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Assignment: Design An Animal For A Habitat

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Year 7 Science Key

Stage 3
As we now understand, animal (and plant) species are adapted to survive well in their chosen
habitat. Evolution takes them along a path, which gradually develops their characteristics to be the
best for their habitat. These characteristics are influenced by climate, seasons, terrain and
vegetation, available food resources, predators, and so on. The characteristics of an animal species
which suit it best for its habitat may include many things, such as behaviour, anatomy and shape,
size, colour, sense organs, etc., etc.
Your task is to design a mammal which best suits the habitat described below. You will need to think
first about the general characteristics of mammals and then about e!er" wa" in which "our mammal
can be best ada#ted to the habitat described below.
The habitat and environment of this animal
There are $ seasons%
winter when tem#eratures ma" dro# to less than &c and it can often snow in the
mountain and food is scarce'
Summer when tem#eratures ma" reach (&c there is not much rain and the sun
is intense.
The food of this animal consists of small mice and rodents li)ards small fish frogs insects and
worms or other in!ertebrates.
This animal is #re"ed u#on b" big hawks from the air and fo*es and cats. The "oung of this animal
are es#eciall" !ulnerable.
+t li!es and breeds in holes or small ca!es which it usuall" digs for itself.
The en!ironment is rock" and mountainous
This animal can swim and e!en hunt in water.
You should firstl" make a rough sketch drawing of the animal in #encil on #a#er. That is work for
Tuesda" ,&
June and homework -ednesda" ,,th. + will want to see this rough #lanning . /rida" ,(
Think about the ada#tations it might show and change the drawing and0or label these ada#tations
until "ou build u# a com#lete #icture. Think about%
/ur or coat
2egs and feet
Ears and e"es
3ead sha#e
4eha!iour 5 breeding season feeding and hunting does it go around in a #ack how it #rotects
its "oung etc.6
7ow the real challenge 89 You ha!e to create a #oster of this animal which includes a #icture and a
descri#tion of all the characteristics "ou ha!e decided are the best. Pretend that this animal reall"
e*ists and that "ou are making a dis#la" for the rest of the class describing it. Of course gi!e it a
suitable name. The best wa" to label this #oster is with te*t balloons from each feature "ou want to
label. :This is called annotation.6 /rida" ,(
class and homework. ;eli!er" date% Tuesda" ,<
John Osborne
June $&,=

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