Isolve Sata: Product Features and Benefits
Isolve Sata: Product Features and Benefits
Isolve Sata: Product Features and Benefits
w w w. men t o r . c o m/ emu l at i o n
Advanced Verification for SoC
Designs Containing a SATA
Host Controller
Mentor Graphics
provides a high-speed solution for the
verification of System-on-Chip (SoC)
designs containing a serial ATA (SATA)
host controller that communicates with a
SATA device, such as a hard-disk drive
or optical CD/DVD drive. Together with
a hardware-assisted verification platform
such as Mentors Veloce
iSolve SATA increases the overall
productivity of your system-level verifi-
cation by providing a solution that
accurately models a real disk-drive
device connected to your design.
To achieve the speed required to
upload and download the multiple-GBytes
of data between your design and disk-drive
device, iSolve SATA uses a novel approach
of a side door access method to load or
unload the data contents without having
to run emulation clock cycles. In this
way, the user is able to efficiently run
emulations in minutes that would other-
wise take hours to run.
Easy-to-Use Graphical Interface
iSolve SATAs graphical user interface
(GUI) provides you with an easy-to-use
environment for configuring your external
SATA disk-drive device. Running the
GUI on a Linux workstation allows you
to specify typical disk-drive parameters
such as model number, command set,
number of cylinders, heads, sectors/track
and capacity plus a number of other
characteristics associated with the
SATA drive
Product features and benefits:
External solution for SATA
devices such as hard-disk drives
and CD/DVD drives
4GByte capacity per unit provides
storage for data transfers to the
SATA device
High-speed data upload and down-
load capabilities (through the
iSolve SATA host interface at 1 to
2 minutes per GByte) increases
overall verification productivity
Flexible, easy-to-use graphical user
interface provides control over
setup, initialization, data
upload/download, and disk identity
including common characteristics
and features of the disk drive
Batch-mode operation of the
commands supported for increased
efficiency and address the needs of
power users
Product specifications:
Host interface support:
Linux Red Hat Enterprise 4.0,
Complies with SATA 2.6 standard
with ATA, and ATAPI command
Platforms: Veloce Solo, Veloce
Performance: Up to 1.5 MHz
in emulation
iSolve SATA from Mentor Graphics is a high-performance emulation solution to
model Serial ATA devices.
Functional Verification
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2008 Mentor Graphics Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
iSolveand Velocearetrademarks and Mentor Graphics is aregistered trademark of Mentor Graphics Corporation.
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The GUI also contains trigger and
trace capabilities for data within the SATA
device controller itself. This provides the
user with a trace of command, transaction,
and link-layer state transactions and assists
with functional verification of their host
controller operation.
Batch-Mode Scripting Language
For added flexibility, iSolve SATAalso
provides the user with batch-mode scripting
language for control. iSolve SATAprovides
simple connections to the hardware
emulator and host workstation for plug-
and-play use. Easy set-up and emulation
debug are provided through the iSolve
SATAhost application, which can handle
the GBytes of data upload and download in
minutes, leading to high-performance
emulation and increased productivity.
iSolve SATA models a hard-disk drive or CD/DVD drive in a Veloce
emulation environment.