HamRadioIndia - Baofeng UV-5R Programming Cable
HamRadioIndia - Baofeng UV-5R Programming Cable
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Baofeng UV-5R Programming Cable
Niras C V / VU3CNS
Baofeng UV-5R is a low cost micro-miniature VHF/UHF amateur radio transceiver with 4W output power. The transceiver has 128 user
programmable memory channels. But programming will be a painful task if its own keypad is used. These memory channels can be set in the "name
display" mode, where user settable names can be displayed instead of frequency or channel number. Note that, these names can be set using PC
software only, so a programming cable is a must.
Figure. 1. Baofeng UV-5R Dual Band VHF/UHF Transceiver
Baofeng UV-5R uses RS232 to communicate or programming with the PC software. Since the radio interface is 3.3V, a level translator from RS232
level is required. The USB programming cables may available from different vendors, which consist of a USB to serial convertor chip, and the driver
software to emulate a serial port in your PC. But if your PC has a serial port (COM port), you can make your own programming cable with a few
components. The programming software can be download from different sites [1][2].
Figure. 2. Schematic of Baofeng UV-5R programming cable
Figure 2 shows a simple schematic of RS232 level converter using two transistors and few other components. The 3.5mm speaker Jack and 2.5mm
mic jack are used for connecting PC to the radio. After connecting the transceiver to the PC, switch on the radio and run the programming software.
Since we are using COM port for programming, it is not necessary to install any driver software, just select COM port name in the software. You can
program all channel with RX/TX frequencies, TX power, channel name etc.
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HamRadioIndia Baofeng UV-5R Programming Cable http://www.hamradio.in/circuits/baofeng_uv5r.php
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Figure. 3. Screenshot of programming UV-5R
[1] http://www.uv-5r.com/
[2] http://www.radioshop888.com/shop_displaynews.php?id=292&locate=1
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HamRadioIndia Baofeng UV-5R Programming Cable http://www.hamradio.in/circuits/baofeng_uv5r.php
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