Is 7155 1 1986
Is 7155 1 1986
Is 7155 1 1986
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge
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Jawaharlal Nehru
Step Out From the Old to the New
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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
The Right to Information, The Right to Live
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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 7155-1 (1986): Code of recommended practice for conveyor
safety, Part 1: General information [MED 6: Continuous Bulk
Conveying, Elevating, Hoisting Aerial Ropeways and Related
UDC 621867 : 6148 : 00676 IS : 7155 ( Part 1 )-I986
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1. Scope - Covers general information regarding the recommended practice to be adopted in the
safe use of conveyors and conveying machinery used for transportation of bulk materials or unit loads.
1 .I The conveyors covered in this standard may be of temporary or permanent nature.
1.2 This code does not apply to industrial trucks. tractors or trailers, tiering machines, cranes, hoists,
skip hoists, monorails, power and hand shovels, power scoops, bucket drag lines, platform elevators
designed to carry passengers or the elevator operator, moving stairways and highway or rail vehicles,
lr conveyors specifically designed for the conveyors of passengers.
2. Terminology
2.1 For the purpose of this code, the following definitions, in addition to those given in IS : 4240-1984
Glossary of conveyor terms and definitions (first revision ) shall apply.
2.2 Conveyor System - An installation of two or more conveyors which transport or transfer loads
ram one conveyor to another and whose control is integrated.
2.3 Normal Working Conditions - Specified conditions as agreed by the interested parties for the use
If continuous mechanical handling equipment.
2.3.1 These normal working conditions shall either be defined by the user and agreed with the
nanufacturer at the time of passing the order, or defined for standard equipment in the manufacturers
catalogue when it is issued.
2.4 Personnel-- Persons essential to the use (the operation) of the continuous mechanical handling
equipment itself and persons legitimately in the vicinity.
3. Materials
3.1 Unless otherwise specified all materials used in the construction and operation of a conveyor and
ts supporting structure shall comply with the requirements of relevant Indian Standards where avail-
3ble. A list of such Indian Standards for guidance is given in Appendix A. Materials equivalent to or
;uperior to those specified may be used subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the user.
4. General Information
4.1 Stages -The safety requirements of the conveyors of various types may be divide into three
stages as follows:
a) Construction stage (design and manufacture),
b) Installation stage (layout, erection and entry into service); and
c) Utilization stage (operation and maintenance).
4.1.1 The safety requirements during construction stage shall be those to be taken care of during
the design and manufacture of the conveyor system, equipments and machinery.
4.1.2 The safety requirements during installation stage shall be those to be taken care of during
layout, erection and entry into service of the conveyor system, equipments and machinery.
4.1.3 The safety requirements during utilization stage shall be those to be taken care of during
operation and maintenance of the conveyor systems, equipments and machinery.
Adopted 17 December 1986
Q July 1988, BIS
Gr 3
NEW DELHI 110002
(Reaffirmed 1999)
IS : 7155 ( Part 1 )-I986
4.2 Lighting - Suitable lighting of conveyor systems, equipments and machinery shall be provided.
For guidance recommendations of IS : 3646 Code of practice for interior illumination in following
parts may be referred:
(Part I)-1966 Principles of good lighting and aspects of design
(Part 2)-1966 Schedule for values of illumination and glare index
(Part 3)-1968 Calculation of coefficients of utilization by the BZ method
4.2.1 Permanent lighting shall be installed in tunnels and pits with a switch located convenient to
the entrance(s).
4.2.2 Electric outlets for handlamps shall be provided at convenient locations.
4.2.3 The lamps/lights shall be cleaned regularly.
4.3 Electrical Equipment - Electrical equipment shall be installed and maintained to meet the statutory
requirements. For guidance following Indian Standards may be referred:
a) IS : 732 Code of practice for electrical wiring installations:
IS : 732 (Part I)-1982 Definitions and general requirements (secondrevision);
IS : 732 (Part 2)-1983 Design and construction ( second revision); and
IS : 732 (Part 3)-1982 Inspection and testing of installations ( second revision ).
b) IS : 4051-1967 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of electrical equipment
in mines;
c) IS : 5571-1979 Guide for selection of electrical equipment for hazardous areas (first
revision ) ;
d) IS : 5572 (Part I)-1978 Classification of hazardous areas (other than mines) for e!ectrical
installations : Part 1 Areas having flammable gases and vapours ( first revision ); and
e) IS : 8239-1976 Classification of maximum surface temperatures of electrical equipment for
use in explosive atmospheres.
4.4 Fire Protection - Adequate fire protection facilities shall be provided and shall be to the approval
of the statutory authority. For guidance following Indian Standards may be referred:
a) IS : 1641-1960 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles and
fire grading
b) IS : 1642-l 960 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general) : Materials and details
of construction
c) IS : 1643-1960 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general) : Exposure hazard
d) IS : 1644-1960 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general) : Personal hazard
e) IS : 3034-I 981 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings : Electrical generating
and distributing stations ( first revision )
4.5 Dust and Fumes - Where dust or fumes may become a hazard, means shall be taken to prevent
injury to persons. The design of the system shall be such as to prevent or control the emission of dust
and fumes.
4.6 Static Charge/Electricity -- It is known that continuous rotation and friction of non-metallic
components in a conveyor system produces a lot of static electricity. For normal run-off mine handling
plants for coal, iron, limestone, etc, the accumulated static charge may not pose much of a problem.
However, for special application of conveyors, which carry explosive dusts and compounds, limiting the
accumulated static charge/electricity in a conveying system is extremely important.
4.6.1 Where accumulated static charge/electricity is considered important, the limit of such a charge
shall be as agreed to between the user and the manufacturer.
4.7 List of Indian Standards on conveyors, vertical hoists, bulk elevators and bulk handling equipment
is given in Appendix B for information.
IS : 7155 ( Part 1 )-I986
( Clause 3.1 )
A-l. Structural Steel
IS : 226-l 975 Specification for structural steel (standard quality) (fifth revision )
IS : 808-I 964 Specification for rolled steel beam, channel and angle sections ( revised)
IS : 81 I-1965 Specification for cold formed light gauge structural steel sections (revised)
IS : 961-1975 Specification for structural steel (high tensile) ( second revision )
IS : 1161-l 979 Specification for steel tubes for structural purposes ( third revision )
IS : 1239 Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings :
(Part I)-1979 Part 1 Mild steel tubes ( fourth revision )
IS : 1239 Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings:
(Part 2)-1982 Part 2 Mild steel tubulars and other wrought steel pipe fittings (third
IS : 1252-1958
IS : 2062-1984
IS : 3039-1980
IS : 3443-1980
IS : 3601-1984
IS : 3954-1966
IS : 4923-l 985
revision )
Specification for rolled steel sections bulb angle
Specification for weldable structural steel ( third revision )
Specification for structural steels for construction of hulls of ships (first
revision )
Specification for grane rail sections ( first revision )
Specification for steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes
( first revision )
Specification for hot rolled steel channel sections for general engineering
Specification for hollow steel sections for structural use ( first revision )
A-2. Forgings and Castings
IS : 210-1978 Specification for grey iron castings ( third revision)
IS : 1030-1982 Specification for carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes
( third revision )
IS : 1865-1974 Specification for iron castings with spheroidal or nodular graphite
revision )
IS : 2004-l 978 Specification for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes
revision )
IS : 2107-l 977 Specification for whiteheart malleable iron castings ( first revision )
IS : 4367-1967 Specification for alloy and tool steel forgings for general industrial use
IS : 4771-I 985 Specification for abrasion-resistant iron castings ( second revision )
IS : 4896-l 976 Specification for one-percent chromium steel castings for resistance to
( first revision )
( second
A-3. Rivets
IS : 1929-1982 Specification for hot forged steel rivets for hot closing (12 to 36 mm diameter)
( first revision )
IS : 2998-l 982 Specification for cold forged steel rivets for cold closing (1 to 16 mm diameter)
( first revision )
A-4. Bolts
IS : 1363 Specification for hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C:
(Part I)-1984 Hexagon head bolts (size range M 5 to M 36) (secondrevision )
(Part 2)-1984 Hexagon head screws ( size range M 5 to M 36) ( second revision )
(Part 3)-1984 Hexagon nuts (size range M 5 to M 36 ) ( second revision )
IS : 1364 Specification for hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A and B:
(Part I)-1 983 Hexagon head bolts (size range M 3 to M 36) (second revision )
(Part 2)-1983 Hexagon screws ( size range M 3 to M 36 ) ( second revision )
IS : 2585-1968 Specification for black square bolts and nuts (diameter range 6 to 39 mm)
black square screws (diameter range 6 to 24 mm) ( first revision )
IS : 3138-1966 Specification for hexagonal bolts and nuts (M42 to M150)
IS : 7155 ( Part 1 )-1986
A-5. Conveyor Belts
IS : 1891 Rubber conveyor and elevator textile belting:
(Part I)-1988 General purpose belting ,( third revision )
(Part 2)-l 988 Heat-resistant belting ( second revision)
(Part 3)-1988 Oil-resistant belting ( second revision )
(Part 4)-1978 Hygienic belting
IS : 3181-l 978 Specification for fire resistant conveyor belting for underground use in coal
mines ( first revision )
A-6. Chain
IS : 2403-1975 Specification for transmission steel roller chains and chain wheels ( first
revision )
IS : 3542-l 980 Specification for extended pitch transmission precision roller chains and chain
wheels ( first revision )
IS : 3560-1980 Specification for short pitch transmission precision bush chains and chain
wheels ( first revision )
IS : 3948-1986 Specification for calibrated high tensile steel (round link) chain (electric butt
welded) for chain conveyors and coal ploughs used in mines ( first revision )
IS : 6834 Specification for conveyor chains, chain-wheels and attachments
(Part I)-1 973 Chains
,(Part 2)-1976 Chain-wheels
(Part 3)-1976 Attachments
A-7. Gears
IS : 2535-1978 Specification for basic rack and modules of cylindrical gears for general
engineering and heavy engineering ( second revision )
IS : 3734-1983 Dimensions for worm gearing (first revision )
IS : 5037-1969 Specification for basic rack and modules of straight bevel gears for general
engineering and heavy engineering
A-8. Wire Ropes
IS : 1856-1977 Specification for steel wire ropes for haulage purposes ( second revision )
IS : 2266-1978 Specification for steel wire ropes for general engineering purposes (second
revision )
A-9. Concrete
IS : 456-l 978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( third revision )
Note- Updated information shall be available in the latest available BIS Handbook.
( Clause 4.7 )
IS : 3938-1983 Specification for electric wire rope hoists ( second revision )
IS : 4240-I 984 Glossary of conveyor terms and definitions ( first revision )
IS : 4776 Specification for troughed belt coveyors:
(Part I)-1977 Surface installation ( first revision )
(Part 2)-1977 Troughed belt conveyors for underground installation
IS : 5228-l 969 Code of practice for construction of continuous movement monocable
IS : 5229-l 969
ropeways with fixed grips intended for transportation of passengers
Code of practice for construction of continuous movement monocable
ropeways with automatic grips intended for transportation of passengers
IS : 5230- 1969
IS : 5563-1985
IS : 5895- 1985
IS : 5972-1970
IS : 6832-1985
IS : 6833-l 973
IS : 6930-1973
IS : 7054-1973
IS : 7167-l 974
IS : 7423-1974
IS : 7439-1974
IS : 7465-1974
IS : 7649-1975
IS : 8531-I 986
IS : 8597-1977
IS : 8598-1977
IS : 8599-1977
IS : 8646-1977
IS : 8647-1977
IS : 8723-1978
IS : 8730-1978
IS : 9047
(Part I)-1 978
(Part 2)-l 980
(Part 3)-l 983
.(Part 4)-l 983
(Part 6)-l 980
IS : 9228-1979
IS : 9413-1980
IS : 9454-1980
IS : 9706-1980
IS : 9776-1981
IS : 9777-1981
IS : 10095-1982
IS : 10280-1982
IS : 10303-1982
IS : 10443-I 983
IS : 10463
,(Part 2) -1985
(Part 6)-1983
IS : 10464-1983
IS : 10678-I 983
IS : 10689-1983
IS : 10704-1983
IS : 10856-l 984
IS : 10859-1984
IS : 7155 ( Part 1 )-I986
Code of practice for construction of continuous to-and-fro movement bicable
ropeways intended for transportation of passengers
Specification for screw conveyors for industrial use (first revision)
Specification for steel roller conveyors (first revision )
Glossary of pneumatic and hydraulic conveying terms and definitions
Specification for fixing screws and fixing washers for buckets for bucket
elevators (first revision )
Specification for bucket elevators
Dimensions for fixing arrangements of buckets for bucket elevators
Specification for casing for bucket elevators
Code for selection and use of bucket elevators
Dimensions for apron conveyors
Dimensions for aeroslides
Specification for portable and mobile troughed belt conveyors
Glossary of terms used in connection with aerial ropeways and cableways
Specification for pulleys for belt conveyors (first revision )
Specification for flat belt conveyors
Specification for idlers and idler sets for belt conveyors
Recommendations for selection of apron conveyors
Specification for scraper (flight) conveyors
Specification for design criteria for pneumatic conveying systems
Dimensions for vibrating conveyors and feeders with rectangular or trapezoidal
Classification of bulk materials handled by continuous mechanical handling
Specification for data sheet for aerial ropeways and cableways:
Data to be supplied by intending purchaser for aerial system for transporta-
tion of goods
Data to be supplied by intending purchaser for aerial system for transporta-
tion of passengers, surface
Data to be supplied by intending purchaser for aerial system for transporta-
tion of passengers, under ground
Data to be supplied by intending purchaser for aerial system for transporta-
tion of goods, under ground
Data to be supplied by intending purchaser for aerial system for transporta-
tion of forestry products
Specification for mono seat chairs for chairlifts used in winter sports
Specification for rope guide rollers for haulage ropes for bicable aerial ropeways
for transportation of goods
Specification for bicable load carriers
Code of practice for the construction of aerial ropeways for the transportation
of material
Specification for data sheet for selection of weighing-cum-tipping/bag filling
machines for bulk handling
Specification for data sheet for weigh bridges for bulk handing equipment
Guidelines for selection of tipplers for broad gauge open railway wagons
Guidelines for format and contents of manuals for earth moving equipment
Code of practice for preservation and storage of earth moving equipment
Specification for data sheet for selection of marine loading arms
Glossary of terms for bulk handling equipment:
Stacking, loading and reclaiming equipment
Cyclic loose bulk handling equipment (non-stationary)
Specification for data sheet for selection of wagon puller/pusher
Specification for data sheet for design/selection of vacuum producer
Specification for minimum dimensions for access openings on earth-moving
Guidelines for design of access systems for earthmoving machinery
Specification for volumetric rating of elevating scrapers
Specification for volumetric rating of dumper bodies
Note - Updated information about these Indian Standards shall be available in the latest issue of the BIS Handbook.
I S : 7155 ( Par t 1 )-I 986
IS : 7155 as a cc&e of practice for conveyor safety was published in 1974. Based on the
experience gained in the field and revision of related International Standards as also the availability of
some other related IS0 standards, this revision has been taken up.
This Part 1 of the standard is one of the series of Indian Standards on code of recommended
practice for conveyor safety. The other parts of the standard are:
Part 2 General safety requirements, and
Part 3 Belt conveyors and feeders.
This Part 1 of the standard is a necessary adjunct to other parts of the standard.
In the preparation of this standard considerable assistance has been derived from the follow ing
IS0 1819-I 977 Continuous mechanical handling equipment - Safety code - General rules
issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
IS0 7149-I 982 Continuous handling equipment - Safety code - Special rules issued by the
International Organization for Standardization ISO, and
AS CZ 15-l 971 SAA Conveyor safety code issued by Standards Association of Australia.
Printed at Printrade, New Delhi, India