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Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, Vol 8(2) 2012, pp.

97 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

Saccharification of Sugarcane Bagasse by Enzymatic Treatment for bioethanol

Firoz Md. Ahmed

Sabita Rezwana Rahman
and Donald James Gomes

Department of Microbiology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
E.mail: md.firozahmed@hotmail.com
Received 1 October 2011; Received in revised form 30 January 2012; Accepted 23 February 2012

Aims: The escalating demands for traditional fossil fuels with unsecured deliverance and issues of climate change
compel the researchers to develop alternative fuels like bioethanol. This study examines the prospect of biofuel
production from high carbohydrate containing lignocellulosic material, e.g. sugarcane bagasse through biological means.
Methodology and Results: Cellulolytic enzymes were collected from the culture filtrate of thermotolerant Trichoderma
viride grown on variously pre-treated sugarcane bagasse. CMCase and FPase enzyme activities were determined as a
measure of suitable substrate pre-treatment and optimum condition for cellulolytic enzyme production. The highest
CMCase and FPase activity was found to be 1.217 U/ml and 0.109 U/ml respectively under the production conditions of
200 rpm, pH 4.0 and 50

C using steamed NaOH treated bagasse as substrate. SEM was carried out to compare and
confirm the activity of cellulolytic enzymes on sugarcane bagasse. Saccharification of pre-treated bagasse was carried
out with crude enzymes together using a two-factor experimental design. Under optimized conditions the pre-treated
bagasse was saccharified up to 42.7 % in 24 h. The hydrolysate was concentrated by heating to suitable concentration
and then used for fermentation by an indigenous isolate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. With 50 and 80 % brix containing
liquor the concentration of alcohol was 0.579 % and 1.15 % respectively.
Conclusion, significance and impact of study: This is the first report in Bangladesh for the production of cellulosic
ethanol using local isolates. Though the rate of alcohol production was very low, a great impetus in this field can
maximize the production thereby meet the demand for fuel in future.

Keywords: Bioethanol, Bagasse, CMCase, FPase, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Degree of saccharification
(DoS), Trichoderma viride, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Bioethanol can be planed from raw materials like starch,
saccharine or cellulosics (Hill et al., 2006; Solomon et. al.,
2007). However the high conversion rate (1.530 %) of
sunlight into biomass (Alexander, 1985) linked to high
energy content (1.6 barrels of fuel oil energy per ton of
sugarcane baggasse) have made sugarcane bagasse a
suitable substrate of choice for ethanol production.
Bangladesh produces more than 150,000 tons of sugar,
100,000 tons of molasses and 800,000 tons of bagasse
per year (Banglapedia, 2006). Rapid growth of the
sugarcane plants, climate and soil property making the
material easily available and annually renewable. So it
can act as a cheap substrate with constant supply as a
substrate for bioconversion to fuel ethanol.

Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the key biomass
polymers found in sugarcane bagasse consisting about
50, 27.5 and 9.8% respectively. The rest 11.3 % are cell
contents of sugarcane (Kewalramani et. al., 1988).
Structural features of cellulose such as the degree of
crystallinity, the degree of polymerization, the degree of
water swelling, and the surface area, limit accessibility of
substrate to enzyme and have been demonstrated (Fan
et. al., 1982) to affect the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis of
cellulose. Pretreatment methods, which disrupt the highly-
ordered cellulose structure and the lignin-carbohydrate
complex, remove lignin, and increase the surface area
accessible to enzymes, promote the hydrolysis, and
increase the rate and extent of hydrolysis of cellulose in
various lignocellulosic residues (Fan et. al., 1982). The
enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic materials correlates with
the level of cellulose crystallinity (Weimer and
Weston, 1985) and complete enzymatic hydrolysis of the
polysaccharides of lignocelluloses requires a concerted
action of a complex array of hydrolases including
cellulase, xylanase, pectinase, and other side-group
cleavage enzymes (Broda et. al., 1996).

Microbial cellulases are the most economic and available
sources, because microorganisms can grow on
inexpensive media such as agriculture and food industries
by-products. The genus Trichoderma, filamentous
ascomycetes are widely used in industrial applications
because of high secretory capacity and inducible
promoting characteristics (Mach and Zeilinger, 2003).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is well known yeast for its
*Corresponding author
Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 8(2) 2012, pp. 97-103
98 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

fermentation capacity (Charoenchai, 1998) and hence can
be employed for alcohol production from various sugar
containing materials. The conversion of lignocellulosic
material into biofuels is complicated and not yet a
commercial business, but the trends towards
commercialization are evident (Hamelinck et al., 2003).
The aim of this study was to consign an approach in
Bangladesh in the production of alcohol from cheap
lignocellulosic substrate like sugarcane bagasse, taking
Trichoderma viride into account as a source of cellulolytic
enzymes and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an appliance
for alcohol fermentation from saccharified liquor extracted
from enzyme treated bagasse.



Trichoderma viride isolated from decomposing
lignocellulosic materials was used for cellulolytic enzyme
production using basal medium described by Copa-Patio
et al. (1993). The medium contained (per liter) 0.6 g
KH2PO4, 0.5 g MgSO4.7H2O, 0.4 g K2HPO4, 0.74 g
CaCl2.2H2O, 2.32 g NH4H2PO4, and 1.0 g yeast extract,
and 7.0 ml of trace salts solution (per 100 ml, 200 mg
CoCl.7H2O, 500 mg FeSO4.7H2O, 160 mg MnSO4.H2O,
and 140 mg ZnSO4.7H2O) and Sugarcane bagasse 2.0 %
(w/v) as a carbon source.

Pretreatment of substrate

A number of physical and chemical pretreatments of
sugarcane bagasse were performed in an effort to
improve the substrates for the extracellular enzyme
production as well as for enzymatic saccharifications. The
physical treatments included chopping, milling and boiling,
while the chemical treatments were done using alkali,
acid, peroxide or solvent. In later case with alkali
treatment milled bagasse was kept at 85 C for 1 h in 2 %
NaOH (solid liquid ratio was 1:4). Acid treatment was
done with H2SO4 where chopped bagasse was heated at
100 C for 30 min with 10 % sulphuric acid solution (solid
liquid ratio was 1:10) (Detroy et al., 1981; Lynd et al.,
1987). For peroxide treatment, chopped bagasse was
suspended in 5 % hydrogen peroxide (in 1:10 ratio) and
kept in room temperature for 1 h. However for solvent
treatment chopped bagasse was suspended in aqueous
butanol (50 % v/v) in the presence of a 0.005 %
aluminium chloride catalyst and heated at 121

C for 1 h.
In each chemical treatment the solid substrate was
washed to neutral pH and dried in the oven at 70 C until
a constant weight. Both treated (NaOH, H2SO4, H2O2,
butanol and boiling) and non-treated chopped bagasse
were further passed with steam treatment (121 C for 15
min in an autoclave). These substrates were used for
enzyme production.

Fungal inoculum preparation

A suspension of 10
spores per ml (as determined by
Neubauer counting chamber) was prepared by scraping
conidiospores from agar slants into sterile saline water.
Two milliliter of the suspension was pipetted into 50 ml of
inoculum growth medium (Zhang and WeiMin, 2008) and
incubated in an orbital shaking incubator at 30 C and 200
rpm. After 36 h growth, the medium was used as the
inoculum for enzyme production.

Culture conditions and enzyme production

The standard basal medium used for growth and enzyme
production was described by Copa-Patio et al. (1993).
The initial pH was adjusted to 5.0. Cultures were
conducted in 250 ml-Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml
basal medium and 2 % (w/v) sugarcane bagasse
(pretreated) as a carbon source. The growth medium was
sterilized at 121 C for 15 min, then inoculated with 5 ml
spore suspension (10
spores) and incubated at 30
C on an orbital shaking incubator at 200 rpm for 3 days.
After cultivation the culture filtrate was centrifuged at
10,000 rpm for 15 min using lab centrifuge. The clear
supernatant fluid was used directly for the determination
of the enzyme activities.

Chemical analysis

Reducing sugar in the wart and ferments was determined
by dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method (Miller, 1959) using
glucose as standard. Both pretreated and native
sugarcane bagasse was analyzed for their total
carbohydrate content using a two-stage hydrolysis method
essentially according to Wilke et al. (1981).

Enzyme assays

Filter paper activity (FPase) was determined essentially
according to the IUPAC instructions (Ghose, 1987), and
the liberated reducing sugars were estimated by the DNS
method (Miller, 1959). FPase activity corresponds to 1 M
of reducing sugars as glucose equivalents librated per min
under the assay conditions. Carboxymethycellulase
(CMCase) activity was estimated essentially according to
IUPAC instructions (Ghose, 1987)

using 1 % solution of
carboxymethyl cellulose-sodium salt (in 0.05 M citrate
buffer, pH 5.0) as substrate. One CMCase unit is the
amount of enzyme necessary to produce 1 M reducing
sugar as glucose equivalents per min under the standard
assay conditions. The assay was also carried out for
different time intervals to find out the optimum time for
enzyme activity.

Saccharification of sugarcane bagasse

Saccharificaiton experiment was performed in 100 ml
Erlenmayer flasks with 200 mg (2 % dry wt) substrate and
10 ml enzyme solution in citrate buffer (0.05 M, pH 5.0).
The reaction mixture was sealed and incubated at 50 C
under continuous agitation (150 rpm) for 48 h.
Hydrolysates were transferred in screw-capped tubes,
heated in a boiling water bath for 15 min and centrifuged
to remove solid particles. The supernatant were used for
analysis of released sugars. Saccharifcation study was
Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 8(2) 2012, pp. 97-103
99 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

carried out at various temperatures and also at various
pHs to find out the best hydrolysis preparation. Sugar
released was estimated by DNS method (Miller, 1959)
and Degree of saccharifcation (DoS) was calculated
essentially described by Vallander & Eriksson (Vallander
and Eriksson, 1985) using the following formula:

DoS =
c v f1
m f2

Where c is the sugar concentration in the hydrolysate
estimated as total reducing sugars, in mg/ml; v is the
liquid volume (ml) of the hydrolysates, f1 is the factor (0.90
for hexoses) used to convert monosaccharide to
polysaccharide due to water uptake during hydrolysis; m
is the amount of initial substrate (mg) dry weight, and f2 is
the factor for the carbohydrate content of the substrate
(total carbohydrate, mg/total substrate, mg).

Statistical optimization of saccharification conditions

The optimum temperature and pH for saccharification of
sugarcane bagasse was finally determined using a central
composite design. A two-factor experimental design was
used; each factor was studied at three levels. The optima
were calculated according to Retzlaff et al. (1975).

Sachharification kinetic studies

The saccharification experiments were carried out for 48 h
and reducing sugar was estimated at various time
intervals. Initially the reaction mixture contained 2 % of
substrate that was incubated under optimized conditions.
The degree of saccharification was plotted against time to
evaluate time-dependent enzymatic hydrolysis of
sugarcane bagasse.

Processing of the saccharified liquor for fermentation

Prior to fermentation the saccharified liquor was separated
from the solid substrate. A refractometer was used to
determine the percentage of sugar in that liquor. The
liquid was boiled to reduce the volume until the sugar
concentration reaches 80 % in the refractometer scale.
The liquid was filtered to remove the impurities and used
in the fermentation medium as substrate for ethanol
production by yeast isolate.

Preparation of yeast inoculum for ethanol

One ml of yeast cell suspension (about 10
viable cells,
determined using a Neubauer counting chamber) was
inoculated to 100 ml MYGP broth in 500 ml-conical flask
and incubated at 30

C on a rotary shaker for 24 h. The
standard concentration of the inoculum (1.5 x 10
was prepared by the properly diluting the suspension with
sterile distilled water.

Fermentation process

Ethanol production was carried out in batch culture using
various concentrations of the clarified liquor obtained from
sugarcane bagasse. Malt extract (0.3 %), yeast extract
(0.3 %) and peptone (0.5 %) was added to the liquor and
final pH was set to 5.5. One milliliter of yeast inoculum
was inoculated to 100 ml of the broth in 250 ml conical
flask and was incubated at 30

C for 72 h.

Estimation of ethanol

Ethanol produced in the fermentation medium was
estimated by potassium dichromate oxidation method
(Kumnuanta, 1983). Potassium dichromate (33.882 g/l),
ferrous ammonium sulphate (135.5 g/l) and diphenylamine
(0.5 g/100 ml concentrated H2SO4) solutions were used
as reagent for estimation of ethanol concentration. The
fermented sample was diluted ten times with distilled
water. Ten millilitre of the diluted sample was distilled
against K2Cr2O7 (10 ml) containing concentrated H2SO4
(5-6 ml). Then distilled was titrated against freshly
prepared ferrous ammonium sulphate solution with
diphenylamine as an indicator. Appearance of green
colour indicated the end point of the titration. Burette
reading (amount ferrous ammonium sulphate) was
recorded to calculate the amount (in percentage) of
ethanol present in the sample.


The development of a remunerative process to convert
low value biomass like sugarcane bagasse to high value
product like ethanol requires several key steps, especially
cellulase production, be optimized (Eveleigh, 1987). The
structural complexity are often easily degraded by
xylanases, mannanases etc. which are present in some
cellulase preparations, so that their presence may actually
lead to increased production of reducing sugars and
greater susceptibility of the residual cellulose (Tolan and
Finn, 1987). Figure 1 shows various types of hydrolytic
enzymes that were found in this experiment by growing
Trichoderma viride on relevant media.

Figure 1: Production of various hydrolytic enzymes by
Trichoderma viride
Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 8(2) 2012, pp. 97-103
100 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

Trichoderma viride was grown on both treated and
untreated bagasse as substrate for cellulase enzyme
production. With NaOH, H2SO4 or H2O2 treated bagasse
an enhanced fungal attack on the substrate was noticed.
NaOH is thought to have some saponification activity on
bagasee (Fan et al., 1981), H2SO4 removes hemicellulose
extensively while oxidizing agent i.e., H2O2 causes
chemical oxidation of lignin and remove it (Fan et al.,
1981). Chemical pretreatment with solvents like butanol
was found to be inefficient. The accessibility of the
chemically pretreated bagasse to the fungal attack was
enhanced remarkably by additional steam treatment, as
was also reported by Saddler et al. (1982). Chemical
pretreatment with alkali (caustic soda) appeared to be
most effective in enhancing the extent of subsequent
enzymatic hydrolysis. Similar findings have been reported
for alkali pretreatments of various lignocellulosic
substrates (Fan et al., 1981). The highest CMCase activity
(0.293 U/ml) was obtained from steamed NaOH treated
(short piece) bagasse, followed by steamed H2SO4
substrate (0.285 U/ml) and steamed H2O2 treated
substrate (0.283 U/ml). The highest FPase activity (0.099
U/ml) was found from steamed NaOH-treated (short
piece) bagasse. It was followed by steamed H2O2
substrate (0.089 U/ml FPase) and steamed H2SO4 treated
substrate (0.084 U/ml FPase). The enzyme activities were
almost constant during storage at 4

C refrigerator upto 2
weeks (Figure 2).



Figure 2: Effect of different pretreatments of sugarcane
bagasse on extracellular (a) CMCase, (b) FPase
production by Trichoderma viride in shake-flask culture (1.
NaOH treated short pieces bagasse, 2. NaOH + steam
treated short pieces bagasse, 3. NaOH treated ground
bagasse, 4. NaOH + steam treated ground bagasse, 5.
H2SO4 treated short pieces bagasse, 6. H2SO4 + steam
treated short pieces bagasse, 7. H2O2 treated short pieces
bagasse, 8. H2O2 + steam treated short pieces bagasse,
9. Butanol treated short pieces bagasse, 10. Butanol
+steam treated short pieces bagasse, 11. Boiled short
pieces bagasse,12. Boil + steam treated short pieces
bagasse, 13. Short pieces bagasse, & 14. Steam treated
short pieces bagasse)

Figure 3: Scanning electron microscopy of sugarcane
bagasse cross section- (a) untreated; (b) alkali-treated; (c)
enzyme-treated bagasse

However, the cellulase yields of this study by T. viride
were relatively inferior as compared to experiment of
Thomas et al. (1981) and Acebal et al.

(1986). The
highest endoglucanase (CMCase) was found to be 1.217
U/ml in this study, while a 10-fold higher activity was
reported by Acebal et al. (1986) with T. reesei QM 9414.
Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 8(2) 2012, pp. 97-103
101 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

Again, the FPase activity by T. viride in this study was
0.109 U/ml, which was considerably lower than that
reported for T. reesei QM 9414 (0.34 U/ml) (Thomas et
al., 1981). Biosynthesis of hydrolytic enzymes on
lignocellulosics depends on multiple factors.
Saccharification syrups contain not only glucose and
cellobiose but also other sugars, like as xylose (Palmer,
1975). Cellulase is moderately inhibited by glucose and
strongly inhibited by cellobiose (Mandels et al., 1978). For
both sugars the extent of inhibition increases with
increasing resistance of the cellulose. Cellobiase is
competitively inhibited by glucose (Gong et al., 1977;
Bissett et al., 1978).

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of untreated, alkali-
treated and enzyme treated bagasse were taken and
compared to find out what actually happens with NaOH
treatment and what changes do crude enzyme introduces
to sugarcane bagasse. All samples were coated with
platinum and magnification of x250 was used. Figure 3(a)
shows the electron micrograph of cross section of
untreated bagasse. It shows large void and loose packing
of the fibres. The wall of untreated fibres was intact.
Figure 3(b) shows the SEM of alkali-treated fibre where
the cell wall still looks normal, and no rupture or splitting
was observed as a resulting of alkali treatment however,
packing of the fibres was partially loosened. Figure 3(c)
shows the cross section of enzyme treated bagasse
where sponge-like structures of the bagasse is evident
and the structure of the lignocellulosic biomass surface
appears to be more fragile.

The extent of hydrolysis depended on the reaction
temperature and maximum hydrolysis was achieved at 50

C (Figure 4). Above and below of this temperature the
degree of saccharification (DoS) was reduced
considerably. The DoS of steamed alkali-treated chopped
bagasse by the crude enzyme preparation from T. viride
was 38.8 %, while the untreated bagasse was
saccharified to 25.6 %. With the increasing temperature
the DoS of untreated and alkali-treated bagasse were
reduced and at 70

C the values were only 6 % and 8 %
respectively. Increased susceptibility of lignocellulosics by
alkali pretreatment might be due to removal of lignin seal
and swelling of the substrates in an alkaline condition,
which might increase accessibility of the substrate to
enzymatic attack (Fan et al., 1981).

The pretreated substrate was substantially hydrolyzed
over a pH range between 4.0 and 6.0. A two-factor central
composite design was employed to confirm the optimum
pH and temperature for hydrolysis of treated bagasse by
the enzyme of T. viride. Highest saccarification value was
observed at pH 5.0 and 50

C that corresponded to the
DoS value of 42.75 % (Figure 5).

Time course of enzymatic saccharification of alkali treated
bagasse showed rapid initial increase of reducing sugar
concentration (up to 8 h) and the rate of this increase was
substantially reduced at later stages. The substrate was
saccharified up to about 24.0 % within 8 h hydrolysis time
and after 24 h, the degree of saccharification was
increased to about 33.5 %. Further increase of the
hydrolysis time from 24 h to 48 h, the subsequent
increase of the extent of hydrolysis was only about 9.0 %
(Figure 6).

Figure 5: Effect of pH on enzymatic saccharification of
sugarcane bagasse

Figure 6: Time course of enzymatic saccharification of
alkali pretreated bagasse by crude enzyme preparation of
Trichoderma viride

The yeast Saccharomyces sp. is the choice of organisms
due to its high ethanol production efficiency than others
(Jones et al., 1981). The initial sugar concentration of the
fermentation medium is an important factor since too
much sugar results in lower ethanol production (Jones et
al., 1981; Beuchat, 1983). The organism utilizes hexose
sugars; however it is unable to utilize xylose (Jeffries,
1990). The yeast isolate used in this experiment was
selected for higher alcohol productivity on pure glucose
and molasses. But the organism was not very efficient in
utilizing the saccharified liquor extracted from enzymatic
hydrolysis of bagasse. With 80 % and 50 % brix
containing liquor the concentration of alcohol was 1.15 %
(v/v) and 0.579 % (v/v) respectively; those were very low
as compared to the amount found by Tang et al. (2008)
Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 8(2) 2012, pp. 97-103
102 ISSN (print): 1823-8262, ISSN (online): 2231-7538

with Saccharomyces cereviseae strain KF-7. Since the
saccharification study was carried out by enzymes
extracted from fungal growth medium and later on the
saccharified liquor was used for fermentation, some fungal
proteins might be left on the preparation affecting the
growth of fermenting yeast negatively. Again, though S.
cerevisiae is one of the most prominent ethanol producing
organisms using hexose sugars, it is unable to utilize
xylose (Jeffries, 1990). As in this experiment a high
xylanase activity was found in the crude enzyme extract, it
can be said that a substantial amount of xylose might be
present in the saccharified liquor which affected the rate of

In recent years, engineered yeasts have been described
efficiently fermenting xylose (Ohgre et al., 2006; Brat et
al., 2009) and arabinose (Becker and Boles, 2003) and
even both together (Karhumaa et al., 2006). Besides
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, microorganisms such as
Zymomonas mobilis and Escherichia coli have been
targeted through metabolic engineering for cellulosic
ethanol production.


The choice of lignocellulosic materials like sugarcane
bagasse for bioethanol production has become a recent
interest (Sun and Cheng, 2002) however, in Bangladesh
this is the first reported experimental work regarding
cellulosic ethanol. This experiment was designed to
evaluate the possibility of alcohol production from
sugarcane bagasse using local fungal and yeast isolates.
Our study suggests that T. viride is potentially useful for
the production of various cellulolytic enzymes. Though,
the amount of alcohol obtained was not satisfactory with
the isolated Saccharomyces sp., additional work on
purification of enzyme from hydrolysis media and
separation of sugars from saccharified liqour for the
preparation of fermentation media can enhance the
production of alcohol. Further experiment may be
designed using other cellulosic substances like rice straw,
wheat straw, or switch grass as a substrate for bioethanol
production. Besides, study can be planed to isolate yeast
with improved fermentation capacity. This will ultimately
uphold the promise of producing adequate amount of
alcohol from given amount of substrate industrially thereby
meet the demand for fuel in near future.


The authors wish to thank Bangladesh Jute Research
Institute, Dhaka for helping in this research.

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