Service Level Agreement Template
Service Level Agreement Template
Service Level Agreement Template
This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the Private Partner will provide
specified Services (collectively referred to as the Services) to the Agency and the Public. The
obective is to provide a basis and framewor! for the delivery of high "uality services that meet the
needs of the Agency.#awassa business development resource center and$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
for the provisioning of %usiness development& capacity building and 'T services re"uired to
support and sustain the Product.
This Agreement remains valid until superseded by a revised agreement mutually endorsed by the
This Agreement outlines the parameters of %usiness development all 'T services covered as they
are mutually understood by the primary sta!eholders.
1. Goals & Objectives
The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in
place to provide consistent 'T service support and delivery to the (ustomer(s) by the Service
The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for 'T service provision between the
Service Provider(s) and (ustomer(s).
The objectives of this Agreement are to)
Provide clear reference to service ownership& accountability& roles and*or responsibilities.
Present a clear& concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer.
+atch perceptions of e,pected service provision with actual service support - delivery.
2. Stakeholders
The following Service Provider(s) and (ustomer(s) will be used as the basis of the Agreement
and represent the primary stakeholders associated.
! Service "rovider#s$% #awassa %usiness .evelopment resource center
! &ustomer#s$% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
'A(ASSA )*S+,SS -,.,/O"0,+! 1,SO*1&, &,+!,1
2. "eriodic 1eview
This Agreement is valid from the ,33ective -ate outlined herein and is valid until further notice.
This Agreement should be reviewed at a minimum$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/ however& in lieu of a
review during any period specified& the current Agreement will remain in effect.
The )usiness 1elationship 0anager (.ocument 0wner) is responsible for facilitating regular
reviews of this document. (ontents of this document may be amended as re"uired& provided
mutual agreement is obtained from the primary sta!eholders and communicated to all affected
parties. The .ocument 0wner will incorporate all subse"uent revisions and obtain mutual
agreements * approvals as re"uired.
)usiness 1elationship 0anager% #awassa %usiness .evelopment 1esources (enter
1eview "eriod% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+e4t 1eview -ate% $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
5. Service Agreement
The following detailed service parameters are the responsibility of the Service Provider in the
ongoing support of this Agreement.
2.3. Service Scope
The following Services are available our (enter& we provide)4
Professional support in developing strategies business plans and action plans
%usiness plan and s!ill development trainings
0ffer library and 54library service
%asic and advanced computer training
Software6s training li!e SPSS& Peachtree and So on7777.
.evelop 8ebsite
9ast broadband internet service
9a,& Photocopy& printing& scan and binding and others services
'A(ASSA )*S+,SS -,.,/O"0,+! 1,SO*1&, &,+!,1
#all and <(. Proector rent
2.:. (ustomer 1e"uirements
&ustomer responsibilities and*or re"uirements in support of this Agreement include)
Payment for all support costs at the agreed interval.
1easonable availability of customer representative(s) when resolving a service related
incident or re"uest.
2.=. Service Provider 1e"uirements
Service "rovider responsibilities and*or re"uirements in support of this Agreement include)
+eeting response times associated with service related incidents.
Appropriate notification to (ustomer for all scheduled maintenance.
2.2. Service Assumptions
Assumptions related to in4scope services and*or components include)
(hanges to services will be communicated and documented to all sta!eholders.
'A(ASSA )*S+,SS -,.,/O"0,+! 1,SO*1&, &,+!,1
6. Service 0anagement
5ffective support of in4scope services is a result of maintaining consistent service levels. The
following sections provide relevant details on service availability& monitoring of in4scope
services and related components.
;.3. Service 1e"uests
'n support of services outlined in this Agreement& the Service Provider will respond to
service related incidents and*or re"uests submitted by the (ustomer within the following
time frames)
> 4 3> hours (during business hours) for issues classified as 'igh priority.
1emote assistance will be provided in4line with the above timescales dependent on the
priority of the support re"uest.
'A(ASSA )*S+,SS -,.,/O"0,+! 1,SO*1&, &,+!,1