The document provides an update on several milestones and achievements at the Cape Sanctuary project over the last few months. Key points include:
- Diving petrel chicks that were translocated in 2011 have now returned to breed at the sanctuary site, the first evidence of successful seabird establishment.
- Tuatara eggs were discovered at the seabird site, likely the first tuatara breeding in Hawke's Bay in over 200 years. Speckled skinks and tree weta are also thriving.
- Five kaka chicks hatched this season after many hours of feeding by volunteers. Kakariki also bred successfully.
- Staffing changes and the ongoing support of volunteers
The document provides an update on several milestones and achievements at the Cape Sanctuary project over the last few months. Key points include:
- Diving petrel chicks that were translocated in 2011 have now returned to breed at the sanctuary site, the first evidence of successful seabird establishment.
- Tuatara eggs were discovered at the seabird site, likely the first tuatara breeding in Hawke's Bay in over 200 years. Speckled skinks and tree weta are also thriving.
- Five kaka chicks hatched this season after many hours of feeding by volunteers. Kakariki also bred successfully.
- Staffing changes and the ongoing support of volunteers
The document provides an update on several milestones and achievements at the Cape Sanctuary project over the last few months. Key points include:
- Diving petrel chicks that were translocated in 2011 have now returned to breed at the sanctuary site, the first evidence of successful seabird establishment.
- Tuatara eggs were discovered at the seabird site, likely the first tuatara breeding in Hawke's Bay in over 200 years. Speckled skinks and tree weta are also thriving.
- Five kaka chicks hatched this season after many hours of feeding by volunteers. Kakariki also bred successfully.
- Staffing changes and the ongoing support of volunteers
The document provides an update on several milestones and achievements at the Cape Sanctuary project over the last few months. Key points include:
- Diving petrel chicks that were translocated in 2011 have now returned to breed at the sanctuary site, the first evidence of successful seabird establishment.
- Tuatara eggs were discovered at the seabird site, likely the first tuatara breeding in Hawke's Bay in over 200 years. Speckled skinks and tree weta are also thriving.
- Five kaka chicks hatched this season after many hours of feeding by volunteers. Kakariki also bred successfully.
- Staffing changes and the ongoing support of volunteers
The project has certainly reached some very exciting milestones over the last few mo n t h s . S e a b i r d establishment has begun, with diving petrel chicks now returning to breed after only o ne y e a r o f c hi c k translocations. We also have good reason to believe that the seabird enclosure now holds young sanctuary hatched tuatara a great achievement for us. The many hours invested by the wonderful kaka feeding volunteers have also come to fruition with five chicks hatched this season. Despite the sadness of losing a number of saddleback earlier on, we have since been encouraged by observing saddleback fledglings at play. It has certainly been a good breeding season all round. We congratulate Jay and Claire Robertson on the birth of t hei r baby boy. Congratulations also to Kahori Nakagawa on the birth of Mia. Another couple of conservationists in the making we hope. In February 2014 John McLennan, Lou Sanson (DOC), Liz, Hunter and I spent a wonderful day with Julian Robertson and three generations of the Robertson fami l y l ooki ng around v a r i o u s s a n c t u a r y programmes.
On the staffing side, we are lucky to have long standing vol unteer, Paul Di ppie volunteering to help oversee the management and project implementation at Cape Sanctuary.
As always, a huge thank you to the volunteer team - without you the project would not be as successful as it is. Andy Lowe Diving petrel return, Liz Lowe
The start of the year was very exciting as a young diving petrel chick was found within the Seabird site. With some closer inspection we found signs of nesting in one of the artificial burrows (number 9 for those of you who know). This is the first evidence that diving petrel chicks transferred to the site in 2011 from Motumahanga Island (Taranaki) have returned to the site to breed. There have also been signs of diving petrel prospecting in two other burrows. It is comforting to know that after many hours of collecting and feeding, seabirds will once again inhabit this wonderful coastline and make Cape Kidnappers their home. The speaker calling system is currently working overtime to lure in grey-faced and diving petrel which prospect at this time of year. We have placed small stick gates at the entrances of the tunnel burrows to see if they get knocked down by any seabird visitors.fingers crossed. Unfortunately, the transfer of mottled petrel to the sanctuary from Whenua HouCodfish Island on April 13th did not happen. The island collection team only located enough chicks within the selection criteria to make a transfer to the Poutiri Ao o Tane site possible. This was disappointing as much preparation had been made for their arrival, however we at least will be ready for next years transfer. The programme for mottled petrel is particularly exciting as it will be the first time that this species has been transferred and hand raised in this way. It will also be the furthest distance, over 1000 km, that a transfer has been attempted from source to handrearing site. Bones of mottled petrel have been recovered from the Hawkes Bay ranges and it is our hope that the area will once again be alive with the beat of mottled petrel wings. We are grateful to the people of Murihiku, the guardians of Whenua HouCodfish Island ( t he l as t r emai ni ng stronghold for this species) for their continuing support for this transfer and it was lovely to catch up recently with Jane Davis and Marcia Te Au-Thompson.
AutumnWinter Edition Lou Sanson, John McLennan, Julian Robertson and Andy Lowe Keeping us safe recognising sanctuary workers for their Health and Safety initiatives
At the sanctuary we take the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors seriously. In each newsletter we wo u l d l i k e t o acknowledge a particular sanctuary worker for their initiative towards ensuring the safety of others. Sue Dryden, who is the sanctu- arys Kaka Coordinator, has a huge responsibility in ensur- ing the safety of a large vol- unteer team. Individuals travel daily to the aviary (rain, hail or gales) to feed the kaka and kakariki. Re- cently Sue has shown her vigilance in ensuring volun- teer safety while on site. The gravel road access to the aviary can be challenging and prone to tree falls. Sue acknowledges her responsi- bility by being constantly on call to update volunteers and staff on road conditions and provide alternatives. A big thank you to Sue. Golf Course maintenance staff also do a great job of re- sponding at short notice to remove tree falls.
Sue Dryden and Ned In this edition;
Diving petrel Return Keeping us safe Tuatara breeding Aviary action Tieke update Takahe and Little Spot- ted kiwi programmes Pest control Bits and pieces Page 1 Page 2 Tuatara breed and skinks on the increase, Kahori Nakagawa
We are very excited by the recent finding of tuatara eggs within the Seabird site. While doing the tracking tunnel monitoring in March, Travis found three hatched tuatara eggs. This is very likely to be the first time in 200 years that tuatara have bred in Hawkes Bay. Additional logs have been placed to provide cover in the area as tiny hatchlings are vulnerable to aerial predators and also their next door tuatara neighbours. Steph Price, a PhD student from Victoria University made a return visit to the Seabird Site in November 2013 to continue her research into post-transfer physical changes in adult tuatara. With the help of some enthusiastic nocturnal volunteers, Steph searched inside the enclosure at night when tuatara come out of hiding (long grass and artificial shelters make it difficult to spot them at other times). 19 were found in three nights. Tuatara are certainly doing well here. Thank you so much to the dedicated volunteers who refilled their water bowls over summer.
We also had another visit from, Emma Dent (also a Victoria University student), who is studying interactions between tuatara and other species such as skinks and tree weta at the Seabird site. Using pit-fall collection traps and weta monitoring houses, Emma found over 200 speckled skink, several common skink and 40+ tree weta in 7 days. Emma also located one live female and several dead female Cook Strait Giant weta originally transferred from Matiu/Somes Island in March 2013. Finding them dead is not unexpected as they generally live up to two years, breed, lay their eggs and die. Aviary action, Sue Dryden
August brought an air of courtship to the kaka aviary. Ned and Ngaio, our resident kaka pair began lots of soft cooing and beak touching (not to mention other activities). Before long Ngaio had retreated to her nest box where she was obviously very busy rustling around maki ng home. Optimistically we hoped a family was on the way but not wanting to disturb we waited and watched. Ned to his credit became an a t t e n t i v e p r o v i d e r performing acrobatic feats to feed Ngaio as she remained deep in her box. Neds appetite grew along with the additional feeding demands. He would often be waiting at the door as we entered with fresh food and would fly down and ride on the tray to the feeding station. His desire for protein in the form of freshly collected huhu grubs went off the scale! Volunteers responded to the call to step up to twice daily feeding and we were well rewarded. At the end of November, the first chick emerged from the nest box, another followed a few days later and finally all five were out. The chicks are now five months old and the aviary is much like a preschool; there is lots of noise and activity and then suddenly it goes quiet as the chicks all take a nap. It has been wonderful watching them learn their life skills from scratch. Their noisy take offs and clumsy cr ash l andi ngs have entertained us all. The breeding season for kakariki began sooner than for kaka and by early September a clutch of five chicks had hatched. The attentive male of this pair filled his day entirely with feeding himself, the female and the chicks. Before long the same female went on to lay eggs in a second nest box. The male now had two houses to provide for. Their second clutch produced seven chicks and a third clutch, another four. The second pair took a while to sort out the process and produced just one clutch of three for the season. Again it has been wonderful to watch the chicks grow in size and confidence as they fledged and perfected their flying techniques.
Once independent the chicks were moved to the adjoining soft release aviary and soon after the hatch to the outsi de opened. As pr evi ous l y we ha ve continued to provide food inside and outside the aviary to help anchor the chicks to the area. This season we have seen a number of un- banded birds Speckled skink (Oligosoma infrapunctatum) were consid- ered to be locally extinct in Hawkes Bay until sightings at Ocean Beach in 2009, three years after pest control began. In the pest free 1.5 ha Seabird site, they are now flourish- ing; in only 7 days, Emma found over 200. Some are al- most the size of a young tuatara. At the end of September, 25 days later and perfectly on cue, we could hear chick noises and only a few weeks later our first peak found five healthy chicks Sue Dryden Ned and Ngaio will soon have their home back to them- selves. In the next few months young kaka from other breeding facilities will arrive. These will be re- leased with some of Ned and Ngaios brood beginning the process of establishing kaka at the sanctuary. Since my last visit in October 2012, for the most part it looks like the tuatara are gaining weight. Some have gained an amaz- ing 95g and grew up to 9mm in a year quite an achieve- ment. Steph Price Page 3 Aviary Continued.
outside the aviary, evidence that breeding from previously released birds has occurred in the wild. We have also released kakariki chicks from four breeding pairs held at PukahaMt Bruce. Batches of birds are also settled into the soft release aviary before being set free. Thus, the wild kakariki population is flourishing. Tieke update, Kahori Nakagawa
The transfer of tieke saddleback from Repanga Cuvier Island has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. After the speedy capture and successful transfer of 120 birds to the sanctuary in May we sadly lost a significant number within four weeks after their arrival. Mortality post- transfer is not uncommon in tieke even on predator-free i sl ands and predat or excluded fenced sites as they appear to be stress prone and some do not do well in n e w e n v i r o n me n t s . However, we also know that predators, particularly rats, aggravated the loss at the sanctuary. We found 13 of 20 birds carrying tail mounted radio-transmitters dead. 11 of these were killed by a predator and in most cases a Norway rat. Prior to the transfer tracking tunnel monitoring had not detected rats and bait take in stations was low. The deaths showed clearly that conventional rodent footprint tracking tunnel indices are too coarse to accurately identify the critical threshold for saddleback persistence. Saddleback live or die at the 0 to 1 % tracking range at the lowest level of rat abundance. Significant effort was made by sanctuary staff and numerous volunteers to halt the losses; we in-filled with additional bait stations (in some places up to 25 m apar t ) , and t r i al l ed alternative bait types and lures. An additional person was also employed for six months to t a r g e t c a t s . F o r t u n a t e l y , everyones efforts were rewarded with two and possibly four pairs known to have bred successfully with a number of fledged un-banded juveniles sighted. There are also around 10 single individuals. We are planning a top-up transfer from Bushy Park in spring 2014. The sanctuarys takahe programme will get a boost with three more pairs arriving in May. They will be released into a 130 ha enclosure which has been built behind the hind dunes at Ocean Beach. Oraka and Orehou, the Seabird site takahe pair did attempt to nest this season but unfortunately were unsuccessful. We suspect they hatched a chick but this was lost when very young. This pair is now well bonded and will be transferred to the new enclosure. A recently coupled pair arriving from the south will be released into the Seabird site.
In May the area will also be home to little spotted kiwi. Ten i ni ti al l y wi l l be transferred from Long Island in the Marlborough Sounds to the sanctuarys Ocean Beach enclosure. Little spotted kiwi were once widespread in Hawkes Bay; sub-fossils have been found nearby in Poukawa Swamp, Napier and Kaweka forest.
We hope they once again do well here and that Cape Sanctuary can make a si gni fi cant contri buti on towards their long-term survival.
The aviary is certainly remote and run on the dedication of an amazing group of volunteers. We are extremely grateful to all of you for committing your time and care to these very fortunate birds. In December we were contacted by a local family in Te Awanga who had noticed a pair of saddleback in their garden! This pair was quickly re-caught and returned to the sanctuary. Takahe and little spotted kiwi, Tamsin Ward-Smith
View into the new takahe and little spotted kiwi enclo- sure. Stretching up to the skyline, the area includes plantings of native coastal shrubs and trees, rank grass- land, young pine trees and mature native remnants such as karaka, titoki, cabbage trees, ngaio, pigeonwood and tauhinu. Little spotted kiwi are the smallest of the kiwi species tip- ping the scales at just over 1 kg. They are now found only on offshore islands. Help us to save paper by receiving this newsletter by email. Please send your email address to Page 4 Pest control, Travis Cullen
The team continues to take on the pest challenge.
Cats; 255 cats were killed in 2 0 1 3 thanks to the efforts of Marcel Powell who shot 139 during his six month stint night shooting. Already in 2014, there are 36 less.
Stoats; 8 stoats were trapped in 2013 (4 of these were in January and Febru- ary), while 10 have been caught already in January and February this year.
Ferrets; No ferrets have been caught inside the sanc- tuary since 2012 although pressure continues on the fence line and outer buffer area. Nine in total were trapped just outside the fence in 2013 and 2014. One unlucky ferret even made it to the end of the predator fence at Ocean Beach before meeting its fate in the last trap before entering the sanctuary. Rabbits; The 900 ha area targeted through a large scale aerial poison operation in July 2013 still remains extremely low in rabbits. Follow up control work by Rural Pest Services will en- sure that the level achieved will be maintained. Rabbit control over areas not targeted during the aerial operation began in mid-April. This has involved boots on the ground hand distributing poisoned carrot. Control will flow through the sanctuary utilising paddocks that can be rested from grazing.
Rodents; The battle to get the last few rats continues. A l t h o u g h numbers are extremely low by the stand- ard monitor- ing method (only one rat was tracked in 100 monitoring tunnels in the forested areas in Febru- ary) we know there are still areas where rats are pre- sent. A bait change from Contrac (Bromadi ol one) b l o c k s t o Ra t Ab a t e (Diphacinone) paste is hoped to entice the reluctant ones. The peanut paste aroma is known to be extremely at- tractive to rats. Even volun- teers are commenting that the delicious smell makes it rather tempting. 36 rats have been caught in traps to date, which is about half the number we normally trap in January and February.
T e c h n o l o g y takes on the pests, Paul Dippie
The days of soggy bait sta- tion data sheets and hours of data entry (for some of us) will soon be over. Thanks to some techno input, sanctu- ary staff and volunteers will soon be checking the 3500 bait stations and 1200 trap boxes using a data tablet.
The small device will enable station check information such as bait take and animal sign to be recorded as you go. Once back to base, the data from your travels will be downloaded into a database in the Cloud. This new sys- tem will allow us to quickly view the data, see visual hot -spots and plan which areas are due to be serviced.
The system is based on the successful roll out of the pick -up runs that the Lowe Corp truck fleet recently commissioned. It will also provide significant safety benefits. The equipment will include a Spot GPS tracker which will allow remote loca- tion identification and text messaging to say Im OK, or Im OK but need assis- tance, or HELP. During the next few weeks staff will test drive and refine the new system ready to train up volunteers.
Volunteer opportunities
There is something for eve- ryone including tree plant- ing, release weeding, feed- ing kaka and kakariki, as- sisting with seabird chick feeding, transporting kiwi eggs and chicks, checking bait stations and building trap boxes and bird burrows.
If you would like to know more about volunteer oppor- tunities at the sanctuary please contact; Tamsin 0272273543
Kahori 0274355369
You can also visit the web- site to self register; conservation/index.htm
Cape Sanctuary Project Report
The sanctuary is proud to announce that a six year project report spanning from 2008 to 2013 has been com- pleted. John McLennan has documented the sanctuarys journey and achievements in a scientific and very readable book. We hope that the re- port can soon be accessed online. In the meantime please contact Tamsin if you would like to borrow a library copy.