The document is a CS61C final exam containing questions on various computer science topics. It includes questions on MIPS assembly, cache performance, C programming, and Gray codes. The exam has multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of computer architecture, algorithms, and coding concepts. It provides 180 minutes to complete the exam which is closed book and contains questions worth a total of 120 points.
The document is a CS61C final exam containing questions on various computer science topics. It includes questions on MIPS assembly, cache performance, C programming, and Gray codes. The exam has multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of computer architecture, algorithms, and coding concepts. It provides 180 minutes to complete the exam which is closed book and contains questions worth a total of 120 points.
The document is a CS61C final exam containing questions on various computer science topics. It includes questions on MIPS assembly, cache performance, C programming, and Gray codes. The exam has multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of computer architecture, algorithms, and coding concepts. It provides 180 minutes to complete the exam which is closed book and contains questions worth a total of 120 points.
The document is a CS61C final exam containing questions on various computer science topics. It includes questions on MIPS assembly, cache performance, C programming, and Gray codes. The exam has multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of computer architecture, algorithms, and coding concepts. It provides 180 minutes to complete the exam which is closed book and contains questions worth a total of 120 points.
University of California, Berkeley College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Fall 2011 Instructors: Dan Garcia & Michael Franklin 2011-12-15
! CS61C Final " After the exam, indicate on the line above where you fall in the emotion spectrum between sad & smiley...
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All the work is my own. I had no prior knowledge of the exam contents nor will I share the contents with others in CS61C who have not taken it yet. (please sign)
Instructions (Read Me!) This booklet contains 8 numbered pages including the cover page. Put all answers on these pages; dont hand in any stray pieces of paper. Please turn off all pagers, cell phones & beepers. Remove all hats & headphones. Place your backpacks, laptops and jackets at the front. Sit in every other seat. Nothing may be placed in the no fly zone spare seat/desk between students. You have 180 minutes to complete this exam. The exam is closed book, no computers, PDAs or calculators. You may use two pages (US Letter, front and back) of notes and the green sheet. There may be partial credit for incomplete answers; write as much of the solution as you can. We will deduct points if your solution is far more complicated than necessary. When we provide a blank, please fit your answer within the space provided. IEC format refers to the mebi, tebi, etc prefixes. You must complete ALL THE QUESTIONS, regardless of your score on the midterm. Clobbering only works from the Final to the Midterm, not vice versa. You have 3 hours... relax.
120 2/10 M1) Hackers Delight (10 pts, 20 min) a) The function mystery lives at address 0xF0000000 (but mystery obviously doesnt know that). Fill in the blanks with TAL MIPS so that mystery returns the address of itself in $v0. (Hint: you should do this part without calls to lw or sw!)
b) Lets assume you wrote part (a) correctly. Fill in the blanks so that you get the following behavior. LookupInGreenSheet() returns the 32 bits corresponding to the MIPS function.
main() {
unsigned int *A, Baseline, mystery();
A = (unsigned int *) mystery(NULL); // argument doesnt matter, not used lw $v0 4($a0) A[0] = LookupInGreenSheet("___________________"); $v0 $v0 1 A[1] = LookupInGreenSheet("addiu _____________"); sw $v0 4($a0) A[2] = LookupInGreenSheet("___________________");
A[3] = LookupInGreenSheet("jr $ra");
Baseline = mystery(A)-2; // Consider mysterys first return val (minus 2) as baseline printf(%d\n, mystery(A) - Baseline); // 4 is printed printf(%d\n, mystery(A) - Baseline); // 8 is printed printf(%d\n, mystery(A) - Baseline); // 16 is printed printf(%d\n, mystery(A) - Baseline); // 32 is printed // etc } 3/10 M2) Cache Money, yall (10 pts, 20 min) The following C code is run on a 32-bit MIPS machine with a 4 KiB L1 cache with 10 offset bits. Vectors A,B,C live in different places of memory, are of equal size (n is a power of 2 >> cache size), and are all block aligned.
AddVectors(uint8_t *A, uint8_t *B, uint8_t *C, int n) { // sizeof(uint8_t) = 1 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) C[i] = A[i] + B[i]; } 0 3n 1023 1 a) If the cache is direct mapped, what is the lowest _____:_____ and highest _____:_____ hit:miss ratio?
0 3n b) If it is 2-way set-associative, what is the lowest _____:_____ hit:miss ratio?
1023 1 c) If it is 4-way set-associative (with LRU replacement), what is the lowest _____:_____ hit:miss ratio?
d) If it is 4-way set-associative (with LRU replacement), and we change the interpretation of bits from T-I-O (tag-index-offfset) to T-O-I, and dont tell the cache, what is the worst that could happen? (in one sentence) Nothing, since theres no I
e) If it is 4-way set- associative (with LRU replacement, and we change the interpretation of bits from T-I-O (tag-index-offfset) to O-I-T, and dont tell the cache, what is the worst that could happen? (in one sentence) We could get the wrong values, since a cache block is loaded assuming adjacent memory slots, and the tags (now the lower-order 22 bits) of A[0] and B[0] could match, so when it read B[0] it would think the block is already loaded and read some other byte of that block thinking it was B when it was really As data. 4/10 M3) Got some numbers, down by the C! (10 pts, 20 mins) a) Fill in the blanks of this C code to write a 1 to every byte of a single 2 KiB page on the heap, dont write anything to any other pages. You may assume that there are a few available heap pages. Use as little memory as possible (you might need to ask for more than 2 KiB). memset is not allowed, you cant allocate anything already allocated on the heap, and two consecutive memory requests may not be near each other.
800 #define PAGE 0x___________ // 2 KiB in hex
TouchEveryPageByte() {
uint8_t *ptr, *tmp; ptr = (uint8_t *) malloc (2 * PAGE); __________________________________________________ // one C statement here tmp = (ptr | (PAGE-1)) + 1; __________________________________________________ // one C statement here
for (int i = 0; i < PAGE; i++) *(tmp+i) _____________________________________ = 1; }
b) Here are 3 different numerical encodings of 32 bits.
Float Fixed point Rational float XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !where Xs are interpreted as 2s complement, Ys are interpreted the standard way bits on the right of a fixed- point representation are interpreted. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !where Ns are interpreted as a biased numerator (the bias is set in the usual way so that roughly half the numerators are positive, half are negative), and Ds as an unsigned denominator. A denominator of 0 means infinity; if both num and denom are zero its a NaN. This # basically looks like:
Rank these three in terms of the following categories (ties are allowed). We did the first two for you.
Float Fixed Point Rational Distance from A of first letter in name 1 st 1 st 2 nd
Fewest # of letters in name 1 st 3 rd 2 nd
Fewest number of zeros 2 (2) 1 (1) 3 (2^16) Smallest positive number 1 (2^-149) 2 (2^-16) 2 (2^-16) Closest representable number to -1/3 2 (23 bits close)
3 (16 bits close) 1 (exact) Actual number farthest to the left on the number line 1 ~(- 2^127) 2 (- 2^15) 3 (- 2^15-1)
5/10 F1) Code, Earl Gray, Hot! (22 pts, 30 mins) Bits can mean anything! Gray codes are a way of ordering the binary encoding of symbols/values such that successive symbols/values only differ by exactly one bit in their representation. (Gray codes are useful for error correction in digital communication!) As an example, heres one of many possible valid orderings of the four-bit Gray codes (with the consecutive differing bits underlined):
Any cycle of this sequence will also be a valid ordering, just so long as no code differs more than one bit from its neighboring codes. When two binary representations differ by exactly one bit, we call the pair Gray adjacent.
a) Annotate this cube such that each corner is Gray-adjacent to its 3 neighbors. (Corner a is given.)
a 000 b ___ c ___ d ___ e ___ f ___ g ___ h ___
Now imagine a one-bit stream of data, from which were constantly assembling two-bit values. We use the bit received at time t, b t , in conjunction with the previously streamed-in b t-1 to make the code b t b t-1 . Note that the most recent bit is the more significant. We want a finite state machine that indicates whether the two most recent two-bit values that is to say b t b t-1 and b t-1 b t-2 , are Gray code adjacent. (Take two zeros as the initial condition of the stream if we stream in bit b 0 at t = 0, the three most recent bits weve seen will be taken as b 0 00, giving us the values b 0 0 and 00.) Heres an example for the bit-stream 1101 (with our initial condition bits bracketed):
b) Lets presume a state variable such that the three most recent bits are Input, (Current) S 2 , (Current) S 1
(telling us that the next state bits must be Input, (Current) S 2 ). Fill in the Output column of the table.
c) Add the state transition arrows, along with the input and output bits on each transition, to the state diagram below. One is done for you, as well as an arrow for the 00 initial condition:
a) Give the simplest Boolean expression for Output in terms of Input, (Current) S 2 , and (Current) S 1 . Show your work.
Input Most recent 3 bits Most recent codes Adjacent? Output 1 1[00] 10 and 00 Yes 1 1 11[0] 11 and 10 Yes 1 0 011 01 and 11 Yes 1 1 101 10 and 01 No 0
a 1 ) How many bits to uniquely identify each page of virtual memory? ________ Physical memory? ______ 2 32 virt. addrs, 2 11 byte pages # 32 11 = 21 bits
2 30 phy. addrs, 2 11 byte pages # 30 11 = 19 bits a 2 ) How many entries does the page table contain? ________ 2 21
The following code runs on the above system. arr is an integer array of size ARRAY_SIZE. SKIP is a positive integer less than or equal to the page size. 32 page faults were detected while running the loop, all due solely to reading from arr. for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i+=SKIP) total += arr[i];
b 1 ) Whats the smallest possible value of ARRAY_SIZE? ________ 2 + 30*2 9
b 2 ) The TLB for this system has four entries, each listing a single VPN-PPN pair, and it uses an LRU replacement policy. In the middle of running the above code, another process was given CPU time but for some reason an entry of the TLB didnt flush during the switch to this process. This unflushed entry corresponds to a page filled with elements of arr. Both processes executed without raising an exception. Why might total be incorrect? At worst, how many incorrect values were added to total? The other process might have performed writes to memory at virtual addresses that match those used by array elements living on the unflushed page. At worst, (2KiB)/(SKIP) incorrect values were added.
b 3 ) Assume we are using RAID 1 for this systems disk, and the above scenario unfolds.
How many pages on disk would have been modified in the best case? ________ Worst case? ______ None 64
c) In which situations might some form of DMA be used? Check all that apply. Handling a page fault _X__ Communication between servers in a datacenter _X__ Playing music from a file already in memory ___ Scrolling through a (fully downloaded) web page _X__
d) Explain (in the provided space) how, why or when the statements below are true: Statement Justification Polling can be faster than interrupt- driven I/O. Polling has no overhead in the way that interrupt handling requires a context shift High frequency polling is undesirable. High frequency polling requires lots of wasted CPU time and power waiting for the I/O data to become valid Low frequency polling can make data transfer slow. If the device fills up its buffer faster than its polled out, data needs resending 7/10 I/O interrupts can be combined with I/O polling to get the best of both. Interrupts can tell the system when a burst of I/O data has begun, and polling can be used subsequently until the burst of data is over (requiring less interrupt overhead losses)
e) We have a system to which we can instantaneously add and remove cores adding more cores never leads to slowdown from things like false sharing, thread overhead, context switching, etc. When the program foo is executed to completion with a single core in the system, it completes in 10 minutes. When foo is run with a total of three cores in the system, it completes in 6 minutes. How long would it take to execute foo on this magical system as the number of cores approaches infinity?
The speed up from 1 to 3 nodes suggests 60% of foo() is parallelizable, so Amdahls law suggests a maximum speed up of 2.5x over the single core in the limit meaning foo would take 4 minutes. F3) Datapathology ! (22 pts, 30 mins)
Consider the single cycle datapath as it relates to a new MIPS instruction, save and duplicate:
sdup rt, rs, imm
The instruction does the following: 1) Stores the value in rs into memory at the address stored in $sp, offset by imm. 2) Copies the value in rs into rt.
Ignore pipelining for parts (a)-(c).
a) Write the RTL corresponding to sdup rt, rs, imm
R[rt] $ R[rs]; Mem[R[$sp] + imm] $ R[rs]
b) Change as little as possible in the datapath above (draw your changes right in the figure) to enable sdup. List all your changes below. Your modification may use muxes, wires, constants, and new control signals, but nothing else. (You may not need all four provided boxes.)
(i) Add a mux to select rs or $sp for Ra (ii) Add a mux to select etiher rs or rt for Rb (iii) Instead of the busW line, add a mux to select between busB and (new line) busW (iv) A new control signal sdup to control all the above muxes
c) We now want to set all the control lines appropriately. List what each signal should be, either by an intuitive name or {0, 1, dont care}. Include any new control signals you added. Dont allow sdup to access any memory below the stack pointer.
8/10 RegDst RegWr nPC_sel ExtOp ALUSrc ALUctr MemWr MemtoReg sdup 0 1 +4 Zero imm add 1 X 1
d) Now consider sdup run on the 5-stage MIPS pipeline. Consider the following pairs of instructions (i) through (iii) independently. Circle each pair that poses a data hazard. For each circled pair, explain how to resolve the hazard. If stalling is needed, provide the number of stall cycles required. (Please resolve the hazard with a minimal number of stall cycles.) If forwarding is needed, state after which stage the data is available and at which stage the data is needed. add $sp $sp -8 sdup $t0 $a0 0 add $t0 $t0 $t1 sdup $t0 $a1 4 lw $t0 0($a1) sdup $t1 $t0 0
9/10 F4) ! (22 pts, 30 mins) Berkeley is looking at opening CS61C to the masses - but the glookup service is far too slow! In addition to ordering more servers, the inst staff have asked you to look at optimizing the glookup service. They've already determined that spinlocks are a performance issue, but there's no way to replace them. Perhaps you can make the locks themselves faster, though! You identify two possible definitions for a spinlock:
typedef struct spinlock { char value; // 1 if the lock is currently held else 0 } spinlock_t;
typedef struct spinlock_padded { char value; // 1 if the lock is currently held else 0 char padding[63]; // 63 bytes of padding (never used) } spinlock_padded_t;
a 1 ) Implement the generic spin_lock and spin_unlock functions in C, which will be called on pointers to spinlock_t and spinlock_padded_t. You use the following test-and-set function: int CAS(char *dest, char test, char value) CAS compares the values of *dest and test: If theyre equal, *dest is set to value, and CAS returns 1 If not, CAS returns 0, changing nothing in the heap State any assumptions you need to make.
void spin_lock(void *lock) { while ( ! CAS(lock, 0, 1)) // Until the lock can be set ; // do nothing
You evaluate the performance of both types of spinlocks using two different parallelism benchmarks. They are both locked and unlocked using the same generic spin_lock and spin_unlock procedures.
a 2 ) On one benchmark, the padded spinlock worked faster. Why might this be? Describe what the program could be doing to cause this.
With unpadded locks, if two adjacent memory locations are associated with two different spin locks, two threads could try and poll each location sequentially, and false sharing can result. The larger padded lock causes each spinlock memory location to be spread apart from the others.
a 3 ) On the other benchmark, the unpadded spinlock worked faster. Why might this be? Describe what the program could be doing to cause this. If the benchmark allocates many spinlocks per thread, it can be faster to have a single threads locks all fit in the same cache blocks in to improve the cache hit rate.
Part of the glookup upgrade includes some convenient and speedy statistical reporting. The system has exactly one record for each student of the following format:
(Student Name, Students Advisors Name, Students Course Load)
where course load encodes the number of credits the student took in the most recent semester. To get a sense of which faculty are pushing students to take more or fewer classes, the administration have asked inst to ask you to write a MapReduce scheme for finding, for each advisor, the greatest course load any of that advisors students are taking. The output record should resemble: (Advisor Name, Max Course Load)
b 1 ) Describe the process by which your mappers would read an input record and produce fodder for the reducers. 10/10 Please explicitly include the (key, value) pairs your map() function would emit.
For each record the mapper sees, remove the students name and just echo the advisor name (output key) and course load (output value) (key, value): ( ______Students Advisors Name______ , ______Course Load____________ )
b 2 ) Describe how your reducers would transform the pairs received from the mappers into the output records.