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Cross Layer Security

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Exploring Cross-layer techniques for Security:

Challenges and Opportunities in Wireless Networks

Geethapriya Thamilarasu and Ramalingam Sridhar
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-2000
gt7, rsridhar @cse.buffalo.edu

Abstract In this paper, we discuss the challenges and

opportunities of using cross-layer techniques for enhancing
wireless network security. Cross-layer approach has gained
considerable interest in performance optimization due to
their design advantages. While the architectural modication introduced by the inter-layer interactions show
promising results on overall network performance, there
is also a growing concern on their limitations. Here, we
investigate the impact of cross-layer techniques on security
and network performance. An in depth understanding
of the strength and weakness of cross-layer methods is
necessary in designing robust architectures. To this end,
we evaluate different cross-layer architectures and analyze
their efciency in intrusion detection systems.

With the rapid growth and development of wireless
networks, determining an appropriate architecture for
the wireless network protocol stack remains an open
challenge. Though layered communication paradigm has
been successful in traditional wired networks, such as
Internet, it poses several limitations in wireless networks.
For instance, in wireless networks, the channel error
at lower layers is often mistaken as congestion at the
network layer resulting in poor TCP throughput [1]. Due
to the varying channel conditions and dynamic network
topology of wireless networks, it is important for the layers to coordinate and adapt to the environmental changes.
Adopting a strictly layered approach in wireless domain
places constraints on network interoperability, exibility
and adaptivity. Co-operation between the layers is thus
necessary to reach higher adaptivity and optimal network
performance. Also, more often in wireless networks,
there is a requirement for autonomous network operation
with minimum human intervention. Design of such selfdependent and decentralized systems requires modications to existing architectural designs. Recent research
efforts indicate that cross-layer design architectures can
efciently address these challenges in wireless networks.
1-4244-1513-06/07/ $25.00 c 2007 IEEE

Cross-layer designs typically combine or extract information from two or more layers of the protocol stack.
Information is shared either between adjacent layers or
non-adjacent layers to create a system with an ease
of adaptability. By interfacing and interacting between
the protocol modules in different layers, we can create
wireless architectures with better holistic views of network goals and constraints. Although several cross-layer
techniques are currently explored for enhancing network
performance, there is limited work on applying them in
the context of wireless security. Our main contribution
in this paper is to investigate the suitability of crosslayer architectures in intrusion detection systems. We
also explore the various cross-layer design restrictions
and study their feasibility in order to build efcient and
reliable intrusion detection systems.
Varying denitions and classications of cross-layer
design can be found in the recent literature. Srivastava
et al [2], dene cross-layer as a simple violation of
a layered communication architecture. Such violations
may occur in different ways, either by merging adjacent
layers, or by creating new interfaces between adjacent
layers or through a shared database between the layers.
Yuan et al [3] propose a cross-layer adaptation GRACE
to conserve energy and improve QoS in mobile multimedia terminals. GRACE is an adaptation framework
that performs only local adaptation by interfacing system
layers to a central resource manager that acts as a
coordinator. The manager mediates between the layers to
obtain a proper combination of congurations for each
layer to achieve optimal results.
In [4], ECLAIR- a two tier architecture consisting of
Optimization SubSystem (OSS) and Tuning Layers (TL)
is proposed. In this architecture, optimization algorithms
are incorporated into the framework of OSS cross-layer
engine. TL provides user feedback such that the protocol
stack is modied according to user priorities. In [5],
Cross-layer approach to self-healing (CATS) was proposed for sensor networks and battleeld applications.

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CATS introduces a new component called the Management plane which is visible across all layers. This plane
provides all the self healing functions and inuences
protocol behavior such as altering changes to a routing
protocol. The disadvantage of this framework however, is
introducing new protocols and applications, also results
in a change in the underlying framework itself.
MobileMan [6] is another design that identies security, energy management and cooperation as general
objectives that are cross-layer in nature. This architecture
has a central component called the network status that
stores information about all protocols in the network.
The network status acts as an indirect interface between
the layers. The problem with this architecture however
is that it limits the amount of possible protocols running
inside the framework. WIDENS-WIreless DEployable
Network System is a cross-layer project proposed for
public safety, emergency and disaster applications [7].
These cross-layer extensions assume a centralized server,
provide for protocol state interactions and parameter
mapping between the layers.
From the perspective of enhancing network performance, researchers are currently exploring several crosslayer interactions. However there is limited work in
exploring the cross-layer design in the realms of network
security. Zhang et al [8] proposed the idea of a multilayer intrusion detection for wireless ad hoc networks
using a statistical anomaly based detection model. In our
previous work, we have demonstrated a cross-layer based
intrusion defense architecture [9]. We have also analyzed
the specic case of detecting Jamming attacks in wireless
networks using cross-layer techniques [10]. From our
earlier work, we have observed that adopting crosslayer designs for security yields efcient performance
improvement. However, it is also important to study
both their benets and limitations in order to provide
a standardized intrusion detection module for wireless
A. Exploring the Limitations
Cross-layer methodologies are prone to certain restrictions and limitations according to the nature of their
designs. It is possible that providing interfaces between
the layers might sometimes lead to conicting results on
the network performance. Detailed investigation of these
challenges will provide an insight into the development
of more efcient and reliable cross-layer adaptation
mechanisms. Kawadia et al [11] provide a detailed
analysis of cross-layer design principles and emphasize
the need to exercise strong caution while proposing
such architectural changes. In this section, we examine

these limitations involved in adopting cross-layer design

1) Loss of Modularity: The success of Internet today
is primarily attributed to its OSI protocol stack
architecture. This layered architecture provides the
abstraction and modularity to independently design
protocols. With cross-layer interactions however,
the layering structure is broken and the network
design becomes complicated. Researchers lose the
exibility and capability of designing a particular
protocol layer without impacting other layers.
2) Interactions and Unintended Consequences: Crosslayer couplings enable information sharing and
assist in network optimization. Creation of such
interdependencies across protocol layers may inadvertently cause performance losses. For instance,
an implementation change to the MAC protocol at
the lower layer may affect the performance of a
routing protocol at the network layer, by creating
paths with longer hops and delays. It is hence
important for the designers to account for these
layer interactions.
3) Adaptation loops: Another signicant challenge
with information transfer between higher and
lower layers is the potential creation of adaptation
loops in the system. When an uncontrolled interaction occurs, each layer may become dependent
on information from another layer leading to loops
and causing system instability.
4) Chaos of Unbridled Cross-layer designs: Since
there are no independent layer modules in a crosslayer architecture, their implementation using network tools is a big challenge. Designers fear a
software implementation of the cross-layer design
might result in an unstructured spaghetti like code
Addressing the limitations after designing a system in
its post deployment stage will not be very effective. It is
thus necessary to account for these shortcomings while
developing the architecture framework. Proper handling
of the design inadequacies and exploitation of benets
will lead to robust cross-layer architectures.
Literature reveals that cross-layer design leads to
performance optimization in terms of bandwidth, energy
and other resources. Although cross-layer techniques
have been discussed in the recent past, their effects on
securing the wireless network and assisting in intrusion
detection is yet to be explored in depth. In this section,

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Guelph. Downloaded on March 30, 2009 at 14:50 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

we discuss the possible benets involved in incorporating

cross-layer methods in an intrusion detection system.
A. Motivation for Cross-layer in Security
Security is an important concern in wireless networks due to their increased vulnerability and exposure
to varying types of attacks. Unreliable wireless links,
constantly changing network topology and lack of a
centralized system to handle the security needs of the
network contribute to insecure standalone systems in
wireless networks. Intrusion detection systems located
on concentrated points such as network gateways and
wireless access points are not guaranteed to achieve
the desired security level in the network. This explains
the need for an efcient intrusion detection system to
manage the access control and provide a monitoring unit
to observe any abnormal behavior in the network.
In a wireless network protocol stack, every layer is
vulnerable to attacks (internal and external) by adverse
nodes in the network. Independent security solutions at
different layers might lead to conicting actions and
result in performance degradation. Hence, ensuring security and network reliability, has to be jointly addressed
in all of the protocol layers. Proper interaction and
coordination among different protocol layers helps in
developing a robust intrusion detection system suitable
for wireless networks. Such interactions are the key
elements to building cross-layer architectures.
Apart from the need to make a collaborative decision,
adopting a cross-layer approach to intrusion detection
facilitates effective fault diagnosis and reduced false
alarms. Most often, the intrusion detection systems fail
to distinguish malicious activity from faulty network
behavior that may occur due to non malicious reasons.
Higher false positives is a signicant problem in current
intrusion detection systems. This is primarily because
existing IDS are not reactive to the changes in the
network. They do not utilize current network or system
information available from other layers toward making
their decision. Interacting with other layers and accessing
vital channel and network information to judge the
malicious nature of a node lowers the false positives
to a great extent and assists in an efcient detection

designs, may sometimes present themselves as an impediment to the development of successful architectures. It
is evident that standardized cross-layer adaptation mechanisms are required that can overcome their inherent
challenges and enhance network performance.
Although there is no standard architecture, cross layer
couplings or combinations mostly occur through direct
interaction between the layers or through a structured
method using a shared database [2]. In this work, we
investigate these two cross-layer architectures to assess
their efciency in optimizing network security.
A. Cross-layer IDS based on Direct Per-layer Interactions (Type I)
We have developed a Type I intrusion detection system
for improved detection and better evaluation of malicious
activity in the network. In this type of cross-layer architecture, information is exchanged directly between two
adjacent or non-adjacent layers of the protocol stack,
such that, the layer adaptations result in improved endto-end network performance. Figure 1 gives a schematic
overview of the IDS module.
In this design, every layer in the network protocol
stack collects audit data by actively monitoring the
channel. When an anomaly is detected in a particular
layer using its audit data information, it triggers or
initiates detection at another layer. Such probe based or
event based detection helps in conrming the malicious
behavior of a node. For instance, malicious packet drop
in a network can be observed and detected through
promiscuous network monitoring watchdog schemes.
However, in wireless networks, packet drops can also
Network Protocol Stack
Application Layer
Audit data

Network Layer

In the previous section, we emphasized the importance

and need for adopting cross-layer interactions in wireless
network security. However, certain limitations of these



Link Layer

Physical Layer

Fig. 1.



Intrusion Detection

Type I- Direct Layer Interaction Model

occur due to poor channel quality, link contention or

network congestion. Hence, apart from relying on the
network statistics from an individual layer, we can conrm the presence of this attack using the knowledge
of current channel conditions from the lower layers.

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Through such direct exchange of information between

layers, IDS can detect intrusions with a higher condence level. Simulation results from our earlier work,
as shown in g.2 and g.3 demonstrate this scenario
and illustrate the effectiveness of such IDS in improving
the accuracy of detection while also lowering the false
positives [9]. Although cross-layer based IDS presents

Percentage of False positives


Fig. 2.

Non Cross-layer Detection



Percentage of True positives



Percentage of malicious nodes vs. false positives


Non Cross-layer Detection



Fig. 3.

20 30 40 50 60 70
Percentage of malicious nodes


20 30 40 50 60 70
Percentage of malicious nodes



Percentage of malicious nodes vs. True positives

promising results in terms of detection efciency, there

are certain shortcomings associated with these designs in
terms of overall system optimizations. In the following,
we elaborate the architectural limitations of this design.
1) Inuences of Detection Protocol: Direct interactions between the protocol layers in a cross-layer system
might sometimes result in unintended network consequences. For instance, in our previous example, if the
congestion information is used by the detection protocol
in other layers to conrm malicious behavior, it leads to
improved detection as shown by the results. But, if there
exists another cross-layer network optimization design
that chooses network routes according to the congested
state of the network, then the exchange of detection
information might lead to adverse routing protocol consequences.
The information passed on to the network layer might
inuence the routing protocols to choose less congested
paths. Such paths may either consist of longer hops or

higher percentage of malicious nodes and thus negatively

impact the overall network performance. Figure 4 shows
that the plain scheme without a cross-layer detection
actually has a higher network throughput compared to
detection using cross-layer system with direct layer sharing. Co-existence of various cross-layer optimizations is
still an ongoing research.
2) Internal Overhead: Since the local detection
mechanisms do not involve communication within a network, they do not incur any external overhead. However,
the communication between the layers through internal
packets results in internal overhead in a node. The size
of the overhead is proportional to the size of the audit
data information collected through the internal packets.
Availability of more information to share amongst the
layers means efcient IDS with fewer detection errors
but with high internal overhead. Thus there exists a tradeoff between obtaining lower false alarms at the cost of
internal overhead.
3) Stability: Another weakness with this type of
cross-layer design is that it might result in system instability. Since detection information may be relayed back
and forth between the layers, it may cause adaptation
loops in the system. Care should be taken to avoid such
loops while adopting cross-layer based schemes. Time
scale separation principle is considered as a solution
to address system instability [11]. In our case, we can
control triggering the detection for intrusions by allowing
controlled and atomic access to the parameter under
different timescales. In order to make our design failsafe
and more robust, we provide an on-demand notication
scheme where intrusion detection is triggered at other
layers only when probed by higher or lower layers.
For instance, when a threat is detected at the network
layer, the intrusion detection system probes for any
further information on the network conditions or security
threats from another layer by sending a probe request
to the corresponding layer(s). Obtaining this additional
information supplements the detection mechanism.
4) Modularity: Another disadvantage of detection using direct cross-layer designs is the loss of modularity
in the protocol stack. Since detection approaches at
different layers are no longer functionally independent,
they impact each other and signicantly affect the network optimizations. It is important to account for these
architectural design weakness to develop a robust IDS
in wireless networks. Through suitable modications
and enhancements to the framework and addressing
the above limitations of cross-layer based designs, we
can build a stronger and successful intrusion detection
architecture for wireless networks.

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Protocol Complexity
Implementation Complexity


No Detection
Type-I Detection

Throughput (Kbps)

Detection rate
False positives


Fig. 4.


20 30 40 50 60 70
Percentage of malicious nodes


Percentage of Malicious nodes Vs. Throughput

B. Cross-layer IDS based on Shared Database (Type II)

In this type of cross-layer detection framework, we
incorporate the shared database model in intrusion detection system. Here, every layer of the protocol stack
interacts with a common shared IDS server as shown
in Fig. 5. An interface is provided between the network
elements at different layers and the cross-layer detection
unit. Audit data such as network information, intrusion
alerts and other such events to detect network intrusion
are collected from different layers at the IDS database.
The information obtained from the various layers are
correlated to perform accurate detection.
Network Protocol Stack

Network Layer

Audit Data Collection

Intrusion Detection


Link Layer

Physical Layer

Fig. 5.

Type II- Shared Database Model


Type I

Type II

Non Cross-layer

It is simpler and easier to manage this type of detection

system due to separation between the protocol layers.
The database unit possesses a local and global view
of the network. An intelligent optimizing unit in the
detection system ensures that the detection scheme can
react and adapt according to the varying threat level
in the network. This type of architecture is in general
preferred to direct layer interactions due to the following
1) Modularity: In the structural design of shared
IDS, protocol interactions occur through a well dened
interface to a common database system. This ensures
that the modularity of the network protocol stack is
preserved to a certain extent. Instead of exposing the
information across all layers, only the minimum necessary information is shared. Interface to the database thus
enables parallel and independent evolution of the layers.
As the protocol inuences among the layers are kept at
a minimum, it improves the system efciency.
2) Stability: Since the layers of the protocol stack do
not communicate directly with each other, and each layer
interacts with a shared database, the system facilitates
a controlled information transfer. As the database is
responsible for coordinating detection information gathered across the layers, there is minimum possibility of
loops created among the layers. This adds stability to the
3) Implementation Complexity: This model has signicant overhead in terms of updating parameter information obtained from all layers. However, when compared with Type I architecture, it has a lower cost of
implementation. This is because every layer in Type
I performs monitoring and triggering the network for
intrusions. Type II scheme on the other hand, obtains the
state information from the layers and triggers detection
on a need basis.
Table I gives a sketch of the differences between the
two cross-layer architectures. While both the architectures seemingly perform well in terms of improving
the detection accuracy, there are signicant differences

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in overall system optimization. Thus, based on the requirements, we must choose the appropriate design for
intrusion detection system.
Research on various cross-layer techniques and
methodologies is still in its incipient stages. Some of
the open challenges associated with cross-layer designs
Can a cross-layer framework designed for optimizing network security be coupled with other crosslayer based network optimizations?
Can we standardize an intrusion detection framework for wireless networks based on the proposed
cross-layer architectures?
Can we have the choice and exibility to invoke
different cross-layer designs based on the threat or
security level in the network?
How to evaluate the fundamental trade-offs between
the network performance and security architecture?
How to determine a common platform to implement
cross-layer design proposals and study their performances using simulations?
Although there is no denitive answer, lack of interoperability between various cross-layer optimization goals is
one of the main problems with various current solutions.
To build an efcient network, it is essential to optimize
different goals simultaneously. Joint optimizations will
provide reliable networks, however, this might complicate the network design to a great extent.
Developing a standardized detection framework for
wireless networks, will improve the accuracy of detecting malicious intrusions. For this, we must rst explore
the possibility of adopting different cross-layer architecture. In this paper, we have provided a performance
comparison between two cross-layer detection systems.
From our results, we can standardize the shared database
model for detecting intrusions. However, if there are
other choices, we should also consider them.
Future research work in cross-layer designs, must
focus on solving the above mentioned challenges. This
will determine the success of cross-layer architectures in
wireless networks.

direct communication between layers and using a shared

database model. We observed that while both the designs
yielded higher detection accuracy, the shared database
model performed better in terms of higher system stability and lower implementation complexity. Through
careful consideration of the shortcomings and proper
exploitation of cross-layer techniques, we can thus build
robust intrusion detection systems for wireless networks.
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In this paper, we discussed the cross-layer architectures and examined their benets and limitations
in detail. In particular, we investigated the impact of
cross-layer designs in optimizing network security. We
evaluated an intrusion detection framework using two
different types of cross-layer architectures based on

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Guelph. Downloaded on March 30, 2009 at 14:50 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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