The document discusses the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and how it generates embedded C code from Simulink models for real-time applications.
The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder is used to generate optimized embedded C code from Simulink models for deployment on real-time operating systems and microcontrollers. It generates code that can be compiled and run on target hardware in real-time.
Some of the main generated code modules discussed are the real-time model data structure, the main program (ert_main.c), model entry points, and generated code modules that package the source code files.
Preface This section includes the following topics: Prerequisites (p. viii) What you need to know before reading this document and working with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Related Products (p. ix) Products required when using the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder; also products that are especially relevant to the kinds of tasks you can perform with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Installing the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder (p. xi) Installation information on the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Typographical Conventions (p. xii) Formatting conventions used in this document. Preface viii Prerequisites This document assumes you have basic familiarity with MATLAB
, Simulink
, and Real-Time Workshop
. Minimally, you should read and work through all
tutorials in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. Related Products ix Related Products The MathWorks provides several products that are especially relevant to the kinds of tasks you can perform with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. They are listed in the table below. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder requires these products: MATLAB 6.5.1 (Release 13SP1) Simulink 5.1(Release 13SP1) Real-Time Workshop 5.1 (Release 13SP1) For more information about any of these products, see either: The online documentation for that product if it is installed or if you are reading the documentation from the CD The MathWorks Web site, at; see the products section Note The toolboxes listed below all include functions that extend the capabilities of MATLAB. The blocksets all include blocks that extend the capabilities of Simulink. Product Description Communications Blockset Design and simulate communication systems Control System Toolbox Design and analyze feedback control systems Gauges Blockset Monitor signals with graphical instruments DSP Blockset Design and simulate DSP systems Embedded Target for Motorola MPC555 Generate Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder production code for the Motorola MPC555 Preface x Embedded Target for the TI TMS320C6000 DSP Platform Deploy and validate DSP designs on Texas Instruments C6000 digital signal processors Fixed-Point Blockset Design and simulate fixed-point systems Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Design and simulate fuzzy logic systems MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio Development Tools Use MATLAB with RTDX-enabled Texas Instruments digital signal processors Nonlinear Control Design Blockset Optimize design parameters in nonlinear control systems Real-Time Windows Target Run Simulink and Stateflow models on a PC in real time Real-Time Workshop Generate C code from Simulink models SimPowerSystems Model and simulate electrical power systems Simulink Design and simulate continuous- and discrete-time systems Stateflow
Design and simulate event-driven systems
Stateflow Coder Generate C code from Stateflow charts Statistics Toolbox Apply statistical algorithms and probability models xPC Target Perform real-time rapid prototyping using PC hardware xPC Target Embedded Option Deploy real-time applications on PC hardware Product Description Installing the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder xi Installing the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Your platform-specific MATLAB Installation Guide provides all of the information you need to install the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Prior to installing the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, you must obtain a License File or Personal License Password from The MathWorks. The License File or Personal License Password identifies the products you are permitted to install and use. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder has certain product prerequisites that must be met for proper installation and execution. If you experience installation difficulties and have Web access, connect to the MathWorks home page ( Look for the Installation Troubleshooting Wizard in the Support section. Licensed Product Prerequisite Products Additional Information Simulink MATLAB 6.5.1 (Release 13SP1) Allows installation of Simulink. The Real-Time Workshop Simulink 5.1 (Release 13SP1 Requires Borland C, LCC, Visual C/C++, or Watcom C compiler to create MATLAB MEX-files on your platform. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder The Real-Time Workshop 5.1 (Release 13SP1) Allows installation of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Preface xii Typographical Conventions This manual uses some or all of these conventions. Item Convention Example Example code Monospace font To assign the value 5 to A, enter A = 5 Function names, syntax, filenames, directory/folder names, and user input Monospace font The cos function finds the cosine of each array element. Syntax line example is MLGetVar ML_var_name Buttons and keys Boldface with book title caps Press the Enter key. Literal strings (in syntax descriptions in reference chapters) Monospace bold for literals f = freqspace(n,'whole') Mathematical expressions Italics for variables Standard text font for functions, operators, and constants This vector represents the polynomial p = x 2 + 2x + 3. MATLAB output Monospace font MATLAB responds with A = 5 Menu and dialog box titles Boldface with book title caps Choose the File Options menu. New terms and for emphasis Italics An array is an ordered collection of information. Omitted input arguments (...) ellipsis denotes all of the input/output arguments from preceding syntaxes. [c,ia,ib] = union(...) String variables (from a finite list) Monospace italics sysc = d2c(sysd,'method')
1 Product Overview This section contains the following topics: Introduction (p. 1-2) Summary of the features of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Demos and Examples (p. 1-4) Summary of interactive demos and example code provided to help you learn about the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. If you are reading this document online in the MATLAB Help browser, you can run the demos from the table of demos. 1 Product Overview 1-2 Introduction The Real-Time Workshop
Embedded Coder is a separate, add-on product for
use with Real-Time Workshop. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides a framework for the development of production code that is optimized for speed, memory usage, and simplicity. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder is intended for use in embedded systems. Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates code that is easy to read, trace, and customize for your production environment. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates code in the Embedded-C format. Optimizations inherent in the Embedded-C code format include Use of real-time model data structure optimizes memory usage specifically for your model. (In many cases, this structure can be removed entirely from the generated code.) Simplified calling interface reduces overhead and lets you easily incorporate the generated code into hand-written application code. Model output and update functions are combined into a single routine. In-lined S-functions (required) reduce calling overhead and code size. Static memory allocation reduces overhead and promotes deterministic performance. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder supports the following key features: Automatic generation of an example main program, with comments detailing how to deploy the code generated for a model with or without an operating system Automatic generation of a deterministic multirate scheduler for single- and multitasking environments (further simplifying code deployment) Single- and multiple instance code generation; both using static memory allocation Supports asynchronous interrupt-driven execution of models with either single or multiple sample rates Integer only code generation Introduction 1-3 Floating-point code generation (ANSI or ISO C library calls supported) Automatic generation of S-function wrappers, allowing you to validate the generated code in Simulink (Software-in-the-loop) Detailed HTML report fully documents the generated code, including active hyperlinks that trace code segments back to the model. The report describes code modules and helps to identify code generation optimizations relevant to your program. Code generation options let you optimize performance of data initialization and reduce ROM usage. Custom storage classes give you precise control over data symbols in the generated code, allowing you to interface virtually any class of structured or unstructured data. Automatic generation of an ASAP2 data export file to interface with commercial automotive calibration systems. Full support for all features of Simulink external mode. (See the External Mode section of the Real-Time Workshop documentation.) This document describes the components of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provided with Real-Time Workshop. It also describes options for optimizing your generated code, and for automatically generating an S-function wrapper that calls your Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated code from Simulink. In addition, certain restrictions that apply to the use of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder are discussed. We assume you have read Program Architecture and Models with Multiple Sample Rates in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. Those sections give a general overview of the architecture and execution of programs generated by Real-Time Workshop. 1 Product Overview 1-4 Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Demos and Examples Demos We have provided a number of demos to help you become familiar with features of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and to inspect generated code. These demos illustrate features specific to the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder as well as general Real-Time Workshop features as used with the Embedded Coder. If you are reading this document online in the MATLAB Help browser, you can run the demos by clicking on the links in the Command column of the following table. Alternatively, you can access the demo suite by typing commands from the Command column of the table at the MATLAB command prompt, as in this example: ecoderdemos Table 1-1: Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Demos Command Demo Topic ecoderdemos Top-level demo containing buttons to run the other demos of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder demo suite ecodertutorial Interactive tutorial on application deployment, configuring options, custom target development, and backwards compatibility issues. asap2demo ASAP2 data file generation atomicdemo Nonvirtual subsystem code generation cbdemo High-level optimizations in generated code cscdemos Code generation with custom storage classes. cscdesignintro How to design your own custom storage classes. cscpredefineddemo Use of the predefined custom storage classes Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Demos and Examples 1-5 ECRobot Target Example The ECRobot (Embedded Coder Robot) target is a simple example of a custom target based on the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Programs generated by the ECRobot target run on the Robot Command System (RCX) 1 module of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics Invention System2.0. cscvariantdemo Use of variant parameters cscgetsetdemo Use of the GetSet custom storage class with data store memory blocks ecdemo Generation of callable procedure with pure integer code; also creates HTML code generation report ecifdemo Use of control flow constructs such as if, while, and for exprfolding Expression folding: a technique that improves code efficiency by reducing use of temporary variables and expressions hierdemo Resolution of variable names within a model hierarchy objectdemo Use of Simulink data objects in simulation and code generation rtwecexamplemain Generating an example main program for a bare-board target without an operating system. sfexfold Expression folding in a model that integrates Stateflow and Embedded Coder ssdemo Advanced features of Embedded Coder, including subsystem code generation, HTML code generation report, and automatic S-function wrapper generation tunabledemo Use of tunable expressions in generated code Table 1-1: Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Demos (Continued) Command Demo Topic 1. MINDSTORMS, RCX, Robotics Invention System 2.0, and LEGO are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group. 1 Product Overview 1-6 This platform affords an inexpensive and simple way to study concepts and techniques essential to developing a custom embedded target, and to develop, run and observe generated programs. The files included with the target illustrate typical approaches to problems encountered in custom target development, including Interfacing a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated program to an external real-time operating system (RTOS) or kernel. Implementing device drivers, via wrapper S-functions, for use in simulation and inlined code generation. Customizing a system target file by adding code generation options and adding the target to the System Target File Browser. Customizing a template makefile to use a target specific cross-compiler and download generated code to the target hardware. The ECRobot target, originally developed as a training class example and demonstration, is now available to all Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder users. The ECRobot target files are automatically installed with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Source code files, control files, demonstration models, and documentation for the target are installed in the directory matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ECRobot. Note The ECRobot target requires an operating system kernel, a cross-compiler and support utilities that are available on the Web. For instructions on how to obtain and install these utilities, see the file readme.html in the matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/ECRobot/documentation directory.
2 Data Structures and Program Execution This section describes the main data structures of the code generated by Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. It also summarizes the code modules and header files that make up a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder program, and describes where to find them. In addition, this section describes how Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated programs execute, from the top level down to timer interrupt level. This section contains the following topics: Data Structures and Code Modules (p. 2-2) Main data structures, code modules and header files of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Program Execution (p. 2-9) Overview of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated programs. Stand-Alone Program Execution (p. 2-10) Execution and task management in stand-alone (bare board) generated programs. VxWorks Example Main Program Execution (p. 2-18) Execution and task management of example programs deployed under VxWorks real-time operating system. Model Entry Points (p. 2-20) Description of model entry-point functions and how to call them. The Static Main Program Module (p. 2-23) Description of the alternative static (nongenerated) main program module. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-2 Data Structures and Code Modules Real-Time Model Data Structure The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder encapsulates information about the root model in the real-time model data structure. We refer to the real-time model data structure as rtM. To reduce memory requirements, rtM contains only information required by your model. For example, the fields related to data logging are generated only if the model has the MAT-file logging code generation option enabled. rtM may also contain model-specific rtM information related to timing, solvers, and model data such as inputs, outputs, states, and parameters. By default, rtM contains an error status field that your code can monitor or set. If you do not need to log or monitor error status in your application, select the Suppress error status in real-time model data structure option. This will further reduce memory usage. Selecting this option may also cause rtM to disappear completely from the generated code. The symbol definitions for rtM in generated code are as follows: Structure definition (in model.h): struct _RT_MODEL_model_Tag { ... }; Forward declaration typedef (in model_types.h): typedef struct _RT_MODEL_model_Tag RT_MODEL_model; Variable and pointer declarations (in model.c): RT_MODEL_model model_M_; RT_MODEL_model *model_M = &model_M_; Variable export declaration (in model.h): extern RT_MODEL_model *model_M; Accessor Macros To enable you to interface your code to rtM, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides accessor macros. Your code can use the macros, and access the fields they reference, via model.h. Data Structures and Code Modules 2-3 If you are interfacing your code to a single model, you should refer to its rtM generically as model_M, and use the macros to access model_M, as in the following code fragment. #include "model.h" const char *errStatus = rtMGetErrorStatus(model_M); To interface your code to rtMs of more than one model, simply include the * headers for each model, as in the following code fragment. #include "modelA.h" /* Make model A entry points visible */ #include "modelB.h" /* Make model B entry points visible */ void myHandWrittenFunction(void) { const char_T *errStatus; modelA_initialize(1); /* Call model A initializer */ modelB_initialize(1); /* Call model B initializer */ /* Refer to model A's rtM */ errStatus = rtmGetErrorStatus(modelA_M); /* Refer to model B's rtM */ errStatus = rtmGetErrorStatus(modelB_M); } Table 2-1 summarizes the rtM error status macros. To view other rtM related macros that are applicable to your specific model, generate code with a code generation report (See Generating a Code Generation Report on page 310); then view model.h via the hyperlink in the report. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-4 Code Modules This section summarizes the code modules and header files that make up a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder program, and describes where to find them. Note that in most cases, the easiest way to locate and examine the generated code files is to use the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code generation report. The code generation report provides a table of hyperlinks that let you view the generated code in the MATLAB Help browser. See Generating a Code Generation Report on page 310 for further information. Generated Code Modules The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder creates a build directory in your working directory to store generated source code. The build directory also contains object files, a makefile, and other files created during the code generation process. The default name of the build directory is model_ert_rtw. Table 2-2 summarizes the structure of source code generated by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Table 2-1: rtM Error Status Macros Macro Argument(s) Return Type Description rtmGetErrorStatus(rtm) rtm: reference to real-time model struct char * Returns most recent error status string. rtmSetErrorStatus(rtm,val) rtm: reference to real-time model struct val: C string N/A Set error status field of real-time model struct to the string val. Data Structures and Code Modules 2-5 Note The file packaging of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder differs slightly (but significantly) from the file packaging employed by the GRT, GRT malloc, and other non-embedded targets. See the Real-Time Workshop documentation for further information. Table 2-2: Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder File Packaging File Description model.c Contains entry points for all code implementing the model algorithm (model_step, model_initialize, model_terminate, model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep). model_private.h Contains local macros and local data that are required by the model and subsystems. This file is included by the generated source files in the model. You do not need to include model_private.h when interfacing hand-written code to a model. model.h Declares model data structures and a public interface to the model entry points and data structures. Also provides an interface to the real-time model data structure (model_rtM) via accessor macros. model.h is included by subsystem .c files in the model. If you are interfacing your hand-written code to generated code for one or more models, you should include model.h for each model to which you want to interface. model_data.c (conditional) model_data.c is conditionally generated. It contains the declarations for the parameters data structure and the constant block I/O data structure. If these data structures are not used in the model, model_data.c is not generated. Note that these structures are declared extern in model.h. model_types.h Provides forward declarations for the real-time model data structure and the parameters data structure. These may be needed by function declarations of reusable functions. model_types.h is included by all the generated header files in the model. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-6 Note You can also control generation of code at the subsystem level, for any nonvirtual subsystem.You can instruct Real-Time Workshop to generate separate functions, within separate code files, for any nonvirtual subsystems. You can control both the names of the functions and of the code files generated from nonvirtual subsystems. See Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation in the Real-Time Workshop documentation for further information. Also, you can use custom storage classes to partition generated data structures. See Custom Storage Classes on page 5-1 for further information. ert_main.c (optional) This file is generated only if the Generate an example main program option is on. (This option is on by default). See Generating the Main Program on page 2-7. autobuild.h (optional) This file is generated only if the Generate code only and Generate an example main program options are off. (See Generating the Main Program on page 2-7.) autobuild.h contains #include directives required by the static version of the ert_main.c main program module. Since the static ert_main.c is not created at code generation time, it includes autobuild.h to access model-specific data structures and entry points. See The Static Main Program Module on page 2-23 for further information. model_pt.c (optional) Provides data structures that enable a running program to access model parameters without use of external mode. To learn how to generate and use the model_pt.c file, see C API for Parameter Tuning in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. model_bio.c (optional) Provides data structures that enable your code to access block outputs. To learn how to generate and use the model_bio.c file, see Signal Monitoring via Block Outputs in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. Table 2-2: Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder File Packaging (Continued) File Description Data Structures and Code Modules 2-7 User-Written Code Modules Code that you write to interface with generated model code usually includes a customized main module (based on a main program provided by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder), and may also include interrupt handlers, device driver blocks and other S-functions, and other supervisory or supporting code. We recommend that you establish a working directory for your own code modules. Your working directory should be on the MATLAB path. You must also modify the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder template makefile and system target file so that the build process can find your source and object files. See Targeting Real-Time Systems in the Real-Time Workshop documentation for information. Generating the Main Program The Generate an example main program option controls whether or not ert_main.c is generated. This option is located in the ERT code generation options (3) category of the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, as shown in this figure. Figure 2-1: Options for Generating a Main Program By default, Generate an example main program is on. When Generate an example main program is selected, the Target operating system pop-up menu is enabled. This menu lets you choose the following options: 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-8 BareBoardExample: Generate a bare-board main program designed to run under control of a real-time clock, without a real-time operating system. VxWorksExample: Generate a fully commented example showing how to deploy the code under the VxWorks real-time operating system. Regardless of which Target operating system you select, ert_main.c includes The main() function for the generated program Task scheduling code that determines how and when block computations execute on each time step of the model The operation of the main program and the scheduling algorithm employed depend primarily upon whether your model is single-rate or multi-rate, and also upon your models solver mode (SingleTasking vs. MultiTasking). These are described in detail in Program Execution on page 2-9. If you turn the Generate an example main program option off, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides the module ert_main.c as a basis for your custom modifications (see The Static Main Program Module on page 2-23). Note Once you have generated and customized the main program, you should take care to turn Generate an example main program off to prevent regenerating the main module and overwriting your customized version. Program Execution 2-9 Program Execution The following sections describe how programs generated by Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder execute, from the top level down to timer interrupt level: Stand-Alone Program Execution on page 2-10 describes the operation of self-sufficient example programs that do not require an external real-time executive or operating system. VxWorks Example Main Program Execution on page 2-18 describes the operation of example programs designed for deployment under the VxWorks real-time operating system. Model Entry Points on page 2-20 describes the model functions that are generated for both stand-alone and VxWorks example programs. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-10 Stand-Alone Program Execution By default, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates self-sufficient programs that do not require an external real-time executive or operating system. We refer to such programs as stand-alone programs. A stand-alone program requires some minimal modification to be adapted to the target hardware; these modifications are described in the following sections. The stand-alone program architecture supports execution of models with either single or multiple sample rates. To generate a stand-alone program: 1 In the ERT code generation options (3) category of the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, select the Generate an example main program option (this option is on by default). 2 When Generate an example main program is selected, the Target operating system pop-up menu is enabled. Select BareBoardExample from this menu (this option is the default selection). The core of a stand-alone program is the main loop. On each iteration, the main loop executes a background or null task and checks for a termination condition. The main loop is periodically interrupted by a timer. The Real-Time Workshop function rt_OneStep is either installed as a timer interrupt service routine (ISR), or called from a timer ISR at each clock step. The execution driver, rt_OneStep, sequences calls to the model_step function. The operation of rt_OneStep differs depending on whether the generating model is single-rate or multi-rate. In a single-rate model, rt_OneStep simply calls the model_step function. In a multi-rate model, rt_OneStep prioritizes and schedules execution of blocks according to the rates at which they run. If your model includes device driver blocks, the model_step function will incorporate your inlined driver code to perform I/O functions such as reading inputs from an analog-digital converter (ADC) or writing computed outputs to a digital-analog converter (DAC). Stand-Alone Program Execution 2-11 Main Program Overview of Operation The following pseudocode shows the execution of a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder main program. main() { Initialization (including installation of rt_OneStep as an interrupt service routine for a real-time clock) Initialize and start timer hardware Enable interupts While(not Error) and (time < final time) Background task EndWhile Disable interrupts (Disable rt_OneStep from executing) Complete any background tasks Shutdown } The pseudocode is a design for a harness program to drive your model. The ert_main.c program only partially implements this design. You must modify it according to your specifications. Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program This section describes the minimal modifications you should make in your production version of ert_main.c to implement your harness program. After calling model_initialize: - Initialize target-specific data structures and hardware such as ADCs or DACs. - Install rt_OneStep as a timer ISR. - Initialize timer hardware. - Enable timer interrupts and start the timer. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-12 Note rtM is not in a valid state until model_initialize has been called. Servicing of timer interrupts should not begin until model_initialize has been called. Optionally, insert background task calls in the main loop. On termination of main loop (if applicable): - Disable timer interrupts. - Perform target-specific cleanup such as zeroing DACs. - Detect and handle errors. Note that even if your program is designed to run indefinitely, you may need to handle severe error conditions such as timer interrupt overruns. You can use the macros rtMGetErrorStatus and rtMSetErrorStatus to detect and signal errors. rt_OneStep Overview of Operation The operation of rt_OneStep depends upon Whether your model is single-rate or multi-rate. In a single-rate model, the sample times of all blocks in the model, and the models fixed step size, are the same. Any model in which the sample times and step size do not meet these conditions is termed multi-rate. Your models solver mode (SingleTasking vs. MultiTasking) Table 2-3 summarizes the permitted solver modes for single-rate and multi-rate models. Note that for a single-rate model, only SingleTasking solver mode is allowed. Stand-Alone Program Execution 2-13 The generated code for rt_OneStep (and associated timing data structures and support functions) is tailored to the number of rates in the model and to the solver mode. The following sections discuss each possible case. Single-Rate Singletasking Operation. Since by definition the only legal solver mode for a single-rate model is SingleTasking, we refer to this case simply as single-rate operation. The following pseudocode shows the design of rt_OneStep in a single-rate program. rt_OneStep() { Check for interrupt overflow or other error Enable "rt_OneStep" (timer) interrupt ModelStep-- Time step combines output,logging,update } Single-rate rt_OneStep is designed to execute model_step within a single clock period. To enforce this timing constraint, rt_OneStep maintains and checks a timer overrun flag. On entry, timer interrupts are disabled until the overrun flag and other error conditions have been checked. If the overrun flag is clear, rt_OneStep sets the flag, and proceeds with timer interrupts enabled. The overrun flag is cleared only upon successful return from model_step. Therefore, if rt_OneStep is reinterrupted before completing model_step, the reinterruption will be detected through the overrun flag. Table 2-3: Permitted Solver Modes for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Targeted Models Mode Single-Rate Multi-Rate SingleTasking Allowed Allowed MultiTasking Disallowed Allowed Auto Allowed (defaults to SingleTasking) Allowed (defaults to MultiTasking) 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-14 Reinterruption of rt_OneStep by the timer is an error condition. If this condition is detected rt_OneStep signals an error and returns immediately. (Note that you can change this behavior if you want to handle the condition differently.) Note that the design of rt_OneStep assumes that interrupts are disabled before rt_OneStep is called. rt_OneStep should be noninterruptible until the interrupt overflow flag has been checked. Multi-Rate MultiTasking Operation. The following pseudocode shows the design of rt_OneStep in a multi-rate multitasking program. rt_OneStep() { Check for base-rate interrupt overflow Enable "rt_OneStep" interrupt Determine which rates need to run this time step ModelStep(tid=0) --base-rate time step For i=1:NumTasks -- iterate over sub-rate tasks Check for sub-rate interrupt overflow If (sub-rate task i is scheduled) ModelStep(tid=i) --sub-rate time step EndIf EndFor } In a multi-rate multitasking system, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder uses a prioritized, preemptive multitasking scheme to execute the different sample rates in your model. The execution of blocks having different sample rates is broken into tasks. Each block that executes at a given sample rate is assigned a task identifier (tid), which associates it with a task that executes at that rate. Where there are NumTasks tasks in the system, the range of task identifiers is 0..NumTasks-1. Tasks are prioritized, in descending order, by rate. The base-rate task is the task that runs at the fastest rate in the system (the hardware clock rate). The base-rate task has highest priority (tid 0). The next fastest task (tid 1) has the next highest priority, and so on down to the slowest, lowest priority task (tid NumTasks-1). Stand-Alone Program Execution 2-15 The slower tasks, running at submultiples of the base rate, are called sub-rate tasks. On each invocation, rt_OneStep makes one or more calls to model_step, passing in the appropriate tid. The tid informs model_step that all blocks having that tid should execute. rt_OneStep always calls model_step (tid = 0) because the base-rate task must execute on every clock step. On each clock tick, rt_OneStep and model_step maintain scheduling counters and event flags for each sub-rate task. Both the counters and the event flags are implemented as arrays, indexed on tid. The scheduling counters are maintained by the rate_monotonic_scheduler function, which is called by model_step. The counters are, in effect, clock rate dividers that count up the sample period associated with each sub-rate task. The event flags indicate whether or not a given task is scheduled for execution. rt_OneStep maintains the event flags via the model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep function.When a counter indicates that a tasks sample period has elapsed, model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep sets the event flag for that task. After updating its scheduling data structures and stepping the base-rate task, rt_OneStep iterates over the scheduling flags in tid order, calling model_step(tid) for any task whose flag is set. This ensures that tasks are executed in order of priority. The event flag array and loop variables used by rt_OneStep are stored as local (stack) variables. This ensures that rt_OneStep is reentrant. If rt_OneStep is reinterrupted, higher priority tasks will preempt lower priority tasks. Upon return from interrupt, lower priority tasks will resume in the previously scheduled order. Multi-rate rt_OneStep also maintains an array of timer overrun flags. rt_OneStep detects timer overrun, per task, by the same logic as single-rate rt_OneStep. Note that the design of rt_OneStep assumes that interrupts are disabled before rt_OneStep is called. rt_OneStep should be noninterruptible until the base-rate interrupt overflow flag has been checked (see pseudocode above). Multi-Rate Singletasking Operation. In a multi-rate singletasking program, by definition, all sample times in the model must be an integer multiple of the models fixed-step size. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-16 In a multi-rate singletasking program, blocks execute at different rates, but under the same task identifier. The operation of rt_OneStep, in this case, is a simplified version of multi-rate multitasking operation. The only task is the base-rate task. On each clock tick, rt_OneStep checks the overrun flag and calls model_step, passing in tid 0. The scheduling function for a multi-rate singletasking program is rate_scheduler (rather than rate_monotonic_scheduler). The generated model_step code maintains scheduling counters on each clock tick, via the rate_scheduler function. There is one counter for each sample rate in the model. The counters are implemented as an array (model_M.cTaskTicks[]) within rtM. The counters are, in effect, clock rate dividers that count up the sample period associated with each sample rate in the model. When a counter indicates that a sample period for a given rate has elapsed, rate_scheduler clears the counter. This condition indicates that all blocks running at that rate should execute on the next call to model_step. model_step is responsible for checking the counters, using macros provided for the purpose (rtmIsSampleHit and rtmIsSpecialSampleHit). Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep rt_OneStep does not require extensive modification. The only required modification is to reenable interrupts after the overrun flag(s) and error conditions have been checked. If applicable, you should also Save and restore your FPU context on entry and exit to rt_OneStep. Set model inputs associated with the base rate before calling model_step(0). Get model outputs associated with the base rate after calling model_step(0). Set model inputs associated with sub-rates before calling model_step(tid) in the sub-rate loop. Get model outputs associated with sub-rates after calling model_step(tid) in the sub-rate loop. Comments in rt_OneStep indicate the appropriate place to add your code. In multi-rate rt_OneStep, you can improve performance by unrolling for and while loops. Stand-Alone Program Execution 2-17 In addition, you may choose to modify the overrun behavior to continue execution after error recovery is complete. You should not modify the way in which the counters, event flags, or other timing data structures are set in rt_OneStep, or in functions called from rt_OneStep. The rt_OneStep timing data structures (including rtM) and logic are critical to correct operation of any Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder program. 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-18 VxWorks Example Main Program Execution Overview The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder VxWorks example main program is provided as a template for the deployment of generated code in a real-time operating system (RTOS) environment. We strongly recommend that you read the preceding sections of this chapter as a prerequisite to working with the VxWorks example main program. An understanding of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder scheduling and tasking concepts and algorithms, described in Stand-Alone Program Execution on page 210, is essential to understanding how generated code is adapted to an RTOS. In addition, an understanding of how tasks are managed under VxWorks is required. See your VxWorks documentation. To generate a VXWorks example program: 1 In the ERT code generation options (3) category of the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, select the Generate an example main program option (this option is on by default). 2 When Generate an example main program is selected, the Target operating system pop-up menu is enabled. Select VxWorksExample from this menu. Some modifications to the generated code are required; comments in the generated code identify the required modifications. Task Management In a VxWorks example program, the main program and the base rate and sub-rate tasks (if any) run as proritized tasks under VxWorks. The logic of a VxWorks example program parallels that of a stand-alone program; the main difference lies in the fact that base rate and sub-rate tasks are activated by clock semaphores managed by the operating system, rather than directly by timer interrupts. Your application code must spawn model_main() as an independent VxWorks task. The task priority you specify is passed in to model_main(). VxWorks Example Main Program Execution 2-19 As with a stand-alone program, the VxWorks example program architecture is tailored to the number of rates in the model and to the solver mode (see Table 2-3). The following sections discuss each possible case. Single-Rate Singletasking Operation In a single-rate, singletasking model, model_main() spawns a base rate task, tBaseRate. In this case tBaseRate is the functional equivalent to rtOneStep. The base rate task is activated by a clock semaphore provided by VxWorks, rather than by a timer interrupt. On each activation, tBaseRate calls model_step. Note that the clock rate granted by VxWorks may not be the same as the rate requested by model_main. Multi-Rate Multitasking Operation In a multi-rate, multitasking model, model_main() spawns a base rate task and sub-rate tasks. Task priorities are assigned by rate. The base rate task calls model_step with tid 0, while the sub-rate tasks call model_step with their associated tids. The base rate task and model_step are responsible for maintaining event flags and scheduling counter, using the same rate monotonic scheduler algorithm as a stand-alone program, Multi-Rate Singletasking Operation In a multi-rate, singletasking model, model_main() spawns only a base rate task, tBaseRate. All rates run under this task. The base rate task is activated by a clock semaphore provided by VxWorks, rather than by a timer interrupt. On each activation, tBaseRate calls model_step. model_step in turn calls the rate_scheduler utility, which maintains the scheduling counters that determine which rates should execute. model_step is responsible for checking the counters, using macros provided for the purpose (rtmIsSampleHit and rtmIsSpecialSampleHit). 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-20 Model Entry Points This section discusses the entry points to the generated code. Note carefully that the calling interface generated for each of these functions will differ significantly depending on how you set the Generate reusable code option (See Reusable Code Generation Options on page 3-19). By default, Generate reusable code is off, and the model entry point functions access model data via statically allocated global data structures. When Generate reusable code is on, model data structures are passed in (by reference) as arguments to the model entry point functions. For efficiency, only those data structures that are actually used in the model are passed in. Therefore when Generate reusable code is on, the argument lists generated for the entry point functions vary according to the requirements of the model. The descriptions below document the default (Generate reusable code off) calling interface generated for these functions. The entry points are exported via model.h. To call the entry-point functions from your hand-written code, add an #include model.h directive to your code. If Generate reusable code is on, you must examine the generated code to determine the calling interface required for these functions. model_step Default Calling Interface. In a single-rate model, the model_step function prototype is void model_step(void); In a multi-rate model, the model_step function prototype is void model_step(int_T tid); where tid is a task identifier. The tid is determined by logic within rt_OneStep (See rt_OneStep on page 2-12). Operation. model_step combines the model output and update functions into a single routine. model_step is designed to be called at interrupt level from rt_OneStep, which is assumed to be invoked as a timer ISR. Model Entry Points 2-21 Single-Rate Operation. In a single-rate model, model_step computes the current value of all blocks. If logging is enabled, model_step updates logging variables. If the models stop time is finite, model_step signals the end of execution when the current time equals the stop time. Multi-Rate Operation. In a multi-rate model, model_step execution is almost identical to single-rate execution, except for the use of the task identifier (tid) argument. The caller (rt_OneStep) assigns each block a tid (See rt_OneStep on page 2-12). model_step uses the tid argument to determine which blocks have a sample hit (and therefore should execute). Under any of the following conditions, model_step does not check the current time against the stop time: The models stop time is set to inf. Logging is disabled. The Terminate function required option is selected. Therefore, if any of these conditions are true, the program runs indefinitely. model_initialize Default Calling Interface. The model_initialize function prototype is void model_initialize(boolean_T firstTime); Operation. If firstTime equals 1 (TRUE), model_initialize initializes rtM and other data structures private to the model. If firstTime equals 0 (FALSE), model_initialize resets the models states, but does not initialize other data structures. The generated code calls model_initialize once, passing in firstTime as 1(TRUE). model_terminate Default Calling Interface. The model_terminate function prototype is void model_terminate(void); 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-22 Operation. When model_terminate is called, blocks that have a terminate function execute their terminate code. If logging is enabled, model_terminate ends data logging. model_terminate should only be called once. If your application runs indefinitely, you do not need the model_terminate function. If you do not require a terminate function, see Basic Code Generation Options on page 3-3 for information on using the Terminate function required option. Note that if Terminate function required is off, the program runs indefinitely model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep Calling Interface. By default, the model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep function prototype is void model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep(boolean_T *eventFlags) where eventFlags is a pointer to the models event flags array. If Generate reusable code is on, an additional argument is included: void model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep(boolean_T *eventFlags, RT_MODEL_model *model_M); where model_M is a pointer to the real-time model object. Operation. The model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep function is a utility function that is generated and called only for multi-rate, multitasking programs. model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep maintains the event flags, which determine which sub-rate tasks need to run on a given base rate time step. model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep must be called prior to calling the model_step function. See Multi-Rate Multitasking Operation on page 2-19 for further information. Note The macro MODEL_SETEVENTS, defined in the static ert_main.c module, provides a way to call model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep from a static main program. The Static Main Program Module 2-23 The Static Main Program Module In most cases, the easiest strategy for deploying your generated code is to use the Generate an example main program option to generate the ert_main.c module (see Generating the Main Program on page 2-7). However, if you turn the Generate an example main program option off, you can use the module matlabroot/rtw/c/ert/ert_main.c as a template example for developing your embedded applications. ert_main.c is not part of the generated code; it is provided as a basis for your custom modifications, and for use in simulation. If your existing applications, developed prior to this release, depend upon ert_main.c, you may need to continue using this module. When developing applications using ert_main.c, we recommend that you copy ert_main.c to your working directory and rename it to model_ert_main.c before making modifications. Also, you must modify the template makefile such that the build process will create model_ert_main.obj (on Unix, model_ert_main.o) in the build directory. ert_main.c contains rt_OneStep, a timer interrupt service routine (ISR). rt_OneStep calls model_step to execute processing for one clock period of the model. A skeletal main function. As provided, main is useful in simulation only. You must modify main for real-time interrupt-driven execution. In the static version of ert_main.c, the operation of rt_OneStep and the main function are essentially the same as described in Stand-Alone Program Execution on page 2-10. Modifying the Static Main Program As in a generated program, a few modifications to the main loop and rt_OneStep are necessary. See Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program on page 2-11 and Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep on page 2-16. Also, you should replace the rt_OneStep call in the main loop with a background task call or null statement. Other modifications you may need to make are 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-24 If your model has multiple rates, note that multi-rate systems will not operate correctly unless: - The multi-rate scheduling code is removed. The relevant code is tagged with the keyword REMOVE in comments (see also the Version 3.0 comments in ert_main.c). - Use the MODEL_SETEVENTS macro (defined in ert_main.c) to set the event flags instead of accessing the flags directly. The relevant code is tagged with the keyword REPLACE in comments. Remove old #include ertformat.h directives. ertformat.h will be obsoleted in a future release. The following macros, formerly defined in ertformat.h, are now defined within ert_main.c: EXPAND_CONCAT CONCAT MODEL_INITIALIZE MODEL_STEP MODEL_TERMINATE MODEL_SETEVENTS RT_OBJ See also the comments in ertformat.h. If applicable, follow comments in the code regarding where to add code for reading/writing model I/O and saving/restoring FPU context. When the Generate code only and Generate an example main program options are off, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates the file autobuild.h to provide an interface between the main module and generated model code. If you create your own static main program module, you would normally include autobuild.h. Alternatively, you can suppress generation of autobuild.h, and include model.h directly in your main module. To suppress generation of autobuild.h, use the following statement in your system target file: %assign AutoBuildProcedure = 0 If you have cleared the Terminate function required option, remove or comment out the following in your production version of ert_main.c: - The #if TERMFCN... compile-time error check - The call to MODEL_TERMINATE The Static Main Program Module 2-25 If you do not want to combine output and update functions, clear the Single output/update function option and make the following changes in your production version of ert_main.c: - Replace calls to MODEL_STEP with calls to MODEL_OUTPUT and MODEL_UPDATE. - Remove the #if ONESTEPFCN... error check. The static ert_main.c module does not support the Generate Reusable Code option. Use this option only if you are generating a main program. The following error check will raise a compile-time error if Generate Reusable Code is used illegally. #if MULTI_INSTANCE_CODE==1 The static ert_main.c module does not support the External Mode option. Use this option only if you are generating a main program. The following error check will raise a compile-time error if External Mode is used illegally. #ifdef EXT_MODE 2 Data Structures and Program Execution 2-26
3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations This section contains the following topics: Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code (p. 3-2) Code generation options you can use to improve performance and reduce code size. Generating a Code Generation Report (p. 3-10) Describes how to generate a report including information on the generated code and suggestions for optimization. You can view the report in the MATLAB Help browser. The report includes hyperlinks from the generated code to the source blocks in your model. Automatic S-Function Wrapper Generation (p. 3-12) How to integrate your Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code into a model by generating S-function wrappers. Other Code Generation Options (p. 3-15) Summary of additional Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code generation options, available via the Simulation Parameters dialog box. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-2 Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder features a number of code generation options that can help you further optimize the generated code. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder can also produce a code generation report in HTML format. This report documents code modules and helps you to identify optimizations that are relevant to your model. Basic Code Generation Options on page 3-3 documents code generation options you can use to improve performance and reduce code size. Controlling Stack Space Allocation on page 3-8 discusses options related to the storage of signals. Please see Optimizing the Model for Code Generation in the Real-Time Workshop documentation for information about code optimization techniques common to all code formats. Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code 3-3 Basic Code Generation Options To access the basic code generation options, select the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. Then select ERT code generation options (1) from the Category menu. Figure 3-1 displays the basic code generation options (with default settings) for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Figure 3-1: Basic Code Generation Options Setting the basic code generation options as follows will result in more highly optimized code: Consider clearing the Initialize internal data and Initialize external I/O data options. These options (both on by default) control whether internal data (block states and block outputs) and external data (root inports and outports whose value is zero) are initialized. Initializing the internal and external data whose value is zero is a precaution and may not be necessary for your application. Many embedded application environments initialize all RAM to zero at startup, making Initialize internal data redundant. However, be aware that if Initialize internal data is turned off, it is not guaranteed that memory will be in a known state each time the generated code begins execution. If you turn the option off, running a model (or a 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-4 generated S-function) multiple times can result in different answers for each run. This behavior is sometimes desirable. For example, you can turn off Initialize internal data if you want to test the behavior of your design during a warm boot (i.e., a restart without full system reinitializiation). In cases where you have turned off Initialize internal data but still want to get the same answer on every run from a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated S-function, you can use either of the following MATLAB commands before each run: clear <SFcnName> (where SFcnName is the name of the S-function) or clear mex A related option, Initialize floats and doubles to 0.0, lets you control the representation of zero used during initialization. See Initialize Floats and Doubles to 0.0 on page 317. Note that the code still initializes data structures whose value is not zero when Initialize internal data and Initialize external I/O data are selected. Note also that data of ImportedExtern or ImportedExternPointer storage classes is never initialized, regardless of the settings of these options. Clear the Terminate function required option if you do not require a terminate function for your model. Select the Single output/update function check box. Combining the output and update functions is the default. This option generates the model_step call, which reduces overhead and allows Real-Time Workshop to use more local variables in the step function of the model. If your application uses only integer arithmetic, select the Integer code only option to ensure that generated code contains no floating-point data or operations. When this option is selected, an error is raised if any noninteger data or expressions are encountered during code generation. The error message reports the offending blocks and parameters. Clear the MAT-file logging option. This setting is the default, and is recommended for embedded applications because it eliminates the extra code and memory usage required to initialize, update, and clean up logging Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code 3-5 variables. In addition to these efficiencies, clearing the MAT-file logging option has the following effects: - Under certain conditions, code and storage associated with root output ports are eliminated, achieving further efficiency. See Virtualized Output Ports Optimization on page 3-6 for information. - The model_step function does not check the current time against the stop time. Therefore the generated program runs indefinitely, regardless of the setting of the models stop time. The ert_main program displays a message notifying the user that the program will run indefinitely. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-6 Virtualized Output Ports Optimization The virtualized output ports optimization lets you eliminate code and data storage associated with root output ports under the following conditions: 1 The MAT-file logging option is cleared (this is the default for the Embedded Coder). 2 The TLC variable FullRootOutputVector equals 0. This is the default for the Embedded Coder. 3 The signal line entering the root output port is stored as a global variable. (See the Code Generation and the Build Process chapter of the Real-Time Workshop documentation for information on how to control signal storage in generated code.) To illustrate this feature, consider the model shown in this block diagram. Assume that the signal exportedSig has exportedGlobal storage class. In the default case (conditions 1 and 2 above are true), the output of the Gain block is written to the signal storage location, exportedSig. No code or data is generated for the Out1 block, which has become, in effect, a virtual block. This is shown in the following code fragment. /* Gain Block: <Root>/Gain */ exportedSig = rtb_PulseGen * VirtOutPortLogOFF_P.Gain_Gain; In cases where either the MAT-file logging option is enabled, or FullRootOutputVector = 1, the generated code represents root output ports as members of an external outputs vector. The following code fragment was generated from the same model shown in the previous example, but with MAT-file logging enabled. The output port is represented as a member of the external outputs vector VirtOutPortLogON_Y. The Gain block output value is copied to both exportedSig and to the external outputs vector. Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code 3-7 /* Gain Block: <Root>/Gain */ exportedSig = rtb_PulseGen * VirtOutPortLogON_P.Gain_Gain; /* Outport Block: <Root>/Out1 */ VirtOutPortLogON_Y.Out1 = exportedSig; The overhead incurred by maintenance of data in the external outputs vector can be significant for smaller models being used to perform benchmarks. Note that you can force root output ports to be stored in the external outputs vector (regardless of the setting of MAT-file logging) by setting the TLC variable FullRootOutputVector to 1. You can do this by adding the statement %assign FullRootOutputVector = 1 to the Embedded Coder system target file. Alternatively, you can enter the assignment into the System Target File field on the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. Generating Code from Subsystems When generating code from a subsystem, we recommend that you set the sample times of all subsystem inports explicitly. Generating Block Comments When the Insert block descriptions in code option is selected, comments are inserted into the code generated for any blocks that have text in their Description fields. To generate block comments: 1 Right-click on the block you want to comment. Select Block Properties from the context menu. The Block Properties dialog box opens. 2 Type the comment into the Description field. 3 Select the Insert block descriptions in code option in the ERT code generation options (1) category of the Real-Time Workshop pane. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-8 Note For virtual blocks or blocks that have been removed due to block reduction optimizations, no comments are generated. Controlling Stack Space Allocation Real-Time Workshop offers a number of options that let you control how signals in your model are stored and represented in the generated code. This section discusses options that: Let you control whether signal storage is declared in global memory space, or locally in functions (i.e., in stack variables). Control the allocation of stack space when using local storage. For a complete discussion of signal storage options, see the Code Generation and the Build Process chapter of the Real-Time Workshop documentation. If you want to store signals in stack space, you must turn the Local block outputs option on. To do this: 1 Select the Advanced tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. Make sure that the Signal storage reuse is on. If Signal storage reuse is off, the Local block outputs option is not available. 2 Click Apply if necessary. 3 Select the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. 4 From the Category menu, select General code generation options. 5 Select the Local block outputs option. Click Apply if necessary. Your embedded application may be constrained by limited stack space. When the Local block outputs option is on, you can limit the use of stack space by using the following TLC variables: MaxStackSize: The total allocation size of local variables that are declared by all functions in the entire model may not exceed MaxStackSize (in bytes). MaxStackSize can be any positive integer. If the total size of local variables Controlling and Optimizing the Generated Code 3-9 exceeds this maximum, the Target Language Compiler will allocate the remaining variables in global, rather than local, memory. The default value for MaxStackSize is rtInf, i.e., unlimited stack size. MaxStackVariableSize: Limits the size of any local variable declared in a function to N bytes, where N>0. A variable whose size exceeds MaxStackVariableSize will be allocated in global, rather than local, memory. To set either of these variables, use assign statements in the system target file (ert.tlc), as in the following example: %assign MaxStackSize = 4096 We recommend that you write your %assign statements in the Configure RTW code generation settings section of the system target file. The %assign statement is described in the Target Language Compiler documentation. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-10 Generating a Code Generation Report The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code generation report is an enhanced version of the HTML code generation report normally generated by Real-Time Workshop. The report consists of several sections: The Generated Source Files section of the Contents pane contains a table of source code files generated from your model. You can view the source code in the MATLAB Help browser. Hyperlinks within the displayed source code let you view the blocks or subsystems from which the code was generated. Click on the hyperlinks to view the relevant blocks or subsystems in a Simulink model window. The Summary section lists version and date information, TLC options used in code generation, and Simulink model settings. The Optimizations section lists the optimizations used during the build, and also those that are available. If you chose options that led to generation of nonoptimal code, they are marked in red. This section can help you select options that will better optimize your code. The report also includes information on other code generation options, code dependencies, and links to relevant documentation. To generate a code generation report: 1 Select the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. Then select General code generation options from the Category menu. 2 Select Generate HTML report, as shown in this picture. Generating a Code Generation Report 3-11 3 Follow the usual procedure for generating code from your model or subsystem. 4 Real-Time Workshop writes the code generation report file in the build directory. The file is named model_codegen_rpt.html or subsystem_codegen_rpt.html. 5 Real-Time Workshop automatically opens the MATLAB Help browser and displays the code generation report. Alternatively, you can view the code generation report in your Web browser. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-12 Automatic S-Function Wrapper Generation An S-function wrapper is an S-function that calls your C code from within Simulink. S-function wrappers provide a standard interface between Simulink and externally written code, allowing you to integrate your code into a model with minimal modification. For a complete description of wrapper S-functions, see the Simulink Writing S-Functions documentation. Using the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Create Simulink (S-Function) block option, you can build, in one automated step: A noninlined C MEX S-function wrapper that calls Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated code A model containing the generated S-function block, ready for use with other blocks or models This is useful for code validation and simulation acceleration purposes. When the Create Simulink (S-Function) block option is on, Real-Time Workshop generates an additional source code file, model_sf.c, in the build directory. This module contains the S-function that calls the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code that you deploy. This S-function can be used within Simulink. The build process then compiles and links model_sf.c with model.c and the other Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated code modules, building a MEX-file. The MEX-file is named model_sf.mexext. (mexext is the file extension for MEX-files on your platform, as given by the MATLAB mexext command.) The MEX-file is stored in your working directory. Finally, Real-Time Workshop creates and opens an untitled model containing the generated S-Function block. Generating an S-Function Wrapper To generate an S-function wrapper for your Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code: 1 Select the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. Then select ERT code generation options (2) from the Category menu. 2 Select the Create Simulink (S-Function) block option, as shown. Automatic S-Function Wrapper Generation 3-13 3 Configure the other code generation options as required. 4 Click the Build button. 5 When the build process completes, an untitled model window opens. This model contains the generated S-Function block. 6 Save the new model. 7 The generated S-Function block is now ready to use with other blocks or models in Simulink. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-14 Limitations It is not possible to create multiple instances of a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated S-Function block within a model, because the code uses static memory allocation. Other Code Generation Options 3-15 Other Code Generation Options This section describes advanced Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code generation options. These options are found in the ERT code generation options (2) , ERT code generation options (3), and ERT code templates items of the Category menu of the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. The figures below display these code generation options. Figure 3-2: ERT Code Generation Options (2) 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-16 Figure 3-3: ERT Code Generation Options (3) Figure 3-4: ERT Code Templates Options The ERT code templates options are discussed in Chapter 4, Advanced Code Generation Features.. The following sections describe the options in the ERT code generation options (2) and ERT code generation options (3) categories, in order of their appearance on the dialog box. Other Code Generation Options 3-17 Create Simulink (S-Function) Block See Generating an S-Function Wrapper on page 3-12 for information on this feature. Generate ASAP2 File The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Generate ASAP2 File code generation option lets you export an ASAP2 file containing information about your model during the code generation process. The ASAP2 file generation process requires information about your model's parameters and signals. Some of this information is contained in the model itself. The rest must be supplied by using Simulink data objects with the necessary properties. Simulink provides two data classes to assist you in providing the necessary information. See Generating ASAP2 Files on page A-1 for information on this feature. Initialize Floats and Doubles to 0.0 This option lets you control how internal storage for floats and doubles is initialized. This option affects code generation only if you have turned on the Initialize internal data option (see Basic Code Generation Options on page 3-3). When this option is off, all internal storage (regardless of type) is cleared to the integer bit pattern 0 (that is, all bits are off). When this option is on (the default), additional code is generated to set float and double storage explicitly to the value 0.0. This additional code is slightly less efficient. If the representation of floating-point zero used by your compiler and target CPU is identical to the integer bit pattern 0, you can gain efficiency by using the default (off). Ignore Custom Storage Classes When this option is selected, objects with custom storage classes are treated as if their storage class attribute is set to Auto. By default this option is off for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. See Introduction to Custom Storage Classes on page 5-2 for further information. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-18 External Mode Selecting the External mode option turns on generation of code to support external mode communication between host (Simulink) and target systems. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder supports all features of Simulink external mode, as described in the External Mode section of the Real-Time Workshop documentation. If you are unfamiliar with external mode, we recommend that you start with the external mode exercise in the Quick Start Tutorials section of the Real-Time Workshop documentation. Like the GRT, GRT malloc, and Tornado targets, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder supports host/target communication via TCP/IP, using the standard ext_comm MEX-file. If you need to support external mode on a custom target using your own low-level communications layer, see the Targeting Real-Time Systems section of the Real-Time Workshop documentation for detailed information on the external mode API. Suppress Error Status in Real-Time Model Data Structure If you do not need to log or monitor error status in your application, select this option. By default, the real-time model data structure (rtM) includes an error status field (data type string). This field lets you log and monitor error messages via macros provided for this purpose (see model.h). The error status field is initialized to NULL. If Suppress error status in real-time model data structure is selected, the error status field is not included in rtM. Selecting this option may also cause the real-time model data structure to disappear completely from the generated code. When generating code for multiple models that will be integrated together, make sure that the Suppress error status in real-time model data structure option is set the same for all of the models. Otherwise, the integrated application may exhibit unexpected behavior. For example, if the option is selected in one model but not in another, the error status may or may not be registered by the integrated application. Do not select Suppress error status in real-time model data structure if the MAT-file logging option is also selected. The two options are incompatible. Other Code Generation Options 3-19 Parameter Structure The Parameter structure menu lets you control how parameter data is generated for reusable subsystems. (If you are not familiar with reusable subsystem code generation, see Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation Options in the Real-Time Workshop documentation for further information.) The Parameter structure menu is enabled when the Inline parameters option is on. The menu lets you select the following options: Hierarchical: This option is the default. When the Hierarchical option is selected, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates a separate header file, defining an independent parameter structure, for each subsystem that meets the following conditions: - The Reusable function option is selected in the subsystems RTW system code pop-up menu, and the subsystem meets all conditions for generation of reusable subsystem code. - The subsystem does not access any parameters other than its own (such as parameters of the root-level model). When the Hierarchical option is selected, each generated subsystem parameter structure is referenced as a substructure of the root-level parameter data structure, which is therefore called a hierarchical data structure. Non-hierarchical: When this option is selected, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates a single parameter data structure. This is a flat data structure; subsystem parameters are defined as fields within this structure. Generate An Example Main Program This option and the related Target operating system pop-up menu let you generate a model-specific example main program module. See Generating the Main Program on page 2-7. Reusable Code Generation Options The Generate reusable code option (and the related Reusable code error diagnostic and Pass model I/O arguments as structure reference options) let you generate reusable, reentrant code from a model or subsystem. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-20 When this option is selected, data structures such as block states, parameters, external outputs, etc. are passed in (by reference) as arguments to model_step and other generated model functions. These data structures are also exported via model.h. When Generate reusable code is selected, Pass model I/O arguments as structure reference is enabled. This option lets you control how model inputs and outputs at the root level of the model are passed in to the model_step function. When Pass model I/O arguments as structure reference is deselected (the default), each root-level model input and output is passed to model_step as a separate argument. When this option is selected, all root-level inputs are packed into a struct that is passed to model_step as an argument. Likewise, all root-level outputs are packed into a struct that is also passed to model_step as an argument. In some cases, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder may generate code that will compile but is not reentrant. For example, if any signal, DWork structure, or parameter data has a storage class other than Auto, global data structures will be generated. To handle such cases, the Reusable code error diagnostic menu is enabled when Generate reusable code is selected. This menu offers a choice of three severity levels for diagnostics to be displayed in such cases: None: build proceeds without displaying a diagnostic message. Warn: build proceeds after displaying a warning message. Error: build aborts after displaying an error message. In some cases, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder is unable to generate valid and compilable code. For example, if the model contains any of the following, the code generated would be invalid: A Stateflow chart that outputs function-call events An S-function that is not code-reuse compliant A subsystem triggered by a wide function call trigger In these cases, the build will terminate after reporting the problem. When the Generate reusable code option is not selected (the default), model data structures are statically allocated and accessed directly in the model code. Therefore the model code is neither reusable nor reentrant. Other Code Generation Options 3-21 Target Floating Point Math Environment This pop-up menu provides two options. If you select the ANSI_C option (the default), the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates calls to the ANSI C (ANSI X3.159-1989) math library for floating-point functions. If you select the ISO_C option, Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates calls to the ISO C (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) math library wherever possible. If your target compiler supports the ISO C (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) math library, we recommend selecting the ISO_C option and setting your compiler's ISO C option. This will generate calls to the ISO C functions wherever possible (for example, sqrtf() instead of sqrt() for single precision data) and ensure that you obtain the best performance your target compiler offers. If your target compiler does not support ISO C math library functions, use the ANSI_C option. 3 Code Generation Options and Optimizations 3-22
4 Advanced Code Generation Features Introduction (p. 4-2) Overview of this chapter. ERT Code Deployment Aids (p. 4-4) Describes the ERT code deployment aids buttons, which provide quick access to features and information that can help you to optimize your generated code. Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation (p. 4-6) How to use the STF_rtw_info_hook.m hook file to specify correctly sized data types for your target environment. Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File (p. 4-10) Explains the build process hook mechanism and how to use a STF_make_rtw_hook.m hook file to modify the build process. Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation (p. 4-15) How to use the STF_make_rtw_hook.m hook file and supporting utilities to automate the configuration of a model during the code generation process. Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets (p. 4-20) Describes auto-configuring versions of the ERT target that are optimized for fixed-point or floating-point code generation. Generating Custom Code File Banners (p. 4-24) How to generate custom banner comment sections in generated code. Custom File Processing Templates (p. 4-28) Describes a high-level TLC API for generating custom code files. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-2 Introduction This chapter describes advanced code generation features supported by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 3.2. These features fall into several categories: Specification of target-specific properties: Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation on page 4-6 describes a mechanism for ensuring that generated code uses correctly-sized data types for execution in your target environment. Model configuration: Several sections describe features that support automatic (as opposed to manual) configuration of model options for code generation. The information in each of these sections builds upon the previous section. - Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File on page 4-10 describes the general mechanism for adding target-specific customizations to the build process. - Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation on page 4-15 shows how to use this mechanism (along with supporting utilities) to set model options affecting code generation automatically. - A similar mechanism is used by two special versions of the ERT target, optimized for fixed-point and floating-point code generation. These are described in Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets on page 4-20. Custom code generation: These features let you directly customize generated code by creating template files that are invoked during the TLC code generation process. Basic knowledge of TLC is required to use these features. - Generating Custom Code File Banners on page 4-24 describes a simple way to generate file banners (useful for inserting your organizations copyrights and other common information into generated files). - Custom File Processing Templates on page 4-28 describes a flexible and powerful TLC API that lets you emit custom code to any generated file (including both the standard generated model files and separate code modules.) Further information on these features and examples of their applications can be found in the article Creating Custom Code with Real-Time Workshop Introduction 4-3 Embedded Coder 3.1 in the September, 2003 issue of MATLAB Digest. You can find all issues of the MATLAB Digest online at the following URL: 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-4 ERT Code Deployment Aids The ERT code deployment aids buttons provide quick access to features and information that can help you to optimize your generated code. To access these buttons, open the the Simulation Parameters dialog box and select the Real-Time Workshop pane. Then select ERT code deployment aids from Category menu, as shown in the figure below. The ERT code deployment aids buttons are: Model Assistant Tool - documentation: Click this button to view online help for the Model Assistant Tool in the MATLAB Help browser. You can also view the Model Assistant Tool help by typing the MATLAB command modelassistant('help') Model Assistant Tool - configuration: Click this button to open the Model Assistant Tool and configure model options. Target code customization guide: Click this button to view the Advanced Code Generation Features, chapter of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Users Guide (this chapter). Block summary support table: Click this button to view Simulink Block Data Type Support Table in the MATLAB Help Browser. The table describes the data types that are supported by the blocks in the main Simulink and Fixed-Point libraries. The table also identifies blocks that are suitable for ERT Code Deployment Aids 4-5 production code generation. You can also view the table by typing the MATLAB command showblockdatatypetable Tutorial: Click this button to open an interactive Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder tutorial demo in the in the MATLAB Help Browser. You can also view the tutorial demo by typing the MATLAB command ecodertutorial Demos: Click this button to open the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder demo suite. You can also view the demos by typing the MATLAB command ecoderdemos 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-6 Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation Your custom target should specify word sizes for integer data types (e.g.,char, short, int, and long), and for the C implementation-specific properties of your target; the C language definition does not specify this information. To specify such target-specific properties, your target must supply a hook file (referred to as STF_rtw_info_hook.m.) If this hook file is not supplied, code generation uses host-based default values for these properties. These defaults will produce code that is correct when executed on the host, but which may produce incorrect results when deployed on the target hardware. If the hook file already exists, the build process invokes this file to extract the necessary target-specific information. Otherwise, the word size and C implementation details default to values appropriate to the host system. The STF_rtw_info_hook.m file implements a function (STF_rtw_info_hook) that contains a switch statement structured as follows: switch Action case 'wordlengths' ... case 'cImplementation' ... The case 'wordlengths' configures the word lengths for the C data types char, int, short, and long, as appropriate for your target. These parameters are specified via fields of the value structure. Default values are value.CharNumBits = 8; value.ShortNumBits = 16; value.IntNumBits = 32; value.LongNumBits = 32; The case 'cImplementation' configures C implementation details for your target. These parameters are specified via fields of the value structure. Currently, the only such option supported is value.ShiftRightIntArith. The default is true. Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation 4-7 File and Function Naming Conventions. To ensure that STF_rtw_info_hook is called correctly by the build process, the following conditions must be met: The STF_rtw_info_hook file is on the MATLAB path. The filename is the name of your system target file (STF), appended to the string _rtw_info_hook.m. For example, if you were generating code via a custom system target file mytarget.tlc, you would name your STF_rtw_info_hook.m file to mytarget_rtw_info_hook.m. Setting Up STF_rtw_info_hook.m To set up the STF_rtw_info_hook.m file described above for your target: 1 Copy the example hook file from matlabroot\toolbox\rtw\targets\ecoder\hooks\ert_rtw_info_hook.m to a desired directory. (It is common to locate the STF_rtw_info_hook.m file in the same directory as the system target file.) 2 Rename ert_rtw_info_hook.m in accordance with File and Function Naming Conventions on page 4-7 (for example, to mytarget_rtw_info_hook.m if using mytarget.tlc). 3 Add the directory where mytarget_rtw_info_hook.m is stored to the MATLAB path, if it is not already there. 4 Change the name of the function defined in the hook file to match your STF (for example, mytarget_rtw_info_hook). 5 Configure the word lengths in the case 'wordlengths' of the switch Action statement in the hook file. By default, target word sizes for char, short, int, and long are specified as: value.CharNumBits = 8; value.ShortNumBits = 16; value.IntNumBits = 32; value.LongNumBits = 32; The example hook file includes a table of target word lengths that gives values for many types of microprocessors. (See also Determining Target-Specific Settings on page 4-8.) These include the following CPUs: 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-8 - 32-bit floating-point: Motorola PPC, 683XX, Renesas (Hitachi) SH- 2/SH-3, Renesas (Mitsubishi) M32R, Intel x86 - 32-bit fixed-point: TI C28xx, Infineon Tricore, ARM7 - 16-bit fixed-point: Motorola HC12, Infineon C166, TIC24xx, Renesas (Hitachi) H8S - 8-bit fixed-point: Motorola HC08 If your target is the host computer, uncomment the following code, which will set word lengths appropriate for the host machine: varargout{1} = rtwhostwordlengths(modelName); 6 Configure the C implementation details in the case 'cImplementation'of the switch Action statement in the hook file. Currently, the only such option supported is value.ShiftRightIntArith. Set this field true if shift right on a signed integer is implemented as arithmetic shift, and false otherwise. The default is true, as almost all targets implement arithmetic right shift. If your target is the host computer, use the following code: varargout{1} = rtw_host_implementation_props(modelName); Determining Target-Specific Settings. To confirm the target-specific information you can consult the word size information in your C compilers limits.h file. Another useful and robust method of determining the correct settings is to use the demo model rtwtargetsettings. To obtain actual target settings, type the demo name rtwtargetsettings at the MATLAB command prompt. Then generate code from this demo, execute it on your target hardware, and examine the code on the target system using your source level debugger. The signals in the model are global variables in the generated code. By examining these signal variables inside your debugger, you can determine the information required by the STF_rtw_info_hook.m hook file. Emulating Target-Specific Settings. You can emulate your targets execution environment during simulation, rapid prototyping, or for any arbitrary Real-Time Workshop embedded target. To do this, you need to provide target word lengths and implementation details within Simulink via the Production Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation 4-9 Hardware Characteristics settings in the Advanced pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog. When you generate code for execution on the production target, then the Production Hardware Characteristics settings should match those in the STF_rtw_info_hook.m file. A synchchronization mechanism for this is provided in the ert_config_opt.m file. If the Production Hardware Characteristics settings and the settings in the STF_rtw_info_hook.m file do not match, Real-Time Workshop generates extra code to emulate the production hardware characteristics. Note The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides ERT target variants that can help you generate optimal code for fixed-point and floating-point processors. See Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets on page 4-20 for information. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-10 Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File The build process lets you supply optional hook files that are executed at specified points in the code-generation and make process. You can use hook files to add target-specific actions to the build process. This section describes an important M-file hook, generically referred to as STF_make_rtw_hook.m. This hook file implements a function, STF_make_rtw_hook, that dispatches to a specific action, depending on the hookMethod argument passed in. The build process automatically calls STF_make_rtw_hook, passing in the correct hookMethod argument (as well as other arguments described below). You need to implement only those hook methods that your build process requires. File and Function Naming Conventions. To ensure that STF_make_rtw_hook is called correctly by the build process, you must ensure that the following conditions are met: The STF_make_rtw_hook.m file is on the MATLAB path. The filename is the name of your system target file (STF), appended to the string _make_rtw_hook.m. For example, if you were generating code via a custom system target file mytarget.tlc, you would name your STF_make_rtw_hook.m file to mytarget_make_rtw_hook.m. Likewise, the hook function implemented within the file should follow the same naming convention. The hook function implemented in the file follows the function prototype described in the next section. STF_make_rtw_hook.m Function Prototype and Arguments The function prototype for STF_make_rtw_hook is function STF_make_rtw_hook(hookMethod, modelName, rtwRoot, templateMakefile, buildOpts, buildArgs) Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File 4-11 The arguments are defined as: hookMethod: String specifying the stage of build process from which the STF_make_rtw_hook function is called. The flowchart below summarizes the build process, highlighting the hook points. Valid values for hookMethod are 'entry', 'before_tlc', 'before_make', and 'exit'. The STF_make_rtw_hook function dispatches to the relevant code via a switch statement. Figure 4-1: Build Process Flowchart (Hook Points Highlighted) rtwRoot: Reserved. Start RTWGEN RTW validation STF 'entry' hook Create build directory STF 'before_tlc' hook Generate code STF 'before_make' hook Make STF 'exit' hook Inputs: modelName, buildArgs Inputs: buildOpts,templateMakefile End RTWGEN 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-12 modelName: String specifying the name of the model. Valid at all stages of the build process. templateMakefile: Name of template makefile. buildOpts: A MATLAB structure containing the fields described in the list below. Valid for the 'before_make', and 'exit'stages only. The buildOpts fields are - modules: Character array specifying a list of generated C files, such as model.c, model_data.c, etc. - codeFormat: Character array containing code format specified for the target. (ERT-based targets must use the 'Embedded-C' code format.) - noninlinedSFcns: Cell array specifying list of noninlined S-functions in the model. - compilerEnvVal: String specifying compiler environment variable value (e.g., C:\Applications\Microsoft Visual) buildArgs: Character array containing the argument to make_rtw. When you invoke the build process, buildArgs is copied from the argument string (if any) following make_rtw in the Make command field of the Real-Time Workshop Target configuration options. Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File 4-13 The make arguments from the Make command field in the figure above, for example, generate the following: % make -f VAR1=0 VAR2=4 Applications for STF_make_rtw_hook.m An enumeration of all possible uses for STF_make_rtw_hook.m is beyond the scope of this document. We can, however, suggest some ways in which you might apply the available hooks. In general, you can use the 'entry' hook to initialize the build process before any code is generated. One application for the 'entry' hook is to auto-configure a model, as described in Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation on page 4-15. The other hook points, 'before_tlc', 'before_make', and 'exit', are useful for interfacing with external tool chains, source control tools, and other environment tools. For example, you could use the STF_make_rtw_hook.m file at any stage after 'entry' to obtain the path to the build directory. At the 'exit' stage, you could then locate generated code files within the build directory and check them into your version control system. Note that the build process temporarily changes the MATLAB working directory to the build directory for stages 'before_make' and 'exit'. Your STF_make_rtw_hook.m file should not make incorrect assumptions about the location of the build directory. You can obtain the path to the build directory anytime after the 'entry' stage using this function: rtwprivate('rtwattic','getBuildDir') rtwprivate returns the build directory pathname as a string. Using STF_make_rtw_hook.m for Your Build Procedure To create a custom STF_make_rtw_hook hook file for your build procedure, copy and edit the example ert_make_rtw_hook.m file (located in the matlabroot\toolbox\rtw\targets\ecoder directory) as follows: 1 Copy ert_make_rtw_hook.m to a directory in the MATLAB path, and rename it in accordance with the naming conventions described in File and 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-14 Function Naming Conventions on page 4-10. For example, to use it with the GRT target grt.tlc, rename it to grt_make_rtw_hook.m 2 Rename the ert_make_rtw_hook function within the file to match the filename. 3 Implement the hooks that you require by adding code to the appropriate case statements within the switch hookMethod statement. See Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation on page 4-15 for an example. Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation 4-15 Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation Traditionally, model parameters are configured manually prior to code generation. It is now possible to automate the configuration of all (or selected) model parameters during the code generation process. Auto-configuration is performed at the 'entry' hook point of the STF_make_rtw_hook.m hook file. Therefore, auto-configuration becomes a function of the target that invokes the hook file. By automatically configuring a model in this way, you can avoid manually configuring models. This saves time and eliminates potential errors. Note that you can direct the automatic configuration process to save existing model settings before code generation and restore them afterwards, so that the users manually chosen options are not disturbed. The uset_param and uget_param Utilities Simulink provides two M-file utilities, uset_param and uget_param. You can use these utilities in conjunction with the STF_make_rtw_hook.m hook file, to automate the configuration of a model during the code generation process. These utilities let you configure all code-generation options relevant to Simulink, Stateflow, Real-Time Workshop, and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. uset_param The uset_param utility can be used to assign values to model parameters, to backup and restore model settings, and to display information about model options. To assign an individual model parameter value, pass in the model name and a parameter name/parameter value pair, as in the following examples: uset_param('model_name', 'SolverMode', 'Auto') uset_param('model_name', 'GenerateSampleERTMain', 'on') You can also assign multiple parameter name/parameter value pairs, as in the following example: uset_param('model_name', 'SolverMode', 'Auto', 'RTWInlineParameters', 'off') Note that the parameter names used by the uset_param function are not always the same as the model parameter labels seen on the Simulation 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-16 Parameters dialog. To view a table of all model options and their legal names and values in the MATLAB Help browser, type the following command. uset_param('model_name','help') This option is provided to help you determine correct parameter name/parameter value pairs. The Description column of the table gives the parameter label as displayed in the Simulation Parameters dialog. The External Name column of the table gives the corresponding name you can pass in to uset_param. For parameters that have an enumerated set of values, see the External Valid value group column for legal values. For example code illustrating correct use of parameter name/parameter value pairs with uset_param, see matlabroot\toolbox\rtw\targets\ecoder\ert_config_opt.m. Preservation of Model Settings. Typically, it is desirable to back up model settings before auto-configuration and restore them afterwards. To back up model settings, pass in the model name and the string 'BackupSettings'. uset_param('model_name', 'BackupSettings') This creates a recovery (undo) point from which settings can be restored. Settings should be backed up during the 'entry' hook. To restore settings from the most recent recovery point, pass in the model name and the string 'RestoreSettings'. uset_param('model_name', 'RestoreSettings') Settings should be restored during the 'exit' hook. See Automatic Model Configuration Using ert_make_rtw_hook on page 4-17 for a code example demonstrating correct preservation of model settings. Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation 4-17 uget_param The uget_param utility can be used to obtain the value of a model parameter. To get the value of a model parameter, pass in the model name and the parameter name, for example: uget_param('ecdemo', 'SolverMode') ans = Auto Automatic Model Configuration Using ert_make_rtw_hook As an example of automatic model configuration, we will consider the example hook file, ert_make_rtw_hook.m. This file invokes the function ert_auto_configuration, which in turn calls a lower level function that sets all parameters of the model using the uset_param utility. While reading this section, refer to the following files, (located in matlabroot\toolbox\rtw\targets\ecoder): ert_make_rtw_hook.m ert_auto_configuration.m ert_config_opt.m The following code excerpt from ert_make_rtw_hook.m shows how ert_auto_configuration is called from the 'entry' stage of the build process. At the 'exit' stage, the previous model settings are restored. Note that the ert_auto_configuration call is made within a try/catch block so that in the event of a build error, the model settings will also be restored. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-18 switch hookMethod case 'entry' % Called at start of code generation process (before anything happens.) % Valid arguments at this stage are hookMethod, modelName, and buildArgs.
option = LocalParseArgList(buildArgs); if ~strcmp(option,'none') % Error if ert_rtw_info_hook not present if exist('ert_rtw_info_hook') ~= 2 missing_ert_rtw_info_hook(modelName); end
% Auto configure RTW options uset_param(modelName,'BackupSettings');
try ert_auto_configuration(modelName,option); catch uset_param(modelName,'RestoreSettings'); error(lasterr) end
end ... case 'exit' % Called at the end of the RTW build process. All arguments are valid % at this stage.
% Uncomment if you don't want to dirty the model with auto cofiguration. if ~strcmp(LocalParseArgList(buildArgs),'none') uset_param(modelName,'RestoreSettings'); end The ert_auto_configuration function has two string arguments, which are passed down to the lower-level code: model is the name of the model. option is a string that is extracted from the buildArgs argument to ert_make_rtw_hook.m (see STF_make_rtw_hook.m Function Prototype and Arguments on page 4-10). The option argument specifies a configuration mode. In the example implementation, the configuration mode is either 'optimized_floating_point' or 'optimized_fixed_point'. The following code excerpt from ert_config_opt.m shows a typical use of this argument to make a configuration decision: Auto-Configuring Models for Code Generation 4-19 if strcmp(configMode,'optimized_floating_point') uset_param(model,'GenFloatMathFcnCalls','ISO_C'); uset_param(model,'PurelyIntegerCode','off'); elseif strcmp(configMode,'optimized_fixed_point') uset_param(model,'PurelyIntegerCode','on'); end Using the Auto-Configuration Utilities To use the auto-configuration utilities during your make process as described above: 1 Set up the example ert_make_rtw_hook.m as your STF_make_rtw_hook file (see Customizing the Target Build Process via the STF_make_rtw Hook File on page 4-10). 2 Reconfigure the uset_param calls within ert_config_opt.m to suit your application needs. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-20 Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets As described in Specifying Target-Specific Information for Code Generation on page 4-6, your target should supply a hook file to specify target-specific properties such as word sizes for standard C data types. To make it easier for you to customize a hook file that is optimized for your target hardware, Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides three variants of the ERT target: RTW Embedded Coder (no auto configuration): This is the default ERT target. The behavior of this target is unchanged. If no STF_rtw_info_hook hook file is found, it uses host- based default values as described above. RTW Embedded Coder (auto configures for optimized fixed-point code): To optimize for fixed-point code generation, select this target. During the build process, this target searches the MATLAB path for a hook file, STF_rtw_info_hook.m. If no hook file is found the target displays a warning message and opens an example hook file (ert_rtw_info_hook.m) into the MATLAB editor. You should customize the target word lengths and C language implementation behavior parameters in this file and save this file, as instructed by the warning message. (See Using the Optimized ERT Targets on page 4-21.) Note that this target passes in the command optimized_fixed_point=1 to the build process, via the RTW make command field of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. This in turn invokes the M-file ert_config_opt.m, which auto-configures the model. You can, if desired, customize the option settings in this file. The auto-configuration process overrides the model settings, informing the user via a message in the MATLAB command window. RTW Embedded Coder (auto configures for optimized floating-point code): To optimize for floating-point code generation, select this target. During the build process, this target searches the MATLAB path for a hook file, STF_rtw_info_hook.m. If no hook file is found the target displays a warning message and opens an example hook file (ert_rtw_info_hook.m) into the MATLAB editor. You should customize the target word lengths and C language implementation behavior parameters in this file and save this Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets 4-21 file, as instructed by the warning message. (See Using the Optimized ERT Targets on page 4-21.) Note that this target passes in the command optimized_floating_point=1 to the build process, via the RTW make command field of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. This in turn invokes the M-file ert_config_opt.m, which auto-configures the model. You can, if desired, customize the option settings in this file. The auto-configuration process overrides the model settings, informing the user via a message in the MATLAB command window. Using the Optimized ERT Targets To use one of the optimized versions of the ERT targets: 1 Open the System Target File Browser. This figure shows the browser with the RTW Embedded Coder (auto configures for optimized fixed-point code) target selected. 2 Select the desired target. 3 Save the model. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-22 4 Initiate the build process. 5 If you have not provided a STF_rtw_info_hook hook file, an error message similar to the one below will be displayed. This message indicates the name and location of the example hook file for you to customize. At the same time, the MATLAB editor automatically opens the example hook file. 6 Edit the example hook file in the MATLAB editor (see Setting Up STF_rtw_info_hook.m on page 4-7). Change the assignment statements that set the fields of the value structure (value.CharNumBits, value.ShiftRightIntArith etc.) to use appropriate values for your target processor. 7 Save the customized hook file to a directory of your choice. If you are using or setting up a custom target, use the location and naming conventions described in File and Function Naming Conventions on page 4-7. 8 If the directory containing the customized hook file is not on the MATLAB path, add it to the MATLAB path and save the path for use in future settings. Generating Efficient Code via Optimized ERT Targets 4-23 9 The next time code generation is initiated, the build process will use your custom hook file. The auto-configuration process reports this, in a message similar to the following: *** Auto configuring 'optimized_fixed_point' for model 'ecdemo' as specified by: D:\test_install\r13sp1_bash\toolbox\rtw\targets\ecoder\ert_config_opt.m *** Overwriting model settings if they do not yield optimized code. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-24 Generating Custom Code File Banners The ERT target now lets you specify custom file banners to be inserted into the code files generated by the ERT target. File banners are comment sections in the header and trailer portions of a generated file. You can use these banners to add a company copyright statement, specify a special version symbol for your configuration management system, remove time stamps, and for many other purposes. File banners are specified by using banner templates. Banner templates are TLC files that can be invoked during the generation of source code files. You do not need to be familiar with TLC programming to use banner templates. Generally, you simply need to modify example banner templates supplied with the ERT target. File banner generation is supported by the ERT code templates category of the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog (shown in the figure below. The options related to file banner generation are Source file (.c) banner template: Banner template file to use when generating source (.c) files. This file must be located on the TLC path. Header file (.h) banner template: Banner template file to use when generating header (.h) files. This file must be located on the TLC path. This Generating Custom Code File Banners 4-25 can be the same template specified in Source file (.c) banner template, in which case identical banners will be generated in source and header files. By default, the banner template for both source and header files is matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_banner.tlc. Creating a Custom File Banner Template The recommended procedure for creating a custom file banner template is Copy the default banner template (matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_banner.tlc) to a directory that is not inside the MATLAB directory structure (typically, to a folder under your targets root directory). Note that this directory must be on the TLC path. Therefore, it is good practice to locate the banner template in the same directory as your system target file, which is guarateed to be on the TLC path. Rename the template file. Edit and customize the template file as needed (See Customizing a File Banner Template on page 4-25). In the ERT code templates category of the Real-Time Workshop pane, enter the template filename in the Source file (.c) banner template and/or Header file (.h) banner template field. Click Apply and save your model. Generate code. The generated source and/or header files will contain the banners specified by the template(s). Customizing a File Banner Template A file banner template consists of three sections: Header (optional): TLC code to generate a header banner. The header banner precedes any C code generated by the model. If the header section is omitted, no header banner is generated. The following is the header section of the default file banner template (matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_banner.tlc): 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-26 %% Custom file banner (optional) %% /* * File: %<FileName> * * Real-Time Workshop code generated for Simulink model %<ModelName>. * * Model version : %<ModelVersion> * Real-Time Workshop file version : %<RTWFileVersion> * Real-Time Workshop file generated on : %<RTWFileGeneratedOn> * TLC version : %<TLCVersion> * C source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn> * * You can customize this banner by specifying a different banner template. */ Code insertion section (required): This section must not be omitted. It contains a %include statement that performs the actual generation of C source or header code for the file. The following is the code insertion section of the default file banner template (matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_banner.tlc) %% Insert generated code (required) %% %include "rtwec_code.tlc" Trailer (optional): TLC code to generate a trailer banner. The trailer banner follows any C code generated by the model. If the trailer section is omitted, no trailer banner is generated. The following is the trailer section of the default file banner template (matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_banner.tlc): %% Custom file trailer (optional) %% /* File trailer for Real-Time Workshop generated code. * * You can customize this file trailer by specifying a different banner template. * * [EOF] */ The header and trailer sections typically use TLC variables (such as %<ModelVersion>) as tokens. During code generation, tokens are replaced with values in the generated code. example_banner.tlc includes a list of available tokens (e.g., FileName, FileType, etc.). Generating Custom Code File Banners 4-27 The following code excerpt shows a modified banner section based on example_banner.tlc. This template inserts a copyright notice into the banner. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Custom file banner (optional) %% /* * File: %<FileName> * --------------------------------------------------- * Copyright 2003 ABC Corporation, Inc. * --------------------------------------------------- * * Real-Time Workshop code generated for Simulink model %<ModelName>. * * Model version : %<ModelVersion> * Real-Time Workshop file version : %<RTWFileVersion> * Real-Time Workshop file generated on : %<RTWFileGeneratedOn> * TLC version : %<TLCVersion> * C source code generated on : %<SourceGeneratedOn> * * This banner was generated by copyright_banner.tlc. */
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following code excerpt shows an actual file banner generated using the above template. /* * File: ecdemo.c * --------------------------------------------------- * Copyright 2003 ABC Corporation, Inc. * --------------------------------------------------- * * Real-Time Workshop code generated for Simulink model ecdemo.mdl. * * Model version : 1.190 * Real-Time Workshop file version : 5.1 $Date: 2003/08/08 18:37:24 $ * Real-Time Workshop file generated on : Fri Sep 26 16:34:26 2003 * TLC version : 5.1 (Aug 8 2003) * C source code generated on : Fri Sep 26 16:34:26 2003 * * This banner was generated by copyright_banner.tlc. */ 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-28 Custom File Processing Templates The ERT target now supports use of custom file processing templates (CFP template) during code generation. A CFP template is a TLC file that calls a high-level API, referred to as the code template API. The code template API simplifies generation of custom source code by letting you Generate virtually any type of source (.c) or header (.h) file. A CFP template can emit code to the standard generated model files (e.g., model.c, model.h, etc.) or generate files that are independent of model code. Organize generated code into sections (such as includes, typedefs, functions, and more). Your CFP template can emit code (e.g., functions), directives (such as #define or #include statements), or comments into each section as required. Generate code to call model functions such as model_initialize, model_step, etc. Generate code to read and write model inputs and outputs. Generate a main program module. Obtain information about the model and the files being generated from it. Note that, although use of CFP templates simplifies custom code generation, the feature still requires some understanding of TLC programming. See the Target Language Ccompiler Reference Guide documentation to learn the basics of TLC. The files provided to support custom file processing are located in the directory matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw. The key files are ertcodetemplatelib.tlc: A TLC function library that implements the code template API. ertcodetemplatelib.tlc also provides the comprehensive documentation of the API in the comments headers preceding each function. example_file_process.tlc: An example CFP template, which you should use as the starting point for creating your own CFP templates. Guidelines and examples for creating a CFP template are provided in Generating Source and Header Files with a CFP Template on page 4-31 below. TLC files supporting generation of single-rate and multi-rate main program modules (see Generating a Main Program Module on page 4-36). Custom File Processing Templates 4-29 Once you have created a CFP template, you must integrate it into the code generation process, using the File customization template option. This option is located in the ERT code templates category of the Real-Time Workshop pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog (shown in the figure below). The File customization template option specifies the name of a CFP template file to use when generating code files. This file must be located on the TLC path. The default CFP template is example_file_process.tlc. Template Structure A CFP template imposes a simple structure on the code generation process. The template partitions the code generated for each file into a number of sections. These sections are summarized in Table 4-1. Code for each section is assembled in buffers and then emitted, in the order listed, to the file being generated. To generate a file section, your CFP template must first assemble the code to be generated into a buffer. Then, to emit the section, your template calls the TLC function LibSetSourceFileSection(fileH, section,tmpBuf) where fileH is a file reference to a file being generated. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-30 section is the code section to which code is to be emitted. section must be one of the section names listed in Table 4-1. tmpBuf is the buffer containing the code to be emitted. There is no requirement to generate all of these sections. Your template need only generate the sections you require in a particular file. Note that no legality or syntax checking is performed on the custom code within each section. See Generating Source and Header Files with a CFP Template on page 431 for typical usage examples. Table 4-1: Code Sections Emitted by CFP Templates Section Name Description Banner File banner (comment) at the top of the file Includes #include directives section Defines #define directives section IntrinsicTypes Intrinsic typedef section. Intrinsic types are those that depend only on intrinsic C types. PrimitiveTypedefs Primitive typedef section. Primitive typedefs are those that depend only on intrinsic C types and on any typedefs previously defined in the IntrinsicTypes section. UserTop Any type of code can be placed in this section. You can place code that has dependencies on the previous sections here. Typedefs typedef section. Typedefs can depend on any previously defined type Enums Enumerated types section Definitions Place data definitions here (e.g., double x = 3.0;) ExternData (reserved) Real-Time Workshop extern data ExternFcns (reserved) Real-Time Workshop extern functions Custom File Processing Templates 4-31 Generating Source and Header Files with a CFP Template This section walks you through the process of generating a simple source (.c) and header (.h) file using the example CFP template. Then, it examines the template and the code generated by the template. The example CFP template, example_file_process.tlc, demonstrates some of the capabilities of the code template API, including Generation of simple source (.c) and header (.h) files. Use of buffers to generate file sections for includes, functions, etc. Generation of includes, defines etc. into the standard generated files (e.g., model.h) Generation of a main program module. Generating Code with a CFP Template This section sets up a CFP template and configures a model to use the template in code generation. The template generates (in addition to the standard model files) a C source file (timestwo.c) and a header file (timestwo.h). We suggest that you follow the steps below to become acquainted with the use of CFP templates: FcnPrototypes (reserved) Real-Time Workshop function prototypes Declarations Data declarations (e.g., extern double x;) Functions C functions CompilerErrors #warning directives CompilerWarnings #error directives Documentation Documentation (comment) section UserBottom Any code can be placed in this section. Table 4-1: Code Sections Emitted by CFP Templates Section Name Description 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-32 1 Copy the example CFP template, matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc/mw/example_file_process.tlc, to a directory of your choice. This directory should be located outside the MATLAB directory structure (i.e., it should not be under matlabroot.) Note that this directory must be on the TLC path. Therefore, it is good practice to locate the CFP template in the same directory as your system target file, which is guarateed to be on the TLC path. 2 Rename the copied example_file_process.tlc to test_example_file_process.tlc. 3 Open test_example_file_process.tlc into the MATLAB editor. 4 Uncomment the following line: %%assign ERTCustomFileTest = TLC_TRUE It should now read: %assign ERTCustomFileTest = TLC_TRUE If ERTCustomFileTest is not assigned as shown, the CFP template will be ignored in code generation. 5 Save your changes to the file. Keep test_example_file_process.tlc open, so you can refer to it later. 6 Open the ecdemo model. 7 Open the Simulation Parameters dialog and select the Real-Time Workshop tab. Select ERT code templates from the Category menu. Custom File Processing Templates 4-33 8 Configure the options as shown above. The test_example_file_process.tlc file, which you previously edited, is specified as the CFP template. 9 Click Apply. 10 Click Generate code. During code generation, you will notice the following message on the MATLAB command window: Warning: Overriding example ert_main.c! This message is displayed because test_example_file_process.tlc generates the main program module, overriding the default action of the ERT target. This will be explained in greater detail below. 11 The ecdemo model is configured to generate an HTML code generation report. After code generation completes, view the report. Notice that the Generated Source Files list contains the files timestwo.c, timestwo.h, and ert_main.c. These files were generated by the CFP template. The next section examines the template to learn how this was done. 12 Keep the model, the code generation report, and the test_example_file_process.tlc file open so you can refer to them in the next section. 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-34 Analysis of the Example CFP Template and Generated Code This section examines excerpts from test_example_file_process.tlc and some of the code it generates. It will be helpful for you to refer to the comments in ertcodetemplatelib.tlc while reading the discussion below. Generating Code Files. Source (.c) and header (.h) files are created by calling LibCreateSourceFile, as in the following excerpts: %assign hFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Header", "Custom", "timestwo") ... %assign cFile = LibCreateSourceFile("Source", "Custom", "timestwo") Subsequent code refers to the files by the file reference returned from LibCreateSourceFile. File Sections and Buffers. The code template API lets you partition the code generated to each file into sections, tagged as Definitions,Includes, Functions, Banner, etc. You can append code to each section as many times as required. This technique gives you a great deal of flexibility in the formatting of your custom code files. The available file sections, and the order in which they are emitted to the generated file, are summarized in Table 4-1, Code Sections Emitted by CFP Templates, on page 4-30. For each section of a generated file, use %openfile and %closefile to store the text for that section in temporary buffers. Then, to write (append) the buffer contents to a file section, call LibSetSourceFileSection, passing in the desired section tag and file reference. For example, the following code uses two buffers (tmwtypesBuf and tmpBuf) to generate two sections (tagged Includes and Functions) of the source file timestwo.c (referenced as cFile): Custom File Processing Templates 4-35 %openfile tmwtypesBuf
#include "tmwtypes.h"
%closefile tmwtypesBuf
%<LibSetSourceFileSection(cFile,"Includes",tmwtypesBuf)> %openfile tmpBuf /* Times two function */ real_T timestwofcn(real_T input) { return (input * 2.0); } %closefile tmpBuf
%<LibSetSourceFileSection(cFile,"Functions",tmpBuf)> These two sections generate the entire timestwo.c file: #include "tmwtypes.h" /* Times two function */ real_T timestwofcn(real_T input) { return (input * 2.0); } Adding Code to Standard Generated Files. The timestwo.c file generated in the previous example was independent of the standard code files generated from a model (e.g., model.c, model.h, etc.). You can use similar techniques to generate custom code within the model files. The code template API includes functions to obtain the names of the standard models files and other model-related information. The following excerpt calls LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName to obtain the correct name for the model.h file. It then obtains a file reference and generates a definition in the Defines section of model.h: 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-36 %% Add a #define to the model's public header file model.h
%<LibSetSourceFileSection(modelH,"Defines",tmpBuf)> Examine the generated ecdemo.h file to see the generated #define directive. Generating a Main Program Module. Normally, the ERT target follows the Generate an example main program and Target operating system options to determine how to generate an ert_main.c module (if any). You can use a CFP template to override the normal behavior and generate a main program module customized for your target environment. To support generation of main program modules, two TLC files are provided: bareboard_srmain.tlc: TLC code to generate an example single-rate main program module for a bareboard target environment. Code is generated by a single TLC function, FcnSingleTaskingMain. bareboard_mrmain.tlc: TLC code to generate a multi-rate main program module for a bareboard target environment. Code is generated by a single TLC function, FcnMultiTaskingMain. In the example CFP template, the following code generates either a single- or multi-tasking ert_main.c module. The logic depnds on information obtained from the code template API calls LibIsSingleRateModel and LibIsSingleTasking: %% Create a simple main. Files are located in MATLAB/rtw/c/tlc/mw.
%if LibIsSingleRateModel() || LibIsSingleTasking() %include "bareboard_srmain.tlc" %<FcnSingleTaskingMain()> %else %include "bareboard_mrmain.tlc" %<FcnMultiTaskingMain()> %endif Custom File Processing Templates 4-37 Note that bareboard_srmain.tlc and bareboard_mrmain.tlc use the code template API to generate ert_main.c. Creation of a main program for your target environment requires some customization; for example, in a bareboard environment you will need to attach rt_OneStep to a timer interrupt. It is expected that you will customize either the generated code, the generating TLC code, or both. See Guidelines for Modifying the Main Program on page 211 and Guidelines for Modifying rt_OneStep on page 216 for further information. Code Template API Summary Table 4-2 summarizes the code template API. See the source code in ertcodetemplatelib.tlc for detailed information on the arguments, return values, and operation of these calls. Table 4-2: Code Template API Functions Function Description LibGetNumSourceFiles Returns the number of created source files (.c and .h). LibGetSourceFileTag Returns <filename>_h and <filename>_c for header and source files, respectively where filename is the name of the model file. LibCreateSourceFile Creates a new C file and returns its reference. If the file already exists, simply returns its reference. LibGetSourceFileFromIdx Returns a model file reference based on its index. This is useful for a common operation on all files, such as to set the leading file banner of all files. LibSetSourceFileSection Adds to the contents of a specified section within a specified file (see also Template Structure on page 4-29). LibGetSourceFileSection Retrieves the contents of a file. See the code for LibSetSourceFileSection for list of valid sections. LibIndentSourceFile Indents a file with the c_indent utility of Real-Time Workshop (from within the TLC environment). 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-38 LibCallModelInitialize Returns code for calling the model's model_initialize function (valid for ERT only). LibCallModelStep Returns code for calling the model's model_step function (valid for ERT only). LibCallModelTerminate Returns code for calling the model's model_terminate function (valid for ERT only). LibCallSetEventForThisBaseStep Returns code for calling the model's set events function (valid for ERT only). LibWriteModelData Returns data for the model (valid for ERT only). LibSetRTModelErrorStatus Returns the code to set the model error status. LibGetRTModelErrorStatus Returns the code to get the model error status. LibIsSingleRateModel Returns true if model is single rate and false otherwise. LibGetModelName Returns name of the model (no extension). LibGetMdlSrcBaseName Returns the name of model's main source (e.g., model.c) file. LibGetMdlPubHdrBaseName Returns the name of model's public header (e.g., model.h). LibGetMdlPrvHdrBaseName Returns the name of the model's private header (e.g., model_private.h) file. LibIsSingleTasking Returns true if the model is configured for singletasking execution. LibWriteModelInput Returns the code to write to a particular root input (i.e., a model inport block). (valid for ERT only). LibWriteModelOutput Returns the code to write to a particular root output (i.e., a model outport block). (valid for ERT only). Table 4-2: Code Template API Functions (Continued) Function Description Custom File Processing Templates 4-39 LibWriteModelInputs Returns the code to write to root inputs (i.e., all model inport blocks). (valid for ERT only) LibWriteModelOutputs Returns the code to write to root outputs (i.e., all model outport blocks). (valid for ERT only). LibNumDiscreteSampleTimes Returns the number of discrete sample times in the model. Table 4-2: Code Template API Functions (Continued) Function Description 4 Advanced Code Generation Features 4-40
5 Custom Storage Classes This section contains the following topics: Introduction to Custom Storage Classes (p. 5-2) Overview of how the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coders custom storage classes extend your control over the representation of data in an embedded algorithm. Properties of Predefined Custom Storage Classes (p. 5-4) Summary of the attributes of custom storage classes. Class-Specific Storage Class Attributes (p. 5-8) Additional attributes that are specific to certain classes. Other Custom Storage Classes (p. 5-10) Custom storage classes that have been provided for special purposes. Assigning a Custom Storage Class to Data (p. 5-11) How to assign a custom storage class to a Simulink data object either from the Simulink Data Explorer, or from the MATLAB command prompt Code Generation with Custom Storage Classes (p. 5-17) Procedure for generating code with data objects that have a custom storage class. Sample Code Excerpts (p. 5-19) Generated code examples from an example model with block parameters and signals that are associated with data objects having predefined custom storage classes. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-2 Introduction to Custom Storage Classes In Real-Time Workshop, the storage class specification of a signal, tunable parameter, block state, or data object specifies how that entity is declared, stored, and represented in generated code. Note that in the context of Real-Time Workshop, the term storage class is not synonymous with the term storage class specifier, as used in the C language. Real-Time Workshop defines built-in storage classes for use with all targets. Examples of built-in storage classes are Auto, ExportedGlobal, and ImportedExtern. These storage classes provide limited control over the form of the code generated for references to the data. For example, data of storage class Auto is typically declared and accessed as an element of a structure, while data of storage class ExportedGlobal is declared and accessed as unstructured global variables. Built-in storage classes are discussed in detail in the Code Generation and the Build Process chapter of the Real-Time Workshop documentation. The built-in storage classes are suitable for a simulation or rapid prototyping environment, but embedded system designers often require greater control over the representation of data. For example, you may need to Conserve memory by storing Boolean data in bit fields. Integrate the code generated by Real Time Workshop with legacy software whose interfaces cannot be modified. Employ certain constructs to comply with your organizations software engineering guidelines for safety-critical code. The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coders custom storage classes provide extended control over the constructs required to represent data in an embedded algorithm. A custom storage class is defined by a set of Target Language Compiler (TLC) instructions that the Real Time Workshop uses when generating code for each type of reference to data of that class. These instructions tell the Real Time Workshop exactly how to define, declare, and access the data. Since the instructions are created by the user, the variations in the code generated are unlimited. The Real Time Workshop Embedded Coder includes a set of predefined custom storage classes designed to be useful in embedded systems development. You can use these classes without any TLC programming. The sections that follow Introduction to Custom Storage Classes 5-3 explain the custom storage classes provided and supported by The MathWorks for use with the Real Time Workshop Embedded Coder. The TLC code for each predefined storage class is found in matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/simulink/@Simulink/tlc. If you want to create your own custom storage classes, you can use this code as an example. However, the creation of new classes is outside the scope of this document. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-4 Properties of Predefined Custom Storage Classes The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder defines two classes of custom data objects: Simulink.CustomParameter: This class is a subclass of Simulink.Parameter. Objects of this class have expanded RTWInfo properties. The properties of Simulink.CustomParameter objects are: - RTWInfo.StorageClass. This property should always be set to the default value, Custom. - RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass. This property takes on one of the enumerated values described in Predefined Custom Storage Class Summaries on page 5-4. This property controls the generated storage declaration and code for the object. - RTWInfo.CustomAttributes. This property defines additional attributes that are exclusive to the class, as described in Class-Specific Storage Class Attributes on page 5-8. - Value. This property is the numeric value of the object, used as an initial (or inlined) parameter value in generated code. Simulink.CustomSignal: This class is a subclass of Simulink.Signal. Objects of this class have expanded RTWInfo properties. The properties of Simulink.CustomSignal objects are: - RTWInfo.StorageClass. This property should always be set to the default value, Custom. - RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass. This property takes on one of the enumerated values described in Predefined Custom Storage Class Summaries below. This property controls the generated storage declaration and code for the object. - RTWInfo.CustomAttributes. This optional property defines additional attributes that are exclusive to the storage class, as described in Class-Specific Storage Class Attributes on page 5-8. Predefined Custom Storage Class Summaries The following tables summarize the predefined custom storage classes. The entry for each class indicates Properties of Predefined Custom Storage Classes 5-5 Name and purpose of the class. Whether the class is valid for parameter or signal objects. For example, you can assign the storage class Const to a parameter object. This storage class is not valid for signals, however, since signal data (except for the case of invariant signals) is not constant. Whether the class is valid for complex data or nonscalar (wide) data. Data types supported by the class. The first three classes, shown in Table 5-1, insert type qualifiers in the data declaration. The second set of three classes, shown in Table 5-2, handles issues of data scope and file partitioning. Table 5-1: Const, ConstVolatile, and Volatile Storage Classes Class Name Purpose Parameters Signals Data Types Complex Wide Const Use const type qualifier in declaration Y N any Y Y ConstVolatile Use const volatile type qualifier in declaration Y N any Y Y Volatile Use volatile type qualifier in declaration Y Y any Y Y 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-6 The final three classes, shown in Table 5-3, specify the data structure or construct used to represent the data. Table 5-2: ExportToFile, ImportFromFile, and Internal Storage Classes Class Name Purpose Parameters Signals Data Types Complex Wide ExportToFile Generate and include files, with user-specified name, containing global variable declarations and definitions Y Y any Y Y ImportFromFile Include predefined header files containing global variable declarations Y Y any Y Y Internal Declare and define global variables whose scope is limited to the code generated by the Real-Time Workshop Y Y any Y Y Table 5-3: BitField, Define, and Struct Storage Classes Class Name Purpose Parameters Signals Data types Complex Wide BitField Embed Boolean data in a named bit field Y Y Boolean N N Properties of Predefined Custom Storage Classes 5-7 Define Represent parameters with a #define macro Y N any N N Struct Embed data in a named struct to encapsulate sets of data Y Y any N Y Table 5-3: BitField, Define, and Struct Storage Classes (Continued) Class Name Purpose Parameters Signals Data types Complex Wide Table 5-4: Data Access Storage Classes Class Name Purpose Parameters Signals Data types Complex Wide GetSet Read and write data using access functions. See GetSet Custom Storage Class for Data Store Memory on page 5-10 N Y any N Y 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-8 Class-Specific Storage Class Attributes Some custom storage classes have attributes that are exclusive to the class. These attributes are made visible as members of the RTWInfo.CustomAttributes field. For example, the BitField class has a BitFieldName attribute (RTWInfo.CustomAttributes.BitFieldName). Table 5-5 summarizes the storage classes with additional attributes, and the meaning of those attributes. Attributes marked optional have default values and may be left unassigned. Table 5-5: Additional Properties of Custom Storage Classes Storage Class Name Additional Properties Description Optional (has default) ExportToFile FileName String. Defines the name of the generated header file within which the global variable declaration should reside. If unspecified, the declaration is placed in model_export.h by default. Y ImportFromFile FileName String. Defines the name of the generated header file which to be used in #include directive. N ImportFromFile IncludeDelimeter Enumerated. Defines delimiter used for filename in the #include directive. Delimiter is either double quotes (e.g. #include "vars.h") or angle brackets (e.g. #include <vars.h>). The default is quotes. Y BitField BitFieldName String. Defines name of bit field in which data will be embedded; if unassigned, the name defaults to rt_BitField. Y Class-Specific Storage Class Attributes 5-9 Struct StructName String. Defines name of the struct in which data will be embedded; if unassigned, the name defaults to rt_Struct. Y GetSet GetFunction String. Specifies function call to read data. See GetSet Custom Storage Class for Data Store Memory on page 5-10. GetSet SetFunction String. Specifies function call to write data. See GetSet Custom Storage Class for Data Store Memory on page 5-10. GetSet HeaderFile String. Same as FileName in the ImportFromFile class. GetSet IncludeDelimeter Enumerated. Same as IncludeDelimeter in the ImportFromFile class. Table 5-5: Additional Properties of Custom Storage Classes (Continued) Storage Class Name Additional Properties Description Optional (has default) 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-10 Other Custom Storage Classes This section discusses other custom storage classes that have been provided for special purposes. GetSet Custom Storage Class for Data Store Memory The GetSet custom storage class can only be used for the memory of Data Store Read and Data Store Write blocks. The properties of the GetSet class are summarized in Table 5-4 and Table 5-5. This class supports only signals of noncomplex data types. Its purpose is to generate code that reads (gets) and writes (sets) data via functions. For example, if the GetFunction for signal x is specified as "get_x" then the generated code will call get_x() wherever the value of x is used. If the SetFunction for signal x is specified as "set_x" then the generated code will call set_x(value) wherever the value of x is assigned. For wide signals, an additional index argument is passed, as in get_x(idx) set_x(value, idx) The cscgetsetdemo demo illustrates the use of the GetSet custom storage class. Designing Custom Storage Classes Designing your own custom storage classes is an advanced topic. We have provided a step-by-step tutorial with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder demo suite. To view this tutorial, type the following command at the MATLAB command prompt: cscdesignintro Assigning a Custom Storage Class to Data 5-11 Assigning a Custom Storage Class to Data You can assign a custom storage class to a Simulink data object either from the Simulink Data Explorer, or from the MATLAB command prompt. Assigning a Custom Storage Classes via the Simulink Data Explorer To create a custom parameter or signal object from the Simulink Data Explorer: 1 Choose Data explorer from the Simulink Tools menu, or type slexplr at the MATLAB prompt. The Data explorer dialog box appears. 2 In the Objects (left) pane, depress the right mouse button. A pop-up menu appears. Select New from the menu, as shown in this figure. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-12 3 A New Object dialog box is displayed. Select Simulink.CustomParameter or Simulink.CustomSignal from the Class menu. Enter the name of the object in the Name field. In this figure, an object p of class Simulink.CustomParameter is created. 4 Click OK. The object now appears in the Objects pane, and is selected. Its properties are shown in the Properties (right) pane. Assigning a Custom Storage Class to Data 5-13 5 To view the properties of the object, open the RTWInfo field by clicking on the + button next to the field name. Similarly, open the RTWInfo.CustomAttributes field to show the class-specific attributes of the object (if any). This figure shows the initial properties of the Simulink.CustomParameter object p. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-14 6 Set the custom storage class of the object, by selecting a value for the objects RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass property from the CustomStorageClass menu. In this figure, the custom storage class of the object p is being changed from BitField to Define. Assigning a Custom Storage Class to Data 5-15 7 This figure shows the object properties after the custom storage class property of p is set to Define. Notice that the BitFieldName attribute is no longer displayed, since that attribute applies only to objects whose custom storage class is BitField. 8 Make sure that the RTWInfo.StorageClass property is set to Custom. If this property is not set to Custom, the custom storage properties are ignored. 9 Click Close to dismiss the Simulink Data Explorer. Assigning a Custom Storage Class via the MATLAB Command Line You can create custom parameter or signal objects from the MATLAB command line. For example, the following commands create a custom parameter object p and a custom signal object s: p = Simulink.CustomParameter s = Simulink.CustomSignal 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-16 After creating the object, set the RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass and (optional) RTWInfo.CustomAttributes fields. For example, the following commands sets these fields for the custom parameter object p: p.RTWInfo.CustomStorageClass = 'ExportToFile' p.RTWInfo.CustomAttributes.FileName = 'testfile.h' Finally, make sure that the RTWInfo.StorageClass property is set to its default value, Custom. If you inadvertently set this property to some other value, the custom storage properties are ignored. Code Generation with Custom Storage Classes 5-17 Code Generation with Custom Storage Classes The procedure for generating code with data objects that have a custom storage class is similar to the procedure for code generation using Simulink data objects that have built-in storage classes. If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, please see the discussion of Simulink data objects in the Code Generation and the Build Process chapter of the Real-Time Workshop documentation. To generate code with custom storage classes, you must 1 Create one or more data objects of class Simulink.CustomParameter or Simulink.CustomSignal. 2 Set the custom storage class property of the objects, as well as the class-specific attributes (if any) of the objects. 3 Reference these objects as block parameters, signals, block states, or Data Store memory. When generating code from a model employing custom storage classes, make sure that the Ignore custom storage classes option is not selected, as shown in this picture. This is the default for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-18 When Ignore custom storage classes is selected: Objects with custom storage classes are treated as if their storage class attribute is set to Auto. The storage class of signals that have custom storage classes is not displayed on the signal line, even if the Storage class option of the Simulink Format menu is selected. Ignore custom storage classes lets you switch to a rapid prototyping target such as the generic real-time target (GRT), without having to reconfigure your parameter and signal objects. When using the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, you can control the Ignore custom storage classes option via the check box in the ERT code generation options (2) category of the Real-Time Workshop tab of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. If you are using a target that does not have a check box for this option (such as a custom target) you can enter the option directly into the System target file field in the Target configuration category of the Real-Time Workshop pane. The following example turns the option on: -aIgnoreCustomStorageClasses=1 Ordering of Generated Storage Declarations Variables, structs, and other declarations in the generated code are sorted 1 Alphabetically by storage class 2 Within storage class, alphabetically by variable name See the code excerpts in the next section, Sample Code Excerpts for examples of how declarations are sorted. Sample Code Excerpts 5-19 Sample Code Excerpts In the model shown in Figure 5-1, block parameters and signals are associated with data objects belonging to each of the predefined custom storage classes, as follows: Parameters c, cv, and d reference Simulink.CustomParameter objects with custom storage class Const, ConstVolatile and Define, respectively. Signals v and intl reference Simulink.CustomSignal objects with custom storage class Volatile and Internal, respectively. Signals sw1 and sw2 reference Simulink.CustomSignal objects with custom storage class Struct, whose StructName storage class attribute is set to testpoints. Signals b1 and b2 reference Simulink.CustomSignal objects with custom storage class BitField, whose BitFieldName storage class attribute is set to signalBit. Parameter eg references a Simulink.CustomParameter object with custom storage class ExportToFile, whose FileName storage class attribute is set to exportedSignals.h. Parameter ig references a Simulink.CustomParameter object with custom storage class ImportFromFile, whose FileName storage class attribute is set to importedSignals.h, and whose IncludeDelimeter attribute is set to Braces. 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-20 Figure 5-1: Model Using Custom Storage Classes The structure definitions for the bit field signalBit and the struct testpoints are in the generated file model_types.h, as shown in the following code excerpt. Notice also the inclusion of the generated file exportedSignals.h and the file importedSignals.h. The latter is assumed to be a hand-written file containing external signal definitions: #include "exportedSignals.h" #include <importedSignals.h> typedef struct signalBit_tag { unsigned int b1:1; unsigned int b2:1; } signalBit_bitfield; /* Struct data */ typedef struct testpoints_tag { real_T sw1; real_T sw2; } testpoints_struct; Sample Code Excerpts 5-21 A code excerpt from exportedSignals.h follows, declaring the parameter eg and making it visible to externally written code: #ifndef _exportedSignals_h #include "tmwtypes.h" extern real_T eg; #define _exportedSignals_h #endif The following excerpt from the generated file model_data.c contains the storage declarations and initializers for the parameters c, cv, and d; signals v and intl; exported signal eg; signals b1 and b2 (embedded in signalBit); and sw1 and sw2 (embedded in testpoints): /* Data with custom storage class Const */ const real_T c = 2.0; /* Data with custom storage class ConstVolatile */ const volatile real_T cv = 4.0; /* Data with custom storage class Define */ #define d 5.0 /* Data with custom storage class ExportToFile */ real_T eg; /* Data with custom storage class Internal */ real_T intl; /* Data with custom storage class Volatile */ volatile real_T v; /* External Outputs Structure */ ExternalOutputs rtY; /* user code (bottom of parameter file) */ signalBit_bitfield signalBit = {0,0}; testpoints_struct testpoints = {0.0,0.0}; 5 Custom Storage Classes 5-22 The following code excerpt from model.c illustrates the application of these variables in the generated program: /* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In1' * Constant: '<Root>/Constant' * Constant: '<Root>/Constant1' */ if (signalBit.b1) { testpoints.sw1 = c; } else { testpoints.sw1 = cv; } /* Switch: '<Root>/Switch1' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In2' * Constant: '<Root>/Constant2' * Constant: '<Root>/Constant3' */ if (signalBit.b2) { testpoints.sw2 = eg; } else { testpoints.sw2 = ig; } /* Sum: '<Root>/Sum' */ v = testpoints.sw1 + testpoints.sw2; /* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' * * Regarding '<Root>/Gain': * Gain value: d */ intl = v * d; /* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */ rtY.Out1 = intl;
6 Requirements, Restrictions, Target Files This section contains the following topics: Requirements and Restrictions (p. 6-2) Conditions your model must meet for use with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. System Target File and Template Makefiles (p. 6-4) Summary of control files used by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. 6 Requirements, Restrictions, Target Files 6-2 Requirements and Restrictions By definition, a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder program operates in discrete time. Your model must use the following solver options: - Solver type: fixed-step - Algorithm: discrete (no continuous states) You must select the SingleTasking or Auto solver mode when the model is single-rate. Table 2-3, Permitted Solver Modes for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Targeted Models, indicates permitted solver modes for single-rate and multirate models. You cannot have any continuous time blocks in your model (see Unsupported Blocks on page 6-2). If you are designing a program that is intended to run indefinitely, you should not use blocks that have a dependency on absolute time. See Blocks that Depend on Absolute Time in the Real-Time Workshop documentation for a list of such blocks. You must inline all S-functions with a corresponding TLC file. The reason for this is that Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated code uses the real-time object, rather than the SimStruct. Since noninlined S-functions require reference to the SimStruct, they cannot be used in Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated programs. See the Writing S-Functions section of the Simulink documentation for information about inlining S-functions. Unsupported Blocks The Embedded-C format does not support the following built-in blocks: Continuous - No blocks in this library are supported Discrete - First-Order Hold Functions and Tables - MATLAB Fcn - The following S-functions: M-file and Fortran S-functions, or noninlined C-MEX S-functions that call into MATLAB Requirements and Restrictions 6-3 Math - Algebraic Constraint Nonlinear - Rate Limiter Sources - Clock - Chirp Signal - Ramp - Repeating Sequence - Signal Generator 6 Requirements, Restrictions, Target Files 6-4 System Target File and Template Makefiles The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder system target file is ert.tlc. Real-Time Workshop provides template makefiles for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder in the following development environments: ert_bc.tmf Borland C ert_lcc.tmf LCC compiler ert_unix.tmf UNIX host ert_vc.tmf Visual C ert_watc.tmf Watcom C
A Generating ASAP2 Files ASAP2 is a data definition standard proposed by the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM). ASAP2 is a standard description you use for data measurement, calibration, and diagnostic systems. This section includes the following topics: Overview (p. A-2) Topics you should be familiar with before working with ASAP2 file generation. Targets Supporting ASAP2 (p. A-3) Real-Time Workshop
targets with built-in ASAP2 support. Defining ASAP2 Information (p. A-4) Signal and parameter information from a Simulink model needed to create an ASAP2 file. Generating an ASAP2 File (p. A-6) Procedure for creating an ASAP2 file from a Simulink model. Customizing an ASAP2 File (p. A-10) Target Language Compiler (TLC) files you can change to customize the ASAP2 file generated from a Simulink model. Structure of the ASAP2 File (p. A-17) Summary of the parts of the ASAP2 file and the Target Language Compiler functions used to write each part. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-2 Overview Real-Time Workshop lets you export an ASAP2 file containing information about your model during the code generation process. To make use of ASAP2 file generation, you should become familiar with the following topics: ASAM and the ASAP2 standard and terminology. See the ASAM Web site at Simulink data objects. Data objects are used to supply information not contained in the model. For an overview, see Working with Data Objects in the Using Simulink documentation. Storage and representation of signals and parameters in generated code. See Working with Data Structures in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. Signal and parameter objects and their use in code generation. See Working with Data Structures in the Real-Time Workshop documentation. If you are reading this document online in the MATLAB Help browser, you can run an interactive demo of ASAP2 file generation. Alternatively, you can access the demo by typing the following command at the MATLAB command prompt, as in this example: asap2demo Targets Supporting ASAP2 A-3 Targets Supporting ASAP2 Real-Time Workshop provides two target configurations you can use to generate ASAP2 files. You can select either of these target configurations from the System Target File Browser: The ASAM-ASAP2 Data Definition Target lets you generate only an ASAP2 file, without building an executable. The Real-Time Windows Embedded Coder lets you generate an ASAP2 file as part of the code generation and build process. Procedures for generating ASAP2 files via these targets are given in Generating an ASAP2 File on page A-6. Alternatively, you can add ASAP2 support to your own target by defining the TLC variable GenerateASAP2 in your system target file, as shown in the following code example: %assign GenerateASAP2 = 1 %include "codegenentry.tlc" Note You must define GenerateASAP2 before including codegenentry.tlc. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-4 Defining ASAP2 Information The ASAP2 file generation process requires information about your model's parameters and signals. Some of this information is contained in the model itself. The rest must be supplied by using Simulink data objects with the necessary properties. Real-Time Workshop provides two example data classes to assist you in providing the necessary information. The classes are ASAP2.Parameter, a subclass of Simulink.Parameter ASAP2.Signal, a subclass of Simulink.Signal This document refers to these as the ASAP2 classes, and to objects instantiated from these classes as ASAP2 objects. The ASAP2 class creation files are located in the directory matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2. To create ASAP2 objects, make sure that this directory is on the MATLAB path. As with the built-in Simulink.Parameter and Simulink.Signal classes, we recommend that you create your own packages and classes rather than using the ASAP2 classes directly. To do this, copy and rename the directory matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/@ASAP2, and modify the class creation files it contains. You can extend the ASAP2 classes if additional properties are required. For general information about extending data object classes, see Working with Data Objects in the Using Simulink documentation. The following table contains the minimum set of data attributes required for ASAP2 file generation. Some data attributes are defined in the model; others are supplied in the properties of ASAP2 objects. For attributes that are defined in ASAP2.Parameter or ASAP2.Signal objects, the table gives the associated property name. Defining ASAP2 Information A-5 Memory Address Attribute. The Memory Address attribute, if known before code generation, can be defined in the data object. Otherwise, a placeholder string is inserted. You can replace the placeholder with the actual address by post-processing the generated file. See the file matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/asap2post.m for an example. Table A-1: Data Required for ASAP2 File Generation Data Attribute Defined In Property Name Data type Model Not applicable Scaling (if fixed point data type) Model Not applicable Name (Symbol) Data object Inherited from name of handle to the data object to which parameter or signal name resolves Long identifier (Description) Data object LongID_ASAP2 Minimum allowable value Data object PhysicalMin_ASAP2 Maximum allowable value Data object PhysicalMax_ASAP2 Units Data object Units_ASAP2 Memory Address (optional) Data object (see note below) MemoryAddress_ASAP2 (optional; see Memory Address Attribute below) A Generating ASAP2 Files A-6 Generating an ASAP2 File You can generate an ASAP2 file from your model in one of the following ways: Use the Real-Time Windows Embedded Coder to generate an ASAP2 file as part of the code generation and build process. Use the ASAM-ASAP2 Data Definition Target to generate only an ASAP2 file, without building an executable. Add ASAP2 support to your own target (see Targets Supporting ASAP2 on page A-3). This section discusses how to generate an ASAP2 file via the targets that have built-in ASAP2 support. Generating ASAP2 Files via the Real-Time Windows Embedded Coder The procedure for generating a modes data definition in ASAP2 format via the Real-Time Windows Embedded Coder is as follows: 1 Create the desired model. Use appropriate parameter names and signal labels to refer to CHARACTERISTICS and MEASUREMENTS respectively. 2 Define the relevant ASAP2.Parameter and ASAP2.Signal objects in the MATLAB workspace. 3 Configure the data objects to generate unstructured global storage declarations in the generated code by assigning one of the following storage classes to the RTWInfo.StorageClass property: - ExportedGlobal - ImportedExtern - ImportedExternPointer 4 Configure the other data object properties such as LongID_ASAP2, PhysicalMin_ASAP2, etc. 5 In the Advanced pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, select the Inline parameters option. Note that you should not configure the parameters associated with your data objects in the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box. If a parameter Generating an ASAP2 File A-7 that resolves to a Simulink data object is configured using the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box, the dialog box configuration is ignored. You can, however, use the Model Parameter Configuration dialog to configure other parameters in your model. 6 In the Real-Time Workshop pane, click Browse to open the System Target File Browser. In the browser, select the Real-Time Windows Embedded Coder Target. 7 Select ERT code generation options (2) from the Category menu of the Real-Time Workshop pane. Then select the Generate ASAP2 file option. 8 Click Apply. 9 Click Build (or Generate code). 10 Real-Time Workshop writes the ASAP2 file to the build directory. The ASAP2 filename is controlled by the ASAP2 setup file. By default, the file is named model.a2l. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-8 Generating ASAP2 Files via the ASAM-ASAP2 Data Definition Target The procedure for generating a model's data definition in ASAP2 format via the ASAM-ASAP2 Data Definition Target is as follows: 1 Create the desired model. Use appropriate parameter names and signal labels to refer to CHARACTERISTICS and MEASUREMENTS respectively. 2 Define the relevant ASAP2.Parameter and ASAP2.Signal objects in the MATLAB workspace. 3 Configure the data objects to generate unstructured global storage declarations in the generated code by assigning one of the following storage classes to the RTWInfo.StorageClass property: - ExportedGlobal - ImportedExtern - ImportedExternPointer 4 Configure the other data object properties such as LongID_ASAP2, PhysicalMin_ASAP2, etc. 5 In the Advanced pane of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, select the Inline parameters option. Note that you should not configure the parameters associated with your data objects in the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box. If a parameter that resolves to a Simulink data object is configured using the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box, the dialog box configuration is ignored. You can, however, use the Model Parameter Configuration dialog to configure other parameters in your model. 6 In the Real-Time Workshop pane, click Browse to open the System Target File Browser. In the browser, select the ASAM-ASAP2 Data Definition Target. Generating an ASAP2 File A-9 7 Select Target configuration from the Category menu of the Real-Time Workshop pane. Then select the Generate code only option. This picture shows the correct configuration. 8 Click Apply. 9 Click Generate code. 10 Real-Time Workshop writes the ASAP2 file to the build directory. The ASAP2 filename is controlled by the ASAP2 setup file. By default, the file is named model.a2l. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-10 Customizing an ASAP2 File The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder provides a number of TLC files to enable you to customize the ASAP2 file generated from a Simulink model. The following figure illustrates the hierarchy of ASAP2 related directories and files within the MATLAB directory. ASAP2 File Structure on the MATLAB Path The ASAP2 related files are located within the directories shown above. The files are organized as follows: TLC files for Target Customizable ASAP2 Class creation Customizing an ASAP2 File A-11 TLC files for generating ASAP2 files The matlabroot/rtw/c/tlc directory contains TLC files that generate ASAP2 files. These files are included by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and ASAP2 system target files (ert.tlc and asap2.tlc). ASAP2 target files The matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2 directory contains the ASAP2 system target file and other control files. ASAP2 class creation files The matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/@ASAP2 directory contains the M-files that define the ASAP2.Parameter and ASAP2.Signal classes. Customizable TLC files The matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/user directory contains files that you can modify to customize the content of your ASAP2 files. ASAP2 templates The matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/user/templates directory contains templates that define each type of CHARACTERISTIC in the ASAP2 file. Customizing the Contents of the ASAP2 File The ASAP2 related TLC files enable you to customize the appearance of the ASAP2 file generated from a Simulink model. Most customization is done by modifying or adding to the files contained in the matlabroot/toolbox/rtw/targets/asap2/asap2/user directory.This section refers to this directory as the asap2/user directory. The user-customizable files provided are divided into two groups: The static files define the parts of the ASAP2 file that are related to the environment in which the generated code is used. They describe information specific to the user and/or project. The static files are not model-dependant. The dynamic files define the parts of the ASAP2 file that are generated based on the structure of the source model. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-12 The procedure for customizing the ASAP2 file is as follows: 1 Make a copy of the asap2/user directory before making any modifications. 2 Remove the old asap2/user directory from the MATLAB path, or add the new asap2/user directory to the MATLAB path above the old directory. This will ensure that MATLAB uses the new ASAP2 setup file, asap2setup.tlc. asap2setup.tlc specifies which directories and files to include in the TLC path during the ASAP2 file generation process. Modify asap2setup.tlc to control the directories and folders included in the TLC path. 3 Modify the static parts of the ASAP2 file. These include - Project and header symbols, which are specified in asap2setup.tlc - Static sections of the file, such as file header and tail, A2ML, MOD_COMMON, etc. These are specified in asap2userlib.tlc. - Specify the appearance of the dynamic contents of the ASAP2 file by modifying the existing ASAP2 templates, or by defining new ASAP2 templates. Sections of the ASAP2 file affected include - RECORD_LAYOUTS: modify appropriate parts of the ASAP2 template files. - CHARACTERISTICS: modify appropriate parts of the ASAP2 template files. For more information on modifying the appearance of CHARACTERISTICS, see ASAP2 Templates on page A-12. - MEASUREMENTS: These are specified in asap2userlib.tlc. - COMPU_METHODS: These are specified in asap2userlib.tlc. ASAP2 Templates The appearance of CHARACTERISTICS in the ASAP2 file is controlled using a different template for each type of CHARACTERISTIC. The asap2/user directory contains template definition files for scalars, 1-D Lookup Table blocks and 2-D Lookup Table blocks. You can modify these template definition files, or you can create additional templates as required. The procedure for creating a new ASAP2 template is as follows: 1 Define a parameter group. See Defining Parameter Groups on page A-13. Customizing an ASAP2 File A-13 2 Create a template definition file. See Creating Template Definition Files on page A-14. 3 Include the template definition file in the TLC path. The path is specified in the ASAP2 setup file, asap2setup.tlc. Defining Parameter Groups. In some cases you must group multiple parameters together in the ASAP2 file (for example, the x and y data in a 1-D Lookup Table block). Parameter groups enable Simulink blocks to define an associative relationship between some or all of their parameters. The following example shows the Lookup1D parameter group and describes how to create and use parameter groups in conjunction with the ASAP2 file generation process. The BlockInstanceSetup function, within a block's TLC file, creates parameter groups. There are two built-in TLC functions that facilitate this process: SLibCreateParameterGroup and SLibAddMember. The following code fragment creates the Lookup1D parameter group in look_up.tlc. Similar syntax is used to create parameter groups for the Look-Up Table (2D) block, the Fixed-Point Blockset Look-Up Table block, and the Look-Up Table (2-D) block: %if GenerateInterfaceAPI %% Create a parameter group for ASAP2 data definition %assign group = SLibCreateParameterGroup(block,"Lookup1D") %assign tmpVar = SLibAddMember(block,group,InputValues) %assign tmpVar = SLibAddMember(block,group,OutputValues) %endif A Generating ASAP2 Files A-14 ParameterGroup records are not written to the model.rtw file, but are included as part of the relevant Block records in the CompiledModel. The following code fragment shows the Lookup1D parameter group. The Lookup1D parameter group has two Member records. The Reference fields of these records refer to the relevant x and y data records in the GlobalMemoryMap: Block { Type Lookup Name "<Root>/Look-Up Table" ... NumParameterGroups 1 ParameterGroup { Name Lookup1D NumMembers 2 Member { NumMembers 0 Reference ... } Member { NumMembers 0 Reference ... } } } The Lookup1D parameter group is used by the function ASAP2UserFcnWriteCharacteristic_Lookup1D, which is defined in the template definition file, asap2lookup1d.tlc. This function uses the parameter group to obtain the references to the associated x and y data records in the GlobalMemoryMap, as shown in the following code fragment. %function ASAP2UserFcnWriteCharacteristic_Lookup1D(paramGroup) Output %assign xParam = paramGroup.Member[0].Reference %assign yParam = paramGroup.Member[1].Reference ... %endfunction Creating Template Definition Files. This section describes the components that make up an ASAP2 template definition file. This description is in the form of code examples from asap2lookup1d.tlc, the template definition file for the Customizing an ASAP2 File A-15 Lookup1D template. This template corresponds to the Lookup1D parameter group. Note When creating a new template, use the corresponding parameter group name in place of Lookup1D in the code fragments shown. The following sections describe the components of an ASAP2 template definition file. Template Registration Function. The input argument is the name of the parameter group associated with this template: %<LibASAP2RegisterTemplate("Lookup1D")> RECORD_LAYOUT Name Definition Function. Record layout names (aliases) can be arbitrarily specified for each data type. This function is used by the other components of this file. %function ASAP2UserFcnRecordLayoutAlias_Lookup1D(dtId) void %switch dtId %case tSS_UINT8 %return "Lookup1D_UBYTE" ... %endswitch %endfunction Function to Write RECORD_LAYOUT Definitions. This function writes out RECORD_LAYOUT definitions associated with this template. The function is called by the built-in functions involved in the ASAP2 file generation process. The function name must be defined as shown, with the appropriate template name after the underscore: %function ASAP2UserFcnWriteRecordLayout_Lookup1D() Output /begin RECORD_LAYOUT %<ASAP2UserFcnRecordLayoutAlias_Lookup1D(tSS_UINT8)> ... /end RECORD_LAYOUT %endfunction A Generating ASAP2 Files A-16 Function to Write the CHARACTERISTIC. This function writes out the CHARACTERISTIC associated with this template. The function is called by the built-in functions involved in the ASAP2 file generation process. The function name must be defined as shown, with the appropriate template name after the underscore. The input argument to this function is a pointer to a parameter group record. The example shown is for a Lookup1D parameter group that has two members. The references to the associated x and y data records are obtained from the parameter group record as shown. This function calls a number of built-in functions to obtain the required information. For example, LibASAP2GetSymbol returns the symbol (name) for the specified data record. %function ASAP2UserFcnWriteCharacteristic_Lookup1D(paramGroup) Output %assign xParam = paramGroup.Member[0].Reference %assign yParam = paramGroup.Member[1].Reference %assign dtId = LibASAP2GetDataTypeId(xParam) /begin CHARACTERISTIC /* Name */ %<LibASAP2GetSymbol(xParam)> /* Long identifier */ "%<LibASAP2GetLongID(xParam)>" ... /end CHARACTERISTIC %endfunction Structure of the ASAP2 File A-17 Structure of the ASAP2 File Table A-2 outlines the basic structure of the ASAP2 file and describes which Target Language Compiler functions and files are used to create each part of the file: Static parts of the ASAP2 file are shown in bold. Function calls are indicated by %<FunctionName()>. A Generating ASAP2 Files A-18 Table A-2: Sections of ASAP2 File and Related Target Language Compiler Functions and Files File Section Contents of asap2main.tlc TLC File Containing Function Definition File header %<ASAP2UserFcnWriteFileHead()> asap2userlib.tlc /begin PROJECT "" /begin PROJECT "%<ASAP2ProjectName>" asap2setup.tlc /begin HEADER "" HEADER contents /end HEADER /begin HEADER "%<ASAP2HeaderName>" %<ASAP2UserFcnWriteHeader()> /end HEADER asap2setup.tlc asap2userlib.tlc /begin MODULE "" MODULE contents: - A2ML - MOD_PAR - MOD_COMMON ... /begin MODULE "%<ASAP2ModuleName>" %<ASAP2UserFcnWriteHardwareInterface()> asap2setup.tlc asap2userlib.tlc Model-dependent MODULE contents: - RECORD_LAYOUTs - CHARACTERISTICS - ParameterGroups - ModelParameters %<SLibASAP2WriteDynamicContents()> Calls user-defined functions: ...WriteRecordLayout_TemplateName() ...WriteCharacteristic_TemplateName() ...WriteCharacteristic_Scalar() asap2lib.tlc user/templates/... - MEASUREMENTS - ExternalInputs - BlockOutputs ...WriteMeasurement()
asap2userlib.tlc - COMPU_METHODS ...WriteCompuMethod() asap2userlib.tlc /end MODULE /end MODULE /end PROJECT /end PROJECT File footer/tail %<ASAP2UserFcnWriteFileTail()> asap2userlib.tlc Index-1 Index A ASAP2 files customizing A-10 data attributes required for A-4 generating A-6 structure of A-17 targets supporting A-3 auto-configuring targets and STF_make_rtw_hook 4-15 purpose of 4-15 B blocks, unsupported 6-2 C code generation options advanced 3-15 Create Simulink (S-Function) block 3-12 External mode 3-18 Generate an example main program 3-19 Generate ASAP2 file 3-17 Generate reusable code 3-19 Ignore custom storage classes 3-17 Initialize floats and doubles to 0.0 3-17 Parameter structure 3-19 Suppress error status in rtM data structure 3-18 Target floating point math environment 3-21 basic 3-3 Initialize external I/O data 3-3 Initialize internal data 3-3 Insert block descriptions in code 3-7 Integer code only 3-4 MAT-file logging 3-4 Single output/update function 2-25, 3-4 Terminate function required 3-4 code generation report 3-10 code modules, generated 2-4 code templates example of use 4-31 generating code with 4-31 generating main program with 4-36 structure of 4-29 summary of API 4-37 code, user-written 2-7 custom code generation of file banners 4-24 with code templates 4-28 custom storage classes 5-2 assigning to data 5-11 class-specific attributes 5-8 code generation with 5-17 predefined 5-4 properties of 5-4 sample code 5-19 D data structures real-time model 2-2 demos for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 1-4 E Embedded-C code format 1-2 entry points, model 2-20 ERT code deployment aids 4-4 ERT target optimized for fixed-point 4-20 Index Index-2 optimized for floating-point 4-20 ert_main.c 2-23 External mode support 3-18 F file banners, generation of 4-24 file packaging 2-4 G generated code modules 2-4 optimizing 3-2 H hook files STF_make_rtw_hook auto-configuring models with 4-17 customizing build process with 4-10 STF_rtw_info_hook setting up 4-7 specifying target data sizes with 4-6 HTML code generation report 3-10 I installation of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder xi integer-only code 3-4 interrupts, servicing 2-10 M main program generation with code templates 4-36 main program (ert_main) generated 2-7 modifying 2-11 operation of 2-11 static module 2-23 VxWorks example 2-18 math, floating point 3-21 model entry points 2-20 model_initialize 2-21 model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep 2-22 model_step 2-20 model_terminate 2-21 modifying rt_OneStep 2-16 O optimizing generated code 3-2 P Parameter data structure hierarchical 3-19 non-hierarchical 3-19 program execution main program 2-11 rt_OneStep 2-12 multi-rate multitasking operation 2-14 multi-rate single-tasking operation 2-15 reentrancy 2-15 single-rate single-tasking operation 2-13 R real-time model data structure 2-2 error status field in 3-18 requirements for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder programs 6-2 Index Index-3 restrictions on Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder programs 6-2 S S-function wrapper generation 3-12 solver modes, permitted 2-12 source code files, generated 2-4 stack space allocation 3-8 STF_make_rtw_hook function arguments to 4-10 system target files 6-4 T task identifier (tid) 2-14, 2-21 template makefiles 6-4 tid 2-14, 2-21 timer interrupts 2-10 typographical conventions (table) xii U unsupported blocks 6-2 V virtualized output port optimization 3-6 VxWorks deployment example 2-18