Theoretical Determination of The Optimal Fiber Volume Fraction and Fiber-Matrix Property Compatibility of Short Fiber Composites
Theoretical Determination of The Optimal Fiber Volume Fraction and Fiber-Matrix Property Compatibility of Short Fiber Composites
Theoretical Determination of The Optimal Fiber Volume Fraction and Fiber-Matrix Property Compatibility of Short Fiber Composites
ory (7) to account for matrix plasticity at the fiber
surface near the fiber ends, applicable to well-bonded Fig. 1 . Fiber embedded in a matrix and$ber packing forms.
reinforced metals, and the theory of frictional sliding
(7) to reinforced polymers and ceramics. In the pres-
ent study, the model of the elastic stress transfer is
used as the main theoretical basis. As it will be
shown, although this theory explains the behavior of
composites at low stress, it provides adequate infor-
B=IJQ( j
r Ef Zn(R/r)
composite as a whole is subject to a strain E , which and it is zero at the middle of the fiber.
will cause a strain cf in a fiber. If P is the load in the The ratio of the maximum value of shear stress to
fiber at a distance x from the fiber end, then accord- the maximum tensile stress in the fiber is
ing to Cox (31, the distribution of tensile stress in this
arbitrary fiber is
composite. The validity of Eqs 1-6 has been verified This is a transcendental equation for Rmin/r, and
by several experimental studies (6,7).
its solution can only be calculated numerically.
In reinforcing the composite to its maximum tensile However if the fiber length is relatively long so that
strength, the tensile strength of fibers has to be fully coth ,8 1/4 1, we then have an explicit relationship
utilized. In other words, a stress equal to the tensile between the fiber spacing ratio and the fiber-matrix
breaking stress of the fibers gbf must be reached at properties
the middle of the fibers, i.e., (T=
, abf.So Eq 6 can
be rearranged into
(Tbf d 2 E f l Gm
n ( R/r) cothp-4 (7) or
failure, this minimum spacing will correspondingly
define an upper limit of fiber amount which is allow-
able to be incorporated into a given matrix. Further,
2.4 the composite will reach its highest strength a t this
maximum fiber volume fraction V,,,,,, as there is
Hexagonally Packed Fibers That is, the maximum possible fiber volume fraction
for square-packed fibers is less than that of hexagtr
The fiber arrangement of this type is schematically
nally packed case. Because of this relationship be-
shown in Fig. 1b. Suppose there are totally N fibers
within the composite. Considering the hexagonal ele- tween the two fiber packing forms, for briefness, only
the square-packed form is used in the following anal-
ment with the area enclosed by the dotted line in Fig.
Ib, and according to the definition of fiber volume
fraction of a composite, we have the maximum fiber Note that when the effect of fiber orientation is
volume fraction in this case considered, the fiber arrangement may not be as
regular as the two examples shown here. Conse-
'fiber 3" r2 1 quently the value of the actual maximum fiber vol-
ume fraction may be lower than the present results.
In the following analysis, ebf' ebm, and eyrn repre-
sent the fiber breaking strain, the matrix breaking
For the case when the fiber length is so long as 1 >> 6J strain, and the matrix yield strain.
that the fiber end effect can be neglected,the expres- In a composite, there are possible three cases
sion becomes ebf< eym?
2. €yrn < 'bf' €brn'
3. Ebm< EbJ.
DETERMINATION OF THE FIBER LENGTH ditions. Partial fiber alignment is typical in injection
EFFICIENCY FACTOR and transfer molded composites, while planar partial
I t has been claimed (9) that in the post-cracking random orientation is typical in sheet molding com-
stage the combined effect due to short fiber length pounds ( 2 ) . Therefore for most cases, variation of
and fiber orientation cannot be simply calculated as fiber orientation is unavoidable and has to be in-
the product of the length efficiency factor and the cluded in the study. There have been several reports
orientation efficiency factor because the orientation (2, 5, 13,14) dealing with fiber orientation spreading.
efficiency factor is also a function of the fiber length. A more explicit form of the expression of this fiber
For the elastic model of pre-cracking stage as in the orientation efficiency factor is obtained in the present
present case, these two factors can be considered study.
independent of each other and can hence be deter- Form of Fiber Orientation Density Function
mined separately.
The length efficiency factor, specifying the effect of Since it is impractical to deal with fibers of different
a definite length of fibers in short fiber composite, orientations individually, a statistical approach is
has two expressions depending on the stress interac- usually a better alternative. To do this, a known form
tion mechanisms (9). For the inelastic case, the most of the function to describe the fiber orientation proba-
common version of this fiber length efficiency factor bility density is the premise.
is expressed in terms of critical fiber length (1, 8, 9). Two cases of fiber orientation distribution are of
For elastic case, however, it can be easily determined practical importance ( 2 ) . In the case of injection
based on the tensile stress distribution. From Eq 1, molded objects, fiber orientation distribution is inde-
the average tensile stress over the length of this short pendent of the base angle if the direction of flow is
fiber can be calculated as along the composite principal axis.In sheet molding
compounds it is reasonable to assume that the short
fibers all lie within a plane and the problem is re-
duced to a two-dimensional one. In either case, by
properly arranging the coordinate system, the fiber
orientation density function can be expressed as
\O cis6<~/2
Therefore the fiber length efficiency factor is de-
fined as where 0 is the polar angle of a fiber with respect to
1 the composite principal axis, and ci is the limit of 6 .
2 Relationship Between Strains of Composite,
%=1- 1 (24)
Matrix and Fiber
05 Assume the composite as a whole is subject to a
This expression shows that, compared to the con- strain E , which will cause strain ef in the fiber and
tinuous fibers, the tensile stress on a short fiber is E , in the matrix. It has been widely accepted that as
discounted by a factor q l due to limited fiber length. the elastic stress transfer mechanism is dominant at
It is easy to prove that when 1 .+ 0, ql = 0. the pre-cracking stage, the longitudinal displace-
ments of the fiber and matrix interface are considered
DETERMINATION OF FIBER ORIENTATION geometrically compatible. In other words, the matrix
EFFICIENCY FACTOR strain will be the same as the composite strain before
In most published studies where the effect of fiber cracking. The fiber strain however is dependent on
orientation was considered, fibers were assumed ei- the fiber orientation with respect to the loading
ther all aligned in the same direction at a fixed angle direction.
with respect to the axis of the composite loading There are several approaches in finding the rela-
direction (1, 8, 111, i.e., there is no variation or spread tionship between the composite strain and fiber
existing in fiber orientation, or fibers distributed to- strain, such as the tensor transformation method
tally in random ( 3 , 9). Yet there are some other cases (10) and the affine deformation model (5). However,
a s well. as shown below, a few simple differentiation opera-
Although it is usually desirable to orient the fibers tions can also derive the same result.
in the loading direction to enhance stiffness and Let us consider a cylinder of matrix material with
strength properties, in short-fiber composites, it is height H and radius R,. Inside the matrix there is a
normally very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve fiber with length 1 and orientation 8 (see Fig. 3).
perfect alignment or completely random distribution There is a relationship between the three variables
of short fibers. The orientation distributions of fibers
in a composite are determined by the processing con- i2 = R? + H~ (25)
Cf=qlEfZf=v E-[2a(1
- vrn)+(l+ vm)sin2a]
Furthermore, because of fiber misorientation, the
I contribution of this fiber toward the composite
I strength will be discounted according to the equation
I in (9)
[ Vfcl = [TI[ Pfl (34)
Fig, 3. Geometrical relationships betweenfiber and matrix.
where [TI is the transformation matrix, and [ uf ] and
[ufc]are the actual fiber stress tensor and the fiber
Differentiating the both sides gives stress tensor in the orthogonal directions with re-
spect to loading direction. For the present uniaxially
2 Id1 = 2 R, dR,+ 2 H d H (26) loading case where the composite principal axis is the
I t can be further expressed as
loading direction, the above equation reduces to
1 O'. 1-
0.8 a
0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ' a
0 Vm.x m Vmln
0.8 0.4
0.7 0.3
0.C 0.2
;c d r c
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.;
VI trix can be used a s a criterion to study the fiber
spacing effect in a composite.
For a composite made of given fiber and matrix
materials, there is an optimal spacing between fibers
at which the fiber tensile strength will be fully ex-
ploited. Moreover this optimal spacing is also the
minimum allowable spacing between fibers below
which the structure will start to disintegrate under
w loading before the fiber tensile failure. This minimum
0.6 f spacing then defines a maximum fiber volume frac-
iI tion allowable for a composite. The maximum fiber
volume fraction combined with the minimum fiber
volume fraction studied previously can be used for
composite design. Both volume fractions are found
I .
dependent on such parameters a s fiber modulus E j ,
fiber tensile strength abJ,fiber aspect ratio l / r and
fiber orientation range a, the matrix properties as
Poisson's ratio vm, shear modulus G,, and the bond-
ing shear strength T, between fiber and matrix, as
shown in this study. Consequently, these two values
of fiber volume fraction V, and V,, can be applied
to define the boundaries in determining the property
a Ilr compatibility of various combinations of fiber and
matrix types for a particular application so as to
Fig. 10. Effects of theJber aspect ratio on volume fractions optimize the result of composite design.
a n d the property compatibility boundary dejhed.
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