Interactive Paper Application Form 2014
Interactive Paper Application Form 2014
Interactive Paper Application Form 2014
Have you previously applied to study, or enrolled at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) or one of its predecessor colleges?
No Yes Family name on past record: Student ID (if known):
2. PERSONAL DETAILS (As they appear on your passport where applicable)
Family name Title (Mr, Mrs, other)
First name Preferred name
Other names Previous name (if changed)
If your academic records are submitted in another name, please provide certifed evidence of change of name.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) dd / mm / yyyy
Gender Male Female
Country of citizenship Passport number
Country of birth
Which country do you currently
reside in?
My country of citizenship _________________ Australia Year arrived in Australia: __________________ _
Another country Please specify:
Will you be studying on a student visa? No Please specify your visa type: Yes Student visas are subject to study-load conditions
Do you speak a language other than English at your permanent home address? No Yes Please specify:
Do you have a disability for which additional assistance may be required? No Yes Please attach a separate sheet outlining this disability and assistance required.
Please indicate the highest level of study attained by each of your parents/guardians by selecting a letter (e.g. D = Male completed Year 12 schooling or equivalent) from
the options below. (This information is required for Commonwealth Government reporting please see
A Male postgraduate qualifcation (e.g. postgraduate diploma, masters, PhD)
B Male bachelor degree
C Male other post-school qualifcation
(e.g. VET/TAFE certifcate, associate degree or diploma)
D Male completed year 12 schooling or equivalent
E Male did not complete year 12 schooling or equivalent
F Male completed year 10 schooling or equivalent
G Male did not complete year 10 schooling or equivalent
H Male unknown
I Female postgraduate qualifcation (e.g. postgraduate diploma, masters, PhD)
J Female bachelor degree
K Female other post-school qualifcation
(e.g. VET/TAFE certifcate, associate degree or diploma)
L Female completed year 12 schooling or equivalent
M Female did not complete year 12 schooling or equivalent
N Female completed year 10 schooling or equivalent
O Female did not complete year 10 schooling or equivalent
P Female unknown
Parent/Guardian 1: Parent/Guardian 2:
3. CONTACT DETAILS (All applicants must complete this section in full)
Permanent home address Current mailing address
Email address 1 Email address 2
Telephone numbers
(incl. international area code)
Home Work
Mobile/cell Other
Are you applying through an ACU authorised agent? Yes No proceed to section 5
Company name Branch name
Counsellor Phone number
Email address Fax number
dd / mm / yyyy
We encourage you to use our secure electronic application form and to submit your application:
By using the electronic application form you will be able to save and change your application easily and as often as you like before submitting it. You will also be able to save and print your
application and be sure we have received it. You will be able to track the status of your application, save generic information about yourself and your qualifcations, which will save you time if you
want to apply for more than one program. In order to submit your online application, you will need to provide scanned copies of qualifcations.
Study Abroad applications must be submitted by November 15 for semester one intake, and May 15 for semester two intake.
Period of study Semester one (FebruaryJune) Semester two (JulyNovember)
Program Study Abroad Exchange My home university is:
ACU Campus Brisbane Melbourne North Sydney Strathfeld (Sydney) Canberra Ballarat
Please indicate a minimumof fve preferences for the subjects you would like to study:
Unit code Unit title Unit code Unit title
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
Study Abroad ppplicants only: Please attach a written statement on why you have chosen to study at ACU (300 words or less).
Would you like to apply for a Study Abroad Plus option? No Yes Please indicate your preference: Internship Community Engagement
Applicants who have completed section 11 should proceed to section 13.
Course name Campus and state
Start date Expected duration
Faculty & school Discipline area
Please submit your research proposal (approximately 300500 words) which answers the following questions:
+ What are you intending to do through the research (problems/issues for investigation)?
+ What is the theoretical background to the research (literature review)?
+ How do you plan to conduct the research (methodology)?
+ What do you hope to achieve through the research (outcomes)?
+ What are the timelines for the completion of the research?
+ Are there any specifc resources which are required for the research project?
Have you discussed your research intentions with an academic staf member at ACU?
No Yes Please state the name of the staf member you have been communicating with:
If you are currently employed, is there any requirement for support from your current employer association with this application or are you under a bond in any way?
No Yes Please attach a statement of commitment of you being able to complete studies without interruption by the employer.
Have you ever completed research at any stage in your career?
No Yes Please attach details of thesis, major government or employer report, along with a certifed translation if not in English.
Have you ever undertaken but not completed a research degree?
No Yes Please attach details.
Have you ever been an author or co-author of any publications resulting from research?
No Yes Please attach copies of any signifcant publications, along with a certifed translation if not in English.
Have you ever received recognition for academic achievement (e.g., medals, prizes etc)?
No Yes Please attach details of the awards, along with a certifed translation if not in English.
Academic referees
Please indicate two people who are familiar with your academic ability, recent achivements and research background, and who will complete confdential referee reports in
support of your application:
Name Email
Name Email
The Referee Report Form is available at Your referees will be required to forward the completed reports directly to ACU International.
Note: Doctor of Education applicants may submit one academic reference and one professional reference.
Research scholarships
Are you currently receiving, or have you ever received a postgraduate scholarship?
No Yes Please attach details of this scholarship, along with a certifed translation if not in English.
Applicants with 1
Class Honours or equivalent may be eligible for an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS). Would you like to apply for an International
Postgraduate Research Scholarship?
No Yes The IRPS Application Form is available at and must be submitted before 31 October.
Have you applied for any other scholarship this year?
No Yes Please provide details of the institution and program you applied for.
Please list all studies you have undertaken including high school, preparation/bridging courses, university or college, as well as studies undertaken at ACU:
Course Institution Date Commenced Date Completed
Please submit transcripts and certifcates for all prior studies, along with a certifed translation if the original documents are not in English. If you have been awarded
professional qualifcations (e.g. hospital training), please provide evidence of completion.
Have you ever been excluded froma course and/or institution? No Yes Please attach details including efective dates.
Type of Work Employer Date Commenced Date Completed FT/PT
Please submit a copy of your rsum and work certifcates or statements of employment for all work experience listed, along with a certifed translation if the original
documents are not in English.
Students who have undertaken their senior high school and/or higher education in English in UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, or who meet ACU English
language requirements may proceed to section 9, 10, 11 or 12.
Howlong have you been studying English? Less than 1 year 13 years 36 years 6+ years
What is your present level of English? Elementary Intermediate Advanced
Have you taken any English profciency examinations? No Yes Please attach your results
Do you intend to take an English profciency examination in Australia? No Yes Please indicate which examination: IELTS TOEFL ACU English Test
8. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM: ACU English Language Programs are 20 hours a week. Please indicate your study preference below
Course Name Length of Course Campus Start Date
9. DIPLOMA PATHWAY PROGRAM: Please indicate your study preferences below
Course Name Campus Start Date
10. UNDERGRADUATE / POSTGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM: Please indicate your study preferences below
Course Name Campus Start Date
Please select your proposed major: [for Bachelor of Commerce only]
Accounting Accounting and Commercial Law (combined major) Commercial Law Financial Services Human Resource Management
Information Systems International Business Marketing Management
Please indicate at least two proposed teaching methods (curriculumstudy areas) for which you are qualifed:
[for Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) or Master of Teaching (Secondary) only]
1. 2. 3.
Applicants who have completed section 9 and/or 10 can proceed to section 13.
Education Agent Exhibition / Fair
Friends or relative My school / college / university
Internet Other please specify:
ACU has the best reputation for my course I wanted to study at a Catholic university
ACU has afordable tuition fees My agent recommended ACU
I know someone who studies at ACU already Other please specify:
If you submit your application through an agent, please provide the following:
Agency Name:
Agency Number:
Agency stamp
Please note:
You may only appoint an authorized agent to manage your application.
If you appoint an agent you authorise the university to release personal information
and visa documentation relevant to your application to that particular agent.
For a full list of our authorised agents visit:
ACU is committed to ensuring the privacy of all information it collects. Personal infor-
mation supplied to the University will only be used for administrative and educational
purposes of the institution. Personal information collected by the University will only
be disclosed to third parties with the written consent of the person concerned, unless
otherwise stated by law. For further information please see the Universitys Statement
on Privacy located at I understand that:
+ ACU may be required to disclose this information to the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC);
+ ACU will disclose this information to the Department of Industry, Innovation
Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE);
+ DEEWR will store the information securely in the Higher Education Information
Management System;
+ DEEWR may disclose the information to the Australian Taxation Ofce (ATO); and
+ ACU will not otherwise disclose the information without my consent unless
required or authorised by law.
+ ACU may disclose information about my enrolment and academic performance
to my home university (exchange students only).
I declare that I have visited the Universitys website and/or read the International
Course Guide or Exchange Guide and agree to obey the rules and regulations of
the Australian Catholic University. I declare that the information supplied herein is
correct and complete. I acknowlege that the submission of incorrect or incomplete
information may result in a cancellation of enrolment at any stage. I recognise that
it is my responsibility to provide all necessary certifed documentary evidence of my
qualifcations. I authorise the University to obtain further information with respect to
my application and, if necessary, provide information to educational institutions and
admission centres.
Application Deadline
You may apply to the University any time prior to your course commencement date,
except for the following courses which have specifc application deadlines:
30 September
+ Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
+ Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology
+ Master of Psychology (Clinical)
+ Master of Psychology (Educational & Developmental)
31 October
+ Bachelor of Physiotherapy
+ Master of Clinical Counselling
Applicants Signature
Applications that are not signed will not be processed. Applications MUST be signed by the applicant personally.
Third parties and/or agents must not sign on behalf of the applicant.
dd / mm / yyyy
Please send this form and certifed/attested copies of supporting documents to:
International Admissions, Australian Catholic University, PO Box 968, North Sydney, NSW 2059, Australia
Phone: (61 2) 9739 2437 Fax: (61 2) 9739 2001 Email:
Alternatively, we encourage you to submit your application via our secure online system at:
The University reserves the right to close applications for any course once enrolment quotas have been reached. CRICOS 00004G 00112C 00873F 00885B - Feb 2014