This document provides a scope and sequence for different learning areas across four terms for Prep and Year 1. For Prep English, it outlines units focused on nursery rhymes, Australian Indigenous traditions and stories, and literacy skills. Key assessments include oral retells, pictorial representations, performances and poetry. For Prep History, it focuses on what is history and how it can be told and shared. Key assessments include oral retells and pictorial/written recounts. The document also outlines the scope and sequence for other learning areas like Maths, Science, Geography, and Religion.
This document provides a scope and sequence for different learning areas across four terms for Prep and Year 1. For Prep English, it outlines units focused on nursery rhymes, Australian Indigenous traditions and stories, and literacy skills. Key assessments include oral retells, pictorial representations, performances and poetry. For Prep History, it focuses on what is history and how it can be told and shared. Key assessments include oral retells and pictorial/written recounts. The document also outlines the scope and sequence for other learning areas like Maths, Science, Geography, and Religion.
This document provides a scope and sequence for different learning areas across four terms for Prep and Year 1. For Prep English, it outlines units focused on nursery rhymes, Australian Indigenous traditions and stories, and literacy skills. Key assessments include oral retells, pictorial representations, performances and poetry. For Prep History, it focuses on what is history and how it can be told and shared. Key assessments include oral retells and pictorial/written recounts. The document also outlines the scope and sequence for other learning areas like Maths, Science, Geography, and Religion.
This document provides a scope and sequence for different learning areas across four terms for Prep and Year 1. For Prep English, it outlines units focused on nursery rhymes, Australian Indigenous traditions and stories, and literacy skills. Key assessments include oral retells, pictorial representations, performances and poetry. For Prep History, it focuses on what is history and how it can be told and shared. Key assessments include oral retells and pictorial/written recounts. The document also outlines the scope and sequence for other learning areas like Maths, Science, Geography, and Religion.
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Learning Areas Scope and Sequence
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) Fun with Nursery Rhymes Australian Indigenous Traditions & Stories How does my garden grow? The Literacy Lounge Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts including pictorial representations, short statements, performances, recounts and poetry. Role play: E!loring how language is used di""erently Pictorial Se#uencing o" e$ents "rom a shared tet !"servations: Literacy %loc& routines !ral retell recount o" a shared tet Pictorial 'ain e$ent "rom a shared tet !"servations: Literacy %loc& routines Persuasive Analysing images ( stories in tets to e!ress an o!inion) res!onding through drawing) oral language !attern * I li&e ( don+t li&e ,- .ecause,- !ral retell: recount o" a shared tet Pictorial#$ritten: Li"e cycle $ritten: Factual sentences !"servations: Literacy %loc& routines !ral retell recount o" a shared tet $ritten Reading res!onses !"servations: Literacy %loc& routines Persuasive Analysing images ( stories in tets to e!ress an o!inion) res!onding through drawing) oral language !attern * I li&e ( don+t li&e ,- .ecause,- %iterary Study Nursery Rhymes (Fairy Tales /Traditional & 'odern0 1reamtime stories Non2"iction tets a%out Indigenous 3eo!les /e2%oo&s0 Non2"iction tets a%out li"e cycles ( insects 4eannie .a&er The 5ery Hungry 6ater!illar: Eric 6arle 5ariety o" 3amela Allen ( 'em Fo ( Ronal Har$ey tets &istory (AC) 7hat is my History and how do I &now? 7hat stories do other !eo!le tell a%out the !ast? How can stories o" the !ast %e told and shared? Key assessment tasks: Retell 8ral retell o" &ey history acti$ities 2 family past and present
Key assessment tasks: Retell 8ral retell o" &ey history acti$ities 2 personal history or Pictorial/Written: recount o" &ey history acti$ities 2 personal history Key assessment tasks: Retell 8ral retell o" &ey history acti$ities 2 family structures or Pictorial/Written: recount o" &ey history acti$ities 2 family structures Key assessment tasks: Retell 8ral retell o" &ey history acti$ities * personal autobiography or Pictorial/Written: recount o" &ey history acti$ities 2 personal autobiography Science (AC) 'eog (AC) Civics ( C)ship (AC) Early *ears +rame,or- Social and 3ersonal Learning Health and 3hysical Learning Acti$e Learning 3rocesses Religion (.e, RE Curriculum) Gods Presence: Sounds and Silence 3rayer Showing riendship 'orality Rituals We !elong to "any Groups Sacraments God #reated a Wonderful World .elie"s $!: $ew Religion #urriculum to be trialled in Prep % &ear ' '()*+ Please discuss R, units to be co-ered with .PR, /RockyReligion0 $!: R, units are discrete units howe-er aspects may be connected to other learning areas ear 1 Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) +amilies around us Families) including Asian !eo!les) A%original !eo!les and Torres Strait Islander !eo!les- 3oetry: Alliteration and rhyme My +avourite /oo- Rascal the 0ragon Eamine the di""erence %etween real and imagined contets- 5isual images and $oca%ulary !ersuade us to read a !articular %oo& 6haracters in %oo&s Author study: 3aul 4ennings 3oetry: 4ingles) songs and rhymes Ahoy 1here2 Pirates and 3nder the Sea Adventures In$estigating the "antasy world o" !irates E!lore li"e under the sea including "iction and non2 "iction e!eriences 3oetry: sim!le to!ic related !oems Cele"rations around the ,orld Em%ar& on an imaginary tri! around the world to learn a%out how other cultures traditions and cele%rations- 3oetry: rhyming $erse Students create a variety of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts including recounts, procedures, performances, literary retellings and poetry. Written Personal Recount: S!ecial cele%ration or e$ent- "ultimodal Presentation: 6reate a !hoto story a%out mem%ers in our school using child ta&en !hotos and $oice recordings- "ultimodal performance: 6hildren write a 97ho(7hat am I?: on a !lant or animal %ased on "eatures and ha%itat- 3resentation should include words and images- 6hildren may dress u! as their chosen animal "or their !er"ormance- 1ournal writing: Inclusi$e o" structure(language "eatures o" recounts Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 3ral "ultimodal Presentation: Fa$ourite Rascal %oo&- 3resentation should include words and images- Written 4escription: Rascal the 1ragon or other character "rom the series- Performance/Retell: Fa$ourite scene "rom Rascal tet that has a %eginning(middle(end) !lot and a setting- Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Written 4escription: 3irate and(or 'ermaid Spoken: Sea 6reature In"ormation Re!ort 8ral 3resentation /own choice0 Written 5nformati-e Report: Sea 6reature In"ormation Re!ort /teacher chosen0 Written/3ral Retell: 3irate story or Rain%ow Fish Written 5nformati-e 67!ar #omparison: Sea 6reature 6om!arison /Science Assessment Written/3ral Poetry: 6onstruct sim!le to!ic related !oems on !irates) mermaids and sea creatures- /e-g- #uestion and answer !oems0- Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Written Recount: 6hildren will write a%out a chosen cultural cele%ration studied within this unit- This can %e written in the "orm o" a ;ournal entry or letter- Performance: 3resent a dramatic !oetry !er"ormance "rom a di""erent culture- Written Poem: Rhyming $erse #ollaborati-e culminating task: 7rite(create one o" the "ollowing "or class cele%ration using words and images: lists in$itations reci!es Photo story: Se#uence o" e$ents "rom class cele%ration Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study 5ariety o" tets a%out "amilies) "eelings and animal "amilies Rascal series: 3aul 4ennings 5ariety o" tets a%out !irates and sea creatures /"iction(non2"iction0 5ariety o" tets a%out cele%rations around the world &istory (AC) How has "amily li"e changed or remained the same o$er time? Key assessment tasks: .nnotated 6imeline: 'y Li"e 3ast and 3resent /images and tet0 5n8uiry: Then and Now Household Arte"acts How can we show that the !resent is di""erent "rom or similar to the !ast? Key assessment tasks: 5n8uiry/Se8uencing: Family li"e then and now How do we descri%e the se#uence o" time? Key assessment tasks: amily e-ents: 'y "a$ourite day Science (AC) 'eog (AC) Civics ( C)ship (AC) !ther %earning Health: Healthy eating Tech !rocess: 1ragon !u!!et The Arts /1rama0 S8SE: 'a!!ing The Arts /1rama0 ear 2 Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) Stories o" 'y 6ommunity Stories to learn a%out school history and the history o" local ATSI traditions o" oral narrati$es that con$ey "amily connections and moral teachings- .oo& 6lu% In$estigating the <what to do+ o" tets: The =ey Roles o" Authors & Illustrators 'e as an Author Editing .uddy Animals >row & 6hange E!lore multimodal tets that in"orm and e!lain as!ects o" li"e stages o" animals- Let+s 7atch How are tets di""erent? <I 6an See?+ .ig & .ad or ;ust 'isunderstood@ !ersuading !eo!le a%out Fairytales 6om!are !ersuasi$e tets and analyse the "eatures o" !ersuasi$e tets- Ase this genre to in"luence others a%out the !ur!ose and intent o" characters within "airytale stories- 7hat do B8A thin&? Listening "or .ias 6om!rehending tets .oo& Tal&s: Editing .uddy: Stories Ali$e E!lore !oetry) chants) rhymes) songs and !lays o" interest that de$elo! an a!!reciation o" how words entertain 'ultimodal dramatic !er"ormance o" a !oem or !lay Rhyme Time 6om!ound 6omedies Loo&) Listen) Feel Hot Seat Around the Radio Act It 8ut Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of te4ts including imaginative retellings, reports, performances, poetry and e4positions 5nformati-e: 5enn diagram: 6om!arison o" di""erent cultures Written 5maginati-e $arrati-e: 1reamtime stories 5maginati-e: 'ultimodal 3resentation: 1reamtime Story Performance: Role !lay dreamtime story Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 5nformati-e Written 4escription: An insect /eg %utter"ly) ant) lady%ug0 "ultimodal Presentation: 6reate !hoto ca!tions and slide show o" an insect li"e cycle 5nformati-e Report: 6reate an in"ormation re!ort !resented as a !oster on an insect studied throughout the term- Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Persuasi-e Written Report: .oo& re!ort to !ersuade a%out !ersonal choice o" "airy tale Persuasi-e Written 9etter: Fairy tale character !oint o" $iew Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 3ral presentation: 3oetry !er"ormance /5ideo recording o" !er"ormance Written 5maginati-e: 3oetry 3ort"olio /$ariety o" !u%lishing techni#ues0 Procedure/,2planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study Fiction(Non"ictionTets: 8ther cultures 1reamtime Stories Fiction(Non"ictionTets: Ants) Insects) .ugs & >rowing and changing Selection o" "airytales: Traditional and modern Non2"iction tets: Animals lin&ed to "airy tales Selection o" children+s !oetry &istory (AC) 7hat as!ects o" the !ast can you see today? 7hat do they tell us? 7hat remains o" the !ast are im!ortant to the local community? 7hy? :istorical 1ournal ;enn 4iagram: Students com!lete a 5enn diagram that dis!lays the di""erent %etween their li$es and li$es o" !ast a%original children Written 5maginati-e 4reamtime Story: Students create a written imaginati$e 1reaming story that con$eys a message a%out how something came to %e- Students !lan) dra"t) edit and !u%lish their written story- How ha$e changes in technology sha!ed our daily li"e? :istorical 1ournal ;enn diagram: 6om!arison %etween di""erent technology in their li$es and li$es o" grand!arents Written persuasi-e letter to our grand!arents as to why technology is im!ortant in our e$eryday li$es Science (AC) 'eog (AC) ear 3 Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) %isten to Me2 E!lore literary and non2 literary tets and in$estigate e""ects on natural and %uilt en$ironments- E!ressing a !oint o" $iew Engaging with en$ironments I+m right? No) I+m right? 1isco$ering Tets This is what I %elie$e Editing %uddy 1his 5s $here 5 live In$estigate in"ormati$e tets Time to 6ele%rate? Local Area 6ase Study Stories are told Tell 'e A%out It: Re!orting Li$e %et 1he 5nvestigation /egin Imaginati$e narrati$es with a "ocus on descri%ing settings) characters and com!le se#uences o" e$ents- 1e$elo!ing a character using sentence structures and descri!ti$e language- Fun with Fantasy: Tashi literature study 3lugged into Stories 6haracter 6ollage Sentence at a time story .e on the loo& out: 'e as an Author 1raditions +rom Around the $orld Stories a%out children in Australia who come "rom all o$er the world- Stories and !oems "rom cultures around the world a%out s!ecial e$ents and cele%rations- multimodal !oetry(story "or a !er"ormance 7e =now 6inderella Tell It Again A !icture is worth CDDD words 1o as I say 6ele%rations Across the 7orld Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of te4ts including narratives, procedures, performances, reports, revie,s, poetry and e4positions %iteracy 6ournal: 4eannie .a&er Author Study /7(S0 Persuasive En$ironmental cam!aign !oster /70 Persuasive: E!osition o" en$ironmental issue /student negotiated0 /70 0emand $riting: Inclusi$e o" structure( language "eatures o" !ersuasi$e tet /70 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 7enn diagram comparison: Historical !hoto analysis /70 $ritten 5nformative Report: Local geogra!hical area /70 Multimodal Poster: Local geogra!hical area /70 !ral presentation: 6ountry /S0 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 $ritten imaginative narrative: 'ystery story /70 %iteracy 6ournal: Acti$ities "ocusing on elements o" narrati$e including setting) characters) !lot /7(S0 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Procedure: 6ultural cra"t acti$ity 'raphic organisers#retrieval charts 6ultural com!arisons o" 6inderella Stories "rom around the world 'raphic organisers 6ultural cele%rations connecting 6inderella stories to cele%rations "rom other countries !ral presentation: >odly 3lay /connected to religion0 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study Author study: 4eannie .a&er 'ac&ay & 1istrict History tets 4ac& Russell 1og 1etecti$e: 1arrell & Sally 8dgers Scoo%y 1oo: 5arious authors .ugalugs .um Thie": Tim 7inton 'ystery stories $arious authors 6inderella stories "rom around the world &istory (AC) $ho lived here first and ho, do ,e -no,8 Key assessment tasks 5nformative Report: Local %uilding .arrative: 1eli$ering the mail 5n9uiring a"out local history: Trans!ort &o, has our community changed8 $hat features have "een lost and ,hat features have "een retained8 Key assessment tasks 'raphic organisers# retrieval charts 'ichael+s story 7enn diagram comparison: Historical !hoto analysis $ritten 5nformative Report: Local geogra!hical area Multimodal Poster: Local geogra!hical area $hat is the nature of the contri"ution made "y different groups and individuals in the community8 Key assessment tasks Annotate 1imeline 3hoto story o" di$erse grou!s that ha$e sha!ed the character o" our local 'ac&ay region /eg cattle) sugar0 &o, and ,hy do people choose to remem"er significant events of the past8 Key assessment tasks 5n9uiring a"out cultural cele"rations 6onnecting 6inderella stories to cele%rations "rom other countries Short ans,er responses: 6ultural cele%ration+s sym%ols(meanings Night and 1ay?? /Euery title change0 Heating A! /3hysical Sciences0 ear 4 Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) $ith a 1,ist How do author+s select !articular literary de$ices to %est entertain their readers? E!eriment with a range o" de$ices in contem!orary narrati$es %ased on modern and traditional "airy tales 3oetry: word!lay including the use o" nonsense words) s!oonerisms) neologisms and !uns- Twisted Tales: "ractured "airy tales $al- in my Shoes 7hat was it really li&e to %e a !ioneer? 7hat thoughts and emotions did they e!erience in their e!ic ;ourneys? 3ersonalise historical in"ormation on an e!lorer) na$igator or trader- 1otally $ild How do T5 !resenters choose words that engage their audience? 7hat role does the hum%le #uestion !lay in a s!o&en in"ormati$e tet? Ase their understanding o" oral in"ormation tets to colla%orati$ely create a sim!le oral re!ort in role as a T5 !resenter- 3oetry: Early Australian 3oems and Songs My Place, *our Place How do I use metalanguage to descri%e the e""ects that my ideas) tet structure and language "eatures ha$e on the $iewer or reader? 7hat com!arisons) connections can %e made to my own li"e using a $ariety o" tets? E!lore oral narrati$e traditions and contem!orary literature o" A%original cultures and Torres Strait Islander cultures Films and !icture %oo&s which re"lect !ers!ecti$es "rom other cultures- Students create a range o" imaginati$e) in"ormati$e and !ersuasi$e types of texts including narrati$es) !rocedures) !er"ormances) re!orts) re$iews) !oetry and e!ositions Persuasi-e Speech/4ebate: 3oint o" $iew "rom a "airy tale character /S0 5maginati-e .arrati-e: Inno$ation on a Fairy Tale /70 including as!ects o" poetry word!lay Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 5n8uiry/ 5nformati-e: E!lorer 3ro"ile /70 5maginati-e $arrati-e: 6reati$e 'emoire "rom !ers!ecti$e o" an E!lorer /70 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 5nformati-e "ultimodal Presentation 8ral news story(re!ort to con$ey details or in"ormation a%out animal de!endence /7(S0 5maginati-e $arrati-e: 4ournal entry "rom con$ict+s !oint o" $iew /70 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Persuasi-e 3ral Presentation: .oo& re!ort !oint o" $iew 7(S0 Procedure#E4planation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study 5ariety o" "airy tales /traditional and modern0 <The Tic&le Tree+ 6aruso+s Son Read aloud: Tales o" a F th
>rade Nothing 4udy .lume .oy: Tales o" a childhood * Roald 1ahl Read aloud: Herendo+s 6urse: Anna Fien%erg Read aloud: Tom A!!le%y: 4ac&ie French 6harlotte+s 7e%: E-.- 7hite Read aloud: The >olden 1oor /Trilogy0: Emily Rhodda &istory (AC) Why did the great <ourneys of e2ploration occur= Key assessment tasks: 5n8uiry Research 6ask: irst .ustralians: 'ultimodal !resentation /eg 'S 33T What was life like for .boriginal peoples and/or 6orres Strait 5slander peoples before the arri-al of the ,uropeans= Key assessment tasks: 5n8uiry/ 5nformati-e: E!lorer 3ro"ile /70 5maginati-e $arrati-e: 6reati$e 'emoire "rom !ers!ecti$e o" an E!lorer /70 Why did the ,uropeans settle in .ustralia= Key assessment tasks 5maginati-e $arrati-e: 4ournal entry "rom con$ict+s !oint o" $iew "odel: La%elled model o" Sydney 6o$e What was the nature and conse8uence of contact between .boriginal peoples and/or 6orres Strait 5slander peoples and early traders> e2plorers and settlers= Key assessment tasks: 5n8uiry Research 6ask: 6ele%ration in an A%original 6ommunity Science (AC) ear ! Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) igurati-ely Speaking :ow do authors use figurati-e language to de-elop settings and characters? Short stories identi"ying literary de$ices to create imagery Reader+s Forum 7ord Study Acti$e 6om!rehension Editor+s ta%le .t the "o-ies % Re-iew What are the points of -iew that people might hold about this film/book= recognise di""ering o!inions within a narrati$e o%;ecti$ely /.oo&("ilm0 structures "or thin&ing a%out moral dilemmas in a %alanced way online %log) email or sa"e chat room with a "riend- to write a "ormal "ilm(%oo& re$iew "or a magaGine( news!a!er or online "orum ?ntold Stories Whose story is told in the stories of colonisation= Whose perspecti-e is recorded and why= research rele$ant historical in"ormation) and con$ey details o" in"ormation a%out social) cultural and historical contets with ethical dilemmas- de$elo! &ey in#uiry #uestions "or their research- 6reating a multimodal re!ort and !resent orally Sha!e !oetry) anthems or odes 5mage ,2plorers :ow are se8uences of images and sounds used to con-ey a message to an audience for a particular social purpose= e!lores a real world issue or dilemma using only images and sounds $isual literacy: na$igate and $iew a range o" digital) !rint and media tets 5iewer+s Forum 6reate a se#uence o" wordless images and sounds /songs) music0 that in"orm and !osition /!ersuade0 their !articular audience) in res!onse to a !articular social !ur!ose /ethical dilemma0 Students create a range o" imaginati$e) in"ormati$e and !ersuasi$e types of texts including narrati$es) !rocedures) !er"ormances) re!orts) re$iews) e!lanations and discussions- 0iscussion#Revie, Reader+s Forum /Short Stories0 /S(L0 5maginative Narrati$e /70 5nformative 8ral !resentation /morning session0 /S0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 0iscussion 5irtual 1iscussion ( 6hat /7(S(L0 Persuasive ormal .oo&(Film Re$iew "or real world audiences /e-g-) news!a!er) magaGine etc0 /70 5nformal .oo&(Film Re$iew "or real world audiences /e-g-) email a "riend or classmate) or %log) online chat0- /7(S0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 5nformative report Historical e$ent /7(S0 /'ultimodal0 5maginative 6reati$e 'emoire "rom !ers!ecti$e o" gold !ros!ector ;ust !rior to the Eure&a A!rising 5maginative Inno$ation on !oetry /70 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 Persuasive 'ultimodal: 3resentation o" images and sounds that con$ey a clear message) "or a !articular social !ur!ose /ethical dilemma0 /7(S0 0iscussion#Revie, 5iewer+s Forum /in res!onse to !resentation0 /S(L0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 ;ournal %iterary Study Australian >irl Series: 'eet >race /So!hie Laguna0 'atilda /Roald 1ahl0 Read aloud: 'y Australian Story: New >old 'ountain /6hris 6heng0 .oy 8$er%oard /'orris >leitGmann0 8ur Australian Story: Re"ugee /Alan Sunderland0 &istory (AC) Connected 3nit 7hat do we &now a%out the li$es o" !eo!le in Australia+s colonial !ast and how do we &now? Key assessment tasks: 5n8uiry/Report: Li"e o" a colonial inha%itant /eg 6on$ict) Free Settler) Euro!eans) A%original & Torres Strait Islander0 Poster: Inter$iew /E&A0 an inha%itant "rom early colonial li"e identi"ying what li"e was li&e at the time re as!ects o" daily li"e including "ood) clothing) housing) wor& !ractices) language and leisure- 0iscrete 3nit How did an Australian colony de$elo! o$er time and why? How did colonial settlement change the en$ironment? Key assessment tasks: .nnotated 6imeline: esta%lishment o" .ritish colonies in Australia a"ter CHDD /eg 'oreton .ay) Swan Ri$er and e!ansion o" colonies0 5n8uiry/P"5: Im!act o" settlement on the en$ironment Connected 3nit 7hat were the signi"icant e$ents and who were the signi"icant !eo!le that sha!ed Australian colonies? Key assessment tasks: 5llustrated :istorical $arrati-e: The Eure&a Stoc&ade Research report:: The Australian >old Rush /re!ort is !resented orally0 Written #reati-e "emoire : From !ers!ecti$e o" gold !ros!ector ;ust !rior to the Eure&a A!rising /re"er to English o$er$iew(unit0 0iscrete 3nit 7hat were the signi"icant e$ents and who were the signi"icant !eo!le that sha!ed Australian colonies? Key assessment tasks: .nnotated 6imeline: 'ac&ay+s early history $arrati-e: The in"luence o" signi"icant indi$idual or grou! in sha!ing 'ac&ay /eg 4ohn 'ac&ay) 4ohn >reenwood .arnes0 7hat+s the matter? /6hemical Sciences: Trialled as Solids) Li#uids and >ases0 ear " Learning Areas Scope and Sequence Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Maths (AC) Refer to SCF and LAO at English (AC) Author Study: 7hat are our !ersonal !re"erences "or literary tets? 6hildren Re!resented in Tets 3er"ormance 3oetry Ned =elly: Hero or 5illain? Language choices 6om!arati$e Study o" an Author 'edia Tets Fantasy in Film and Fiction : .ridge to Tera%ithia 6reate "antasy tet 'ulti2modal Tets Interacting with 8thers: 7hat %oo& would we choose? 'edia Forum: Etra Etra Read All A%out It: 7hat+s your $iew!oint? =ids listening) &ids seeing) &ids s!ea&ing Re$iews Students create imaginative, informative and persuasive types of te2ts such as narratives, procedures, performances, reports, revie,s, e4planations and discussions. 5maginative 1iary Entry /70 5nformative 8ral !resentation /S0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 5nformative Author Study /70 8ral !resentation: .ush Ranger /S0 Persuasive <State o" 8rigin+ critical re"lection /70 Procedure#E4planations Science In$estigations /S) 70 5maginative Fantasy Narrati$e /70 Persuasive 8nline !osting /70 Revie, 8ral !resentation: .oo& Re$iew /7) S0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 Persuasive 6urrent media to!ic o" interest with reasoned conclusion /70 Revie, Re$iew "or an EGine: re$iew o" educational game(s /70- 5nformative 3re!ared res!onse "rom ecer!t "rom Hatchet /7) S0 5nformative Factual Sur$i$al Story /S0 Procedure#E4planation Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study 8ur Australian >irl: A Friend "or >race A Friend "or >race: Sur$i$ing Sydney 6o$e Bou) 'e and 'urrawee /=erry Hashmi0 7ho am I? The 1iary o" 'ary Talence: Sydney CIJK The .lac& Sna&e and Ned =elly+s 4erilderie Letter /6arol 7il&inson0 Ned =elly and the >reen Sash /'ar& >reenwood0 .ridge to Tera%ithia /=atherine 3eterson0 Hatchet />ary 3aulson0 &istory (AC) Australia as a Nation /Federation0 Research Report: The In"luence o" an Australian 3rime 'inister crucial to the !ath o" Federation /Henry 3ar&es) Edmund .arton) >eorge Reid) 4ohn Euic&0 Poster: 3oint o" $iew a%out Federation Short answer lin&ed to &ey in#uiry #uestions Australian Society 6hanges in the LC st 6entury .nnotated timeline: A%original rights in the LDth century 7ho came to Australia? 5llustrated oral history : 'igration inter$iew 5nter-iew and research report : A story o" migration />uest S!ea&er0 6ontri%utions o" 'igrants to Australia Written 4iary ,ntry: From !ers!ecti$e o" a 3earl 1i$er or Snowy 'ountain Ri$er Scheme 7or&er Role Play: A day in the li"e o" a 3earl 1i$er or Snowy 'ountain Ri$er Scheme 7or&er Science (AC) 'eog (AC) &ear @ 9earning .reas Scope and Se8uence 6erm ) 6erm ' 6erm * 6erm A 'aths /A60 Re"er to S6F and LA8 at English /A60 #ommunications: "essage Sticks to "emory Sticks E$aluate new and old communication technologies Imagination: Is truth stranger than "iction? 3oet+s corner: 3oetry Li$e .uthor study: :ow do authors breathe life into books= 6om!arati$e study the "inely tuned cra"t o" short story writing 3oet+s corner: Tan&a :eroes: What makes a hero=
6om!are !ersonal $iew!oints a%out what ma&es a hero 6reate a character 3oet+s corner: Limeric& Graphic $o-els: Graphic to 4ramatic E!lore(inno$ate gra!hic no$els Famous S!eeches: The are o" !ersuasion 6om!arison o" !rint and digital ad$ertising
Students create a range o" imaginati$e) in"ormati$e and !ersuasi$e ty!es o" tets) "or eam!le narrati$es) !rocedures) !er"ormances) re!orts and discussions) and are %eginning to create literary analyses and trans"ormations o" tets- In"ormati$e Re!ort: Literary Re$iew: 'ac Slater 3ersuasi$e: Literary analysis o" tets related to new technologies In"ormati$e: Sim!le e!lanations 2 how do $arious "orms o" communication wor&? Imaginati$e 3oetry inno$ation 3rocedure(E!lanation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 Narrati$e: Short Story In"ormati$e(1iscussion: Reading res!onse ;ournal /short stories0 Reader+s "orum /short stories0 In"ormati$e: 8ral !resentation /short story re$iew0 Imaginati$e 3oetry: tan&a related to theme o" short stories 3rocedure(E!lanation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 In"ormati$e 4ournal: Artemis Fowl author notes in !re!aration "or writing a character into an ancient setting /6hina0 1iscussions: 6on"erencing: Teacher "eed%ac& on !artici!ation and contri%ution to discussions Re!ort: .iogra!hy: Australian Hero Imaginati$e: 8ral 6haracter 1escri!tion: creation o" character Short Story Scenario: with em%edded created character Imaginati$e Limeric& 3rocedure(E!lanation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 In"ormati$e 4ournal: The In$ention o" Hugo 6a%ret Short res!onses to gra!hic no$els In"ormati$e 'edia ;ournal * com!arison o" media re!resentations and techni#ues in !rint and digital "orms Narrati$e: Tet trans"ormation: Inno$ation on a tet * gra!hic "or hy!er tet narrati$e 3ersuasi$e: Formal 3ersuasi$e S!eech: re"er to unit !lan "or to!ics 3ersuasi$e: Ad$ertisement and cam!aign %rie" "or a newly designed car 3rocedure(E!lanation: Science In$estigations /S) 70 %iterary Study 'ac Slater: 6oolhunter /Tristan .anc&s0 Short Stories: .est E$er Stories /R & S Sadler Artemis Fowl /Eoin 6ol"er0 The In$ention o" Hugo 6a%ret /.rian SelGnic&0 &istory (AC) The Ancient 7orld Research .ssignment: A%ility to research) collect) analyse and draw conclusions a%out historical sources- .nnotated 6imeline: "rom when !eo!le mo$ed out o" A"rica around MD DDD .6 /.6E0 and migrated to other !arts o" the world) including Australia and some &ey "eatures and e$ents o" ancient societies In$estigating 8ur Ancient 3ast 3ral/"ultimodal Response: Historical contro$ersy or mystery that has challenged historians or archaeologists 5n8uiry Research Report: E!lain the !ur!ose and signi"icance o" an arte"act "rom ancient Australia- The Ancient Asian 7orld /6hina0 5n8uiry Research 6ask: 7ritten tas& %ased on in#uiry #uestions a%out <The Sil& Road+- Short Response: 6onsider a range o" sources a%out ancient 6hinese ci$ilisation including: the !hysical "eatures) &ey e$ents and de$elo!ments that sha!ed this ci$ilisation signi"icant indi$iduals "rom ancient 6hina traditional 6hinese social structures) law ) religion) signi"icant %elie"s) $alues and !ractices o" 6hinese society Illustrated Historical Narrati$e: Ancient 6hinese In$entions The Ancient 'editerranean 7orld />reece0 4escripti-e .ccount: In#uiry #uestions de$ised on Ancient >recians- Short Response: Res!ond to a series o" #uestions) %ased on a selection o" historical sources /!rimary and secondary) $isual and written) o""icial and $ernacular0) a%out: the !hysical "eatures o" ancient >reece that in"luenced the ci$ilisation the daily li$es o" &ey grou!s in ancient Roman society) and signi"icant %elie"s) $alues and !ractices o" the ancient Romans the contacts and con"lict within and(or with other societies) resulting in de$elo!ments such as the e!ansion o" trade) the rise o" the Roman em!ire and