Operating Room Ventilation With Laminar Airflow Shows
No Protective Effect on the Surgical Site Infection Rate in Orthopedic and Abdominal Surgery Christian Brandt, MD,* Uwe Hott, MD,* Dorit Sohr, PhD,* Franz Daschner, MD, PhD, Petra Gastmeier, MD, PhD,* and Henning Ruden, MD, PhD* Objective: To evaluate whether operating room (OR) ventilation with (vertical) laminar airow impacts on surgical site infection (SSI) rates. Design: Retrospective cohort-study based on routine surveillance data. Patients and Methods: Sixty-three surgical departments participating voluntarily in the German national nosocomial infections surveillance system KISS were included (a total of 99,230 operations). Active SSI surveillance was performed according to the methods and denitions given by the US National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system. Surgical departments were stratied according to type of ORventilation used: (1) turbulent ventilation with high-efciency particulate air- ltered air, and (2) HEPA-ltered (vertical) laminar airow ventilation. Multivariate analyses were performed by the generalized estimating equations method to control for the following variables as possible confounders: (a) Patient-based: wound contamination class, ASA score, operation duration, patients age and gender, endoscopic operation; (b) Hospital-based: the number of beds in the hospital, its academic status, operation frequency, and long-term participation in KISS. Results: The risk for severe SSI after hip prosthesis implantation was signicantly higher using laminar airow OR ventilation (1.63 1.06; 2.52), as compared with turbulent ventilation. The adjusted odds ratios for the other operative procedures analyzed were: knee prosthesis 1.76 0.80, 3.85; appendectomy 1.52 0.91, 2.53; cholecystec- tomy 1.37 0.63, 2.97; colon surgery 0.85 0.49, 1.49; and herniorrhaphy 1.48 0.67; 3.25. Conclusions: Unexpectedly, in this analysis, which controlled for many patient and hospital-based confounders, OR ventilation with laminar airow showed no benet and was even associated with a signicantly higher risk for severe SSI after hip prosthesis. (Ann Surg 2008;248: 695700) V entilation systems are widely used in operating rooms (ORs) in many countries around the world. Their use is based on the assumption that they contribute to the prevention of surgical site infections (SSI) that represent a signicant and serious public health problem and also have a major impact on the cost of healthcare. 13 On the other hand, OR ventilation systems themselves entail high investment costs and operating expenses. A recent study from Italy 4 showed a 24% increase in building costs, and a 34% increase in annual operating costs using the ultraclean versus the conventional system. There is sparse evidence to support this costly inter- vention, because, to date, few controlled clinical studies have been published with the end point SSI. Only 1 study on joint replacement surgery 5 was classied as a randomized con- trolled study; however, this study was subject to confounding by administration of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP), which is another important preventive measure. For all other types of surgery, there is no evidence from controlled clinical trials that clean air conditions are of benet in the prevention of infections. The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) guideline for the prevention of SSI 6 published in 1999 recommended to consider performing orthopedic implant operations in ORs supplied with ultraclean air and classied this recommenda- tion as category II (ie, suggested for implementation and supported by suggestive clinical or epidemiological studies or theoretical rationale.). In the following years, no further evidence from controlled trials supporting the need for clean air conditions became available. Consequently, the HICPAC Guideline for Environmental Infection Control 7 published in 2003 offers no recommendation on performing orthopedic implant surgery in rooms supplied with laminar airow, ie, it is an unresolved issue. The well established German National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System Krankenhaus (hospital) Infec- tions Surveillance System (KISS) 8,9 offers the opportunity to study the inuence of open, vertical laminar airow OR ventilation on the outcome SSI in a large number of hospitals, in particular, with regard to high-frequency operative proce- dures. A number of hospital- and patient-based variables are available in the data set, thus permitting to control for many possible confounders. 10 Most importantly, the basic preven- tive measures such as PAP, 11 hand and skin antisepsis with From the *ChariteUniverstitatsmedizin Berlin, Berlin; and Institute of Hygiene, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. The KISS Project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Health. The study received no additional support and there are no conicts of interest. Reprints: Dr. Christian Brandt, MD, Head of Infection Control, University Hospital of the Goethe-University, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 20, Frankfurt am Main 60596, Ger- many. E-mail: christian.brandt@kgu.de. Copyright 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISSN: 0003-4932/08/24805-0695 DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31818b757d Annals of Surgery Volume 248, Number 5, November 2008 695 alcohol-based disinfectants, use of liquid-resistant surgical gowns and drapes have been well established in Germany for many years. 12 Horizontal laminar airow systems, laminar airow systems enclosed by walls, or semi-enclosed systems with partial walls have never been recommended by German national guidelines, 12,13 neither do they conform to national industrial standards. 14,15 They have not been used routinely for many years. Body exhaust systems are not recommended either and are not routinely used in Germany. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of HEPA-ltered air conditions, either turbulent or directed by (vertical) laminar airow on SSI rates in a number of high- frequency orthopedic and abdominal procedures. METHODS The German National Nosocomial Infections Surveil- lance System KISS applies, with minor modications, the denitions and methods given by the US National Nosoco- mial Infection Surveillance (NNIS) system (especially Cen- ters for Disease Control (CDC) denitions for SSI and risk stratication). 10,16 According to the CDC denition, deep and organ/space SSI are referred to as Severe SSI, whereas the total SSI number also includes supercial SSIs. Six operative procedure categories, including hip and knee prosthesis, ap- pendectomy, cholecystectomy, colon surgery, and hernior- rhaphy, on which more than 20 hospitals participating in the surveillance system continuously report data were included in this study. The data analyzed were provided by surgical depart- ments, each of which performed at least 100 operations (from 2000 through 2004) in the respective operative procedure category in question. Each hospital provided separate infor- mation on the ventilation technology installed in ORs used routinely for abdominal surgery and those used for hip/knee implantations. The data were obtained by a questionnaire (August 2004) from the infection controls teams performing active SSI surveillance in the participating hospitals. The response rate was 63% and there was no signicant difference in the SSI rate among respondents and nonrespondents (exact Kruskal-Wallis-test and exact Jonckheere-Terpstra-test). Surgical departments were assigned to 3 groups accord- ing to the OR ventilation technique in place: (i) OR without articial ventilation, ie, natural ventilation by windows; (ii) conventional turbulent ventilation with HEPA-ltered air; (iii) HEPA-ltered laminar airow ventilation by (vertical) laminar airow supply air diffusers. Because the number of departments in the group without articial ventilation was too low for analysis (in the case of hip prosthesis, only 3 of 47 departments had natural OR ventilation), only the depart- ments using articial OR ventilation with either turbulent or laminar airow were included in this study. The questionnaire data on the OR ventilation technique and the SSI surveillance data from the KISS database were merged. All the analyses were performed individually for each operative procedure category using SAS for Windows (release 9.1; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A univariate analysis was performed. The analyzed data were stratied by OR ventilation technique. The number of operations, the number of SSI, and the pooled mean SSI rate are given for each of the strata, and the range of SSI rates in the departments assigned to each stratum. These strata were compared by Fisher exact test (Table 1). Multivariate analyses were performed to control for potentially confound- ing variables: gender and age of the individual patients; the NNIS risk index variables (ASA score, wound class, duration of operation); full endoscopic operations; turbulent or laminar airow OR ventilation; frequency of the operative procedure in question (obtained from the KISS database); number of hospital beds; academic status of the hospital; and long-term (2 years) participation by the surgical department in KISS. For each operative procedure, separate multiple logistic regression analyses based on the level of single operations/ patients were performed by the generalized estimating equations method 17,18 to predict the patients SSI outcome (yes/no). This method considers the data structure with the departments as clusters. Developed logistic regression mod- els represented the adjusted odds of acquiring SSI depending on patients risk factors. These analyzes were performed rst for all SSI and then for the severe SSI only. RESULTS The inclusion criteria were met by 63 surgical depart- ments in 55 hospitals (some hospitals have different surgical departments using distinct OR, which may differ in ventila- tion technology). The pool of data analyzed consisted of 99,230 operations with 1901 SSIs. The results of the univar- iate analyses (shown in Table 1) revealed higher SSI rates in departments with laminar airow OR ventilation (as com- pared with turbulent OR ventilation) for all of the examined operative procedures, with the exception of colon surgery. The results of the multivariate analyses conrmed the ten- dency toward a higher SSI risk in laminar airow ventilated ORs (detailed results for all SSI shown in Table 2 and for severe SSI in Table 3). For some operative procedures, variables describing the structure of the surgical department other than OR ventilation constituted signicant factors inuencing the risk of SSI. As far as the patient-based variables were concerned, various results were obtained for different operative procedures, with the NNIS risk index variables and age and gender represent- ing signicant risk factors for most of the procedures. Fully endoscopically performed operations had a signicant lower risk of SSI in the case of appendectomy, cholecystectomy, and herniorrhaphy, but not in colon surgery. These ndings are mostly in accordance with published studies. 10,19,20 DISCUSSION This retrospective study based on recent surveillance data showed higher SSI rates using laminar airow in the OR (as compared with turbulent clean air) for hip prosthesis and no signicant differences for knee prosthesis and abdominal surgery (appendectomy, cholecystectomy, colon surgery, and herniorrhaphy). This detrimental effect was an unexpected nding, and whether these results can be generalized requires further discussion. The most important result (greater number of Brandt et al Annals of Surgery Volume 248, Number 5, November 2008 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 696 severe SSI after hip prosthesis under laminar airow) was conrmed by multivariate analyses controlling for some pos- sible confounders, such as patient- and hospital-based indi- cators for case severity. The data pool analyzed here repro- duced some known risk factors for SSI (ie, the NNIS risk index factors: ASA score, wound class, duration of the operation, and endoscopic surgery) and demonstrates that patient factors such as age and gender are important con- founding factors, which should be considered for some op- erative procedures. The department-based factors analyzed, such as the academic status of the hospital and bed number, have been shown to be signicant factors for some operative procedures. This may be because case severity is not yet exhaustively considered by the (patient-based) NNIS risk index variables. Finally, due to surveillance-induced infection control activities, lower infection rates have been described in TABLE 1. Analyzed Data Stratified by Operating Room Ventilation Technique and P Value for the Comparison of These Strata (Regarding All SSI and Regarding Only Severe SSI) Operative Procedure All Departments Turbulent Ventilated Laminar Air-Flow Ventilated P* Hip prosthesis No. departments 44 14 30 No. operations 28,623 10,966 17,657 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 470 (1.64) 144 (1.31) 326 (1.85) 0.001 Range of departments SSI rates 0.07.14 0.05.93 0.07.14 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 341 (1.19) 99 (0.903) 242 (1.37) 0.001 Range of department severe SSI rates 0.07.14 0.02.77 0.07.14 Knee prosthesis No. departments 18 5 13 No. operations 9396 3403 5993 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 108 (1.15) 28 (0.823) 80 (1.33) 0.027 Range of departments SSI rates 0.04.26 0.01.29 0.04.26 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 77 (0.819) 22 (0.646) 55 (0.918) 0.19 Range of department severe SSI rates 0.02.55 0.00.98 0.02.55 Appendectomy No. departments 22 9 13 No. operations 10,969 3,776 7,193 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 264 (2.41) 70 (1.85) 194 (2.70) 0.006 Range of departments SSI rates 0.05.08 0.04.21 0.515.08 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 136 (1.24) 41 (1.09) 95 (1.32) 0.318 Range of department severe SSI rates 0.03.04 0.02.63 0.03.04 Cholecystectomy No. departments 32 13 19 No. operations 20,676 8,257 12,419 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 300 (1.45) 109 (1.32) 191 (1.54) 0.213 Range of departments SSI rates 0.06.96 0.04.32 0.06.96 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 127 (0.614) 40 (0.484) 87 (0.701) 0.056 Range of departments severe SSI rates 0.04.51 0.01.04 0.04.51 Colon surgery No. departments 21 6 15 No. operations 8,696 2,495 6,201 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 492 (5.66) 176 (7.05) 316 (5.10) 0.001 Range of departments SSI rates 0.017.1 0.017.1 0.5214.2 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 226 (2.60) 68 (2.73) 158 (2.55) 0.655 Range of department severe SSI rates 0.011.7 0.05.73 0.5211.7 Herniorrhaphy No. departments 35 14 21 No. operations 20,870 8,203 12,667 No. SSI (total SSI rate in %) 267 (1.28) 69 (0.841) 198 (1.56) 0.001 Range of departments SSI rates 0.03.70 0.01.68 0.03.70 No. severe SSI (rate in %) 102 (0.489) 29 (0.354) 73 (0.576) 0.025 Range of department severe SSI rates 0.01.18 0.01.97 0.01.18 Severe SSI are deep and organ/space SSI, the total SSI rate includes also the supercial SSIs. *P value according to Fisher exact test. Annals of Surgery Volume 248, Number 5, November 2008 Effects of Operating Room Ventilation on the SSI Rate 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 697 departments with long-term participation in the surveillance system. 19,21 Therefore, this fact was considered as a variable for analysis. However, in the data set analyzed in the study, the benet of surveillance for SSI rates was only reproduced in the case of colon surgery. Another important confounding factor is PAP. The major methodologic decit of Lidwell et als study 5 was that it was impossible to clearly distinguish the effects of PAP and clean air conditions. The protective inuence of PAP has been demonstrated for the operative procedures investigated here, and it is highly recommended by established national German guidelines. 12,22 Whether prophylaxis was adminis- tered was not documented individually for each patient in the surveillance data analyzed in this study. However, it is known from a national quality assessment system 11 that these guide- lines are widely followed. In the year 2004, PAP was given TABLE 2. Adjusted Odds Ratios (With 95% Confidence Intervals) for the Outcome (All) Surgical Site Infections Depending on the Presence of the Analyzed Hospital- and Patient-Based Variables Hip Prosthesis Knee Prosthesis Appendectomy Cholecystectomy Colon Surgery Herniorrhaphy Hospital-based factors Operating room ventilation by laminar air ow (versus conventional ventilation) 1.44 (0.93, 2.23) 2.38 (0.89, 6.33) 2.09 (1.08, 4.02) 1.53 (0.95, 2.45) 1.17 (0.65, 2.11) 1.67 (0.95, 2.91) Hospitals no. beds 600 1.11 (0.75, 1.67) 1.10 (0.41, 2.99) 0.83 (0.17, 3.96) 2.24 (1.27, 3.95) 2.09 (1.32, 3.31) 1.72 (1.15, 2.57) Hospitals frequency of the operations in this procedure category 75th percentile of KISS participants 0.94 (0.65, 1.35) 0.96 (0.43, 2.14) 0.42 (0.22, 0.80) 1.01 (0.56, 1.84) 0.42 (0.26, 0.65) 0.87 (0.53, 1.42) Hospitals academic status: University Hospital 0.57 (0.37, 0.87) 1.36 (0.62, 2.96) 2.87 (0.60, 13.8) 1.91 (1.10, 3.31) 3.88 (1.94, 7.76) 1.27 (0.73, 2.22) Surgical departments participation in KISS 2 yr 1.12 (0.66, 1.92) 1.65 (0.68, 3.98) 1.11 (0.56, 2.20) 1.29 (0.73, 2.28) 0.41 (0.22, 0.77) 1.47 (0.75, 2.88) Patient-based factors American Society of Anesthesiologists Score 3 1.73 (1.54, 1.96) 1.78 (1.21, 2.62) 1.37 (1.04, 1.81) 1.45 (1.13, 1.86) 1.40 (1.12, 1.74) 1.73 (1.25, 2.38) Contaminated or dirty-infected wound class 2.53 (1.19, 5.40) 6.62 (1.90, 23.1) 1.39 (0.99, 1.94) 1.21 (0.92, 1.59) 1.43 (0.97, 2.11) 1.67 (0.91, 3.09) Operation duration 75th percentile 1.24 (1.02, 1.52) 2.23 (1.41, 3.51) 1.69 (1.15, 2.50) 1.41 (1.12, 1.79) 1.34 (1.10, 1.62) 1.85 (1.46, 2.36) Full endoscopic operation 0.41 (0.23, 0.71) 0.35 (0.24, 0.51) 1.40 (0.94, 2.10) 0.31 (0.10, 0.99) Age 75th percentile 1.42 (1.19, 1.68) 0.61 (0.43, 0.86) 2.06 (1.47, 2.89) 1.30 (0.98, 1.72) 0.89 (0.71, 1.11) 0.82 (0.57, 1.17) Male gender 1.27 (1.04, 1.55) 1.00 (0.63, 1.58) 1.38 (0.89, 1.93) 1.11 (0.86, 1.42) 1.17 (0.96, 1.43) 0.44 (0.29, 0.67) TABLE 3. Adjusted Odds Ratios (With 95% Confidence Intervals) for the Outcome Severe Surgical Site Infections Depending on the Presence of the Analyzed Hospital- and Patient-Based Variables Hip Prosthesis Knee Prosthesis Appendectomy Cholecystectomy Colon Surgery Herniorrhaphy Hospital-based factors Operating room ventilation by laminar air ow (versus conventional ventilation) 1.63 (1.06, 2.52) 1.76 (0.80, 3.85) 1.52 (0.91, 2.53) 1.37 (0.63, 2.97) 0.85 (0.49, 1.49) 1.48 (0.67, 3.25) Hospitals no. beds 600 1.09 (0.72, 1.67) 1.12 (0.43, 2.95) 1.48 (0.64, 3.45) 2.31 (0.76, 7.07) 2.52 (1.43, 4.46) 0.99 (0.24, 4.10) Hospitals frequency of the operations in this procedure category 75th percentile of KISS participants 1.01 (0.69, 1.49) 1.03 (0.54, 1.95) 0.40 (0.20, 0.81) 1.18 (0.60, 2.34) 0.24 (0.14, 0.41) 1.21 (0.60, 2.44) Hospitals academic status: University Hospital 0.42 (0.18, 1.01) 1.35 (0.64, 2.87) 0.21 (0.09, 0.51) 0.54 (0.16, 1.86) 1.74 (0.84, 3.59) 1.72 (0.35, 8.38) Surgical departments participation in KISS 2 yr 0.79 (0.44, 1.39) 1.01 (0.46, 2.22) 2.43 (0.85, 6.97) 3.05 (0.84, 11.1) 0.62 (0.33, 1.18) 4.81 (1.13, 20.4) Patient-based factors American Society of Anesthesiologists Score 3 1.85 (1.57, 2.17) 2.12 (1.27, 3.54) 1.64 (0.90, 2.99) 1.38 (0.95, 1.99) 1.86 (1.28, 2.71) 1.87 (1.07, 3.24) Contaminated or dirty-infected wound class 3.37 (1.44, 7.88) 6.79 (1.79, 25.7) 1.08 (0.60, 1.92) 1.10 (0.78, 1.55) 1.24 (0.78, 1.96) 0.97 (0.25, 3.78) Operation duration 75th percentile 1.22 (0.92, 1.64) 1.51 (0.89, 2.56) 1.75 (1.13, 2.71) 1.77 (1.16, 2.70) 1.61 (1.25, 2.07) 2.14 (1.45, 3.15) Full endoscopic operation 0.43 (0.27, 0.68) 0.33 (0.27, 0.40) 1.39 (0.92, 2.09) 0.48 (0.09, 2.48) Age 75th percentile 1.35 (1.09, 1.67) 0.56 (0.36, 0.85) 1.96 (1.34, 2.87) 1.29 (0.88, 1.89) 0.95 (0.71, 1.26) 0.67 (0.44, 1.30) Male gender 1.26 (0.98, 1.60) 1.20 (0.75, 1.93) 1.22 (0.94, 1.59) 1.56 (1.20, 2.03) 1.59 (1.39, 1.83) 0.42 (0.22, 0.78) Brandt et al Annals of Surgery Volume 248, Number 5, November 2008 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 698 to 98.3% of the hip prosthesis patients (n 114,065) and to 98.2% of the knee prosthesis patients (n 118,922). For operative procedures classied as clean-contaminated or con- taminated, PAP is also well established in Germany. 22 We, therefore, believe that our results are not affected by con- founding because of the factor PAP. Because this is a study based on an established surveil- lance database, some limitations inherent to this design should be discussed. The available variables cannot cover all of the critical confounders that may inuence the central question of the study. Patient-based factors such as smoking and obesity are missing in the KISS database. Also, the details of perioperative management that may inuence SSI risk, such as intraoperative temperature, glycemia, and sur- gical technique (eg, use of cautery) were not considered and may have inuenced the results. The data quality (ie, differences between the hospitals in the intensity of reporting infections) should be discussed. However, in our opinion, use of routine surveillance data rather than a controlled clinical study design is outweighed by the large number of participating centers and procedures in- cluded. The quality of the surveillance is assured by regular training of the data collectors. Only hospitals with experience of at least 100 operations under surveillance have been included here; most have participated voluntarily for many years. Postdischarge surveillance is encouraged but is not performed systematically. It has been shown recently that most severe cases of SSI are diagnosed on readmission, 23 and we, therefore, believe that the sensitivity of our surveillance system is satisfactory for these most important infections. When multivariate analyses were made taking into account only these severe infections, the results were similar to those of the analyses based on all infections, ie, no protective effect of OR laminar airow. Some studies show that laminar airow systems reduce the bacterial burden in OR air, 24 especially when old and new ORs are compared. 25 However, a correlation has not been established between airborne bacteria counts and SSI rates. A recent study failed to demonstrate an effect of OR laminar airow on postoperative wound contamination. 26 Our work concentrated on patient outcome and did not consider any data on OR air quality. It can be assumed that the installed OR ventilation technique is functional in the enrolled hospi- tals, because, in Germany, this is subject to regular controls by the health authorities. An analysis of 22,170 hip arthroplasties from the Nor- wegian Arthroplasty Register revealed no signicant differ- ences in the patients long-term outcome (deep SSI or aseptic loosing) depending on the OR ventilation. 27 This nding is concordant with our results. The unexpected nding that the presence of laminar airow ventilation in the OR is associated with a greater number of SSIs requires investigation. It has been discussed in the literature that improper positioning of OR personnel in a horizontal laminar ow room may increase infection, 28 and it may be that improper positioning of surgical personnel also increases the risk of infection in association with vertical laminar airow. The heads of the surgical team members may be positioned above the surgical site, 29 ie, directly in the laminar airstream from the ceiling down to the wound. This may facilitate pathogen-containing particles, such as droplets and skin-particles, falling directly into the wound with the downstream airow. Another hypothesis that may explain this phenomenon is that articial OR ventilation could result in lower intraop- erative tissue temperatures in the surgical wound. OR venti- lation often leads to the fresh air being cooler than the room temperature, because cooling is an important factor for the comfort of OR personnel, especially because the operating team is exposed to the heat of the OR lights while wearing sterile gowns. In the case of laminar airow, the cooling effect of the fresh air on the surgical wound may have greater relevance, because the source of the ltered (cold) air is above the operation eld and the air falls directly (laminar) down onto the wound tissue. To our knowledge, local wound tempera- ture has not yet been monitored, whereas systemic hypother- mia is a known risk factor for SSI. 30,31 In conclusion, our data did not demonstrate an infec- tion-prevention benet of laminar airow OR ventilation. The tendency toward a greater number of SSI after most operative procedures (which is signicant in the case of hip prosthesis and appendectomy) requires further investigation. Consequently, these data support the HICPAC categorization of this question as an unresolved issue, 7 and do not support current demands by German national guidelines 12,13 and industrial standards (DIN 1946-4 and VDI 2167) 15,32 for articial ventilation with clean air, and especially laminar airow conditions for the majority of OR. Further random- ized clinical trials using dened case nding methods, con- trolling for operative procedure, patients disease severity, and additional risk factors (such as obesity and smoking) are needed. Relevant differences in medical treatment (such as antibiotic prophylaxis, intraoperative temperaturesystemic and in the woundand glycemia management) and surgical technique (such as use of cautery) should also be included. REFERENCES 1. Coello R, Charlett A, Wilson J, et al. Adverse impact of surgical site infections in English hospitals. J Hosp Infect. 2005;60:93103. 2. Kirkland KB, Briggs JP, Trivette SL, et al. 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