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Gamal & Noha

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Review Article

The edge environment in Cairo: An approach to reading

the social pattern language of the Middle Eastern built environment
Gamal T. Mohammed
, Noha Mahmoud
The University of Sheeld, Landscape Department, Sheeld, UK
Eat University, Achitecture Department, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Received 25 January 2013; accepted 13 April 2013
This paper introduces a new concept that might help in reading both social life and urban process, showing how they are interlocked
in a way that claries ideologies and their implications for the physical form of the city. This reading is capable of envisioning and ana-
lysing the relationship between the cohesive social pattern language of traditional built environment and its physical expression, relying
on a new reective and exploratory concept, the edge environment. This illuminates the relationship between the values hidden beneath
the physical edges of spatial morphology in Middle Eastern urban contexts like Cairo, and allows those values to be understood in terms
of modern ideologies relating to the human community. The concept of edge environment might help in the design education particularly
in conservation and up-grading processes, as an analytical tool and as a design method by careful interventions at edges by ne tuning of
the edge environment.
2013 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Social pattern language; Social sustainability; Urban spatial morphology; Public participation; Edge environments
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
2. The cohesive social pattern language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
2.1. Two components of human agency that maintain the linguistic metaphor of the social pattern as an urban language 229
2.1.1. The conventions, unwritten laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
2.1.2. Shared responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
2212-6090/$ - see front matter 2013 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: noha_nga@yahoo.com (N. Mahmoud).
Peer review under responsibility of The Gulf Organisation for Research
and Development.
Production and hosting by Elsevier
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (2012) 1, 227246
Gulf Organisation for Research and Development
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
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2.2. The principle of no harm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
2.2.1. Preventing harm within traditional city centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
2.2.2. Preventing any threat from outsiders or insiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
3. Reading the pattern language through case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
3.1. Decision making processes and the sustainable community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
3.1.1. Reading the balance and key concepts of the social pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
3.1.2. Reading sense of community as an outcome of the edge environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
4. The edge environment and its fine tuning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
1. Introduction
Cities in the Mediterranean basin, and in particular
Middle Eastern cities, have lost much of the diversity that
contributes to street life and vitality. The dense and varied
rhythms of traditional buildings, spaces and streets are now
being replaced by larger residential and commercial devel-
opments. The great longevity of beautifully crafted spaces
in traditional Middle Eastern cities which have maintained
their multi-functionality and urban characteristics through
many historical periods, stands in contrast to many mod-
ern cities and new developments that fail to achieve such
sustainability. The central assertion of this paper is that
this sustainability may be related to historic city layouts
and traditional urban fabrics, which appear to be much
more ideologically responsive. In many ways these layouts
constitute a physical manifestation of ideologies that were
created to maintain social interaction. In A New Path to
Urban Rehabilitation in Cairo Bianca (2004) says:
The cohesive patterns of their historic urban fabric
embody meaningful modes of social interaction and tan-
gible environmental qualities, which transmit the experi-
ence of past generations and are still able to shape and
support contemporary community life; for the values
inherent to their spatial congurations transcend
short-lived changes and fashions.
This paper seeks to explore some of the reasons behind
this apparent success, focusing on the relationships
between social values and spatial conguration by examin-
ing the spatial organisation of Middle Eastern historic city
centres. As Akbar has recognised, when city planning and
design development separates ideological and physical
dimensions, this can adversely aect the social relevance
and value of city fabric (Akbar, 1995). Conversely, greater
unication of ideology and physicality is associated with
participatory design and in particular to the balance
between top-down and bottom-up decision making pro-
cesses within traditional built environments. Identifying
the optimum balance between top-down and bottom-up
processes in the traditional built environment may make
an important contribution to ensuring that the physical
conguration of built forms is conducive to delivering a
socially responsive built environment. The paper will dem-
onstrate that managing the interface between built form
and public realm, the edges, through this balance of top
down and bottom up is the key to social sustainability.
The central theme of this paper is that lessons of social dis-
tinctiveness can be found in understanding the important
role of the physical edges in this environment. So, rst
we must ask, what is the cohesive social pattern language
of these historic urban fabrics, and what lies behind their
apparent success?
This paper is in three parts. A unied framework for
understanding the cohesive social pattern language of the
traditional built environment is applied to explain aspects
of social sustainability which are then illustrated in three
case studies of sites in old Cairo. The paper concludes with
a discussion of the signicance of the concepts of edge envi-
ronment and its ne tuning.
2. The cohesive social pattern language
An appreciation of social pattern language is central to
understanding the role of people in building, managing and
maintaining their own environment, as these traditional
contexts relied on the interaction between dead and live
loads of spatial form (Mohammed and Thwaites, 2010).
In this context, the dead load is essentially given by archi-
tectural interventions such as the xed and built in features
of space, whereas the live load is a term which describes the
social conception of urban form, such as displayed goods
outside shops, any light and moveable structure that shop
occupiers add to their facades, various transactions among
people, passersby and vendors. Their interaction created a
kind of socially responsive pattern.
Contemporary Middle Eastern writers like Basim
Hakim and Jameel Akbar have analysed the mediaeval
treatises of master masons, and Western scholars like
Christopher Alexander have investigated the edges of tradi-
tional built environment. They have argued that the success
of this social pattern is based on three factors centred on
the role of human agency. Firstly, the building regulations
of the traditional built environment were rooted in ideolog-
ical principles that had evolved into accumulative and
interconnected entities (Alexander et al., 1977) in the form
228 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
of building patterns which were the end product of a devel-
opmental process which started from peoples needs and
ended with generalised building laws (Akbar, 1995). Sec-
ondly, the accumulative and adaptability characteristics
of these patterns (Lindley et al., 2007) meant that they were
used over and over again without repetition, embodying
the exibility of these building regulations. Finally, these
patterns were subjected to a specic order and operated
within a hierarchy and sequence which was explicit in the
phasing of the building process in a two-stage top-down
phase which set out the patterns of the key urban features
such as the main thoroughfares, public squares, large pla-
zas around the great mosques and the larger urban grains,
and then regulated the pattern of in-ll around them.
The role of human agency is reected in the spatial mor-
phology through the vibrancy and legibility of cities and in
the level of peoples participation (Habraken, 1986): tradi-
tional cities worked as living entities because they were the
products of engagement by their inhabitants through
shared lives and common social patterns, and a shared
responsibility that inuenced their buildings.
2.1. Two components of human agency that maintain the
linguistic metaphor of the social pattern as an urban
The social pattern has rules to unify its grammar and
diversify the accents of the spatial urban morphology
which acts as an urban language of the built form. The
uniqueness at macro-level of spatial form (Hakim, 2007)
results from top-down processes and acts as the basis of
the urban language all over the Middle Eastern region.
There is great diversity at the micro level of spatial form
within each region resulting from community-based cus-
tomary rules or bottom-up processes, providing dierent
accents within the same language. This diversity is gener-
ated by the interplay between bottom-up conventions and
the shared responsibility of the inhabitants. These two
components together give this pattern its ideological
dimension since they are a product of the mutual relations
generated between physical form and the values and forces
that lie beneath this physicality.
2.1.1. The conventions, unwritten laws
The conventions at play in this process emerged through
a generative process which transformed ideological values
into aesthetically active bottom-up conventions. This
transformation worked through two processes, feedback,
positive or negative, and networking (Hakim, 2008), which
played a key role in maintaining the dialogue between
inhabitants. Positive feedback came from the repetition
of good examples that had been initiated by bottom-up
processes and were supervised from a distance by top-down
processes in the event of disputes between neighbours. This
supervision ensured that negative feedback on the basis of
undesirable and harmful acts would not recur. These con-
ventions encouraged people to engage in dialogue, created
social interaction and were based on proscriptive rules
which only dened what must not be done, allowing
greater freedom to people in what they did do. The centra-
lised laws of modern times are, by contrast, prescriptive
and seek to dene and control everything that may be
done. This pattern embodied a language that encouraged
and corrected mistakes, disseminated good examples and
excluded disputed ones.
Analysis of this social pattern shows that the two pro-
cesses, feedback and networking, operate in three phases,
emerging and expressing values, a tactical phase and an
aesthetic phase (Fig. 1) (Mohammed and Thwaites, 2011).
The rst phase has two steps, recognition of need and
proposals for a solution. People discover solutions to meet
specic needs, which may embody religious, social, cultural
or political values (Akbar, 1995). The tactical phase has
two steps: an ideal example and the pattern. The solutions
proposed in the previous phase are rened to form ideal
examples, that is, optimum valid tested examples which
are then widely used and well-known and therefore func-
tion as a pattern. This phase maintains spatial social sus-
tainability. In the aesthetic phase a pattern which is
proven and achieves success in the tactical phase gains
validity and credibility as a law which can be generalised
(Innovative Solution)
This stage gives a value of any act into the built environment
(Ideal Example)
This stage grantees and protects social sustainability
(Big Convention-Urf)
This stage gives the beautification of any act into the built environment
The tactical
The aesthetical
Figure 1. Regenerative process of bottom-up conventions.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 229
and stated as a general principle, a convention (Urf) which
is articulated into smaller practical conventions used
throughout daily life. This phase produces distinctive char-
acter in the built environment.
2.1.2. Shared responsibility
These conventions worked through a mechanism of
responsibility distribution as it is understood within
responsibility theory (Akbar, 1984). The concept of respon-
sibility contributes to a deeper understanding of the tradi-
tional Islamic built environment because it sees that
environment as a process, not as a product. Responsibility
describes the perfect distribution of claims and rights, own-
ership, use and control, between dierent parties in the
built environment ( Akbar, 1995). Its distribution was
always followed by various actions that the dierent parties
were expected to take in respect of the built forms, accord-
ing to their rules or rights (Habraken, 1998). An under-
standing of the distribution of responsibility thus helps
contemporary professionals and specialists to read the built
environment in a way that is rational and predictable. In
some cases, a single party might have the rights to all three
claims together, a unied responsibility, to use, control and
own. In other cases, one party might have one or two
rights. For example, vendors in market places only had
the right to use and control their own places, without actu-
ally owning them. This is possessive responsibility. Some-
times shop occupiers only had the right to use, without
owning or controlling, through a rental agreement. This
is permissive responsibility. In this case the shop occupiers
were not allowed to change the interior or the exterior walls
by removing or adding, but they were only allowed to use
or to rearrange the interior space to display their goods.
Moreover they were not able to add a deck or overhead
shade to the shop frontage without pre-consent from the
owner. Occasionally the physical form or property was dis-
persed between three parties, when one party owned, the
second used and the third controlled. This is dispersed
responsibility, as in the public service buildings owned by
central authority, the endowment institutions ( Akbar,
These dierent forms of responsibility distribution cre-
ated a balance of control in the traditional built environ-
ment, resolving the tension between top-down and
bottom-up approaches by lling the gap between them
and helping to determine when top-down interventions
should gradually give way to allow processes of bottom-
up or self-organisation to take hold (Fig. 2). This helps
to identify the indeterminate margin between territorial
expression, in which activities dominate the fore-space of
buildings, and building expression, in which there is no
activity outside the building line.
2.2. The principle of no harm
The role of human agency in the traditional built envi-
ronment was centred on preventing harm, risk or hazard
to others, to the environment or to people themselves
which was in dierent forms based on dierent environ-
mental, social or topographical priorities. The principle
of causing no harm was derived from the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), back to 650 B.C., and
involved not causing any harm to any users of space
through the prevention of harmful action (Al-Nawaawi
introduced by Zarabozo (1999)). This was the most impor-
tant foundation for all building regulations, and generated
conventions that have regulated the built form in cities all
over the Muslim world. It delineated the role of community
members towards each other and towards their built envi-
ronment, and had a particular relevance to the way the
cohesive social pattern of traditional built environment
operated. The limits of the margin between building and
territorial expressions were decided according to the level
of harm that might occur to any member of the commu-
nity, so this principle powered sustainable communities,
enriching and enhancing a sense of belonging.
This social pattern was built on the idea of the commu-
nity as a single entity, able to reduce any potential harm or
risk to its members, so it has been conceptualised by schol-
ars such as Hakim et al. (2006), Olwig (2005, 2007), as a
community-based customary rule system. In the Muslim
built environment, the basic foundation of the bottom-up
process depends upon the idea of the collective reaction
of society against any harmful act by a community member
or stranger (Lindley et al., 2007; Rosello et al., 2009). The
idea of preventing harm and searching for collective solu-
tions is centred on, and attached to, various concepts such
as control and management of the harmful and harmless,
social vulnerability, vulnerability of the human environ-
ment, adaptability and the sense of community. So, pre-
venting harm in traditional built environment can be seen
in two ways.
Figure 2. The balance between the building and territorial expressions achieved by responsibility distribution.
230 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
2.2.1. Preventing harm within traditional city centres
Preventing harm can be seen in the control and manage-
ment of public spaces, to control undesirable acts and
instead encourage desirable ones. There was freedom of
action in public spaces to encourage responsible freedom
(Carmona et al., 2010), giving inhabitants of these commu-
nities the ability to carry out activities as desired but with
the recognition that public space is shared (Carr et al.,
1992; Akbar, 1995). There was a broad consensus of what
was permissible or tolerable (Lynch and Carr, 2008), so
various regulations or conventions evolved as a result of
the collective feeling of these communities.
This core principle played a signicant role in manipu-
lating functional and cognitive cues to increase the possibil-
ity of better behaviour in public domains, encouraging
community members to participate and behave acceptably
(Carmona et al., 2010). The liveliness and vibrancy of this
environment was a product of good streets, sidewalks,
parks and other public spaces, which brought out the best
in human nature by enhancing the feeling of shared respon-
sibility for any damage or harm that might occur in the
public domain. This is often translated into a highly risk-
averse approach which discourages all harmful activities
(Jacobs, 1961).
2.2.2. Preventing any threat from outsiders or insiders
Through the lens of this principle, the traditional city
was conceived as a polis or a self-governing political com-
munity. This was reected in the main streets and gated
communities where there might be a risk of crime or dan-
gerous strangers. The streets had to not only defend the
city against risk from strangers, but must also protect the
community from risk from within, and this was the role
of the traditional gated community (Jacobs, 1961; Grant
and Mittelsteadt, 2004). These shared places were a kind
of restricting urban environment, more liveable, secure
and controlled, not only by police but also by the commu-
nity sharing a place (Newman, 1973). The residents had the
power to control and to manage their environment, the
basis of the bottom-up process in such societies expressing
this control architecturally through the hierarchy of spaces.
This hierarchy was achieved by dividing the quarter into
sub-quarters by building gateways all way through the
quarter in hierarchical manner. The self-governing cells in
traditional communities were ruled through ethnically
specialised quarters, each with their own Sheikh, in a sim-
ilar way to modern municipal government (Marcais, 1928;
Abu-Lughd, 1987). The quarters were governed by bottom-
up processes and community-based customary rules.
Generally, the principle of no harm encompasses social
vulnerability to risk, and public participation (Fedeski and
Gwilliam, 2007). Some traditional cities within the Middle
Eastern region were less vulnerable socially, as the inhabit-
ants were only concerned with vulnerability when there was
a risk of being physically exposed to a hazard (Alexander,
1993). The vast majority took into consideration the social
as well as the physical dimension. The complexity of social
vulnerability was described as the capacity of the society to
address hazard and damage (Susman et al., 1983; Blaikie et
al., 1994; Cutter, 1996; Hewitt 1997). This social vulnerabil-
ity stems from the interaction between population and
locations of activities, particularly at the edges of spatial
morphology, the structural and spatial characteristics of
territories such as size, distance, position, distribution
and topologic sequence. Urban design and landscape
approaches have been considered the principle of no harm
in the traditional built environment as a comprehensive
principle because it includes the three domains of the built
environment, physical, social and psychological. The archi-
tectural measurement or the physical expression of this
social vulnerability could be seen in the level of openness
or compactness of residential spaces of these traditional
communities. So, social vulnerability has been re-concep-
tualised to include consideration of the vulnerability of
the human environment (Rosello et al., 2009).
Therefore, it can be argued that the traditional built
environment in the Middle East was managed and run
through a social pattern language that developed from a
combination of three elements, tools, core idea and theme
(Fig. 3). These three elements composed the ideological
dimension of traditional built environment in the Middle
East. The tools comprise the two main components of
human agency, conventions and shared responsibility
between inhabitants. The core idea is the principle of no
harm, which is central to this social pattern. The balance
between the two decision-making processes is the mecha-
nism through which the tools operated. Altogether, this
pattern language created a built environment which was
socially responsive.
3. Reading the pattern language through case studies
The urban culture of mediaeval Cairo was made up of a
mixture of cultural layers from dierent periods (Noweir
and Panerai, 1989). This overlapping of historic layers
Socially responsive pattern language of
traditional built environment
Conventions and Shared
Central core principle
No harm
The main theme
(The balance between top-down
and bottom-up decisions
Figure 3. The social pattern language framework.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 231
reected a long urban development process of formation,
growth, change and transformation as well as many inter-
actions throughout time and place. The spaces of Been
El-Qasreen, El-Sokaria and Bab-Zewila have been chosen
as examples of this social pattern language of the built
form as they present interesting cases of a traditional urban
culture of contradistinctions, diversity and homogeneity
(Al-Sayyad, 2011) (Fig. 4). These three sites still maintain
aspects of mediaeval social life, drawing clear social bound-
aries which make them distinct from the surrounding con-
text (Denscombe, 1998), and the balance between the two
decision-making processes is clear around the edges of spa-
tial morphology of these sites. These sites witnessed a high
level of competition between the elite relating to the posses-
sion of land and property. The main role of the case studies
is to illustrate the social pattern language of these places,
which are good examples of the balance between top-down
and bottom-up decision-making processes, and allow a
focus on the concept of edge environment and its role in
maintaining social interaction in traditional urban forms.
The case studies have been studied through observa-
tional graphical analysis, a traditional method that uses
freehand sketching ( Al-Kodmany, 2001). This method is
useful because it can be used to depict and document the
evolution of towns or neighbourhoods in the past, present,
and in a suggested future, so it can be used to help preserve
the desirable characteristics of towns. Henry Sano used
the method in his book, Visual Research Methods in
Design (1991) in which he developed the concept, knowl-
edge of emerging environmental preservation strategies
(KEEPS). In this paper, this method is used to re-build
and re-envision the appearance of the traditional city,
and to interpret documented data from the survey. This
fosters visual analysis and allows examination of the multi-
ple layers of spatial form. This work proceeds by analysing
changes and their physical impact on space conguration,
particularly focusing on the edges and walls of space: ana-
lysing the transactions and interactions that took place
within the space to determine the position of territories,
and where its qualities and the most usable areas were;
illustrating the evolution of building processes and harm
caused by squeezing space or thoroughfares; documenting
the uctuation of building lines and urban grains over time;
observing, estimating and analysing graphically the social
aspects of open spaces including passive and active engage-
ment with the environment; and documenting graphically
whether those changes were initiated by people or by the
authorities. This method enables the observational part
of research to deepen its knowledge and experience of the
case study sites (Tufte, 1997).
3.1. Decision making processes and the sustainable
Social pattern language can be read and understood in
these cases by studying the balance between top-down
Figure 4. (a), (b) and (c) The location of the three cases in historic Cairo. (a) Space of Been El-Qasreen; (b) space of El-Sokaria; and (c) space of Bab
Zewila, source, Google Earth.
232 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
and bottom-up decision making, which was central to and
worked through the mechanism of the mutual relationship
between inhabitants and their physical surroundings, the
live and dead loads of space. The balance of these recipro-
cal relations took place through conversations, negotia-
tions, networks and feedback between the inhabitants,
which is why this social pattern is described as an urban
language. Analysis of this balance has shown that it gener-
ates several aspects of social interactions concentrated at
the edges (Fig. 5).
From its study, the key concepts of the edge environ-
ment and ne tuning of the edge environment have
emerged. The concept edge environment helps us under-
stand the mechanisms of social interaction in the tradi-
tional built environment, and the distribution of
responsibility between the dierent parties. It has been
applied in the three case studies in examination of the rela-
tionship between the live and dead loads generated around
the edges of space. A common theme in the three sites is
that spaces became corridors to link, not rooms to live
because priority was given to the private domain over the
public in Middle Eastern cities. In these cases the edge envi-
ronment is mainly seen in the conversion and development
of communal land and fore-spaces in the public domain
into private spaces, so this concept can be seen as the piv-
otal or a polar pattern of the traditional built environment
(Meyer, 2001).
People of these traditional societies dened and devel-
oped their own solutions to meet environmental and devel-
opment problems, and they worked towards shared power
and participation at a local level which constitute the fun-
damental basis of a sustainable community (Canadian Uni-
versity Students Organization, 1989). A close bond of
association between local residents and their physical sur-
roundings was created from shared emotions and interests,
feelings of shared responsibility towards the local environ-
ment, respect for the role of individuals and groups as well
the freedom given to people to act with limited intervention
from central authority. The most important aspect of a sus-
tainable community was a sense of community, including
shared ownership of places, the priority given by people
to their environment in terms of social and economic
investments, public participation and the signicant role
people played in decision-making relating to issues in their
built environment, the collective feeling of residents that
they should protect their environmental resources and
social structures against any potential risk.
3.1.1. Reading the balance and key concepts of the social
At the scale of the space as a whole, the motivations
behind the feeling of the sense of community were central
to the roles and attitudes of individuals and groups, as well
as to the behaviour of central authorities towards the com-
munity, and their ability to communicate with each other
in the top-down and bottom-up processes of decision-mak-
ing. This is best exemplied in the space of Been El Qas-
reen, where the top-down process was limited to
delivering architecture and elements of the urban infra-
structure like ocial buildings and big institutions. The
bottom-up process needed less design, but more work to
do with issues related to how spaces were managed, used
and controlled. The balance in this space shows the devel-
opment of monumental buildings concentrated on the
Western edges of the space (Fig. 6): the urban grains on
the western edges became larger than those on the Eastern
edges, making the area more coherent and its built form
easier to read creating a kind of environmental preference
(Kaplan and Kaplan, 1982).
The cohesive social pattern language of
tradition built environment
The environment of opportunities
of the community member
People managed the environment
Grouped in two main aspects
Key concept;
Edge environment
Its main theme; the balance between the two decisions-making
Mutual relation between dead load and live load
Aspects of sustainable community at spatial edges;
the sense of community

Neighbouring Shared responsibility and shared emotions Social interaction Mixed use pattern
It was implied in the built form in
Figure 5. The reading framework of the social pattern language of the traditional built environment.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 233
At the level of the detail of urban spatial morphology,
this social pattern or urban language cannot be seen while
the traditional built form is perceived as a single entity: its
elements need to be analysed separately, one part at a time.
So there was a need to develop an anatomising tool that
was t for purpose. The anatomical tool is capable of
revealing aspects of the relationship between the social life
of places and their spatial and physical expression in a way
that conventional analysis does not. Its components com-
prise two working models, the physical and ideological,
its tools are the conventions and responsibility models,
and its key roles are anatomical, analytical roles and in
supporting design. The main task of this anatomical
method was therefore, to dissect the urban form into spa-
tial layers (Mohammed and Thwaites, 2010). The lower
layer is composed of inner and outer spaces, whereas the
upper layer is composed of outer space only, each with
its own people, activities and spatial relations distinguish-
ing it from the others (Fig. 7).
Through such anatomical analysis, it has been found
that this social pattern generated a balance which governed
each spatial layer independently, each functioning as an
environment in itself. The mutual relations between people
and their physical surroundings, through which this bal-
ance was operated, characterises their spatial layer and
the relationship between the dead and live loads of spatial
form. The most inuential mutual relation forms were con-
centrated and generated around the outer space of the
lower spatial layer, at the edges. Examples of the way in
which these reciprocal relationships contributed to a sense
of community include socio-cultural mutual relations, reli-
gious mutual relations, economic mutual relations and cul-
tural mutual relations. Each case study contained examples
of these forms.
It has been observed that all social processes in market
places and thoroughfares, such as transactions, agree-
ments, disagreement, disputes, co-operation between ven-
dors, users and shop occupiers, interactions between
passersby and processions, took place around the edges.
In addition, all built-in decks, overhead shades, and ven-
dors places were built along or within edges, based on
an interactive dynamic mutual relationship. These mutual
relations were particularly attached to monumental and
public buildings. In residential quarters and gated commu-
nities they could be seen in the collective role of the com-
munity in managing, maintaining, using, controlling and
utilising the fore-spaces (na) of abutting houses. These
relations have also been observed in the development of
dead land into marketplaces, beside the old walls where
they brought new life to these dead edges. This can be seen
in the third case study, of the space of Bab Zewila (Fig. 8).
Figure 6. The balance of the rst case study. Top-down process delivered bigger urban grains in the Western edges, whereas the bottom-up produced the
smaller urban grains in the Eastern edges of space.
Transaction sphere.
Controlled zone
The Middle of space
The anatomy of space into three
morphological units
The outer space

Transition zones
They are reformed by the
live load and dead load
of space
The upper spatial layer

Reference Point
They are reformed by the
dead load of space
The lower spatial layer
The upper space The inner space
They are reformed by Live
load of space
Figure 7. The anatomical analysis of spatial urban morphology.
234 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
So it appears that aspects of sustainable community and
its built environment are particularly visible at the lower
corners of any open space, spatial edges, because all the
transactions there are pushed towards the edges by spatial
movement or dynamic transaction spheres.
The edges of spaces reect the life of a place, its identity
and attachment (Kim and Kaplan, 2004), its character and
most importantly its ideology. Where they occurred, top-
down interventions were concerned with a removing or
adding acts, o or onto the edges. The second case study,
of the space of El-Sokaria, illustrates this as its edges reect
all aspects of the environment and are the key morpholog-
ical factor responsible for transforming the lower space
socially, economically and environmentally (Fig. 9).
Interactive edges have various forms, religious, socio-
cultural and commercial, each related to the mutual rela-
tion by which it is controlled. Each form emphasises the
central idea: the edges are the place of social interaction
and the playing eld of bottom-up decision-making. Two
general bottom-up rules driven by the core principle of
no harm have regulated all these forms of edges (Al-
Nawaawi introduced by Zarabozo (1999): the middle of
space belongs to passersby, not to buildings or activities;
and passersby have a right of objection against any obsta-
cle or harmful act in the passageway (Akbar, 1995). These
two rules generated conventions that regulated these edges
physically like the conventions which include right of way,
rights over fore-space, easement rights, the rights of neigh-
bours (Hakim, 1986). Besides these general conventions,
each of these edges was controlled by its specic combina-
tion of Su and Islamic jurisprudence conventions
(Mohammed and Thwaites, 2010, 2011).
The religious and socio-cultural relation edges can be
seen in the rst case study, the space of Been El-Qasreen.
These types of edge were controlled by conventions con-
cerned with creating mutual relations between spatial wall-
ing and passersby, so between the dead and live loads of
space. This mutual relation is mostly clearly seen in the dis-
persed model of responsibility, in which rights and claims
are distributed between three parties. This model was the
key organiser of the system by which the elite endowed
buildings for religious and social charitable purposes in
order to gain public acceptance and enhance their political
and religious power. These mutual relations created edges
that might be perceived as something alive. The religious-
cultural mutual relation edge between the mausoleum
and passersby formed one of the most important social pat-
terns of daily life through the application of the Su con-
vention of a window sitting reciter (Mohammed and
Thwaites, 2011). A tomb was attached to the back of the
complex later, as an expression of the continuing power
of the royal family. The design requirement for such a
building was that it should be exposed to the space and
articulated from the building line. The aim was to create
a reciprocal relation around the mausoleums windows,
between passersby and the deceased person in the tomb,
in this case the king El-Saleh Ayyub. The mechanism of
this mutual relation relied on the reciter, a man whom
was employed by the royal family, who sat in the tombs
window reciting verses from holy Quran, attracting pass-
ersby near the tomb to benet from hearing holy Quran.
This might lead passersby to pray for the venerated tomb
occupant, so the tomb had to be located in an imposing
position along the passageway (Fig. 10) (Mohammed and
Thwaites, 2010).
The socio-cultural relation edge can be seen in this space
at the edges of various Sabil buildings (water house),
another kind of endowment distributed between three par-
ties. This relation was based on religious, charitable and
social mutual relations. Its function was the use of water
inside space: it is religiously desirable to provide water
for the poor who cannot aord cisterns in their own homes,
so it was a pious act for the elite to endow places which
oered free drinking water (Antoniou, 1998). The large,
round, corner and elaborated windows on the ground oor
of these buildings generated this socio-cultural mutual rela-
tion around its edges, as many people gathered to obtain
water, as people drank from taps which came out of the
windows. They would wish good health and pray for the
establisher of the endowment. The windows are projected
Figure 8. The mutual relations developed dead land abutting Bab Zewila into marketplace, where they brought new life to these dead edges.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 235
into the space of Been El-Qasreen in order to expose them
to the largest number of passersby without straddling the
passageway. The dynamic shape of the building line arose
because these buildings were always attached to the walls
of space according to the convention that the middle of
space belongs to passersby, not to the buildings
(Fig. 11a). The mutual relation was further emphasised
by elaborated and heavily decorated friezes conveying
spiritual messages. As people drink, they contemplate the
decoration and these written friezes, so that the spatial
experience changes from walking to stopping completely.
There are also public services provided on the upper oor,
where there was a Kuttab, a school where children and the
orphans of the districts learnt how to recite and memorise
the holy Quran (Fig. 11b) (Mohammed and Thwaites,
Figure 9. (a) During 1412-1422, the complex was in the permissive model, under the control of the erector, the king. (b) After 1422 the shop occupiers
started to increase the level of control they had, transforming their temporary structure to a permanent one. (c) The shop occupiers gained power,
eventually owning their shops. The tenants became shop owners, and the extensions became built in shops with xed structures.
236 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
The multiple layers or endless edges form a cultural
mutual relation. People used to gather together in public
meeting regularly after each prayer, ve times a day. At
these meetings people used to discuss issues related to their
daily life, as seen in the arcaded facades of the mosque of
El-Saleh Talai in the third case study, Bab Zewila, which
give a feeling of edges through phenomenal transparency
(Rowe and Slutzky, 1964; Kepes, 1995). This space on this
side has no edge, so there is continuity between the archi-
tectural and urban spaces. The ow of people moving
across the edges line between indoor and outdoor creates
an invisible edge, best illustrated by the arcades which
mark the porch of the mosque, El-Saleh Talai (Fig. 12).
The edges on this side of the space are non-visible, phe-
nomenal transparent edges, because people can see the dif-
ferent vertical layers simultaneously, through the arcade,
the inner wall to the inner court of the mosque. This type
of edge acts as a transition more than an edge and it is only
found in front of ocial or elite buildings, so it is the prod-
uct of a top-down decision process (Mohammed, 2012).
There are moveable interactive edges, the most common
form, in front of the commercial buildings in the third case
study, attached to the Zawai and Sabil Frag Ibn Brquque.
These demonstrate a commercial mutual relation. In these
traditional shops there is no glass barrier; instead they have
a wide opening to the space which has no depth or thick-
ness. There is a deck in front of the shop on which the
occupier sits, carrying out his transactions, so there is no
visual relation or passive involvement like that generated
by the glass windows of a modern shop. In these open
shops, it is possible to exchange everything with whoever
or whatever is inside without losing your presence in the
space. There is an active involvement with the edges of
the space which is transformed into a mutual relation.
The way the products of these shops press out into space
increases this feeling of interactive relation, because people
found themselves walking by and stopping amongst quan-
tities of goods which would encroach out of the shop
towards the other side of the thoroughfare (Fig. 13) (
Mohammed, 2012). The conventions that control and
organise these interactive moveable edges include those of
no-harm, particularly the right of passersby to object, the
right of access and the right of way (Hakim, 2007).
3.1.2. Reading sense of community as an outcome of the
edge environment
The dierent types of mutual relation-based edges that
can be seen in these three cases successfully generated a
sense of community. All the communitys members were
involved in relationships, with each other and with their
physical surroundings. This was reected in their behav-
iour and in their attitudes towards their built environment,
since their environment gave them a choice and opportu-
nity to act and invest freely its edges (Lang, 1987). This
generated a degree of dynamicity in society, and was a
key component of its sense of community and belonging
(Talen, 2006). It was responsible for creating a unique
physical character in two ways: diversity at the micro level,
and unity at the macro level.
This dynamicity was particularly evident in conversa-
tions and sometimes in community members debates
regarding any harmful act or risk. This could be seen in
the dynamic relation between the territorial and building
expressions in front of El-Saleh Ayyub complex in the
space of been El-Qasereen, as the vacant land was trans-
formed into a market place and then into built-in shops
(Fig. 14).
The collective feeling of belonging was particularly evi-
dent in shared places like the self-governing communities
in the space of El-Skaria in the second case study. In this
Figure 10. The religious mutual relation edges of mausoleum of the king El-Saleh Ayyub, controlled by the Sus convention of window sitting reciter.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 237
gated community, the social pattern language and the
growth of a community feeling can be seen in the network
responsible for rening and reviewing decisions relating to
the built environment (Sarason, 1974). These decisions,
which might be negative or positive; produced conventions.
Such positive decisions relate to the use of the fore-space
(na) in commercial activities, the immediate edges
attached to houses (Fig. 15).
Also, the cleaning and the maintenance of shared places
and (na) were the responsibility of all the inhabitants as
shown in (Fig. 16) from traditional contexts similar to
old Cairo.
The dissemination of these kinds of networks and con-
ventions in traditional communities increased social inter-
action and created public awareness that any harmful act
or behaviour that might occur should be prevented. These
Figure 11. (a) and (b): The Sabil, buildings attached to the wall, as an example of the dispersed responsibility, the endowment buildings that created socio-
cultural mutual relation edge.
238 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
Figure 12. The continuity between shallow and deep spaces, the edges through phenomenal transparency created cultural mutual relation or multi-edges.
Figure 13. Commercial mutual relation edges or interactive moveable edges; in the traditional shops all transactions and active interaction with passersby
is generated at the edge, not inside the shops.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 239
networks, which were conductors of the social pattern lan-
guage, were the practical form of the feeling of neighbour-
ing (Jacobs, 1961; Kim, 2001; Talen, 2006). Social
interaction and neighbouring were also seen in one of the
most important conventions that regulated the workshops
on the ground oor of El-Khymia in the third case study
(Fig. 17): the right of a neighbour that regulated edges
between the next neighbour and the limits at which the ter-
ritorial expression of a shop occupier should stop. This
convention prohibited crossing into the territory of neigh-
bours either on the sides or at the front, so it is evidence
of the success of the growing feeling of neighbouring,
Figure 14. (a), (b), (c) and (d): The eect of the change of the responsibility distribution on the transaction sphere in the front of El-Saleh Ayyub complex.
In the market place; vendors and paddlers were subjected to possessive model of responsibility and the building expression dominated the space. Then, the
market place transformed into built in shops and the vendors became shop owners subjected to the unied and permissive model of responsibility. So
building expression transformed to the territorial expression.
Figure 15. (a) and (b): Space Been El-Qasreen in 1924 shows how inhabitants used the fore-space, na, as a shared place for commercial purposes;
sources; http://www.egyptedantan.com/egypt.htm [accessed 05/2009], and Hakim (2008).
240 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
which helped to establish casual acquaintances (Nasar and
Julian, 1995).
Amongst all these aspects of the sense of community of
this traditional built environment, there are two that were
regarded as important motivators: the environment of
opportunity for the community member, and the collective
management of the environment. An environment of opportunity for community
members. Opportunity was an important contributor to
the sense of community, connecting the elite with lower
class people in a friendly relationship. It was the responsi-
bility of the elite in these contexts not only to build projects
which would carry their names, but also to oer jobs,
places inside buildings and around their edges and accom-
modation for workers, stipulating that all should be resi-
dents in the same quarters. So this traditional built form
produced a unique mixed use pattern, for example in El-
Wikala built by Nassa El byydda in 1790s, the workshops
underneath the El-Muaid complex built by the king during
1420s in the second case study (Fig. 18), and El-Khymia in
the third case study. This engagement between the levels of
the community was also achieved through endowment
institutions, which oered regular educational opportuni-
ties for the quarters orphans and jobs for adults as teach-
ers, as in the Sabil buildings. Managing the environment collectively. These pro-
jects and the opportunities they oered played a key role
in increasing the feeling of membership by involving per-
sonal investment (McMillan and Chavis, 1986), for exam-
ple by people showing themselves willing to defend and
to sacrice for the group, through which they could achieve
group acceptance, gain the right to belong. This was evi-
dent during Napoleons campaign in Egypt in 1798, when
the strongest resistance came from these shared places.
Whereas the role of the previous aspect of the sense of
community connected people in friendly relationships, this
aspect of the sense of community also connected everyone
in a continuing dialogue, giving the community a dynamic
mode and making it alive. It is an important strand in the
traditional built environment, generating and protecting its
sustainability and helping to form its urban language and
social pattern. Traditional communities in Cairo shared a
collective feeling of responsibility. This collective feeling
emphasised the role of each individual to be an eective
member of the community, and also ensured the role of
groups or stakeholders involved in reciprocal inuential
relations with those individuals. This strand in the commu-
nitys fabric also governed an individuals ability to inu-
ence the group or vice versa, creating a community
characterised by social consensus and solidarity (Bauman,
2001). This generated a kind of common language, rela-
tions and strong bonds between the communitys members,
which have been described as shared emotions (McMillan
and Chavis, 1986).
These shared emotions distinguished these traditional
communities and gave them their unique and intercon-
nected domains: community attachment; community iden-
Figure 16. Example of traditional gated community, the village of Vejer
de la Frontera, Cadiz province, Spain shows the na on both sides of the
street which is cleaned by the residents; source Rudofsky (1987).
Figure 17. The convention of the right of neighbour controlled mixed use pattern.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 241
tity; social interaction; and pedestrianism (Kim and Kap-
lan, 2004). These four domains relied on the edges of spaces
fostering street side and edge activities. They were hidden
elements, particularly in the second and third case studies,
which increased the feeling of belonging of residents, who
were thus encouraged to make three consequential steps
enhancing and emphasising their roles in their built envi-
ronment: to explore their community; to try and invest in
the opportunities available; and then to act. The most suit-
able places for these three steps to be exercised freely were
the edges of spaces. This can be seen when residents used
vacant land in the northern part of the space of El-Sokaria,
gradually erecting built-in shops attached to the walls
(Fig. 19).
Also, they can be seen in the development of the dead
land abutting the edges of dilapidated walls of the city, out-
side the gate of Bab Zewila, where vendors and local people
converted it into a mixed use building called the house of
Al-Alyli (Fig. 20). In these two areas, people brought life
to these dead and neglected edges, making them liveable,
safer and walkable edges (Shafer et al., 2000; Southworth,
4. The edge environment and its ne tuning
The study of the balance between the two decision-mak-
ing in traditional built form helps the researchers who are
interested in sustainability in the built environment in read-
ing both social life and urban process, showing how they
are interlocked in a way that claries ideologies and their
implications for the physical form of the city. This reading
is capable of envisioning and analysing the relationship
between the cohesive social pattern language of traditional
built environment and its physical expression, relying on a
new reective and exploratory concept, the edge environ-
ment. This concept illuminates the relationship between
the values hidden beneath the physical edges of spatial
morphology in Middle Eastern urban contexts like Cairo,
and allows those values to be understood in terms of mod-
ern ideologies relating to the human community. It can be
used in highlighting a better understanding and deeper
interpretation of urban morphology of the built environ-
ment. It may assist to explain the spatial morphology of
the lower spaces by showing how the edges were occupied,
controlled and managed as representative samples for the
whole environment.
This concept focuses on the edges of space, dened here
as the interface of architectural and urban space, a key
relation of spatial urban morphology and central in under-
standing the balance between top-down and bottom-up
approaches in urban change within the scope of social sus-
tainability. According to this concept, top-down
approaches deliver the backbone of spatial morphology
of space, conceptualised as the dead load of space. Mean-
Figure 18. An environment for opportunity, a unique mixed use pattern and full investments of the edges in the built environment, space of El-Sokaria.
242 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
while, bottom-up conventional decisions are mainly neces-
sary to delivering the acts and social process added by
users, conceptualised as the live load of space.
The application of this concept might help in the design
education and site analysis as a way of understanding the
signicance of changes which may occur to the edge envi-
ronment. This is through a procedural phase in which sev-
eral procedural steps are necessary to prepare (anatomise)
conceptualisation of a space: to dene dierent types of
ownerships and possessive cases; to dene the line between
ocial walls and local peoples buildings; to set the forms
of edges in the space; and to determine the design require-
ment for increasing social interaction of the built environ-
ment. This might include increasing the liveability of the
space, conserving and maintaining authentic urban and
social character, preserving and retaining some traditional
activities that might disappear, or returning to an original
spatial structure. So it may be used in conservation and
up-grading programmes, as an analytical tool.
As a design method, it can be used by underlining the
signicance of particular and careful interventions at edges
by ne tuning of the edge environment. This is through the
proposal or the design phase in which the ne tuning pro-
cess deals with each type of edges of space individually
based on the design requirements. This helps to rectify
any defects occurring there by forging solutions, particu-
larly through the ne tuning of bottom-up issues like mech-
anisms of control, use and ownership. Benecial change
Figure 19. Marketplace transformed into built in shops through three consequential steps; to explore their community, to try and invest in the
opportunities available, and then to act. (a) The vendors possessed territories by placing their goods. (b) Over time the vendors were given more control
and power and started to add some moveable and light structures to their places. (c) The light structures were transformed into built in shops with durable
buildings material then the vendors became shop owner.
G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246 243
Figure 20. The dead edges of the dilapidated walls converted into liveavble mixed use edges, through three consequential steps; to explore their
community, to try and invest in the opportunities available, and then to act: the vendors began to gather together along the dilapidated walls as there was
no top-down- or bottom-up responsibility towards these places. (a) The vendors began to gain more power to possess places which they could mark by
light structures. (b) The vendors began to control their places informally provided not to cause no harm to passersby. (c) The authority invested in the area
when it realised its economic value, and started to confer vendor formal ownership.
244 G.T. Mohammed, N. Mahmoud / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1 (2012) 227246
may be brought about through the management of the two
models of responsibility, building and territorial expres-
sions, and by ne tuning physical, spatial structures and
issues related to the way buildings and spaces are occupied,
managed and controlled.
Therefore, it might need cooperation between architects
and urban designers to focus on the interface of architec-
tural and urban space and develop new disciplines, perhaps
in a new discipline of edge designers or edge architects.
5. Conclusion
The study of traditional Middle Eastern contexts has
shown a strong bond and integration between the physical
built environment, the ideologies of its inhabitants and the
values of its society. The rare absence of this integration in
the traditional built environment, and more frequently in
modern development, leads to a clear impact on the built
form as well as on the well being of people who live in these
environments. Arguably, it is the practical combination of
the ideologies and their physical products which has gener-
ated elements that are responsible for the durability of
these communities, both environmentally and socially, in
a form of social pattern language.
To read and understand the mechanism and sustainable
development of the built form, and to derive lessons that
could be learnt, researchers involved in the process of spa-
tial management and urban conservation should examine
the traditional built form in order to understand its social
pattern language. Reading this social pattern language in
case studies has shown that several aspects of sustainability
were generated in these cases. All these aspects of sustain-
ability were developed through a balance between two
forms of decision-making, top-down and bottom-up, and
through a reciprocal relation between the dead and live
loads of spatial urban morphology. They were pushed
towards and concentrated on the edges of spatial form.
So another way of reading this pattern is to say that the
edges of the traditional built environment witnessed all
kinds of interactions, transactions and mutual relations
between people and their physical surroundings, or among
people themselves, making these edges more liveable than
other morphological elements of the built environment.
These edges were a real meeting point between architec-
tural and urban spaces, which is why they have been
termed an edge environment, a key player in morphologi-
cal transformation.
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