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Autobiography Writing Unit Plan
Teacher Name: _______Hilton Grade: 7
th Topic: __________Writing_________________ Days: egins !arch "7 th #$%&'ncluding (pring rea) UNIT PLAN Measurement Topic Writing Language Usage Educational Objectives 1. CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".# Write in$ormative%e&planator! te&ts to e&amine a topic and conve! ideas' concepts' and in$ormation t(roug( t(e selection' organi)ation' and anal!sis o$ relevant content. a* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#a +ntroduce a topic clearl!' previe,ing ,(at is to $ollo,- organi)e ideas' concepts' and in$ormation' using strategies suc( as de$inition' classi$ication' comparison%contrast' and cause%e$$ect- include $ormatting .e.g.' (eadings*' grap(ics .e.g.' c(arts' tables*' and multimedia ,(en use$ul to aiding compre(ension. b* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#b /evelop t(e topic ,it( relevant $acts' de$initions' concrete details' 0uotations' or ot(er in$ormation and e&les. c* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#c Use appropriate transitions to create co(esion and clari$! t(e relations(ips among ideas and concepts. d* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#d Use precise language and domainspeci$ic vocabular! to in$orm about or e&plain t(e topic. e* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#e Establis( and maintain a $ormal st!le. $* CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".#$ 1rovide a concluding statement or section t(at $ollo,s $rom and supports t(e in$ormation or e&planation presented. #. CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".2 1roduce clear and co(erent ,riting in ,(ic( t(e development' organi)ation' and st!le are appropriate to tas3' purpose' and audience. .4radespeci$ic e&pectations $or ,riting t!pes are de$ined in standards 156 above.* 6. CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".7 Wit( some guidance and support $rom peers and adults' develop and strengt(en ,riting as needed b! planning' revising' editing' re,riting' or tr!ing a ne, approac(' $ocusing on (o, ,ell purpose and audience (ave been addressed. .Editing $or conventions s(ould demonstrate command o$ Language standards 156 up to and including grade " (ere.* 2. CCSS.ELALiterac!.W.".8 Use tec(nolog!' including t(e +nternet' to produce and publis( ,riting and lin3 to and cite sources as ,ell as to interact and collaborate ,it( ot(ers' including lin3ing to and citing sources. + can9 E&plain ,(at an autobiograp(! is and ,(! it:s important + can9 /escribe m! autobiograp(! project to ot(ers in detail ;eteac( ,(at t(is project means to m! $amil! members + can9 Create an autobiograp(! o$ m! o,n li$e- including $rom be$ore + ,as born' m! earl! !ears' being in sc(ool past and present' and m! $uture Collect' anal!)e' and represent data $rom observations ,it( m! $amil! and o$ m!sel$ C(ange tense as needed + can9 T!pe m! autobiograp(! using Microso$t ,ord correctl! C(ec3 m! spelling and spell " t( grade appropriate ,ords correctl!. Create compoundcomple& sentences. Correct runon sentences + ma! (ave created ,(en ,riting up m! roug( dra$t. Use correct punctuation Assessment Class /iscussion C(ec3ing $or Understanding Assessment E&plaining t(e project to small group and to t(e teac(er Assessment Students Autobiograp(! <oo3 Assessment Autobiograp(! 1roject <oo3 Autobiography Writing Unit Plan Teacher Name: _______Hilton Grade: 7 th Topic: __________Writing_________________ Days: egins !arch "7 th #$%&'ncluding (pring rea) Activities W(en t(is project begins students ,ill be discussing ,(at autobiograp(ies are and (o, t(e! are created We ,ill tal3 about t(e di$$erent o$ a biograp(! vs. an autobiograp(!. Students ,ill t(en $ind out t(at t(e! ,ill be creating t(eir ver! o,n autobiograp(! project and boo3 to complete. 1-2 Days Activities Students and t(e teac(er ,ill ta3e time to go over t(is entire .#= page* rubric ,(ile students as3 0uestions about t(e project. A$ter all 0uestions (ave been ans,ered t(e students must s(are ,it( ot(ers in t(e classroom parts o$ t(is project. T(e! ,ill (ave to pic3 out a part t(e! $eel con$ident about and s(are it ,it( ot(ers ,(o ma! not 3no,. A$ter students (ave s(ared ,it( $our ot(ers about somet(ing t(e! retaug(t about t(e project t(e! ,ill (ead bac3 to t(eir seats and ,e ,ill go over t(e $irst part o$ t(e project 1 Day Activities Over t(e course o$ t(e ne&t >? ,ee3s .including brea3s* students ,ill be creating t(eir o,n autobiograp(!. T(is must be in a boo3 $ormat and students ,ill (ave an e&le boo3 to use and loo3 at as a guide. Eac( c(apter o$ t(e boo3 ,ill be $ocused on t(roug(out a di$$erent ,ee3 on class. Students ,ill be ,or3ing independentl! unless meeting ,it( t(e teac(er $or 0uestions or con$erences or intervie,ing $amil! members and $riends $or in$ormation to include in t(e boo3. 36 Days Activities Students ,ill (ave t,o di$$erent times to ,or3 in t(e computer lab and t!pe out di$$erent c(apters $or t(eir boo3. /uring t(is time t(e teac(er ,ill be circulating and (elping students ,(en needed. T(e class ,ill be t!ping up t(eir papers and eac( c(apter so it ma3es sense' ,ords are spelled correctl! and it is in$ormational to an!one ,(o ,ill be reading t(eir boo3. 9-10 Days