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Mixed Tenses Exercises

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Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

1. I (learn) English for seven years now.
2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks
(not / e) really that good then.
!. "s I (#ass / want) my English e$am su%%essfully ne$t year, I (study)
harder this term.
&. 'uring my last summer holidays, my #arents (send) me on a language
%ourse to (ondon.
). It (e) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.
*. Before I (go) to (ondon, I (not / en+oy) learning English.
,. But while I (do) the language %ourse, I (meet) lots of young
#eo#le from all over the world.
-. .here I (noti%e) how im#ortant it (e) to s#eak foreign languages
/. 0ow I (have) mu%h more fun learning English than I (have)
efore the %ourse.
11. "t the moment I (revise) English grammar.
11. "nd I (egin / already) to read the te$ts in my English te$tooks again.
12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.
1!. 2y e$am (e) on 1) 2ay, so there (not / e) any time to e lost.
1&. If I (#ass) my e$ams su%%essfully, I (start) an a##renti%eshi# in
1). "nd after my a##renti%eshi#, maye I (go) a%k to (ondon to work there for
a while.
1. I have een learning a%tion that started in the #ast and is still going on now, em#hasis
is #ut on the duration (signal word4 for seven years) 5 Present Perfect Progressive
English for seven years now.
2. But last year I was not working hard enough for English, that's why my marks were
not 1st er!" you %an either use #ast #rogressive or sim#le #ast.
a) 6ast 6rogressive4 #uts em#hasis on the duration
) 3im#le 6ast4 #uts em#hasis on the fa%t
#n$ er!" a fa%t in the #ast 5 Simple Past . really that good then.
3. "s I want to #ass my English e$am su%%essfully ne$t year, I am going to study1st
ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present (after 'want' use 'to' 7 infinitive)
2nd ver4 de%ision made for the future 5 Future I going to . harder this term.
4. 'uring my last summer holidays, my #arents sent%om#leted a%tion in the #ast 5 Simple
Past me on a language %ourse to (ondon.
5. It was great and I think I have learned1st ver4 fa%t in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present
!rd ver4 finished a%tion that has an influen%e on the #resent. em#hasis is on the result
5 Present Perfect Simple a lot.
6. Before I went to (ondon, I had not en+oyed1st ver4 a%tion in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 a%tion taking #la%e efore that %ertain time in the #ast (signal word4 efore) 5
Past Perfect . learning English.
7. But while I was doing the language %ourse, I met1st ver4 a%tion taking #la%e only for
a %ertain #eriod in the #ast 5 Past Progressive
2nd ver4 short a%tions in the #ast taking #la%e in the middle of another a%tion 5
Simple Past . lots of young #eo#le from all over the world.
8. .here I noti%ed how im#ortant it is1st ver4 oservation in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 general fa%t that is true for the #resent 5 Simple Present to s#eak foreign
languages nowadays.
9. 0ow I have mu%h more fun learning English than I had1st ver4 situation in the
#resent 5 Simple Present
2nd ver4 situation in the #ast 5 Simple Past efore the %ourse.
10. "t the moment I am revisinga%tion ha##ening around now (signal word4 at the
moment) 5 Present Progressive English grammar.
11. "nd I have already eguna%tion that has +ust started (signal word4 already), em#hasis
is #ut on the fa%t (not the duration) 5 Present Perfect Simple to read the te$ts in my
English te$tooks again.
12. I think I will do1st ver4 feeling in the #resent 5 Simple Present
2nd ver4 assum#tion with regard to the future (signal word4 I think) 5 Future I will
one unit every week.
13. 2y e$am is on 1) 2ay, so there is not1st ver4 the e$a%t date for the e$am is already
s%heduled 5 Simple Present .
2nd ver4 idiomati% e$#ression any time to e lost.
14. If I #ass my e$ams su%%essfully, I will startdonditional senten%e ty#e I4 if 7 3im#le
6resent, 8uture I will an a##renti%eshi# in 3e#temer.
1). "nd after my a##renti%eshi#, maye I will goassum#tion / dream for the
futureermutung 5 Future I mit will . a%k to (ondon to work there for a while.
Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. They (build) a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) my name.
3. 'What time (e!in come) "' '#n hour ago.'
$. I (not go) to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
%. &arol in!ited us to the party but we (not go) . We had other
things to do.
'. I saw (ridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not
see) me.
). 'Where (your parents li!e) "' 'In a !illage near *ondon. They
ha!e always li!ed there.'
+. ,he spea-s .nglish but she (not spea-) French.
/. 0e11 is 1rom *ondon. 2e (li!e) there all his li1e.
13. 4y 1a!ourite country is &anada. I (be) there 1our times.
11. I (ne!er eat) bananas.
12. '2ow long (you study) 5hotography"' 'For one year.'
13. 'Where are you going on holiday"' 'I don't -now. We (not decide)
1$. Who (in!ent) the washing machine"
1%. 'Where's 0ill"' ',he (ha!e) lunch at the moment.'
1'. (Terry wor-) " 6o7 he is on holiday.
1). ,omebody (steal) my sunglasses at the swimming pool
last wee-.
1+. (she wear) the nice 8ac-et when you saw her"
1/. Where (be) you yesterday"
23. #s you (see 9 can) 7 I (become) a real *ondon 1an
1. They (build) #:. (;I*<I6= a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) &#**.< my name.
3. 'What time (e!in come<I< .>I6 &?4. "' '#n hour ago.'
$. I (not go) <I< 6?T =? to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
%. &arol in!ited us to the party but we (not go<I< 6?T =? . We had other things to do.
'. I saw (ridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not see<I< 6?T
,.. me.
). 'Where (your parents li!e<? @?;: 5#:.6T, *I>. "' 'In a !illage near *ondon. They ha!e
always li!ed there.'
+. ,he spea-s .nglish but she (not spea-) <?., 6?T ,5.# French.
/. 0e11 is 1rom *ondon. 2e (li!e) 2#, *I>.< there all his li1e.
13. 4y 1a!ourite country is &anada. I (be) 2#>. (..6 there 1our times.
11. I (ne!er eat2#>. 6.>.: .#T.6 bananas.
12. '2ow long (you study) 2#>. @?; (..6 ,T;<@I6= 5hotography"' 'For one year.'
13. 'Where are you going on holiday"' 'I don't -now. We (not decide2#>. 6?T <.&I<.< yet.'
1$. Who (in!ent) I6>.6T.< the washing machine"
1%. 'Where's 0ill"' ',he (ha!e) I, 2#>I6= lunch at the moment.'
1'. (Terry wor-) I, T.::@ W?:I6= " 6o7 he is on holiday.
1). ,omebody (steal) ,T?*. my sunglasses at the swimming pool last wee-.
1+. (she wear) W#, ,2. W.#:I6= the nice 8ac-et when you saw her"
1/. Where (be) W.:. you yesterday"
23. "s you %an see, I have e%ome1st ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present (after
'%an' use the infinitive without 'to')
2nd ver4 situation from the #ast to the #resent, em#hasis is #ut on the fa%t 5 Present Perfect
Simple a real (ondon fan already.
E%." The &resent &er'ect Tenses
8or ea%h situation, write two senten%es using the words in ra%kets.
.om started reading a ook two hours ago. 9e is still reading it and now he is on #age &&.
(read / for two hours)
(read / && #ages so far)
;a%hel is from "ustralia. 3he is travelling round Euro#e at the moment. 3he egan her tri# three
months ago.
(travel / for three months)
(visit / si$ %ountries so far)
6atri%k is a tennis #layer. 9e egan #laying tennis when he was ten years old. .his year he is national
%ham#ion again < for the fourth time.
(win / the national %ham#ionshi#s / four times)
(#lay / tennis sin%e he was ten)
=hen they left %ollege, (isa and 3ue started making films together. .hey still make films.
(make / five films sin%e they left %ollege)
(make / films sin%e they left %ollege)
6ut the ver into the more suitale form, the #resent #erfe%t sim#le or #resent #erfe%t #rogressive.
1. =here have you een> (you, #lay)
::::::::::::: tennis>
2. (ook? (someody, reak)
:::::::::::::::::::: that window.
!. @ou look tired. (you, work)
&. (you, ever, worked)
:::::: in a fa%tory> < 0o, never.
). (iA is away on holiday. < Is she> =here (she, go / e)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: >
*. 3orry, IBm late. < .hatBs all right. (I, not wait)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: long.
,. Is it still raining> < 0o, (it, sto#)
-. (I, lose) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: my address ook. (you,
see) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: it>
/. (I,read):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::: the ook you lent me, ut (I, not finish)
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: it yet.
ItBs very interesting.
11. (I, read)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the ook you
lent me, so you %an have it
a%k now.
Boston Tea Party and Intolerable Acts
Despite the peace that temporarily reigne in !oston" the #ons o$ %i&erty 'ere
contin(ally trying to $in 'ays to )eep *arliament+s po'er o,er them in chec).
-(rthermore" the ta. on tea &ecame more an more irritating.
/n 1773" *arliament a(thori0e the 1ea 2ct. 3ithin the 1ea 2ct" *arliament
grante the East /nia 4ompany a monopoly 5the only &(siness in a speci$ic trae
or pro(ct6 o,er the 2merican tea trae. 2ltho(gh the monopoly ecrease the
price o$ tea" 2mericans reali0e that *arliament 'as only reg(lating 2merican
trae" an ha the po'er to inter$ere in 2merican &(siness 'hene,er it s(ite
them. *(&lic protest o$ the 1ea 2ct gre' 7(ic)ly thro(gh the colonies. -earing a
re,olt" se,eral ships carrying tea estine $or 8e' Yor) an *hilaelphia ret(rne
to Englan 'itho(t (nloaing tea.
9n Decem&er 16" 1773" the #ons o$ %i&erty" le &y #am(el 2ams" planne to
sho' *arliament ho' they $elt a&o(t the 1ea 2ct. 1hey &oare the !ritish ship
Dartmo(th oc)e in !oston :ar&or" resse (p as /nians" an (mpe the
entire loa o$ tea into the 'ater. 1his e,ent came to &e )no'n as the !oston 1ea
1he historical signi$icance o$ the !oston 1ea *arty is recogni0e more in the
!ritish response than in the e,ent itsel$. 2s a res(lt o$ the !oston 1ea *arty"
*arliament passe the $ollo'ing la's esigne to p(nish the 2mericans.
1.6 1he !oston :ar&or !ill ; 1his &ill close the har&or to all commercial tra$$ic
(ntil 2mericans pai $or the tea they (mpe.
2.6 1he 2ministration o$ <(stice 2ct ; 1his act re7(ire the e.traition 5trans$er6
o$ all royal o$$icials charge 'ith capital crimes in 2merica to co(rts in =reat
3.6 >assach(setts =o,ernment 2ct ; 1his act ene sel$;r(le in the colonies an
mae all electe o$$icers in 2merica s(&?ect to !ritish appointment.
4.6 @(artering 2ct ; 1his 'as simply a ne' ,ersion o$ the 1765 @(artering 2ct
'hich re7(ire 2mericans to pro,ie accomoation 5ho(sing " $oo" clothing etc.6
to !ritish soliers i$ necessary.
5.6 @(e&ec 2ct ; 1his act e.tene the 4anaian &orer 5!ritish territory6 into the
9hio Ai,er Balley an eliminate lans that 'ere claime &y >assach(setts"
Birginia an 4onnectic(t.
1hese acts 'ere calle the /ntolera&le 2cts in 2merica an res(lte in the
$ormation o$ the 4ontinental 4ongress.
1.6 3hy i 2mericans oppose the 1ea
2. /t mae tea more e.pensi,e
!. /t mae tea cheaper
4. /t sho'e that parliament co(l
inter$ere 'ith 2merican trae
D. 1he 7(ality o$ tea ha ecrease
2.6 3hat is a monopolyC
2. 3hen all the tea is gone
!. 3hen there is only one &(siness is a
speci$ic trae
4. 1he #ons o$ %i&erty
D. 3hen all &(sinesses $ail
3.6 3hat oes Da(thori0eD mean in the
$ollo'ing sentenceC D/n 1773" *arliament
a(thori0e the 1ea 2ctD.
2. -o(n an a(thor $or
!. *asse or allo'e
4. 3rote
D. De$ene
4.6 /n 'hich o$ the $ollo'ing sentences is
the 'or Da(thori0eD (se correctlyC
2. 1he leag(e a(thori0e se,eral ne'
r(les $or the (pcoming season
!. >any 'riters a(thori0e their &oo)s in
the $orm o$ a ?o(rnal.
4. / a(thori0e my little &rother 'hen he
'as pic)e on.
D. 1he 'inter 'ill &e a(thori0e soon.
5.6 3hy i tea estine $or 8e' Yor)
an *hilaelphia ret(rn to EnglanC
2. 1he tea ta. 'as too high.
!. *eople re$(se to rin) the tea
4. 2 re,olt 'as possi&le
D. 1he ports 'ere close
6.6 3hich o$ the $ollo'ing is 891 tr(eC
2. 1he #ons o$ %i&erty resse (p as /nians an
thre' the entire loa o$ tea a&oar the Dartmo(th
into !oston :ar&or.
!. 1he !oston 1ea *arty res(lte in the passage
o$ the /ntolera&le 2cts.
4. 1he /ntolera&le 2cts res(lte in the $ormation o$
the 4ontinental 4ongress.
D. 1he /ntolera&le 2cts res(lte in the $ormation o$
the 4ontinental 4ongress.
7.6 3hich o$ the $ollo'ing re$lects the @(artering
2. 1his act close !oston :ar&or to all
commercial tra$$ic
!. 1his act re7(ire all royal o$$icials charge 'ith
crimes in 2merica to &e ?(ge $or those crimes in
=reat !ritain
4. 1his act re7(ire 2merican citi0ens to open
their homes to !ritish soliers
D. 1his act eliminate 2merican lan claims in the
9hio Ai,er Balley
8.6 3hich o$ the $ollo'ing re$lects the
@(e&ec 2ctC
2. 1his act close !oston :ar&or to all
commercial tra$$ic
!. 1his act re7(ire all royal o$$icials charge 'ith
crimes in 2merica to &e ?(ge $or those crimes in
=reat !ritain
4. 1his act re7(ire 2merican citi0ens to open
their homes to !ritish soliers
D. 1his act eliminate 2merican lan claims in the
9hio Ai,er Balley
9.6 3hat happene seconC
2. 4ongress a(thori0e the 1ea 2ct.
!. 1he /ntolera&le 2cts
4. 1he !oston 1ea *arty
D. 1he -ormation o$ the 4ontinental 4ongress
10.6 3hat happene thirC
2. 4ongress a(thori0e the 1ea 2ct.
!. 1he /ntolera&le 2cts
4. 1he !oston 1ea *arty
D. 1he -ormation o$ the 4ontinental 4ongress

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