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Gazette Date: 13/05/2014 Last Date: 18/06/2014 Category No: 198/2014

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Gazette Date: 13/05/2014

Last Date: 18/06/2014

Category No: 198/2014
Applications must be submitted online through the official website of the
Commission after 'ONE TIME REGITRATION'! Candidates who ha"e alread#
registered can appl# through their profile!
$ Name of the firm % &ocal elf Go"ernment 'epartment
( Name of )ost % Third Grade O"erseer*Third Grade 'raftsman
+ cale of )a# % Rs!,,-./$012.
- Number of "acancies % $2, 3One hundred and eight# nine4
Note%/ 3i4 The number of candidates to be included in the hort
&ist*)robabilit# &ist of the abo"e post will be decided as per the
a"ailabilit# of admitted applications!
3ii4 The abo"e "acancies are now in e5istence! The list of selected
candidates published b# the Commission in )ursuance of this
Notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of One #ear
and a ma5imum period of three #ears pro"ided that list will not
continue to be in force if a new Ran6ed &ist after the e5pir# of
minimum period of one #ear is published! Candidate will be
ad"ised against the "acancies shown abo"e and for all the "acancies
reported during the period of pendenc# of the Ran6ed list!
3iii4 The 7erala )ublic er"ice Commission shall ha"e the power to
cancel the ad"ice for appointment of an# candidates to the abo"e
post8 if it is subse9uentl# found that such ad"ice was made under
some mista6e! On such cancellation8 the appointing authorit# shall
terminate the ser"ice of candidate8 pro"ided that8 the cancellation of
ad"ice for appointment b# the Commission and subse9uent
termination of ser"ice of the candidate b# the appointing authorit#
shall be made with in the period of probation or (-. da#s from the
date of :oining dut# whiche"er is earlier!
1 Method of Appointment % 'irect Recruitment
0 Age % $2/+0! ;Onl# candidates born between .(!.$!$,<2
and .$!.$!$,,03both dates included4 are eligible
to appl# for this post=! Other >ac6ward
Communities and C*T candidates are eligible
for usual age rela5ation!

?for other conditions regarding the age rela5ation please see )ara (3i483ii48 3iii483i"48
3"i48 3"ii4 and 35ii4 of the General Conditions@
$ Must have passed SSLC or equivalent
( Must possess an# one of the following
3a4 7erala Go"ernment Certificate E5amination 3( #ear course4 in Ci"il
3b4 'iploma in Craftsmanship in the Trade of 'raftsman 3Ci"il4 obtained after
$2 months course 3followed b# 0 months practical training4 at the industrial
Training institute*Centres conducted b# Go"ernment of India8 Ministr# of
3c4 'iploma in Ci"il Engineering 3( #ears course4 in Bomen's )ol# technics!
2! Mode of submitting applications%

Candidates shall register as per 'ONE TIME REGITRATION C s#stem on the
Official Bebsite of 7erala )ublic er"ice Commission 'www!6eralapsc!go"!in' for appl#ing
for the post! Candidates who ha"e registered shall appl# b# logging on to their profile using
their Dser/ I' and password! Candidates shall clic6 on the 'Appl# Now' button of the
respecti"e posts in the Notification lin6 for appl#ing for a post! No application fee is re9uired!
Candidates can "iew and ha"e a print/out of the details in the profile b# clic6ing the lin6
Registration Card8 if re9uired! Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal
information and secrec# of password! >efore appl#ing for a post8 candidates must ensure
correctness of the information in their profile! The# must 9uote the Dser/I' for further
communication with the commission! Applications once submitted will be recei"ed as
pro"isional and particulars shall not be deleted or altered after submission! Applications
submitted not in accordance with the conditions of the notification will be summaril# re:ected!
'ocuments to pro"e Aualification8 communit#8 age etc! ha"e to be produced as and when
called for!

,! &ast date of receipt of applications% $2!.0!(.$- Bednesda# up to $( midnight
$.! Address of which applications are to be sent% www!6eralapsc!go"!in
$$! 3a4 ub )aras "8 "iii8 i58 58 5i and 5iii in para ( and paras 0 and < of the general
conditions are not applicable to this post!
3b4 The selection to the abo"e concern will be sub:ect to the rules and regulations
made b# them from time to time!
3for further details see the general conditions gi"en in )art II4

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