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The Asset Management Landscape, 2nd Ed. 2014

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The Asset

Second Edition
English Version
ISBN 978-0-9871799-2-0
Published March 2014

The Asset Management Landscape Second Edition
English Version
ISBN 978-0-9871799-2-0 www.gfmam.org Page 2 of 57
The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management

The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) has been established with
the aim of sharing collaboratively advancements, knowledge and standards in maintenance and
asset management.
The members of GFMAM (at the time of issue of this document) are:
Asset Management Council (AMCouncil), Australia;
Associao Brasileira de Manuteno e Gesto de Ativos (ABRAMAN), Brazil;
European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS), Europe;
French Institut of Asset Management and Infrastructures (IFRAMI), France;
Gulf Society of Maintenance Professionals (GSMP), Arabian Gulf Region;
Iberoamerican Federation on Maintenance (FIM), South America;
Institute of Asset Management (IAM), UK
Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC), Canada
The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP), USA.
The Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA), South Africa

The enduring objectives of the GFMAM are:
1) To bring together, promote and strengthen the maintenance and asset management
community worldwide
2) To support the establishment and development of associations or institutions whose aims
are maintenance and asset management focused
3) To facilitate the exchange and alignment of maintenance and asset management
knowledge and practices
4) To raise the credibility of member organizations by raising the profile of the Global Forum

This document describes the Asset Management Landscape Second Edition, English Version
that supports the third of these enduring objectives.
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Table of Contents
1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Purpose of the Landscape, Second Edition ............................................................................... 5
3 Overview of the Landscape ....................................................................................................... 6
3.1 The Core ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 The Knowledge and Practices Area ................................................................................... 8
3.3 The Supporting Area .......................................................................................................... 8
4 Components of the Knowledge and Practices Area .................................................................. 9
4.1 Conceptual Models ............................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Competence Frameworks .................................................................................................. 9
4.3 Asset Management Training Courses .............................................................................. 10
4.4 Asset Management Qualifications .................................................................................... 10
4.5 Knowledge ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.6 Assessment Methods and Awards ................................................................................... 10
5 Asset Management Fundamentals .......................................................................................... 11
6 GFMAM Asset Management Landscape Subjects, Second Edition ........................................ 12
7 Appendix A: Asset Management Concept Models ................................................................. 52
8 Appendix B: Landscape Review ............................................................................................. 55
8.1 Review Process ................................................................................................................ 55
8.2 Criteria .............................................................................................................................. 55
8.3 Subject Descriptors .......................................................................................................... 55
9 Appendix C: GFMAM Asset Management Landscape Subjects First and Second Edition ..... 56
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1 Background
There have been major global advances in Asset Management standards, models and principles
over the last two decades. The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management determined
that there is benefit in aligning these various advances and collaborating to develop a collective
view, in particular for organizations that operate asset management systems in many countries.
The first edition of the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape (Landscape) was published by
the GFMAM in November 2011
to achieve this ambition. At the time of publication of the first
edition, it was agreed that the Landscape would be reviewed in 2014 against the publication of ISO
5500x, and would incorporate developments in our understanding of asset management.
Feedback on the first edition of the Landscape also showed that it was being used far more widely
than initially envisaged. As well, the subject descriptions were considered to be at too high a level
for developing the requirements for the GFMAM projects such as ISO 55001 Auditor/Assessor
A detailed review was carried out by GFMAM members during 2013, and brief details of the review
criteria and process are given Appendix B: Landscape Review.
This document contains the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape, Second Edition, English
Version including the subjects and fundamentals that depict the discipline of asset management.
Each GFMAM member incorporates this Landscape as part of their asset management framework.
An asset management framework shows how and where a members knowledge and practices fit
within the Asset Management Landscape.

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2 Purpose of the Landscape, Second Edition
The Asset Management Landscape is a GFMAM initiative focused on the third of GFMAMs
enduring objectives to facilitate the exchange and alignment of maintenance and asset
management knowledge and practices.
The various purposes for the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape, Second Edition are:
To provide an overview of the discipline of asset management;
To provide the structure for building a body of knowledge for certification schemes and
qualifications in asset management;
To provide a means of comparing and contrasting different certification schemes and
To provide the structure (and potentially the criteria) for assessing an organizations
maturity in asset management;
To inform the asset management knowledge requirements for ISO 55000 assessors; and
To compare the products and services from the different GFMAM members through cross
referencing to the 39 Subjects.

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3 Overview of the Landscape
The Asset Management Landscape is a framework to enable asset management knowledge and
practices to be compared, contrasted and aligned around a common understanding of the
discipline of asset management. The Asset Management Landscape is represented in diagram 1

Diagram 1: Asset Management Landscape
This shows that the Asset Management Landscape is made up of three key areas:
1) The core of the Asset Management Landscape which will be common across all
GFMAM members;
2) The knowledge and practices area of the Asset Management Landscape which will
contain the knowledge and practices of each member society within their own asset
management frameworks.
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3) The supporting area which contains reference to standards and other knowledge and
practices that are considered to be outside the scope of asset management but which
may influence the asset management practices of organizations around the world.
3.1 The Core
The Core of the Landscape comprises the asset management fundamentals and the asset
management subjects.
The asset management fundamentals are part of the core to ensure GFMAM member
organizations have a common understanding of Asset Management; even though they use
different models and techniques to describe this to suit their various member communities. These
fundamentals are taken from the international standard on asset management, and are outlined in
Section 5
The asset management subjects are part of the core to enable GFMAM members to be able to
compare, contrast and align their knowledge and practices. These subjects are also intended to
provide a common understanding of the scope of asset management. The list of subjects has
been derived from an international review of an extensive list of asset management models and
assessment methodologies. This review identified 39 asset management subjects that together
describe the scope of asset management. The list of subjects is shown in Section 6, GFMAM
Asset Management Landscape Subjects, Second Edition. Mapping of these subjects to the first
edition (GFMAM Landscape (ISBN 978-0-9871799-1-3, issued November 2011) is shown in
Appendix C: GFMAM Asset Management Landscape Subjects First and Second Edition.
It is essential to note that this is an arbitrary division of the discipline into individual
subjects for the purpose of understanding the breadth and components of asset
management more clearly. They cannot be treated as self-standing and independent and it
is not possible to understand asset management properly without addressing them all as a
holistic integrated body of knowledge.

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3.2 The Knowledge and Practices Area
The knowledge and practices area of the Asset Management Landscape represents the
knowledge and practices that GFMAM member organizations have developed or may wish to
develop. It is intended that each GFMAM member organization will develop their own asset
management framework that is aligned with the core of the Asset Management Landscape but is
also aligned to the knowledge and practice of each member organization. The components that
make up of these frameworks will be different across the different member organizations but are
likely to include the items shown in the knowledge and practices area of diagram 1. A brief
description of these generic components is provided in Section 4 of this document.
These asset management frameworks will allow member organizations to map their knowledge
and practices to the asset management fundamentals and subjects and enable these to be
compared, contrasted and aligned with the knowledge and practices of other member
organizations. It also allows member organizations to do a gap analysis of what they offer to their
The development of these asset management frameworks should provide the following benefits to
the members of the GFMAM member societies:
Greater access to guidance and best practice material on asset management;
Common definitions relating to asset management and how maintenance contributes to
asset management;
Help to bring maintenance and asset management to the boardroom;
Greater consistency internationally on guidance on asset management;
Greater choice of internationally recognised qualifications through the international Accord;
Increased availability of international case studies and other knowledge.
3.3 The Supporting Area
The supporting area of the Asset Management Landscape contains standards, knowledge and
practices that are not considered to be within the scope of asset management but that may
influence asset management decisions. Only a few examples are shown on diagram 1 and this
should not considered to be a comprehensive list.

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4 Components of the Knowledge and Practices Area
The following sections provide an overview of the different components of the knowledge and
practices area of the Asset Management Landscape.
4.1 Conceptual Models
A conceptual model describes, at the highest level: the key aspects of asset management, how
these interact with each other and how they link to the overall corporate objectives and business
Everyones journey in the understanding and application of asset management is different,
reflecting differing starting points, cultures, languages and objectives. Thus, differing conceptual
models may be helpful to present asset management in way that reflects more closely the
background and current position of any member organization, whilst still retaining a common
approach and content.
However, there are a number of common characteristics that a conceptual model should include,
which are:
They should cover the whole scope of asset management as defined by the 39 subjects of
the Landscape;
They should be consistent with GFMAM asset management fundamentals;
They should consider the whole asset lifecycle;
They should reinforce alignment (line of sight) to organizational goals and objectives;
They should reflect how the business environment and stakeholders will influence the asset
management approach;
They should reinforce the importance of integration of activities to deliver an overall output;
They should emphasise the need for measuring performance and continuous improvement.
Three example conceptual models from GFMAM member organizations are in shown in Appendix
A that all share these characteristics.
4.2 Competence Frameworks
A competence framework contains the competence requirements that are needed for people
working at different levels within an asset management organization. Competence requirements
are typically described in a hierarchy, for example Roles, Units and Elements of competence.
Competence frameworks sometimes define the level of competence required for different asset
management roles or otherwise will define the process by which these should be defined within an
organization looking to adopt the competence framework.
Competence frameworks are typically linked to an asset management body of knowledge and
should be linked with the 39 subjects within the Asset Management Landscape core to
demonstrate coverage of scope.
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4.3 Asset Management Training Courses
Asset management training courses can be described within an asset management framework by
linking this training to the 39 subjects to demonstrate coverage of scope of each course. The
training courses can also be linked to the units and elements of competence defined within the
competence frameworks.
4.4 Asset Management Qualifications
Asset management qualifications will typically form part of an asset management framework
whether these qualifications are offered by the GFMAM member organizations or by third parties.
Another GFMAM project (the International Accord) will provide the framework for assessing the
relevance and level of different asset management qualifications from providers around the world.
The assessment of qualifications will be undertaken using the asset management qualifications
Framework, which is fully mapped to the 39 subjects in the Asset Management Landscape core.
It is expected that asset management qualifications included within a GFMAM asset management
framework will have been assessed using the International Accord. This will be particularly
beneficial to multi-national organizations that are members of more than one GFMAM member
organization and are seeking a common approach to asset management qualifications globally.
4.5 Knowledge
Most GFMAM member organizations already have a body of knowledge, knowledge base,
knowledge centre or other initiatives to collate and disseminate knowledge, but the ability to
compare, contrast, align and share information across member organizations is limited due to the
different approaches used to develop these. Mapping the member organizations knowledge to the
39 subjects in the Asset Management Landscape core will facilitate the sharing of case studies,
papers, how-to guides and best practices, thereby rapidly increasing the volume of material
available to end users.
4.6 Assessment Methods and Awards
As organizations adopt asset management, some will rapidly want to develop their capabilities
beyond simple conformance with the requirements of ISO 55001. It will be important for GFMAM
member organizations to provide guidance to these organizations on a consistent way of
assessing asset management maturity across the 39 subjects in the Asset Management
Landscape core.
GFMAM member organizations may have developed their own assessment methods that may also
be used for asset management awards, and there will be in increasing need to ensure these
assessment methods are aligned with the 39 subjects and are consistent across GFMAM member
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5 Asset Management Fundamentals
Although definitions of asset and asset management are not part of the asset management
landscape core, the following definitions are included to provide the context for the asset
management fundamentals that follow. They are taken from the International Standard ISO
55000, Asset management - Overview, principles and terminology.
An asset is defined in ISO 55000 as item, thing or entity that has potential or actual value to an
Asset management is defined in ISO 55000 as coordinated activity of an organization to realise
value from assets.
This is a much broader view, and a more challenging scope, than just the maintenance of physical
equipment, or the maximising of yield from a financial portfolio. It encompasses all asset types,
tangible and intangible, individual components or complex systems, and all activities involved in
the assets life cycle everything from initial identification of requirements or opportunities,
acquisition/creation, operations or utilization activities, asset stewardship or care/maintenance
responsibilities, through to renewal or disposal and any remaining liabilities. Asset management is
therefore holistic it considers the whole picture rather than just individual contributions.
The fundamentals of asset management, that need to be understood and embedded into asset
management to ensure that value is realised from assets, are:
Value: Assets exist to provide value to the organization and its stakeholders.
Asset management does not focus on the asset itself, but on the value that the asset can provide
to the organization. The value (which can be tangible or intangible, financial or non-financial) will
be determined by the organization and its stakeholders, in accordance with the organizational
Alignment: Asset management translates the organizational objectives into technical and financial
decisions, plans and activities.
Asset management decisions (technical, financial and operational) collectively enable the
achievement of the organizational objectives.
Leadership: Leadership and workplace culture are determinants of realisation of value.
Leadership and commitment from all managerial levels is essential for successfully establishing,
operating and improving asset management within the organization.
Assurance: Asset management gives assurance that assets will fulfil their required purpose.
The need for assurance arises from the need to effectively govern an organization. Assurance
applies to assets, asset management and the asset management system.

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6 GFMAM Asset Management Landscape Subjects, Second Edition
The Asset Management Landscape subjects are given in the list below. Information about how
these subjects map to the First Edition of the Landscape is in Section 9.
Landscape Subject Group Landscape Second Edition Subject
Strategy & Planning Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Strategy & Objectives
Demand Analysis
Strategic Planning
Asset Management Planning
Asset Management Decision-Making Capital Investment Decision-Making
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
Lifecycle Value Realisation
Resourcing Strategy
Shutdowns & Outage Strategy
Lifecycle Delivery Technical Standards & Legislation
Asset Creation & Acquisition
Systems Engineering
Configuration Management
Maintenance Delivery
Reliability Engineering
Asset Operations
Resource Management
Shutdown & Outage Management
Fault & Incident Response
Asset Decommissioning and Disposal
Asset Information Asset Information Strategy
Asset Information Standards
Asset Information Systems
Data & Information Management
Organisation & People Procurement & Supply Chain Management
Asset Management Leadership
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
Competence Management
Risk & Review Risk Assessment and Management
Contingency Planning & Resilience Analysis
Sustainable Development
Management of Change
Assets Performance & Health Monitoring
Asset Management System Monitoring
Management Review, Audit & Assurance
Asset Costing & Valuation
Stakeholder Engagement

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Asset Management Policy
The principles and mandated requirements derived from and consistent with the organizational /
corporate plan, providing a framework for the development and implementation of the asset
management strategic plan and the setting of the asset management objectives.

The Asset Management Policy provides a set of principles and a framework for the development
and implementation of an organizations approach to asset management (sometimes implemented
within an asset management system). The Asset Management Policy should also provide the
principles that guide the development of the organizations asset management strategy and

The Asset Management Policy should be consistent with stakeholder requirements and
organizational objectives and constraints. It should also be aligned with and consistent with other
organizational policies.

The Asset Management Policy should be supported by top management, effectively communicated
and regularly reviewed with a commitment to continual improvement of the asset management

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Management Policy

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy

Relevant Standards:
Clause 5.2 of ISO 55001

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Asset Management Strategy
The strategic plan for the management of the assets of an organization that will be used to achieve
the organizational / corporate objectives.

The Asset Management Strategy describes the long-term approach to management of the physical
assets. It would typically include a set of strategic statements that describe the current and future
service levels the organization is planning to deliver and the current and future Asset Management
capabilities that the organization needs in order to sustainably deliver these outcomes.
The Asset Management Strategy would typically include:
Asset management objectives based upon scenario analyses that includes measureable
objectives on the expected economic, environmental and social performance of an
organization's asset portfolio.
Key accountabilities for both the activities covered by the Asset Management Strategy
and for the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the Asset Management Strategy.
The decision-making criteria that are used to undertake lifecycle cost and risk analysis to
determine the optimum asset interventions,
How the organization will develop its asset information to support such analysis and how
the organization will manage uncertainty associated with its asset information
A reference to the overall Asset Management System that describes the management
system that the organization has implemented / is implementing including a description of
how the Asset Management Strategy fits into the AM management system.
The methodology for determining asset and network criticality.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Management Strategy
Asset Management Objectives
Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Policy
Stakeholder Engagement
Demand Analysis
Strategic Planning

Relevant Standards:
Clause 4.4 of ISO 55001
Clause 6.2.1 of ISO 55001

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Demand Analysis
The processes an organization uses to both assess and influence the demand for, and level of
service from, an organization's assets.

Demand analysis typically includes the analysis of future demand for the product or services being
offered and the requirements this demand will place on the asset portfolio.
There are several elements of Demand Analysis that need to be considered:
Historic demand
Drivers for demand
Future demand and change in demand over time
Changes in required levels of service
Current and future utilisation and capability of assets
Impact on the future performance, condition and capability

Demand analysis also considers the use of non-asset solutions where demand may exceed supply
and demand also needs to be managed in order to reduce the demand or reduce the required level
of service.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Demand Forecasts
Historical Demand Analysis
Demand Scenarios
Demand Management Strategy
Service Level Specifications

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Strategic Planning

Relevant Standards:
Clause 4.2 of ISO 55001

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Strategic Planning
The processes an organization uses to undertake strategic asset management planning.

Strategic planning includes the processes for determining long-term renewal, enhancement and
maintenance work volumes, associated risks and costs to meet the asset management objectives.
This includes assessing how the organization addresses the requirements identified during
demand analysis and how the Strategic Asset Management Plan supports the overall
organizational corporate plan.
Strategic planning would typically involve the development of a strategic planning framework that
describes how Demand Analysis and the required levels of service are considered and modelled in
the development of the organizations proposed maintenance, renewal and enhancement work
The strategic planning processes should enable organizations to develop work volumes and costs
for different scenarios to reflect potential changes in risk, demand, output requirements or funding
constraints from different stakeholders.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP)
Work volumes and costs

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Stakeholder Engagement
Demand Analysis
Asset Management Planning

Relevant Standards:
Clause 4.4 of ISO 55001

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Asset Management Planning
The activities to develop the Asset Management plans that specify the detailed activities and
resources, responsibilities and timescales and risks for the achievement of the asset management

Strategic Planning addresses the strategic planning activities undertaken within an organization.
Asset Management Planning is the process of developing the detailed Asset Management Plans
that include the following:
A review of previous Asset Management Plan(s) with recovery plans where applicable
The activities that an organization intends to undertake in order to deliver the Asset
Management objectives and level of service
The costs associated with delivering these activities
The outcomes expected from the application of these activities
The resources necessary to execute asset management plans
Integration of Asset Management Plans with other organizational plans e.g. financial
plans, health and safety plans and human resource plans)
The activities necessary to deliver activities to statutory, regulatory, industry and technical
standards where applicable
How the plan will be approved monitored, reviewed and updated

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Management Plans
Work volumes and costs
Resource plans

Related Subjects:
Strategic Planning
Resource Strategy
Shutdown & Outage Strategy

Relevant Standards:
Clause 6.2.2 of ISO 55001

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Capital Investment Decision-Making
The processes and decisions to evaluate and analyse scenarios for decisions related to capital
investments of an organization. These processes and decisions may relate to new assets for the
organization (e.g. Greenfield projects) and/or replacements of assets at end of life (CAPEX
sustaining programs).

Capital Investment Decision-Making includes an evaluation approach of alternative investments
with a vision of long-term benefits (asset life-cycle perspective). This approach includes steps of
definition, characterization, evaluation and analysis that drive the best options to decision-making
Capital Investment Decision-Making would typically include:
Defining the scope of the investments that are subject to analysis of alternatives;
The assumptions for each investment option including the demands and level of service
The consideration of the information that need to be collected or estimated for each
The consideration of all lifecycle costs;
The consideration of risk, how this changes over time and how this is valued and
Undertaking life-cycle cost analysis to allow the comparison of alternative options from the
perspective of the asset life-cycle; and
Analysis of the present value and annualized costs and risks for each of the options being

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Prioritising process for Capital Investments
Life-Cycle Costing algorithms

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Demand Analysis
Strategic Planning
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
Lifecycle Value Realisation

Relevant Standards:
ISO 15686 - Buildings and constructed assets Service life planning

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Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
The management activities and processes involved in determining the Operations and
Maintenance requirements in support of the Asset Management objectives and goals.

Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making is the determination of the Operations and
Maintenance activities necessary to meet the Asset Management objectives, taking into account
organizational and applicable regulatory policies.
The Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making decision process typically consider:
Customer quality requirements (product and service)
Current asset capability (throughput, product / service flexibility, quality)
Use of FMECA / RCM or similar techniques to determine maintenance activities
The organizations agreed cost risk balance to determine activity intervals including
consideration of asset and network criticality
Forecasting medium and long term (3+ years) production / service requirements based
upon projected demand
Perform financial analysis of production tactics (production cost structure defined by
assets and their operations)
Documentation of maintenance requirements in specifications and standards
Evaluate O&M impact of capital project proposal alternates (life cycle costing, long and
short term impact).

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset capability requirements;
Maintenance Requirements Analysis documents;
Maintenance standard and specifications;

Related Subjects:
Capital Investment Decision-Making
Accounting Practices
Maintenance Delivery
Asset Operations

Relevant Standards:
Clause 6.1 of ISO 55001

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Lifecycle Value Realisation
The activities undertaken by an organization to balance the costs and benefits of different renewal,
maintenance, overhaul and disposal interventions.

Lifecycle Value Realisation refers to the methods used, to ensuring the best total value is obtained,
in asset acquisition, creation, utilization, maintenance, improvements, renewals and disposals to
meet the organizations objectives. This requires consideration of the interaction between these
activities, and determination of the right combination, including costs, risks, performance and
sustainability effects. Value relates to the contribution to the organizational objectives and may be
manifested in various ways, and are not always easy to quantify. However the maximum total
value often equates to the lowest whole life cycle cost of the asset, within any absolute constraints
or commitments.
Lifecycle Value Realisation would typically include:
Evaluation processes and criteria for their usage including the level of detail required in
relation to decision criticality and decision complexity;
A multi-disciplined approach and the quantification of value, direct and indirect intervention
costs, risks, performance, operating and maintenance costs;
Consideration of the systems context for the asset, since the life cycle of an individual item
may be constrained by, or may contribute to, a different timescale of required performance
or asset management responsibility;
System modelling to determine whether the lifecycle value solution will deliver the required
demands and levels of service expected by stakeholders.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Methodologies for determining value
Criteria for decision-making
Lifecycle Value Analysis processes and application criteria

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Demand Analysis
Strategic Planning
Capital Investment Decision-making
Operations & Maintenance Decision-making

Relevant Standards:
Clause 6.1 of ISO 55001
Clause 6.2 of ISO 55001

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Resourcing Strategy
Determining the activities and processes to be undertaken by an organization in order to procure
and use people, plant, tools and materials to deliver the Asset Management Objectives and Asset
Management Plan(s).

A Resourcing Strategy typically includes the analysis necessary to determine the best way to
establish or procure the required resources to deliver the Asset Management objectives and the
activities defined in the Asset Management Plan(s). These resources include:
Competent Labour;
Plant and equipment;
Special tools and equipment;
Hardware and software.

The Resourcing Strategy should consider the costs and risks of out-sourcing the provision of
resources and how to best integrate the available resources across the organization in order to
cost effectively deliver the Asset Management Plan(s).

Where resources are being procured externally to the organization, the Resourcing Strategy
should include an assessment of the costs and risks relating to the timing and quantities of the
resources to be procured, including any internal storage or management costs.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Resource Strategy
Procurement plans for the purchase of resources
Spares management strategy.
Resourced project plans

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Planning
Resource Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.1 of ISO 55001

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Shutdown and Outage Strategy
The activities taken by an organization to develop a strategy for shutdown and outages.

Shutdown and Outage Strategy includes the procedures and requirements to enable organizations
to reduce downtime and outages whilst considering the cost to carry out the activities defined in the
Asset Management Plan efficiently and safely during planned outages.

The Shutdown and Outage Strategy would typically include:
Shutdown or Outage objectives that are agreed by all the parties involved, including
operations, maintenance, engineering, projects, central production planning, contractors or
service providers among others.
Analysis of the trade-off between the efficiencies of fewer but longer shutdowns or outages
(that have a higher impact on the business production) against more but shorter shutdowns
or outages (that have less impact on the business but result in less efficient delivery of
Preliminary scope requirements defining the scope of work to be undertaken with well
understood risks and consequences identified and agreed upon by all parties involved.
A final scope and package including the final shutdown scope, schedule (including shutting
down and starting up the asset or facility required time), the scope of work, materials
required, manpower, contractors and other resources required.
Scope challenge exercises to ensure the strategy is robust.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Shutdown & outage strategy
Shutdown and outage procedure and packaging requirements.
A long-term planned outages schedule.
Level of authorities in the organization for every stage of the shutdown or outage.

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Planning
Contract & Supplier Management
Shutdown & Outage Management

Relevant Standards:

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Technical Standards & Legislation

The processes used by an organization to ensure its asset management activities are compliant
with the relevant technical standards and legislation.

Technical Standards and Legislation includes processes for the identification, applicability updating
and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the Asset Management context.

Register of applicable technical standards and legislation

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Strategy
Strategic Planning
Asset Management Planning

Relevant Standards:
None identified

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Asset Creation & Acquisition

An organizations processes for the acquisition, installation and commissioning of assets.

Asset Creation & Acquisition describes policies and processes for the acquisition, installation
and commissioning of assets. This subject also includes elements of approval and releasing
of funding, arrangements for hand-over to operations, the monitoring and capture of actual
costs and benefits analysis. The development of requirements analysis, design and
verification and validation strategies are covered in Systems Engineering.
The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Application of Investment Policies
Application of Investment Processes
Development of Construction Processes
Execution of Construction Processes
Project Management
Development of Commissioning Processes
Execution of Commissioning Processes
Handback to Operations

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Acquisition Strategy
Acquisition Request
Acquisition Agreement
Acquisition Agreement Change Request
Acquisition Communication Report
Programme Management Framework
Project Management Procedures
Project Technical Management Plan
Work Breakdown Structure
Project Schedules
Project Budgets
Verification Report
Traceability Mapping
Validation Report
Construction Progress Reports
Acceptance Criteria Documents
Delivery Acceptance Report

Related Subjects:
Capital Investment Decision-making

Numerous Construction Codes Identified
Numerous Specific Commissioning Codes Identified

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Systems Engineering

An interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to derive, evolve and verify a life cycle balanced
system solution which satisfies customer expectations and meets public acceptability.

Systems Engineering describes policies and processes for the requirements analysis, design
and evaluation of assets. Systems Engineering processes relate to managerial and technical
activities. Verification and validation execution is considered as part of Asset Creation and
Acquisition. The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Generation of Systems Engineering Policies
Development of System Engineering Processes
Execution of Systems Engineering Processes

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Systems Engineering Management Plan
System Description Documents
System Requirements Documents
System Engineering Performance Measures
Traceability Mapping Documents
System Analysis Plan
System Analysis Report
Documented Systems Engineering Processes
Verification Strategy
Validation Strategy
Validation Processes

Related Subjects:
Configuration Management

ISO/IEC 15288:2008 Systems and software engineering - System life cycle
MIL-STD-499 Military Standard System Engineering Management.

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Configuration Management

A management process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's physical
and functional attributes with its design and operational information throughout its life.

Configuration Management describes policies and processes for the recording and
monitoring of an assets functional, physical and support status. Configuration Management
is closely aligned with the principles and requirements of Systems Engineering. The
management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Generation of Configuration Management Policies
Development of Configuration Management Processes
Execution of Configuration Management Processes

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Configuration Management Plan
Configuration Management Strategy
Configuration Management Records
Configuration Baselines
Configuration Baseline Agreements
CM Change / Variance Requests
Configuration Status Reports
Configuration Evaluation Reports
System Release Reports
System Release Approvals

Related Subjects:
Systems Engineering

AS/ISO 10007:2003 Quality Management Systems Configuration Management
EIA-649-A 2004 National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management
MIL-STD 973 Configuration Management (Cancelled)

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Maintenance Delivery

The management of maintenance activities including both preventive and corrective maintenance
management methodologies.

The organization of maintenance activities within an agreed policy including definition of
maintenance specifications, standards and schedules, maintenance execution procedures,
procedures for missed maintenance and the capture and utilisation of maintenance and inspection
measurements and results.

These activities include:
Identifying the resources needed to support maintenance assurance processes.
Implementing the responsibilities and accountabilities for asset maintenance delivery and
improvement as part of the asset management system processes.
Day to day application of processes that integrate maintenance delivery processes with
engineering, finance, HR, IT, operations etc.
Authorisation of funding sufficient resources and support systems to support asset
investment planning.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Maintenance staffing requirements (quantity & skills/certification)
Maintenance tools and relevant infrastructure requirements.
Maintenance strategy and tactics.
Maintenance information systems infrastructure.

Related Subjects:
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
Whole-life Cost & Value Optimisation
Reliability Engineering
Asset Operations

None identified.

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Reliability Engineering
The processes for ensuring that an item shall operate to a defined standard for a defined
period of time in a defined environment.

Reliability Engineering typically includes the following elements:
Day to day application of processes that integrate Reliability Engineering processes with
engineering, finance, HR, IT, maintenance and operations;
Identify the resources needed to support reliability assurance;
Work within the responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities for asset reliability
Specify and design the responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities (and supporting
measures) for asset reliability improvement as part of the asset management system
processes, including the asset management system itself;
Application of proprietary or predetermined methodologies for analyses to support asset
management decision making during asset conception stages;
Implement the change management responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities of
the asset management system related to reliability;
Specify and design the change management responsibilities, authorities and
accountabilities as part of the asset management system processes, including the asset
management system itself;
Implement the specified reliability engineering processes (as part of the asset
management system), including the collation of information and data to support continual
Specify and design the reliability engineering competencies (and supporting measures)
as part of the asset management system processes; and
Development and design of processes and plans to support RAMS Modelling.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
RAMS Modelling Output
RCM Analysis Output
Weibull Plots and Analysis
Completed Root Cause Analyses

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Capital Management Investment Strategy
Whole life Cost and Value Optimization
Asset Performance and Health Monitoring

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Asset Operation
The processes used by an organization to operate its assets to achieve the business objectives.
Asset Operation is concerned with processes that provide instructions to Operators about how to
operate the assets within the appropriate design, maintenance and operational parameters. This
includes the development of an Asset Operations strategy and plans that outline the approach,
activities and resources involved in managing and implementing operations.
Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Criteria for the required processes
Control of the processes in accordance with the criteria
Documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence and evidence that
the processes have been carried out as planned
Treating and monitoring of operational risks

Related Subjects
Asset Management Strategy
Strategic Planning

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Resource Management
Implementing the Resourcing Strategy to manage the use of funds, people, plant, tools and
materials in delivering asset management activities.

Managing the resources required for the execution of each asset management activity, including:
Competent Labour;
Special tools and equipment;
Hardware and software;
Data and Information; and

Integrating the resource utilisation across the organization and across all asset management

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Organizational Structure
Job specifications
Materials Catalogue
Inventory Records
Training records
Performance appraisals

Related Subjects
Resourcing Strategy
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
Configuration Management
Maintenance Delivery
Competence Management
Procurement & Supply Chain Management

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Shutdown and Outage Management

An organizations processes for identification, planning, scheduling, execution and control of work
related to shutdowns or outages.

Shutdown and Outage Management describes policies and processes for the implementation of
the shutdown and outage strategy to ensure the effective management of shutdowns and outages.
This subject includes processes relating to the identification and filtering of shutdown work,
planning and scheduling, work execution and control and the development of lessons learned.
The management activities within the scope of this subject include:
Development of Shutdown Management Policies
Development of Shutdown Management Processes
Execution of Shutdown Management Processes
Project Management

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Shutdown Work List
Work Packages
Shutdown Management Procedures
Shutdown Work Breakdown Structure
Shutdown Schedules
Shutdown Budgets
Shutdown Progress Reports
Acceptance Criteria Documents
Post Completion Reports

Related Subjects:
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making
Resourcing Strategy
Shutdowns & Outage Strategy
Maintenance Delivery
Procurement & Supply Chain Management

None Identified

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Fault and Incident Response

Responding to failures and incidents in a systematic manner, including incident detection and
identification, fault analysis, use of standard responses, temporary and permanent repairs as well
as the taking over and handing back of sites.

Developing plans to respond to unplanned events and managing the resources required for the
response to the events, including:
Competent Labour;
Special tools and equipment;
Data and Information;
Communications; and
Escalation criteria.

This includes the Integration of the response plans across the organization and ensuring the cause
of failure is effectively captured to allow subsequent analysis of failure data.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Risk register
Safety plan
Standby roster
Communication plan
Response plans
Operating procedures
Emergency stores
Tools and equipment
Skilled staff

Related Subjects
Contingency Planning & Resilience Analysis
Risk Management

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Asset Decommissioning & Disposal
The processes used by an organization to decommission and dispose of assets due to ageing or
changes in performance and capacity requirements.

Asset Decommissioning & Disposal develops and applies processes to decommission and dispose
of assets due to ageing or changes in performance and capacity requirements. This includes the
integration of Asset Disposal Plans with other organizational planning activities (e.g. financial
plans, human resource plans).
This decision process includes the consideration of costs and benefits of rationalisation using a
whole life approach, the impact of asset rationalisation on other infrastructure and the processes
for disposal of assets.
Factors to be taken into account in these processes include:
Environmental Impact of disposal
Land rehabilitation
Residual value of assets
Continued service delivery

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Environmental Impact Analysis
Land Rehabilitation Plan
Outage Management Plan
Asset Disposal Plan
Logistics Plan

Related Subjects:
Shutdown and Outage Strategy
Lifecycle Value Realisation
Risk Assessment and Management
Asset Information Management

Relevant Standards:
Service level
Legislation regarding asset disposal

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Asset Information Strategy
The strategic approach to the definition, collection, management, reporting and overall governance
of asset information necessary to support the implementation of an organization's asset
management strategy and objectives.

An Asset Information Strategy describes how asset information supports the delivery of the Asset
Management Strategy and objectives and what Asset Information Systems and governance
processes are necessary to deliver that asset information. An Asset Information Strategy would
typically include:
A policy on asset information;
The identification of asset information needs to support the organizations decision-making
and operational processes including data quality and accuracy requirements;
Responsibilities and accountabilities for information management;
Processes for continued alignment of these needs as the organizations requirements
A gap analysis of current information availability against information needs, including
consideration of data quality and accuracy requirements;
An analysis of the costs and benefits of providing for these asset information needs,
including consideration of data quality and accuracy requirements;
The information system business requirements necessary to support the organizations
business processes and information needs;
Processes for the improvement of asset information and data quality;
A description of the organizations asset information improvement programmes.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Information Policy
Asset Information Strategy
Asset Information Business Cases
Asset Information System Business Requirements

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Asset Information Standards
Asset Information Systems
Data & Information Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.5 of ISO 55001
ISO 27000/1/2

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Asset Information Standards
The specification of a consistent structure and format for collecting and storing asset
Information and for reporting on the quality and accuracy of asset information.

Asset Information Standards includes the development of standards and guidelines that ensure a
consistent approach to the recording of asset information to meet the asset information needs
defined in the Asset Information Strategy. This includes defining common methods for recording
the following:
The asset hierarchy;
Attributes of assets that are required and the acceptable values for these;
The geographical position of assets;
Condition grades;
Categorising and recording asset defects;
Categorising and recording causes of asset failure;
Categorising and recording consequences of asset failure;
Utilisation of assets.

Asset Information Management also includes defining the required quality and accuracy for all
asset information, including common methods for how quality and accuracy is defined and

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Information Standards and Guidelines
Asset Data Dictionary
Data Quality Definitions And Guidelines

Related Subjects:
Asset Information Strategy
Asset Information Systems
Data & Information Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.5 of ISO 55001
ISO 27000/1/2

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Asset Information Systems
The asset information systems an organization has in place to support the asset management
activities and decision-making processes in accordance with the Asset Information Strategy.

Asset Information Systems includes the provision, operation and maintenance of all Asset
Information Systems necessary to deliver the asset information requirements defined in the Asset
Information Strategy. Asset Information Systems includes consideration of the following;
The asset information systems and architecture necessary to deliver the information
system business requirements defined in the Asset Information Strategy;
Analysis of the costs and benefits of implementing new or updated asset information
systems to meet the business requirements;
How the asset information system requirements can be delivered in accordance with the
organizations IT strategy.
An evaluation of how systems can be used to automate business processes;
An assessment of whether to acquire a vanilla best of breed solution and align the
business processes to the system, or to modify an existing system or to develop a
bespoke software solution;
Asset Information Systems implementation plan including governance arrangements;
An asset information system migration plan to move from the current systems to the
required architecture;
Clearly defined system ownership responsibilities.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
IT Strategy
Information Systems Architecture
Information Systems Strategy and Business Cases
Information Systems Implementation and Migration Plan
Information System governance and ownership arrangements

Related Subjects:
Asset Information Strategy
Asset Information Standards
Data & Information Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.5 of ISO 55001
ISO 27000/1/2

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Data & Information Management
The data and information held within an organization's asset information systems and the
processes for the management and governance of that data and information.

Data and Information Management covers the data held within an organizations asset information
systems and the quality and accuracy of that data, compared to the requirements defined in the
Asset Information Strategy and asset information standards.
Data and Information Management includes the processes for data management which would
typically include a definition of data owners, consumers, validation processes, and the expected life
of the data. This includes any data collection and maintenance plans where the Asset Information
Strategy has shown a gap in the organizations current asset information.
Data and Information Management also includes the governance processes for providing the
organization with a level of assurance that the data and information within the organizations asset
information systems is fit for purpose and is consistent with the asset information standards and
quality and accuracy requirements.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Data collection plans
Data management procedures
Data governance procedures
Data assurance and audit reports;

Related Subjects:
Asset Information Strategy
Asset Information Standards
Asset Information Systems

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.5 of ISO 55001
ISO 27000/1/2

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Asset Management Leadership

The leadership of an organization required to promote a whole life asset management approach to
deliver the organizational and Asset Management objectives of the organization.

Leadership can be defined as the exercise of power to influence people toward a vision and a
purpose. Leaders have the ability to influence each other to achieve the objectives of the
organization, to encourage team work and to lead by example. In the context of Asset
Management therefore, Leadership is concerned with the influence of people to deliver the Asset
Management strategy and objectives of an organization.

Asset Management Leadership covers the planning and establishment of the organizational
leadership team, defining its responsibilities and accountabilities for Asset Management and
defining the leadership style needed to support Asset Management in the organization. It includes
the need to identify the interfaces of Asset Management activities with other organizational
activities. The leadership style of an organization should support the achievement of the
organizational and Asset Management objectives. For asset management to be successful,
employees should understand these objectives, and their role in achieving them and this requires
leadership from all levels of the organization.

Leadership is a process involving leaders and followers. It enables teamwork to be translated into
planned results, potentially achieving a level of excellence. Leadership becomes a process when it
becomes more active and there is no longer a single leader. In this case, role models for all are
guided by the values and beliefs of the organization, which are consistent with their culture and
context and teamwork is visible.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Leadership Management Strategy
Leadership Competencies
Leadership Gap Analysis
Leadership Continuity Management Plan
Leadership Accountability Descriptions

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
Competence Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 5.1 of ISO 55001

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Organizational Structure

The structure of an organization in terms of its ability to deliver the organizational and Asset
Management objectives.

The design of an Organizational Structure determines how roles and responsibilities are assigned
within an organization and sets the requirements for information flows between different
departments, functions and management levels. The appropriate organizational design depends
on a number of internal and external elements that can affect organizational structure such as:
Size of the organization
Ownership structure private, government, listed company
Type of industry, products or services
Objectives and strategies of the organization
Maturity of the organization start-up or established business
Diversity of the organization single site, single country or large multinational
Cultural background.

All of these can have an impact on the performance of the organization, the way an organization is
structured, the leadership style and acceptable behaviours. Organizational design can also create
different outcomes in behaviour and culture. It is therefore important to align the organizations
design with the desired leadership style and culture: misalignment can lead to a less than desirable
outcome. Different organizational structures include:
Functional structure;
Decentralised structure;
Matrix structure.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Organizational Chart
Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
Job Descriptions or Position Descriptions.

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Organizational Culture
Asset Management Leadership
Competence Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 5.3 of ISO 55001

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Organizational Culture

The culture of an organization in terms of its ability to deliver the organizational and Asset
Management objectives.

Culture is an extremely complex phenomenon. Culture is the lens through which individuals
understand the world. To understand a culture one must understand that much of human
communication occurs through a system of symbols, and these symbols are dependent on context.
It is important to understand that these symbols have no absolute meaning where they differ
between cultures and contexts. Every culture has its rules, values, behavioural patterns and myths
maintained by rites and rituals.

Culture is a way of giving meaning to experience. All knowledge is relevant to culture. The wrong
cultural lenses can inhibit excellence if, for example, an organization sees through the lens of
complacency, and not of operational discipline.

Understanding culture as a factor which structures our actions is crucial. There is no standard or
rulebook for excellence in workplace culture; but excellence in workplace culture is what enables
excellence in Asset Management. The culture of an organization serves as a blueprint for making
decisions. The culture of a company is always dynamic, and the goal is to identify and understand
the processes of the culture of an organization; not to change the culture directly, but to manage
through it.

Organizational Culture is about the process of defining and then developing a culture that supports
the goals of the organization and will help to deliver the Asset Management objectives of an

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Culture Management Strategy
Defined Organizational Values
Outputs from Culture Surveys
Behavioural patterns, Rites and Rituals

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Leadership
Organizational Structure
Competence Management

Relevant Standards:
Clause 4.1 of ISO 55001

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Competence Management

The processes used by an organization to systematically develop and maintain an adequate
supply of competent and motivated people to fulfil its asset management objectives including
arrangements for managing competence in the boardroom and the workplace

Competence Management is about managing the ability of individuals in asset management roles
to perform their work activities as well as expected. This calls for a mix of practical and thinking
skills, underpinned by knowledge and understanding relevant to the activity being carried out, and
is strongly influenced by personal attributes and by a persons attitudes and beliefs. Because
asset management is multidisciplinary and cross functional, it requires people who can work
effectively in multidisciplinary teams; are open to the evidence, methodologies and approaches
used by people from different backgrounds and know how to integrate and interpret these in
A strategic approach to managing competence and behaviour should cover the development of
both individual and organizational competence. People come into asset management roles from a
range of different professional, technical, operational and commercial backgrounds, bringing with
them different concepts, perspectives, methodologies and networks. Knitting these together to
form coherent and effective asset management teams should be a key component of Asset
Management strategy and planning.
Competence requirements describe what people should be able to do and what they need to know
and understand. They are typically brought together in frameworks which are tailored to the
organization or occupational group. Best practice frameworks combine definitions of input
requirements, output measures and desired behaviours.
Competence Management also includes the periodic assessment of individuals against a
competence framework, the identification of training needs or other development needs and the
delivery of the required training and development.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Competence Framework
Competence Assessment Processes
Training Needs Analysis
Training Course Specifications

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Leadership
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture

Relevant Standards:
Clause 7.2 of ISO 55001

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Procurement & Supply Chain Management

The processes used by an organization to ensure that all outsourced Asset Management activities
are aligned with the Asset Management objectives of the organsiations and to monitor the
outcomes of these activities against these objectives.

The activities necessary to create, manage, maintain, and enforce contract and supplier
management over the entire lifecycle of an asset. Procurement & Supply Chain Management
includes; authoring, negotiations, adoption, definition of requirements, appraisal & selection of
contractors, outsourcing insourcing strategies and claim management. These elements are of
high priority with regard to realizing expected savings. Procurement & Supply Chain Management
needs to align with corporate standards and to ensure that negotiated savings reach the bottom

Procurement & Supply Chain Management typically focuses on:
Selection criteria for external contractors
Safety in design where applicable
Standardized contract processes.
Improved contract compliance.
Internal external collaboration.
Warehouse management
Monitoring & review of supplier performance.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Procurement Policy
Outsourcing- insourcing Policy
Contractor selection criteria
Service Level Specifications
Supplier assessments, including review reports
Improvement plans

Related Subjects:
Strategic Planning
Asset Creation & Acquisition
Maintenance Delivery

Relevant Standards:
ISO 28000/1/2/3/4 - Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
ISO 17365 - Supply chain applications of RFID. Transport units
ISO 17364 - Supply chain applications of RFID. Returnable transport items (RTIs)

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Risk Assessment and Management

The policies and processes for identifying, quantifying and mitigating risk and exploiting

Risk Assessment and Management describes policies and processes for the identification,
assessment, analysis and treatment of risks and opportunities. Risk Assessment and
Management is common to all subjects within the Asset Management Landscape.
The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Generation of Risk Management Policies
Development of Risk Management Processes
Execution of Risk Management Processes
Alignment of strategic, tactical and operational risks and risk registers
Risk mitigation strategies

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Risk Management Policy
Risk Management Strategy
Risk Management Procedures
Risk Registers
Risk Criteria
Risk Profile
Risk Action Requests
Risk Profile Reports
Risk Measures

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Lifecycle Value Realisation
Capital Investment Decision-making
Operations & Maintenance Decision-making

ISO 31000:2009 - Risk management Principles and guidelines
IEC/ISO 31010 - 2009 Risk management Risk assessment techniques
HB 327:2010 - Communicating and consulting about risk

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Contingency Planning & Resilience Analysis

The processes and systems put in place by an organization to ensure it is able to continue either to
to continue to operate its assets to deliver the required level of service in the event of an adverse
impact or maintain the safety and integrity of the assets(whether or not the operate).

Establish the required procedures and documents to guide the person in charge of the assets
during the event to take the appropriate decisions in such critical times based on well prepared and
tested scenarios.
These documents will typically include:
Identifying the various events, incidents, and disasters.
Establishing the level of command and the person in charge of each event type.
Identifying the required support organizations, with their specified responsibilities, needed
for each type of event (or phase of an event).
Classifying the events and the recommended actions according to each type of event.
Reference to all needed contacts required during all possible scenarios.
All the possible scenarios need to be put to test during regular times to evaluate both the
processes put in place and the reaction of personnel during these adverse events.

Typical artefacts within the subject include:
Written and approved contingency plan
Approved and signed agreements between all parties and expectations during these events
Responsibility matrix and escalation policy
Reference to assets operating procedures
Related Subjects:
Faults & Incident Response
Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Sustainable Development
The interdisciplinary, collaborative processes used by an organization to ensure an enduring,
balanced approach to economic activity, environmental responsibility and social progress to ensure
all activities are sustainable in perpetuity.

Sustainable Development entails ensuring that all Asset Management processes support the
organizations sustainability framework. This entails integration of the Asset Management strategy,
policy and plans with the organizations strategic plans and activities and stakeholder needs.
It ensures appropriate systems are put into place to collect and collate information needed to
manage assets across their whole life cycle.
Factors to be taken into account in these processes include:
Environmental Impact of Asset Management Plans
Social Impact of Asset Management Plans
Financial Impact of Asset Management

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Environmental Impact Plan
Social Development Plan
Skills Development Plan
Financial Plan
Asset Management Strategy and Policy

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Strategy
Capital Investment Decision-Making
Lifecycle Value Realisation
Risk Assessment and Management
Asset Information Management

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Management of Change
An organizations processes for the identification, assessment, implementation and communication
of changes to people, processes and assets.

Management of Change describes policies and processes for dealing with changes to physical
assets their management systems or supporting resources. This subject also includes elements of
mitigating the impacts of change.
The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Development of Change Management policies
Development of Change Management processes
Execution of Change Management Processes

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Documented Management of Change Process
Change Management Register
Change Management Plan

Related Subjects
Risk Assessment and Management

None Identified

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Asset Performance and Health Monitoring
The processes and measures used by an organization to assess the performance and health of its
assets using performance indicators.

Asset Performance and Health Monitoring typically include the following elements:
Define critical measures across all of the asset lifecycle stages that clearly link to the
organizational objectives;
Establish monitoring programs for the evaluation of performance measures, analysis of
outcomes and the use of this information for management decision making and action
Establish clear criteria for understanding when there is a deviation of the asset from the
required level of performance;
Establish processes that provide essential information to determine whether the asset is
performing in accordance with its management policies, standards, strategic plans,
procedures, objectives and performance targets;
Establish process for monitoring, measuring and evaluating the performance of the asset
across all stages of the lifecycle;
Monitor asset performance against the prescribed criteria and identify where there are
deviations between the desired level of performance and the current level of performance;
Establish monitoring and reporting that allows for the prediction of future asset
performance and health.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Performance Reports
Asset Health Reports
Asset Performance Objectives
Asset Health Objectives

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Strategy
Asset Management Systems Monitoring

Relevant Standards:
None Identified

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Asset Management System Monitoring
The processes and measures used by an organization to assess the performance and health of its
Asset Management System.

Asset Management System Monitoring is concerned with assessing the performance of or
organizations Asset Management System - as opposed to the performance of the assets and
asset systems which is covered by the subject: Asset Performance and Health Monitoring. Note,
Asset Management System is the management system used to manage an organizations assets
and not the Asset Information System(s) which is discussed as a separate subject.
The primary aim of Asset Management System Monitoring is to evaluate the extent to which the
Asset Management System is fit for purpose and is that the organization is delivering its Asset
Management objectives. There are three key aspects to Asset Management System Monitoring:
An assessment as to whether the Asset Management System is fit for purpose.
An assessment of the extent to which the organization is following the processes,
decision-making criteria and other guidance that is defined within the Asset Management
System; and
An assessment as to whether the outcomes from the processes, decision-making criteria
and other guidance are in line with the expected outcomes. This is likely to include the
consideration of asset performance (as discussed in the Asset Performance and Health
Monitoring subject) as well as the evaluation of process performance and the performance
of the people involved in running the Asset Management System.
These aspects are typically assessed by a combination of assurance processes and audits.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Asset Management Steering Group meetings
Management Review Meeting minutes

Related Subjects:
Asset Performance and Health Monitoring
Management Review, Audit & Assurance

Relevant Standards:
Clauses 9.1, 9.2 & 9.3 of ISO 55001

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Management Review, Audit & Assurance

An organizations processes for reviewing and auditing the effectiveness of its asset management
processes and asset management system.

Management Review Audit & Assurance describes policies and processes for internal assurance
processes, audit policies and procedures, internal and third party audits, processes for reviewing
audit findings and corrective actions and the use of external benchmarking.
The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Development of Audit Policies
Development of Audit Processes
Execution of Audit Processes

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Audit policy
Documented audit procedures
Audit schedule
Documented audit methodologies
Documented audit results

Related Subjects:
Assets Performance & Health Monitoring
Asset Management System Monitoring

ISO 19011:2011 - Guidelines for auditing management systems

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Asset Costing & Valuation

An organizations processes for defining and capturing as built, maintenance and renewal unit
costs and the methods used by an organization for the valuation and depreciation of its assets.

Asset costing is the structure/framework that defines the composition of all costs related to an
asset. Asset Valuation refers to accounting or econometrics rules that allow the value estimation
or prediction for assets over their lifecycle through the variation of Asset Costing over its operating
life horizon. Asset Costing makes the assets decomposition of an organization (asset portfolio of
individual assets and asset systems) and the accounting decomposition match.

Typical artefacts within this Subject include:
Expenditure reports
Asset valuation register
Documented valuation methodology
Documented costing processes

Related Subjects:
Asset Management Planning
Capital Investment Decision-Making
Lifecycle Value Realisation
Asset Information Systems
Data & Information

Relevant Standards:
Relevant accounting standards
None Identified

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Stakeholder Engagement

The methods an organization uses to engage with stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement describes policies and processes for scenario development, identifying,
communicatiing and interactingwith Asset Management stakeholders.
The management activities within the scope of this subject are:
Development of Stakeholder Policies
Application of Stakeholder Processes
Execution of Stakeholder Processes
Elicitation of Stakeholder Requirements

Typical artefacts within this subject include:
Documented stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder management plan
Documented stakeholder scenarios for approval

Related Subjects
Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Strategy
Demand Analysis
Strategic Planning
Asset Management Planning
Capital Investment Decision-Making
Operations & Maintenance Decision-Making

Clause 4.2 of ISO 55001

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7 Appendix A: Asset Management Concept Models

Example conceptual models from three of GFMAMs member organizations are shown below.

The IAM Conceptual Model for Asset Management

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Asset Management Council Asset Capability Concept Model

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EFNMS Conceptual Model for Asset Management

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8 Appendix B: Landscape Review
8.1 Review Process
The review process consisted of the following stages:
Development of descriptions of each Subject by mapping the Landscape Subjects to the
Fundamentals defined in the ISO 55000 series of standards at a Strategic, Tactical and
Operational Level;
Analysis of these descriptions to identify the Action, Object, Artefacts and Qualifiers for
each Subject;
Review of these descriptions to remove or reallocate statements that did not align with the
Subject heading;
Independent review of the output from the above stages by a Lead Reviewer;
Definition of criteria to assess the validity of a Subject; and
Review of the Subjects against these criteria and propose changes to the Subjects.
8.2 Criteria
The criteria that were defined to decide what constitutes a valid Subject were as follows:
A. The Subject should be of interest to the asset management domain;
B. The Subject should contain at least one clear concept;
C. The Subject should contain concept(s) that are mutually exclusive to other Subjects;
D. The Subject should describe where possible a system or series of processes. Artefacts are
not in themselves sufficient to be a Subject;
E. Subjects can cover what/why in one Subject and how in another; therefore Subjects are not
required to have all decision making levels in that Subject;
F. The Subject should not contain more than one main concept / process / capability; and
G. The Subject should be consistent with the ISO 55000 series of standards.

8.3 Subject Descriptors
A Subject descriptor page has been produced for each Subject which is intended to help the
understanding the definition and scope of each Subject. Each of these Subject descriptors covers
the following items:
The definition of each Subject;
A context statement for each Subject;
The artefacts that would typically be produced for each Subject;
Key relationships with other Subjects; and
Any relevant standards.
These Subject Descriptors are shown in Appendix 1.
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9 Appendix C: GFMAM Asset Management Landscape Subjects First
and Second Edition
The output from the review is described in the table below showing the subjects from the first
edition of the Landscape and the changes in this Second Edition and the rationale for these
Ref Landscape First Edition Subject Landscape Second Edition Subject
Rationale for change
1 Asset Management Policy Asset Management Policy 1 No Change
2 Asset Management Strategy
Asset Management Strategy &
2 No Change
3 Demand Analysis Demand Analysis 3 No Change
4 Strategic Planning Strategic Planning 4 No Change
5 Asset Management Plan Asset Management Planning 5
Subject should describe the activity not the
Capital Investment Decision-
Capital Investment Decision-
6 No Change
Operations & Maintenance
Operations & Maintenance
7 No Change
Whole-life Cost & Value
Lifecycle Value Realisation 8
Change name to Lifecycle Value Realisation
to align with ISO
Resourcing Strategy &
Resourcing Strategy 9
Name change to eliminate optimisation
from Subject name
Shutdowns & Outage Strategy &
Shutdowns & Outage Strategy 10
Name change to eliminate optimisation
from Subject name
11 Aging Assets Strategy
Include in Lifecycle Value

Fails criterion C - therefore combine with
Lifecycle Value Realisation
12 Technical Standards & Legislation Technical Standards & Legislation 11 No Change
Asset Acquisition &
Asset Creation & Acquisition 12
Name change to better describe delivery
14 Systems Engineering Systems Engineering 13 No Change
15 Configuration Management Configuration Management 14 No Change
16 Maintenance Delivery Maintenance Delivery 15 No Change
17 Reliability Engineering Reliability Engineering 16 No Change
18 Asset Operations Asset Operations 17 No Change
19 Resource Management Resource Management 18 No Change
Shutdown & Outage
Shutdown & Outage Management 19 No Change
21 Fault & Incident Response Fault & Incident Response 20 No Change
Asset Rationalisation and
Asset Decommissioning and
Name change to better describe delivery
23 Asset Information Strategy Asset Information Strategy 22 No Change
24 Asset Knowledge Standards Asset Information Standards 23 Name change for better consistency
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Ref Landscape First Edition Subject Landscape Second Edition Subject
Rationale for change
25 Asset Information Systems Asset Information Systems 24 No Change
26 Asset Data and Knowledge Data & Information Management 25 Name change only
27 Contract & Supplier Management
Procurement & Supply Chain
26 Name change to align with ISO terminology
28 Asset Management Leadership Asset Management Leadership 27 No Change
Organizational Structure &
Organizational Structure 28 Fails criterion F - therefore split out culture
Organizational Culture 29
Fails criterion F - therefore split out culture
and combine with behaviour
30 Competence & Behaviour Competence Management 30
Fails criterion F - therefore split out
behaviour which is part of Culture
Criticality, Risk Assessment and
Risk Assessment and Management 31 Name change only
Contingency Planning &
Resilience Analysis
Contingency Planning & Resilience
32 No Change
33 Sustainable Development Sustainable Development 33 No Change
34 Weather and Climate Change Include in Risk Assessment
Fails criterion C - therefore combine with
Risk Assessment & Management
Asset & Systems Change
Management of Change 34 Name change only
Assets & Systems Performance &
Health Monitoring
Assets Performance & Health
35 Fails criterion F - therefore split into two

Asset Management System
36 Fails criterion F - therefore split into two
Management Review, Audit &
Management Review, Audit &
37 No Change
38 Accounting Practices Asset Costing & Valuation 38 Name change only
39 Stakeholder Relations Stakeholder Engagement 39 Name change only

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