The document is a broker agreement between a principal and broker. It outlines the terms of employing the broker to sell condominium units, including paying the broker a 5% fee if they procure a ready and able buyer under agreed terms. The agreement is valid for 6 months from signing.
The document is a broker agreement between a principal and broker. It outlines the terms of employing the broker to sell condominium units, including paying the broker a 5% fee if they procure a ready and able buyer under agreed terms. The agreement is valid for 6 months from signing.
The document is a broker agreement between a principal and broker. It outlines the terms of employing the broker to sell condominium units, including paying the broker a 5% fee if they procure a ready and able buyer under agreed terms. The agreement is valid for 6 months from signing.
The document is a broker agreement between a principal and broker. It outlines the terms of employing the broker to sell condominium units, including paying the broker a 5% fee if they procure a ready and able buyer under agreed terms. The agreement is valid for 6 months from signing.
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I, _________________, of legal age, Filipino, marrie, a!"ing a# "$e a%"$ori&e repre#en"a"i'e of RPRP VENTURES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (PRINCIPAL), a !orpora"ion %l( organi&e an e)i#"ing %ner P$ilippine la*#, *i"$ are## a" +ni" ,-.- Pre#"ige To*er, F/ Or"iga# 0r/ Roa, Or"iga# 1en"er, Pa#ig 1i"( o $ere2( name, !on#"i"%"e an appoin" ____________________________ 3BROKER4 of legal age, Filipino, Marrie, *i"$ re#ien"ial are## a" 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, *$o#e #pe!imen #igna"%re appear# 2elo*, a# m( a%"$ori&e real e#"a"e agen" "o o "$e follo*ing a!"#: ./ T$e PRIN1IPAL #$all emplo( "$e BROKER a# $i# agen" "o #ell "$e PRIN1IPAL6S real e#"a"e proper"( !on#i#"ing of re#ien"ial an !ommer!ial !onomini%m %ni"# of Sofia To*er 1onomini%m, lo!a"e a" 78 9on Ro!e# A'en%e, :%e&on 1i"(, Me"ro Manila/ ,/ T$e BROKER a!!ep"# "$e appoin"men" an #$all %#e $i#;$er 2e#" effor"# "o pro!%re rea(, *illing an a2le 2%(er# of "$e %ni"# an pre#en" "o "$em "$e !%rren" Sofia To*er pri!ing an pa(men" #!$eme informa"ion/ </ T$e BROKER #$all a##i#" 2%(er# in filling o%" of Re#er'a"ion Agreemen" an #%2mi##ion of pa(men"#/ =/ T$e PRIN1IPAL #$all pa( "$e BROKER a fee of 5555 per !en" 355>4 of "$e To"al 1on"ra!" Pri!e if "$e BROKER pro!%re# a 2%(er rea(, *illing an a2le "o p%r!$a#e "$e PROPERTIES %pon "$e "erm# !on"aine in "$i# Agreemen" or %pon o"$er "erm# a!!ep"a2le "o "$e PRIN1IPAL/ 8/ No"$ing in "$i# Agreemen" pro'ie# for "$e emplo(men" 2( "$e PRIN1IPAL of "$e BROKER a# $i# e)!l%#i'e agen" for "$e #ale of "$e PROPERTIES: "$e PRIN1IPAL re#er'e# $i# rig$" "o emplo( o"$er agen"# "$a" $e ma( !$oo#e "o effe!" #%!$ #ale? @/ T$i# Agreemen" #$all !ommen!e on 555555555555555555555555555, an #$all "ermina"e, #%2Ae!" "o rene*al 2( 2o"$ par"ie#, af"er @ mon"$# from "$e a2o'e a"e/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I $a'e $ere%n"o #e" m( $an "$i# 55555 of 555555555, ,-.=, 1i"( of Pa#ig, P$ilippine#/ 55555555555555555555555555 (name) With my Conforme: __________________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT REP+BLI1 OF THE PHILIPPINES4 1ITY of 55555555555555 4S/S/ BEFORE ME, a No"ar( P%2li! in an for #ai pla!e on "$i# 55555 a( of 55555555 ,-555 per#onall( appeare "$e follo*ing per#on#: Name I9 N%m2er Pla!e an 9a"e of I##%e an pre#en"e an in"egrall( !omple"e BroBer Agreemen", repre#en"ing "o me "$a" "$eir #igna"%re# on "$e in#"r%men" or o!%men" *ere 'ol%n"aril( affi)e 2( "$em for "$e p%rpo#e# #"a"e in "$e o!%men", an e!laring "$a" "$e( $a'e e)e!%"e "$e o!%men" a# "$eir free an 'ol%n"ar( a!" an ee/ WITNESS MY HAN9 AN9 SEAL a" "$e a"e an pla!e fir#" a2o'e *ri""en/ 9o!/ No/ 555? Page No/ 555? BooB No/ 555? Serie# of ,-55/