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CH 11

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After completing this chapter the student will be able to:
Use frequency response techniques to adjust the gain to meet a transient response
Use frequency response techniques to design cascade compensators to improve the
steady-state error.
Use frequency response techniques to design cascade compensators to improve the
transient response.
Use frequency response techniques to design cascade compensators to improve
both the steady-state error and the transient response.
In this chapter, Bode plots will be used for design process in control systems.
Let us begin by drawing some general comparisons between root locus and frequency response
Stability and transient response design via gain adjustment. Frequency response design
methods, unlike root locus methods, can be implemented conveniently without a computer or other
tool except for testing the design. We can easily draw Bode plots using asymptotic approximations
and read the gain from the plots.
Transient response design via cascade compensation. When we design cascade compensation
using frequency response methods to improve the transient response, we strive to reshape the
open-loop transfer functions frequency response to meet both the phase-margin requirement
(percent overshoot) and the bandwidth requirement (settling or peak time).
Steady-state error design via cascade compensation. An advantage of using frequency design
techniques is the ability to design derivative compensation, such as lead compensation, to speed
up the system and at the same time build in a desired steady-state error requirement that can be
met by the lead compensator alone. With frequency response techniques, we build the steady-state
error requirement right into the design of the lead compensator.
When designing via frequency response methods, we use the concepts of stability, transient
response, and steady-state error that we learned in Chapter 10.
First, the Nyquist criterion tells us how to determine if a system is stable. Typically, an open-loop
stable system is stable in closed-loop if the open-loop magnitude frequency response has a gain of
less than 0 dB at the frequency where the phase frequency response is 180.
Second, percent overshoot is reduced by increasing the phase margin, and the speed of the
response is increased by increasing the bandwidth.
Finally, steady-state error is improved by increasing the low-frequency magnitude responses, even
if the high-frequency magnitude response is attenuated.
Transient Respond via Gain Adjustment
Relationship between damping ratio (equivalently percent overshoot) and phase
margin was derived as:
Thus, if we can vary the phase margin, we can vary the percent overshoot.
From the figure it can be seen
that if we desire a phase margin,
represented by CD, we would
have to raise the magnitude
curve by AB. Thus, a simple gain
adjustment can be used to
design phase margin and, hence,
percent overshoot.
Design Procedure
1. Draw the Bode magnitude and phase plots for a convenient value of gain.
2. From below equations determine the required phase margin from the percent
3. Find the frequency, , on the Bode phase diagram that yields the desired phase
margin, in primary figure.
4. Change the gain by an amount AB to force the magnitude curve to go through 0 dB
at . The amount of gain adjustment is the additional gain needed to produce the
required phase margin.
Ex. 11.1. Transient Response Design via Gain Adjustment
Find the value of
K, to yield a 9.5%
overshoot in the
transient response
for a step input.
1. Choose K = 3.6 to start the magnitude plot at 0 dB at w=0.1 in Bode plot.
2. From below equation a 9.5% overshoot implies for the closed loop dominant poles.
And the equation below yields a 59.2 phase margin for a damping ratio of 0.6.
3. Locate on the phase plot the frequency that yields a 59.2 phase margin. This
frequency is found where the phase angle is the difference between -180 and 59.2, or
- 120.8. The value of the phase-margin frequency is 14.8 rad/s.
4. At a frequency of 14.8 rad/s on the magnitude plot, the gain is found to be 44.2dB.
This magnitude has to be raised to 0 dB to yield the required phase margin. Since the
log-magnitude plot was drawn for K =3.6, a 44.2 dB increase, or K=3.6x162.2=583.9,
would yield the required phase margin for 9.48%overshoot.
The gain adjusted open-loop transfer function is:
Characteristic of gain-compensated system of Example 11.1
The function of the lag compensator as seen on Bode diagrams is
(1) to improve the static error constant by increasing only the low-frequency gain without
any resulting instability
(2) to increase the phase margin of the system to yield the desired transient response.
Lag Compensation
Lag networks and PI controllers permits us to design for steady-state error without
appreciably affecting the transient response.
Visualizing Lag Compensation
The uncompensated system is unstable since the gain at 180 is greater than 0 dB. The
lag compensator, while not changing the low-frequency gain, does reduce the high-
frequency gain.
Thus, the low-frequency gain of the system can be made high to yield a large Kv without
creating instability. This stabilizing effect of the lag network comes about because the
gain at 180 of phase is reduced below 0 dB.
Through judicious design, the magnitude curve can be reshaped as shown in figure, to
go through 0 dB at the desired phase margin. Thus, both Kv and the desired transient
response can be obtained. We now enumerate a design procedure.
Design Procedure
1. Set the gain, K, to the value that satisfies the steady-state error specification and plot
the Bode magnitude and phase diagrams for this value of gain.
2. Find the frequency where the phase margin is 5 to 12 greater than the phase margin
that yields the desired transient response. This step compensates for the fact that the
phase of the lag compensator may still contribute anywhere from 5 to 12 of phase
at the phase-margin frequency.
3. Select a lag compensator whose magnitude response yields a composite Bode
magnitude diagram that goes through 0 dB at the frequency found in Step 2 as
Draw the compensators high-frequency asymptote to yield 0 dB for the
compensated system at the frequency found in Step 2.
Thus, if the gain at the frequency found in Step 2 is 20 log KPM,
Then the compensators high-frequency asymptote will be set at 20 log KPM;
Select the upper break frequency to be 1 decade below the frequency found in Step 2.
Select the low-frequency asymptote to be at 0 dB;
Connect the compensators high- and low-frequency asymptotes with a 20 dB/decade
line to locate the lower break frequency.
4. Reset the system gain, K, to compensate for any attenuation in the lag network in
order to keep the static error constant the same as that found in Step 1.
We are relying upon the initial gain setting to meet the steady-state requirements and
then relying upon the lag compensators 20 dB/decade slope to meet the transient
response requirement by setting the 0 dB crossing of the magnitude plot.
The transfer function of the lag compensator is
where a>1
Ex. 11.2. Lag Compansation Design
Use Bode diagrams to
design lag compensator to
yield a tenfold improvement
in steady-state error over
the gain compensated
systemwhile keeping the
percent overshoot at 9.5%.
1. From ex. 11.1. a gain, K, of 583.9 yields a 9.5% overshoot. Thus, for this system,
Kv=16.22. For a tenfold improvement in steady-state error, Kv must increase by a
factor of 10, or Kv=162.2. Therefore, the value of K equals 5839, and the open-loop
transfer function is:
2. The phase margin required for a 9.5%overshoot is found from:
We increase this value by 10 to 69.2 in order to compensate for the phase angle
contribution of the lag compensator. The frequency where phase margin is 69.2 is at
180 69.2 = 110.8 and is 9.8 rad/s. At this frequency, the magnitude plot must go
through 0 dB. The magnitude at 9.8 rad/s is now 24 dB. Thus, the lag compensator must
provide 24 dB attenuation at 9.8 rad/s.
is 59.2.
3.&4. To design the compensator first draw the high-frequency asymptote at 24 dB.
Arbitrarily select the higher break frequency to be about one decade below the phase-
margin frequency, or 0.98 rad/s. Starting at the intersection of this frequency with the lag
compensators high-frequency asymptote, draw a 20 dB=decade line until 0 dB is
reached. The compensator must have a dc gain of unity to retain the value of Kv that we
have already designed by setting K = 5839.
The lower break frequency is found to be 0.062 rad/s. Hence, the lag compensators
transfer function is:
The compensated systems forward transfer function is :
Lead Compensation
Lead networks change the phase diagram, increasing the phase margin to reduce the
percent overshoot, and increasing the gain crossover to realize faster transient
Visualizing Lead Compensation
The uncompensated system has a small phase
margin (B) and a low phase margin frequency
(A). Using a phase lead compensator, the phase
angle plot (compensated system) is raised for
higher frequencies.
At the same time, the gain crossover frequency in
the magnitude plot is increased from A rad/s to C
rad/s. These effects yield a larger phase margin
(D), a higher phase-margin frequency (C), and a
larger bandwidth.
Notice that the initial slope, which determines the
steady-state error, is not affected by the design
for the transient response.
Lead Compensator Frequency Response
Transfer function of a lead network is:
The phase angle of the lead compensator is :
Differentiating with respect to w, we obtain :
To find the frequency at which the phase angle is maximum, we
set above equation to zero:
Substituting wmax from the network
transfer function (s=jwmax):
With help of trigonometric conversions And the compensators magnitude at wmax is:
Design Procedure
1. Find the closed-loop bandwidth required to meet the settling time, peak time, or rise
time requirement.
2. Since the lead compensator has negligible effect at low frequencies, set the gain, K,
of the uncompensated system to the value that satisfies the steady state error
3. Plot the Bode magnitude and phase diagrams for this value of gain and determine the
uncompensated systems phase margin.
4. Find the phase margin to meet the damping ratio or percent overshoot requirement.
Then evaluate the additional phase contribution required from the compensator.
5. Determine the value of from the lead compensators
required phase contribution.
6. Determine the compensators magnitude at the peak of the phase curve
7. Determine the new phase-margin frequency by finding where the uncompensated
systems magnitude curve is the negative of the lead compensators magnitude at the
peak of the compensators phase curve.
8. Design the lead compensators break frequencies, using:
9. Reset the system gain to compensate for the lead compensators gain.
10. Check the bandwidth to be sure the speed requirement in Step 1 has been met.
11. Simulate to be sure all requirements are met.
12. Redesign if necessary to meet requirements.
Ex. 11.2. Lead Compansation Design
Use design a lead
compensator to yield a 20%
overshoot and Kv = 40,
with a peak time of 0.1
The uncompensated system is G(s) = 100K/[s(s+36)(s+100)].
1. We first look at the closed-loop bandwidth needed to meet the speed requirement
imposed by Tp = 0:1 second. (i.e., 20% overshoot), a closed-loop
bandwidth of 46.6 rad/s is required.
2. In order to meet the specification of Kv = 40, K must be set at 1440, yielding
G(s) = 144.000/[s(s+36)(s+100)].
3. The uncompensated systems frequency response plots for K = 1440 are shown in
4. A 20% overshoot implies a phase margin of 48.1. The uncompensated system with K=1440 has
a phase margin of 34 at a phase-margin frequency of 29.6. To increase the phase margin, we insert
a lead network that adds enough phase to yield 48.1. Since we know that the lead network will also
increase the phase-margin frequency, we add a correction factor to compensate for the lower
uncompensated systems phase angle at this higher phase-margin frequency. Since we do not
know the higher phase-margin frequency, we assume a correction factor of 10. Thus, the total
phase contribution required from the compensator is 48.134+10=24.1. In summary, our
compensated system should have a phase margin of 48.1 with a bandwidth of 46.6 rad/s.
5. We find for
6. We find the lead compensators magnitude is 3.76 dB at wmax.
7. If we select wmax to be the new phase-margin frequency, the uncompensated
systems magnitude at this frequency must be 3.76 dB to yield a 0 dB crossover at wmax
for the compensated system. The uncompensated system passes through 3.76 dB at
wmax=39 rad/s. This frequency is thus the new phase-margin frequency.
8. We find the lead compensators break frequencies.
9. Hence, the compensator is given by:
where 2.38 is the gain required to keep the DC gain of the compensator at unity so that
Kv=40 after the compensator is inserted.
The final, compensated open-loop transfer function is then:
10. From Bode diagrams, the lead-compensated open-loop magnitude response is 7 dB
at approximately 68.8 rad/s. Thus, we estimate the closed-loop bandwidth to be 68.8
rad/s. Since this bandwidth exceeds the requirement of 46.6 rad/s, we assume the peak
time specification is met.
11. Final results, obtained from a simulation and the actual (nonasymptotic) frequency
response, are shown in Table 11.3. Notice the increase in phase margin, phase-margin
frequency, and closed-loop bandwidth after the lead compensator was added to the
gain-adjusted system. The peak time and the steady-state error requirements have been
met, although the phase margin is less than that proposed and the percent overshoot is
2.6%larger than proposed.
Lead Compensation
The transfer function of a single, passive lag-lead network is:
single value replaces the
quantity for lag network
and for the lead network.
For design, and must
be reciprocals of each other.
Sample frequency
response curves for a lag-
lead compensator
Design Procedure
1. Using a second-order approximation, find the closed-loop bandwidth required to meet
the settling time, peak time, or rise time requirement.
2. Set the gain, K, to the value required by the steady-state error specification.
3. Plot the Bode magnitude and phase diagrams for this value of gain.
4. Using a second-order approximation, calculate the phase margin to meet the
damping ratio or percent overshoot requirement, using :
5. Select a new phase-margin frequency near wBW.
6. At the new phase-margin frequency, determine the additional amount of phase
lead required to meet the phase-margin requirement. Add a small contribution
that will be required after the addition of the lag compensator.
7. Design the lag compensator by selecting the higher break frequency one decade
below the new phase-margin frequency. Find the value of from the lead
compensators requirements.
Using the phase required from the lead compensator, the phase plot can be used to find
the value of . This value, along with the previously found lags upper break
frequency, allows us to find the lags lower break frequency.
8. Design the lead compensator. Using the value of from the lag compensator design
and the value assumed for the new phase-margin frequency, find the
lower and upper break frequency for the lead compensator.
9. Check the bandwidth to be sure the speed requirement in Step 1 has been met.
10. Redesign if phase-margin or transient specifications are not met, as shown by
analysis or simulation.
Ex. 11.2. Lag-Lead Compansation Design
Given unity feedback system, design a passive lag-lead compensator to yield a 13.25% overshoot,
a peak time of 2 sec. and Kv = 12.
1. The bandwidth required for a 2-seconds peak time is 2.29 rad/s.
2. In order to meet the
steady-state error
requirement, Kv=12, the
value of, K is 48.
3. The Bode plots for the
uncompensated system
with K=48 are shown
below. System is unstable.
4. The required phase
margin to yield a 13.25%
overshoot is 55.
5. Let us select w=1.8 rad/s as the new phase-margin frequency.
6. At this frequency, the uncompensated phase is 176 degrees and would require, if we
add a 5 degrees contribution from the lag compensator, a 56 degrees contribution from
the lead portion of the compensator.
7. The lag compensator allows us to keep the gain of 48 required for Kv=12 and not
have to lower the gain to stabilize the system. Choose the lag compensator so that its
phase response will have minimal effect at the new phase-margin frequency. Let us
choose the lag compensators higher break frequency to be 1 decade below the new
phase-margin frequency, at 0.18 rad/s. Since we need to add 56 of phase shift with the
lead compensator at w=1.8 rad/s, we estimate that, if
(since ), we can obtain about 56 degrees of phase shift from
the lead compensator. Thus the transfer function of the lag compensator is:
where the gain term keeps the DC gain of the lag compensator at 0 dB.
The lag-compensated systems open-loop transfer function is:
8. Now we design the lead compensator. At w=1.8, the lag-compensated system has a
phase angle of 180. Using the values of wmax=1.8 and , the lower break,
1/ rad/s. The higher break is then rad/s. The lead
compensator is:
The lag-lead compensated systems open-loop transfer function is:
9. Now check the bandwidth. The closed-loop bandwidth is equal to that frequency
where the open-loop magnitude response is approximately -7dB. From plots, the
magnitude is -7dB at approximately 3 rad/s. This bandwidth exceeds that required to
meet the peak time requirement.

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