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21 That Extra Mile: Which Is The Most Important Thing For Success in Our Life - Education, Strength and Wealth?

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21 That Extra Mile

Before we touch this discussion on what is that extra mile that need to be
travelled by a sincere seeker for realizing the truth, let us go through easy
example to understand the essence of this discussion.
Which is the most important thing for success in our life - Education, Strength and

In our life, this question would have touched us many times and our mind would have
done the argument and might have made some conclusions in one other or other way. As
we get more and more experience and as we go through this life over many and many
years, without exception every one of us, would have concluded all these three are
important elements for real success in our life. Making argument for one against the other
two, is a talk of ignorant, right?
Actually if we go little deeper here, we will find in each of these three things, the other
two elements are actually present. Let us see this simple fact clearly. Let us take, Strength,
it can be internal mental strength or external physical strength.

First let us consider physical strength and confidence(mental strength) as consequence of
it, How one increases his physical strength by going for regular physical exercises, and
learn the art of carrying out fighting though some particular skill and technic. As one
does this to a perfection level, then one can say, got real physical strength and is ready for
getting engaged in war for the sake of country or ready to win a fighting competition with
another person. Here if you notice closely, learning particular fighting skill or technic,
involves education, there one hast to educate (learn the knowledge about the technique
and the process involved in that particular technique) himself on the particular art of

Now Can one go through this learning of skill from someone would play role of master,
without paying the coaching charges? Simple question is without creating wealth one or
other way, will it be possible for one can one get this art of fighting from a great master?
So obviously there is need or requirement for wealth creation to get the strength.
The same line of reasoning is very true for one to get education or wealth. The point we
need to notice is that to get gain any one of these, other two are involved in one way or
other directly or indirectly. The only difference is when we thinking of one thing, we are
actually talking about the one are present predominantly, the other twos presence is
ignored because theyre not the predominant ones, thats all.
Another point if we are talking about success of overall life and discussing this question,
then it so obvious from our own life experience that presence of all these three in one,
brings tremendous success. In this context of life success, strength primarily means the
need for mental strength, ones ability to take risk, face fear and etc. Thus all these three
are very essential need for overall life success. So this question of arguing one
against the other two is, an argument of ignorant, is an indication of lack of
holistic clarity.
But at the same time, the question of which one is best, has another most important
aspect in the context of make-up of ones mind and this should not be ignored. We
know very well that every person is unique. Thus every mind is unique. We also know
that this uniqueness comes right from the uniqueness of way genes came together when
the first cell of this body got formed. As result, of these three things (Education, Wealth,
strength), one thing might come so naturally and well for a person in
comparison with the other two. We have seen for some persons, they are so
naturally so good in education; some persons are not that good in education but so easily
get their success in the creating wealth in or other way and so on. So in this context of
given minds make up, it right to say one of these three things are good to
start and go deeper, ignoring the other two.
But the fact will still remain the same is that for great real overall success in life, all three
things are required. So the right thing to do is go with what naturally comes to one, first,
go and deeper in that direction as deep as possible, then without getting stuck with it for
the rest of life, attack the other two. Since in each of them the other two are
already present, with one very strong in aspect now, it will be not that much
difficult to explore the other two.
Now here is the real key and core aspect of this discussion - where one has to win over
the comfort zone generally enjoyed by given mind in one aspect, and challenge it and
drive it to the other two with extra stretch and effort. If one can do that, then slowly and
consistently all three will come to one finally, thus the real success one will end up with.
So when one is ready to walk that extra mile and stretch and willing to spend
the required extra effort, [as result of the clarity in this discussion] and as
consequence one will be able to explore all the three simultaneously and that
will bound to bring the real success in life for sure.
Having gone through this example, now we are really ready to see that extra mile of a
sincere seeker who attempts for realization. Let us look at that now.
Which is the most important thing for Self-Realization - Knowledge, Meditation or

Before starting this discussion we all need to note that foundation that only will enable
any one of these three things. This foundation is the wiliness to guide ones life with
highest moral standards, which are enablers of Good Karma. In short, giving morality, a
high priority and guiding principles to lead our day to day life. Not willing to settle for
settle for anything that would call for compromising ones morality. Knowing fully that
leading such life in world, would be the most challenging and difficult one. One is
voluteerly willing to take life through this difficult path as result one is able to be in the
orbit of good karma, which will eventually lead one to one of these directions.

Without this foundation built in our life, there is no chance for anyone to get inclined
towards true knowledge, true meditation or true bhakti. So the question for us in this
discussion now is, being leading our life with on this foundation of foundation of
morality, what is the most important thing required for Self-Realization Knowledge,
Meditation or Bhakti?

People who only do Mediation for 10s of years, believe and trapped with meditation as
the only way, without knowing that meditation came naturally for them compared to
other two and their mind is not willing travel that extra mile into exploration of
Knowledge and Bhakti. Their mind keeps arguing that other two are not required. They
are really in the trap of their own mind.
The reason is very simple here, even if their meditation has taken them to emptiness, if
theyre not having the knowledge, they will not be able to recognize it, Even if they have
both meditation and knowledge, as result they experience emptiness and recognize, still
without Bhakti, they will not be able to surrender to the truth. Thus the journey towards
self-realization cannot come to its final destination of merger with GOD.

And the same thing is true with people who have been going deep only in Knowledge.
Knowledge is just theory, without meditation (experiment) they cannot experience the
truth. For them, there is no chance of touching, feeling and merging with truth.

Same thing is true with people who just travel many and many years only in the direction
of Bhakti, without touching neither the meditation nor the knowledge. Even though they
are ready to surrender, they will not know to whom to surrender and how to surrender, a
trap which their own mind creates and keeps itself there as the case of the person who
just meditates.
What happens when all the three going deeper in one?
Three elements are that are key for Self-Realization Recognizing, Experiencing and
Surrendering to Truth or GOD. If any one of these elements is missing in the
seeker, then Self-Realization cannot happen. It is a simple and beautiful fact. One
can directly see this fact without reasoning out, right? When our mind says one of the
three Knowledge, Meditation or Bhakti is enough, it is actually misleading the soul and if
soul believes this statement from mind, the soul gets trapped and will not be able to get
As discussed in detail above, it is natural that everyone starts one direction and gets
deeper there. It is perfectly fine as starting point of travel towards Self-Realization. With
the clarity we went through, if one is willing to travel that extra mile and
challenge the minds trap and travel two wards to the other two, the time of
reaching the destination will not be far away. Reason is very simple, Knowledge
brings in the ability of one to recognize the truth, Meditation brings the truth through
direct experiences to one, and Bhakti enables one to surrender to the truth.

When one fully ready and surrender completely to the truth or GOD, at same
time, very same instant, the nutshell of mind breaks, leading being to tastes
the state of realization, followed by final stretch of travel in which slow melting of
ego or letting go of ego happens and will bring end to the journey of GOD-
Realization with merger of ones self with that which alone exists in this
entire universe soon.

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