A. This three paragraph text discusses the genre of reality television.
B. The main ideas are:
1. Reality television presents unscripted situations involving ordinary people rather than actors.
2. It has become very popular since around 2000 because viewers are interested in programs related to everyday life.
3. Examples mentioned include Big Brother and reality dating shows like The Bachelor.
C. The text provides context and examples regarding the genre of reality television but does not take a clear position on whether it accurately depicts reality or has been criticized for presenting manipulated situations.
A. This three paragraph text discusses the genre of reality television.
B. The main ideas are:
1. Reality television presents unscripted situations involving ordinary people rather than actors.
2. It has become very popular since around 2000 because viewers are interested in programs related to everyday life.
3. Examples mentioned include Big Brother and reality dating shows like The Bachelor.
C. The text provides context and examples regarding the genre of reality television but does not take a clear position on whether it accurately depicts reality or has been criticized for presenting manipulated situations.
A. This three paragraph text discusses the genre of reality television.
B. The main ideas are:
1. Reality television presents unscripted situations involving ordinary people rather than actors.
2. It has become very popular since around 2000 because viewers are interested in programs related to everyday life.
3. Examples mentioned include Big Brother and reality dating shows like The Bachelor.
C. The text provides context and examples regarding the genre of reality television but does not take a clear position on whether it accurately depicts reality or has been criticized for presenting manipulated situations.
A. This three paragraph text discusses the genre of reality television.
B. The main ideas are:
1. Reality television presents unscripted situations involving ordinary people rather than actors.
2. It has become very popular since around 2000 because viewers are interested in programs related to everyday life.
3. Examples mentioned include Big Brother and reality dating shows like The Bachelor.
C. The text provides context and examples regarding the genre of reality television but does not take a clear position on whether it accurately depicts reality or has been criticized for presenting manipulated situations.
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Global Test. Semester I. Level: 1st BAC. Duration: 2 Hours.
Teacher: Hanane Hakkou
Reality television is a genre of television programming which presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional famous actors. It could be described as a form of artificial documentary. Although the enre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of its popularity dates from around 2000. Most ! viewers have become interested in such programs because they deal with sub"ects related to their everyday life. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or #ui$ shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programs produced in %apan in the &'(0s and &''0s )a modern example is *a+i no tsu+ai,, to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as .ig .rother presented in different episodes. /ritics say that the term of 0reality television0 isn1t accurate. The! also believe that such shows fre#uently present a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in abnormal situations. 2eople en"oy reality ! programs because they place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. 3or example, on the A./ show, he .achelor, an eligible male dates a do$en women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities. I. C"#$%&H&'SI"': BAS& ALL (")% A'S*&%S "' TH& T&+T A. %&AD TH& T&+T CA%&,)LL( A'D $%"-ID& IT *ITH ITS A$$%"$%IAT& TITL&. B. A'S*&% TH&S& .)&STI"'S ,%"# TH& T&+T: 1. 4hat is the main idea discussed in the text5 2. According to the writer, what does reality ! mean5 /. 6ist some of the examples of reality ! programs provided by the writer. 0. 4hy have people critici$ed Reality !5 1. Are you interested in Reality ! programs presented in the Moroccan channels5 %ustify your answer. C. A%& TH&S& STAT&#&'TS T%)& "% ,ALS&2 3)STI,( (")% A'S*&%. 1. Reality ! has always been popular. 2. Reality ! programs are interested in professional artists rather than ordinary people. /. Reality ! programs depend on the written situations. D. *HAT D" TH& )'D&%LI'&D *"%DS I' TH& T&+T %&,&% T"2 1. he genre )paragraph &,. 2. hey )paragraph 7,. &. ,I'D I' TH& T&+T *"%DS THAT #&A' TH& SA#& AS: & Global Test. Semester I. Level: 1st BAC. Duration: 2 Hours. Teacher: Hanane Hakkou 1. 4ell-+nown. )paragraph &, 2. A part of a story that is published on ! in many parts. )paragraph 2, /. Adore and have a good time. )paragraph 7, II. LA'G)AG&: A. $)T TH& -&%BS B&T*&&' B%AC4&TS I' TH& SI#$L& $AST: 1. Mo$art 5to 6rite7 more than 800 pieces of music. 2. 4e could afford to +eep our car. 9o, we 5to sell8not7 it. /. I 5to be7 very thirsty. hus, I 5to 9rink7 2 bottles of water #uic+ly. 0. 5Get u:8!ou7 early yesterday morning5 B. %&;*%IT& TH&S& T*" S&'T&'C&S )SI'G <)S&D T"= I' ALL ", TH& A,,I%#ATI-&> '&GATI-& A'D I'T&%%"GATI-& ,"%#S: 1. Mohamed lived alone. 2. 9usan ate a lot of sweet. C. $)T TH& -&%BS B&T*&&' B%AC4&TS I' TH& SI#$L& $AST8$AST C"'TI')")S: 1. I 5to meet7 om and Anna at the airport a few wee+s ago. hey 5to o7 to .erlin and I 5to travel7 to Madrid. 2. %ane 5to 6ait7 for me when I 5to arrive7. D. $)T TH& -&%BS B&T*&&' B%AC4&TS I' TH& $%&S&'T $&%,&CT SI#$L&8C"'TI')")S: 1. Alice 5to be8?ust7 in the mar+et. 9he 5to @in98not7 anything interesting. 2. Maria 5to rea97 the novel I lent her all the afternoon. 9he 5to @inish8not7 yet. &. #ATCH TH& ,"LL"*I'G &+$%&SSI"'S *ITH TH& ,)'CTI"' TH&( &+$%&SS: &A:ressions ,unction 1. 4hat would you do if you were in my situation5 2. hat1s a good idea. /. :ow about visiting a doctor5 0. 4ow; Really5 a. *iving Advice. b. <xpressing 9urprise. c. As+ing for Advice. 9. <xpressing Interest. 1. ====.. > 2. =====> /. ======> 0. ======== . III. *%ITI'G: %&;*%IT& THIS $A%AG%A$H *ITH TH& C"%%&CT CA$ITALIBATI"' A'D $)'CT)ATI"': in a little house in spain lives a girl called amanda she has two sisters lisa and sally and one brother called fred 2 Global Test. Semester I. Level: 1st BAC. Duration: 2 Hours. Teacher: Hanane Hakkou amanda lives in barcelona in spain which is in europe she has a pen pal called brian who lives in england she li+es to write to brian so she can practice her english brian does not +now very much spanish but he is learning a few words amanda would li+e to go visit brian in london when she is older most of all she would li+e to visit is new yor+