by policy makers,
because GDP is not an accounting component
of public sector budgets. Te ratios between
GDP and borrowing and debt are only proxy
indicators of the sustainability of a countrys
debt in terms of its ability to repay debt
without any appreciable risk of default or
other such adverse impact on the economy
(see the discussion of taxation and GDP in
Chapter 5).
More appropriate indicators are, frst, the
ratio of debt fnancing costs to net revenue
stream and, second, net borrowing and the
capital fnancing requirement. Tese two
indicators make clear the fnancial burden
imposed by debt. Furthermore, upper limits
should also be set on the proportion of debt
subject to fxed interest rates and, likewise,
on the proportion of debt subject to variable
interest rates. Tese limits avoid the bulk of
a governments debt being locked long term
into high fxed interest rates when interest
rates are falling over prolonged periods and,
likewise, having to refnance the bulk of its
short-term debt when interest rates are rising.
Te optimal balance between short-term and
long-term debt is a matter of professional and/
or political judgment. Finally, upper and lower
limits should be set for the maturity structure
of borrowing so as to avoid a government
having a high proportion of debt that has to
be refnanced in a very short period. In such
circumstances, there is an increased likelihood
that governments will have to ofer higher
interest rates to attract sufcient borrowable
Tese treasury management indicators
have their own qualifcations, for example
in accounting for depreciation of public
sector assets. Te rate at which such assets are
written of should be based on their (shorter)
economic lives rather than their (usually
longer) physical lives. Moreover, assets should
be valued in terms of current or resource (i.e.
opportunity) costs rather than their historic
costs. Additionally, the public sector should
adopt whole of government accounts based
on a consistent accounting methodology
(Bailey and McCabe 2010) and all liabilities
should be recorded on public sector balance
sheets in accordance with the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In fact,
a relatively high proportion of liabilities have
been hidden of balance sheet in countries
making substantial use of Private Finance
Initiatives to provide public services and
related infrastructure (see below and Chapter
Bearing these caveats in mind, monitoring
these multiple fnancial indicators is of crucial
importance for efective treasury management
of the budgets of public services, both
individually and in aggregate. By such means,
prudential borrowing is assured, this model
being used for local government borrowing in
the UK (Bailey et al 2010; Bailey and Asenova
2011, CIPFA 2003).
Te UKs Prudential Borrowing Framework
(PBF) makes local governments responsible
for assessing the afordability, prudence and
sustainability of their capital programmes
and they are able to undertake additional
borrowing on that basis. Tis requires highly
trained Chief Finance Ofcers (CFOs)
and other key fnance ofcials to abide
by professional standards. Te Prudential
Code requires CFOs to establish reporting
procedures to the capital fnance decision-
making body of the local authority and sets
down short- and medium-term indicators.
Tese Prudential Indicators contain both
fow-based and stock-based controls which
are intended to clarify the consequences of
proposed investment policies, enhancing
transparency and accountability. Using the
Indicators, each local authority sets a limit on
the amount of borrowing it can undertake.
Estimates for capital expenditure un-fnanced
(defned as that capital expenditure which
is not fnanced by capital receipts, grants
or revenue contributions) results in local
governments setting their own limits on the
total amount of debt they can take on. Tis is
intended to ensure that all external borrowing
is within prudent and sustainable limits,
that capital expenditure plans are afordable
and that treasury management decisions
correspond with certain accounting standards.
Stock-based accounting indices
control the level of debt
relative to net value of stock-based balance
that refect fscal conditions in each local
Flow-based accounting indices
control the levels of borrowing
relative to expected future revenues
excluding bonds and liquidated funds
Indices should be designed, enforced &
by accounting bodies and
fnance professionals
& Chief Finance Ofcers advise councils
about afordability, prudence &
sustainability of borrowing
to ensure proper treasury
management practice
Introduction of such a prudential
borrowing framework in developing countries
would require training of fnance ofcers. It
would represent a shift from the Centralised
Discipline and Control model to the
Professional Discipline and Control model for
municipal borrowing (Bailey et al 2012).
Prudential indicators for afordability
Estimated & actual ratios of fnancing
costs to net revenue stream (%)
Prudential indicators for prudence
Net borrowing and the capital
fnancing requirement
Prudential indicators for
Capital Expenditure
Estimated & actual total
capital expenditure
Estimated & actual capital
fnancing requirement
Prudential indicators for external debt
Authorised limit for external debt
Operational boundary
for external debt
Actual external debts as at
end of previous year
Prudential indicators for
Treasury Management
Code of Practice for Treasury
Management in the Public Services
Upper limits on fxed & variable
interest rate exposures
Upper and lower limits for the
maturity structure of borrowing
Prudential limits for principal sums
invested for longer than 364 days
Although the PBF increases local autonomy,
it is tempered by professional fnancial advice
from CFOs intended to ensure that all external
borrowing is within prudent and sustainable
limits, that capital expenditure plans are
afordable and that treasury management
decisions correspond with professional good
Te emphasis on afordability has resulted
in local governments typically adopting a
spend-to-save approach for new infrastructure
whereby cost savings arising from dispensing
with old infrastructure can be used to repay
prudential borrowing. For example, old poorly
insulated schools have higher heating costs
than better-insulated new schools and those
revenue budget savings can be used to service
debt, as can capital receipts from the sale of
surplus school sites resulting from renewal of
school estates as school pupil numbers fall.
Tere is a risk that service levels will sufer
if spend-to-save targets are not achieved (e.g.
if interest rates rise signifcantly in the future)
because constrained budgets will increasingly
be diverted to servicing the debt remaining
after savings shortfalls. Tis would result
because of the need to balance budgets on
an annual basis. Hence, measures must be
adopted to safeguard the repayment of bonds
used sensibly and with proper assessments
of the fnancial risks they cause. Hence,
safeguards for bonds must be put in place,
including dedicated revenue sources for their
repayment, appropriate skills for their issue
and robust regulation.
require earmarking of
stable income sources
for repayment of bonds
restrict bonds to simple
plain vanilla issues
prohibit use of fnancial engineering
train treasurers to have
expertise for bonds
they may not have experience
of fnancial markets
make bond rating agencies
more proactive
to properly assess risks of default
ensure rigorous regulation
by a fnancial services authority
& require local referenda for
large-scale bond issues?
insure project bonds
development agencies could insure
them if regulatory arrangements OK
& so reduce default risk
& so reduce the interest
rate paid on debt
this could be more efective use
of developmental assistance
In summary, there are four models for control
of public sector borrowing. Besides markets
controlling government borrowing via interest
rates, control may be exercised by higher levels
of governments for macroeconomic purposes,
by local and regional government politicians
themselves in refection of voter preferences
or by their fnance ofcers according to their
municipalities fnancial capacity to repay
market discipline & control
capital markets control
municipal borrowing
ratings agencies assess fnancial
capacity of borrower to repay debt
interest rates are positively
related to risk ratings
higher interest rates deter
further borrowing
centralised discipline & control
municipalities require national
governments permission to borrow
they borrow from fnancial institutions
directly or via central government
levels of borrowing have to be
consistent with macroeconomic policy
highly autonomous municipalities
weaken central government control
political discipline & control
local/regional politicians reluctant to
raise taxes due to voter resistance
short term of ofce relative to debt
term encourages excessive debt
& the same time-avoidance
incentives face voter-taxpayers
so debt is passed on
to future generations
(intergenerational inequity)
professional discipline & control
requires observance of fscal rules to
assess sustainability of borrowing
fscal rules set by national government
the equivalent of capital
markets bond ratings
municipal chief fnance ofcers
control debt burdens using those rules
Borrowing from commercial banks seems
to be more restricted as a result of the 2007-09
global credit crunch in the private sector which
led to them becoming very unwilling to take
the same risks as previously in their funding
activities. Many banks have been bailed out by
governments, the UK government for example
having bought shares in major banks to
prevent their bankruptcy and having bought
from them (or guaranteed) their toxic bonds.
Additionally, many major global banks have
since either already lost money (haircuts)
on their holdings of sovereign debt issued by
some heavily indebted European countries
or expect to sufer losses if the Eurozone
crisis is not resolved soon. Additionally,
regulators now require them to be much less
highly geared (i.e. adopt much lower loans
to deposits ratios) and to hold much greater
capital balances in order to make them more
fnancially resilient and so avoid the need for
them to again be bailed out by governments.
Reductions in leverage and increased liquidity
requirements are required by the international
Financial Stability Board and the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel
III). Tighter regulatory controls have been
recommended for the UK banks to separate
investment banking from retail banking (ICB
2011). Hence, as they gear down leveraged
debt, increase their holdings of liquid assets
and ring-fence retail deposits so as to prevent
their use for investment banking they will be
less able (as well as less willing) to invest in
infrastructure projects, whether in developed
or developing countries.
Multilateral funds could come via more
proactive and interventionist development
agencies taking control of infrastructure
programmes from governments, perhaps with
G7 countries guaranteeing investments at the
riskier construction phases. Te UN target is
for these countries to contribute 0.7% of their
national incomes to overseas aid by 2013.
However, the 2007-09 credit crunch and
subsequent public sector austerity measures
currently being implemented in developed
countries have been associated with (if not
actually caused) falling GDP, negative or
near-zero economic growth being expected to
continue beyond 2013 in many contributor
countries. Before the end of 2011, the UK
had already reduced the annual budgets
planned for its Department for International
Development between 2012 and 2015 because
it was on course to overshoot the UNs 0.7%
Hence, multilateral funds look like
becoming increasingly severely constrained
or even reduced over the foreseeable future.
Nevertheless, those funds could be used
more efectively if the often substantial levels
of inefciency were addressed, for example
by spending money for health services on
nurses and middle tier staf instead of on
upper tier doctors in order to strengthen ill-
health prevention programmes and maternity
services. Similarly, education expenditures
could be made more efective by emphasising
community-led programmes instead of
spending money on top-down education
initiatives. Distance learning/training packages
could be used for community health workers,
in this case ideally using funds from both health
and education budgets in joint programmes for
sex education and family planning services etc.
Irrespective of the level of spending, improved
outcomes could be achieved if fraud and
embezzlement were reduced by establishment
of improved governance mechanisms to
increase transparency in the use of funds.
Tere are very considerable sovereign wealth
funds in Asian (especially China) and oil-rich
Arabian countries (e.g. Saudi Arabia) running
current account surpluses in their balance
of payments. Tey seem to be becoming
increasingly averse to investing in EU member
states sovereign debt because of fears of default
by some states, falling bond values (as interest
rates rise) and depreciation of the euro. If so,
they may be more attracted to developing
countries bond issues especially where there
is rapid economic growth. Africa has some
of the fastest growing nations, including
Zambia (with its copper mining, agriculture,
chemicals and textiles), Egypt and Equatorial
Guinea. Other fast growing developing
countries include Indonesia, Azerbaijan and
India (growing at 8% per annum in 2011).
China has recently begun direct investments
in African countries, including Zambia and
has considerable potential as a funder of
public service infrastructure.
Using Infrastructure Banks local
governments could be much more innovative
in developing joint funding mechanisms.
Proposals for such mechanisms to be used in
the UK have recently included: (i) creation of
super councils by the voluntary merger of
neighbouring local governments (especially in
big cities); (ii) pooling and sharing the fnancial
reserves of separate local governments, those
with fnancial surpluses lending to those
experiencing a shortage of capital fnance so
that the latter avoids having to issue bonds
paying higher rates of interest to lenders in
the private sector; (iii) a municipal bank for
all local governments that would dispense
with the need for individual municipalities
to negotiate with others the terms for the
voluntary pooling and sharing of reserves.
Financial surpluses would be paid into the
municipal bank which would then lend
them to other municipalities seeking capital
fnance for infrastructure. Te Nordic Local
Government Funding Agency model is such
a bank and is considered in detail elsewhere
(Anderson et al. 2010).
Te UK central government is setting
up a special infrastructure bank. Called the
Green Investment Bank, it will support
environmentally-friendly infrastructure
projects such as for energy supply. Tis will
help the UK meet its targets for reduction
of greenhouse gases (i.e. carbon emissions).
Te same funding mechanisms could perhaps
be established in developing countries with
unused potential for green energy supplies
utilising hydro, wind and solar sources plus
waste processing and recycling including
energy generated from waste.
Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) and
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have
been used in developed countries whereby
private sector companies build and operate
under contract infrastructures for public
services. Tey have been used in the UK to
build and operate transport systems, schools,
hospitals, incinerators (of household waste),
social care facilities, more detailed analysis
being provided in Chapter 6.
PFI/PPPs entail use of the pay-as-you-use
infrastructure fnancing model. Tis is distinct
from the pay-as-you-build infrastructure
fnancing model using government borrowing.
Because of the high transaction costs relating
to procurement and agreeing contracts, their
use is most suited to large expensive long-
term infrastructure projects, a minimum of
50 million or more having been advised for
PPPs in the UK. Tey are also more suited to
technical projects such as transport and waste
management systems where the required
quality of service is more easily written into
contracts than is the case for education and
some health and social care programmes where
required outcomes are not easily specifable in
quantitative terms. Te sharing of risk between
the contracting parties within the PPP must
also be capable of being identifed, categorised
and explicitly allocated to individual parties
in legal and fnancial terms and must be
enforceable in all foreseeable circumstances.
It is generally accepted that developing
countries could make more use of partnerships
to deliver better outcomes for health
programmes and economic growth. Te UN
Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria is delivered by a range of partners
including not just governments, international
development organisations (including UN
agencies and donors) and the private sector (the
normal form of PPPs in developed countries)
but also civil society and communities afected
by the diseases. Te private sector may have
greatest expertise in logistics and delivery but
still rely on civil organisations to improve
facilities on the ground, for example getting
medicines and pharmaceuticals to those most
in need and at afordable prices. Patients and
voluntary community groups could help
distribute millions of medicinal preparations
in order to increase value for money. However,
procurement and supply chains also depend
on government support, in this example
funding community health centres, nurses
and midwives and increasing investment in
information and communications technology
(ICT) to identify and evaluate improved
Strategic partnerships may therefore help
achieve the eight millennium development
goals. However, their success requires a mutual
understanding of each partners culture,
values and behaviours and, based upon
that understanding, an agreed set of shared
principles aimed at aligning management
styles. Experience shows that partnerships fail
more because of failures of governance than
because of technical or contractual failures.
Abiding by the spirit of a contract is at least
as important as adhering to the letter of that
contract underpinning the partnership.
PFI/PPPs utilise private funds to provide
public services but do not entail full
privatisation of the services they provide
because policies and political accountability
for those services remain within the public
sector. However, full-scale privatisation has
been used in some countries to provide energy,
transport, telecoms and other public utility
services. Privatisation of the public utilities
results in the private sector providing both the
funding and fnancing of service infrastructure
on a commercial basis. Although regulation is
usually required to prevent abuse of monopoly
power, regulators may require integrated
utilities to unbundle their production and
transmission infrastructures for gas, electricity
and railways to reduce monopoly power.
Transmission networks (i.e. national grids)
are natural monopolies but production
of gas, electricity and rail services can be
separated from national grids so as to facilitate
development of competition in production via
market entry (Bailey 2002). Te development
of privatised telecommunications services in
developed countries has been greatly aided
by the development of satellite-based mobile
telephony dispensing with the need for
installation of a national grid of cables and
other land line infrastructure.
Tere is huge potential for funding
infrastructure via pension and insurance
funds. Some USD19.1 trillion of funds were
managed by pension funds at the end of
2010, of which 96% was accounted for by
OECD countries. In December 2010, OECD
pension fund assets amounted to 71.6%
of GDP on average (Inderst 2009, OECD
2011). Australia, Canada, the Netherlands,
UK and USA have very large investment funds
of between 60% and 135% of their GDP.
Canadian pension funds have been investing
heavily in infrastructure (including the UK-
France Channel Tunnel rail link in November
2010). It can be expected that an increasing
proportion of funding for infrastructure will
come from pension funds for a number of
First, as a result of the 2007-09 credit crunch,
pension and insurance funds are probably
more wary of being overly dependent upon
increasingly risky sovereign debt and highly
volatile world stock markets, earnings from
which may also be heavily dependent upon
volatile exchange rates. In seeking portfolio
diversifcation, such funds are increasingly
looking for more stable long-term investments,
including regulated utilities.
Second, the attraction for insurance and
pension funds is that the regulated utility
sectors tend to be insulated from the business
cycle (unlike stock markets) and so have
relatively stable predictable cash fows. In
general regulators ensure that the utilities
whose operations they oversee can aford
the weighted cost of capital to maintain
infrastructure and so ensure stable returns are
earned from it. Returns on capital employed
by those utilities are often linked to infation
by regulatory pricing formulae and so cash
fows are maintained in real terms. Some
utilities are natural monopolies with high
barriers to entry, water supply for example.
Otherwise regulators efectively ensure
the fnancial and economic sustainability
of utilities that could be subject to more
competition, for example energy supply. Such
investments are still subject to regulatory
and political risk in respect of retrospective
legislation being enacted after investment
has taken place (e.g. the forced unbundling
referred to above). However, with slow growth
of many economies, this risk should be much
less than that for investments in stock markets
and government bonds.
Tird, this type of infrastructure is also
compatible with the 50 years or so time
horizon of pension and insurance funds
whereas equity investments are short term,
as well as inherently unstable. Investment in
utilities is certainly more stable than investing
in hit and run private equity groups that
buy up underperforming companies then
sack managers, sell underused or redundant
assets and restructure those companies prior
to selling them at a proft that refects their
increased earnings potential. Economic theory
emphasizes the efciency benefts of directing
economic resources to their most productive
uses by such means, helping markets work
better and so promoting economic growth
and prosperity. However, such predatory
capitalism and asset stripping may not be
viewed favorably by members of pension and
insurance funds and is inherently very risky,
such that earnings for those funds may not
result. Private equity investors typically seek
very short payback periods of only a few
years whereas investments in wind farms and
waste-to-energy schemes have longer payback
periods of ten years or more.
Te suitability of infrastructural investments
for pension funds begs the question as to why
they have not invested in them much more
than has been the case in the past. One possible
explanation is that, in countries such as the UK,
pension funds tend to work through agents
who are not interested in or knowledgeable
of infrastructure investments. Both developed
and developing countries must overcome
this barrier if they are to promote investment
in infrastructure by pension and insurance
funds. Additionally, most pension funds have
long had a fduciary duty to maximise returns
from their investments so as to maximise their
members pensions and this has tended to
militate against infrastructure projects. More
recently, however, many pension funds have
become more value-based in seeking to invest
within an ethical or sustainable development
framework, this being the case especially for
public sector pension funds, churches and
charities (DEFRA 2010). Tey may therefore
be more predisposed to invest in infrastructure
projects avoiding negative environmental
impacts and infrastructure promoting
Additionally, the provision of 21
publicly-funded infrastructure is no longer
prioritised in developed countries busy
implementing public sector austerity
measures focused on cuts in public spending
to eliminate budget defcits and reduce high
debt/GDP ratios. Tis creates an opportunity
for developing countries to seek to persuade
pension and insurance funds to invest in their
infrastructures. To do so, they may have to
establish their own pension infrastructure
funds into which would be paid funds raised
by issuing long-term project bonds. Te money
from pension funds could also be used for
(prudential) leverage of debt so as to increase
their impact.
Te UK coalition government plans to
boost investment in UK infrastructure by
such means, including private and social
housing, power stations, super-fast broadband
and motorways with tolls (Milmo 2012).
By creating a multibillion-pound pension
infrastructure fund the UK government can
facilitate provision of infrastructure without
breaking its strict adherence to austerity rules
requiring reduction of defcits in the public
fnances. Te UK government may have to
underwrite their investments and developing
countries would have to do the same. In this
case taxpayer support is used to guarantee
returns on private sector investments in
infrastructure. Tese liabilities would probably
be of balance sheet as was previously the
case for PFI/PPPs.
Pension and insurance funds do not
necessarily have to be invested in mega
projects. Instead, smaller scale projects
may deliver more value for money and the
consequentially smaller contracts would be
more suited for developing countries own
developers to bid for. Pension funds could
invest in social housing via build-to-let,
returns on their investments being fnanced
by rents. Tis would be a return to how rental
housing was fnanced in the UK a century ago,
when its housing tenure was dominated by
insurance funds and other such investors who
developed and owned large swaths of Britains
housing stock. Tis could be encouraged by
cutting stamp duty.
Retail Infrastructure Products are non-
bank lending instruments which could be
used to fund public sector infrastructure and,
in so doing, help build a countrys economic
resilience by freeing it of overdependence
on the currently rather unstable global
banking system. Tey could be encouraged
by tax breaks, especially for social investment
products (Cabinet Ofce 2011). For example,
Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) could
be established into which people, pension
funds, charities and other depositors could
make payments knowing that their savings
and deposits would be used by governments
to fnance socially desirable projects. Tis
would provide an alternative to their deposits
being paid into the commercial banks which
would then use them to fnance proft-seeking
investments in the private sector, some of
which may be ethically unacceptable to
depositors. Te interest paid on those ISAs
could be made free of income tax to encourage
the funding of socially desirable projects such
as clinics and local health centres.
Social Investment Bonds (SIBs) could
be issued by the various parts of the public
sector to raise fnance for social projects.
Individuals and pension funds would invest
in SIBs in order to make fnancial returns on
ethical investments. Tose fnancial returns
(efectively payments of interest) may be less
than depositors could expect to earn from
deposits at the commercial banks but would be
complemented by the satisfaction of knowing
that their SIBs cash was being used for projects
they consider socially or ethically worthwhile
efectively a combination of both fnancial
and non-fnancial returns.
Te payments to holders of SIBs would
be fnanced by budget savings arising from
the new projects funded by those SIBs.
For example, a SIBs issue could be used to
fnance new ways of providing advice on
family planning. Success would result in less
money having to be spent from health service
budgets dealing with medical complications
arising from unplanned pregnancy and illegal
abortions, money which would then be used
to redeem that particular SIBs issue (referred
to as paying for success). Clearly, holders of
SIBs would be taking a risk that such budget
savings would be forthcoming and sufcient
for the issuers of SIBs to pay interest and,
ultimately, to redeem those bonds. It may also
prove difcult to identify those savings arising
directly as a result of the SIB investment and
with which to repay holders of SIBs.
Although they may raise relatively small
shares of the money needed for services
(around, say, 5%), SIBs are clearly much
more innovative than conventional municipal
bonds. Tey raise money for specifc identifed
projects whose budgets will be used to
relinquish that debt, whereas a municipalitys
general revenues are used to redeem its bonds
irrespective of the performance of the services
funded by those bonds. SIBs would be suitable
for short-to-medium term investments, such
as the family planning example just discussed
plus investments in improved sanitation (see
the latrines example in Chapter 1). Tey are
also sometimes referred to as Social Impact
Bonds, refecting their intended benefcial
Likewise, a Green Investment Bank (GIB),
such as that being launched by the UK
government for investment in clean energy
(see above), could utilise retail infrastructure
products to fund long-term infrastructural
investments in low-carbon technology &
infrastructure, such as wind farms and electric
Individual Savings Accounts
used to fnance socially
desirable projects
rather than commercial banks
speculative activities
Social Investment Bonds
returns on ethical investments
fnanced by budget savings
Green Investment Bank
used to fnance environmentally
desirable projects
for low-carbon technology
& infrastructure
Corporate investments have been reduced
in response to the very low rates of economic
growth and fears of a double-dip recession
in Europe and (now less so) North America.
Corporations have generally become unwilling
to invest in their own new business ventures
because they believe sales will be insufcient
to recover costs. Like banks, corporations
are now holding large cash reserves and
looking for safe havens. Tere is therefore the
potential for those funds to be used to provide
Foundations also provide assistance to
developing countries, some of which can
fund infrastructure. For example, the Gates
Foundation provides funding for birth control
to cut maternal mortality in developing
countries. Bill Gates (the founder of Microsoft)
argues the case for the G20 group of developed
and developing countries to use revenues from
a small Financial Transactions Tax (FTT)
on trading shares and bonds to fght global
poverty. Also known as the Tobin Tax (after
its proposer) and Robin Hood Tax (refecting
its potential for redistributing prosperity from
rich to poor nations), it is estimated that the
FTT could raise USD48 billion each year.
Te FTT could be introduced across most of
Europe in 2012 but Germany and France want
FTT revenues to help solve the Eurozone debt
crisis. It has also been proposed that the FTT
be complemented by small taxes on shipping
(raising USD37 billion), aviation fuel (USD27
billion) and higher tobacco excise duties
(USD11 billion) for health and development
projects if levied by all G20 members (Gates
2011). Given the increasing incidence of
NCDs noted in Chapter 1, perhaps a fat tax
should also be levied on junk foods containing
high amounts of saturated fats, sugar and salt.
Te revenues from the FTT and fat tax could
be used to fnance foundations, ideally with
matching donations from benefactors and
international development agencies.
Tere is no shortage of private capital and
sovereign wealth funds seeking the sorts
of investments that are urgently required
in developing countries as a result of their
growing populations. However, in some
developing countries, lack of political and
economic stability and cronyism, oligarchy
and corruption (due to lack of a robust
transparent system of governance) limit
private sector investment in infrastructure
because investors face unacceptable risks of
loss of their investments. Even without such
problems, developing countries mostly need
new infrastructure for their fast-growing
populations but the risks associated with
fnancing frst-time greenfeld infrastructure
are greater than for fnancing replacement
of technologically or economically obsolete
brownfeld infrastructure because the latter
has a track record of earnings capacity whereas
the former has only an untested potential.
It is instructive that most infrastructure
investment in developed countries goes into
brownfeld infrastructures which have proven
revenue fows and so are of less risk for their
static populations.
As noted in Chapter 3, once funding for
infrastructure has been secured attention has
then to be paid to fnancing the repayment
of debt and the on-going maintenance and
upgrading of that infrastructure so that it
remains ft for purpose in the long term. Tis
is the subject of the next chapter.
Irrespective of which of the above methods
is used to fund public sector infrastructure,
governments have to fnance the subsequent
repayment of borrowed funds or fnance
payments to private operators of PFI/PPPs.
Financing for infrastructure can come from
the following sources:
Tax Increment Financing
User charges
Asset sales
Sweating the assets
Taxes are used to fnance repayment of
borrowed funds over extended periods of
time (35 years or more) so as to spread the
fnancing of infrastructure over the generations
of population using it and so promote
intergenerational equity. Completely upfront
fnancing of infrastructure by the current
generation of users is generally not afordable
as well as unfair.
Taxes may be levied on incomes,
expenditures, profts, dividends paid on
shareholdings, interest payments received
on savings and holdings of government and
corporate bonds, capital gains on fnancial and
physical assets, wealth (including property and
land taxes) etc. Most tax powers are retained
by central governments, regional governments
sometimes sharing with central government
the revenues arising from income and/or sales
taxes. Local government taxes are normally
restricted to the property tax, although local
income taxes are levied in some Scandinavian
countries and sales taxes elsewhere (Bailey
Tere are various forms of property tax,
including those based on the rental or
capital values of property and those based on
property characteristics, such as numbers of
rooms or foor area. Property characteristics
are used as the tax base where rental and
capital values are not available because of lack
of functioning property markets. Property
taxes are typically levied separately on business
properties and residential properties so as
to allow for diferent rates and bases of tax.
Te rate of property taxes generally covers all
properties in the local government jurisdiction
but supplementary rates of property tax
may be levied in particular parts of a local
government area in order to fnance additional
infrastructure specifc to a (typically business)
district, for example Business Improvement
districts and supplementary business property
taxes. Land value taxes and betterment taxes
difer from property taxes in taxing rises in
the market value of land, on an annual and
periodic basis respectively. All of these taxes
are discussed in Chapter 7.
Economic theory emphasises possibly large
and distortionary disincentive efects on
work efort and on company investments in
productive resources, especially where high
proportions of incremental incomes and
profts are taken by taxation (i.e. personal
income tax and corporation tax respectively).
People may choose not to work as hard (or at
all) and highly skilled groups may emigrate
to lower tax regions, as may internationally
mobile companies. In such cases, taxes reduce
the potential for economic growth and
prosperity and this opportunity cost should be
accounted for in any cost-beneft analysis of
potential infrastructure programmes.
Hence, high taxes should not be levied
on economically and socially desirable
activities (referred to as goods), especially
employment. Instead, taxes should be raised
from economically and socially undesirable
activities (referred to as bads), such as
pollution (to make polluters pay) and other
activities or behaviours detrimental to health,
including consumption of alcohol, cigarettes
and tobacco and foodstufs with high levels
of (especially saturated) fat, salt and sugar. If
they are not particularly efective in deterring
consumption because demand is relatively
insensitive to rising prices, these fat taxes on
junk foods could be used along with taxes on
cigarettes and alcohol to fund health services
required to treat resulting illnesses. However,
if they are efective the resulting tax revenues
will fall and so funding for healthcare must be
sought elsewhere even though there will be
consequential falls in the incidence of medical
conditions associated with those behaviours.
Besides paying attention to the structure of
taxation, the possibility of disincentive efects
suggests that tax revenues in aggregate should
not be too high as a proportion of GDP and
that the tax to GDP ratio should not increase
inexorably over time.
However, GDP gives only a limited
indication of the sufciency of tax revenues
to fnance debt, especially in the countries
where payment of taxes is reduced by evasion
(i.e. non-declaration of taxable incomes, a
criminal ofence) and by avoidance (i.e. taking
advantage of loopholes in tax laws to reduce
ones liability to pay tax without breaking
tax laws, for example reclassifying income as
wealth so as to incur lower tax rates).
Tax evasion is referred to as the black
economy because its economic activities are
hidden away from government information
gathering. Of course, undeclared earnings are
spent and this mismatch between earnings
declared to the tax authorities and the
expenditures they record in levying VAT and
other taxes on spending result in the income-
based measure of national income being
smaller than the expenditure-based measure.
Tat gap is an indicator of the black economy.
However, tax evasion may also reduce the
recorded levels of expenditures, for example
where traders take undeclared payments as
cash to avoid liability for VAT.
National income statisticians can
accommodate such data defciencies by
increasing their recorded measures of GDP in
the transparent economy so as to incorporate
the size of the black economy in the published
fgure of GDP. Whilst desirable for statistical
purposes, the efect is to raise the absolute limits
for government borrowing and debt because
the GDP fgure has been adjusted upwards
to take account of the black economy. By
defnition, however, there is no corresponding
equal proportionate increase in tax revenues
because of tax evasion. Hence, the borrowing
and debt to GDP ratios are inadequate for the
purposes of budgetary control in countries
where tax evasion (and avoidance) is rampant.
Tere are, of course, other well-rehearsed
problems regarding calculation of GDP fgures,
for example that large scale expenditures
dealing with pollution do not create prosperity
or necessarily yield extra tax revenues. More
relevant here, is that rising levels of obesity
are leading to ever rising public expenditures
dealing with consequential chronic health
conditions which, in turn, infate the GDP
measure. However, many of those people
being treated are unable to work and so there
is unlikely to be an increase in tax revenues in
direct proportion to the rise in GDP. Hence,
if health conditions continue to worsen as a
result of modern lifestyles then GDP becomes
increasingly ill-suited as a proxy indicator
of tax potential, including its fnancing of
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is based
on the reasonable assumption that new
infrastructure will increase the values of
business properties in the area served by
that infrastructure (e.g. a transport system)
and those higher property values yield extra
business property tax revenues which can be
dedicated (earmarked) to repay the loans local
governments use to fnance that infrastructure.
Funding may be raised by issuing TIF bonds
rather than general obligation bonds. Use
of TIF is widespread across the USA and is
being adopted the UK (e.g. for Edinburghs
Waterfront redevelopment). Implementation
of TIF is considered in more detail elsewhere
(UN 2009a).
Local governments provide debt-
fnanced infrastructure
using TIF to repay debt
TIF assumes new infrastructure
will generate extra revenues
by increasing the values of properties
served by new infrastructure
and those higher values yield
extra property tax revenues
those extra revenues are
earmarked to repay the loans
TIF is already widespread across USA
& is being used in UK since 2011
Although property taxes are relatively stable,
there is a risk that TIF may not yield the extra
revenues required to repay borrowing. Tis
would be the case if business premises served
by the new infrastructure become vacant.
User charges for grid-based infrastructure
transmitting electricity, gas and water supplies
from the point of production (e.g. power
stations) to the point of consumption (e.g.
residential and business properties) typically
comprise two-part tarifs comprising standing
and volumetric charges paid by users of those
public utility services. Te standing charge is
used to fnance the fxed capital cost of the
energy grid infrastructure whilst the volumetric
charge (per kilowatt hour of electricity and per
cubic meter of gas) is used to fnance variable
operating costs. In principle, the same two-
part tarif should be adopted for water and
sewerage systems, the variable volumetric
charge being based on per litre of water
consumed. Te sewerage charge can be piggy-
backed onto the water charge where waste
water is piped into sewer systems, no separate
billing being required. Given that treatment
of waste water is typically more expensive than
supply of potable water, sewerage charges are
generally greater than water charges.
However, tarifs should refect not only
fnancial costs but also environmental and
resource costs if they are to be efective in
enhancing the sustainability of water and
energy resources. Tis is especially pertinent
to African countries already being badly
afected by climate change (whether caused by
mans activities or not) and which are less able
to adapt than developed countries because
of entrenched poverty. Food crops are being
badly afected by more frequent extreme
weather patterns (e.g. cofee beans, a major
export crop for Uganda) and there is less water
to power hydroelectric plants in countries
such as Kenya (which generates almost 75%
of its energy using fowing water).
Temperatures are forecast to rise by several
degrees over the next 50 years with rainfall
declining by 5% (UN 2009b). Wells are
at increasing risk of drying up and coastal
aquifers become saline as they are depleted.
However, this growing crisis is caused as much
by people and policies as it is by changing
weather patterns and so adapting to it can be
aided by appropriate infrastructure fnancing
models, in this case by adopting a multipart
tarif covering environmental and resource
costs as well as fnancial costs.
Tese pricing principles can be illustrated for
water supply. Financial costs include the costs
of providing and administering water services
(i.e. the collection, storage and distribution
of water and the removal and treatment of
wastewater). Environmental costs relate to
the damage to ecosystems and to those who
use the environment for business, recreational
or other purposes (damage being caused by
pollution, over-abstraction etc.). Resource
costs relate to over-abstraction of water
sources in rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers,
leading to the depletion of water resources
and so denial of those resources for other
uses. Resource costs are imposed by current
users on potential (current and future) users
by depriving them of the opportunity to use
water at all or water of an appropriate quality.
Tis lost opportunity cost is an economic cost,
sometimes also referred to as user cost.
As a matter of principle and to promote
allocative efciency in theory, each user should
pay for these three constituent costs in direct
proportion to both the volumetric amount of
water used and the pollution produced (i.e.
the polluter-pays principle). Tese three costs
can be recovered via a charge made up of a
fxed component to cover the fxed fnancial
costs of supply, a charge per unit of water used,
and a charge per unit of pollution produced.
However, most (including developed)
countries have generally failed to consider
environmental and resource costs in their
pricing policies and failed to integrate
economic and environmental efciency
objectives in water policies. Instead, they
have given preference to afordability and
social concerns, the resulting subsidies
almost invariably contradicting economic
and environmental objectives by encouraging
the wasteful use of water. In many countries,
water supply is fnanced by fat-rate charges
based on occupation of property because water
consumption is not metered. Where water
charges are in direct proportion to property
values they take the form of property-related
taxes rather than a user charge. Charges based
on numbers of residents or on the numbers of
(bed)rooms at each property are a hybrid form
of payment having characteristics of both a fat-
rate charge and a property-related tax, perhaps
being more like a poll tax.
Balancing potentially conficting economic,
environmental and social objectives in the
form of an optimal pricing regime will be
difcult in both technical and political senses.
Technical difculties arise because of the
lack of robust information about economic
(including resource) and environmental costs
and benefts in particular as well as because of
the potentially high billing costs in refecting
these in water prices. Political difculties
arise because sharply increasing prices
will almost certainly result from refecting
fnancial, environmental and resource costs in
tarifs, higher prices being likely to generate
considerable resistance amongst water and
sewerage customers who will argue that water
is essential to life and that poor large families
cannot aford high charges. Hence, at the
very least, the re-balancing of tarifs requires
a phased implementation, giving water users
time to adjust their consumption patterns to
those rising prices. It will also be necessary to
fnd some way of protecting low-income high-
need households without resorting to costly
bureaucratic means testing.
Although this fnancing model requires
meters to accurately record quantities
consumed, meters are universally used for
energy supply because they are installed at
the time of connection to the national grid.
However, as already noted, in many countries
meters are not installed for water and sewerage
services. Tis leads to water being wasted
because payment is not related to volumes
consumed. In turn, this results in increased
pressures on sewerage systems as the volume
of polluted water requiring treatment rises,
it already having been noted that sewage
treatment costs are typically greater than the
costs of supplying water.
Retrospective ftting of water meters is much
more expensive than ftting meters when
supply networks are frst built but capital costs
can be recovered in both cases by adjusting
the standing charge accordingly. Tere should
then also be a small on-going charge to fnance
metering and billing costs.
So-called smart meters can be used to
facilitate a peak-load pricing model by
recording consumption of energy and water
by time of day (typically greatest in the early
mornings and evenings as domestic demand
rises), week (energy consumption typically
lower at weekends as energy-intensive
industries cease production) and year (energy
consumption typically highest in winters in
cold regions and water consumption highest
in summers in hot regions). Te peak-load
pricing model charges users more during
times of maximum demand on supply
networks because it is peak load demand that
determines the required system capacity and
infrastructure, there being plenty of spare
capacity during of-peak periods (e.g. during
the night for energy supply).
In principle, this sophisticated fnancing
model achieves equity by relating payment
to cost incurred on the system. In theory, it
also encourages users to be more economical
in consuming energy and water and so
reduces the amount (and therefore cost) of
infrastructure required to meet demand by
reducing peak demands. In practice, users
have to be made fully aware of the impact of
changes in their patterns of consumption on
their utility bills and they have to be highly
responsive to higher bills. However, patterns
of use will be unresponsive to peak-load
pricing where demand rises rapidly along with
rising income (e.g. as a result of being able to
aford purchases of domestic appliances using
electricity) and where families with many
children fnd it virtually impossible to change
their pattern of consumption. Moreover,
smart metering systems require connection
to an electronic billing infrastructure that will
not be available in many developing countries,
especially outside urban areas.
Financing models for bridges and tunnels
typically use tolls, fat-rate per vehicle type
or class (i.e. cars, coaches and lorries) but
typically rising in proportion to average
weight per vehicle type or class to refect the
increased wear and tear on surfaces and their
support structures. Road user charges are
paid by drivers of vehicles to fnance privately-
funded roads and motorways. Payments rise
in line with distance travelled and are usually
also higher during peak periods (i.e. during
rush hours as commuters travel to and from
places of employment) than in of-peak
periods (e.g. night time). As noted above in
respect of energy supply, peak-load pricing
depresses peak demand by encouraging use of
roads to be more evenly distributed over the
day and so reduces the amount (and cost) of
infrastructure required to meet demand.
A range of payment (i.e. fnancing)
technologies are currently in use. Car park
technologies using physical barriers at
payment stations are often used on bridges
and tunnels. Transponders and electronic
automated payment systems are more efcient
in not impeding trafc fow and in avoiding
the administrative costs of manual payments.
Te increasingly widespread installation of
satellite navigation (satnav) systems in vehicles
facilitates adoption such fnancing models,
payments being made during rather than
before or after road use and so able to relate
charges to capacity available at a particular
point in time. Tese real-time charges are
higher on heavily congested routes and lower
elsewhere so as to encourage a more optimal
pattern of road use by shifting use not only
from peak to of-peak periods but also from
congested to uncongested routes. Again, this
will be more efective the greater the sensitivity
of demand for road use to user charges which,
in turn, will depend on the reasons for travel,
whether for work or leisure. Travel for leisure
(including shopping) will generally be much
more responsive to higher road user charges
than travel for work purposes and so more
likely to change to of-peak periods. Travel
for work will be more responsive to levels of
road user charges the greater the fexibility
of working hours. Hence, another way for
municipalities to reduce the amount of
infrastructure required to meet peak demand
is to encourage employers to adopt fexible
working patterns aimed at reducing the need
for their employees to travel at peak time, and
so reducing the peak by spreading it over more
Where tolls and road user charges
paid directly by users of those transport
infrastructures are not politically acceptable,
shadow prices can be paid by governments in
direct relation to the number of vehicles passing
over them. However, governments then have
to raise fnance by other means and so shadow
prices are not a direct means of either funding
or fnancing those infrastructures.
Asset Sales can be used to help fnance new
infrastructure. Public sector organizations
should consider whether they need to retain
ownership of underused physical capital
because the opportunity costs of the fnance
devoted to them (for repairs and maintenance
and depreciation) can be high. In other
words, better public policy outcomes could be
achieved if the money released from their sale
was used to provide more socially benefcial
services and infrastructure.
Asset sales are fairly common in the private
sector, for example when a poorly performing
company is taken over by a predatory private
equity frm which then sacks managers, sells
underused or redundant assets and restructures
the company prior to selling it at a proft
that refects its increased earnings potential.
Economic theory emphasizes the efciency
benefts of directing economic resources to
their most productive uses by such means,
helping markets work better and so promoting
economic growth and prosperity.
However, such asset stripping is not
viewed favorably either in principle or in
practice when it is applied to public sector
organizations. First, this predatory capitalism
is generally regarded as privatization of profts
and nationalization of losses. Second, it can
lead to severe disruption of the service and
potentially disadvantage service users, some
of whom may be very vulnerable (e.g. the UK
case of private equity frms causing instability
in residential care of elderly people in 2011).
Nevertheless, the potential benefts
arising from sale of underused assets can
be expected to rise in future in highly
populous developing countries with very
young demographic profles, at least to the
extent to which the resulting revenues are
used to introduce successful family planning
services and improved education for girls and
young women, leading them to have fewer
children as they pursue their careers. In such
circumstances, which could arise within as
little as fve to ten years, the number of school
pupils will fall: initially primary school ages
then subsequently secondary school ages.
Many developed countries took advantage of
their ageing demographic profles to sell surplus
schools and the land upon which they were
built so as to help fnance improvements in
education and other infrastructures, including
not just standards of physical accommodation
but also stafng and educational hardware
utilising ICT.
In the much longer term, developing
countries will have to reallocate human,
physical and electronic resources to increase
levels of service suited for an increasingly
elderly demographic profle. Hence, although
the revenues from asset sales are fnite, those
sales can be made to underpin a strategy
for economically and socially efcient asset
Sweating the assets refers to infrastructure
itself being used to raise income independently
of charges paid by its users. Te public sector
has conventionally viewed physical capital as a
cost in terms of the fnance needed to procure
it, the subsequent expenditures on repairs and
maintenance required to maintain it ft for
purpose and the cost of depreciation entered
in the annual accounts.
However, in sharp contrast with this
fnancial liability perspective, the private
sector pays much more attention to the
revenue earnings potential of capital assets.
Referred to as sweating the assets because
they are worked harder (and so sweat), the
objective is to make more creative use of
resources owned or otherwise utilized by an
organization so as to derive additional value
(revenue) from them.
Assets can also be sweated whilst in public
sector ownership to generate new sources of
recurring income or to increase their capital
value, or both. Te additional income can
be used to fnance service improvements
and new or improved infrastructure. Te
increased capital value of assets could be used
as collateral against loans used to fnance
investment in services, provided such use is
allowed by public law.
Assets which can be sweated are all the inputs
and processes utilized by an organization, not
just physical capital. Examples include:
land and buildings previously used only
for conventional business operations
now being used to generate new sources
of income from rents, leases, energy
generation etc;
human resources being used more
efectively by increased specialization of
labor, utilizing professional skills more
fully by transferring routine lower-level
tasks to lower-paid grades of staf;
underutilized capacity within computing
systems being used to store and process
data that has previously been recorded and
processed manually;
integrating IT systems so as to make more
efcient use of data that has previously
been stored in separate databases;
selling raw data series for commercial
applications by other organizations so that
they can be linked in innovative ways .
Te last example includes postcode, land
ownership, meteorological and procurement
data held by the public sector. However, it has
been argued that making such data available
free on websites accessible to all creates much
greater public value. Tis creative commons
hypothesis argues that restricting access to
raw data only to those willing and/or able to
pay creates an economic and social loss many
times greater than the potential revenue from
charging for access.
Making assets work harder may not involve
particularly innovative uses of them. For
example, an organization with a large amount
of fxed assets in its production line may sweat
them simply by introducing a shift system
so as to utilize them 24/7, rather than just
during week days. Tis will reduce the level
of overhead costs per unit of output and so
generate cost savings. Te same result can be
achieved by pooling capital assets with other
organizations so as to share high fxed costs,
for example vehicles and computer systems.
Of course, regular repairs and maintenance
programs sweat the assets by extending their
Innovative ways of sweating the assets are
generally referred to as thinking out of the
box, for example regarding waste materials as
a resource rather than a cost (e.g. generation
of energy from municipal waste or selling
that waste to resource-recovery companies
recycling glass bottles, metal cans etc.).
Creation of asset registers and adoption of
capital accounting methods may be a pre-
requisite if the full potential of sweating the
assets is to be achieved. First, many large
organizations (especially those in the public
sector) lack full knowledge of what assets and
resources they own, this being more the case
for equipment that can be moved (and so lost
track of ) than for land and buildings which,
by their very nature, are immobile.
Second, it is difcult to sweat assets to their
full potential unless their value is known. Te
accuracy of such value data can be improved
by adoption of resource accounting and
budgeting methods leading to more consistent
and better costing than historic cash or current
replacement cost accounting techniques (see
Chapter 3). However, sweating the assets can
still be pursued even if such value data is not
Sweating the assets can be further improved
by adoption of a comprehensive asset
management system (AMS) which ensures
that ownership and use of assets is driven by
changing service needs, rather than by previous
needs and inertia. AMS takes account of the
current condition of assets in determining
their value and, thus, their potential for
sweating. Te often high legacy costs of assets
can be ofset by such means.
For example, in seeking to avoid high levels
of water and sewerage charges and debt whilst
continuing to invest in service improvements, a
publicly-owned water company could develop
additional uses for its assets that extend beyond
their core service use. Its ownership of large
tracts of land (i.e. its water catchment areas,
distribution networks and water and sewerage
treatment facilities) could enable it to develop
sources of renewable energy. Tese include
electricity generated by development of wind
farms (i.e. wind turbines) and hydroelectric
power plants utilising rivers and outfalls from
lakes. Use of electricity to power pumps for
transport of water from source to point of use
and for transport of sewerage from service user
to treatment plants is a major operational cost.
Hence, by generating its own electricity, the
water and sewerage organisation can reduce
its energy costs. Electricity generated surplus
to requirements could possibly be sold to the
national grid through a feed-in tarif so as to
generate additional revenue, as is the case in
Germany and the UK.
A water organisation could perhaps also use
its land to generate income from treatment
of municipal waste, for example by using
a redundant sewage treatment works as
a commercial composting operation for
processing green waste. Tis helps local
governments achieve any recycling targets
set by their governments and reduce any
payments of landfll tax.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) can be used to
process bio-mass waste materials such as food
waste to generate electricity from burning bio-
gas collected from decomposition of materials,
pyrolysis (the application of heat) being
used in order to speed up decomposition.
Additionally, enclosed tunnels could be used
to recycle aerobically food and green wastes
via a sludge press and liquid organic reception.
Te water organisations land could perhaps
also be used for siting radio masts, the
transmission companies paying rent for the
sites. Use of its land for flm locations could
also be used to generate income, as could sale of
design and project management to developers
of real estate in urban locations. Various
property services could also be marketed. For
example, its customer database could be made
available for searches by commercial companies
for marketing purposes (after personal data is
made anonymous). More innovatively, cable
television companies could pay to route their
cables into dwellings via sewerage networks,
saving them the cost of digging trenches and
also avoiding disruption to trafc.
Te organisations human resources could also
be used to provide international consultancy
services to other developing countries, for
example staf training, advice relating to
regulation of the industry, organisation and
methods and asset management.
Tese examples demonstrate the benefts
of developing a commercial arm dedicated
to developing innovative ways of sweating
the assets. Tey also demonstrate the benefts
of networking with relevant organisations to
develop commercially viable projects, some
of which are clearly long term and require
private sector partners sharing both costs
and resources. Te water organization should
seek to minimise its fnancial exposure by
dedicating assets it already owns, private sector
partners covering upfront and operating costs
where possible. Otherwise, costs are covered
by the commercial arm so as to avoid risk
to the water organisations core water and
sewerage service.
Although not without potential problems,
sweating the assets owned by public sector
organisations can be used to secure additional
public value. However, the right to undertake
these sweating activities should be earned
progressively through successful operation of
initial activities. In particular, they have to ft
within the core culture and operations of the
organisation and require attention to be paid
to their governance and to risk management.
Te pursuit of revenues and profts should
not be allowed to take priority over core
service operations. Hence, it would seem
more appropriate for sweating assets activities
to be undertaken by a commercial arm of
the public organisation. Tat commercial
arm should become not just wholly self-
funding but also earn a surplus to invest in
service improvements, both infrastructure
and customer care in the case of water and
sewerage companies.
Te scope for sweating the assets can be
expected to increase as new technologies
develop, this having clearly been the case for
the renewable forms of energy referred to
above. Tat scope will also increase in line with
development of organisational capacity in both
the public and private sectors and as new forms
of public-private organisations develop. One
such example is the development of carbon
trading schemes from which organisations can
raise revenues through trading unused carbon-
emission licenses (carbon credits) as new
green energy technologies are substituted
for carbon-polluting fossil fuels to generate
electricity. Income can also increasingly be
raised from fast-developing markets trading in
waste products. Care must be taken, however,
to avoid revenue-raising potential distorting
priorities for infrastructure, for example by
drawing attention away from infrastructure
needed to alleviate poverty and facilitate
Although the water organization example
relates to a public sector trading body, there is
no reason in either principle or practice why
other forms of public sector organisations
should not also be able to sweat their assets
in utilising their land and buildings, human
resources, computing and IT systems etc., so
as to secure additional public value.
In summary, taxes, tax increment fnancing,
user charges, asset sales and sweating the assets
are all ways in which the public sector can
fnance infrastructure independently of its
procurement. Te next chapter examines in
more detail a way of fnancing infrastructure
that integrates procurement, funding and
fnancing, namely PFIs and PPPs
As noted in Chapter 4, PFI/PPPs utilize
the pay-as-you-use infrastructure fnancing
model. A PFI involves private sector companies
in the design, construction, fnancing and
operation of facilities used to provide public
services under contract with the public sector.
A PFI contract is a concession agreement
between a government agency (client) and a
special purpose vehicle (SPV) company created
by the private sector sponsors to build and
operate the facility. Te SPV members usually
provide the seed equity capital and thus own
the project during the concession period.
Te SPV normally consists of a construction
company, a facilities management company
and a bank which provides funding for the
project, often made-up of approximately 90%
debt and 10% equity stake invested by the
consortium members.
Focus on outputs & outcomes
when contracting out
rather than on inputs &
processes when contracting in
More rigorous analysis of costs by PFIs
whole-life costing
More rigorous analysis of fnancial,
operational and other risks
& optimal allocation of risk
between public & private sectors?
Synergies & integration
of design, construction,
operation & maintenance
Comprehensive competition across
all elements of the project
at least in theory
Long-term performance management
whole-contract management
(25-30 years)
end-of-contract transfer
assets to public sector
in contractually-agreed condition
Te SPV is a legal entity (i.e. company) in
its own right, a purpose-built organization
for one project that has a limited life span
corresponding to the length of the concession
or contract agreed with the public sector client
(e.g. a local government). Te client contracts
for service delivery and so the payment to the
SPV does not commence until service delivery
has begun, and its continuation is conditional
on the satisfactory quality of the service
provided. Tose pay-as-you-use payments
fnance both the recovery of funds invested by
the SPV and the profts it earns.
PFIs/PPPs contracts therefore secure as
legally-enforceable obligations both the
funding and the fnancing of infrastructure
used to provide public services over extended
periods of time. In utilizing private funds for
public services, PFIs/PPPs allow government
agencies to conform to budgetary constraints
by directing limited capital resources to other
areas. Not surprisingly, they are being used
in many countries for the provision of public
sector infrastructure and related services
(Bailey, Valkama and Anttiroiko 2010).
In the UK, for example, there are around
1,000 PFI/PPP projects with a total capital
value in 2011 of over 60 billion, about
15% of infrastructure spending (HoC
2011). PFIs were introduced in the early
1990s for UK transport projects operated by
private sector companies. Tey were later re-
branded as PPPs as they began to involve a
range of institutional arrangements designed
to combine the expertise of the public and
private sectors in new capital investment and
procurement projects. Nevertheless, PFI is
frequently used as the acronym for PPPs.
reliance on PFIs facilitated
by easy money
from banks & capital markets
in 1990s & early 2000s
2007-09 credit crunch caused problems
as the fnance system moved from
highly speculative lending
to a drastic reduction of
available fnance
cheap corporate bond
fnancing disappeared
as construction companies became
subject to higher risk of bankruptcy
drastic reduction of funding
available from banks
commercial lenders reduced
their involvement in PFIs
banks appetite for PFI syndicated
debt fell substantially
& banks require higher margins
& tougher conditions
multiple investors
contracts duration reduced
to 7-10 years
banks limited fnance up to 30-50m
credit risk passed to service providers
governments had to provide
guarantees in case of
fnancial difculties
so many problems with PFIs since 2007
can PFIs now provide
sufcient fnance?
However, the standard (i.e. original) PFI
model raised a number of concerns, including
the efciency of risk transfer, quality of the
services provided, poor value for money and
insufcient stakeholder engagement (Foo et
al 2011). Te efcient distribution of project
and service risk between the public and private
sector partners for the duration of the contract
was a key requirement and justifcation for
selection of the PFI option. However, transfer
of risk from the public to private sector was
sometimes more apparent than real. For
example, a waste-to-energy private fnance
initiative scheme in Greater Manchester had to
be bailed out by the UK government in 2009.
Hence, governments need to pay attention
not only to risk sharing within contracts but
also to default risk outside contracts where
bankruptcy requires governments to assume
responsibility for fnancing the failed service.
Moreover, excessive costs were associated
with unnecessarily high interest rates
payable on private sector borrowing (via
corporate bonds) compared with the lower
interest rates generally payable on public
sector borrowing. Additionally, rates of
return (profts) have often been greater than
those originally envisaged by public sector
clients and even by members of SPVs. Tese
excessive profts have often been derived
from debt restructuring (to take advantage
of lower interest rates on ofer subsequent
to initial borrowing) and subcontracting
service provision to take advantage of cheaper
contract prices subsequent to those written
into PFI contracts.
Hence, recent PFI/PPP contracts in the
UK have made provision for proft sharing
between SPVs and public sector clients so as
to avoid unforeseen (excessive) profts being
earned by the private partner. However,
existing contracts could not be rewritten, at
least not without further payments to SPVs
to compensate them for changes in terms and
conditions. New contracts were still seen as
too infexible, being binding for 25 years or
more and so lacking fexibility to deal with
inevitable changes in service requirements
over the long term. PFIs have also been seen
as contrary to the public service ethos, seeking
to promote profts rather than the welfares of
service users. Although there have been many
successes (at least as far as can be judged before
25-30 year contracts are completed), critics
of PFIs highlighted contractual and service
failures and the lack of signifcant risk transfer.
Not only have public sector organisations
sometimes had to bail out failed projects but
also the UK government had to bail out several
of the major PFI-funding banks during the
2007-09 credit crunch (Bailey, Asenova and
Beck 2009). Additionally, in early 2012 the
UK government began to help seven hospital
trusts whose PFI debts were too large to fnance
from their budgets. Te Department of Health
is providing emergency funding via a stability
fund so they can aford to pay the PFI unitary
charges without having to divert budgets away
from other medical expenditures. Whether
because of badly negotiated contracts or not,
the fact is that unsustainable PFI debts were
endangering the fnancial and/or clinical
capabilities of the hospital trusts.
Evolution of the PFI Model
Tese criticisms led to development of
innovative variants of the standard PFI
model,. While preserving the standard PFI
models key characteristics, innovative spin-
of procurement mechanisms include Local
Improvement Finance Trusts (LIFT), Express
LIFT and Procure 21 and programmes in
health; Building Schools for the Future (BSF)
in Education and, specifcally in Scotland,
various forms of non-proft PFI referred to as
the Non-Proft Distributing (NPD) Model
(Asenova et al 2010, Pautz and Bailey 2012).
Tese variations of the standard PFI model are
generally referred to as PFI-lite models
Te NPD model caps excessive private
sector profts, does not involve dividend-
bearing equity and involves much wider
participation of community stakeholders in the
decision-making process and management of
projects. Nevertheless, it still tries to maintain
an optimum allocation of risk between the
public and private sectors and retains the
whole-life costing, life-cycle maintenance and
facilities management, performance-based
payments to the private sector and improved
overall service provision of PFIs.
However, the innovative NPD model does
not resolve the long-standing problems of the
standard PFI such as high transaction costs,
questionable risk transfer, insufcient market
competition, and prolonged and expensive
negotiations. Moreover, the recent fnancial
crisis has afected the NPD model and the
standard PFI in a similar way.
Te fow of new PFIs and the various PFI-lites
(including NPDs) has been adversely afected
by the collapse of bank lending following
the 2007-2009 credit crunch, which owes its
origins to lax regulatory regimes for banks and
weak central bank safety nets. Additionally,
PFI has lost its major attraction for the public
sector, namely that the PFI spending was of
balance sheet prior to introduction in the
UK of the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) in April 2009. Tis kept
PFI transactions of government accounts and
so relieved local governments, health boards
and government departments from centrally-
controlled budgetary allocations and cash
limits on public sector expenditure. Te IFRS
now brings the liabilities of PFIs onto public
sector balance sheets.
In 2011, a report by the UKs House of
Commons Treasury Select Committee (HoC
2011) highlighted the multiple failings of
PFIs and said value for money could only be
achieved if there was substantial reform of the
PFI model. Te Committee noted that the
excess cost of PFI over government borrowing
has increased sharply since the 2007-09 credit
crunch, the cost of capital now being 8% for a
typical PFI project compared with around 4%
for long-term UK government bonds. Each
one percentage point reduction in the interest
paid on the estimated 40 billion of PFI debt
would save 400 million each year.
More generally, the Committee argued that
use of PFIs to fund public service infrastructure
has not been based on robust analysis but,
instead, on ill-founded comparisons with
conventional public sector provision and on
invalid assumptions. Moreover, the argument
that taxes on profts would help recover any
profts that are higher than expected has
proved false because SPVs have used ofshore
arrangements to avoid paying taxes on those
Hence, the UK Treasury wants to create
a new model for delivering public service
infrastructure. It wants a model that still takes
advantage of private sector expertise but which
strikes a better balance of risk between the
public and private sectors and accesses a wider
range of fnancing sources in the private sector,
including pension funds. In this way, it hopes
to commission services and infrastructure at a
lower cost to the taxpayer by achieving a better
balance between risk and reward to the private
sector whilst increasing fexibility so as to be
able to respond to public service needs that
change over time.
As already noted, both standard PFIs
and PFI-lites comprise a SPV of just several
consortium members (a bank, a construction
company and a facilities management
company). However, PFI/PPPs could make
use of a multiplicity of consortium members,
this being enabled by moving away from
a one-of big bang contract to a series of
phased contracts enabling their take-up by
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
in the private sector and by social enterprises.
Use of small, sequentially-phased contracts
for the provision of infrastructure and related
services would provide local companies an
opportunity to win contracts which have
previously been much too big for them to be
able to handle. Such an outcome would help
maintain the viability of businesses in rural
Taxes or Charges for Financing
Local governments provide considerable
inputs of infrastructure which adds to the value
of a development site and so developers stand
to beneft by making considerable profts. A
part of these profts will be paid as tax revenues
to central government but they provide little
or no direct fnancial return to the local
authority undertaking the expenditure on
infrastructure. Increased intergovernmental
grants may be fnanced by those extra national
tax revenues but local government generally
still lacks funds for provision of infrastructure
required by development.
Hence, it would seem reasonable for
municipalities to levy their own taxes and/
or charges on developers to recover the costs
they incur in providing infrastructure for
the latters housing, business and industrial
Unlike a charge for which something is given
directly in return for its payment, payment of
tax is not directly reciprocated because it does
not automatically lead to provision of a service
to the taxpayer. Tis distinction between taxes
(an unreciprocated payment) and charges (a
reciprocated payment) should be borne in
mind throughout the following analysis of
options for fnancing infrastructure.
Property Taxes
As noted in Chapter 5, a property tax relates
payment of local taxes to the capital or rental
values of residential and industrial/commercial
properties, these values forming the tax base.
Relative capital and rental values relate, at least
in part, to the levels and quality of infrastructure
provided by local government and the users of
that infrastructure pay property taxes which
help fnance the payment of debt charges
relating to it. Te tax rates applied to those tax
bases are a political decision and so rates vary
from one local government to another.
In addition to the standard property tax just
described, various innovative forms of property
tax have been developed, some specifcally
to fnance the interest and amortization
payments on infrastructure-related debt.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
BIDs are used by municipalities in the UK,
Canada and the USA if, via a referendum,
businesses agree to pay additional property
taxes. Under this fnancing model, businesses
volunteer to pay a levy to fnance extra services
of direct beneft to the area in which they are
located. Improved public spaces within their
trading environment make good business
sense if they prevent a high street or other such
shopping centre deteriorating due to poor
security, poor physical appearance and poor
business image.
Although based on the voluntary principle,
free riding by those who choose not to
volunteer is avoided by making payment of
the levy compulsory if a majority of businesses
in the area vote for it. Tey take collective
decisions for provision of services such as
security, street cleaning and local economic
development in city or town centres. Some
of these additional services may require
infrastructural expenditures (in addition to
current spending) on town centre revival and
used by municipalities in
Canada, USA & UK
if businesses agree via a
referendum to pay a levy
to fnance extra services of
direct beneft to their area
makes good business sense
if it prevents a shopping
centre deteriorating
due to poor security, physical
appearance & business image
more like a charge than a tax because
voluntary payment
for a direct beneft
free riding is avoided
by making payment of
the levy compulsory
if a majority of businesses
in the area vote for it
levies are based on the
principle of additionality
the fnance they raise must not
replace existing fnance
Charges or property-based taxes are levied
on BID members and collected by local
government in addition to those property
taxes paid in common with other businesses
outside the BID. Hence, levies are based on the
principle of additionality, their payment being
conditional upon their local governments
guaranteeing to maintain at existing levels
their own funding for the area.
American BIDs are not-for-proft
organisations whose boards are comprised
of representatives of local businesses, local
government and local residents. Tey
encourage self-help in small neighbourhoods
by fostering local partnerships and
complement city pride initiatives. Te greater
segmentation of American cities makes BIDs
more feasible there than in many European
countries, as does the greater willingness in
America to pay directly for service.
For these and other reasons, BIDs had to be
remodeled before they could be used in the
UK where around 50 have been established
in Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry, central
London, Kingston-upon-Tames, Plymouth
and elsewhere to fnance crime prevention
(e.g. CCTV cameras), remedial measures
(e.g. dealing with vandalism), more frequent
bus services to shopping centres (especially if
out of town), local training and employment
schemes etc., (Cumberbatch 2004, NBAS
2010, ODPM 2004a and 2005, POLP 2005,
Scottish Executive 2003 and 2005,).
Generally, the areas covered by BIDs are
those with identifable business communities,
not just town centres but also business parks
and industrial centres. Te frst is likely to
focus on the retail environment (e.g. litter
collection and removal of chewing gum on
pavements) while the last two are more likely
to focus on safety and security (for staf and
premises) and recruitment and training issues.
UK BIDs have to be approved by a majority
(of both votes and rateable value) of businesses
in the BID, payment of the resulting additional
business property tax then being compulsory.
Te levy is only to be paid by businesses
and organisations paying non-domestic
(i.e. business) property tax. Hence, the BID
payments cannot be levied on domestic
properties in the BID areas, even though they
are also expected to beneft. Moreover, the
non-domestic property tax system is occupier
based, with the result that the levy will not be
payable by property owners outside the system
unless they volunteer to make such payment
on behalf of their tenants.
A UK BID may last for no more than fve
years unless its continued existence is approved
by a second ballot at the end of that period.
Tus, BID partnerships must demonstrate
that the levy is used to promote the successful
operation of their stakeholders, for example
creating a cleaner, safer, more desirable place
to shop and work. It is expected that retail
and leisure businesses will pay the larger part
of levies and so they must be convinced that
the payment of the BID levy is more than
recovered by increased trade. Of course,
ofces and other businesses also pay the levy.
In general, the BID levy is a matter for the
council and local businesses to decide. It could
be simply a percentage of rateable value, or of
the property tax bill net of reliefs, or it could
be of a fxed amount and could vary according
to type of business.
Te limitations of BIDs are as follows:
they have a very limited purpose
generally marketing, safety
and security and cleaning;
they have a short life span of fve
years or so in the frst instance;
they have relatively high costs of
development and administration
reducing their efectiveness;
they tend to focus on short-term
issues rather than longer-term
investments because they can
only compel contributions from
occupiers of property, not owners.
A Supplementary Business
Property Tax
Refecting the limitations of BIDs, local
authorities could be given powers to levy
a supplementary business property tax to
fnance repayment of debt related to urban
development projects (e.g. public transport
schemes). Powers to determine the main rate
of business property tax could remain with
central government or a cap could be put on
that tax rate set by municipalities, either in
absolute terms or as a percentage of the main
business rate. Powers to levy a supplementary
business rate were introduced in the UK in
2009, local authorities being required by law to
consult with businesses and undertake a ballot
before levying the Business Rate Supplement
(BRS). Te maximum supplement is 2 pence
in the pound of rateable value but there is
no limit on the duration of any BRS. Local
authorities are allowed to use the proceeds
to fnance additional investment aimed at
promoting the economic development of local
areas, for example transport projects, skills
training or place marketing (DCLG 2007 and
A report by the Centre for Cities thinktank
(Harrison and Marshall 2007) lists a range
of transport projects that could be fnanced
in the UK by a supplementary business
rate of between 2p and 4p. Tese include
building Londons Crossrail, redeveloping
Birminghams New Street Railway Station,
providing a new bus network in Leeds and
extending Metrolink in Manchester. Te
Centre for Cities estimates that loans of up
to 10 billion could be fnanced nationally in
this way for such projects.
Widespread use of a supplementary business
rate would not necessarily reduce the need
for BIDs, given its expected use for strategic
transport projects. As made clear above, BIDs
are being used to fnance much more localised
non-strategic service provision which beneft
particular parts of the city rather than the city
as a whole.
Betterment Taxes
Te distinction between the costs incurred
by local authorities in providing infrastructure
to individuals and businesses and the benefts
enjoyed by them is important. Tis is because
the granting of planning permission by an
authority can result in a huge increase in the
market value of a piece of land that changes use
from agricultural to residential or commercial
activities. More generally, land and property
values rise as a result of growing urbanisation
and economic development. Hence, land and
property owners become richer through no
efort on their part and so should be taxed
accordingly (Prest 1981, George 2006).
Te tax base is the rise in property value and
this can be determined from data relating to
property transactions. Te tax rate applied to
that tax base is determined by either national
or local government (depending upon which
tier of government levies it) and its level is a
political decision and so will generally vary
from one local or national government to
National Betterment Taxes in the UK
National betterment taxes were used
spasmodically in the UK between 1910
and 1985 through betterment levies and
development land taxes, tax revenues going
to central (not local) government (Oxley
2004). Tey failed because they were not
underpinned by political consensus and so
developers anticipated that the tax would be
abolished following a change of government.
Together with legal challenge of valuations,
this meant that the revenues raised by the
various national betterment taxes were very
much less than expected.
Local Betterment Taxes in the UK
Introduced at around the same time, a
discretionary local betterment tax faced
problems even greater than the national tax.
Besides court challenges and problems of
valuation, local authorities found it difcult to
prove that increases in land values were due to
award of planning permissions. Hence, local
governments preferred to use negotiation as
the basis for agreeing betterment payments in
the form of planning gain.
Planning Gain
UK local authorities are able to negotiate
planning gain agreements on a site-by-site
basis to levy what is efectively a hybrid local
betterment tax in addition to recovering the
costs of infrastructure they have to provide to
service development.
Planning gain refers to a situation where local
authorities secure benefts from developers
that do not relate to the development itself.
It takes the form of a payment in cash or
in kind, the latter referring to a developer
building a physical facility (such as a bypass
road or community centre) and then donating
it to the local authority. It combines an
infrastructure charge with a local tax on the
rise in land values arising from the granting of
planning permission.
Planning Obligations
Planning obligations are the UKs statutory
embodiment of planning gain, both terms
being used interchangeably in the literature.
Planning obligations are part of development
controls. Tey are negotiated agreements
between planning authorities and developers,
the latter contributing to the cost of
infrastructure or services the local authority
considers necessary to facilitate a proposed
development or ofset any adverse impacts it
Planning obligations are required to meet a
fve-pronged necessity test. Tey have to be:
necessary to make the proposal
acceptable in planning terms,
relevant to planning,
directly related to the
proposed development,
fairly related in scale and in kind to
the proposed development and
reasonable in all other respects.
Te vast majority of planning obligations
relate to highways, sewerage and drainage,
and landscaping and open space and they
are more frequently associated with planning
permissions in the faster growing regions of
the UK and are of a much higher average
value in those regions that in slower growing
regions (Campbell et al. 2001). Tey can also
contribute to a range of impacts, for example
local public transport initiatives such as green
travel plans, education, health services, food
defenses, open spaces and afordable housing.
However, planning obligations are only large
in fnancial terms for major developments
(DCLG 2006).
Although planning obligations had
been intended to mitigate the impact of
development, UK local authorities have
been using them as a mechanism for sharing
development gain (i.e. betterment) more
widely and they have been criticized as a
vehicle for helping shore up local authority
fnances at the cost of further subverting
the aims of the planning system (Cornford
2002, p.802). By this is meant that local
authorities permit development in order to
secure planning gain, development which
would not have been permitted without that
gain. Short-term planning gains are tending
to override longer term planning concerns
such as environmental quality. Tese trends
challenge fundamentally our conception of
the nature of planning. (Campbell et al. 2000
p. 759)
Put simply, according to this line of
criticism, the planning system is increasingly
being used as a revenue-raising service rather
than as a means of constraining the adverse
impacts of further development. Additionally,
it has been argued that planning gain is not the
most appropriate way of providing afordable
housing or for achieving social inclusion and
urban renaissance. A site-specifc and de facto
betterment tax is likely to be less efcient and
equitable in achieving overall objectives than
higher levels of grant funded from general
taxation (Crook and Whitehead, 2002,
Land Value Tax (LVT)
LVT is a comprehensive reform of the
taxation of land value. It would replace all
other taxes on land, including property tax,
stamp duty, inheritance tax and planning
obligations/gain. As it is a revenue-neutral
tax reform, it would not increase the total tax
take. Many countries such as Australia and
Denmark already have some form of LVT
(Harrison 2006).
Unlike betterment (or an infrastructure
charge see Chapter 8), LVT is not a
transaction tax and so does not deter market
transactions. It taxes ownership of all land, not
just sites at a particular stage of development.
Moreover, it would tax the whole of the land
value, unlike a betterment tax which only
taxes the rise in value arising from the granting
of planning permission. Only a very small
proportion of land is subject to transactions
each year: less than 1% of land in the UK in a
given year. Whereas LVT is levied annually on
each site, a betterment tax (or infrastructure
charge) is levied only, say, once every 60 years
or so when sites are redeveloped.
Unlike LVT, betterment (and infrastructure
charges) do not capture any gains in land values
as a result, say, of transport improvements
(Price 2003). LVT would, for example,
tax the massive rise in land values around
London Undergrounds Jubilee Line extension
and, likewise, rising values following the
successful 2012 London Olympics bid (Riley
2001). Te value of land is assessed regularly
(usually annually) for the calculation of tax
liability, ignoring its current use for buildings
etc. In taxing the value of land in its most
proftable potential (rather than actual) use,
LVT encourages the efcient use of land.
Specifcally, landowners would face incentives
to release surplus holdings of land to avoid
tax liability, which would increase the supply
of land for housing. In turn, this would put
downward pressure on house prices.
LVT replaces all other taxes on land
& so is revenue-neutral
taxes ownership of all land
not just sites at a particular
stage of development
taxes the whole of the land value
not just the rise due to
planning permission
is levied annually on each site
not just when sites are developed
captures all gains in land values
e.g. as a result of transport
taxes the value of land in its
most proftable potential use
encouraging the efcient use of land
Although taxes can be used to fnance
infrastructure, it was noted in Chapter 5
that they can distort economic activity in
unintended and undesirable ways. Hence,
consideration should also be given to
charging directly for the infrastructure local
governments provide to support directly
or indirectly private sector developers.
Infrastructure taxes and charges are not
mutually exclusive and can complement each
other, this being demonstrated in the next
Infrastructure charges are paid by individuals
and businesses commensurate with the beneft
received from local authorities provision
of infrastructure or with the costs incurred
by them in providing that infrastructure.
Infrastructure charges are increasingly
being levied on UK property developers at
the time planning permissions are granted
for residential, commercial and industrial
developments. Such charges are additional
to revenues from the business property
tax. In contrast, infrastructure charges very
rarely accompany the granting of planning
permission to private individuals (Campbell
et al. 2001). Instead, householders pay their
share of infrastructure costs through the local
property tax.
Local Tariffs
Te UK government prefers local authorities
to use formulae and standard charges, where
appropriate, of 18,500 per house in 2007 plus
land for social infrastructure and afordable
housing. Tis is equivalent to between 5%
and 10% of the cost of an average house
(ODPM 2004b). Te tarif for commercial
developments was set at 67 per square metre
of commercial foorspace or 260,000 per
hectare of employment provision.
Te tarif is paid in phases, 25% upfront,
25% on completion of the building and
50% when it is occupied. Developers agree
a promise to pay contract with the local
authority which then uses it as collateral to
borrow funds from banks via the regeneration
agency English Partnerships (acting as banker),
the UK Treasury underwriting the spending.
Te money raised is used to fund community
facilities and infrastructure needed to support
expansion plans for the city.
A tarif-based approach is quicker and
more certain for developers and councils
than a traditional planning gain/obligation
agreement, there being no need to negotiate
on individual pieces of infrastructure (see
Chapter 7). It is also more transparent, as
the way in which cost fgures are calculated is
clearly set down (Coles 2007 page 134)
Local authorities in other less prosperous
parts of the UK are unlikely to want to adopt
standard charges in place of their existing use
of planning obligations because of the fragility
of their property markets. Where the charge
is levied it is meant to cover a continuum
of infrastructural needs, ranging from the
direct consequences of development (need
for schools, libraries, parking etc.) through
afordable housing (between a quarter and a
half ) to community needs (arts, community
forests etc.). Developers seem willing to pay
extra through the charge in order to speed up
the award of planning permission by avoiding
tortuous planning obligation negotiations.
A Statutory Planning Charge
A Statutory Planning Charge (SPC) could
be levied per housing unit or, alternatively, per
liveable room or be based on total foor space.
Tese diferent ways of levying the charge
could lead to changes in the design of housing
units as follows:
A SPC per housing unit would discourage
the building of smaller homes that are
more suitable for small families and people
living alone (e.g. single people and old-age
Levying the SPC per room would
encourage building houses with
multiple use large rooms (i.e.
kitchen-diner-living rooms).
Basing the SPC on total foor space would
avoid both of the above tendencies but
councils could set the charge high in
order to discourage development or divert
it from, say, peripheral, out-of-town areas
to more central down-town locations.
Te key features of planning charges are that
they can:
be used by local authorities to
supplement negotiated agreements still
needed to secure afordable housing;
be based on assessments of
infrastructure requirements set
down in development plans;
include contributions towards the
cost of sub-regional and regional
infrastructure, again included in
regional and local development plans;
be made payable by residential and
commercial developers only above a
minimum threshold and only after
a set number of houses are built;
be tested by consultation with
developers, the community and other
stakeholders via the development
plan process along with the charging
policies on which they are based.
In general, the property industry prefers the
standard tarif model because it is administered
by local authorities and so the infrastructure
for which the money is paid is more likely to
be built than would have been the case for a
centrally-collected tax or charge. Moreover,
standard tarifs make clear what has to be paid,
so helping developers deal with the associated
fnancial costs.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Introduced in 2008, the CIL is a form of
SPC that local authorities in England and
Wales are empowered but not required to levy
on new development in their area (DCLG
2010b). Te purpose of the CIL is to provide
top-up fnancing for infrastructure in the form
of roads, public transport, schools, health and
social care facilities, food defenses, sports,
leisure and cultural facilities (including parks
and green spaces), district heating schemes,
police stations and other community safety
facilities and other infrastructure required to
facilitate economic growth and provision of
housing. When it was introduced in 2008,
the UK government believed it could raise
an additional 700 million per year by 2016.
Te actual fgure may prove to be lower as a
result of the slowdown in development during
the ongoing period of low to zero economic
growth and so of development activity.
Te CIL results in the costs of new
infrastructure increasingly being transferred
from property taxes to pay-as-you-go
infrastructure charges levied on property
developers. It will supposedly deliver the
following benefts:
much greater certainty about
the legal basis for a charge;
a broader range of developments
contributing to infrastructure;
greater transparency, certainty and
predictability about the required levels of
fnancial contributions from developers.
Although the CIL has to be based on per
square metre of net additional foor space (in
excess of the 100 square metres threshold), it
is up to local authorities to themselves decide
whether or not to introduce a CIL and, if
so, determine the rates of CIL for their own
areas. Hence, there is no single national rate of
CIL, rates varying from one local government
to another. Local authorities must publish
those rates in a schedule of charges which has
to be independently examined and approved
before it can take part and must be open to
consultation with the wider community
and stakeholders. Approval will depend on
appropriate evidence being provided to justify
charging levels appropriate to the local area.
Once approved, those rates must be index-
linked to infation measured by the national
All-In Tender Price Index of construction
costs published by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors.
Local authorities charging schedules may
contain diferential rates of CIL in order to
favor or discourage development in diferent
parts of their area. Hence, the CIL does not
fully match the standardized form of charge
favored by the UK development industry.
Moreover, the CIL is separate from planning
gain/obligation agreements and there will
again be a fear amongst developers that they
may be subject to double liability where the
CIL is introduced in an area after the granting
of planning permission with planning
obligation. However, local authorities are
not allowed to fund the same piece of
infrastructure by both the CIL and planning
obligations. Guidelines are published for the
complementary use of planning obligations
which must meet the following tests:
be necessary to make the development
acceptable in planning terms;
be directly related to the development;
be fairly and reasonably related in
scale and kind to the development.
Local authorities are required to report on
their use of CIL revenues, placing documents
on their websites by the end of each calendar
year, in order that their communities can
see how those revenues are being spent.
Tey may accept payments in-kind (i.e. the
transfer of land they would use to support the
development) instead of payments in cash. It
is still too early to judge the success of the CIL
but further analysis and interim fndings are
available elsewhere (Ashworth and Demetrius
2008; PWC 2008).
Social Cost Tariff (SCT)
Te SCT is paid by developers as
compensation for communities (via their
local authorities) for wider development costs.
SCTs are used in parts of Canada (Tomalty and
Skaburskis 1997). Teir adoption signifed
a shift from a marginal cost (site-specifc)
approach to the fnancing of infrastructure by
developers to an average cost (municipality-
wide) approach. Te tarifs are based on
formulaic charges, replacing the previously
negotiated developer contributions. Te level
of the tarif is determined by dividing the total
cost of the infrastructure by the total number
of properties it serves so as to derive the
average cost. Tis average is then multiplied
by the number of new properties to be built by
a developer so as to derive the total payment
required. An average occupancy rate per
property can be used for services related more
to people than to property.
All new developments have to pay the
average cost tarif, even infll developments
using excess capacity within existing
infrastructure because of the stress they place
on that infrastructure. Adopting the user-pays
principle means that growth pays for itself and
tarifs are neutral with respect to the pattern
of development. Average costs are easier to
calculate and justify than marginal costs. Teir
calculation is based on municipal-wide capital
plans and growth forecasts which developers
can use to calculate what they would have to
pay. Being based on those plans and forecasts,
they are easy to justify and defend if developers
challenge them in the courts.
Moreover, the revenues raised can be
used fexibly in diferent parts of the
municipality for both on-site hard physical
infrastructure (such as roads) and of-site
soft (environmental, social and community)
infrastructure. Tis is justifed on the grounds
that major of-site infrastructure such as
waste treatment facilities serves the whole
municipal population irrespective of its
spatial distribution and most soft service
infrastructure is organised on a catchment area
basis. Even on-site infrastructure such as roads,
water supply and sewers are networked into
a wider system of infrastructure. Te gradual
evolution from a site-specifc to municipality-
wide approach in Ontario is comparable with
what has happened in the UK, in particular
through the CIL (see above).
If adopted in the UK, the SCT would replace
all other payments, including planning gain/
obligation agreements. It would be a fat-rate
tarif applied to all development: residential,
industrial and commercial, at a standard rate.
Its revenues would not necessarily be used to
fnance infrastructure for particular sites, nor
for afordable housing (Evans and Hartwich
Impact Fees
In the USA, the broader costs imposed upon
municipalities by general urban development
are increasingly fnanced by impact fees.
While having to fulfl the rational nexus
criterion, impact fees are much more broadly
based and formalised than the UKs fexible
and discretionary planning obligations or
planning gain. Te scope of impact fees in the
USA is largely set by general legal principles
relating to the rational nexus criterion.
Litigation by developers appealing against
the impact fees imposed upon them by
municipalities has largely determined how
rational nexus is defned in legal terms.
Impact fees are therefore a site-specifc (rather
than predetermined fat-rate or planning
project-based) charge. Tey are set consistent
with legal (rather than planning) criteria
which allow recovery of tangible (as distinct
from intangible) costs.
Te Urban Task Force suggested that
impact fees could be used in the UK (DETR
1999). However, in its 2001 consultation
paper Reforming Planning Obligations (DTLR
2001), the UK government rejected impact
fees as a replacement for planning obligations,
believing they are not fexible enough, as do
others (Evans and Bate 2000).
impact fees (USA)
levied on rational nexus
legal criterion
to recover tangible (not
intangible) on-site costs
social cost tarifs (Canada)
fat-rate tarif to fnance
community infrastructure
recovers wider development
costs (on+of site)
Te USAs system of land use is based on
zoning which is intended to preserve the rights
of owners of land and property. Constitutional
protection of property rights has created
a decentralised and fragmented system of
property rights in the USA which precludes
fexibility in the use of revenues from planning
charges (Goodchild and Henneberry 1994).
Tis is in sharp contrast to the hierarchical
structure of planning systems across Europe
which has created a comprehensive and
coordinated approach to land-use planning.
In the UK local plans have to be embedded in
regional plans and be consistent with central
guidance and refect national policies. Tis
followed the nationalisation of development
rights in 1947 which brought about a
considerable restriction on property rights
in the UK. Hence, simple adoption of the
USA system of impact fees in the UK would
be highly problematic due to the radically
diferent approach to protection of property
rights. Te same caveats may apply to many
developing countries with planning regimes
similar to those of the UK, including former
British territories.
Summary of Betterment Taxes and
Infrastructure Charges
Te relevant policy distinction is whether
to tax the increase in land values resulting
from planning permission (a betterment tax)
and/or to charge for the infrastructure costs
incurred by local authorities consequent upon
development (an infrastructure charge).
tax rising value of land receiving
planning permission
betterment taxes (on both
old & new sites)
tax increment fnancing (to
redevelop old sites)
charge for infrastructure provided
by local governments
statutory national planning charge
or locally-variable community
infrastructure levy
or both taxes and charges?
taxes to capture betterment arising
from granting planning permission
charges to recover costs of the
related public sector infrastructure
Every attempt to introduce a national UK
betterment tax during the 100 years between
1910 and 2010 failed. Instead, at the local level,
planning controls and capture of betterment
are pursued simultaneously. Tis efectively
makes the level of betterment a planning
consideration and so changes in land values
may drive the planning system, consequently
frustrating achievement of an optimal land use
plan for a municipality.
Unlike betterment taxes, infrastructure
charges (tarifs) are easy to formulate and
implement and are generally widely accepted
by the development industry. Tey can be
used on both greenfeld and brownfeld
development sites, they can apply to both
large and small schemes, they can allow for
discretion to be exercised in their collection
from barely proftable schemes and there is
considerable experience of successful operation
in the UK.
Although there are separate rationales for
infrastructure taxes and charges to be paid
by developers, their economic incidence
(as distinct from legal liability) may not be
on developers themselves. Both forms of
developer contribution may be passed on to
users of the new infrastructure and/or to the
original owners of the land upon which that
infrastructure is built. Whether paid as taxes
or charges those payments may be passed
forwards through higher prices paid by the
purchasers of property and/or backwards in
the form of lower prices paid to the original
landowner (Arnold 1999).
developers may pass the tax or charge
forwards to purchasers of property
through higher prices for
houses, ofces, etc.
backwards to original landowners
through lower prices paid for land
or both backwards & forwards
so as to maintain profts
& to maintain payment of
dividends to their shareholders
but development may be slower
if landowners are not unwilling
to accept lower prices
Te next chapter provides an overview of
funding and fnancing models considered in
this chapter and Chapter 7.
Te following summary tabulation of
funding and fnancing models is for purely
illustrative purposes. Teir assessed revenue
potential and ease of management within
the table are based on the foregoing analysis
and depend upon many factors that can be
expected to vary from country to country at
any one point in time and also to vary over
time for any one country.
Commercial banks LOW EASY
Multilateral funds LOW NOT SO EASY
Sovereign wealth funds LOW NOT SO EASY
Infrastructure banks LOW DIFFICULT
Insurance and Pension funds MODERATE FAIRLY EASY
Retail Infrastructure Products LOW EASY
Corporate Finance
Privatisation HIGH DIFFICULT
Overseas Aid LOW EASY
Foundations LOW NOT SO EASY
Property Taxes
Standard Property Tax FAIRLY HIGH VERY EASY
Tax-Increment Financing MODERATE FAIRLY EASY
Business Improvement Districts VERY LOW FAIRLY EASY
Land Taxes
Own (indigenous) sources of funds are
generally easier to manage and have higher
revenue potential than external (overseas)
sources simply because the latter typically
have many conditions attached to them which
must be fulflled both before their receipt and
over the subsequent fnancing period.
In particular, the availability of borrowed
funds is heavily dependent on rating agencies
assessments of the sustainability of a nations
public fnances and the existence of sufciently
developed domestic fnancial markets.
Developing countries generally do not have
high ratings and so face high interest rates on
borrowed funds, if global fnancial markets are
willing to advance loans. Corporate funding
(involving multinational companies foreign
direct investment) is generally only applicable
for large-scale highly-proftable infrastructure
projects generating their own revenues
by charging for outputs. Low incomes in
developing countries limit market potential
for such projects. Donations usually come
with high conditionality and are generally for
highly-specifc welfare and medical operations,
rather than for big physical infrastructures.
High revenue potential and fairly easy
management of taxes on land and property
presupposes a monetary (rather than
subsistence) economy, a highly efective tax-
collection authority, a culture that accepts
payment (rather than avoidance and evasion)
of taxes and so an absence of corruption.
Bearing this caveat in mind, nationwide
uniform taxes are generally easier to justify
and collect than taxes that relate to individual
development sites or infrastructure projects.
Te same applies to infrastructure charges
based on average costs of infrastructure
rather than on marginal (incremental) costs.
Greater use of charges for services is limited
by widespread poverty and revenues from
asset sales are fnite. Revenues from sweating
the assets can only be built incrementally over
Conclusions on Funding and
Financing Infrastructure
In summary, there are various local and
national government models for funding and
fnancing public sector infrastructure. Pay-
as-you-build infrastructure funding models
require use of borrowing. Pay-as-you-use
infrastructure fnancing models are short term
(charges and BIDs) or long term (property
tax and LVT). Some are only for on-site
infrastructure based on marginal costs (impact
fees) whilst others are for soft as well as hard
infrastructure ofsite based on average costs
(social cost tarifs). Some are standardized
(tarifs/charges, impact fees and social cost
tarifs), others require negotiation (planning
gain/obligations). Some are generally seen
as legitimate by developers (cost-recovery
charges), others not (betterment tax). Some
Infrastructure Charges
Social Cost Tariffs MODERATE EASY
Community Infrastructure Levy MODERATE EASY
Other Sources of Finance
Asset Sales LOW EASY
Sweating the Assets LOW EASY
may be supported by all political parties
(charges), others not (national betterment
tax). Some require payment in cash, others
may allow in-kind payments and/or cash.
Some require payment before development,
others at the start, during or end of
development. Hence, some can speed up
land development (up-front payments) but
others may slow it down (phased or post-
development payments). Some are based only
on land transactions (SPC), others not (LVT).
Finally, some are hybrid payments combining
both charges and a (disguised or commercially
confdential) local betterment tax (planning
Some infrastructure fnancing models
have been tried but failed in some countries
(e.g. the UK) due to practical problems
of implementation (e.g. the valuation of
betterment to be subject to tax), made worse
by a lack of political consensus. Others have
been successful in raising fnance in areas
facing pressure for development but not in
economically depressed areas (planning gain/
It has to be emphasized that there is a clear
and widely accepted rationale for the debt
fnancing of capital expenditures based on
both equity and efciency grounds. However,
the associated debt has ultimately to be repaid
and so the relevant policy question concerns
the appropriate mix between:
a betterment tax (whether national or
local business property taxes; and
charges for provision of local public sector
While infrastructure charges are a cost-
related payment, the property tax is more
closely related to the benefts received from
local infrastructure as refected in property
values. Furthermore, the local property tax
fnances both new and existing infrastructure,
whereas development charges and a national
betterment tax fnance only the former.
A workable and sustainable infrastructure
fnancing model can be devised if the
planning system is limited to the recovery of
infrastructure costs through charges rather
than attempting to capture betterment, the
latter best being sought through a land value
As noted at the outset of this report,
alternative means of funding and fnancing
public sector infrastructure cannot be
considered in isolation of innovations in its
planning, procurement, delivery, defnition
and form. Hence, this chapter considers how
developing countries can be innovative in the
planning, procurement, delivery, defnition
and form of infrastructure so as to reduce the
levels of funding and fnancing required to
provide it.
Te planning of infrastructure has
conventionally been in the form of strategic
& operational planning by individual local
authorities or by joint planning (for regional
services) with neighbouring authorities.
However, planning via the PFI/PPP model
requires local authorities only to set strategic
plans, leaving PFI/PPP consortiums to plan
operations consistent with fulflling those
strategic objectives. For example, many cities
have to consider introducing or expanding
incinerators to deal with the commercial and
household waste they collect and it is now
generally accepted that incinerators are best
fnanced and operated as PFI projects. It is also
generally accepted that large-scale incinerators
are the best way of recovering energy from
waste, sale of that energy helping fnance the
Planning permissions for incinerators
could possibly require benefts to be ofered
to the communities in which they would
be located. Local residents could be ofered
subsidised energy bills for their homes
and community buildings (e.g. clinics and
schools) and/or proft sharing from energy
sales to encourage the granting of planning
permission. Alternatively, instead of large-scale
incinerators, some Scandinavian countries
have successful experience of small-scale
power generation from waste processed locally.
Tis option could possibly be implemented
with community enterprises going into
partnership with private frms to build and
run incinerators. Tese examples show that
public sector infrastructure can be made much
more open and adaptive in order to achieve
community benefts as well as economic
Innovative public procurement models
focus on higher service quality at lower
fnancial costs by reducing costs of duplication
and bureaucracy. To achieve better for less,
Total Service studies in the UK aim to
identify and account for all public spending in
each selected geographic area and determine
if that spending can be better managed (HM
Treasury 2010). For example, the various
public sector bodies could form partnerships
with each other so as to avoid duplication of
services and replication of buildings.
I. Joint procurement models can
be created within the local
government sector in order to
achieve cost savings, for example
from the bulk buying of information
technology (IT), vehicles and other
infrastructure-related expenditures.
II. Joint procurement programmes can
be developed across the wider public
sector to share services, for example
social and medical care services for
elderly people, previously provided
separately by municipal and health
authorities respectively. Shared services
can achieve not just economies
of scale (to reduce procurement
costs of infrastructure for both up-
front and facilities management
costs) but also for economies
of scope (to improve quality of
infrastructure and related services).
For signifcant sums of money to be saved
by such means public procurement has to
become increasingly multifunctional and
multi-agency. Tis requires a change in
culture and behaviour of public bodies so as
to facilitate adoption of radically diferent
ways of working together in a particular
neighbourhood. local authorities could be
given powers to scrutinise all spending on
public services within their jurisdictions,
irrespective of whether it is their own
spending or not. However, their geographical
boundaries may not coincide with those of
other government bodies and departments,
this being particularly problematic for joint
working in respect of roads, public transport
and other public services that extend beyond
existing jurisdictions. Some joint working will
have to be at regional rather than local level
and so involve more than one municipality.
PFI/PPPs are the main example of
innovations in delivering infrastructure (see
Chapter 6). However, smaller scale delivery
options are available, including mutual
organisations, and community buyouts.
Mutual Organisations (MOs) could be used
where suitable and sufcient infrastructure
already exists but needs ongoing maintenance
without substantial upgrading. MOs would
take ownership of locked assets whereby
ownership of formerly public sector assets
is vested in them but those assets cannot be
sold. Hence, MOs cannot be formed simply
to engage in asset stripping, selling their
inherited infrastructure (including land)
for their own beneft. Various forms of MOs
could be created to implement this model of
facilities management, in generally ascending
order of size being: employee mutuals,
combined employee and customer mutuals,
neighbourhood mutuals, community mutuals.
Whereas MOs are specifcally established
to take over assets transferred to them from
public sector organisations, Community Buy-
Outs (CBOs) typically enable communities to
buy assets previously owned by private sector
organisations and individuals. Communities
could be given a legal right to exercise an option
to buy, say, privately owned land being put up
for sale. Te property would only remain in
private ownership if the community chooses
not to exercise its frst option right to buy or
is otherwise unable to raise sufcient fnance.
Tere are many examples of CBOs in the UK,
including the Island of Eigg and also Assynt
in the north-west highlands, their legal status
being based on community land trusts. Having
typically been badly neglected by previous
owners, community infrastructure is generally
rapidly developed once residents have secured
community ownership and so have a direct
stake in the returns to investment of their
time and efort as well as of their money in
that infrastructure, community wind farms
for example.
Communities could also be given the right
to buy local government buildings within their
neighbourhoods and given the right to build
new homes and modify or convert existing
buildings and homes so long as a simple
majority of population in the area votes in
favour. Such Right-to-Buy and Right-to-Build
powers could be complemented by a Right to
Challenge whereby local government services
such as childrens centres, social care services
and transport could ultimately be taken over
by communities.
Development of mutual organisations
and community buyouts can potentially be
facilitated by innovations in the form of
infrastructure, in particular a move away from
large scale (macro) infrastructure facilities
towards small scale (micro) infrastructure.
Establishing small-scale private or
community ownership of infrastructure
fnanced internally through microcredit
schemes would seem to be particularly suitable
for buildings and other fxed assets used for
primary education, preventative health care,
water supply, green energy and waste treatment
projects. Many assets could have multiple uses,
for example a range of decentralized health and
social care campuses as a viable community
alternative to a centralized high-cost hospital
providing some services that could be better
provided by other means.
Such inverse modularized semi-
autonomous infrastructures contrast sharply
with conventional large scale centralized
infrastructures. Tey are more evolutionary,
spontaneous and non-planned and can be
owned and operated by user cooperatives
(Knneke 2012).
Such new forms of infrastructure in the
energy sector include the development of
small scale renewable energy infrastructures,
including solar (photovoltaic and thermal),
wind, wave, tidal and hydro electricity
generation systems, ground-source heat
pumps, and collection of methane gas from
municipal land-fll sites and municipal
compost heaps. Tese technologies could be
utilised by local authorities and by mutual and
community organisations formed specifcally
for that purpose. In the UK for example wind
turbines and other forms of renewable energy
are owned by large companies whereas in
Germany most are owned by individuals and
communities. Community ownership seems
to change the dynamics of peoples attitudes
towards energy infrastructure, leading to less
local opposition towards siting them in the
locality, especially where feed-in-tarifs can
be used to raise revenue for communities (see
Besides generating energy, municipal
composting of waste vegetation from
municipal parks and gardens of houses can
raise revenue by selling the resulting peat-
free (and so doubly-environmentally friendly)
compost to householders as fertilizer, further
reducing disposal costs. Improved insulation
of municipal buildings can be combined
with use of renewable energy and glass walls
to capture heat from the sun, saving as well
as generating energy. Tis spend-to-save
approach to upgrading infrastructure can be
funded by prudential borrowing (see Chapter
Tese micro forms of energy infrastructure
can be used to complement, if not replace,
large scale fossil fuel and nuclear power
infrastructures. Ultimately, each dwelling,
school, hospital, leisure centre, ofce block,
factory and retail outlet could generate its own
electricity (e.g. from solar panels and small
wind turbines on their roofs), not just saving
the costs of purchasing it from the national
grid but also selling any surplus to the grid
via the feed in tarifs already in existence in
some countries, including Germany and the
UK (see Chapter 5).
In the waste sector, innovative infrastructure
includes incinerators with higher emissions
standards being established to burn municipal
waste for energy recovery and other recycling
and reuse technologies that treat waste as a
valuable resource rather than a problematic
cost. Likewise, biomass fuels technology
is being developed to recover energy from
human (and farm animal waste), the revenues
from which can be used to fnance new
infrastructure for sewage treatment.
In the water and sewerage sector innovative
infrastructure includes rainwater collection
systems being developed for the roofs of
municipal buildings and for municipal car
parks. Te water is not used for drinking but,
instead, is used for cleaning, fushing and
irrigation purposes. Tis saves costs of water
supply and separate treatment of water from
drainage systems. Supermarkets and shopping
malls in the private sector are doing likewise.
Conversely, for drainage, permeable pavements
let water seep through into the ground below
and so help to prevent overloading drains and
thus reduce the prevalence of urban fooding
and so the need for expansion of infrastructural
capacity. Separation of storm water and
sewerage systems infrastructures helps prevent
overfows of untreated sewage into rivers, lakes
and coastlines, the incidence of which is rising
as weather patterns become more unstable and
extreme due to global warming.
Innovative electronic infrastructures are
based on fast-developing information and
communications technologies (ICTs) and
come in many forms:
I. Electronic care technologies (telecare)
are being established in the homes
of elderly and disabled people living
on their own to monitor unusual
patterns of movement in order to
alert remote carers and relatives to,
say, a possible fall or collapse.
II. Electronic payment technologies
are being developed for municipal
services (e.g. payment for car
parking via mobile phones).
III. User identifcation technologies using
eye recognition (i.e. the retina at the
back of the eye) software are being
developed for library, leisure centre
and other memberships and for
provision of free school meals etc.
IV. Electronic library resources lead
to changed space requirements,
increased remote use of libraries
electronic networks possibly reducing
the need for physical space in the
library itself and so economizing on
physical infrastructure requirements.
V. Web technologies utilized
to widen (remote) access to
collections at museums and
galleries, similar to (iv) above.
VI. Road charging technologies are
moving from use of cameras in
London and car-parking technologies
elsewhere (i.e. physical barrier systems
or booms) to use of global positioning
systems (GPS) on vehicle satellite-
assisted navigation (satnav) systems.
VII. Public transport technologies based
on Satnav systems may also lead to
the development of electronically
self-guiding trams and buses which
can be tracked in real time (possibly
on mobile phone applications) so
that intending passengers can see
if they are running to schedule.
VIII. Private transport technologies
may likewise allow intending
travelers to monitor trafc jams
in order to plan their journeys
using less congested routes.
Clearly, new forms of public and private
transport infrastructure will be required.
Electronic systems for payments for and use of
municipal services, for care technologies, for
library and information and cultural services
and for public and private transport will result
in public service infrastructure becoming
more virtual than real. Virtual electronic
infrastructures could potentially reduce the
need for real physical infrastructures, as
indicated above for libraries and museums but
also by dispensing with the need for residential
care establishments as elderly people can
be better supported in their own homes via
More generally, networked but separate
electronic infrastructures can potentially be
used to facilitate development of electronic
governance. For example, rather than being
undertaken by the conventional manual
completion of paper forms every ten
years, a networked electronic information
infrastructure could be used to undertake the
UKs population census on an annual (if not
rolling) basis. It would draw the necessary
information from data bases held by family
doctors (GPs medical records), National
Insurance Contributions, credit cards, the
electoral register, the Royal Mail postal service,
tax returns and phone companies.
Even more ambitiously, the above examples
are being combined with other such
innovations in networked electronic ICT
systems to develop so-called Smart City
infrastructure. In sharp contrast with the
predominantly closed and static infrastructure
of central government, this new model of
Smart City infrastructure is open and adaptive.
At least initially, it focuses on re-engineering
(retroftting) service provision to make use
of new smart infrastructure technologies,
leading to adoption of new infrastructure
models and processes based on networked
infrastructure and relational infrastructure.
Networked infrastructure is based on
connectivity and a presumption in favour of
open data so that technical capability can be
enhanced. Relational infrastructure is based on
voluntary proactive community action and so
requires behavioural capability to be enhanced.
Relational infrastructure is aided frst by prior
and then by simultaneous development of
networked infrastructure, ultimately creating
a virtuous circle of feedback and evolution
of multifaceted forms of infrastructure
whose real, virtual and behavioural forms
create a holistic vision of infrastructure. Te
evolution of such infrastructure will then
become as much conceptual and virtual
as real, promoting sustainable ecologies,
environments, communities, households and
families through behavioural changes and
enhanced behavioural capacities.
Hence, over time, the Smart City will
become increasingly less focused on technical
and physical infrastructure increasing the
connectivity of systems, devices and data and
more focussed on connectivity of people,
organisations and communities. Te technical
challenge is the digitisation of everyday
life, integrating the physical and digital
infrastructures to provide seamless multi-
channel public services accessible to more
people more efectively.
However, the biggest challenges in
delivering networked infrastructure are social
rather than technical. A critical mass of people
is required to generate ideas and solutions
and communities have to be proactive and
engaged to create a sustainable Smart City
infrastructure. Te Smart City is about
attitude, ethos and approach, combining
technology with a vision for creating a better
city. Tis requires smart thinking, cross-sector
fertilisation of ideas and learning, spanning
boundaries to develop smart technologies and
smart social solutions. Tis will create new
markets via elegant partnerships between
the public, private, charitable and voluntary
sectors to create better urban environments for
citizens. Tese partnerships go far beyond PFI/
PPPs and require removal of silo mentality
barriers between roles and responsibilities of
their members. A one size fts all approach is
untenable for creation of smart cities because
of the diversity of their urban populations and
Tese innovations in delivering and
operating public service infrastructure break
away from the conventional thinking that if
service infrastructure is not run by the state
it is not a public service. Clearly, a new
defnition of infrastructure is required.
Infrastructure has conventionally been
defned in narrow physical terms as buildings
and the land upon which they are based:
schools and hospitals for example. Te term
service infrastructure adopts a broader view
including not just those physical assets but also
the public services they are used to provide,
this being the case for PFI/PPPs.
However, as is typically the case for
services themselves, there has typically been
a bunker or silo mentality whereby public
sector organisations thought only of their
own requirements when seeking to fnance
and procure service infrastructure. Tis
organisational and jurisdictional isolation
often leads to unnecessary duplication of
infrastructure (e.g. ofces) in government
departments whose work is complementary
and also in neighbouring local governments
who could share assets they cannot fully utilise
(e.g. vehicles for collection of household
Hence, innovations in defning infrastructure
are going beyond both physical and fragmented
service-based views of infrastructure towards
integrated infrastructures developed and
utilised by:
I. joined-up central government
departments: such as
transport and industry;
II. joined-up local governments: for
example, providing integrated
city-wide public transport
and cultural services;
III. joined-up public sector: for example,
health authorities working with local
authorities to provide integrated
medical and social care services to
elderly people and central government
job centres (for the unemployed)
working with self-governing colleges
and local government youth services
to provide integrated job-search,
training and employment support;
IV. cross-sectoral provision joining up the
public, private and voluntary sectors:
for example, local governments taking
account of voluntary sports clubs and
private sector leisure facilities (open
to all paying membership fees or
provided by large employers only for
their workers) when planning leisure
facilities across their jurisdictions.
Tus, the defnition of infrastructure can be
broadened to mean any arrangement intended
to deliver, enable or facilitate services essential
for sustainable and holistic community
development. As well as physical assets,
infrastructure also includes legal, institutional,
cultural, technological and connectivity
infrastructures permeating government and
governance, business and markets, voluntary,
charitable and community organisations,
dwellings, households and families. All of
these dimensions of infrastructure are brought
together by the Smart City initiative.
Raising funds for infrastructure has
become a moving target during economic
recessions, global banking crises and tighter
debt requirements on governments and
banks in a more risk-averse fnancial climate.
Consequently, infrastructure fnancing is fast
evolving as assets become more varied as a
result of introduction of new classes of asset
such as retail infrastructure products .
Tere has been a long-term trend in many
developed countries away from the public
provision of infrastructure funded by borrowing
to private sector funding and provision of
both public sector infrastructure and related
services. Te has been made manifest not just
by PFI/PPPs but also by requiring developers
not just to fnance on-site hard infrastructure
(water supply and sewer systems, roads, drains
etc.) but also an increasingly wide range of
of-site infrastructure, both hard and soft
(i.e. environmental, social and community
Tis long-term trend towards private
funding and provision seems to have been
driven by a combination of the rising costs of
infrastructure, the unwillingness of national
and local electorates to pay higher taxes,
limitations on grants paid to municipalities by
higher tiers of government and acceptance of
the need to avoid cost overruns by transferring
as much fnancial risk to the private sector as
More recently, the very high public fnance
costs of economic recession and of bank
bailouts by governments in the western
world has severely restricted the availability
of public fnance to replace the apparently
much-diminished private fnance for PFIs. A
return to traditional procurement directly by
the public sector itself is therefore not feasible.
Tis simultaneous occurrence of capital
rationing in both the private and public
sectors has stimulated the search for new, ever
more innovative, models for the fnancing and
procurement of public service infrastructure.
However, notwithstanding the focus of
attention on new methods of fnancing and
procurement, innovations in public sector
infrastructure are much more broadly based.
Tere are also signifcant ongoing innovations
in the planning, delivery, defnition and form
of infrastructure as well as in its fnancing.
Moreover, these various aspects of innovation
are interrelated, for example through PFI/
PPPs and mutual organisations.
Innovations the planning, fnancing,
procurement, delivery, defnition and form
of public service infrastructure can only be
analysed and understood in the context of:
the increasingly Neo-liberal political
philosophy of governments seeking
to involve the private sector in the
provision of public services;
the ever-rising expectations of
citizens in general and users of
public services in particular;
the overall state of health of the public
fnances and of the wider economy;
the evolution of the private sectors
capacity to fnance and provide the
levels and standards of public services
specifed in extremely large and complex
contracts over extended periods of time;
the encouragement and evolution
of the third sectors capacity to work
independently of, or in collaboration
with, the private and/or public sectors
in delivering socially desirable services;
the progressive development of
micro-scale infrastructures to
complement or ultimately replace
macro-scale infrastructures;
the consequential and complementary
adaptation of the system of town
and country planning;
the metamorphosis of real physical
infrastructures into ICT-based virtual
infrastructures within the evolution of
Smart-City integrated service models.
Te perceived magic wand of PFIs was
and will remain largely illusory. PFIs have not
been capable of delivering more than a small
part of new public sector infrastructure in
the countries in which they have been used.
Teir fnancial attraction was engineered by
use of creative (of-balance sheet) accountancy
practices that severely distorted the public
fnances and exaggerated their apparent
health when, in fact, they were structurally
imbalanced. PFIs were enabled by aggregating
renewal of physically separated and separable
infrastructure (such as schools) into huge
big bang very long-term service contracts
that allowed for little operational fexibility
to deal efciently and efectively with the
changing social, economic, demographic,
medical, and technological contexts within
which those services are provided. Finally, the
viability of PFI fnancing was predicated on
the credit boom that led to the overexpansion
of banks heavily reliant on a refnancing
pyramid built upon highly obscure fnancial
derivatives, many of which entailed more risk
than recognised by the ratings agencies, by the
fnancial regulators and (perhaps) by the banks
themselves. Te result is a huge policy legacy
for future governments and a huge burden of
payments to PFIs for future generations of
Nevertheless, it is fair to say that PFIs are
suitable for large-scale long-term investments
with reasonably stable patterns of use and
technologies and this is the reason that they
were frst used to fnance, build and operate
transport infrastructure, namely bridges and
tunnels in the UK. Tey are, however, much
less suitable for providing services and related
infrastructures whose technologies can be
expected to change radically and fundamentally
during the period of PFI contracts. Moreover,
there is no need to ofer the private sector an
unlimited profts potential via PFIs.
Other innovative means of providing such
services must be employed that are more
adaptable in the light of changing policies
and service contexts. Just as interiors of
municipal buildings should be made more
open and adaptable to allow for changes in
use and so avoid need for more expensive
refurbishment or demolition and renewal, so
must service infrastructures and technologies
be made more capable of adapting to changing
contexts and requirements. Long-term highly-
specifc legally-binding big-bang contracts are
incapable of such fexibility.
Hence, innovations in the planning,
fnancing, procurement, delivery, defnition
and form of public sector infrastructure must
be combined as far as possible to enable the
provision of public services to be sufciently
fexible to deal with as yet unforeseen
eventualities. Tis means that Smart City
initiatives need to be highly adaptive if they
are to be sustainable and self-regenerating. Just
as a single country or region should avoid its
economic prosperity being overly dependent
on a single industrial or commercial activity, so
must cities seek a plurality of ways of ensuring
public services continue to be provided on
a sustainable basis, not always directly by
themselves or by private sector contractors.
By such means, risk can be reduced so much
or spread so widely that the preoccupation
with risk transfer via PFI contracts becomes
Such plurality can be delivered by
the many and varied ways of planning,
fnancing, procuring and delivering public
sector infrastructure considered above and
by actively promoting innovations in the
defnition and form of that infrastructure.
Such promotion requires local governments
and other parts of the public sector not just
to identify best practice in promoting and
adopting innovations in infrastructure but
also, ideally, to become highly competent
learning organizations, learning from their
own successes and failures as well as those of
Te contrast between this holistic view of
innovative infrastructure and the conventional
view of public infrastructure is profound.
Te conventional view is that infrastructure
is required to provide services and, in times
of recession, to provide a Keynesian boost
the economy. Tis conventional view is now
much too narrow, being too focused on
infrastructures supply-side and demand-side
characteristics respectively.
Te supply-side characteristic refects
infrastructures role as part of the
apparently ever-expanding direct provider
state. Alternatively, based on market
fundamentalism, the role of public service
infrastructure is to help markets work better
(i.e. correcting market failure) so as to
provide sufcient infrastructure to maximise
economic growth and economic potential.
Neither of the direct provider (Big State)
or market enabling (corrected markets)
perspectives is appreciative of the newly-
developing social state trying to develop
social and community capability that is self-
sustainable and self-reinforcing, creating a
virtuous circle of community creativity. Tis
requires adopting a new perspective for the
policy approach to the planning, fnancing,
procurement, delivery, defnition, form and
focus of infrastructure. Tis new perspective
and approach has to refect the development
potential created by new technologies and the
changing conception of the roles of both the
state and market.
Adoption of PFI/PPPs as a way to bypass
public funding constraints is still based on
the conventional view of infrastructure within
the market-enabling state. However, newly-
developing technologies are progressively
changing the potential forms and capabilities
of infrastructure. Te development of virtual
electronic infrastructure increases its potential
connectivity across the public, private,
charitable and voluntary sectors. Te resulting
increased potential for economies of scope
may be so large that economies of scale become
much less important for commissioning
Whereas economies of scale create a
presumption in favour of macro-scale
infrastructures, development of virtual
interconnected electronic infrastructures
will facilitate micro-scale infrastructures
that are more open and adaptive to fast-
developing electronic technologies. Macro-
scale infrastructures are commissioned via big
bang long-term PFI/PPP contracts between
governments and large-scale consortiums of
private sector companies.
In practice, both macro-scale and micro-
scale infrastructures will most probably be
complementary of each other within an ever-
expanding range of infrastructures, rather
than substitute forms of infrastructure with a
largely fxed level of provision.
Innovations in infrastructure will still be
driven by both demand-side and supply-side
factors, for example ageing demography and
market capability for health care. However,
perhaps more signifcant is the changing
ideology of policy makers, from direct
provision by the public sector itself (Big
State), through the market-enabling state
contracting provision from the private sector
(Big Market), to the community-based social
state (Big Society) alongside new electronic
applications that together create networked
and relational infrastructures.
Developing countries should adopt a
more holistic approach to innovation in
infrastructure whose role is increasingly to
create sustainable community development
as distinct from build an ever-larger welfare
state or strengthen market fundamentalism.
Adoption of this more holistic approach to the
planning, procurement, delivery, defnition,
form and fnancing of infrastructure fts
within the increasingly pluralistic methods
of service provision which it is intended
to facilitate and the economic, social and
environmental objectives it is intended to
help deliver, including the 8 UN Millennium
Development Goals outlined at the outset of
this report.
Multilateral agencies need to provide
much more advice on fnancing (as distinct
from funding) infrastructure in order that
developing countries build their fnancial
capacity to pay of debt and to maintain and
upgrade infrastructures so that they remain ft
for purpose over the long term. Tey should
consider more guaranteeing repayment of debt
relating to infrastructure (rather than fnancing
it directly) so as to improve the credit rating
of projects and so make project bonds more
attractive to potential investors. Underwriting
debt across the developing world will spread
risk and so encourage long-term investment by
insurance and pension funds and by sovereign
wealth funds. Tis would complement World
Bank plans to use its International Finance
Corporation (IFC) arm to strengthen banking
systems in developing countries so as to make
more capital available for SMEs in order that
they can fund investments.
Developing countries need to pay more
attention to micro funding and fnance of
their infrastructures based on small-scale
contracts suitable for their own SMEs, rather
than macro funding and fnance based on
large scale big-bang contracts suitable for PFIs.
Tey should install micro-scale community
based infrastructures that can utilise micro-
fnancing methods wherever possible. Such
actions would reduce their external debt
by making more use of internal sources of
Much more attention should also be paid to
preventative spending through spend-to-save
initiatives for community infrastructures. In
particular, these initiatives should be designed
to reduce the incidence and growth of both
communicable and non-communicable
diseases and illnesses and the number of
unplanned pregnancies and early motherhood.
Tis approach utilizes lower levels of primary
care infrastructure (clinics) rather than
expensive secondary care infrastructures
(hospitals) and can deliver much greater value
for money. If successful, the demands on
medical infrastructure can be much reduced
and people of working age (including young
women) will be able to be more economically
active and so raise themselves out of poverty.
Spend-to-save initiatives also apply more
generally, including use of energy and water.
Similarly, much more attention needs
to be paid to reducing the total amount
of infrastructure required by using it
more efciently and efectively. Peak-load
user charges can be used to spread use
of infrastructure more evenly over time
and so reduce the required capacity. Joint
procurement and use of infrastructure by
neighboring municipalities and by government
departments with complementary functions
can achieve both economies of scale and scope,
the latter being potentially much greater than
the former. More community ownership, use
and control of infrastructure can be expected
to promote innovation in its use (e.g. by
joining up education, health advice and social
care in a single multi-functional community
centre/school) and so create added public
value. Sweating the assets can help develop
added-value uses of infrastructure designed
for other core functions. Comprehensive
asset management systems (AMS) should be
adopted in order to ensure ownership and use
of assets is driven by changing service needs,
rather than by previous needs and inertia. Sale
of underused assets is integral to AMS.
In urban contexts, cities need to become
much more smart utilizing interconnected
electronic networks so that virtual digital
infrastructures can be developed to reduce
the need for real physical infrastructures and
enable them to become much more open and
adaptive to changing service contexts, needs
and technologies.
Irrespective of its form and function and
of how it is funded, procured, provided and
operated, very careful attention should be paid
as to how infrastructure is fnanced over the
decades it is in use. Secure fnancing via user
charges, developer contributions, sweating
the assets, tax increment fnancing and other
earmarked taxes related to land and property
values is essential because the ongoing pay-as-
you-use (or beneft) fnancing of infrastructure
is more difcult to ensure than borrowing for
the upfront costs of a pay-as-you-build model
of funding.
If taxation is to be used for fnancing
infrastructure, government borrowing is
almost certainly the cheapest method of
funding infrastructure on a pay-as-you-build
basis. Tis would seem to be the best option
for social infrastructure such as schools and
hospitals. However, governments must set out
how they will repay that debt in the future,
for example via tax increment fnancing. In
particular, it is not fnancially, economically
or socially prudent simply to assume that
revenues from the generality of taxes will be
sufcient to repay that debt. Infrastructure
does not automatically pay for itself by
promoting economic growth and there are
considerable risks related to refnancing
debt over the lifetimes infrastructures are
If infrastructure is provided on a pay-as-
you-use basis, user charges and developer
contributions are best used for fnancing. Tis
would seem to be the best option for economic
infrastructure such as water and sewerage and
transport systems. However, PFIs should only
be used in very specifc circumstances (perhaps
for environmental infrastructure) and, in
general, full scale privatization would seem to
be the best infrastructure funding option for
energy supply and telecoms. A mixed utility
model would seem to be more appropriate
for rental housing where there is a mixture of
private and public fnance, namely where low-
income households rents are subsidized by the
Whether pay-as-you-build or pay-as-you-
use is adopted, the key means of securing
sustainable infrastructure is to contract its
maintenance over its lifetime. Lifecycle
maintenance must be integrated into the
design and construction of infrastructure.
Public sectors seem to be inherently incapable
of maintenance of physical assets and so
contracts are essential to ensure that they
remain ft for purpose. Tis requires whole-
life costing of infrastructure, also essential for
transparency and one of the major benefts of
PFIs. Where utility infrastructure is privatized,
the regulatory asset base (RAB) model achieves
the same result.
More generally, there should be a proper
comprehensive public sector balance sheet
that accounts for all the liabilities created by
borrowing, PFIs and any other form of funding
infrastructure. Governments typically do not
compile public sector balance sheets, with
the result that they are funding and fnancing
their infrastructures blind to the burdens they
place on the public fnances and so on future
generations of taxpayers and service users.
Whilst bearing in mind the caveat that
infrastructure does not pay for itself, in
deciding which infrastructures should be
prioritized, governments should recognise
that the economic returns are greater for
investments in primary rather than tertiary
education and in preventative health care than
remedial care.
Governments should also realize that
investment in long-lived fxed assets such
as transport and telecommunications will
create a fxed infrastructural network that
will constrain development for many years.
If that investment is publicly funded through
borrowing it will also create a debt legacy
for future generations, further constraining
development. Hence, where possible, a
mixture of fnancing methods should be
sought to fund fexible forms of infrastructure
so as to avoid being locked into one means
of fnancing a non-adaptive infrastructure,
both of which may become obstacles to
development over time.
In principle, market mechanisms can help
to develop infrastructure by pricing assets,
establishing ownership, providing new forms
of fnance and managing risks in sustainable
ways. However, fnancial markets are often
poorly developed in developing countries
because of high political and fnancial risks
and high costs of insurance against those
risks. Governments of such countries can
facilitate development of fnancial markets
through joint public-private ventures and
by guaranteeing within limits loans but not
equity fnance. However, rather than seeking
to attract external funding via globalized
fnancial institutions they should focus more
on developing sources from within their own
countries, for example microcredit through
local fnancial intermediaries. Unlike the
former, the latter is not subject to exchange
rate risk.
It has to be recognized that there is no magic
wand that can be waved to secure the funding
and fnancing of infrastructure. In practice,
developing countries will have to make use of
a plurality of both funding sources (including
non-bank sources such as retail infrastructure
products, insurance and pension funds,
project bonds and mutual municipal banks)
and fnancing instruments (including user
charges, developer contributions, sweating the
assets and tax increment fnancing).
Globalized sources of fnance (including
equity) would seem to be more suitable for
new technology infrastructures generating
revenues from their users, for example in
telecommunications. Default risk for new
technology projects can be minimized by
requiring them to have low debt-to-equity
ratios so that shareholders bear most risk,
meaning that use of corporate bonds and
bank fnance (a feature of PFIs) should be
minimized as far as possible. In this way
governments will be better protected from
having to bail out projects failing as a result
of cash fow problems where revenues are not
sufcient to repay creditors.
Ultimately, developing counties must
recognise that the only truly sustainable way
of providing infrastructure is by adopting a
pluralistic approach to the planning, fnancing,
procurement, delivery, defnition and form of
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P.O.Box 30030,Nairobi 00100,Kenya;
Tel: +254-20-7623120;
Fax: +254-20-76234266/7 (Central ofce)
This guide introduces the infrastructure development needs
in developing countries. It introduces different models
for infrastructure and basic services. It further analyses
innovative nancing approaches to infrastructure and basic
services. It offers recommendations for infrastructure and
basic services nancing.
ISBN(Series): 978-92-1-132022-0
ISBN(Volume): 978-92-1-132561-4

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