PEG-conjugated Hemoglobin Combination With Cisplatin Enforced The Antiangiogeic Effect in A Cervical Tumor Xenograft Model
PEG-conjugated Hemoglobin Combination With Cisplatin Enforced The Antiangiogeic Effect in A Cervical Tumor Xenograft Model
PEG-conjugated Hemoglobin Combination With Cisplatin Enforced The Antiangiogeic Effect in A Cervical Tumor Xenograft Model
reagent following
the manufacturers instructions. A 2mg (treated in 8 mL DEPC water in an Ep
tube) sample of total RNA (added 1ml 10mM dNTPmix and 1ml 0.5mg/mL
Oligo (dt) 1218) was denatured by incubating at 658C for 5 min, and the tube
was placed on ice for 2 min, and then reverse-transcribed into complementary
DNA (cDNA) using the following procedures: briefly, the denatured RNA
was incubated for 428C for 2 min with 2ml 10RT buffer, 4ml 25mM MgCl
2ml 0.1M DTT and 1ml RNaseOUTTM Recombinant Rnase inhibitor (50u/
mL), then we added 1ml (50units) SuperScriptTM II RT, and incubated it at
428C for 50min and terminated at 708C for 15min in a total volume of 20ml;
finally, samples were chilled on ice, 1ml Rnase H was added and incubated for
20 min at 378C before PCR. For PCR, 2ml of the resulting cDNA, 36.75ml of
tripled-distilled H
O, 5ml of 10PCR buffer, 3ml of MgCl
(25 mmol/L), 1ml
of dNTPs (10mmol/L), 1ml of each of sense and antisense primers (10 mmol/
L), and 0.25ml Taq DNA polymerase (5 u/ul) in a total volume of 50ml were
added. Amplifications for VEGF were performed for 30 cycles and b-actin
was amplified for 21 cycles. Each amplification consisting of denaturation
at 948C for 45s, primer annealing at 548C for 45s and extension at 728C for
1 min. Cycles were preceded by incubation at 948C for 5 min to ensure full
denaturation of the target gene, followed by an extra incubation at 728C for
7min to ensure full extension of the products. PCR products were analyzed on
1% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. The sequences of the primers for
VEGF165 were sense 5?-GGGCAGAATCATCACGAAGT-3? and antisense
5?-AAATGCTTTCTCCGCTCTGA-3? (359 bp) and for b-actin, sense 5?-
CCT-3? (520 bp).
VEGF protein levels in blood were quantified by ELISA methods. The blood
wasw collected before the mice were sacrificed and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm
Influence of PEG-Hb on Tumor Angiogenesis 491
at 48C for 15 min, and then VEGF concentration in serum was accessed
by ELISA according to the manufacturers instructions (VEGF ELISA kit,
Promega, Madison, WI, USA). The values of OD (A
values) were
measured at 450 nm. The standard curve was worked out by the SPSS
statistical software. Serum was harvested with 6 replicated and the experiment
was performed three times.
Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical program SPSS 10.0 for
windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). All data are presented as mean9
S.E.M and are analyzed by One-Way ANOVA. P valuesB0.05 were
considered as statistically significant.
Influence of PEG-HB on Tumor Growth
The result showed that administration PEG-HB combined with cisplatin
caused a inhibition of tumor growth and resulted in a reduction of tumor
volume in comparison with administration cisplatin only (group 2) ( Figure 1).
While co-administration of cisplatin and lower dose (0.3 g/kg) of PEG-HB
14 17 21 24 28 31 35 38 42
Days post-implant
group1 group2 group3 group4 group5
Figure 1. Representative photographs of serial changes in pre-established tumor
volume during each treatment in BALB/c nude mice mice.
492 M. Dai et al.
(group 3) showed no significant gained anti-tumor efficacy as compared with
cisplatin, co-administration of cisplatin and lower dose (0.6 g/kg) of PEG-HB
(group 4) has a significant difference with group 1 (PB0.01). It is surprising
that administration with PEG-HB alone to the tumor-burden mice in group 5
also exhibited slight anti-tumor efficacy compared with the control group
(group 1).
Influence of PEG-HB on Tumor Hypoxia
To access hypoxia in tumor tissues of the five groups, animals were
intravenously injected with hypoxyprobe-1 (pimonidazole hydrochloride)
1 hour before the animals were sacrificed, then the tissues were processed
according to Hypoxyprobe
-1 Kit protocol. The hypoxyprobe-1 immunohis-
tochemistry staining of hypoxic tumor cells is scored for quantitative
assessment (Figure 2A). The results showed that there exist more binding of
pimonidazole hypoxyprobe to tumors harvested from animals that were
administered with PEG-HB (group 3, 4, 5), which means PEG-HB enhanced
the oxygenation in tumor tissues.
We also chose HIF-1a as another indicator to reflect the influence of
PEG-HB on tumor oxygenation. HIF-1a, the heart role of hypoxia regulation
system, exists only in hypoxia tissues. The western blot of HIF-1a showed the
similar results of the immunostaining of hypoxyprobe-1. Administration of
PEG-HB significant reduced the expression of HIF-1a in tumor tissues (Figure
Influence of PEG-HB on Expression of Angiogenic Factor VEGF
VEGF, the most active endogenous pro-angiogenic factor and the specific
endothelial cell mitogen, was selected to be a reliable index to investigate the
antiangiogenesis effect of PEG-HB. VEGF mRNA levels in tumor tissues
were detected by RT-PCR method. The results showed that 0.6 g/kg PEG-HB
downregulated the expression of VEGF mRNA compared with other groups
(Figure 3A).
We next assessed whether the influence of VEGF mRNA by melatonin
resulted in a decreased production of VEGF protein by ELISA method. The
results (Figure 3B) showed that levels of VEGF protein were notably
decreased in the serum of mice administrated with PEG-HB (group 3, 4, 5)
(PB0.05). But it seems there is no significant difference between these three
groups treated with different concentrations of PEG-HB.
Influence of PEG-Hb on Tumor Angiogenesis 493
Group 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
G5 G4
G2 G3
Figure 2. Tumor hypoxia reected by (A) images of immunocytochemical staining of
Hypoxyprobe-1 in tumor tissue, (B) Pimonidazole binding scores, and (C) expression
of HIF-1a. *PB0.05, **PB0.05.
494 M. Dai et al.
HBOCs have been tried to elevate the efficacy of radio- and chemotherapy
though incensement of oxygenation in virtue of its potent oxygen carry and
delivery capability [22]. Besides, it is regarded that HBOCs are easier to get
into the abnormal microvessels of tumors compared with red blood cells
because of their smaller diameter [23]. Teicher et al. reported that ultrapurified
polymerized bovine hemoglobin solution could result in decreased tumor
hypoxia [12,15,16] and increased both irradiation [12,13,14,17] and che-
motherapeutic response [14,15,19,20], which were confirmed by the results of
our present study. Administration of high concentration (0.6 g/kg) of PEG-
HB, which is derived from PEG-conjugated hemoglobin, can effectively
increase the anti-tumor effect of cisplatin, one of the most important
chemotherapeutic drugs in clinical use. The chemo sensitize effect is attributed
to its amelioration of tumor hypoxia.
1 2 3 4 5
* *
Group 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3. VEGF mRNA levels in nude mice tumor tissues and VEGF protein
concentrations in the blood serum of the nude mice were assessed by RT-PCR (A) and
ELISA (B), respectively. Data shown are representative of three independent
experiments. *PB0.05.
Influence of PEG-Hb on Tumor Angiogenesis 495
As we know, widespread hypoxia within solid tumors is one of the most
potent stimuli of angiogenesis, which is essential for tumors growth,
development and metastasis [24,25]. Increased angiogenesis has been shown
to be associated with the tumor development of metastases, poor prognosis
and reduced survival [26]. Tumor hypoxia will induce the expression of
angiogenic factors such as VEGF, SDF and PDGF, hence broke the balance
between angiogenic factors and antiangiogenic factors [27]. VEGF, the most
important mediator of tumor angiogenesis, is crucially concerned with cancer
development and high vascularization among these angiogenic factors [28].
Tumor hypoxia has been a therapeutic target to overcome tumor angiogenesis.
Ultrapurified polymerized bovine hemoglobin solutions have improved their
capability to overcome tumor hypoxia. Until now, there has been no data
documenting the possible effect of hemoglobin solution on tumor angiogen-
esis. We are the first to show that HBOC can suppress the tumor angiogenesis
through downregulation of VEGF. Administration of PEG-HB was found to
suppress VEGF mRNA expression in tumor tissues. And the VEGF protein
levels also decreased after treatment with PEG-HB. Moreover, the decrease of
VEGF seems to have a positive correlation of the concentration of PEG-HB.
We speculated that downregulation of VEGF might be associated with
decreased HIF-1a protein levels. It is well established that HIF-1, the key
mediator of the hypoxia response, is the most important regulator of VEGF
[29,30]. HIF-1 is a ubiquitous transcription factor consisting of HIF-1a and
HIF-1b subunits [31]. Under normoxic conditions, HIF-1a is rapidly degraded
through the ubiquitin-proteasome system, whereas HIF-1b is constitutively
expressed. When the oxygen is insufficient, HIF-1a is released from the von
Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein and translocates into the nucleus,
where it heterodimerizes with HIF-1b and binds on the hypoxia responsive
element (HRE) to regulate hypoxia-driven gene expression [30]. In our
experiment, HIF-1a protein levels were decreased in PEG-HB administration
groups, which indicated that PEG-HB may suppress the VEGF expression
through the inhibition of the accumulation of HIF-1a.
In summary, our present study shows that PEG-HB inhibits the
expression of endogenous HIF and VEGF in a rodent tumor model, which
may be a very innovative and challenging method of cancer anti-angiogenesis
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This paper was first published online on iFirst on 9 December 2008.
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