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Towards Flexibility in A Distributed Data Mining Framework: Jos e M. Pe Na Ernestina Menasalvas

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Towards Flexibility in a Distributed Data Mining Framework

Jose M. Pena

Ernestina Menasalvas

DATSI, Universidad Politecnica

de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo S/N, 28660
Madrid, Spain

DLSIIS, Universidad Politecnica

de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo S/N, 28660
Madrid, Spain




Commercial data mining systems are becoming more and

more complex. Advances features like, extensible algorithm
toolboxes and programming APIs, allow these systems to include new operations to mine and to prepare data. Although
these characteristics are necessary trends performance cannot be compromised. In order to keep the balance between functionality and performance new design strategies
are needed. In this paper we present a exible control architecture for distributed data mining.



Distributed data mining (DDM) systems must keep the existing features of the current centralized versions. Nevertheless new features should be added to deal with the new
New algorithms should be included easily.
Integration between relational a data mining operations is a main goal.
State-of-the-art trends in interoperability, like CORBA,
should be talen into account.
Factors like the inclusion of algorithms, changes on system topology, di erent user privileges or system load
restrictions have a deep impact in the overall performance of the system. Important decisions like task
scheduling, resource management or partition schema
should be tuned again almost every time one of these
factors is modi ed.

Nowadays, there is no universal strategy to con gure a distributed data mining environment to be optimal in the resolution of every query. As an alternative our contribution
presents an appropriate architecture to support multiple optimization and con guration strategies in data mining systems. This architecture provides a framework in which control policies can be changed to con gure and optimize the

DMKD Workshop 01 Santa Barbara, California USA

performance of the system, even while it is running. This

will make it possible to tune the system according to the execution requirements such as the application environment,
user preferences or resource restrictions.


The evolution of distributed data mining systems is getting

pushed by the need to process trillions of records in a restricted time frame. Thus, many new systems have been
designed to achieve this objective.

Distributed Data Mining Systems

JAM [11] has been developed to gather information from

sparse data sources and induce a global classi cation model.
JAM technology is based on the meta-learning technique [2].
The PADMA system [9] is a document analysis tool working
on a distributed environment, based on cooperative agents.
It works without any relational database underneath. Instead, there are PADMA agents that perform several relational operations with the information extracted from the
The Papyrus system [6] is able to mine distributed data
sources on a WAN network scenario. Papyrus system uses
meta-clusters to generate local models which are exchanged
to generate a global model. The idea is founded on a theory
similar to JAM system, nevertheless they use a model representation language (PMML [5]) and storage system called
Kensington [10] architecture is based on a distributed component environment located at di erent nodes on a generic
network, like the Internet. Kensignton provides three kind
of components: (i) User oriented components, (ii) Application servers and (iii) Third level servers.

DDM System Taxonomy and Requirements

Distributed and parallel data mining systems are more often experimental systems rather than commercial products.
Due to this most of them are focused only on a particular
data mining problem. Papyrus and JAM are distributed
classi ers. Other problems like association calculation [1, 3,
7] or sequential patterns [12, 13] have also distributed algorithms. Each of this algorithms deals with di erent factors
of: (i) data distribution (horizontal or vertical), (ii) communication schemas (broadcast or unicast), (iii) synchronization and coordination (collaborative, centralized control, voting, : : : ) or (iv) distributed task granularity.
In order to run a number of these algorithms in a common
system many di erent behaviors should be supported. A

system having this features is by itself a distributed control

challenge in which two main factors should be balanced.
First, the di erent algorithms that exist and may be developed in a future and second, the performance of data
processing must be ecient.



MOIRAE architecture has been designed to achieve distributed control in complex environments. This is a generic
architecture based on the mechanism/policy paradigm.

3.1 Mechanism/Policy Paradigm

Complex applications, like operating systems (OS), that are

in charge of resource management have two main goals: ef ciency and operational support. Data mining applications
are quite similar in many aspects. Eciency in the execution
of programs on a expensive new hardware is as important
as the ecient execution of rule induction algorithms in a
time-constrained problem. The operational support in an
OS ensures the possibility to run very di erent applications,
providing restricted access to I/O devices and managing resources like memory or CPU time. As it has been already
mentioned, one of the requirement of modern DDM systems
is the extensibility with new algorithms and techniques as
easy as possible. In both cases applications and algorithms
need speci c features that should be provided by the supporting entity (OS or the data mining system) using an open
and generic interface.
OS design uses a particular approach to reach these objectives. It is called mechanism/policy (M/P) paradigm. This
paradigm claims an analysis of the systems in two levels:

Operational level: Features provided by the system.

This level contains all the actions (operations) performed by the system as well as the functions used to
monitor its status and the environment.
Control level: Decisions that rule the system. This
second level de nes the control issues applicable to the
operational level functions. These rules describe when
and how the operations are performed.

3.2 MOIRAE Models

Traditional M/P design describes both elements, operational

actions and control decisions, separately but nal implementations merge them into a unique system. These systems
provide static features for the operational part (mechanisms)
and also static control decisions for those mechanisms. Dynamic control con guration requires exible operations for
creating, deleting and updating control rules. In order to
support these dynamic control changes a generic architecture is de ned. This architecture is called MOIRAE (Management of Operational Interconnected Robots using Agent
MOIRAE is an abstract architecture that could be implemented with many di erent technologies, using di erent programming languages and at many di erent levels of detail. MOIRAE just provides a framework, a set of ideas
and methods, to design a distributed system when exible
control decisions can be controlled externally. MOIRAE
architecture is divided into di erent Models that have detailed descriptions of functionalities, restrictions and ele-

ments: (i) Component Model, (ii) Relationship Model,

(iii) Architecture Model and (iv) Control Model.

3.2.1 Component Model

This Model describes the structure that every element of
the system must have. MOIRAE architecture provides control features based on the functionalities provided by each of
the elements. These atomic elements are called components.
Following the M/C paradigm each component de nes two
kinds of functions, operational functions and control functions. Each of these groups of functions is implemented in
a plane. The Operational Plane includes all the modules
that provide the operational functions. The Control Plane
provides the features necessary to control the other plane as
well as to interact with other Control Planes.

Operational Plane: These elements provide all the

functions required to achieve the work performed by
the component. The functions, their design or implementation and the exact elements included in the plane
depend on the task performed by the component.
The responsibilities of this plane heavily depend on the
functions of the component.
Control Plane: The elements of this plane interact
either with the control plane from other components
or with the operational part of their own component.
The control plane solves complex situations called con icts, sending orders to the operational plane.
The control plane plays the role of an intelligent agent.
It perceives the environment (situation of the operational plane), communicates with other agents (control
planes from other components) and interacts with its
immediate world. The control plane may also be referred as control agent.

3.2.2 Relationship Model

This Model de nes a taxonomy of the possible communication schemas between two or among more components. This
classi cation assigns values to each relationship for cardinality of the members, scope of the relationship and addressing
methods. The relationship characteristics are: Cardinality (One{to{one, one{to{many and many{to{many), Scope
(public vs private relationships), Addressing (identi ed vs
3.2.3 Architecture Model
Based on the concepts provided by the Component Model
and Relationship Model, the Architecture Model describes
how multiple components are combined and interconnected
to deal with the tasks performed by any speci c system. The
network of interconnected components is called interaction
graph. This graph de nes the components and their relationships. For every system, there are two di erent graphs :
operational graph and control graph. The operational graph
shows the relations used by the operational planes of the
components. This graph depends on the task performed by
the components and the services provided by the system.
MOIRAE does not de ne any speci cation on this graph.
Control graphs represent the control relationships among
the components. This Model provides a generic schema of
this graph. Control interactions are based on a hierarchical

3.2.4 Control Model

The last Model of the architecture is the Control Model.
This Model shows how control decisions are taken either
locally or as a contribution of di erent control planes. When
the control plane is activated (when a con ict is detected),
the agent evaluates the alternatives to solve the problem.
As a result, the control plane returns a sequence of actions
to be performed to solve the con ict. For complex problems
the control plane would be unable to achieve an appropriate
solution by itself. Control Model speci es three di erent
control actions that rule the cooperative solution of complex

Control Propagation: When a control plane is unable to solve a problem it submits the problem description (e.g.: the con ict) and any additional information
to the control plane immediately superior in the hierarchy.
Control Delegation: After receiving a control propagation from a lower element, the upper element may
take three di erent alternatives:

If it is also unable to solve the problem it propagates up the con ict as well.
If it can solve the problem, it may reply to the
original component with the sequence of actions
necessary to solve the problem. This original component executes these actions.
In the last situation it is also possible that the
component, instead of replying with the sequence
of actions the component may provide the information necessary to solve the problem in the
lower component. This information could be used
also in any future situation. This alternative is
called Control Delegation.


Control Revoke: This action is the opposite to the

control delegation one. Using this control action any
upper component in the hierarchy may delete information from the agent of any lower element. This action
may be executed anytime and not only as a response
of a control propagation.

MOIRAE architectures is an abstract tool to develop distributed systems of any kind. A distributed data mining
system called DIDAMISYS has been designed using this architecture. The system has been divided into di erent federations. The federations are groups of components that
collaborate to achieve a well-de ned set of functionalities.
DIDAMISYS has the following federations:

Interfaces Federation: Components that interact with

the user.

Data Mining Federation: De nes data mining queries,

describing both the algorithms to be used and the data
sources to be accessed.

Data Warehouse Federation: De nes data administration tasks, like data integration, retrieval or information gathering.

Data & Process Federation: Achieves the sequence of

operations de ned either by the Data Mining Federation or by the Data Warehouse Federation.

A data mining algorithm or any administrative task can be

split into a sequences of basic operations. Data Mining and
Data Warehouse Federations only prepare execution plans
that are sequences of these basic operations. Nevertheless, it
is the Data & Process Federation the one that deals with the
main data processing and mining tasks. As a consequence
the main work load of the system is associated to this federation. Due to this the control policies are mainly focused
on the components of this federation. In what follows the
Data & Process Federation is explained in detail.

Sketch of a Solution

In the distributed data mining system architecture that we

propose the main work load is due to the tasks developed by
the components of the Data & Process Federation. Thus,
this federation obtains the maximum integration between
processes executing in the system and the data they use is
obtained. It is the most internal federation of the system in
the sense that interfaces do not access directly to it for requesting its services. Only data mining and data warehouse
federations are able to submit operations to these components.
In order to provide its features this federation design is based
on a pair of logical buses. These buses interconnect several system nodes and allow di erent components to migrate from one node to another: (i) Process Component
Bus: This bus supports operator migration between system
nodes. Each operator is programmed as a di erent component and they can be run on any of the machines belonging
to this bus and (ii) Data Component Bus: This other bus
allows data replication and migration between the nodes.
Each data table stored on a node is represented as a component on this bus. If the component is moved or copied to
another node on the bus, the data it represents are transmitted over the network via this bus. Data migration is not
one of the actions the system should do during algorithm
execution and it is planned to be performed as tuning tasks.
In order to succeed in the execution of the processes this
federation performs the following internal functions:
Component distribution :

When a request for a service

enters in this federation it always comes along with a
group description. This group description de ne the
group of operators and the tables that must be included in the chain to be executed. Taking into account this information, it has to be decided the most
appropriate distribution of the chain in the available
nodes in order to ensure an optimal execution of the
chain. To make the decision of the location of source
tables, the amount of available memory and the available operators have to be taken into account.

Operator load :

An instance of any operator belonging

to a chain of operators to be installed has to be started
in the chosen machine. The information required in
order to maintain the bus of processes is stored in what
has been called operator cache.

Execution control :

While the chain is being installed,

it is also required to build certain control components

that are responsible for the proper execution of the
chain, this is to say that they must ensure the correct
synchronization when executing operators.
Data representation and physical storage :

The data
bus has to be managed to o er a quick access to data
tables. The design of the internal structure of the tables as well as the way in which they are stored in secondary devices are quite related to each other in order
to obtain the optimal access. Data stored on the physical media is loaded into memory by the components
on this bus and then these components act as a server
of the original data table they represent. The amount
of memory used to load the data is constrained by the
management component of this bus balancing resource
usage by di erent components. If the memory space
assigned to one of these components is not enough to
load all the data then a swapping process is executed
to load and release data blocks between memory and
disk. These data blocks are called pages.

When a process is submitted to this federation from either Data Mining (algorithm executions) or Data Warehousing (data management/integration tasks) Federations, it is
represented as group description. This component de nes
which operator components must be executed and which
data sources participate. Both operator and data components are activated, hosting them on speci c nodes, once
active operators and data components are linked (by their
operational plane).
While their execution, external factors or control strategies
might require to move the components from one node to another. Moving an operator may cause previous local links
to become remote. Remote and local links provide the same
features but it is obvious that remote data access require
data transfer over the network, due to this strategic location of operations as near as possible to the data they use.
Data components can also be moved but they always require
original data to be moved also, this means for large data tables a lot of time therefore it is better to plan these actions
when the system is idle and only for the most common used



This paper has introduced MOIRAE, a generic architecture

based on M/P paradigm. MOIRAE architecture has been
used as a foundation of a new distributed data mining system called DIDAMISYS. DIDAMISYS system is the distributed version of an existing data mining system called
DAMISYS [4]. It has been also presented the main DIDDAMISYS federations, highlighting the role of Data & Process Federation. The design of this federation provides the
innovative point of this system. Load balancing issues, exible optimization, resource management and fault tolerance
are supported by this federation.



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