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Install Monitorix Di Debian 6 Squeeze

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Install Monitorix di Debian 6 Squeeze

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Pernahkah kalian mempunyai keinginan untuk melihat statistik kinerja dari komputer server
kalian? Kalau di komputer desktop sih gampang saja, tinggal buka Task Manager jika di
Windows atau buka System Monitor jika di Ubuntu. Nah, lalu bagaimana kalau ceritanya di
server yang notabene hanya berpenampilan teks? Monitorix lah jawabannya. Monitorix
adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dibangun dengan bahasa perl dengan ungsi untuk
merekam statistik komputer server kita. !erikut adalah itur"itur yang dapat dilakukan oleh
Monitorix #
System load average and usage (system.rrd)
System load.
Active processes.
Memory allocation.
Global kernel usage (kern.rrd)
Including user, nice, system, idle, i/o wait, ir, so!tware ir, steal and
"onte#t switc$es.
%ork and v!ork rates.
&%S usage (dentries, inodes and !iles).
'er(processor kernel usage (proc.rrd)
Including user, nice, system, idle, i/o wait, ir, so!tware ir, steal and
Supports unlimited number o! processors or cores.
Ability to de!ine t$e number o! grap$s per row.
Ability to c$ange t$e si)e o! t$e grap$s (t$ere are already some prede!ined
Ability to disable partial or completely t$e legend data.
*' 'ro+iant System *ealt$ ($ptemp.rrd)
,p to -. $ardware temperature sensors supported.
Selectable I/ sensors !or eac$ grap$.
,sing *' "ommand +ine ,tilities ($plog).
(version 0.1.. o! 2.(Sep(-.2. at t$e time o! writting).
+M(Sensors and G', temperatures (lmsens.rrd)
,p to 21 temperature sensors supported !or cores.
,p to - temperature sensors supported !or t$e mot$erboard.
,p to 3 temperature sensors supported !or t$e "',.
,p to 4 !an speeds supported.
,p to 2- voltages supported.
,p to 4 temperature sensors !or G', (nvidia).
5&I/IA temperatures and usage (nvidia.rrd)
,p to 4 cards supported.
6emperatures, G', usage and memory usage (",/A).
/isk drive temperatures and $ealt$ (disk.rrd)
,p to 0 disk drives supported.
6emperatures (using smartmontools and $ddtemp).
7eallocated sectors count.
"urrent pending sectors.
%ilesystem usage and I/8 activity (!s.rrd)
,p to 4 mount points supported.
7oot !ilesystem and swap device.
Ability to $ide t$e real name o! eac$ mount point.
/isk I/8 activity o! t$e root !ilesystem device.
/isk sectors activity o! t$e root !ilesystem device.
5etwork tra!!ic and usage (net.rrd)
,p to 2. network devices supported.
Including packet tra!!ic and tra!!ic error grap$s.
System services demand (serv.rrd)
Ability to toggle between (I)ncremental and (+)oad values.
Including (SS*, %6', 6elnet, Samba, %A9, ",'S, %ail-ban, IMA', '8':, SM6',
&irusMail and Spam).
Supports #inetd, Sendmail, 'ost!i#, /ovecot, ,;(IMA', <popper, *yla!a#,
MailScanner and "ommuniGate logs.
Mail statistics (mail.rrd)
Supported M6As are Sendmail and 'ost!i#.
"omplete statistics including=
Incomming connections.
8utgoing connections.
5umber o! emails in ueue.
6otal si)e o! all emails in ueue.
5etwork tra!!ic usage.
Greylisting (milter(greylist).
5etwork port tra!!ic (port.rrd)
,nlimited number o! network ports supported.
Ability to select t$e protocol type !or eac$ port (tcp, udp, etc.).
It warns i! a network port is not listening.
,sers using t$e system (user.rrd)
Supports SS*/+ogin/6elnet, Samba and 5etatalk.
Apac$e statistics (apac$e.rrd)
Including workers (busy and idle), "', usage and reuests/sec.
,nlimited number o! Apac$e servers supported.
5gin# statistics (ngin#.rrd)
Including connections (reading, writing, waiting), reuests/sec and network
+ig$ttpd statistics (lig$ttpd.rrd)
Including workers (busy and idle), network tra!!ic and reuests/sec.
,nlimited number o! +ig$ttpd servers supported.
MyS<+ statistics (mysl.rrd)
<uery types per second=
'ercentage values o!=
6$read cac$e $it rate.
<uery cac$e usage.
"onnections usage.
Aey bu!!er usage.
Inno/? bu!!er pool usage.
5umber o! opened tables and table locks waited per second.
5umber o! ueries and slow ueries per second.
5umber o! connections, abort clients and abort connects per second.
5etwork tra!!ic.
,nlimited number o! MyS<+ servers supported.
Suid 'ro#y ;eb "ac$e statistics (suid.rrd)
,p to 24 result and status codes supported.
8verall reuests (client, server, etc.).
Memory and disk storage usage.
I' cac$e use wit$ reuests, $its and misses.
5etwork protocols usage (*66', %6', Gop$er and ;AIS).
"lient and server network tra!!ic.
5%S server statistics (n!ss.rrd)
5%S v-, v: and v3 supported.
,p to :. de!ined reuests supported.
8verall I/8 bytes (read and written).
5etwork layer usage (6"', ,/' and 6"'"onn).
7'" usage.
6$read utili)ation.
7ead cac$e usage.
%ile $andle cac$e usage.
5%S client statistics (n!sc.rrd)
5%S v-, v: and v3 supported.
,p to :- de!ined reuests supported.
7'" usage.
56' statistics (ntp.rrd)
,nlimited number o! 56' servers supported.
56' timing.
Stratum level.
7e!erence Identi!ier and Aiss(oB(/eat$ "odes.
%ail-ban statistics (!ail-ban.rrd)
,nlimited number o! group o! >ails !or monitoring.
Ability to de!ine up to 4 >ails per group or grap$.
Ability to de!ine a title !or every group or grap$ o! >ails.
Icecast Streaming Media Server statistics (icecast.rrd)
,nlimited number o! Icecast servers supported.
"urrent listeners.
/evices interrupt activity (int.rrd)
A'I" support wit$ up to -C1 di!!erent interrupts.
Support monitoring o! remote servers (Multi$ost).
,nlimited number o! remote servers.
Ability to de!ine t$e number o! grap$s per row.
Ability to $ide t$e real ,7+ o! eac$ remote server.
Support monitoring o! (as gateway) Internet tra!!ic o! +A5 devices.
,nlimited number o! +A5 devices ('", printers, networks, etc.).
Ability to de!ine t$e number o! grap$s per row.
Ability to enable tra!!ic mont$ly reports.
Ability to send individual tra!!ic mont$ly reports.
Alert capabilities supported.
"', load average alert.
7oot !ilesystem usage alert.
Activated w$en it reac$es or e#ceeds a t$res$old value !or an speci!ied
amount o! time.
Silent mode to be able to retrieve t$e grap$s !rom scripts.
6ra!!ic statistics are stored in !i#ed(si)e databases (77/tool).
Ability to view statistics per day, week, mont$ or year.
Ability to view statistics in grap$s or in plain te#t tables.
Ability to )oom in any grap$ to see it in more detail.
;eb inter!ace o!!ers minimal learning, ubiuitous access.
"on!iguration wit$ only one te#t(plain !ile.
'erl language based (lig$tweig$t tool).
7euires a "GI capable web server.
Supported systems= G5,/+inu#, %ree?S/ and 8pen?S/.
!anyak kan? Nah jika kalian tertarik untuk menginstallnya caranya adalah seperti berikut #
$. %nstall dulu aplikasi"aplikasi pendukungnya #
apt(get install apac$e- rrdtool libwww(perl libmailtools(perl libmime(lite(
perl librrds(perl libdbi(perl
&. 'ownload monitorixnya kemudian install #
wget $ttp=//www.monitori#.org/monitori#@-.C..(i))y2@all.deb
dpkg (i monitori#@-.C..(i))y2@all.deb
(. )ntuk menjalankannya tinggal ketik perintah berikut #
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
/etc/init.d/monitorix start
*. +ekarang arahkan browser kalian ke http//ipser!er/monitorix
+emoga bermanaat #,

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