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CMO No 06, S. 2008

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M.E.D.T.E.C.H. Entry No. 44: CHED Memorandum Order No.

6 series of 2008
Not like before that our internship lacks integrity, proficiency and honesty, not to mention higher
education, this time, everything will be drastically changed with stricter policies. Real business is now
implemented with this new order:

Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Commission on Higher Education

CHED Memorandum Order No. 6 series of 2008

Subject: Guidelines for the Accreditation of Clinical Laboratories involved in the Training of Medical
Laboratory Science Medical Technology Interns.

In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the
"Higher Education Act of 1994" and pursuant to Commission en banc Resolution No. 739-2007 dated
October 15, 2007, and for the purpose of rationalizing Medical Technology Education in the country with
the end in view of keeping at pace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following Guidelines
for the Accreditation of Clinical Laboratories involved in the training of Medical Laboratory Science /
Medical Technology Interns are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission, thus:

I. Background and Rationale:
After thirteen (13) years of implementing Administrative Order 118-B s.1992 on "Rules and Regulations
Governing the Accreditation of Clinical Laboratories for Training of Medical Technology Interns", much is
needed to improve the said issuance to make it relevant and responsive to current health care demands
and realities. Recent survey revealed that certain clinical standards, requirements and functions are best
managed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) pursuant to R.A. 7722, also known as the
Higher Education Act of 1994.
While the Department of Health (DOH) is making available certain health facilities, including clinical
laboratories to become part of educational environment, it then becomes a partner to CHED in the
promotion of quality learning and training of future Medical Laboratory Scientist / Medical

II. Objective:
To contribute to quality learning and formation of Medical Laboratory Scientists / Medical Technologists
through collaborative internship training program while continually maintaining the safety, integrity and
quality of laboratory performance at all times.

III. Scope:
The policies and guidelines embodied here shall apply to all schools, colleges, universities and clinical
laboratories offering Training Programs for Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science / Bachelor of Science
in Medical Technology.

IV. Definition of Terms:
1. Institution-based Clinical Laboratory - this refers to an accredited tertiary category clinical laboratory
in a hospital or a school. In areas where there are limited number of tertiary category institution-based
clinical laboratories, affiliation of interns can be carried out in an accredited tertiary category free
standing laboratory provided that rotation be carried out in special sections like Blood Bank,
Microbiology and Histopathology.
2. Medical Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist - a person certified by the Professional Regulation
Commission who engages in the work of Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology under the
supervision of a Board Certified Pathologist.
3. Clinical Instructor (CI) / lnterns' Coordinator (lC) / Clinical Coordinator (CC) a registered Medical
Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist (MLS / MT) sent by the affiliating school / college / university
who shall:
a.) act as a liaison officer between the Higher Education Institution (HEI) and the accredited affiliating
tertiary category, institution-based clinical laboratories;
b.) coordinate with the training officer or the chief medical laboratory scientist/medical technologist in
the proper implementation of the internship training programs of both the HEI and the accredited
training clinical laboratory in terms of progressive evaluation of interns' attendance, behavior and
performance on an official visit at least once a week;
c.) prepare and submit monthly reports on matters related to the proper implementation of the
internship training program; and;
d.) participate in the review, revision and updating of the internship training program.
4. Training Officer - a person responsible for the internship training program of an accredited training
clinical laboratory of the MLS / MT interns who could be any of the following:
a. Chief Pathologist
b. Chief Medical Technologist / Registered Medical Technologist who shall meet the qualifications as
stated on Section VI-2.
The training officer shall be responsible for the following:
- Preparation of the MLS / MT Internship Training Program in consultation with the laboratory staff and
in congruence to the CMO No. 14 s. 2006;
- Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement prepared by the school and the training institution;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the training program;
5. Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology Internship Training Program - structured learning
experiences and activities by which the MLS / MT students develop professional skills through a
systematic application of knowledge to actual life situations in the community, hospital and the industry.
6. Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology (MLS / MT) Training Laboratory - a tertiary category
hospital-based and/or institution-based clinical laboratory duly licensed to operate by the Bureau of
Health Facilities and Services (BHFS) of the Department of Health (DOH) to be the training facility for
Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology interns.
7. Pathologist - a duly registered physician who is specially trained in Clinical and/or Anatomic Pathology
certified by the Philippine Board of Pathology.

V. Standard Policies:
All tertiary clinical laboratories that are licensed by the Department of Health (DOH) through the Bureau
of Health Facilities and Services (BHFS) can apply for accreditation with CHED as training clinical
laboratories for the interns. The internship program shall ensure that:
a. the quality, integrity and safety of the clinical laboratory performance is maintained at all times;
b. the interest of the clients and patients is of utmost concern;
c. the interns learn and hone their skills. The proper work attitudes and values are also acquired through
observance of ethical practices and policies that respect the right and dignity of clients and patients
regardless of their capacity to pay;
d. the burden of laboratory workload is the responsibility of a registered medical technology staff. The
students shall be trained and supervised by the staff and under no circumstances should the workload
be turned over to the interns; and;
e. all requisites for learning and training process must be a joint, full-time responsibility of the laboratory
and affiliating school including the development of a written training manual, assignment of a qualified,
full-time and responsible clinical instructor / interns coordinator / clinical coordinator for the supervision
of the Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology Interns, their evaluation and that of the training

VI. Training Requirements:
1. Only qualified, responsible and available laboratory personnel shall oversee the Medical Laboratory
Science / Medical Technology internship training program. Other than the Head Pathologist of the
Clinical Laboratory, the registered Chief Medical Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist or another
registered Medical Laboratory Scientist / Medical Technologist of the laboratory may be officially
designated to be responsible for the training.
2. The Chief Medical Technologist / Medical Laboratory Scientist or another registered Medical
Technologist designated as Training Officer of the training clinical laboratory and the Clinical Instructor
of affiliating schools shall meet either one of the following requirements:
2.1) at least one year previous experience in training and supervision of medical technology interns;
2.2) has undergone trainers' course conducted by CHED / BHFS / DOH / PASMETH / PAMET:
2.3) has completed postgraduate courses offered by recognized schools of Medical Technology to
enable them to qualify and effectively supervise the Medical Technology interns alongside performance
of their full-time regular laboratory work.
3. There shall be sufficient supplies and reagents and functional equipment to allow performance of
procedures in all sections in the laboratory.
4. The written work assignment and rotation schedule of the Medical Technology interns shall be posted
in the laboratory area with all other training requirements prescribed by the CHED.
5. The written agreement or contract between the hospital clinical laboratory and the affiliating
school/college/university shall include:
5.1) the agreement to conduct regular joint meetings, conferences including orientation and evaluation
of activities involving the dean of institutions, assigned clinical instructor and concerned laboratory
5.2) the provision regarding payment of regular affiliation fees; and,
5.3) additional payments for extension of internship due to absences and/or demerits. Extension of
internship shall not be more than one (1) month.
6. An annual medical technology internship training accomplishment report shall be submitted together
with other documentary requirements relative to the medical technology internship training to the

VII. Requirements for Implementation of the Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology
Internship Training Program:
The minimum requirements in the written internship training program shall include:
1. CHED Memorandum Order No. 14 s. 2006
2. Inspection and Monitoring - refer to policies and guidelines of CHED
3.1 The approval / accreditation of the Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science internship
training program shall be effective for a period of two (2) years.
3.2 The renewal of the accreditation of the Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science internship
training program shall be done every two (2) years based on the outcome of the inspection, monitoring
and compliance with the training requirements including the evaluation and review of the past 5-year
performance for the training of medical technology interns.
3.3 The monitoring and evaluation of the internship training program shall be done every two (2) years.

VIII. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation
Upon compliance with all the requirements, the CHED shall issue a Certificate of Accreditation to the

IX. Recession Clause
All CHED issuances and orders pertaining to Medical Laboratory Science / Medical Technology training
inconsistent with this set of guidelines are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly.

X. Effectivity
This Order shall take effect within fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a
newspaper of general circulation.

March 31. 2008
Pasig City, Philippines

This memorandum was already reported in the latest issue of Varsitarian. Our former chief medical
technologist, Asst. Prof. Eunilda S. Estrada has already given her opinions regarding this order.

And my opinions? It's better to have this implementation. This time, everything will be monitored, from
fees, studies and even the training of the interns itself. Here are my backside reactions:

Section IV No. 1: Rotation in a private laboratory? That would be wonderful as these laboratories
employ special tests for the interns to learn about these things.

Section V-d: During our times, workloads of a registered medical technologist or other workers as well
are being passed on to us. I mentioned this in my previous blog entries as becoming a receptionist,
janitor, etc., clearly tarnishing the definition of a medical technologist stated above. Not to mention, a
staff from my 1st internship ordered us to do her usury list.

Section V-c: Clearly, this was also tarnished in my 2nd internship with the former interns' coordinator.

Section VI No. 2: So this time, a clinical instructor or the coordinator must be qualified with those
qualification posted. They can't just elect an RMT as a coordinator / instructor without rigorous and
postgrad training.

Section VI No. 3: This time, interns are no longer required to bring gloves, disinfectants, soaps, etc.
Unlike before that I usually bring a box of safety gloves and masks and even disinfectants, this time, no
more will the interns bring these stuff, or else...

So in a span of 3, 4 or 5 years, I may become an instructor or coordinator for the interns, and once I do,
watch out to those laboratories tarnishing this order. I'm coming for you. The great reformatting of
medical technology internship program we had before has finally began.

Attachment: CHED Memorandum Order 06 series of 2008.pdf

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