Amcat English Comprehension: Sample Questions: Timid
Amcat English Comprehension: Sample Questions: Timid
Amcat English Comprehension: Sample Questions: Timid
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1. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no
error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore - the errors of punctuation, if any
(! !t the end of the year" (# e$ery student who had done ade%uate wor&" (' was
automatically promoted. " (D (o error.
i !
ii #
iii '
i$ D
). In the %uestion a part of the sentence is italicised. !lternati$es to the italicised part are
gi$en which may impro$e the construction of the sentence. *elect the correct alternati$e.
+hate$er to our other problems, we ha$e no shortcoming to cheap labour in India.
i Default
ii Deficit
iii Scarcit
i$ (o Impro$ement needed
,. *elect the correct option that fills the blan& to ma&e the sentence meaningfully
The boy fell -. the bicycle.
i .f
ii O!!
iii /rom
i$ 0nder
1. *elect the word or phrase which best e2presses the meaning of the gi$en word
i /ast
ii *low
iii 3edium
i$ S"
4. *elect the word or phrase which best e2presses the meaning of the gi$en word
i 'ourageous
ii Ras"
iii #old
i$ Daring
5. *elect the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the gi$en word.
i 6ffortless
ii Proper
iii 'onduci$e
i$ 7ointed
$ Informati$e
8. *elect the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the gi$en word.
i !ggressi$e
ii *traightforward
iii Di(ni!ie)
i$ *upercilious
9. In the %uestion, there is a sentence of which some parts ha$e been :umbled up. Re-
arrange these parts which are labeled 7, ;, R and * to produce the correct sentence.
'hoose the proper se%uence.
It is easy to e2cuse
7< but it is hard
;< in a boy of fourteen
R< the mischief of early childhood
*< to tolerate e$en una$oidable faults
i R7;*
ii ;R*7
iii ;R7*
=. In the %uestion each passage consists of si2 sentences. The first and the si2th
sentences are gi$en in the beginning. The middle four sentences ha$e been remo$ed
and :umbled up. These are labelled 7, ;, R and *. *elect the proper order for the four
*1< !merican pri$ate li$es may seem shallow.
*5< This would not happen in 'hina, he said.
7< *tudents would wal& away with boo&s they had not paid for.
;< ! 'hinese :ournalist commented on a curious institution< the library.
R< Their public morality, howe$er, impressed $isitors.
*< #ut in general they returned them.
i 7*;R
iii R;7*
i$ R7*;
Passa(e * (;uestions 19, 1=, )>, )1 are based on the passage gi$en below< *elect the
correct answer option based on the passage.
'The great e$ent of the (ew ?or& cultural season of 199) was the $isit of the si2ty-two-
year-old 6nglish philosopher and social commentator @erbert *pencer. (owhere did
*pencer ha$e a larger or more enthusiastic following than in the 0nited *tates, where
such wor&s as A*ocial *taticsB and AThe Data of 6thicsB were celebrated as powerful
:ustifications for laisseC-faire capitalism. 'ompetition was preordainedD its result was
progressD and any institution that stood in the way of indi$idual liberties was $iolating the
natural order. A*ur$i$al of the fittestBEa phrase that 'harles Darwin too& from *pencer
Emade free competition a social as well as a natural law. *pencer was, arguably, the
single most influential systematic thin&er of the nineteenth century, but his influence,
compared with that of Darwin, 3ar2, or 3ill, was short-li$ed. In 1=,8, the @ar$ard
sociologist Talcott 7arsons as&ed, A+ho now reads *pencerFB -
1>. +hat could possibly GlaisseC-faireG mean as inferred from the conte2t in which it has
been used in the passageF
i Restricted
ii Not inter!ere) + t"e (o,ernment
iii 0nprincipled
i$ 0ncompetiti$e
!ll %uestions are 3ultiple-'hoice-;uestions with only one option as the correct answer.
Q*- T"e .uestion s"o/s a pair o! /or)s in /"ic" t"e !irst is relate) to t"e secon)
in some /a- It is !ollo/e) + a sin(le /or) /"ic" +ears a similar relation to one
o! t"e (i,en alternati,es- 0in) t"e correct alternati,e to complete t"e analo(-
3elt<Hi%uid<</reeCe< F
a. Ice
b. 'ondense
c. *olid
d. 'rystal
Q1- 0ill in t"e +lan2
Iuilt is to 7ast as @ope is to ......
a. 7resent
b. /uture
c. Today
d. Despair
e. @opeless
Q3- 0rom t"e (i,en c"oices select t"e o)) man out:
a. #ird
b. Jite
c. 'row
d. 7igeon
e. *parrow
Q4- 0in) t"e missin( pattern
#.;D < 6RTI << !(7' < F
a. D;*/
b. /*@0
c. *@/0
d. D*;/
Q5- 0in) t"e missin( num+er
4 < )1 << 9 < F
a. 54
b. 5,
c. 5)
d. 51
Q6- 0rom t"e (i,en c"oices select t"e o)) man out
a. D/@6I
b. T+K0L
c. .;*7R
d. MH(J3
Q7- I! HARD is co)e) as *357 an) SO0T is co)e) as 14689 /"at /ill 1*448 stan)
a. *@!/T
b. *@.RT
c. *@..T
d. *@!RT
Q8- 0in) t"e ne;t num+er in t"e series
1, 5, 1,, )), ,,, ......
a. 11
b. 14
c. 15
d. 18
Q<- T"e .uestion contains some statements !ollo/e) + some conclusions-
Deci)e /"ic" o! t"e (i,en conclusions lo(icall !ollo/ !rom t"e (i,en statements9
)isre(ar)in( commonl 2no/n !acts-
I !ll tomatoes are red.
II !ll grapes are tomatoes.
I !ll grapes are red.
II *ome Tomatoes are grapes.
a. .nly conclusion I follows.
b. .nly conclusion II follows.
c. (either I nor II follows
d. #oth I and II follow.
e. 6ither I or II follows
Q<- Ol) /oman=s son is m )au("ter=s uncle9 t"en /"at relation "as t"e ol)
to me :
a. *ister
b. 3other
c. Irandmother
d. 3other - in - law
Q*>- Ramu /as !acin( East-He /al2e) 4 2m !or/ar) an) t"en a!ter turnin( to "is
ri("t /al2e) 6 2m- A(ain "e turne) to "is ri("t an) /al2e) 7 2m- A!ter t"is "e
turne) +ac2-?"ic" )irection /as "e !acin( at t"e time:
a. 6ast
b. (orth
c. *outh
d. +est
e. (orth-6ast
Q **- T"e .uestion s"o/s a pair o! /or)s /"ic" are relate) to eac" ot"er in some
/a- Select t"at pair t"at e;presses t"e relations"ip t"at is most similar to t"e
(i,en pair-
7rodigious < 3eagre
a. *leep < Rela2ation
b. @andsome < #eautiful
c. Regard< @onour
d. 62hilarated < Depressed
Q *1- T"e .uestion contains a statement !ollo/e) + t/o Assumptions I an) II-
0in) out /"ic" assumption@sA is implicit-
'7lease do not wait for me, I may be late, start ta&ing lunch as soon as the guests arri$e.'
- a message from a Director of a 'ompany to his .ffice managers.
I. Jeeping guests waiting is not desirable.
II.Hunch may not be ready in time.
a. .nly !ssumption I is implicit.
b. .nly !ssumption II is implicit.
c. 6ither !ssumption I or II is implicit.
d. (either !ssumption I nor II is implicit.
e. #oth !ssumptions I and II are implicit.
Q$ANTITATI'E A&ILIT%: Sample Questions
Direction< 'hoose the correct answer option
1. Tea worth Rs. 1)5 per &g and Rs. 1,4 per &g are mi2ed with a third $ariety in the ratio
1<1<). If the mi2ture is worth Rs. 14, per &g, the price of the third $ariety per &g will be<
i Rs. 15=.4>
ii Rs. 18>
iii Rs- *75-5>
i$ Rs. 19>
). If 4N more is gained by selling an article for Rs. ,4> than by selling it for Rs. ,1>, the
cost of the article is<
i Rs. 4>
ii Rs. 15>
iii Rs- 1>>
i$ Rs. ))4
,. /our different electronic de$ices ma&e a beep after e$ery ,> minutes, 1 hour, ,") hour
and 1 hour 14 minutes respecti$ely. !ll the de$ices beeped together at 1) noon. They
will again beep together at<
i 1) 3idnight
ii , a.m
iii 5 a.m.
i$ < a-m
1. Ronald and 6lan are wor&ing on an assignment. Ronald ta&es 5 hours to type ,)
pages on a computer, while 6lan ta&es 4 hours to type 1> pages. @ow much time will
they ta&e, wor&ing together on two different computers to type an assignment of 11>
i 8 hours ,> minutes
ii 9 hours
iii 8 "ours *5 minutes
i$ 9 hours )4 minutes
4. +hat is the highest power of 4 that di$ides => 2 9> 2 8> 2 5> 2 4> 2 1> 2 ,> 2 )> 2 1>F
i *>
ii 1)
iii 11
i$ (one of these
5. 1.4
O >.>))4
i >.>,84
ii >-3375
iii ,.)84
i$ ,).84
8. +hat is the $alue of >
i >
ii 1
iii -1>
i$ None o! t"ese
9. 9=).8 - 48,.>8 - =4.>>8 PF
i 114-613
ii ))1.888
iii ),,.4),
i$ 111.5,8
=. If )! P ,# and 1# P 4', then !< ' is<
i 1 < ,
ii 9 < 14
iii *5 : 8
i$ , < 1
1>. 'onsider the following statements< If a sum of money is lent at simple interest, then
1. 3oney gets doubled in 4 years if the rate of interest is 4>", N.
). 3oney gets doubled in 4 years if the rate of interest is )>N.
,. 3oney becomes four times in 1> years if it gets doubled in 4 years.
.f these *tatements<
i 1 and , are correct
ii 1 alone is correct
iii , alone is correct
i$ ) and , are correct
11. I started on my bicycle at 8 a.m. to reach a certain place. !fter going a certain
distance, my bicycle went out of order. 'onse%uently, I rested for ,4 minutes and came
bac& to my house wal&ing all the way. I reached my house at 1 p.m. If my cycling speed
is 1> &mph and my wal&ing speed 1 &mph, then on my bicycle I co$ered a distance of<
i 4-<1 2m
ii 1,.11 &m
iii 11.,84 &m
i$ 14.185 &m
1). Three taps !, # and ' can fill a tan& in 1), 14 and )> hours respecti$ely. If ! is open
all the time and # and ' are open for one hour each alternately, the tan& will be full in<
i 5 hrs.
ii )>", hrs
iii 7 "rs
i$ 14") hrs
COMP$TER LITERAC%: Sample Questions
1. +hich one of the following is not an input de$iceF
a. Touch screen
b. Jeyboard
c. 3ouse
d. 7rinter
). @ow do you rename a fileF
a. *hift Q left clic& on the file and choose Rename in the menu
b. 'trl Q left clic& on the file and choose Rename in the menu
c. Double clic& on the file and choose Rename in the menu
d. Right clic& on the file and choose Rename in the menu
,. ?ou donRt remember where you sa$ed a file but you &now the file name. @ow will you
find the fileF
a. Io to and search the file name there
b. Io to 3y 'omputer and use the *earch option gi$en there
c. Io to *tart 3enu and use the *earch .ption gi$en there
d. Io to and search the file name there
1. If you need to create a slide presentation, which .ffice application would you useF
a. 62cel
b. 7ublisher
c. 7ower7oint
d. +ord
4. +hat does the /ile S *a$e command do in 3* +ordF
a. *a$e the file under a new name
b. *a$e the file with the same name as before
c. *a$e the file in a new folder
d. (one of the abo$e
5. +hich one of the following is not an e-mail ser$ice pro$iderF
a. I3ail
b. ?ahoo3ail
c. 3*( Hi$e
d. Rapidshare
8. +hich command copies highlighted te2t in 3* +ordF
a. 'trl Q L
b. 'trl Q '
c. !lt Q '
d. !lt Q L