Adoption Laws in India
Adoption Laws in India
Adoption Laws in India
A child is most certainly the best gift that God can give to a couple. The feelings that new parents go through when their baby is
born cannot be described in mere words. However, there are some people in this world who may not be so lucky and may not have
the pleasure of having a baby. There is no need, for such people, to get disheartened whatsoever, since every problem has a
solution. This solution comes in the form of adoption. Adopting a homeless child is one of the noblest things to do.
With celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and our very own Sushmita Sen going in for adopting kids, it seems to have cut off from
its initial apprehensive stage. Now, more and more couples and even single parents are coming forward to adopt kids. There is a
certain procedure to adopt a child and it is recommended that you follow it in order to have a problem-free adoption and also avoid
any future hassles. The procedure is a bit time consuming due to immense number of applications from interested couples. Here’s
how to do it.
Go-Ahead Signal
A No Objection Certificate is then issued to the agency by CARA (Central Adoption Resource Agency )when it is satisfied about the
family and the couple submits certain documents necessary for evaluation. The couple is not allowed to come and choose a child,
as it is normally believed. They have to give details regarding what kind of child are they expecting and the placement agency finds
the child according to that expectation. Foreign adoption is pretty much the same, with the difference that certain immigration laws
have to be abided to by the couple.
• Missionaries of Charity
• Matri Chhaya
• Asharan Orphanage
The Government of India is fully sensitized and committed to the rights and welfare of
children. The Constitution of India under Article 24- Chapter on “Fundamental Rights of
the Citizens” provides the right against exploitation of the children below 14 years.
Article 45 of the Directive Principles of the State Policy in the Indian Constitution
envisages for free and compulsory education of children.
At the International level, India has ratified the convention on the Rights of
Child and the Hague Convention on inter- country adoption of children. At
national level, India has prepared a National Policy for children in 1974 under
which Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (now known as Ministry of
Women and Child Development) has got the mandate to enact laws
regarding welfare of children. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act 2000 is a landmark in this regard. This Act has incorporated
the provision of adoption of child as an alternative to institutional
Adoption provides a very important function in Indian society. India has long tradition of
child adoption. In olden days, it was restricted within the family and was covered by
social and religious practices. But with the changing times, adoption beyond the contour
of family has been institutionalized and legalized.
To strengthen adoption rules and facilitate adoption without any hassles, Government of
India under advice of Supreme Court constituted a Central Agency- Central Adoption
Resource Agency [CARA] with New Delhi as base to set up guidelines for adoption time
to time safeguarding welfare and rights of children while granting adoption or
guardianship under Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956, Guardians and Wards
Act 1890 or Juvenile Justice Act of 2000.
Scrutiny Agency
CARA has issued separate policy guidelines for inter- country and in- country
adoptions. The main policy adopted is placement agencies involved in
adoption should strictly follow and comply with the guidelines of CARA and
register with respective state governments. No Objection Certificate [NOC]
from CARA is made mandatory in case of all inter- country adoption, before
placement agency process the application in competent Judicial Courts.
More than 2000 children are given for adoption within India while above 1100
children are sent outside India for adoption.
India Government has notified various adoption policies consistent with Hague
Convention as shown below.
child needs.
Step II
III. Voluntary Co- ordinating Agency (now known as Adoption Co- ordinating
V. Scrutiny Agency
To conclude the trust of national policy of India for welfare of children is:
To protect abandoned and destitute children, goal is to find a family for as
many orphan children as possible and to safeguard their interest as
visualized in the UN Convention on child rights and Hague Convention on
Inter country adoption ratified by India government. The ‘Best Interest of the
Child’ is the guiding principle behind all adoption laws in India and social
awareness programmes has helped to change the attitude of society and
people towards adoption in India.
The nation’s children are supreme important asset. Their nurture and solitude
are responsibilities of nation. Children’s programmes should find a prominent
part in national plans for the development of human resources so that
children grow up to become robust citizens; physically fit, mentally alert and
morally healthy endowed with the skills and motivation needed by the
society. Equal opportunities for development to all children during the period
of growth is the aim, as this will serve larger purposes of reducing inequality
and increasing social justice.
Requisite documentation
The foreign national is required to submit supporting documents along with his application.
These include: a recent family photograph, his marriage certificate, a declaration of
theapplicants' physical fitness duly certified by a medical doctor, a declaration of the
applicants' financial status with corroborating documents such as an employment certificate,
income-tax returns, bank references, and particulars of property owned by them.
Another important annexure to the application is a declaration of willingness. This document
will state that the foreigner is willing to be appointed as the child's guardian. He will also
have to furnish an undertaking that he will adopt the child in accordance with the law of the
country in which he resides at the earliest, but not later than two years from the date of the
child's arrival in his country. The applicant must also declare that he will maintain the child
and provide it with necessary education and upbringing according to their status. The
foreign national is also required to sign an undertaking that states that he will send the
Indian agency and the court a progress report and a photograph of the child monthly in the
first year, quarterly in the second year, and half yearly up to five years. In addition, the
foreigner is expected to sign a power of attorney in favour of an officer of the Social or Child
Welfare Agency in India so that the officer can process the case.
All the certificates, declarations and documents that are attached to the foreigner's
application are required to be duly notarized by a Notary Public. The notary's signature, in
turn, will have to be duly attested either by an officer of the Ministry of External Affairs or
Justice or Social Welfare of the country of which the foreigner is a resident. An officer of the
Indian Embassy or High Commission or Consulate in that country can also attest the
notary's signature.
Court procedure
The application for guardianship must be made before the court of the District Judge within
whose jurisdiction the Social and Welfare Child Agency in India that is processing the
application of the foreigner is located. The application will be filed by the Indian welfare
agency or a person duly authorized by them in this regard. Next the court issues notices to
the Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) and the Indian Council for Social Welfare
(ICSW) in order that they scrutinize the guardianship application. These organizations are
expected to give their considered opinion whether they believe that adoption by the foreign
national is in the child's best interests. The ICCW or ICSW make their representation to the
court after carefully studying the application with all the annexures, the Home Study Report,
and the Child Study Report and making all necessary inquiries.
The court will first hear all the concerned parties and examine all the documents. The court
must be satisfied that the foreigner will be a suitable adoptive parent for the child and will
provide the child a secure and loving home. The court must also be convinced that the child
will be able to assimilate itself into the family and community ofthe foreigner. If the court is
satisfied on all these counts, it will pass an order appointing the foreigner as the child's
guardian and the foreigner will be allowed to take the child back to his country with a view
to eventual adoption. In some cases, the court may even put a condition that the foreign
national make provision by way of deposit or bond for the repatriation of the child to India
should such a situation arise. The photograph of the child is attached to the order and
counter-signed by the judge.
It is a well-documented fact that court procedures are excruciatingly slow in India. Keeping
this in mind, the Supreme Court of India, in the matter of L.K. Pandey vs. Union of India,
has fixed a maximum period of two months for the disposal by the courts of applications
made under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. The same judgement has categorically
dispensed with the personal presence of the foreign national for the purpose of completing
legal formalities.