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Wavelet-Based Acoustic Analysis For Determining Health Condition of Motorized Two-Wheelers

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Wavelet-based acoustic analysis for

determining health condition of

motorized two-wheelers
Basavaraj S. Anami
Veerappa B. Pagi

, ,
Sangamesh M. Magi

KLE Institute of Tehno!og", #pp. Airport, $ub!i %&' '(', In)ia

Basavesh*ar Engineering +o!!ege, Baga!,ot %&- .'/, In)ia
0eeive) / September /'.', 0evise) /% 1anuar" /'.., Avai!ab!e on!ine /%
2ebruar" /'..
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A soft computing model for mapping
incomplete/approximate postal
addresses to mail delivery points
P. 8agabhushan

S.A. Anga)i

, ,
B.S. Anami

9epartment of Stu)ies in +omputer Siene, :niversit" of M"sore, M"sore,

9epartment of +omputer Siene ; Engineering, BE+, Baga!,ot %&-.'/, In)ia

KLE Institute of Tehno!og", $ub!i, In)ia

0eeive) /' Marh /''6, 0evise) (. 1anuar" /''&, Aepte) ./ 1une /''&,
Avai!ab!e on!ine 6 8ovember /''&
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Mapping of posta! a))ress to a mai! )e!iver" point is a ver" important tas, that affets the
effiien" of posta! servie. This tas, is ver" omp!e5 in the ountries suh as In)ia,
*here posta! a))resses are not struture). 2urther most of the times the )estination
a))resses in suh ountries are inomp!ete, appro5imate an) erroneous *hih a))s to the
omp!e5it" of mapping posta! a))ress to )e!iver" point. Automation of this aspet of the
posta! servie is a ha!!enge. This paper presents a soft omputing mo)e! to map the
posta! a))ress to mai! )e!iver" point. 2irst!" mahine rea)ab!e posta! a))ress is proesse)
to i)entif" the a))ress omponents using a nove! fu<<" s"mbo!i simi!arit" ana!"sis, an)
further these !abe!e) omponents are organi<e) as a s"mbo!i posta! a))ress objet. This
posta! a))ress objet is further proesse) using the ne*!" )evise) fu<<" s"mbo!i
metho)o!og" for mapping the a))ress to mai! )e!iver" point. S"mbo!i ,no*!e)ge bases
for posta! a))ress omponent !abe!ing an) mai! )e!iver" point mapping are )evise).
2u<<" s"mbo!i simi!arit" measures are formu!ate) one for a))ress omponent !abe!ing
an) the seon) time for mapping the entire a))ress to a mai! )e!iver" point. In se=ue! to
simi!arit" omputations, *hih are vie*e) as fu<<" membership va!ues, an e5pert s"stem
omprising of >ut )e>fu<<ifiation is propose) to eva!uate the onfi)ene fators, *hi!e
inferening the va!i)it" of a))ress omponent !abe!s an) mai! )e!iver" points. The s"stem
is teste) e5haustive!" an) an effiien" of ?@A is obtaine) in a))ress omponent
i)entifiation an) about &6A in mai! )e!iver" point mapping, *hi!e *or,ing on an In)ian
posta! )ata base of about %'' a))resses.
2u<<" s"mbo!i e5pert s"stemB
Posta! a))ress omponentB
Mai! )e!iver" pointB
Soft omputing mo)e!

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