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Telekinesis: Rachel is a powerful telekinetic with Monstrous (75) ability and, has the following power stunts:

Force Fields: Monstrous (75), ability to cover 1 area with a force field (1 area radius)
Kinetic Bolt: Amazing (50) bolt of Force that goes through physical body armor but nor force fields.
Flight: Amazing ability to fly in the atmosphere, Shift-Y (200) in outer space.
Telekinetic Constructs: Rachel can make constructs and weapons made from Monstrous (75) material and
Unstable Molecule Shifting: Excellent (20), Rachel is able to rearrange Unstable Molecules in her and other
people's costume for disguises or dressing down.
Telepathy: Rachel is a very powerful telepath and has Amazing (50), abilities that allow her to perform the
following power stunts:
Psi-screen: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds at Monstrous (75) ability
for her, Incredible (40) if shielding others as well.
Mental Invisibility: Amazing (50) ability to make herself and others appear invisible.
Mental Bolts: Amazing (50) bolt of mental
anguish that stuns with a Yellow result (1-10
rounds) and can be fired, 3 areas away.
Telepathy: Rachel can read the minds of those
around her with Amazing (50) ability.
Mind Probe: Amazing (50) ability to probe
minds undetected.
Project Thought: Amazing ability to project her
thoughts into the mind of another.
Psionic Detection: Amazing ability to detect
other psychics.
Mind Link: Amazing (50), Rachel is able to link
up telepathically with up to 8 other people,
allowing communication possible between the
Telepathic Illusions: She can create realistic telepathic illusions at Remarkable (30) ability. She can alter the
apparent appearance of herself and others by altering the perceptions of those around her at Excellent (20) ability
Mind Control: She can control the thoughts and actions of others, if she so chooses she can also possess the mind
of another, and use that body as her own at Remarkable ability
Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others, thus permanently changing their personality at
Remarkable (30) ability
Mental Paralysis: She can induce temporary paralysis at Remarkable (30) ability.
Mental Amnesia: She can erase any awareness of particular
memories or cause total amnesia at Remarkable (30) ability.
Mental Sedating: Can telepathically "sedate" her victims by
putting them to sleep mentally at Remarkable (30) ability.
Astral Body: Monstrous (75) ability to send out an astral form
with her consciousness
Mutant Detection: Amazing (50) ability to detect and track
mutants up to 5 miles away.
Time Travel: Rachel has the ability to travel through time, how
specifically this power works isn't known, it functions at
Monstrous (75) ability allowing her to travel backwards or
forwards through the timestream.
Chronoskimming: Rachel has displayed a variety of abilities
akin to time-travel. She is therefore able to travel physically as
well as temporally through time. It allows her to mentally transplant a person's consciousness and send it through
time into a younger or older version of that person or their counterpart to that reality, closest living relative,
descendent or ancestor (depending on the time and/or reality, and can even travel as a disembodied astral form with
Monstrous (75) ability.
Forth Dimensional Pulse: Rachel appears to generate a "fourth dimensional pulse" which shields her from
distortions in the timeline or changes in that timelines reality and has shown it on multiple occasions with
Monstrous (75) ability.
Phoenix Force: Rachael can Channel the phoenix Force which allows her to boost all of her powers by +1 class.
Her symbiosis with the Phoenix energy being gives her the powers listed below. However, her mental training
inhibits the full effects and limits her powers to Monstrous rank. When using her powers, the fiery aura of the
Phoenix Force forms around her (Typical Intensity flame which covers an area of 10-100 feet wide).
Phoenix Fire: Rachael can control her Phoenix fire to form as wings, claws, a tail, or even an entire bird made of
Unearthly celestial flames that can be manipulated through her willpower. It acts as both a Monstrous (75) Force
Field as well as can be used as energy, or force damage, as it can form shapes based on her will. She can expand
this from 1-10 areas wide.
Absorption Power: Monstrous (75); no other action can be done that turn as she absorbs energy.
Elemental Conversion: Monstrous (75) ability to convert elements and change them based on her will.
Gateway: Instantaneous space-warps to anywhere in the universe at Monstrous.
Regeneration: Monstrous (75) ability to heal wounds that would usually be deemed fatal (such as when she
healed from being slashed by Wolverine).
Self-Sustenance: Monstrous (75) ability to sustain herself without air food and water almost indefinitely.
Weather Control: Monstrous (75) when angry to influence the weather creating storms in the wake of her anger.

Talents: Acrobatics/Tumbling, Martial Arts C, D & E, tracking, Pick Locks, Computers, Resist Domination,

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