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Asha Ambhaikar et. al.

/ (IJ CSE) International J ournal on Computer Science and Engineering

Vol. 02, No. 09, 2010, 3021-3024
Scalability Performance of MANET Routing
Protocols with Reference to Variable Pause Time
Asha Ambhaikar
Rungta College of Engineering &
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh

H.R. Sharma
Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of
Durg, Chhattisgarh

Kalyan PG College
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
ABSTRACT- As mobile networking continues to experience
increasing popularity, the need to connect large numbers of wireless
devices will become more prevalent. Many recent proposals for ad
hoc routing have certain characteristics. A mobile ad hoc network is
a collection of autonomous mobile nodes that communicate with
each other over wireless links. Such networks does play important
role in civilian and military settings, being useful for providing
communication support where no fixed infrastructure exists or the
deployment of a fixed infrastructure is possible. It is a crucial part in
the performance evaluation of MANET to select suitable mobility
model and routing protocols. Therefore, a number of routing
protocols as well as mobility models have been proposed for ad hoc
wireless networks based on different scenarios. In this paper, we
study and compare the performance of the two reactive routing
protocols AODV and DSR with reference to varying Pause Time.
For experimental purposes, we have considered increasing Pause
Time from 5 sec to 40 sec and illustrate the performance of the
routing protocol across Packet Delivery Ratio parameter. Our
simulation result shows that both AODV & DSR is performing
equally good until the Pause Time cross a certain limit.

MANET is collection of wireless nodes that can
dynamically form a network to exchange the information
without any pre-existing fixed network Next generation of
mobile communications will include both prestigious
infrastructure wireless networks and novel infrastructure less
mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The special features of
MANET bring these technology great opportunities together
with severe challenges. Since the 1970s, wireless networks
have become increasingly popular in the computing industry.
This is particularly true within the past decade, which has seen
wireless networks being adapted to enable mobility. There are
currently two variations of mobile wireless networks. The first
is known as the infrastructure network (i.e., a network with
fixed and wired gateways). The bridges for these networks are
known as base stations. A mobile unit within these networks
connects to, and communicates with, the nearest base station
that is within its communication Radius. As the mobile travels
out of range of one base station and into the range of another,
a handoff occurs from the old base station to the new, and
the mobile is able to continue. Typical applications of this type
of network include office wireless local area networks
(WLANs) [1].
The second type of mobile wireless network is the
infrastructure less mobile network, commonly known as an
ad hoc network. Infrastructure less networks has no fixed
routers; all nodes are capable of movement and can be
connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. Nodes of
these networks function as routers, which discover and
maintain routes to other nodes in the network. Example
applications of ad hoc networks are emergency search-and-
rescue operations, meetings or conventions in which persons
wish to quickly share information, and data acquisition
operations in inhospitable terrain [1].
Ad hoc routing protocols can be characterized into two
categories: proactive and reactive (on-demand) [2]. Among
the tested protocols in this work, only DSDV is proactive and
the other two (DSR, AODV) are reactive. Proactive protocols
update route information periodically, while reactive ones
establish routes only when needed. [1]
A. Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Routing
DSDV is an improved version of traditional Distance
Vector routing algorithms. It prevents routing loops by adding
a sequence number to every destination entry in the routing
table. The table therefore contains the information of
destination, next hop, distance to the destination, and the
sequence number associated with the destination. Each node
periodically broadcasts its routing table to its neighbors. After
receiving updates from neighbor nodes, each node updates its
routing table by comparing sequence number of each entry. If
the received information is found to be more recent, it replaces
the old entry with the newly received one. Data traffic is
routed according to the (destination, next hop) pair in the
routing table. When a link to a next hop is broken, any route
through that next hop is immediately assigned an infinite value
with a new sequence number. When a node receives an
infinite count and has an equal or greater sequence number
with a finite metric, a route update broadcast is triggered.
Thus, real routes propagated from the newly located
destination will quickly replace the routes with infinite value
ISSN : 0975-3397 3021
Asha Ambhaikar et. al. / (IJ CSE) International J ournal on Computer Science and Engineering
Vol. 02, No. 09, 2010, 3021-3024
B. Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV)

AODV is an on-demand protocol, which initiate route
request only when needed. When a source node needs a route
to certain destination, it broadcasts a route request packet
(RREQ) to its neighbors. Each receiving neighbor checks its
routing table to see if it has a route to the destination. If it
doesnt have a route to this destination, it will re-broadcast the
RREQ packet and let it propagate to other neighbors. If the
receiving node is the destination or has the route to the
destination, a route reply (RREP) packet will be sent back to
the source node. Routing entries for the destination node are
created in each intermediate node on the way RREP packet
propagates back. A hello message is a local advertisement for
the continued presence of the node. Neighbors that are using
routes through the broadcasting node will continue to mark the
routes as valid. If hello messages from a particular node stop
coming, the neighbor can assume that the node has moved
away. When that happens, the neighbor will mark the link to
the node as broken and may trigger a notification to some of
its neighbors telling that the link is broken. In AODV, each
router maintains route table entries with the destination IP
address, destination sequence number, hop count, next hop ID
and lifetime. Data traffic is then routed according to the
information provided by these entries [4].
C. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

The key feature of DSR is the use of source routing, which
means the sender knows the complete hop-by-hop route to the
destination. The node maintains route caches containing the
source routes that it is aware of. Each node updates entries in
the route cache as and when it learns about new routes. The
data packets carry the source route in the packet headers. The
delay and throughput penalties of DSR are mainly attributed to
aggressive use of caching and lack of any mechanism to detect
expired stale routes or to determine the freshness of routes
when multiple choices are available. Aggressive caching,
however, helps DSR at low loads and also keeps its routing
load down. Several additional optimizations have been
proposed and evaluated to be very effective. These
improvements include:
Salvaging: An intermediate node can replace a failed route
in the data packet with route information in its own cache.
Gratuitous route repair: Source node notify the neigh-
bors the error found in its packet, in order to clean up similar
error in the caches of its neighbors.
Promiscuous listening: A node can update its own source
routes in cache by overhearing a packet not addressed to it.
The node also checks if the packet could be routed via it to
gain a shorter path [5].
The random way point mobility model is simple and is
widely used to evaluate the performance of MANETs. The
random way point mobility model contains pause time
between changes in direction and/or speed. Once a Mobile
Node begins to move, it stays in one location for a specified
pause time. After the specified pause time is elapsed, the MN
randomly selects the next destination in the simulation area
and chooses a speed uniformly distributed between the
minimum speed and maximum speed and travels with a speed
v whose value is uniformly chosen in the interval (0, Vmax).
Vmax is some parameter that can be set to reflect the degree
of mobility. Then, the MN continues its journey toward the
newly selected destination at the chosen speed. As soon as the
MN arrives at the destination, it stays again for the indicated
pause time before repeating the process. The traveling
pattern of a mobile node using the random waypoint mobility
model starts at a randomly chosen point or position [6].
Continuous bit rate (CBR) [9] traffic sources are used. The
source-destination pairs are spread randomly over the
network. The mobility model uses Random Waypoint
mobility model in a 1020 m x 1020 m field with network load
of 4 packet/s whereas pause time is varied from 5 secs to 40
secs while keeping the network size constant at 100 nodes.
Here, each packet starts its journey from a random location to
a random destination with a randomly chosen speed. Once the
destination is reached, another random destination is targeted
after a pause. Simulations are run for 100 simulated seconds
whereas Maximum speed is 10 m/s.
Following important metrics are evaluated-
Packet Delivery ratio (PDR) - Packet delivery ratio is
calculated by dividing the number of packets received by the
destination through the number of packets originated by the
CBR source.
Loss Packet Ratio (LPR) - Loss Packet Ratio is calculated
by dividing the number of packets that never reached the
destination through the number of packets originated by the
CBR source.
Routing Overhead Routing overhead, which measures the
ratio of total routing packets sent and the total number of
packets sent.
Simulation has been carried out by Network Simulator 2.33.
In our simulation, we have used network load at the rate of 4
packets / s. Network size is kept constant at 100 nodes. Pause
Time is increased gradually from 5 sec to 40 secs.
In this simulation we wanted to investigate how the protocols
behave with increasing Pause Time.

ISSN : 0975-3397 3022
Asha Ambhaikar et. al. / (IJ CSE) International J ournal on Computer Science and Engineering
Vol. 02, No. 09, 2010, 3021-3024
Parameter Value
Protocols AODV, DSR
Simulation Time 100 s
Number of Nodes 100
Network Load 4 Packets / sec
Pause Time 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 sec
Environment Size 1020 mx 1020 m
Traffic Type Constant Bit Rate
MaximumSpeed 10 m/ s
Mobility Model RandomWaypoint
Network Simulator NS 2.33

During the simulation we have increased the pause time
gradually while keeping the network size constant at 100
nodes and recorded the performance of both the protocols.
We did this simulation for 100 secs with maximum 8 cbr
connections. Readings were taken for different pause times
(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 secs). From the results it is
evident that as the pause time increases the Packet Delivery
ratio decreases, Loss Packet Ratio Increases and Routing
Overhead increases.
It can be observed in figure 1 that, throughout the simulation
performance of AODV [14] are consistent till Pause time
reach 10 secs, and then it shows the drop in the PDR till
pause time of 15 secs. Again it shows the great improvement
till the pause time reach 20 secs, and then it shows a big drop
in performance till the pause time of 30 secs. PDR of AODV
is increased drastically as it reaches the pause time of 35 secs
and it performs consistently till the pause time of 40 secs. On
the other hand, DSR makes a poor start as compared to
AODV and reach a good level as it reach the pause time of 10
secs and after that in spite of ups and downs in the
performance, it maintains better PDR as compared to AODV
till the pause time reach 35 secs. DSR [29] shows a big drop
in PDR as it crosses the pause time of 35 secs.
It can be observed in figure 2, that Loss Packet Ratio in
AODV is always greater as compared to DSR from the pause
time of 10 secs to 35 secs, even though it can be observed
that performance of AODV [14] is drastically improved as
the pause time exceeds 35 secs., while DSR starts to perform
poorly at the same point.
After observing in figure 3, AODV is performing poorly in
terms of Routing Overhead [19] factor as compared to DSR
until it reaches pause time of 35 secs. Even though DSR
performs much better as compared to AODV, until a point
where pause time exceeds 35 secs.

Figure 1: Pause Time Vs Packet Delivery Ratio

Figure 2. Pause Time Vs Loss Packet Ratio

Figure 3: Pause Time Vs Routing Overhead
Above results illustrate that the performance of a routing
protocols varies widely across different network sizes and
hence the study results from one scenario cannot be applied
to other scenario. Hence we have to consider the pause time
required in an application while selecting a routing protocol.
Our simulation results have given an indication that AODV
performs better on bigger pause time with given scenario
while, DSR is performs better on lesser pause time with the
same scenario.
ISSN : 0975-3397 3023
Asha Ambhaikar et. al. / (IJ CSE) International J ournal on Computer Science and Engineering
Vol. 02, No. 09, 2010, 3021-3024
The future scope is to find out what factors are responsible
for these simulation results, as performance of AODV in
various situations as compared to DSR are not as expected.
Further simulation needs to be carried out for the
performance evaluation with not only increased pause time
but also varying other related parameters like Network size,
Network load, Speed, Mobility modes etc.
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