This document is a letter from Moneylife Foundation to the Prime Minister of India. It discusses issues facing average financial consumers in India such as losses due to mis-selling and unfair business practices. It urges the Prime Minister to make it mandatory for regulatory authorities to consult financial consumers on a regular basis.
This document is a letter from Moneylife Foundation to the Prime Minister of India. It discusses issues facing average financial consumers in India such as losses due to mis-selling and unfair business practices. It urges the Prime Minister to make it mandatory for regulatory authorities to consult financial consumers on a regular basis.
This document is a letter from Moneylife Foundation to the Prime Minister of India. It discusses issues facing average financial consumers in India such as losses due to mis-selling and unfair business practices. It urges the Prime Minister to make it mandatory for regulatory authorities to consult financial consumers on a regular basis.
This document is a letter from Moneylife Foundation to the Prime Minister of India. It discusses issues facing average financial consumers in India such as losses due to mis-selling and unfair business practices. It urges the Prime Minister to make it mandatory for regulatory authorities to consult financial consumers on a regular basis.
Shri Narendra D. Modi, South Bloc, !aisina Hill, Ne" Delhi. Sub: Memorandum to the Hon'ble Prime Minister re#ardin# concerns o$ ordinar% in&estors Dear Sir, 'reetin#s $rom Mone%li$e (oundation. )e con#ratulate %ou on the historic mandate that %ou obtained $rom the *eo*le o$ +ndia and subse,uent #o&ernment $ormation. )e are "ritin# this letter as the &oice o$ +ndian $inancial consumers and "ith #reat belie$ in %our cam*ai#n slo#an Achche Din Ayenge. Sir, "e at Mone%li$e (oundation ha&e been "orin# $or the a&era#e $inancial consumer -in&estors, sa&ers, de*ositors and ta.*a%ers/. )ith a membershi* o$ 00,000 in 1ust $our %ears, "e are no" the lar#est such not2$or2*ro$it or#anisation in +ndia. +t is our direct e.*erience that +ndia's $inancial consumers ha&e $aced the most tr%in# time. 3he% ha&e had to lose a lar#e chun o$ their hard2earned, ta. *aid sa&in#s due to deliberate mis2sellin#, badl% desi#ned *roducts and un$air business *ractices amountin# to cheatin#. 3his is done b% e&en the lar#est, best no"n and re#ulated $inancial sector entities in +ndia toda%. )hat is "orse, the #rie&ance redress s%stems are broen or d%s$unctional. 3he cumbersome and o$ten $utile $i#ht $or redress or 1ustice discoura#es *eo*le $rom *artici*atin# in the $inancial marets. 4ll this is re$lected in the hal&in# o$ +ndia5s in&estor *o*ulation o&er the last cou*le o$ decades $rom 20 million to 10 million -S6B+ sur&e% $indin#s/. 3a.*a%ers $ace another set o$ & issues. 3he latest co&er stor% o$ the $ortni#htl% ma#a7ine Mone%li$e e.*lains the man% challen#es and issues $acin# all the constituents o$ the s%stem -co*% enclosed/. )e humbl% submit that this ha**ens because *olic% maers sim*l% do not en#a#e "ith $inancial consumers in an% $ormal manner, althou#h the% hold re#ular meetin#s "ith industr% bodies, associations o$ intermediaries and other interest #rou*s. Sir, %ou and %our #o&ernment embod% the as*irations o$ the masses, and the u*comin# bud#et is *ossibl% the most im*ortant in the recent *ast. )e ur#e %ou to consider main# it mandator% $or re#ulator% authorities and other *olic% maers to consult $inancial consumers and their re*resentati&es on a re#ular basis. 6&en $unds a&ailable to su**ort the cause o$ in&estors are not *ro*erl% utilised. )e "ould lie to brin# to %our attention that the 'o&ernment o$ +ndia has a $und called the +n&estor 6ducation and Protection (und -+6P(/ "ith o&er !s1000 crore in its itt% toda%. 3his hu#e sum re*resents in&estors5 mone% but has lar#el% #one ito the 8onsolidated (und o$ +ndia "ith small *ortions doled out to industr% associations to conduct mindless seminars. Similar $unds, runnin# into a $e" hundred crores are a&ailable "ith each o$ the t"o ma1or stoc e.chan#es 9 the National Stoc 6.chan#e -NS6/ and the Bomba% Stoc 6.chan#e -BS6/. 3hese too are bein# used as *romotional tools rather than to *ut in *lace in$rastructure that hel*s in&estors. 3hese $unds belon# to in&estors and must be used $or their bene$it. (or instance, in&estors "ho ha&e a *roblem "ith broers are routinel% *ushed into arbitration, "here the% end2u* $i#htin# one2sided battles. 3he +6P( and bourses need to *ro&ide le#al aid to such hel*less in&estors throu#h in&estor bodies, so that the% ha&e no"led#able le#al re*resentation on *ar "ith that a&ailable to intermediaries. )e ha&e man% more su##estions, based on direct $eedbac $rom in&estors, on ho" "e can restore in&estor con$idence and im*art meanin#$ul $inancial education that hel*s *rotect sa&ers. )e ho*e that the &oices o$ $inancial consumers are heeded under %our leadershi*. 4n encoura#in# $irst ste* "ould be to use or#anisations lie ours to add to e$$orts b% &arious #o&ernment de*artments and a#encies. 3his could also #o a lon# "a% in increasin# the *artici*ation o$ re#ular +ndians in the $inancial marets and in includin# them in the $uture #ro"th o$ the countr%. )e "ould re,uest an audience "ith %ou to be able to outline *lans $or in&estors in a more detailed manner. )e "ould also be ha**% to interact "ith an%one $rom %our team "ho ma% be directed to address this issue in a serious manner. 3hanin# :ou,
Sucheta Dalal, Debashis Basu, 3rustee, Mone%li$e (oundation 3rustee, Mone%li$e (oundation Enclosed: Brief profile of Moneylife Foundation Moneylife Foundation 304, 3rd Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises, Off. Veer Savarkar Marg, ear S!iva"i Park Seaface, #adar $%&, Mum'ai 4000(). *el+ 0((,4-(0.000 $/oard& 0Fa1+ 0((,4-(0.0(( ABOUT MONEYLIFE FOUNDATION htt*;<<$oundation.mone%li$ Moneylife Foundation is a Mumbai2based N'= "ith a mission to s*read ad&ocac%, consumer a"areness, $inancial literac% and be the &oice o$ +ndian sa&ers. Objective: Mone%li$e (oundation5s acti&ities are $ocused on; a. Main# in&estors and sa&ers a"are o$ their ri#hts b. !unnin# hel*lines $or retail bu%ers o$ insurance, mutual $unds, $or le#al hel* and $or rail"a% commuters c. 6nablin# in&estors and sa&ers to enhance their no"led#e throu#h seminars d. Main# *olic%maers a"are o$ the issues o$ in&estors and sa&ers e. 8reatin# no"led#e and insi#hts b% undertain# research and sur&e%s Affiliation: Mone%li$e (oundation is re#istered "ith the 8harit% 8ommissioner o$ Mumbai, has recentl% been acce*ted as a Su**orter Member o$ 8onsumers +nternational, a #lobal $ederation re*resentin# 240 consumer or#anisations around the "orld. )e are also a *art o$ =68D +nternational Net"or on (inancial 6ducation. Net!o"#: Mone%li$e (oundation has #ro"n to o&er 00,000 members, hosted 102> s*eaers, or#anised 214> e&ents<seminars, and accommodated more than 1,?0,400 attendees in 1ust $our %ears. Land$a"# Event: +t hosted eminent *ersonalities such as !B+ de*ut% #o&ernor @8 8harabart%, Dr Subramanian S"am%, $ormer 84' Ainod !ai, $ormer chie$ election commissioner S: Buraishi, $ormer 8+8 Shailesh 'andhi, $ormer rail"a% minister Dinesh 3ri&edi. =n +nternational )omen's Da%, e&er% %ear, Moner%li$e (oundation honours "omen acti&ists "ho mae a di$$erence to the societ%. %un Five &el'line : 1. +nsurance hel*line; has hel*ed C0 *eo*le reco&er o&er !s0D.4? lah and #uided o&er 100 cases correctl%. 2. Ee#al !esource 8entre -htt*;<<lrc.mone%li$; handled 202 ,ueries in 1ust 0 months since (eb 2014 0. Banin# and 8redit counsellin# "ith Disha (inancial Ser&ices. 4. Mutual (und hel*line launched recentl% 5. Samir Fa&eri !ail"a% Hel*line; -htt*;<<$oundation.mone%li$<G*a#eHidIJ1DJ/ %e'"eentation: Mone%li$e (oundation has sent 20 memorandums, all o$ "hich ha&e been in consultation "ith staeholders and consumers on im*ortant issues such as health insurance, Pon7i schemes, 4dhaar2related biometric 43Ms, retail in&estin#, senior citi7en ri#hts etc. to *olic% maers and re#ulators includin# !B+, S6B+ and +!D4 and &arious ministries o$ the #o&ernment. Memorandum on banin# issues has led to Mone%li$e (oundation or#anisin# =*en House session hosted b% !B+ de*ut% #o&ernor @8 8harabart%. Moneylife Foundation 304, 3rd Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises, Off. Veer Savarkar Marg, ear S!iva"i Park Seaface, #adar $%&, Mum'ai 4000(). *el+ 0((,4-(0.000 $/oard& 0Fa1+ 0((,4-(0.0(( Founde": Suc(eta Dalal: )ell no"n $inancial 1ournalist and Padma Shri a"ardee in 200J. @no"n $or her e.*ose o$ the Harshad Mehta scam in 1DD2 and other articles. )as member o$ S6B+5s Primar% Maret 4d&isor% 8ommittee $or se&eral %ears, "as a member o$ S6B+5s N! Nara%ana Murth% committee on cor*orate #o&ernance in 2000, Member o$ +n&estor 6ducation and Protection (und o$ Ministr% o$ 8or*orate 4$$airs $or si. %ears. 3rustee o$ the 4hmedabad2based 8onsumer !esearch and 6ducation 8entre. Deba(i Bau; 4 8hartered 4ccountant b% ,uali$ication "ith 2K %ears as a 1ournalist and the author o$ se&eral business boos. )ored "ith 3he 3imes o$ +ndia, Business )orld, Business +ndia, Business 3oda%, (inancial 6.*ress and 3he 6conomic 3imes. 8olumnist "ith Business Standard. 8o2authored the best2sellin# The Scam: From Harshad Mehta to Ketan Pareh "ith Sucheta DalalL 4uthored (ace Aalue, 'ro"th 4lchem%, Pathbreaers and Plain 3ruth Series on Stocs, Mutual (unds and +n&estments. He "as a member o$ the S6B+ 3as (orce on the creation o$ +ndoNe.t maret se#ment and ser&ed as the member o$ the mutual $und ad&isor% committee o$ S6B+. Moneylife Foundation 304, 3rd Floor, Hind Service Industries Premises, Off. Veer Savarkar Marg, ear S!iva"i Park Seaface, #adar $%&, Mum'ai 4000(). *el+ 0((,4-(0.000 $/oard& 0Fa1+ 0((,4-(0.0((
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