Minnesota Ethnic and Community Media Directory (082009)
Minnesota Ethnic and Community Media Directory (082009)
Minnesota Ethnic and Community Media Directory (082009)
Media Directory
4 Introduction
5 Newspapers/News Websites
5 African Community
7 Asian Community
9 Latino Community
11 Disabled Community
11 African-American Community
12 Native American Community
13 Russian Community
14 Women’s Newspapers
14 Neighborhood Newspapers
21 Radio
21 African Community
22 Asian Community
24 Caribbean Community
24 Latino Community
26 Native American Community
26 Scandinavian Community
26 Disabled Community
27 General/Multicultural
28 Television
28 African Community
30 Asian Community
30 General/Multicultural
The 2008 Community and Ethnic Media directory is perfect to help your business expand its reach, whether
you’re a local hardware store or a supermarket. In these pages, you’ll find contact information for dozens
of newspapers, radio stations, and online news websites serving neighborhoods and ethnic communities
from Mille Lacs to West St Paul. You’ll also find profiles of more prominent media that will help you
identify who your advertising might impact. Many of these media outlets serve very specific communities
– perfect for your hair salon in Minneapolis’ Seward neighborhood or your catering business in St Paul’s
Rondo neighborhood. Why waste money advertising in a media outlet that covers the entire metro area
if you just need to tell your neighborhood that your furniture store is having a sale? Why use up your
advertising budget buying Somali-language advertising in an English-language newspaper?
If you’ve never advertised before, you should be aware that newspapers and websites have a few
requirements for advertising they will print. Each newspaper may have specific sizes for advertising, but
generally, advertisements should be submitted electronically as Adobe Acrobat files (also called a “pdf”),
with a resolution of 300 dpi. If you are buying an ad in a newspaper, you should design your ad in black
and white: most papers only use colored ink on their front pages, and most advertising belongs inside.
Regardless of what medium you advertise in, remember that repetition is key. Buying a smaller ad that
will run over a longer period of time will help customers remember who you are; most newspapers make
this easier by offering discounts if you advertise over the course of several issues.
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to make PDF files: most community newspapers in the Twin Cities offer
first-time advertisers help designing an advertisement and crafting their message for maximum effect.
Similarly, many radio stations offer to work with potential advertisers on the wording and placement of an
advertising message, and will help you record it for broadcast.
The directory is organized by media type (print/online, radio, and television), with sub-categories for
community media and media serving distinct ethnic communities. Dive in! Advertising in community and
ethnic media connects you with very specific customers who care about their neighbors and who turn to
these media outlets for information about their communities, events, and local businesses, offering you
competitively-priced access to these important demographics.
Directory information compiled by the Refugee Health Department of the Minnesota Department of
Health and the New America Media National Directory of Ethnic Media, with additional research by
James Sanna. Edited by Sarah E. Bauer.
African Commuity
African News Journal Ntuv Evaristus Tunka Print and online free weekly newspaper for
PO Box 211774 Phone: 651-454-4900 Minnesota’s African immigrant community.
Eagan, MN 55121 Fax: 612-729-2008 Print run of 10,000 copies, distributed to
info@anjnews.com nearly 186 locations in the Twin Cities area.
www.anjnews.com Average of 3,500 daily visitors to the web site.
African News Journal Ntuv Evaristus Tunka Print and online free weekly newspaper for
1821 University Ave Sute 319 Phone: 651-644-4455 Minnesota’s African immigrant community.
St Paul, MN 55104 Fax: 651-646-1273 Print run of 10,000 copies, distributed to
anjnews@gmail.com nearly 186 locations in the Twin Cities area.
www.anjnews.com Average of 3,500 daily visitors to the web site.
Mbiu Newsletter Ephraim Olani Mbiu is the monthly newsletter of the Sub-
1885 University Ave Suite 297 Phone: 651-644-3983 Saharan African Youth & Family Services of
St Paul, MN 55104 sayfsm@uskid.net Minnesota (SAYFSM).
Asian American Press Nghi Hynh This paper covers the Asian community
417 University Ave Suite 1 Phone: 651-224-6570 news and events in the areas of government,
St Paul, MN 55103 Fax: 651-224-7032 politics, education, business, arts and
aanews@aapress.com entertainment, health, and other local events.
www.aapress.com Free distribution at 400 locations. 15,000
circulation (1,500 paid subscriptions)
Korea Central Daily Jong K Choi The DAILY, with headquarters in Seoul, has
(Minnesota Branch) Phone: 651-450-7452 two million subscribers worldwide and
PO Box 11720 Fax: 651-450-7452 publishes daily editions in New York, Chicago,
St Paul, MN 55111 and Los Angeles.
La Voz Latina (St Paul Tim Spitzack La Voz Latina was established in 1997 to serve
Publishing Company) Phone: 651-457-1177 the Twin Cities’ fastest growing community.
1643 Robert Street Suite 60B Fax: 651-1107 La Voz Latina’s 8,500 copies are distributed
West St Paul, MN 55118 sppc@stpaulpublishing.com free to every home on St. Paul’s West Side
as well as to Hispanic businesses, churches
www.stpaulpublishing.com and other high traffic points in the St. Paul
and Minneapolis metropolitan area. St. Paul
Publishing also prints The St. Paul Voice, The
Downtown St. Paul Voice, and South Saint
Paul Voice.
Latino Midwest News Adolfo Rudy Caradona Bi-lingual directory of news and information.
3900 36th Ave. North Phone: 763-535-3373 Latino Midwest News was founded in 1999
Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Fax: 763-537-5200 with the purpose of connecting Hispanic
steve@latino Midwestnews.com communities across the states of the
www.latinomidwestnews.com Midwest.
African-American Community
Insight News Jasmine Willett Insight News, founded in 1974, prides itself on
1815 Bryant Ave North Phone: 612-588-1313 providing user-friendly and culturally relevant
Minneapolis, MN 55411 Fax: 612-588-2031 “Information, Instruction, and Inspiration”
jasmine@insightnews.com to the African-American community of
www.insightnews.com Minneapolis and St Paul. Insight News
publishes weekly, distributing its print run of
35,000 copies for free throughout the Twin
Cities and surrounding suburbs. With its
audited readership of roughly 105,000, Insight
News calls itself “the largest culturally diverse
newspaper in the Twin Cities.” This audience
ranges from “18 to ancient,” with over 50%
of their readers college-educated, and a
similar percentage holding management-level
positions and up – “the movers and shakers
and decision-makers.” Their readership
is mostly middle-class, with 70% earning
$50,000 and above.
Bois Forte News thill@boisforte-nsn.gov The Bois Forte News is the monthly
P.O. Box 16 Phone: 218-757-3261 newspaper of the Bois Forte Band of
Nett Lake, MN 55772 Chippewa, distributed to all enrolled Band
members over the age of 18 for free. This
www.boisforte.com publication is also available to non-enrolled,
non-natives for a subscription fee of $10.00
per year. Currently circulation is 2200.
The Circle Catherine Whipple The Circle, published since 1980, is the
PO Box 6026 Phone: 612-722-3692 leading newspaper serving the Native
Minneapolis, MN 55406 Fax: 612-722-3773 American community of Minneapolis.
circlempls@aol.com Dedicated to presenting news from a Native
www.thecirclenews.com American perspective, while granting an equal
opportunity to community voices, the Circle
has a circulation of 13,000.
Russian Community
Minnesota Women’s Press Susan Feehan Since 1984, Minnesota Women’s Press has
771 Raymond Ave Phone: 651-646-3968 published a bi-weekly newspaper “promoting
St Paul, MN 55114 Fax: 651-646-2186 communication by, about, and among
ads@womenspress.com women,” focusing on women’s ideas and
www.womenspress.com issues. The Women’s Press does more than
connect with its readers – it actively reaches
out to “talented readers” for content, asking
women to submit columns, stories, and other
short pieces on their work, social or political
issues, and aspects of their lives, publishing
these submissions in several specific sections
of the paper. Most of these women are
between the ages of 35 and 54, but almost
one third are under 34, and are evenly
divided between Minneapolis, St Paul, and
Metro Area suburbs (zip code breakdowns
are available from the publishers). The
readership is well-educated – nearly 50% have
a post-graduate degree or have pursued some
post-graduate studies – but economically
diverse: 41% make less than $35,000 per year,
but 31% make over $60,000. Overall, readers
are very loyal, and responsive to advertising:
in a 2005 reader survey, 72% said they had
read the Women’s Press for over five years,
and 55% reported that they had visited
businesses advertised in the paper.
Neighborhood Newspapers
Midway Monitor Denis Woulfe The Monitor is one of the oldest and most
1885 University Ave West Phone: 651-645-7045 respected neighborhood newspapers in the
St Paul, MN 55104 Fax: 651-645-4780 Twin Cities, publishing continuously since
denisw@aplacetoremember.com July of 1975. Given its longevity and firm
www.monitorstpaul.com connection with community and business
institutions, the Monitor is a first-call
resource for residents seeking information
on businesses, schools, local chambers, and
metro-wide draws such as the Minnesota
State Fair and the Conservatory. With
a circulation of 30,000 and a estimated
readership of over 65,000 (25% of St Paul’s
population), the Monitor reaches 21,500
homes in the Midway-Como-North End area
of St Paul, as well as free distribution at
high-traffic businesses, churches, and school
drop-off points.
The Park Bugle Dan Schultz The Bugle is a community newspaper serving
PO Box 8216 Phone: 612-408-0233 St. Anthony Park, Lauderdale, Falcon Heights
St Paul, MN 55108 dschultz6@comcast.net and Northwest Como Park. Like many of the
Twin Cities’ thriving community newspapers,
www.parkbugle.org the Park Bugle is dedicated to providing the
best local news for its readers and building
community. With a circulation of 11,000
(8,500 delivered directly to residents), the
Bugle estimates each issues reaches 27,000
The Northeaster/North News Bob Germaine The Northeaster and North News are
1620 Central Ave Northeast Phone: 612-788-9003 published by Kerry and Margo Ashmore; the
Minneapolis, MN 55413 Fax: 612-788-3299 former since 1978, the latter since 1991. As
contact@nenorthnews.com their names suggest, North News covers
www.nenorthnews.com North Minneapolis neighborhoods (north
of downtown and west of the Mississippi),
and the Northeaster covers Northeast
Minneapolis (neighborhoods north of
downtown and east of the river), as well
as the suburban cities of St Anthony and
Columbia Heights. Both papers are published
twice monthly on Wednesdays and mailed
to residences, with the Northeaster running
34,500 copies, and North News running
29,000 copies.
African Community
African Roots Connection Charles Denis African radio show. No schedule given.
KMOJ 89.9 FM Phone: 612-374-5615
501 Bryant Ave North
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Asian Community
CHAT Radio: Hmong Arts and Kathy Mouachepau Monday 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Culture KFAI 90.3 FM (Mpls) Phone: 651-644-6969 Center for Hmong Arts and Talent presents
106.7 FM (St Paul) Fax: 651-603-6983 radio designed to inform audiences about the
995 University Ave Suite 220 talented and growing Hmong arts community.
St Paul, MN 55104
Radio Diverse KPNP AM 1600 Peter Phia Xion 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
2100 West Broadway Ave Phone: 612-267-2999 Radio station catering to the Hmong
Minneapolis, MN 55411 peterphia_xiong@yahoo.com community in the Twin Cities.
Ethnic and Community Media Directory 23
Caribbean Community
Latino Community
KQSP Radio 1530 AM Eddie Cruz 24-hour Spanish programing serving the
1107 Hazeltine Blvx Phone: 952-261-0070 western suburbs of Minneapolis
Chaska, MN 55318 Fax: 952-261-3583
La Mera Buena KBGY Radio Phone: 952-435-5777 24-hour Spanish-language station serving
107.5 FM poderosa620am@yahoo.com Central and Southern Minnestoa
3479 260th Street West
Fairibault, MN 55021
Notas Latinas KQAL 89.5 FM Dr. Ajit Daniel Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
234 Performing Arts Center Phone: 507-453-2222
Winona State University
Winona, MN 55987
Radio La Pantera KYCR Phone: 651-405-8800 Monday-Friday 2:00-10:00 p.m; Saturday 8:00
Radio 570 AM (Salem Fax: 61-405-8222 a.m.-10:00 p.m; Sunday 8:15 a.m.-7:30 pm.
2110 Cliff Road
Eagan, MN 55122
Radio Rey WMIH Radio AM Manuel Robies Spanish programming 24 hours a day
630 Phone: 612-729-3776
2619 East Lake Street Fax: 612-724-0437
Minneapolis, MN 55406 manuel@radiorey630am.com
Indian Uprising KFAI 90.3 FM Phone: 612-341-3144 Indian Uprising is a one-hour public and
(Mpls) 106.7 FM (St Paul) cultural affairs program for the Indigenous
1808 Riverside Avenue communities in the Twin Cities. Produced
Minneapolis, MN 55454 by Chris Spotted Eagle, a long-time activist in
the Twin Cities and former producer at Twin
www.kfai.org/node/125 Cities Public Television, Indian Uprising is one
Sunday 7:00-8:00 p.m. of the few radio programs serving the roughly
25,000 Native Americans in Minneapolis or St
Scandinavian Community
Disabled Community
Disabled and Proud KFAI Sam Tuesday 7:00-7:30 pm. Offers insights into,
90.3 FM (Mpls) 106.7 FM (St. Phone: 612-341-3144 ideas about, and discussions of disability
Paul) Fax: 612-341-4281 culture.
1808 Riverside Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Fresh Air Radio KFAI 90.3 FM Jackson Buck A volunteer-based community radio station
(Mpls) 106.7 FM (St. Paul) Phone: 612-341-3144 that broadcasts information, arts, and
1808 Riverside Ave Fax: 612-341-4281 entertainment programming for a Twin
Minneapolis, MN 5545 jacksonbuck@kfai.org Cities audience of diverse racial, social and
economic backgrounds.
African Community
Rochester Somali Television Ahmed Sugulle Broadcast Somali cable TV programs for
1902 South Broadway Phone: 807-252-5888 Minnesota based Somali communities in
Rochester, MN 55904 Southeastern Minnesota. Affiliation: Somali
Community and Resettlement Services, City of
www.rstvonline.com Rochester
Asian Community
East Meets West (Asian Ange Hwang Asian Media Access currently produces the
Media Access) Phone: 612-376-7715 award-winning cable access show, “East
3028 Oregon Avenue South Fax: 612-376-7730 Meets West”, which is a noncommercial
Minneapolis, MN 55426 info@amamedia.org monthly discussion show focusing on cross-
cultural issues.
Vietnamese News (Twin Phone: 612-222-1717 Channel: 17 Sunday 11:30 p.m. - Midnight
Cities Pulic Television) Fax: 612-559-1282
172 East 4th Street viewerservices@tpt.org
St Paul, MN 55101