The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus Applied To Electromagnetism - Page 27
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus Applied To Electromagnetism - Page 27
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#781 (permalink)
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09-29-2011, 06:31 PM
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you guys have got to watch this documentary, with what you know it will seem evident:
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#782 (permalink)
#783 (permalink)
The Revelation Of The Pyramids
The Revelation Of The Pyramids - YouTube
THE EMERALD TABLET | Golden Means Health Emerald Tablet 1
Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass
the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force
and remember this:
they carry a load of information ....
Because such Construct have an 'efficient function', they have, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and
in multiple dimensions:
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-29-2011 at 07:19 PM.
09-29-2011, 08:35 PM
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Hey MM
For some reason I cant get the vid
09-29-2011, 09:16 PM
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you sure, here is the link again or type on youtube The Revelation Of The Pyramids
The Revelation Of The Pyramids - YouTube
this will blow your mind, although towards the end i don't agree with the doc but hey each his own truth
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#784 (permalink)
Last edited by MonsieurM : 10-06-2011 at 01:54 AM.
09-29-2011, 10:46 PM
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from the Book of Aquarius: The lost Book of Alchemy Released
I know it is long but i could not cut it short because it would lose its truth
3. What is Alchemy?
Nature enjoys its Nature, Nature contains Nature, improves Nature, reduces Nature, Nature is superior to Nature.
A Magnificent and Select Tract on Philosophical Water, by Anonymous, 13th - 17th Cen. (?)
Alchemy is the art of imitating and accelerating Nature. It is a natural art and science. In alchemy we do not really make
anything, all we do is provide a condition for Nature to do what Nature does. So the Philosophers' Stone is not really made by
the alchemist, it is made by Nature. The alchemist only provides the conditions so that Nature can operate effectively and
without being disturbed.
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Many Sages, Scholars, and learned men have in all ages, and (according to Hermes) even so early as the days before the Flood, written
much concerning the preparation of the Philosopher's Stone; and if their books could be understood without a knowledge of the living
processes of Nature, one might almost say that they are calculated to supersede the study of the real world around us. But though they
never departed from the simple ways of Nature, they have something to teach us, which we, in these more sophisticated times, still need
to learn, because we have applied ourselves to what are regarded as the more advanced branches of knowledge, and despise the study
of so "simple" a thing as natural Generation. Hence we pay more heed to impossible things than to those objects which are broadly
exhibited before our very eyes; we excel more in subtle speculations than in a sober study of Nature, and of the meaning of the Sages. It
is one of the most remarkable features of human nature that we neglect those things which seem familiar, and are eager for new and
strange information. The workman who has attained the highest degree of excellence in his Art, neglects it, and applies himself to
something else, or else abuses his knowledge. Our longing for an increase of knowledge urges us ever onward towards some final goal, in
which we imagine that we shall find full rest and satisfaction
[...] Nature, then, is one, true, simple, self-contained, created by God and informed with a certain universal spirit. Its end and origin are
God. Its unity is also found in God, because God made all things. Nature is the one source of all things: nor is anything in the world
outside Nature, or contrary to Nature.
[...] if Art would produce any solid and permanent effect, it must follow in the footsteps of Nature, and be guided by her methods. It
must trust itself to the guidance of Nature as far as Nature will lead, and go beyond her by still adhering to her rules.
[...] Now in our Art you should closely imitate these natural processes. There should be the Central Heat, the change of the water into
air, the driving upward of the air, its diffusion through the pores of the earth, its reappearance as condensed but volatilized water.
The New Chemical Light, by Michael Sendivogius, 17th Cen.
Nature, says Florus, is one, and if any man strays away from her guidance, he mars his labour.
[...] In changing the base metals into gold and silver by the projection of the Stone, it follows (by an accelerated process) the method of
nature, and therefore is natural.
[...] The fact is that, in producing gold, the Art of Alchemy does not pretend to imitate in the whole work of Nature. It does not create
metals, or even develop them out of the metallic first substance; it only takes up the unfinished handiwork of Nature (i.e., the imperfect
metals), and completes it (transmutes metals into gold).
The New Pearl of Great Price, by Peter Bonus, 1338 AD
An alchemist then only makes the Stone in the same way that you make a tree by planting the seed and leaving it for a few years. Once
the seed is set, if the conditions are right then it just grows by itself, in accordance with Nature.
For as Men, Corn and Herbs are, every one of them, generated and born out of their own Specific Seed, so or in the same manner is the
true Medicine of the Ancients (than which there cannot be a better) generated and prepared out of the most perfect bodies and essence
[...] Everything generated or begotten is generated and born of his own specific seed (1) and in his proper (2) matrix.
The Chemists Key, by Henry Nollius, 1617 AD
there is no true generation, but of things agreeing in nature. So that things be not made but according to their natures. The elder or oak
trees will not bring forth pears; nor can you gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles, things bring not forth, but only their like, or what
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#785 (permalink)
agrees with the in nature, each tree its own fruit.
[...] Thus the wise man does that by art in a short time, which nature cannot perform in less than the revolution of a thousand years.
Yet notwithstanding, it is not we that make the metal, but nature herself that does it. --- Nor do or can we change one thing into
another; but it is nature that changes them. We are no more than mere servants in the work.
The Root of the World, by Roger Bacon, 13th Cen.
09-29-2011, 10:47 PM
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follow up:
If you are wondering how this leads to the Philosophers' Stone, I will explain it more clearly. The Philosophers' Stone is a natural
occurrence of Nature, in fact it is the aim of Nature. Therefore if you can find a substance which is very pure and infused with life-
energy, then put it under protected conditions which are advantageous for its natural development, you will allow Nature to take its
course in an accelerated manner. When this is complete, Nature will have made for you the Philosophers' Stone. It's very simple and
entirely natural, which is the biggest part of the secret.
I will explain again in another way: the Philosophers' Stone is the name of the thing that you get when Nature has finished doing what it
does all day long. The Earth and the entire universe are going through this process. If, however, you find a substance already quite well
matured by Nature, clean it up, then put it into a closed system, or microcosm, Nature will finish this thing long before it finishes
everything else. So you get the result of Nature earlier and can enjoy all its wonderful properties while the rest of the world is still in
the chemical development of our substance is internal, and caused by the operation of Nature
[...] Our wise Teacher Plato says: "Every husbandman who sows good seed, first chooses a fertile field, ploughs and manures it well, and
weeds it of all tares; he also takes care that his own grain is free from every foreign admixture. When he has committed the seed to the
ground, he needs moisture, or rain, to decompose the grain, and to raise it to new life. He also requires fire, that is, the warmth of the
Sun, to bring it to maturity." The needs of our Art are of an analogous nature. First, you must prepare your seed, i.e., cleanse your
Matter from all impurity, by a method which you will find set forth at length in the Dicta of the Sages which I subjoin to this Treatise.
Then you must have good soil in which to sow your Mercury and Sun; this earth must first be weeded of all foreign elements if it is to
yield a good crop.
The Glory of the World, Or, Table of Paradise, by Anonymous, 1526 AD
For of this composition, combining as it does the virtues of all things, there may truly be said that in one drop the whole world is present.
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Man, the Best and Most Perfect of God's Creatures, by Benedictus Figulus, 1607 AD
Besides the science of the stone is so sublime and magnificent, that therein almost all Nature and the whole universe of beings is beheld,
as in a certain clear looking glass. For it is like a lesser world [...] God wrought out his compacted being of the world by certain harmony
and musical proportion alleyed to one another, that which are in the superior world are in the inferior also, but in a terrestrial manner:
that which likeness are in the inferiors, may also be seen in the superious, in a celestial manner indeed, and according to the cause. [...]
Some Philosophers have compared the work of the stone to the creation of the world. Likewise to the generation of man, and to his
Book of the Chemical Art, by Marsilius Ficinus, 15th Cen.
The inspired Apostle, St Peter, tells us that the Earth and its work shall consume therein, and a new world shall be born, beautiful and
good, as is described in the Apocalypse.
An Anonymous Treatise Concerning the Philosopher's Stone, by Anonymous, 12th - 17th Cen. (?)
The ancient writers call our Stone a microcosm; and there can be no doubt that its composition greatly resembles that of the world in
which we live
The Chemical Treatise, Or, The Ordinal of Alchemy, by Thomas Norton, 1477 AD
To understand aright, how out of this our Chaos we are to form our Philosophical Microcosm, we must first of necessity rightly
comprehend the great Mystery and Proceeding in the Creation of the Macrocosm: it being extremely necessary to imitate and use the
very same Method in the Creation of our little one, that the Creator of all things has used in the Formation of the great One.
Aphorisms of Urbigerus, by Baro Urbigerus, 1690 AD
this water cannot be prepared using strange methods in the world, but rather, it can only be prepared using natural means; together with
Nature and from nature. These words are bright and clear to those who understand
A Magnificent and Select Tract on Philosophical Water, by Anonymous, 13th - 17th Cen. (?)
Alchemy is therefore the art of the microcosm and the acceleration of Nature through the microcosm.
There is only one method for the entire work. We only do one thing, and that is to allow Nature to take its course. Admittedly however,
we do first clean up our substance and remove what is not needed.
For the knowledge of this art consisteth not in the multiplicity, or great number of things, but in unity; our stone is but one, the matter is
one, and the vessel is one. The government is one, and the disposition is one. The whole art and work thereof is one, and begins in one
manner, and in one manner it is finished.
The Root of the World, by Roger Bacon, 13th Cen.
It is prepared from one substance, with which the art of chemistry is conversant, to which nothing is added, from which nothing is taken
away, except that its superfluities are removed.
A Brief Guide to the Celestial Ruby, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, 1694 AD
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#786 (permalink)
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-29-2011 at 11:19 PM.
09-29-2011, 11:29 PM
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From the same Book
It seems to me that we have been discussing all these uses throughout this thread and others
Magnetism is the King of All Secrets. Paracelus (father of pharmacology)
Les Brown held the same view when he said "everything is magnetism" in his Presentation
5. The Powers of the Stone
Use 1. A universal medicine for the body.
Use 2. A universal medicine for the mind.
Use 3. A universal medicine for the spirit.
Use 4. A universal medicine for plants.
Use 5. A universal medicine for metals.
Use 6. A universal medicine for minerals.
Use 7. Malleable glass.
Use 8. Unlimited energy.
Use 9. Creation of life.
Principle of Mentalism: The Universe is all Wave
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#787 (permalink)
#788 (permalink)
with your knowledge, reading it will seem very easy to understand ...I downloaded the audio book
It is very interesting
And Water, a Universal element
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-29-2011 at 11:56 PM.
09-29-2011, 11:47 PM
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This says it all
Remember Tesla's Motives
let not him who desires this knowledge for the purpose of procuring wealth and pleasure think that he will ever attain to it. [...]
Those, therefore, that desire this Art as a means of procuring temporal honour, pleasure, and wealth, are the most foolish of
men; and they can never obtain that which they seek at so great an expense of money, time, and trouble, and which fills their
hearts, their minds, and all their thoughts( you influence water, water has memory and your intent is reflected in water ). For
this reason the Sages have expressed a profound contempt for worldly wealth (not as though it were in itself a bad thing, seeing that it is
highly commended in Holy Scripture as an excellent gift of God, but because of its vile abuse). They despised it because it seemed to
hinder men from following the good and the true, and to introduce a mischievous confusion into their conceptions of right and wrong.
The Sophic Hydrolith, Or, Water Stone of the Wise, by Anonymous, 17th Cen.
Open Source or Nothing
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-30-2011 at 12:16 AM.
09-30-2011, 12:32 PM
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#789 (permalink)
did you guys watch the doc...truly amazing
from: Pyramid
beautiful image, thanks Haan and sucahyo
6 3 9 , you are seeing 6 and 3
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-30-2011 at 12:46 PM.
09-30-2011, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by MonsieurM
6 3 9 this is an amazing combination but if you pay attention it amazingly Fractal in its design but also how you can play with it:
or if you prefer playing with the perspective
6 3 9 = (3 3 ) 3 (3 3 3)
6 3 9 = 6 3 (6 3)
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now graphically 6 and 9 are two opposing vortex that create 3, when 6 and 9 are joined i get 3 thus 3 can be broken up into 6
and 9...follow me so far
think of it this way
3 = ( 6 9 )
so we get
6 3 9 = 6 ( 6 9 ) 9
these statements are electromagnetically applicable...just use your imagination
and that is what you saw Farmhand
I just wanted to raise an important point about The 6 3 9 Fractal Engine
It is a system that will always be in Equilibrium; a good analogy for that would be a tubular balloon filled with air....if you squeeze it on one side it
will compensate by inflating on the other we have as an example:
6 3 9
6 3 9
6 3 9
6 3 9
Remember this 6 3 9 is a Fractal Engine
it will always compensate on the other two elements
a good example of that is the above picture of the mountain...think on it...what do you see...
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#790 (permalink)
hint: think vibrational (you have one solid and )
Last edited by MonsieurM : 09-30-2011 at 01:00 PM.
09-30-2011, 03:28 PM
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Posts: 2,276
Originally Posted by MonsieurM
did you guys watch the doc...truly amazing
from: Pyramid
beautiful image, thanks Haan and sucahyo
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#791 (permalink)
6 3 9 , you are seeing 6 and 3
Cool vid
What most people dont take into consideration is there was another civilization before the flood mentioned in the Bible.
I believe they were highly evolved but used stone as their primary building materials instead of wood as we do today.
Im sure they had all the tools we have today and maybe more, I dont believe the Egyptians build the pyramids they used them but didnt build
them. If you were in the nile valley you would probably have built next to them as opposed to just open sand.
The Bible also says there were giants in those days so I believe the giant skeletal remains found are real, there just hidden mainly because they
would verify that the Bible is the true Word of God.
Look through the fog the Light is Bright
09-30-2011, 09:26 PM
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Posts: 243
Howdy MM. I've been thinking about the noble gasses, and how the "waters divided". Hope this is useful for
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By virtue of being a "seed of metals" -- the metals would have to be capable of growing OUT of them.
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So, by that virtue -- they would have to be the "still center" of that octave.
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Which, looking down that center balanced line -- its gotta be some kind of inert gas -- or an inert gas which has been purified from its "defilements". I
think we have some small percentage of inert gases in our brains. I never really gave much thought as to why, or what they did up there...
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In "D" Co-relate those little white dots on there -- with the white sparks in the sky. I'm not exactly sure why -- but I think it has to do with the North,
contracting pole of the magnet.
Here's another...
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If you look at the two pictures with the white dots -- they somehow co-relate with being a life energy. "Source" of consciousness -- I havent yet
decided, but I definitely know those white sparks vitalize you.
Okay, so this next chart should tell us why we might need to use the feminine of magnesia (south magnetic) pole on the water first....
Look at the "fusion" box on the top left corner. Before you can contract it, it must first be expanded to be able to be contracted.
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Also -- Connecting this thread with "As above, so Below" thread.... Here's why the white, would co-relate with IRON -- which is just before colbalt --
the (our planet's core?)
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#792 (permalink)
See how colbalt has that void -- where in the other pictures there were those white dots? Well, if you look in "D", right after the white dots (where the
two norths contract in one of the above pictures) -- there is a Blank spot next -- colbalt.
I think those were good for translating. I do not know if Russell actually knew, or Intended to tell us that he was giving us these clues.
09-30-2011, 09:35 PM
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Posts: 243
Here's a few more for funsies.
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Father is the sun, mother is the moon -- Bourne in the wind's belly....
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Thank you Russell, Thank you MM.
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#793 (permalink)
#794 (permalink)
This sure is cool.
I've looked over these pictures many times since I found them an hour ago. Makes me go like
Cause it's hidden in plain sight.
but it's still really awesome.
09-30-2011, 10:03 PM
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This is one Russel should have made, this model shows how the vector field of a planet connects to the magnetic field
09-30-2011, 10:18 PM
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#795 (permalink)
Senior Member
MM you and Petar both will enjoy this trailer, Brian sent this to me, I was hoping he would post it but I guess I will.
Thrive Coming Soon
09-30-2011, 10:58 PM
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Hmm I guess he did, we just didnt understand it
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#796 (permalink) 10-01-2011, 05:03 AM
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Natural Law Based Design And Construction
It may be good to look at Vaastu proportions in the designs being considered:
Vaastu: Secrets of a Happy & Healthy Home
Vaastushastra says that if the structure of your house is so designed that the positive forces override the negative forces then there is a
beneficial release of bio-energy, which helps you and your family members to live a happy and healthy life. A positive cosmic field prevails in a
Vaastulogically constructed house, where the atmosphere is congenial for a smooth and happy life. Contrary to this, if the same structure is built
in a manner that the negative forces override the positive, the overbearing negative field makes your actions, efforts and thoughts negative.
Herein comes the benefits of Vaastu, which guides you to have a positive atmosphere at home.
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#797 (permalink)
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Five elements
According to vastu sastra, the world comprises five basic elements known as the pancha maha bhoota. Out of the eight planets, ours has life
because of the presence and balance of these five elements. The five elements are as follows.
Natural Law Based Design And Construction
Principles of Maharishi Vastu Architecture | Maharishi Vastu Architecture
Because the individual life is cosmic, everything about
individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life.
Maharishi Vedic architecture gives dimensions, formulas,
and orientations to the buildings that will provide cosmic
harmony and support to the individual for his peace,
prosperity, and good health daily life in accord with
Natural Law, daily life in the evolutionary direction. Maharishi Mahesh Yog
3. Right Proportion: Proportion is a key to successful design in nature. Right proportion and measurement in buildings strengthen the connection of
our individual intelligence to Cosmic Intelligence.
When a house is designed the dimensions of the building are calculated using the ancient mathematical formulas of Vastu Vidya of Maharishi
Sthapatya Veda architecture. These Vedic formulas take into consideration, among other factors, the relationship of the house owner with the
sun, moon, planets, and stars to ensure a perfect resonance between the cosmic structures and all components of the house.
10-01-2011, 05:56 AM
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Posts: 146
This thread is making my head hurt :)
Hey guys I watched that new Pyramid vid the other day too. A must see. Couldn't help think of Ed Leedskalnin & Marko Rodin. THat thrive vid
looks interesting. That "FE" device in all their animations reminded me a bit of this one over in the joule thief sec variants thread.
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#798 (permalink)
#799 (permalink)
10-01-2011, 07:01 PM
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jimboot Thanks for the nice input
this is what Dave was talking about
ps: sorry for the headache keep learning it will fade away
10-01-2011, 07:05 PM
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from: Alternative Energy Institute: Walter Russell (missing page found on |
Walter Russell is known as the "Man Who Tapped the Secrets of The Universe," "The Modern Leonardo," and "The Most Versatile
Man in America." Gifted as a poet, painter, sculptor, author, musician, architect, scientist and mystic, Walter Russell's impact on early
20th century spiritual and scientific thought was impressive. His original and unique Periodic Table of the elements accurately predicted
the location and characteristics of four undiscovered elements. It wouldn't be until years later that these elements deuterium, tritium,
neptunium and plutonium were detected by laboratory researchers.
Tesla urged Russell, "Bury your ideas in a vault for a thousand years to await the unfolding of human consciousness to
comprehend your vision."
Curiously, Russell developed this Periodic Table while in a heightened state of awareness. In fact, Russell's first "illumining" occurred in
May 1878 when he was just seven years old. From then on, periodic enlightenments convinced Russell that God was teaching him
"increasing innersensory perception instead of the outersensory perception of man's education concepts." (1)
This state of heightened awareness inspired his work and philosophy throughout his lifetime. When Russell was fourteen years old, the
disease Black diptheria seemingly destroyed his throat and cut off his breathing. Doctors pronounced the illness fatal with a prognosis for
death. In "The Story of My Illumining," Russell wrote, "Then, again, came the great Light which had come to me in my first illumining and I
arose from my bed to the great amazement of my weeping parents and to the doctors who found that throat functioned as properly as
though it were perfectly healed." Russell spent several weeks drawing and writing about the basic nature and structure of the universe.
He sketched out the basis for the structure of atomic, solar and stellar systems, as well as the connection between sound, light and
matter. His family thought him mad and fit for a mental institution, but the family doctor disagreed. The physician did not comprehend the
complex thoughts that Russell was committing to paper, but he knew that Russell was definitely not crazy.
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#800 (permalink)
#801 (permalink)
#802 (permalink)
Last edited by MonsieurM : 10-01-2011 at 07:11 PM.
10-01-2011, 08:27 PM
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Tesla urged Russell, "Bury your ideas in a vault for a thousand years to await the unfolding of human consciousness to comprehend your vision."
That time is now
10-02-2011, 12:43 AM
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Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I've been focusing intently on my perpetual energy project. Trying to get parts altered to build a
prototype. Unfortunately it's a bit expensive; at least for my taste. However, if I get the parts back I should have it built within a few weeks. As
you suggested I will document it with video. I'm not all that concerned though; I already have the math completed so it should work. But I have
to say 3 1/2 years of struggle with minute succeses and monumental failures wears on the soul terribly. Yet I know in the end that diligence, hard
work and harder study will end only in success.
10-02-2011, 02:41 AM
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Posts: 146
Originally Posted by MonsieurM
awesome set up, i have a Rodin coil waiting to be tested for some AC/DC, besides the name is befitting otherwise the group Tesla would
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#803 (permalink)
got to find me a magnet rod (or or coiled on a Vogel Crystal ), I'll coil a Caduceus place in middle of Rodin Coil and turn on the
music....(I'll hook some small power to the caduceus ) yeaaaahhhh new experiment
from the comments on the vid:
my thinking is directional sound healing (maybe )
[IMG] [/IMG]
Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal / Neo rod + Rodin Coil
You'll find the rodin coil works better as a speaker when stuck on a resonator or in a cabinet. He're one I did a while back. Rodin loudspeaker in a
cabinet - YouTube and this one. Rodin coil loudspeaker - YouTube
10-02-2011, 04:34 AM
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Cosmic Energy And Vastu
Cosmic energy And Vastu
Energy Dynamics
Vastushastra essentially deals with two energy sources - the solar energy flux and the geomagnetic energy flux. The science of vastu aims at
controlling the flow of these energies in a vastu by selecting proper directions and alignments for the vastu. Location of doors, windows, color
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scheme, flooring patterns, planting of trees - all these parameters play an important role in enhancing energy field for human being to live in
harmony with nature.The south, southwest and the west are the directions subjected to excessive cosmic particle activity.
Conventionally, the north is source and the south is the sink for electromagnetic flux lines. Sub atomic particles travelling along the geomagnetic
flux lines end up at the southern tip. Excessive cosmic radiation particles, particularly, positively charged particles, enter the earth from the west
rather than the east.
Specially, in Indian context, excessive solar radiation come from south, southwest, and southeast directions. It is always suggested that the
compound walls in the south direction should be greater in height and thikness. Also, the plinth of all the rooms in the south should be more. It is
suggested to construct basements, underground water tanks and extra floor on the south side, with terraces towards the north and east
Cosmic Energy, Helix And Golden Ratio
To contain these vortices of cosmic and thermal imbalances, vastushastra offers a remedy in the form of the helix concept. Helix , the natural
growth shape is known as the mystery and the magic of the almighty. It finds refrence in all the ancient scriptures as the centre of energy
balance is located at the origin of a a logarithmic helix fitted in a rectangle with sides having proportianate golden ratio of 1:1.618.
The effects of most of the vastudosha diminish automatically if this helix centre lies in side the vastu. The idea of constructng the vastu in the
south west zone implies arranging of the centre of energy balance in the actual building area.This center is the nabhi or the focal point of the plot
and is the source of all cosmic energies. The centre is confined to the vastu by constructing the vastu in the south west zone. Rather the vastu
experts should try to position this power in the north east zone of the vastu.
Before planning any vastu, the plot should be demarked in the ratio 1:1.618 (length:breadth) known as the golden ratio. A helix flowing from north
east to south west should be marked to fix the nabhi (energy centre) of the vastu. The nabhi is treated as the brahamsthal (focal point) of the
vastu and around this focal point, equidistant borderlines should be drawn. With nabhi as vastu centre, other rooms can be planned easily.
The two activities, breathing of vastu and manifestation of energy, are centred around nabhi. If the nabhi and brahamsthal of the vastu
coincides, there is an enhancement of the vital characteristics and virtues of the vastu. The flaws in the vastu can be traced to and technically
analysed on the basis of the difference between the nabhi and the brahamsthal of the vastu.
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If the north east, north and east sides of the plot are provided with slopping terrain and then the massiveness is increased systematically from
south east to south west, with a gradual rise towards the south west and slope towards the north east, then the nabhi of such a plot acts as
the centre of all energies emerging from the interior of the earth and other cosmic energies. This results in the creation of an envelope of life
sustainig energy vibrations around the entire vastu.
Raising of the plinth in the south direction, having a underground water tank or open water body in the north, east or northeast direction and all
such tenets of vastu planning as explained before, help to achieve the golden ratio and implement the helix concept in a house. A few
predominant effects are -
1. Interrupting the south pingala current flow.
2. Achieving energy-mass balance through, proportionate compensation for geomagnetic and energy disturbances.
3. Augmenting the north idla current flow, bestowing the vastu with drive bliss.
4. Regulating the excessive southern zone temperatures through water vapour emission processes of trees like nilgiri and neem.
5. Creating healthy atmosphere in the house through the scent and aroma of herbal plants.
6. Enhancing the quality of the vastu through beneficial effects of transverse polarisation of sunlight falling on an open water surface.
The Importance Of Shape
Every shape in nature has definite role to play. Environmental circumstances and conditions dictate shape, and other qualities of living and non
living entities. The helix or the spiral has been considered as a shape that is union of right angle and a sphere. The right angle represents the
existence, a thought (purush) and the sphere represents the shadow of existence, a sentiment (prakriti). The right angle with the spiral flow of
energy forms the sacred and growing shape.
The circle represents a state of flux, the expanding energy from it's centre evolving it's shape, ultimately culminating in the square.
Squares and rectangles represent dynamically balanced figures and shapes. Squares and rectangles match their axes with geo-magnetic axis.
Force lines of gravitation and magnetism do not form any zigzag pattern in square and rectangle. The flow of elementary particles through such
figures will hardly intersect the network of force lines. This will lead to a healthy, good and salubrious cosmic environment.
The most prefered shape in the vastushastra is square as it does justice to all the eight directions. The square symbolises order, stability, and the
final state of evolving life. It is perfection beyond life and death. The essence of the square is retained by any mandala as long as the area is
kept unaltered. It embodies prithvai tatwa which in turn symbolises shabda (speech), sparsha (touch), roop (shape), rasa (taste), and gandha
(smell), the entities catalysts of wordly pleasures.
Rectangles with the minor axis along the east-west direction and major axis along the north-south will have the least lateral perimeter exposure
to the sun, resulting in cooler and shadow sections, whereas in the reverse case where the minor axis is along the north-south direction, a very
large perimeter gets exposed to the sun which is objectionable in vastushastra.
Any excessively high temperature characteristics create disturbance in magnetic force lines, imparting them with random zigzag pathways leading
to cosmic hazards. Hence in old structures, thick walls are found on the south side which has outstanding characteristics to resist radiation
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Planning Vastu In Plots Of Irregular Shape
The position of house in a plot, the size and the shape of the house are of extreme importance for attaining requisite virtues in a vastu through
balancing of known and unknown forces made possible by proper location of the vastu in a vastu kshetra. A good balanced posture of a house in
a plot bestowing divine bliss on the household can be planned by giving due consideration to the effective influence of each direction.
Extended south direction means reduced stress concentration requiring reduced matter content.
Elevate the south east and south west plinth sides.Construct additional floors on the south east and south west sides simultaneously and add
heavy gravitational mass to the shaded direction. Additional length on the south side and narrowing of the north side require the usual treatment
of normal gravitational mass on the south side and maximum open spaces on the north side.Creating maximum terraces on the north zone is the
basis of planning for this case.
Due to additional northeast and reduced south and southwest, there is excessive stress concentration towards the south due to coagulation of
magnetic force lines from extended north region getting focus on a small width of south region.
Creating basements towards the north and noth east, with provision for higher and dense zones towards the south, south west and south east
sides. can reduce the vastudosha in this case. Landscaping and plantation should also be considered to minimise the stress on the south.
Extended south implies reduced stress concentration, thereby allowing normal loading on the south side. Load in the south east zone is to be
increased by raising south east plinth or adding extra floor in south east. Reduced north can be compensated by construction of basement and
placing some water source in the north direction.
Availability of excess southeast zone permits the building alignment to be shifted to the south east corner to match the overall centre of
construction with the shifted centre of energy of the entire plot.
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#804 (permalink)
10-02-2011, 11:23 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 10,020
Nice post IndianaBoys...This just shows how highly advanced Indian Architecture was...It also reminds me of Feng shui - Wikipedia, the free
check this out, this was posted here:
Originally Posted by phi1.62
I only found out about these recently:
SubQuantum Etheric Energy (aka Aetheric Energy) Site Home Page
Called a Jenny Cell, they're basically a Joe Cell but use high ormus materials instead of water. It seems to have been around for a few
years but there seems to be few people researching this. Use of the cell in automobiles was not the primary intention of it's inventor
but the inventor claims that those who have tried the cell on automobiles have seen fuel savings. Thought it would be of interest to Joe
Cell researchers.
from the link :
A Few Basics About the Jenny Cell Technology
There currently exist two types or classes of Jenny Cell technology. The Jenny Cell technologies are still a very new set of technologies,
but they are firmly based upon research which I have been performing for many years in the following fields:
since the late 1970s on shape technologies (aka form resonance or topological aetheric physics; my colleague Dr. Patrick
Flanagan has sometimes referenced this field as magnetic form resonance), particularly using forms/shapes such as cones,
pyramids, spheres, hemispheres, parallel plates (separated by a dielectric or by a diaetheric) and coaxial cylinders.
since the late 1970s on exotic energies, particularly etheric energy, aka aetheric energy.
since the early 1980s on exotic forms of minerals and ores (these forms are often called nowadays by names such as ormus
and ormes), and on using these exotic forms not only in human and animal nutrition but as a diaetheric (an aetheric energy
equivalent of a dielectric) medium in aetheric energy circuits.
since the late 1970s on the use of ceramics, particularly ferromagnetic ceramics (aka ferrites) and ferroelectric ceramics as
transducers and media of exotic energies, i.e., as diaetheric materials.
since the mid 1970s on high voltage potentials and discharges and their effects in harnessing or harvesting aetheric energy.
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#805 (permalink) 10-02-2011, 11:33 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 10,020
Originally Posted by jimboot
You'll find the rodin coil works better as a speaker when stuck on a resonator or in a cabinet. He're one I did a while back. Rodin
loudspeaker in a cabinet - YouTube and this one. Rodin coil loudspeaker - YouTube
I tested my Rodin Coil hooked to an amplifier with Magnetix Rod
As you can see from the image the rod is hollow on the inside so when placed inside the Rodin Coil the sound emitted in that hollow space is of
higher quality ....however i connected 6 rods together and i can tell you that the vibration were felt in the tip of the last rod (i know vibration is
the cause and that is good...remember cascade effect )
the idea is to induce vibration in the Vogel Crystal (see the video on the sound effect on a flame ) which is a piezo crystal and the
resonance chamber is your body so if touched by the Vogel Crystal It will transmit the vibration and emf to you....
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#806 (permalink) 10-02-2011, 12:03 PM
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Follow up on the Jenny Cell:
Type I Jenny Cell
The Jenny Cell type I technology, much like the Joe Cell and the Proton Cell, employs concentric coaxially-aligned metal tubes,
with a customized mixture of dry exotic high-ormus ores filling the inter-coaxial space; some versions employ also a cluster of
small but powerful neodymium magnets at the heart of the cell, deployed in a specific and precise geometry. While the type I
Jenny Cell will accumulate an aetheric energy charge over time even with no DC bias applied, it will charge much faster if a DC bias
voltage of anywhere from 1.3 VDC to about 100 VDC is applied (some models can handle up to 450 VDC bias voltage) to the cell. I call
the DC supply voltage a bias voltage because, other than a very brief current surge due to traditional capacitive charging effects when
power is first applied to a Jenny Cell, the cell draws only a very tiny current, well less than 0.3 ua (microamperes) at 15 VDC, for a total
power consumption of under 0.000004 watts, or less than 4 microwatts!
DC Electrical Bias
While a Jenny Cell seems to be able to accrue aetheric energy without any electrical input, it seems that the rate at which the cell will
receive and accrue aetheric energy from quantum space, i.e., from the aether, is accelerated if the cell is exposed to a DC bias voltage
impressed across the cell by applying the bias voltage to the innermost cylinder and to the outermost cylinder, most commonly with
negative leg of the DC bias supply fed to the innermost cylinder, and the positive leg of the DC bias fed to the outermost cylinder. Aside
from initial (and brief) capacitive charging phenomena, the Jenny Cells present very high impedance to impressed DC bias voltage, and a
typical Jenny Cell will draw well less than one microampere of current at a potential of 30 volts, and will concomitantly draw well less than
one microwatt in power at that same applied DC voltage. I find particularly that applied EMF (electromotive force) in the range of from 1
volt to as much as 600 volts or more can be useful in accelerating the rate at which the cell receives and stores aetheric energy.
Interestingly, the increase in device performance versus increases in applied voltage appears to be somewhat linear but "slow". In other
words, doubling the applied DC bias voltage across a Jenny Cell will not double the rate at which it accrues energy, but rather, will usually
increase the rate of accrual of aetheric energy on the order of about 12%. So far, use of AC waveforms, including square wave pulses
superimposed upon the DC bias voltage, has usually not proven very useful.
Type II Jenny Cell
The type II Jenny Cell technology employs nested and stacked hemispherical shapes with an exotic mix of exotic dry high-ormus
minerals and ores employed as a dry solid-state aetheric energy medium dielectric between the hemispheres, and, like the
concentric coaxial tube array discussed above, employing a DC bias voltage applied across the stack. I will share more details as time
passes. (see also this post on an idea i posted starting at : Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals )
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Peter Davey's Set up
This website has some very interesting infos...check it out
Aetheric Bioelectrical Polymeric-Matrix: A Molecular Resonance Material: Theoretical explanation of the Joe Cell: Jan Wicherink
The nature of this cosmic charging of the Joe Cell can be explained by Daniel Winters implosion physics. Well explain, what this
free energy, actually is and how it can be harnessed. Harold Puthoff has termed it the zero point energy from the vacuum from his
discoveries of quantum science. This zero point energy has been discovered many times before and has been given many names
such as Orgone energy (Wilhelm Reich) and Tachyon energy. This energy has been known to mankind since time memorial, the
ancients called it Chi (Chinese), Ki (Japanese) or Prana (Indian). Modern day science is just catching up with ancient wisdom and
rediscovering it as zero point energy. Lets call it the energy of life, as Wilhelm Reich discovered it, its the energy that animates and
gives life to every living specie on earth, whether it be plant, animal or human. Its the same energy that gives life to the Joe Cell as it
harnesses this life force or Orgone energy from the universe.
we could also add what David Wilcock calls it Source Field
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#807 (permalink)
Last edited by MonsieurM : 10-02-2011 at 12:55 PM.
10-02-2011, 12:06 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 10,020
I am currently testing the following water alkalizer (which i had for quite a while ) coupled with head phones playing the 528 hz Solfeggio
ps: tourmaline is piezo so think of the sound vibration on it
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#808 (permalink)
+ water memory
Theoretically you could build a Rodin Coil Big enough to house The water Alkalizer in it center...the good thing is it will act as a
resonant chamber filled with water
a larger version of the experiment with magnetix rod
10-02-2011, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MonsieurM
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see post: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
note: the quartz container should be filled with magnetite and dead sea salt + water + colloidal gold to interact with the UV
light; vortex with magnetic stirrer
the principal elements are dead sea salt and magnetite
Another piece that you could add to the above set up;
Background and History on Aetheric Energy Charging Device
Introduction and Overview of the Intent of This Article
Since at least the early 1950's there have existed several aetheric energy technologies -- primarily used originally for treating agricultural
soil and for other ag purposes -- which employed aetheric energy batteries along with high-voltage corona (and/or spark) discharges.
Perhaps the best known of these technologies is the aetheric energy agricultural electro-culture device, also known as an aetheric
energy charging device, along with its aetheric energy acidless battery (aka acid-free battery), first introduced in the early 1950s in Utah
by a mysterious gentleman named Al Sinclair. There still exist to this day at least five devices based upon this early aetheric energy
technology, most of them in the hands of researchers in the Rocky Mountain and Southwestern regions of the USA. The best-known of
these devices is a highly-modified and evolved version of the technology which was created by Danae Harding and Vernon Roth of
Ancient Technologies (aka Ancient Tek) to treat water (referenced by many as Sparky Water) and other products for use as energetic
ormus-rich nutritional supplements. The Ancient Tek aetheric energy charging device, which they sometimes call an AquaMega device,
employs a Joe Cell-like aetheric energy battery as one of its components.
The same authors found that even the dissolution of NaCl
in water produces & growth-stimulating radiation (Table 14) This
energy emission occurs only during the act oI dissolving ; it- ceases
completely when all the salt i8 in solution' No effect is noticeable
when sugar is dissolved in water, or when palmitic acid is dissolved
in alcohol. Wolff and Ras concluded therefore that the process
of dissociation of salt into ions is the source of ultraviolet'
more on this here: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
and look what i found in a poem of Rumi
When matter dissolves in the Ocean
the particles glow. As who I am now
melts in a candle flame, identity
becomes one vast motion.
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#809 (permalink)
#810 (permalink)
for those who don't know who Rumi is: Rumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited by MonsieurM : 10-02-2011 at 05:13 PM.
10-02-2011, 01:07 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,276
Your crystal idea may help with healing, using frequency's to kill cancer, bacteria ect:
10-02-2011, 02:32 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 10,020
Originally Posted by Dave45
Your crystal idea may help with healing, using frequency's to kill cancer, bacteria ect:
that is the idea
As I was reading the Article Background and History on Aetheric Energy Charging Device
it kept talking about the Mormons and the Dream Mine and some out of this world i figured I'd go a little back in history to check
out what the local indian tribes had to say about the Mountain where the Mine is Located... guess what i found
Legend of the Sleeping Ute Mountain
In the very old days, the Sleeping Ute Mountain was a Great Warrior God. He came to help fight against the Evil Ones who were
causing much trouble.
A tremendous battle between the Great Warrior God and the Evil Ones followed. As they stepped hard upon the earth and braced
themselves to fight, their feet pushed the land into mountains and valleys. This is how the country of this region came to be as it is
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The Great Warrior God was hurt, so he lay down to rest and fell into a deep sleep. The blood from his wound turned into living water for
all creatures to drink.
When the fog or clouds settle over the Sleeping Warrior God, it is a sign that he is changing his blankets for the four seasons. When the
Indians see the light green blanket over their "God", they know it is spring. The dark green blanket is summer, the yellow and red one is
fall, and the white one is winter.
The Indians believe that when the clouds gather on the highest peak, the Warrior God is pleased with his people and is letting rain clouds
slip from his pockets. They also believe that the Great Warrior God will rise again to help them in the fight against their enemies.
The Sky People
Hundreds of years ago, long after the cliff dwellers left their canyon top and cliff dwellings, native people cane from the south into the
vast area we call Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. These people, now known as Utes, lives here long before the Spanish explorers arrived
with their large expeditions and herds of horses. The Ute families, bands, and encampments were spread out across this large area. Their
customs were very similar and all spoke the same language even though they didn't often see each other.
The Utes believed that the mountains were put there by Manitou. He was the Great Spirit who lived all alone in the center of the sky. He
grew lonesome and wanted to create something new so he made a hole in the sky and swept all the stones and dirt from the sky's floor
through the hole.
Manitou looked down and saw the great mountains he had made from the dirt and rocks. Some of the dirt became the rolling plains that
stretched as far as he could see. He was so pleased with his landscape that he poured down snow and rain to make the earth more
beautiful. Manitou created the trees, flowers and finally the Ute Indians to live in this new world.
The Utes believe that Manitou had also made all of the animals as well as the birds. It is said he made the birds by taking handfuls of
leaves and throwing them in the air. Then the leaves became birds and flew away.
But the worst thing of all happened. The animals soon began to fight and kill each other and that made Manitou mad, so he created the
strongest animal to rule over all the others to see that they lived in peace. This was the grizzly bear, the king of all beasts.
more on this in the link
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