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FTTH Optical Infrastructure

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Lisbon, 25 February 2010

FTTH Optical Infrastructure:

Standardization Activities in SG15
F. Montalti, P. Regio
FTTH Conference 2010
ITU-T Standardization: from G-PON to 10G XG-PON
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
The development of a modern optical fibre access network is
considered an essential facility with high social impact, beneficial for
the Country in terms of economic growth and availability of new
services for the citizens.
The saturation of copper cables capabilities for ADSL systems, the
lack of bandwidth for launching innovative services, along with the
increase of Capex and Opex to face up network obsolescence, make
attractive the deployment of FTTH technologies.
The new FTTH network will allow the implementation of an all IP
network, provide ultra broadband connectivity for mobile access,
support the convergence of Telecommunications- Media- ICT.
The success of this challenging project relies on the possibility for all
the Players to build up an infrastructure with the state of the art, most
reliable, cost effective and homogeneous technologies. For this
purpose STANDARDS are needed.
In this evolving scenario ITU-T has oriented its studies to produce a
set of Recommendations capable to pave the way toward the
construction of the FTTH networks.
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
The road to FTTH
Installation techniques
Network development
and maintenance
Fibres and cables and components
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Standardization activity on FTTH
The standardization of products and installation techniques
relevant for the deployment of FTTX has been addressed since
more than ten years by ITU-T under a global umbrella: products,
planning, deployment and maintenance
This encompasses the development and updating of
standards for the construction of the physical layer of the
access network and the customer premises
The activity related to optical infrastructures and products was
carried out until 2008 by ITU-T in the Study Groups 6 and 15 and
is now under the leadership of Study Group 15 WP2 Optical
access/transport network technologies and physical
Care is taken in the harmonization of standards with other
Standardization Organizations, in particular with IEC TC86 and its
Trends and challenges in the Outside Plant
The construction of the OSP physical layer represents the prevalent
cost in the customer connection. With traditional techniques is in the
range between 60% (in urban areas) and 90% (in rural areas) of the
total plant cost.
The trend of miniaturization of the optical cable structures as well as
the availability of low bend fibres allows the reduction of the ducts
dimensions and, consequently, of the dimensions of the road cutting
The spread of optical fibre cables into the access network is a key
issue with the developement of new infrastructures as well as the re-
using the existing ones both in urban areas and in buildings.
To pave the way to FTTH, Telcos are looking for technologies allowing:
To re-use as far as possible the existing infrastructures (even if
partially occupied by other cables)
To minimize the environmental impact by means of reduced
dimension diggig techniques (or no dig at all!)
To reduce the skill of manpower
ITU-T SG15 is working on the standardization of all the available
technologies to enable FTTH development. Possible solutions include
the development of new installation techniques as well as new
cables and accessories construction.
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Questions assigned to ITU-T SG15 WP2
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Characteristics and test methods
of optical fibres and cables
The responsibility under this Question includes the following
areas for single-mode fibres & multimode fibres
and the following major Recommendations on optical fibers:
G.650 test method series
G.651 multimode 50/125 m
G.652 dispersion unshifted single-mode optical fibre
G.653 dispersion shifted single-mode optical fibre
G.654 cut-off shifted single-mode optical fibre
G.655 non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre
G.656 non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode fibre for
wideband optical transport
G.657 bending loss insensitive single-mode optical fibre
description / parameters definitions of attributes
test methods for geometrical,
transmission, mechanical and
reliability characteristics
different possible fibre
solutions for local access
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Recent activities on Fibres
Agreement on new Recommendation on
bending-insensitive fibres G.657 optimized for
FTTH deployements
New studies on aspects related to the specific
FTTH installative context in cooperation with
Q.16: reliability, compatibility, etc.
ITU-T Handbook Optical Fibres, Cables and
Systems for Telecommunications
Revision of the main Recommendations on
optical fibres
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
ITU-T G. 657 Recommendation on
bend insensitive single-mode fibres
During the last SG15 meeting in Geneva (Oct 2009), agreement has been
reached for the following classification:
G.657 A (G.652 compliant) A1 fibre for 10 mm bending radius
A2 fibre for 7.5 mm bending radius
G.657 B (not G.652 compliant*) B2 fibre for 7.5 mm bending radius
B3 fibre for 5 mm bending radius
Following issues are addressed as the future study point:
- possibility of A3 fibre
- connectivity to G.652 fibre (level of compliance*)
- wavelength dependence of the transmission characteristics
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
G.657 fibre technologies
Refractive index
Refractive index
Refractive index
Refractive index
Matched cladding
single-mode fibre
cladding single-mode
Trench assisted
Ring assisted
single-mode fibre



Refractive index
Hole assisted
Specified loss in dB for 1 turn at 1550
nm for radius:
ITU-T 15 mm 10 mm 7.5 mm 5 mm
G. 657A1 <0.025* <0.75 - -
G. 657A2 / B2 <0.03 <0.1 <0.5 -
G. 657B3 - <0.03 <0.08 <0.15
* These values are recalculated from loss data for 10 turns
G.657 A1
G.657 A2 / B2
G.657 B3
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
G.657 fibre reliability issues
using bend insensitive G.657 fibres in FTTH installations..
allows lower attenuations with bending, giving
- the possibility to reduce accessories size (e.g. storage boxes)
allowing installation in crowded infrastructures
- higher power budget margins also in the in house tortuous
- the possibility to use quick and cheap installative methods
but some aspects should be carefully analized
- the impact on the fibre lifetime in real installation conditions
of: high numbers of small radius bends, length of fibres involved
and bending + tension stress applied together
- the effect of the compatibility levels between fibres from
different manufacturers (different technologies) on the insertion
loss of splice/connector
- the difficulty to detect severe or wrong installation
conditions with instruments during installation
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Characteristics of optical components and
and the following Recommendations are relevant for FTTH:
G.671 transmission characteristics of optical components and
subsystems (PON Splitters, Connectors, Attenuators)
L.12 optical fibre splices
L.13 sealed closures for outdoor environment
L.31 optical fibre attenuators
L.36 single-mode fibre optic connectors
L.37 optical branching components (non-wavelength selective)
L.45, L.46 environment aspects related to the outside plant
L.50, L.51 optical distribution frames for central office
The responsibility under this Question includes active, passive and
hybrid or dynamic/adaptive optical components, devices and
related network infrastructure equipment
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Whats going on
Customer and distribution
boxes and terminals (L.distr)
Pre-terminated fibre drop
cables & hardened connectors
Environmental protection of
optical devices and optical
connectivity in outside plant
conditions (L.modc)
Outdoor optical cross connect
cabinets (L.oxcon)
Example: Need of new
Recommendations on field mountable
connector technologies
Optimization of
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Optical physical infrastructure and cables
Recommendations on cable construction
L.10 Optical fibre cables for duct and tunnel application (12/2002)
L.26 Optical fibre cables for aerial application (12/2002)
L.43 Optical fibre cables for buried application (12/2002)
L.58 Optical fibre cables: Special needs for access network (03/2004)
L.59 Optical fibre cables for indoor applications (01/2008)
L.60 Construction of optical/metallic hybrid cables (09/2004)
L.67 Small count optical fibre cables for indoor applications (10/2006)
L.78 Optical fibre cable construction for sewer duct applications
L.79 Optical fibre cable elements for microduct blowing installation
application (07/2008)
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Optical physical infrastructure and cables
Recommendations on installation techniques
L.35 Installation of optical fibre cables in the access network
L.38 Use of trenchless techniques for the construction of
underground infrastructures for telecommunication cable installation
L.39 Investigation of the soil before using trenchless techniques
L.48 Mini-trench installation technique (03/2003)
L.49 Micro-trench installation technique (03/2003)
L.57 Air-assisted installation of optical fibre cables (05/2003)
L.61 Optical fibre cable installation by floating technique (09/2004)
L.73 Methods for inspecting and repairing underground plastic ducts
L.77 Installation of cables in sewer ducts (05/2008)
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Installation of o. f. units or mini-cables by
blowing technique (L.57) 1/2
96 o.f..
Diameter 15 mm
Weight 200 Kg/Km
Bending Radius 210 mm
Winch installatiion
Up to 120 (144) o.f.
Diameter 8 mm
Weight 50 Kg/Km
Bending Radius 160 mm
Air blowing installation
Traditional cable Mini cable
The reduction of diameter and weight of the mini cables allow
the installation in very small ducts with innovative techniques as
air blowing.
The same products can be installed in overhead plants or on
building facades.
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Installation of o. f. units or mini-cables
by blowing technique (L.57) 2/2
In the same way also the dimensions of ducts can be reduced.
In this new scenario large dimension road cuttings are
unnecessary, as sections of several cm or some tens cm are
Outer Diameter 40
or 50 mm
Diameter 10/14 mm
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Low impact minitrench installation
techniques (L.limt)
Installation of mini ducts structures inside a small
dimension trench: width less than5 cm and depth in the
range 20-30 cm (compared with 10x30 cm of the
conventional one)
Possibility of installing up to 3 linear arrays of 5 mini ducts
10/14 mm directly buried
Advantages Drawbacks
Cost effectiveness Difficulty to obtain the permissions by Municipalities
Low impact on
environment and traffic
Medium /low protection grade of the plant
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
LightNo-Dig Technique
It is a guided drilling technique with small machines (also for use in
manholes) for the laying of a 40 mm single duct, equipped
with 4 miniducts and with anti rodent protection
It represents an evolution of the technique described in L.38
Advantages Drawbacks
Ease to obtain permissions Need of a georadar survey
Zero impact on environment and traffic Dependance on the soil type
No need of expensive road restoration
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Solutions for installation of ducts and
cables in an occupied infrastructure (L.coi)
Outfitting of existing ducts (telcos, street lighting,power..) with10/12
mm mini ducts
Use of completely dielectric minicables
Separation of the telecomunication access points with the use of
reduced dimensions manholes
Advantages Drawbacks
Cost effectiveness Coexistence with other services
Immediate availability of
Reduced protection of the plant
No need of expensive road
Definition of the rules with the
infrastructure owner
Low impact on environment and
Definition of safety procedure for the O&M
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
New technologies in action
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Existing building infrastructures challenges
The most critical issues of the FTTH deployment are related to
the cabling of existing buildings, especially in metropolitan
areas, due to:
Limited availability of TLC infrastructures
Trouble in obtaining permissions for installing at
sight solutions
Old rules related to copper that do not allow to exploit
the dielectric characteristics of optical fibres to make its
installation more flexible
ITU-T SG15 is working on the standardization of all the
new products
test methods
and installation techniques
optimized for the existing buildings scenario
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
About installation in buildings.
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Whats going on
Optical fibre cable functions for premises indoor application (L.caind)
Optical fibre cable constructions for drop application (L.cda)
Optical cabling systems in buildings (L.teib)
Optical fibre cable constructions for new application (L.cna)
Installation of cables in gas ducts (L.cigd)
Installation of cables in water ducts (L.ciwd)
Solutions for installation of ducts and cables in an occupied
infrastructure (L.coi)
Installation of optical fibre units or mini-cables by blowing technique
Installation of optical fibre cable by replacement of existing copper
cables (L.recc)
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Maintenance and operation of optical fibre
cable networks
Recommendations on O&M issues
L.25 Optical fibre cable network maintenance (10/1996)
L.40 Optical fibre outside plant maintenance support, monitoring and
testing system (10/2000)
L.41 Maintenance wavelength on fibres carrying signals (05/2000)
L.53 Optical fibre maintenance criteria for access networks (05/2003)
L.64 ID tag requirements for infrastructure and network elements
management (02/2007)
L.66 Optical fibre cable maintenance criteria for in-service fibre testing
in access networks (05/2007)
What are the functional requirements for optical fibre identification?
What procedures and methods can be employed for optical fibre
identification without interrupting optical services?
What kinds of reliable technologies can apply to preserve and
protect outside plant facilities?
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Whats going on
Use of GPS (Global Positioning System) to create
referenced network maps (L.gpsm)
Optical fibre identification for the maintenance of optical
access networks (L.ofid)
Questionnaire on optical fibre identification technologies
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Development of optical networks in the
access area
Recommendations on network design
L.42 Extending optical fibres solutions into the access network
L.52 Deployment of passive Optical Networks (PON) (05/2003)
L.65 Optical fibre distribution of access networks (12/2006)
L.72 Data bases for optical access network infrastructures (01/2008)
What are the suitable passive optical network (PON)
configurations from initial to final stage?
What are the suitable optical access network for urban areas
and rural areas?
What are the key considerations for indoor and outdoor and
aerial infrastructures?
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
Whats going on
Aerial infrastructure design for optical access network
Passive optical networks (PON) configuration for FTTx
Technical aspects of unbundling and sharing of outside
plant elements in optical networks (L.shropt)
Optical access network design for urban and rural areas
Questionnaire on "Optical cabling shared with multiple
operators in buildings"
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
In the last ten years of activity, ITU-T SG15 (and SG6)
produced about 40 Recommendations related to FTTH physical
About 20 Recommendations are in preparation in this study
period addressing fibres reliability items, cost effective
installation techniques, cables and materials for the indoor
brown-field scenario;
The set of Recommendations produced will speed up the FTTH
deployment, as they give timely answers to the most topical
issues and allow the FTTH Players (Operators, Investors) to
make the correct choices for the implementation of a future-
proof optical fibre access network.
Lisbon, 25 February 2010
The Authors wish to acknowledge Mr. G. Bonaventura and Mr. R. Casale for the useful comments

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