Asme CCase 2079-1
Asme CCase 2079-1
Asme CCase 2079-1
, on a metal tag attached
by wire and meeting the requirements of UG-119.
(d) The assembler must demonstrate to the satisfac-
tion of the manufacturer the ability to perform each
type of conversion. The Manufacturer shall document
all authorizations granted to perform part conversions
and shall maintain records of all part conversions made
by the assembler. The assembler shall maintain a le
of such authorizations.
(e) At least annually a review shall be performed
by the manufacturer of an assemblers system and
machining capabilities. The Manufacturer shall docu-
ment the results of these reviews. A copy of this
documentation shall be kept on le by the assembler.
The review results shall be made available, upon request,
to the designated representative of ASME.
(f) The valve in the nal modied condition shall
be tested in accordance with PG-73.4 or UG-136(d).
Asme BPVC Code Cases 1998 Edition CCASE12079 06-15-98 13:21:09
This is Electrontic File Page # 140