Project Plan Template
Project Plan Template
Project Plan Template
Project Plan
Version 1.0
15 NOV 2011
NOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Project Plan deliverable.
University of Texas Pan merican P!O"E#T P$N TE%P$TE
Using this Template
The companion tool& Project Plan Instructions& provides detailed direction for completing this template.
Create a Project Plan Deliverable
To create a deliverable from this template:
'. (elete the template title page )previo*s page+ and this page.
,. !eplace -brac.eted text/ on the cover page )next page+ with yo*r project and agency information.
0. !eplace -brac.eted text/ in the tool header area at the top of page i )#ontents page+ with the
same project and agency information as on the cover page.
Note: Please do not remove or modify content in the footer area.
1. #omplete the entire template. Each section contains abbreviated instr*ctions& shown in italics&
and a content area. The content area is mar.ed with a placeholder symbol )+ or with a table.
!elevant text from other project deliverables may be pasted into content areas.
Note: Please do not remove the italici2ed instr*ctions.
3. Update the table of contents by and selecting 5Update 6ield&7 then 5Update entire
Create a Project Plan Submission File
!egardless of how an agency maintains project deliverables internally& the Project Plan deliverable is
different from the Project Plan s*bmission file. The Project Plan s*bmission file is a snapshot of
deliverables that is compiled for a specific s*bmission.
To create a s*bmission file from the Project Plan deliverable:
'. 8nsert each of the following re9*ired deliverables as an appendix in :ection '1;ppendices.
<*ality !egister
#omm*nication !egister
#onfig*ration 8tems !egister
Performance !egister
!is. !egister
,. 8nsert any other relevant appendices.
0. #reate a searchable P(6 file& incl*ding the cover with original signat*res& for the s*bmission.
NOTE: Please remove this page when creating a Project Plan deliverable.
Uni ver si t y of Texas Pan Amer i can Uni ver si t y of Texas Pan Amer i can
[Agency/Organization Name]
=E!:8ON: -=E!:8ON NU%>E!/ !E=8:8ON (TE: -(TE/
Approval of the Project Plan indicates an understanding of the purpose and content described in this
deliverable. Approval of the Project Plan constitutes approval of the project planning results and hereby
certifies the overall accuracy, viability, and defensibility of the content and estimates. By signing this
deliverable, each individual agrees the project has been planned effectively as described herein.
Agency Head
-Name/ -Email/ -Telephone/
:ignat*re (ate
Executive Sponsor
-Name/ -Email/ -Telephone/
:ignat*re (ate
Technology Sponsor
-Name/ -Email/ -Telephone/
:ignat*re (ate
Project Manager
-Name/ -Email/ -Telephone/
:ignat*re (ate
Information Security Officer
-Name/ -Email/ -Telephone/
:ignat*re (ate
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
:ection '. Project Overview.................................................................................. '
:ection ,. Project Organi2ation............................................................................. 0
:ection 0. Project :tart4Up.................................................................................... 1
:ection 1. %onitoring and #ontrol......................................................................... A
:ection 3. <*ality %anagement............................................................................ B
:ection C. #omm*nication %anagement.............................................................'D
:ection A. #onfig*ration %anagement................................................................''
:ection B. Performance %anagement.................................................................'0
:ection E. !is. %anagement.............................................................................. '1
:ection 'D. Project Transition............................................................................'C
:ection ''. !eferences...................................................................................... 'A
:ection ',. Flossary.......................................................................................... 'B
:ection '0. !evision Gistory.............................................................................. 'E
:ection '1. ppendices...................................................................................... ,D
UTP Page i
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section ! Project O"er"ie#
11 Project Descri!tion
Describe the approach the project will use to address the business problem, including
summarizing how the project will deliver the expected business outcomes and performance
UTP Page 2
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section *! +,alit- Management
21 7uality -anagement A!!roac(
Describe the overall, high,level approach to &uality management based on project performance.
"ummarize how &uality management activities will be accomplished collectively. )f formal &uality
management policies and procedures have been established at the organization or agency level,
refer to the agency andor organizational practices. )n the description, include tailoring of any
practices to accommodate specific project needs if applicable.
UTP Page 4
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
2$ Deliverables Acce!tance Criteria
-or each project deliverable, describe the final approval process for acceptance from an overall
&uality perspective and the objective criteria to be used for sta#eholder acceptance.
-elivera&le #inal Approval Process Sta$eholder Acceptance !riteria
22 Process 6m!rovement Activities
Describe the activities that will be performed periodically to assess the project!s processes,
identify areas for improvement, and implement improvement plans.
UTP Page 5
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section .! Comm,nication Management
31 Communication -anagement A!!roac(
Describe the overall, high,level approach to communication management for the project.
"ummarize how communication management activities will be accomplished collectively. )f
formal communication management policies and procedures have been established at the
organization or agency level, refer to the agency andor organizational practices. )n the
description, include tailoring of any practices to accommodate specific project needs if applicable.
3# Distribution 9rou!s
Provide a reference to the location of the project distribution list information, or identify and
describe distribution groups that will be used to distribute project information, including name and
Project -istri&ution *ist Information
-istri&ution 6roup 7ame -istri&ution 6roup -escription O3ner
UTP Page 8
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section /! Con0ig,ration Management
41 Con,iguration -anagement A!!roac(
Describe the overall, high,level approach to configuration management '$0( for the project.
"ummarize how configuration management activities will be accomplished collectively. )f formal
configuration management policies and procedures have been established at the organization or
agency level, refer to the agency andor organizational practices. )n the description, include
tailoring of any practices to accommodate specific project needs if applicable.
4# Con,iguration 6)enti,ication
Based on project,specific methods, describe the methods for identifying project configuration
items '$)( and for placing $)s of the identified baselines under control. A $onfiguration )tems
%egister or its e&uivalent is developed as part of this section. /ote that an agency,e&uivalent
$onfiguration )tems %egister must include, at a minimum, the information identified in the
$onfiguration )tems %egister -ramewor# supplemental tool.
4$ Con,iguration Control
Based on project,specific methods, describe how configuration control is imposed on the
baselined configuration items.
4: ;en)or Control
Describe the activities re&uired to incorporate, into the controlled environment, $)s for which a
vendor has responsibility.
Describe the scope of the performance management effort in relation to the project. +he
performance scope defines limits in terms of managing the performance of the goods andor
UTP Page +
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
<# *is' -onitoring an) Control
59'9 %is$ Trac$ing
Based on project,specific methods, describe how ris#s will be continually trac#ed to ensure that
effective ris# management is performed, such as use of methods and techni&ues li#e ris#
chec#lists and watch lists.
UTP Page /
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section 4! Project Transition
1=1 Closeout Plan
"ummarize the plan for closing the project from an administrative, financial, and logistical
UTP Page 1
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section ! Re0erences
Provide a list of all documents and other sources of information referenced in the Plan and
utilized in the project. )nclude for each the document number, title, date, and author.
-ocument 7o9 -ocument Title -ate Author
UTP Page 2
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section $! 5lossar-
Define all terms and acronyms re&uired to interpret the Project Plan properly.
UTP Page 4
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section &! Re"ision 6istor-
)dentify changes to the Project Plan.
:ersion -ate 7ame -escription
UTP Page 5
-gency?Organi2ation Name/ P!O"E#T P$N
-Project Name/ -=ersion N*mber/ @ -!evision (ate/
Section (! Appen)ices
Attach the re&uired deliverables and any other relevant information.