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Xprog M

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XPROG-m price list

Product code Description Price
1-001-0002 XPROG-m Rev. E programmer 150
1-001-0003 XPROG-m Rev. E programmer with all authorization an! a!apter "#ull $it% 2000
XPROG-m programming adapters
Product code Description Price
1-002-0001 &'(3)0 P*++2, programming a!apter 20
1-002-0002 &'(3)0 P*++-- programming a!apter 20
1-002-0003 &'(3)0 P*++., programming a!apter 20
1-002-000- 'otorola /+0501X P*++52 programming a!apter 20
1-002-0005 'otorola /+0501X 23P.- programming a!apter 20
1-002-000. (& '350,0 in-4ir4uit programming a!apter 20
1-002-000, &'(3)- #amil5 in-4ir4uit programming a!apter 20
1-002-0006 '+.,/+05712 programming a!apter 20
1-002-0010 &'(3)- on-8oar! programming a!apter 20
1-002-0011 /+11E961E6 programming a!apter 20
1-002-001) /+"(%12 0:' 1 9R' 'i4rona in-4ir4uit programming a!apter 100
NOTE: 2-002-0018 or 2-002-0021 software authorization is required
Programmer softare
Product code Description Price
2-001-0001 :evi4e Programmer :e$top 75.0 -
Softare a!t"ori#ations
Product code Description Price
2-002-0001 'otorola /+05 #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO'% 50
2-002-0002 'otorola /+0, #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO'% 50
2-002-0003 'otorola /+11 #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO'% 50
2-002-000- 'otorola /+"(%12 #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO' an! #lah memor5% 50
2-002-0005 &e;a <ntrument &'(3)01&'(3)- #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO'% 100
2-002-000. 'otorola /+0501X #amil5 85pa e4urit5 authorization "allow to rea!1write e4ure! EEPRO' an! #lah memor5% 50
NOTE: 2-002-0001 software authorization is required to use this feature
2-002-000) (& '350,0 rea!1write1erae authorization 50
2-002-000, 0'= E=(3 authorization 50
2-002-0006 9&mega #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO' an! #lah memor5% 50
2-002-0010 '0 >G(001 authorization 50
2-002-0011 'otorola /+11E961E6 85pa e4urit5 authorization "allow to 85pa e4urit5 8it an! rea! EEPRO' an! R9' memor5% 50
NOTE: 2-002-0003 software authorization is required to use this feature
2-002-0012 ?ational +R1. authorization "allow to rea!1write EEPRO' memor5% 50
2-002-001- (&)@ (&10 #amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write internal #lah% 50
2-002-0015 500
2-002-001, 'otorola /+12@ /+612@ '+6(12@ '+6(12X 85pa e4urit5 authorization "allow to rea!1write e4ure! EEPRO' an! #lah memor5% )00
NOTE: 1-002-0017 adapter is required to use this feature. 2-002-0004 software authorization is not required
2-002-0020 9R' "'i4rona@ ...% 3amil5 authorization "allow to rea!1write internal #lah an! e;ternal erial EEPRO'% 25
2-002-0021 9R' "'i4rona@ ...% 3amil5 85pa e4urit5 authorization "allow to rea!1write e4ure! an! non-e4ure! internal #lah an! e;ternal erial EEPRO'@ view14hange mileage@ 50
4hai num8er "7<?%@ erial num8er an! P<? 4o!e%.
NOTE: 1-002-0017 adapter is required to use this feature. 2-002-0020 software authorization is not required
Product code Description Price
3-001-0001 XPROG-m programmer uer manual -
3-001-0002 &'(3)- #amil5 in-4ir4uit programming uer manual -
Note: !! pri"es shown e#"!ude de!i$er% and &T
(ini(u( pur"hase tota! of 400)00 * + without ta# , shippin- . is required when /u%in- new 012O3-( pro-ra((er set.
1a%(ents a""epted:
'P+5;; authorization "!epen!ing on !evi4e program automati4all5 !ete4t 'P+5;;@ '65;;; !evi4e t5pe@ #lah@ e;ternal #lah an! 4on#iguration memor5 ize%
ONLINE SHOP: www.xprog-m.com

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