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August 2006
Disassembly and
2506-15 Industrial Engine
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
Important Safety Information
M ost accidents that involve product operation, m aintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions.A n accidentcan often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accidentoccurs.A person m ustbe alertto potentialhazards.This
person should also have the necessary training,skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and w arnings are provided in this m anualand on the product.Ifthese hazard
w arnings are notheeded,bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the Safety A lert Sym boland follow ed by a SignalW ordsuch as
D A N G ER ,W A R N IN G or C A U TIO N .The Safety A lertW A R N IN G labelis show n below .
The m eaning ofthis safety alertsym bolis as follow s:
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The m essage that appears under the w arning explains the hazard and can be either w ritten or
pictorially presented.
O perations thatm ay cause productdam age are identified by N O TIC Elabels on the productand in
this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The inform ation,specifications,and illustrations in this publication are on the basis ofinform ation that
w as available atthe tim e thatthe publication w as w ritten.The specifications,torques,pressures,
m easurem ents,adjustm ents,illustrations,and other item s can change atany tim e.These changes can
affectthe service thatis given to the product.O btain the com plete and m ostcurrentinform ation before
you startany job.Perkins dealers or Perkins distributors have the m ostcurrentinform ation available.
When replacement parts are required for this
product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-
ture failures, product damage, personal injury or
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KENR6232 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install ............ 4
Fuel Filter Base - Remove ................................... 4
Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble ............................. 5
Fuel Filter Base - Assemble .................................. 6
Fuel Filter Base - Install ....................................... 6
Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove .............................. 7
Fuel Transfer Pump - Install .................................. 7
Electronic Unit Injector - Remove ......................... 8
Electronic Unit Injector - Install ............................. 9
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Remove ............. 10
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Install ................. 11
Turbocharger - Remove ........................................ 12
Turbocharger - Install ............................................ 13
Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install ............... 14
Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install ................... 15
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Springs - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 15
Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install .... 17
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 19
Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove .......................... 20
Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble ................... 21
Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble ........................ 21
Engine Oil Filter Base - Install .............................. 22
Engine Oil Cooler - Remove ................................. 23
Engine Oil Cooler - Install ..................................... 23
Engine Oil Pump - Remove .................................. 24
Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble ........................... 24
Engine Oil Pump - Assemble ................................ 25
Engine Oil Pump - Install ...................................... 26
Water Pump - Remove ......................................... 27
Water Pump - Install ............................................. 28
Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
Install .................................................................. 28
Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install ....... 30
Flywheel - Remove ............................................... 31
Flywheel - Install ................................................... 32
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove ........................... 33
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install ............................... 34
Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install .............. 34
Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and Install
............................................................................. 36
Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove .......................... 38
Crankshaft Front Seal - Install .............................. 39
Front Cover - Remove .......................................... 40
Front Cover - Install .............................................. 41
Gear Group (Front) - Remove .............................. 41
Gear Group (Front) - Install .................................. 43
Housing (Front) - Remove .................................... 45
Housing (Front) - Install ........................................ 46
Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (Open
Breather) ............................................................. 47
Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install ..... 48
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Remove .......................... 49
Rocker Arm - Disassemble ................................... 49
Rocker Arm - Assemble ........................................ 50
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install .............................. 51
Cylinder Head - Remove ...................................... 51
Cylinder Head - Install .......................................... 53
Camshaft - Remove .............................................. 56
Camshaft - Install .................................................. 58
Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install .................. 60
Camshaft Bearings - Remove ............................... 61
Camshaft Bearings - Install ................................... 62
Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install ................... 64
Cylinder Liner - Remove ....................................... 65
Cylinder Liner - Install ........................................... 66
Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install ............. 66
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove .............. 67
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble ....... 68
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble ........... 69
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install .................. 70
Connecting Rod Bearings - Remove (Connecting
rods in position) ................................................... 71
Connecting Rod Bearings - Install (Connecting rods
in position) ........................................................... 71
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove .................... 73
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install ........................ 74
Crankshaft - Remove ............................................ 75
Crankshaft - Install ................................................ 77
Bearing Clearance - Check ................................... 79
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 80
Camshaft Position Sensor - Remove and Install .. 81
Crankshaft Position Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 82
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 83
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install
............................................................................. 84
Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install ... 85
Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 86
Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 87
Belt Tightener - Remove ....................................... 88
Belt Tightener - Install ........................................... 89
Fan - Remove and Install ..................................... 89
Fan Drive - Remove ............................................. 90
Fan Drive - Install .................................................. 91
Pump Drive - Remove (Transfer pump) ................ 91
Pump Drive - Disassemble (Transfer pump) ......... 92
Pump Drive - Assemble (Transfer pump) ............. 93
Pump Drive - Install (Transfer pump) .................... 93
Electronic Control Module - Remove and Install ... 94
Alternator - Remove and Install ........................... 95
Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install ....... 96
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 97
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4 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Disassembly and Assembly
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove
and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.
Illustration 1
2. Remove bolts (2). Remove fuel priming pump
assembly (1) from fuel filter base (4).
3. Remove joint (3) from the fuel priming pump
assembly and the fuel filter base.
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 2
1. Position a new joint (3) on fuel filter base (4).
Note: Ensure correct orientation of the joint.
2. Position the fuel priming pump assembly (1) on
the fuel filter base and install bolts (2). Tighten the
1/4" bolt to a torque of 12 Nm (105 lb in). Tighten
the 5/16" bolt to a torque of 25 Nm (221 lb in).
3. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
4. Remove the air from the system. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Fuel System -
Fuel Filter Base - Remove
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
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KENR6232 5
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.
Illustration 3
2. Place a suitable container below the fuel filter
base in order to drain the fuel from the fuel filter
assemblies (10) and (12).
3. Remove plugs (9) and (11). Allow the fuel to drain.
4. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from fuel
temperature sensor (2).
Note: In order to disconnect the harness assembly,
slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
5. Disconnect hose assembly (3). Disconnect hose
assembly (5). Disconnect hose assemblies (7)
and (8). Plug the open hose assemblies.
6. Use a suitable tool with a 1/2" square drive
in order to remove fuel filter assemblies (10)
and (12). Remove the O-ring seals. Remove
the fuel filter elements. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Fuel Filter - Replace for
more information.
7. Remove bolts (4). Remove fuel filter base (6).
Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble
Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Fuel Filter Base - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 4
1. Remove fuel priming pump (4) from fuel filter
base assembly (1). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and
2. Remove fuel temperature sensor (2) from fuel
filter base assembly (1). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove
and Install.
3. Remove fuel bypass valve (6) from fuel filter base
assembly (1). Remove the O-ring seals from the
fuel bypass valve.
4. Remove fuel check valve (10) from fuel filter base
assembly (1). Remove the O-ring seals from the
fuel check valve.
5. Remove connections (3), (5), (7) and (8) from fuel
filter base assembly (1). Remove the O-ring seals
from the connections.
6. Remove plugs (9), (11) and (12) from fuel filter
base assembly (1). Remove the O-ring seals from
the plugs.
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6 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Fuel Filter Base - Assemble
Assembly Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Ensure that the filter base is clean and free from
damage. If necessary, replace the filter base.
Illustration 5
2. Install new O-ring seals to plugs (9), (11) and (12).
Install the plugs to fuel filter base assembly (1).
Tighten plug (9) to a torque of 41 Nm (30 lb ft).
Tighten plugs (11) and (12) to a torque of 15 Nm
(11 lb ft).
3. Install new O-ring seals to connections (3), (5), (7)
and (8). Install the connections to fuel filter base
assembly (1). Tighten connections (3), (5) and (7)
to a torque of 15 Nm (11 lb ft). Tighten connection
(8) to a torque of 41 Nm (30 lb ft).
Note: Ensure correct orientation of the connections.
4. Install new O-ring seals to fuel bypass valve (6).
Install the fuel bypass valve to fuel filter base
assembly (1). Tighten fuel bypass valve (6) to a
torque of 35 Nm (26 lb ft).
5. Install new O-ring seals to fuel check valve (10).
Install the fuel check valve in fuel filter base
assembly (1). Tighten the fuel check valve to a
torque of 35 Nm (26 lb ft).
6. Install fuel temperature sensor (2) to fuel filter
base assembly (1). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove
and Install.
7. Install fuel priming pump (4) to fuel filter
base assembly (1). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and
End By:
a. Install the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Fuel Filter Base - Install.
Fuel Filter Base - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 6
1. Position fuel filter base (6) and install bolts (4).
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
2. Install new O-ring seals and new fuel filter
elements to fuel filter assemblies (10) and (12).
Use a suitable tool with a 1/2" square drive in
order to install the fuel filter assemblies.
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KENR6232 7
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Install new O-ring seals to plugs (9) and (11).
Install the plugs to fuel filter assemblies (10) and
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Fuel Filter - Replace for more information.
3. Connect hose assemblies (3), (5), (7) and (8).
4. Connect harness assembly (1) to fuel temperature
sensor (2). Slide the locking tab into the locked
5. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
6. Remove the air from the system. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Fuel System -
Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.
2. Place a suitable container below the fuel transfer
pump in order to catch any fuel that might be
Illustration 7
3. Disconnect hose assemblies (2) and (3) from fuel
transfer pump (1). Plug the open hose assemblies.
4. Remove bolts (4) and remove fuel transfer pump
5. Remove the O-ring seal from fuel transfer pump
Fuel Transfer Pump - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Ensure that the fuel transfer pump is clean and
free from damage.
Illustration 8
2. Lubricate a new O-ring seal with clean engine oil.
Install the O-ring seal to fuel transfer pump (1).
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8 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Position fuel transfer pump (1) on pump drive (5).
Note: Ensure that the splines on the shaft of the fuel
transfer pump are correctly engaged into the pump
4. Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
5. Remove the plugs from the hose assemblies.
Connect hose assemblies (2) and (3) to fuel
transfer pump (1).
6. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
7. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Fuel
System - Prime.
Electronic Unit Injector -
Removal Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610288 Pry Bar 1
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker arms and the rocker arm shaft.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker Arm
and Shaft - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.
Illustration 9
2. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from electronic
unit injector (2).
3. Remove valve bridges (3).
If the injector hold down bolt is loose during the re-
moval procedure, inspect the injector bore for wear
and debris. Replace the clamp and spacer.
Illustration 10
4. Remove bolts (8) and washers (9). Remove
harness assembly (1) and support bracket (7) as
a unit.
5. Remove bolt (4) and spacer (5).
6. Place an identification mark on electronic unit
injector (2) for installation purposes. Each
electronic unit injector must be reinstalled in the
original location in the cylinder head.
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KENR6232 9
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 11
7. Use Tooling (A) to pry beneath the base and free
electronic unit injector (2).
8. Remove electronic unit injector (2) and clamp (6)
from the cylinder head.
Illustration 12
9. Remove O-ring seals (11) and (12) from electronic
unit injector (2).
Electronic Unit Injector - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 2
Required Tools
Tool Part
Part Description Qty
GE50028 Vacuum Pump 1
GE50046 Fluid Sampling Bottle 1
7.9 mm (0.31 inch) OD
C - Large Bore Brush 1
D 27610308
Surface Reconditioning
E 27610296 Torque Wrench 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Use Tooling (D) to clean the carbon deposit from
the inside of the electronic unit injector sleeve.
2. Use Tooling (B) to remove the fuel and oil from
the cylinder. Evacuate as much fuel and oil as
possible from the cylinder before installing the
electronic unit injector. Several evacuations may
be necessary.
Illustration 13
3. Ensure that seat area (X) on the electronic unit
injector is clean and free carbon.
4. Install new O-ring seals (11) and (12) on the
electronic unit injector. Lubricate the O-ring seals
with clean engine oil.
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10 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Install a new O-ring seal (13) on the electronic unit
Note: O-ring seal (13) should be installed dry.
If a replacement electronic unit injector is installed, the
calibration code must be programmed into the elec-
tronic control module. Refer to Troubleshooting Guide,
Injector Trim File for more information.
Illustration 14
6. Install clamp (6) to electronic unit injector (2).
Install electronic unit injector (2) into the original
location in the cylinder head.
7. Install spacer (5) and bolt (4). Tighten bolt (4) to a
torque of 55 Nm (41 lb ft).
Illustration 15
8. Install harness assembly (1) and support bracket
(7) as a unit. Install bolts (8) and washers (9).
Tighten bolts (8) to a torque of 105 Nm (77 lb ft).
9. Connect harness assembly (1) to electronic unit
injector (2). Use Tooling (E) to tighten the nuts to a
torque of 2.5 Nm (22 lb in).
10. Install bridge assemblies (3) in the respective
Note: Ensure that used valve bridges are reinstalled
in the original location and the original orientation.
Do not interchange the location or the orientation of
used valve bridges.
11. Install the rocker arms and the rocker arm shaft.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker Arm
and Shaft - Install.
12. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
13. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Fuel
System - Prime.
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve
- Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 3
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50021 Injector Sleeve Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Drain the coolant from the engine. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Cooling
System Coolant - Change.
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KENR6232 11
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 16
2. Install Tooling (A) in electronic unit injector sleeve
3. Tighten the nut on Tooling (A) until the electronic
unit injector sleeve is pulled free of the cylinder
4. Remove O-ring seals (2) and O-ring seal (3) from
electronic unit injector sleeve (1).
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve
- Install
Installation Procedure
Table 4
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50021 Injector Sleeve Tool 1
GE50023 Tapered Brush 1
GE50024 Small Bore Brush 1 B
GE50022 End Brush 1
C CV60893 Retaining Compound 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Use Tooling (B) to clean the bore in the cylinder
head for the electronic unit injector sleeve.
Ensure that the electronic unit injector sleeve and the
cylinder head bore are completely free of oil, dirt, and
sealant debris.
Illustration 17
2. Install new O-ring seals (2) and (3) to electronic
unit injector sleeve (1).
Note: Do not apply Tooling (C) to the cylinder head
surfaces. Apply Tooling (C) to the electronic unit
injector sleeve only.
3. Apply a small continuous bead of Tooling (C) to
surface (X) of electronic unit injector sleeve (1).
4. Lubricate O-ring seals (2) with clean engine oil.
5. Position Tooling (A) and the electronic unit injector
sleeve in the cylinder head. Use care not to
damage the O-ring seals on the electronic unit
injector sleeve.
6. Use Tooling (A) to install electronic unit injector
sleeve (1) in the cylinder head.
Note: Ensure that the electronic unit injector sleeve
is properly seated in the cylinder head.
7. Remove Tooling (A). Use a clean towel and
remove excess Tooling (C).
8. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance, Refill Capacities for
the cooling system capacity.
End By:
a. Install the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Install.
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12 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Turbocharger - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the exhaust elbow. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Exhaust Elbow - Remove and
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Disconnect the air hoses for the turbocharger inlet
and for the turbocharger outlet.
Illustration 18
2. Follow Steps 2.a through 2.c in order to remove
the tube assembly (7) for the oil feed.
a. Remove tube clamp (9) that secures tube
assembly (7) to tube assembly (8). Note the
position of the clamp.
b. Disconnect tube assembly (7) from the engine
oil filter base.
c. Remove bolts (3). Remove tube assembly (7)
and joint (2) from turbocharger (1).
3. Follow Steps 3 through 3.c in order to remove the
tube assembly (8) for the oil drain.
a. Remove bolts (6).
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KENR6232 13
Disassembly and Assembly Section
b. Remove tube assembly (8) and joint (5).
c. Remove O-ring seal (10) from tube assembly
4. Attach a suitable lifting device to turbocharger (1).
The weight of the turbocharger is approximately
30 kg (66 lb).
5. Remove the fasteners for the turbocharger. Use
the lifting device to remove turbocharger (1) from
the exhaust manifold. Remove gasket (4).
Turbocharger - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 5
Required Tools
Tool Part
Part Description Qty
A CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 19
1. Clean the mating surfaces of the exhaust manifold.
Position a new gasket (4) on the exhaust manifold.
2. Attach a suitable lifting device to turbocharger
(1). The weight of turbocharger is approximately
30 kg (66 lb). Use the lifting device to install
turbocharger (1) onto the exhaust manifold.
3. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the exhaust
manifold bolts. Install the bolts and install locknuts
finger tight.
4. Install a new O-ring seal (10) to tube assembly
(8). Install tube assembly (7) and new joint (5).
Install bolts (6) finger tight.
5. Install tube assembly (7) and a new joint (2).
Install bolts (3) finger tight. Connect the lower end
of tube assembly (7) to the engine oil filter base.
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14 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
6. Install tube clamp (9) to tube assembly (7) to tube
assembly (8).
Note: Ensure that the clamp is installed in the correct
7. Tighten the fasteners for the turbocharger to a
torque of 55 Nm (41 lb ft).
8. Tighten the bolts for tube assemblies (7) and (8)
to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
9. Connect the air hoses for the turbocharger inlet
and for the turbocharger outlet.
Exhaust Manifold - Remove
and Install
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Turbocharger - Remove.
b. Remove the water temperature regulator housing.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Water
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
Illustration 20
1. Remove locknuts (3), washers (2) and spacers (1).
2. Remove exhaust manifolds (4), (5) and (6).
Note: Remove manifolds as one assembly.
3. Remove the exhaust manifold gaskets.
4. Remove exhaust manifolds (4) and (6) from
exhaust manifold (5).
5. If necessary, remove the taperlock studs from the
cylinder head.
Installation Procedure
Table 6
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Install the taperlock studs in the cylinder head and
tighten to a torque of 35 Nm (26 lb ft).
Illustration 21
2. Assemble exhaust manifolds (4), (5) and (6).
3. Install the exhaust manifold gaskets onto the
taperlock studs.
4. Install the assembly of the exhaust manifolds on
the taperlock studs.
Note: Ensure that the holes in exhaust manifolds are
centralized with the taperlock studs.
5. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the taperlock
studs. Install spacers (1), washers (2) and
locknuts (3).
Illustration 22
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KENR6232 15
Disassembly and Assembly Section
6. Tighten the locknuts in a numerical sequence that
is shown in Illustration 22. Tighten the locknuts to
a torque of 38 Nm (28 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the water temperature regulator housing.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Water
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
b. Install the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Turbocharger - Install.
Exhaust Elbow - Remove and
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 23
1. Use an allen wrench in order to loosen clamp (1)
that secures the exhaust elbow.
2. Remove the exhaust elbow and the clamp from
the turbocharger.
Installation Procedures
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 24
1. Thoroughly clean the exhaust elbow and the outlet
of the turbocharger. Inspect the components for
wear or damage. Replace any components that
are worn or damaged.
2. Position clamp (1) and install the exhaust elbow
to the turbocharger. Ensure correct orientation of
the band clamp.
3. Tighten the allen head bolt to a torque of 13.5 Nm
(10 lb ft).
Inlet and Exhaust Valve
Springs - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 7
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
B GE50026 Valve Spring Compressor 1
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
16 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: The following procedure should be adopted in
order to remove the valve springs when the cylinder
head is installed to the engine. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly Manual, Inlet and Exhaust Valves -
Remove and Install for the procedure to remove the
valve springs from a cylinder head that has been
removed from the engine.
1. Use Tooling (A) to position the appropriate piston
at the top center position before the valve spring
is removed.
Note: Failure to ensure that the piston is at the top
center position may allow the valve to drop into the
cylinder bore.
Do not turn the crankshaft while the valve springs are
Note: Valve springs must be replaced in pairs for the
inlet valves or the exhaust valves of each cylinder. If
all valve springs require replacement the procedure
can be carried out on two cylinders at the same time.
The procedure can be carried out on the following
pairs of cylinders. 1 with 6, 2 with 5, and 3 with 4.
Ensure that all of the valve springs are installed
before changing from one pair of cylinders to another
pair of cylinders.
Illustration 25
Illustration 26
Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
2. Install Tooling (B) in the electronic unit injector
sleeve. Secure Tooling (B) with unit injector clamp
3. Tighten the nut until valve keepers (3) are loose
on valves (2).
4. Remove valve keepers (3).
5. Loosen the nut in order to release the pressure
on Tooling (B). Remove unit injector clamp (1).
Carefully remove Tooling (B).
6. Remove valve rotators (4).
7. Remove outer valve springs (6) and inner valve
springs (5).
8. Remove washers (7) from the valve guide.
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 17
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 8
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
B GE50026 Valve Spring Compressor 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Inspect the valve springs for damage and for the
correct length. Refer to Specifications Manual,
Cylinder Head Valves .
2. Lubricate the valve stems with clean engine oil.
Illustration 27
Improper assembly of parts that are spring loaded
can cause bodily injury.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective equip-
3. Install washers (7).
4. Install inner valve springs (5) and outer valve
springs (6).
5. Position valve rotators (4) on the valve springs.
The valve spring keepers can be thrown from
the valve when the valve spring compressor is
released. Ensure that the valve spring keepers
are properly installed on the valve stem. To help
prevent personal injury, keep away from the front
of the valve spring keepers and valve springs
during the installation of the valves.
6. Use Tooling (B) to compress the valve springs.
Install valve keepers (3).
7. Loosen the nut in order to release the pressure
on Tooling (B). Remove unit injector clamp (1).
Carefully remove Tooling (B).
8. Lightly strike the top of the valve with a soft faced
hammer in order to ensure that valve keepers (2)
are properly installed.
End By:
a. Install the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Install.
Inlet and Exhaust Valves -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 9
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Valve Spring
Start By:
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Cylinder Head - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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18 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 28
Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
1. Install Tooling (A) and compress the valve springs.
Remove valve keepers (2) from valve (1).
2. Carefully remove Tooling (A) from valve (1).
3. Remove valve rotator (3).
4. Remove outer valve spring (5) and inner valve
spring (4) from valve (1).
5. Remove washer (6) and valve (1) from the valve
6. Remove the valve stem seal.
Installation Procedure
Table 10
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Valve Spring
B GE50027 Seal Installer 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Inspect the valve springs for damage and for the
correct length. Refer to Specifications Manual,
Cylinder Head Valves .
Note: Valve springs must be replaced in pairs for the
inlet valve or the exhaust valve of each cylinder.
2. Inspect the valves. Refer to Specifications,
Cylinder Head Valves for additional information
on the inlet and exhaust valves.
3. Use Tooling (B) in order to install new valve stem
seals onto the valve guides.
Note: The outer face of the valve guide must be
clean and dry before installing the valve stem seal.
4. Lubricate the valves with clean engine oil. Install
the valves in the cylinder head.
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KENR6232 19
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 29
Improper assembly of parts that are spring loaded
can cause bodily injury.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective equip-
5. Install washer (6).
6. Install inner valve spring (4) and outer valve spring
7. Position valve rotator (3) on the valve springs.
8. Use Tooling (A) to compress valve springs. Install
valve keepers (2) .
The valve spring keepers can be thrown from
the valve when the valve spring compressor is
released. Ensure that the valve spring keepers
are properly installed on the valve stem. To help
prevent personal injury, keep away from the front
of the valve spring keepers and valve springs
during the installation of the valves.
9. Carefully remove Tooling (A). Lightly strike the top
of the valve with a soft faced hammer in order
to ensure that valve keepers (2) are properly
End By:
a. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Cylinder Head - Install.
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides
- Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 11
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50043 Valve Guide Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the inlet and exhaust valves. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Inlet and Exhaust
Valves - Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 30
1. Use Tooling (A) and a hammer to remove valve
guide (1) from the cylinder head.
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20 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 12
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50043 Valve Guide Tool 1
B GE50044 Valve Guide Sleeve 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 31
1. Lubricate the bores for the valve guides with clean
engine oil.
2. Install valve guide (1) in the cylinder head with
Tooling (A) and Tooling (B).
Note: Tooling (B) must be used in order to install the
valve guide to the correct height.
Height to top of valve guide from cylinder head
surface ..... 35.00 0.50 mm (1.378 0.020 inch)
Note: For more information, refer to Specifications,
Cylinder Head Valves.
End By:
a. Install the inlet and exhaust valves. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Inlet and Exhaust
Valves - Remove and Install.
Engine Oil Filter Base -
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the oil cooler. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Engine Oil Cooler - Remove.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 32
1. Use a suitable tool with a 1/2" square drive in
order to remove engine oil filter (5). Remove the
O-ring seal. Remove the filter element. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine Oil
- Change for more information.
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KENR6232 21
Disassembly and Assembly Section
2. Disconnect tube assembly (1).
3. Remove bolts (2) and bolts (4).
4. Remove engine oil filter base (3). Remove the
O-ring seals from the engine oil filter base.
Engine Oil Filter Base -
Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil filter base. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Filter
Base - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
Illustration 33
1. Remove bolts (3). Remove elbow (1) from engine
oil filter base (2). Remove the O-ring seals from
the elbow.
2. Remove plug (5). Remove the O-ring seal from
plug (5).
3. Remove spring (7).
4. Remove plunger (6).
5. If necessary, remove oil sampling valve (4) from
the engine oil filter base. remove the O-ring seal
from the oil sampling valve.
Engine Oil Filter Base -
Assembly Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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22 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Improper assembly of parts that are spring loaded
can cause bodily injury.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective equip-
Illustration 34
1. Inspect the components for wear or damage.
Replace any components that are worn or
2. Lubricate plunger (6) and spring (7) with clean
engine oil. Install the plunger and the spring into
engine oil filter base (2).
3. Install a new O-ring seal to plug (5). Install plug (5)
to engine oil filter base (2). Tighten plug (5) to a
torque of 100 Nm (74 lb ft).
4. Install new O-ring seals to elbow (1). Position
elbow (1) on the engine oil filter base and install
bolts (3).
5. If necessary, install a new O-ring seal to oil
sampling valve (4). Install oil sampling valve (4) to
engine oil filter base (2). Tighten the oil sampling
valve to a torque of 24 Nm (18 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the engine oil filter base. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Filter
Base - Install.
Engine Oil Filter Base - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 35
1. Install new O-ring seals to engine oil filter base (3).
2. Position engine oil filter base (3) on the engine
and install bolts (2) and bolts (4). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
3. Connect tube assembly (1).
4. Install the oil cooler. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Engine Oil Cooler - Install.
5. Install a new O-ring seal to engine oil filter (5).
Install engine oil filter (5) to engine oil filter base
(3). Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Engine Oil - Change for more information.
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KENR6232 23
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Engine Oil Cooler - Remove
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into
a suitable container for storage or for disposal.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Cooling System Coolant - Change.
Illustration 36
2. Remove bolts (1). Remove outlet bonnet (3) from
the cylinder block and from the engine oil cooler.
Remove joint (2) and O-ring seal (7) from the
outlet bonnet.
3. Remove bolts (8). Rotate core assembly (4) and
slide the core assembly toward the rear of the
engine in order to remove the core assembly from
the engine oil filter base. Remove O-ring seals (9)
from the engine oil filter base.
4. Remove bolts (11). Remove oil cooler bonnet (5)
from the water pump. Remove joint (6) and O-ring
seal (10) from the oil cooler bonnet.
Engine Oil Cooler - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 13
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 37
1. Install a new O-ring seal (10) to oil cooler bonnet
(5). Apply Tooling (A) to the O-ring seal. Install
joint (6) to oil cooler bonnet (5). Position the oil
cooler bonnet on the water pump and install bolts
(11). Tighten the bolts finger tight.
2. Install two new O-ring seals (9) to the engine oil
filter base.
3. Slide core assembly (4) toward the front of the
engine. Rotate the core assembly into position.
Install bolts (8). Tighten the bolts finger tight.
4. Install a new O-ring seal (7) to outlet bonnet (3).
Apply Tooling (A) to the O-ring seal. Install joint (2)
to outlet bonnet (3). Position outlet bonnet (3) on
the core assembly and install bolts (1). Tighten
the bolts finger tight.
5. Tighten bolts (8), (1) and (11) to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
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24 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
6. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Cooling System Coolant
- Change.
7. Check the level of the engine lubricating oil. Refer
to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine
Oil Level - Check.
Engine Oil Pump - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 38
Typical example
1. Remove the fasteners and remove tube assembly
(6). Remove the O-ring seal from the tube
2. Remove the fasteners and remove the assembly
of the suction pipe (2). Remove the O-ring seal
from the tube assembly.
3. Remove bolts (5) and remove engine oil pump (1)
from the cylinder block.
4. If necessary, remove bolts (4) and remove
underframe assembly (3).
Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble
Disassembly Procedure
Table 14
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Puller (Three Leg) 1
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump -
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 39
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KENR6232 25
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Remove the bolt that holds drive gear (1) to the
shaft of engine oil pump (2). Use Tooling (A) to
remove the drive gear from the shaft. Remove the
key from the shaft.
Illustration 40
Personal injury can result from parts and/or cov-
ers under spring pressure.
Spring force will be released when covers are re-
Be prepared to hold spring loaded covers as the
bolts are loosened.
2. Remove bolts (8). Remove retainer (5), spring (6),
and relief plunger (7) from pump body (3).
3. Remove bolts (9) and cover (10).
4. Remove idler gear (12) and drive gear (13) from
the pump body.
5. Use a suitable tool to remove sleeve bearings (4)
from the pump body.
6. Use a suitable tool to remove sleeve bearings (11)
from the cover.
Engine Oil Pump - Assemble
Assembly Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 41
1. Use a press and a suitable tool to install sleeve
bearings (4) in pump body (3). The bearing joint
should be 30 15 degrees from the center line of
the two bearing bores. Install the sleeve bearings
so the sleeve bearings are even with the outside
of the pump body.
Illustration 42
2. Use a press and a suitable tool to install sleeve
bearings (11) in cover (10). The bearing joint
should be 30 15 degrees from the center line of
the two bearing bores. Install the sleeve bearings
so the sleeve bearings are even with the outside
of the cover.
Illustration 43
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26 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Improper assembly of parts that are spring loaded
can cause bodily injury.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective equip-
3. Lubricate the idler gear and the drive gear with
clean engine oil. Lubricate sleeve bearings (4)
with clean engine oil. Install idler gear (12) and
drive gear (13) in pump body (3).
4. Lubricate sleeve bearings (11) with clean engine
oil. Install cover (10). Install bolts (9).
Note: The engine oil pump must turn freely after
assembly. Turn the engine oil pump by hand.
Reposition cover (10) if the engine oil pump does not
turn freely.
5. Install relief plunger (7), spring (6), retainer (5),
and bolts (8).
6. Install the key on the shaft.
Illustration 44
7. Install drive gear (1) on the shaft of engine oil
pump (2). Install bolt (14). Tighten the bolt to a
torque of 55 Nm (41 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump - Install.
Engine Oil Pump - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 45
Typical example
1. Position underframe assembly (3) on the cylinder
block. Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque
of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
2. Position engine oil pump (1) on the dowels in the
cylinder block. Install bolts (5). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the engine oil pump is seated on
the dowels before the bolts are tightened.
3. Install a new O-ring seal to tube assembly (6).
Lubricate the bore in the engine oil pump with
clean engine oil. Install tube assembly (6). Install
the bolts that secure the tube assembly. Tighten
the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
4. Install a new O-ring seal to the assembly of
suction pipe (2). Lubricate the bore in the engine
oil pump with clean engine oil. Install the assembly
of suction pipe (2). Install the bolts and washers
that secure the tube assembly. Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
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KENR6232 27
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Water Pump - Remove
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into
a suitable container for storage or for disposal.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Cooling System Coolant - Change.
Illustration 46
2. Remove bolts (2) from water temperature regulator
housing (1). Remove water temperature regulator
housing (1) and pipe (3) as a unit. Remove the
O-ring seals from the water temperature regulator
housing and the pipe.
3. Remove bolts (5). Remove water pump cover (4)
from water pump (8). Remove the O-ring seal from
the water pump cover.
4. Remove bolts (7). Remove oil cooler bonnet (6)
from the engine oil cooler. Remove the joint and
the O-ring seal from the oil cooler bonnet.
5. Remove the belt tightener. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Belt Tightener - Remove.
6. Attach a suitable lifting device to water pump (8).
Support the weight of the water pump. The water
pump weighs approximately 18.3 kg (40 lb).
7. Remove bolts (9).
8. Use the lifting device in order to remove water
pump (8) from the front housing. Remove the
O-ring seal from the water pump.
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28 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Water Pump - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 15
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 47
1. Install a new O-ring seal to water pump (8).
2. Use a suitable lifting device in order to position
water pump (8) on the front housing. The water
pump weighs approximately 18.3 kg (40 lb).
3. Install bolts (9). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
4. Install the belt tightener. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Belt Tightener - Install.
5. Install a new O-ring seal on oil cooler bonnet (6).
Apply Tooling (A) to the O-ring seal. Position the
joint and install oil cooler bonnet (6) to the engine
oil cooler. Install bolts (7). Tighten the bolts to a
torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
6. Install a new O-ring seal to water pump cover (4).
Position water pump cover (4) on water pump (8)
and install bolts (5). Tighten the bolts to a torque
of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
7. Install new O-ring seals to pipe (3). Apply Tooling
(A) to the O-ring seals. Install the pipe in the
water temperature regulator housing (1). Install a
new O-ring seal to water temperature regulator
housing (1).
8. Insert pipe (3) into water pump cover (4). Install
the assembly of the water temperature regulator
housing and pipe as a unit. Install bolts (2).
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
9. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Cooling System Coolant
- Change.
Water Temperature Regulator
Housing - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 29
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into
a suitable container for storage or for disposal.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Cooling System Coolant - Change.
Illustration 48
Typical example
2. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position and
disconnect the harness assembly from coolant
temperature sensor (5).
3. Remove bolts (3). Remove pipe (4), water
temperature regulator housing (1), and housing
manifold (2).
Illustration 49
4. Remove water temperature regulator housing (1)
from housing manifold (2). Remove O-ring seal (7)
and O-ring seal (6) from the housing manifold.
5. Remove water temperature regulators (8).
6. Remove lip seal (10).
7. Remove pipe (4) from the water temperature
regulator housing. Remove O-ring seals (9) from
pipe (4).
8. If necessary, remove coolant temperature sensor
(5). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Coolant
Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install.
Installation Procedure
Table 16
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610309 Seal Installer 1
B 218200221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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30 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 50
1. Use Tooling (A) to install lip seals (10) into water
temperature regulator housing (1).
2. Install new O-ring seals (9) onto pipe (4). Apply
Tooling (B) to the O-ring seals. Install pipe (4) to
the water pump.
3. Install O-ring seal (6) and O-ring seal (7) to
housing manifold (2).
4. Install water temperature regulators (8) into the
water temperature regulator housing (1).
Illustration 51
Typical example
5. Loosely install bolts (3) to water temperature
regulator housing (1) and housing manifold (2).
Position water temperature regulator housing (1)
and housing manifold (2) onto pipe (4). Tighten
the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
6. If necessary, install coolant temperature sensor
(5). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Coolant
Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install.
7. Connect the harness assembly to coolant
temperature sensor (5). Slide the locking tab into
the locked position.
8. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Cooling System Coolant
- Change.
Engine Support (Front) -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 17
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(1/2 - 13 UNC by 6 inch)
Start By:
a. Remove the assembly of the vibration damper
and the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install.
1. Support the front of the engine.
Illustration 52
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KENR6232 31
Disassembly and Assembly Section
2. Remove bolts (1) and install Tooling (A). Remove
the remaining bolts.
3. Remove engine support (2) from the cylinder
block. The weight of engine support (2) is
approximately 33.5 kg (74 lb).
Installation Procedure
Table 18
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(1/2 - 13 UNC by 6 inch)
1. Support the front of the engine.
Illustration 53
2. Position engine support (2) on Tooling (A). The
weight of engine support (2) is approximately
33.5 kg (74 lb).
3. Install bolts (1) finger tight. Remove Tooling (A)
and install the remaining bolts.
Illustration 54
Tightening sequence
4. Install bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
105 Nm (77 lb ft) in the order that is shown in
Illustration 54.
End By:
a. Install the assembly of the vibration damper
and the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install.
Flywheel - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 19
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
5/8 - 18 by 8 inch
Start By:
a. Remove the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 55
Typical example
1. Use a suitable tool to lock the flywheel. Loosen
bolts (1).
2. Attach a suitable lifting device to flywheel (1).
Support the weight of the flywheel. The weight of
flywheel (2) is approximately 130 kg (286 lb).
3. Remove two bolts (1). Install Tooling (A).
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
32 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
4. Remove the remaining bolts (1). Use the lifting
device in order to remove flywheel (2).
Illustration 56
Typical example
5. Inspect flywheel (2) and ring gear (3) for wear or
damage. Replace any components that are worn
or damaged.
6. To remove the flywheel ring gear, follow Steps 6.a
and 6.b.
a. Place the flywheel assembly on a suitable
Note: Identify the orientation of the teeth on the
flywheel ring gear.
b. Use a hammer and a punch in order to remove
ring gear (3) from flywheel (2).
Flywheel - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 20
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
5/8 - 18 by 8 inch
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 57
Always wear protective gloves when handling
parts that have been heated.
1. If the flywheel ring gear was removed, follow
Steps 1.a through 1.c in order to install a new ring
gear to the flywheel.
a. Identify the orientation of the teeth on the new
ring gear (3).
Note: The chamfered side of the ring gear teeth must
face toward the starting motor when the flywheel is
installed. This will ensure the correct engagement of
the starting motor.
b. Heat flywheel ring gear (3) in an oven to a
maximum temperature of 316 C (600 F) prior
to installation.
Note: Do not use a torch to heat the ring gear.
c. Ensure that the orientation of ring gear (3) is
correct and quickly install the ring gear onto
flywheel (2).
2. Inspect the crankshaft rear seal for leaks. If there
are any oil leaks, replace the crankshaft rear seal.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft
Rear Seal - Remove.
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KENR6232 33
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 58
Typical example
3. Install a suitable lifting device to flywheel (1). The
weight of flywheel (2) is approximately 130 kg
(287 lb).
4. Install Tooling (A) on the crankshaft.
5. Use the lifting device in order to position flywheel
(1) onto Tooling (A).
6. Apply clean engine oil to the threads of bolts (1).
7. Install bolts (1). Remove Tooling (A). Install
remaining bolts (1).
8. Use a suitable tool to prevent the flywheel from
rotating. Tighten bolts (1) to a torque of 270 Nm
(200 lb ft).
9. Remove the lifting device from flywheel (1).
10. Check the runout of the flywheel. Refer to
Systems Operations, Testing and Adjusting,
Flywheel - Inspect.
End By:
a. Install the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install.
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 21
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 27610311 Slide Hammer Puller 1
Start By:
a. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Flywheel - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: The crankshaft rear seal and the wear sleeve
must be replaced as a unit. Once the crankshaft
rear seal and the wear sleeve are separated, these
components can not be used again.
Illustration 59
Typical example
1. Use a 4 mm (0.158 inch) drill in order to make
three or more holes in wear sleeve (2).
2. Use Tooling (A) to remove the wear sleeve.
3. Use a 4 mm (0.158 inch) drill in order to make
three or more holes in crankshaft rear seal (1).
4. Use Tooling (A) to remove crankshaft rear seal (1).
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
34 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 22
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
B GE50008 Seal Locator 1
C GE50009 Bolt 3
D GE50014 Nut (Seal Installer) 1
E GE50013 Seal Installer 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Do not lubricate the crankshaft seal or the wear
sleeve. The crankshaft seal must be installed dry.
Illustration 60
Typical example
Note: Do not use any type of lubricant during the
installation of the crankshaft seal and wear sleeve.
1. Before installation of the crankshaft seal and the
wear sleeve, inspect the crankshaft for scratches.
Also, inspect the crankshaft for any distortion
on the surface that may lead to an out of round
condition. Use a polishing cloth in order to remove
any imperfections on the crankshaft.
2. Clean the outside diameter of the crankshaft and
the inside diameter of the wear sleeve.
3. Fasten Tooling (B) to the crankshaft with Tooling
Note: Install the crankshaft rear seal with the arrow
that shows the direction of crankshaft rotation toward
the rear of the engine.
4. Position wear sleeve (2) and crankshaft rear seal
(1) on Tooling (B). Install Tooling (E) on Tooling
(B). Lubricate the face of the washer on Tooling
(D). Install Tooling (D) on Tooling (B).
5. Tighten Tooling (D) until Tooling (E) contacts
Tooling (B).
6. Remove Tooling (D) and Tooling (E) from Tooling
7. Remove Tooling (C) and Tooling (B) from the
8. Check the crankshaft rear seal and the wear
sleeve for the correct installation.
End By:
a. Install the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Flywheel - Install.
Flywheel Housing - Remove
and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 23
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(3/8 - 16 x 4inch)
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KENR6232 35
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electric Starting
Motor - Remove.
b. Remove the crankshaft rear seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Rear
Seal - Remove.
c. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 61
Typical example
1. Install a suitable lifting device to flywheel housing
(1). The weight of the flywheel housing is
approximately 86 kg (190 lb).
2. Remove two bolts (2). Install Tooling (A).
3. Remove remaining bolts (2). Use the suitable
lifting device to remove the flywheel housing from
the cylinder block.
Note: It is not necessary to remove the dowels in the
cylinder block that locate the flywheel housing.
Installation Procedure
Table 24
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(3/8 - 16 x 4inch)
B CH10879 Sealant 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Thoroughly clean the flywheel housing and the
rear surface of the cylinder block. Ensure that the
dowels in the cylinder block protrude 1.91 cm
(0.75 inch) from the mating surface.
Illustration 62
Typical example
2. Install Tooling (A) in the cylinder block.
3. Install a suitable lifting device to flywheel housing
(1). The weight of the flywheel housing is
approximately 86 kg (190 lb).
4. Apply Tooling (B) to the rear face of the cylinder
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36 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Note: The flywheel housing must be installed within
ten minutes of applying Tooling (B).
5. Use the suitable lifting device to align flywheel
housing (1) with Tooling (A). Install the flywheel
housing to the cylinder block. Install bolts (2)
finger tight. Remove Tooling (A) and install the
remaining bolts.
Illustration 63
Tightening sequence
Typical example
6. Tighten the bolts, as follows:
a. In the numerical sequence, tighten bolt 1
through bolt 9 to a torque of 100 Nm (74 lb ft).
b. In the numerical sequence, tighten bolt 10
through bolt 24 to a torque of 40 Nm (30 lb ft).
c. In the numerical sequence, tighten bolt 1
through bolt 9 to a torque of 135 Nm (100 lb ft).
d. In the numerical sequence, tighten bolt 10
through bolt 24 to a torque of 55 Nm (41 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the crankshaft rear seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Rear
Seal - Install.
b. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
c. Install the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install.
Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 25
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(5/8 - 18 x 9 inch)
Start By:
a. Remove the fan. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan - Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 64
1. Loosen nut (1). Rotate bolt (2) in order to release
the tension on the V-belts.
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KENR6232 37
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 65
Typical example
2. Remove the V-belts from crankshaft pulley (6).
Temporarily secure the V-belts in a position that
is clear of vibration damper (4).
3. Remove two bolts (5). Install Tooling (A).
4. Remove remaining bolts (5). Remove crankshaft
pulley (6).
Note: Ensure that the weight of the assembly of
vibration damper (4) and adapter (3) is adequately
5. Install a suitable lifting device to the assembly of
vibration damper (4) and adapter (3). The weight
of the assembly of the vibration damper and the
adapter is approximately 50 kg (110 lb).
6. Use the lifting device to remove the assembly of
vibration damper (4) and adapter (3) from the
7. Remove Tooling (A) from the crankshaft.
Illustration 66
8. Remove bolts (7). Remove vibration damper (4)
from adapter (3). The weight of vibration damper
(4) is approximately 34 kg (75 lb).
Installation Procedure
Table 26
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A -
Guide Stud
(5/8 - 18 x 9 inch)
B CV60890 Anti-Seize Compound
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Thoroughly inspect the viscous damper for signs of
leakage or for signs of a dented (damaged) case.
Either of these conditions can cause the weight to
make contact with the case. This can affect the vis-
cous dampers operation.
Illustration 67
1. Inspect the components for damage. Replace any
components that are damaged.
2. Inspect the crankshaft front seal for leaks. If there
are any oil leaks, replace the crankshaft front seal.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft
Front Seal - Remove.
3. Position vibration damper (4) on adapter (3). The
weight of vibration damper (4) is approximately
34 kg (75 lb).
4. Use Tooling (B) to lubricate threads of bolts (7).
Install bolts (7) and tighten the bolts to a torque of
105 Nm (77 lb ft).
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38 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 68
Typical example
5. Install Tooling (A) in the crankshaft.
6. Install a suitable lifting device to the assembly of
vibration damper (4) and adapter (3). The weight
of the assembly of the vibration damper and the
adapter is approximately 50 kg (110 lb). Use the
lifting device to align the assembly of the vibration
damper and the adapter with Tooling (A).
7. Install the assembly of adapter (3) and vibration
damper (4) to the crankshaft.
8. Remove the lifting device.
Note: Ensure that the weight of the assembly of
vibration damper (4) and adapter (3) is adequately
9. Install crankshaft pulley (6) on Tooling (A).
10. Apply Tooling (B) to bolts (5). Install the bolts.
Remove Tooling (A) and install the remaining
bolts. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 270 Nm
(200 lb ft).
Illustration 69
11. Position the V-belts on crankshaft pulley (6) and
the pulley of the belt tightener.
12. Rotate bolt (2) in order to adjust the tension of
the V-belts. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Belt Tension Chart.
13. Tighten nut (1).
End By:
a. Install the fan. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan - Remove and Install.
Crankshaft Front Seal -
Removal Procedure
Table 27
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 27610311 Slide Hammer Puller 1
Start By:
a. Remove the assembly of the vibration damper
and the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install.
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KENR6232 39
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: The crankshaft front seal and the wear sleeve
must be replaced as a unit. Once the crankshaft
front seal and the wear sleeve are separated, these
components can not be used again.
Illustration 70
Typical example
1. Use a 4 mm (0.158 inch) drill in order to make
three or more holes in wear sleeve (2).
2. Use Tooling (A) to remove the wear sleeve.
3. Use a 4 mm (0.158 inch) drill in order to make
three or more holes in crankshaft front seal (1).
4. Use Tooling (A) to remove crankshaft front seal
Crankshaft Front Seal - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 28
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
B GE50008 Seal Locator 1
C GE50009 Bolt 3
D GE50014 Nut (Seal Installer) 1
E GE50013 Seal Installer 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: The crankshaft front seal and the wear
sleeve must be replaced at the same time. Once
the crankshaft front seal and the wear sleeve are
separated, these components cannot be used again.
Note: Do not lubricate the crankshaft seal or the wear
sleeve. The crankshaft seal must be installed dry.
1. Before installation of the crankshaft front seal
and the wear sleeve, inspect the crankshaft for
scratches. Also, inspect the crankshaft for any
distortion on the surface that may lead to an out of
round condition. Use a polishing cloth in order to
remove any imperfections on the crankshaft.
2. Clean the outside diameter of the crankshaft.
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40 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 71
Typical example
3. Fasten Tooling (B) to the crankshaft with Tooling
Note: Install the crankshaft front seal with the arrow
that shows the direction of crankshaft rotation toward
the front of the engine.
4. Position wear sleeve (2) and crankshaft front seal
(1) on Tooling (B). Install Tooling (E) on Tooling
(B). Lubricate the face of the washer on Tooling
(D). Install Tooling (D) on Tooling (B).
5. Tighten Tooling (D) until Tooling (E) contacts
Tooling (B).
6. Remove Tooling (D) and Tooling (E) from Tooling
7. Remove Tooling (C) and Tooling (B) from the
End By:
a. Install the vibration damper and the pulley. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Vibration Damper
and Pulley - Remove and Install.
Front Cover - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan drive - Remove.
b. Remove the assembly of the vibration damper
and the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 72
1. Loosen bolts (2). Remove front cover (3) from
front housing (1).
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 41
Disassembly and Assembly Section
2. Remove bolts (2) and seal (4) from front cover (3).
Front Cover - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 73
1. Install seal (4) and bolts (2) to front cover (3).
Illustration 74
Tightening sequence
2. Position front cover (3) on front housing (1).
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 20 Nm (15 lb ft)
in the numerical sequence that is shown in
Illustration 74.
End By:
a. Install the assembly of the vibration damper
and the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install.
b. Install the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan drive - Install.
Gear Group (Front) - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Remove and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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42 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Note: Be sure to mark the orientation of each of the
gears for installation purposes.
Illustration 75
1. Remove bolts (2) and thrust plate (1).
2. Remove sealing plate (3) and adapter (4).
3. Remove O-ring seal (5) and O-ring seal (6) from
sealing plate (3).
Illustration 76
Typical example
4. Remove bolts (8), plate (9), and adjustable idler
gear assembly (7).
Illustration 77
Typical example
5. Remove bolts (11), plate (12), and idler gear
assembly (10).
Illustration 78
Typical example
6. Remove bolts (14), plate (15), and cluster gear
assembly (13).
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 43
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 79
Typical example
Note: The backlash for the camshaft gear and
the adjustable idler gear assembly will need to be
readjusted at assembly.
7. Remove fasteners (17) and remove stub shaft
assembly (16).
8. Remove fasteners (19) and remove stub shaft
9. Remove bolts (21) and remove stub shaft (20).
Gear Group (Front) - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 29
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 21820117
Threadlock and Nutlock
B 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Illustration 80
Typical example
1. Install stub shaft (20). Apply Tooling (B) to bolts
(21). Install bolts (21) and tighten to a torque of
55 Nm (40 lb ft) in sequence. (1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 1)
Note: If any studs are loose or the threads are
damaged, install new studs to the front housing.
2. Install stub shaft (18). Apply Tooling (A) to the
studs and the bolt for stub shaft (18). Tighten nuts
(19) and the bolt to a torque of 55 Nm (40 lb ft).
3. Install stub shaft assembly (16). Do not tighten
nuts (17) and the bolt for the shaft assembly at
this time. The nuts and the bolt for stub shaft
assembly (16) will need to be tightened when the
backlash is adjusted.
Note: If shaft assembly (16) is removed, the backlash
for the camshaft gear and the adjustable idler
gear will need to be readjusted. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Gear Group
(Front) - Time.
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44 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 81
4. Install new O-ring seals (5) and (6) to sealing plate
(3). Lubricate O-ring seal (5) with Tooling (B).
5. Install adapter (4). Ensure that the dowel in the
adapter engages the hole in the camshaft.
6. Install sealing plate (3) and thrust plate (1) in the
front housing. Apply Tooling (A) to bolts (2). Install
bolts (2) and tighten the bolts to a torque of 12 Nm
(106 lb in). Ensure that sealing plate (3) and O-ring
seal (6) are seated against the cylinder head.
Note: Ensure that No. 1 piston at the top center
position on the compression stroke. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Finding Top
Center Position for No. 1 Piston.
Illustration 82
Typical example
7. Put cluster gear assembly (13) on the stub shaft.
Ensure that Timing Marks (V) are aligned on the
cluster gear assembly and the crankshaft gear.
8. Apply Tooling (A) to bolts (14). Position plate
(15) with the oil groove toward the gear face.
Install bolts (14) and tighten to a torque of 28 Nm
(21 lb ft).
Illustration 83
Typical example
9. Position idler gear (10) on the shaft assembly.
10. Apply Tooling (A) to bolts (11). Position plate
(12) with the oil groove toward the gear face.
Install bolts (11) and tighten to a torque of 28 Nm
(21 lb ft).
11. Install the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Remove and
Install. for the correct procedure.
12. Check the backlash for the camshaft gear and
the adjustable idler gear. If necessary, adjust the
backlash. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing
and Adjusting, Gear Group (Front) - Time.
Note: The camshaft gear must be installed and the
adjustable idler gear must be removed in order to
perform the backlash adjustment procedure.
Illustration 84
13. Once the correct backlash has been obtained,
follow Steps 13.a through 13.d in order to secure
stub shaft assembly (16).
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KENR6232 45
Disassembly and Assembly Section
a. Remove one nut (17).
b. Apply Tooling (A) to the nut.
c. Install nut (17) and tighten to a torque of
55 Nm (40 lb ft).
d. Repeat the procedure for the remaining nuts
and the bolt.
Note: Removing and installing one nut at time will
ensure that the position of the stub shaft assembly
is not affected.
Note: Ensure that the timing mark on the camshaft
gear is aligned with the timing mark on the front
housing before the adjustable idler gear assembly
is installed.
Illustration 85
Typical example
14. Put adjustable idler gear assembly (7) on the
stub shaft assembly. Position plate (9) with the oil
groove toward the face of the gear. Apply Tooling
(A) to bolts (8). Install bolts (8). Tighten bolts (8)
to a torque of 28 Nm (21 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Front Cover - Install.
Housing (Front) - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the camshaft position sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Camshaft Position
Sensor - Remove and Install.
b. Remove the crankshaft position sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Position
Sensor - Remove and Install.
c. Remove the belt tightener. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Belt Tightener - Remove.
d. Remove the fuel transfer pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Fuel Transfer Pump
- Remove.
e. Remove the water pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Water Pump - Remove.
f. Remove the gear group (front). Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Gear Group (Front)
- Remove .
g. Remove the crankshaft front seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Front
Seal - Remove.
h. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
i. Remove the engine support. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Support (Front) - Remove
and Install.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
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46 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 86
1. Remove bolts (3) and bracket (2).
2. Remove the brackets that support the harness
3. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight
of front housing (1). The front housing weighs
approximately 62 kg (137 lb).
4. Remove bolts (4).
5. Use the lifting device to remove front housing (1).
6. Remove joint (5).
Note: It is not necessary to remove the dowels in the
cylinder block that locate the front housing.
Housing (Front) - Install
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Illustration 87
1. Thoroughly clean the mating surfaces of the
cylinder block and front housing (1). Ensure that
the dowels in the cylinder block protrude 1.91 cm
(0.75 inch) from the mating surface.
2. Install a new joint (5) on the dowels in the cylinder
Note: Trim the joint even with the bottom of the front
housing after assembly.
3. Use a suitable lifting device to align front housing
(1) with the dowels in the cylinder block. The front
housing weighs approximately 62 kg (137 lb).
4. Install front housing (1) to the cylinder block.
Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
50 Nm (37 lb ft).
5. Position bracket (2) and install bolts (3). Ensure
that the bracket that supports the harness
assembly is secured by the appropriate bolt.
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
6. Install the remaining bracket that supports the
harness assembly.
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KENR6232 47
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the engine support. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Support (Front) - Remove
and Install.
b. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
c. Install the crankshaft front seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Front
Seal - Install.
d. Install the gear group (front). Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Gear Group (Front) - Install .
e. Install the water pump. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Water Pump - Install.
f. Install the fuel transfer pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Fuel Transfer Pump - Install.
g. Install the belt tightener. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Belt Tightener - Install.
h. Install the crankshaft position sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Crankshaft Position
Sensor - Remove and Install.
i. Install the camshaft position sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Camshaft Position
Sensor - Remove and Install.
Crankcase Breather - Remove
and Install
(Open Breather)
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 88
1. Loosen clamp (2) and remove hose (3) from
connection (1) on the valve mechanism cover.
Remove the hose.
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 89
1. Ensure that hose (3) is clean and free from
2. Install hose (3) to connection (1) on the valve
mechanism cover. Tighten clamp (2).
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
48 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Valve Mechanism Cover -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 90
1. Loosen clip (5) and remove breather hose (6) from
valve mechanism cover (2).
2. Disconnect the harness assembly from connector
(3). Remove the bolts and the washers that secure
the connector to valve mechanism cover (2).
Illustration 91
Tightening sequence for the valve mechanism cover
3. Gradually loosen isolated bolts (1) in reverse
numerical order. Refer to Illustration 91. This will
help prevent distortion of the valve mechanism
4. Remove the valve mechanism cover (2). Remove
isolated bolts (1) and joint (4) from the valve
mechanism cover.
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 92
1. Install isolated bolts (1) and a new joint (4) to valve
mechanism cover (2).
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KENR6232 49
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 93
Tightening sequence for the valve mechanism cover
2. Install valve mechanism cover (2). Gradually
tighten the isolated bolts (1) to a torque of 20 Nm
(15 lb ft) in the numerical sequence that is shown
in Illustration 93.
3. Position connector (3) into valve mechanism cover
(2). Install the bolts and the washers that secure
the connector to the valve mechanism cover.
Torque the bolts to a torque of 1.5 Nm (13 lb in).
Connect the harness assembly to the connector.
4. Install clip (5) and breather hose (6) to valve
mechanism cover (2).
Rocker Arm and Shaft -
Removal Procedure
Table 30
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 27610322 Lifting Bracket 1
Start By:
a. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 94
Valve rocker arms and unit injector rocker arms
can move on the shaft after the bolts have been
removed. The shaft should be kept level when re-
moved from the cylinder head. To avoid possible
personal injury, keep fingers clear of the valve
rocker arms and the unit injector rocker arms
when lifting the assembly from the cylinder head.
1. Remove bolts (2).
2. Use Tooling (A) to remove rocker arm shaft
assembly (4), valve rocker arms (3), and electronic
unit injector rocker arms (1) as a unit.
3. Make a temporary mark on the valve bridges in
order to show the location and the orientation.
Remove the valve bridges from the cylinder head.
Note: Identification will ensure that the valve bridges
can be reinstalled in the original location and the
original orientation. Do not interchange the location
or the orientation of used valve bridges.
Rocker Arm - Disassemble
Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker arms and the rocker shaft.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker Arm
and Shaft - Remove.
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50 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 95
1. Remove valve rocker arms (11) and electronic unit
injector rocker arm (3) from rocker shaft assembly
2. Remove nut (7) from adjustment screw (8).
3. Remove adjustment screw (8) from valve rocker
arms (11).
4. Remove button (10) from adjustment screw (8).
Remove O-ring seal (9) from the adjustment
5. Remove nut (2) from unit injector adjustment
screw (1).
6. Remove unit injector adjustment screw (1) from
electronic unit injector rocker arm (3).
7. Remove button (6) from unit injector adjustment
screw (1). Remove O-ring seal (5) from the unit
injector adjustment screw.
Rocker Arm - Assemble
Assembly Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 96
Note: Do not reuse the O-ring seal on the adjustment
screw if the button is removed from the adjustment
1. Install a new O-ring seal (9) in button (10).
2. Use a soft hammer to seat button (10) on
adjustment screw (8).
3. Install adjustment screw (8) in valve rocker arms
(11). Install nut (7) on the adjustment screw.
4. Install a new O-ring seal (5) in button (6).
5. Use a soft hammer to seat button (6) on unit
injector adjustment screw (1).
6. Install unit injector adjustment screw (1) in
electronic unit injector rocker arm (3). Install nut
(2) on the unit injector adjustment screw.
7. Lubricate rocker shaft assembly (4) with clean
engine oil.
8. Install valve rocker arms (11) and electronic unit
injector rocker arm (3) on rocker shaft assembly
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KENR6232 51
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the rocker arms and the rocker shaft. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Install.
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 31
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610322 Lifting Bracket 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Install the valve bridges.
Note: Install used valve bridges in the original
location and in the original orientation. Ensure that the
valve bridges are correctly seated on the valves. New
valve bridges may be installed in either orientation.
Illustration 97
2. Use Tooling (A) in order to position rocker arm
shaft assembly (4), valve rocker arms (3), and
electronic unit injector rocker arms (1) as a unit,
on the cylinder head.
3. Install bolts (2) and tighten to a torque of 109 Nm
(80 lb ft).
4. Adjust the valve lash for the inlet valves and the
exhaust valves. Refer to Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting, Engine Valve Lash
- Inspect/Adjust. Adjust the electronic unit
injectors. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
Adjusting, Electronic Unit Injector - Adjust.
End By:
a. Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install.
Cylinder Head - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 32
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50020 Socket 1
B VP12712 Lifting Bracket 1
Start By:
a. Remove the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Turbocharger - Remove.
b. Remove the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove.
c. Remove the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Remove.
d. Remove the water temperature regulator housing.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Water
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
Install .
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
52 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Illustration 98
1. Remove bolts (2) and thrust plate (1).
2. Remove sealing plate (3) and adapter assembly
3. Remove O-ring seal (5) and O-ring seal (6) from
sealing plate (3).
Illustration 99
Typical example
4. Disconnect hose assembly (8) from the front of the
cylinder head. Remove the bolt and the clip that
secures the hose assembly to the cylinder head.
5. Disconnect hose assembly (9) from the rear of the
cylinder head. Remove the bolt and the clip that
secures the hose assembly to the cylinder head.
6. Remove bolt (14), the clip and the spacer. Remove
the crankcase breather from the cylinder head.
7. Remove bolts (7) and remove the bracket from
the cylinder head.
8. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position
and disconnect the harness assembly from inlet
manifold pressure sensor (10).
9. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position
and disconnect the harness assembly from inlet
manifold temperature sensor (13).
10. Remove the bolts and the clips that secure the
harness assembly to the cylinder head.
11. Remove bolts (12), the bracket and air inlet elbow
(11) from the cylinder head. Remove the O-ring
seal from the air inlet elbow.
Note: Be sure to mark the orientation of the air inlet
elbow for installation purposes.
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KENR6232 53
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 100
Typical example
12. Remove bolts (15) from the front lifting bracket.
Illustration 101
Typical example
13. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove cylinder head
bolts (16).
14. Attach Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting device
to cylinder head (17). The weight of the cylinder
head assembly is approximately 235 kg (518 lb).
Ensure that all of the following items are clear
from the cylinder head: harness assemblies, tube
assemblies, and hose assemblies.
15. Use the lifting device to carefully remove cylinder
head (17).
Illustration 102
Typical example
16. Remove cylinder head gasket (18) and O-ring
seal (19).
17. Remove seal (22) and seals (24).
18. Remove spacer plate (21).
19. Remove O-ring seal (20) from the dowel in the
cylinder block. Remove spacer plate gasket (24).
Cylinder Head - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 33
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A GE50020 Socket 1
B VP12712 Lifting Bracket 1
C - Guide Stud 2
D CV60895
Special Lubricant
E 21820221
Rubber Grease
F 2182638
Retaining Compound
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
54 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 103
Typical example
Note: Thoroughly clean the spacer plate and the
bottom surface of the cylinder head and the top of
the cylinder block. A new spacer plate gasket and
a cylinder head gasket must be installed when the
cylinder head is removed.
1. Install O-ring seal (20) on the dowel in the cylinder
Note: Ensure that the dowel protrudes from
the face of the cylinder block by 20 0.5 mm
(0.79 0.02 inch).
2. Install spacer plate gasket (23) on the cylinder
3. Install spacer plate (21).
4. Install seals (24) and seal (22).
5. Install cylinder head gasket (18) on the spacer
plate. Install O-ring seal (19) on the dowel in the
cylinder block.
Illustration 104
Typical example
6. Install Tooling (C) to the cylinder block in the
positions that are shown in Illustration 104.
Illustration 105
Typical example
7. Attach Tooling (A) and a suitable lifting device to
cylinder head (17). The weight of cylinder head
assembly (17) is approximately 235 kg (518 lb).
8. Use the lifting device to align cylinder head (17)
with Tooling (C). Carefully install the cylinder head
onto the dowel pins in the cylinder block.
9. Remove Tooling (A).
10. Apply Tooling (D) to the threads of cylinder head
bolts (16) and both sides of the washers. Install
cylinder head bolts (16).
Illustration 106
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KENR6232 55
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Note: The bolts that are Marked X are 216 mm
(8.5 inch) long: 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and
26. The rest of the bolts are 194 mm (7.6 inch) long.
11. Tighten the cylinder head bolts according to the
following procedure.
a. In the numerical sequence, tighten Bolts 1
through 26 to a torque of 270 Nm (200 lb ft).
b. In the numerical sequence, tighten Bolts 1
through 26 to a torque of 450 Nm (330 lb ft).
c. In the numerical sequence, again tighten Bolts
1 through 26 to a torque of 450 Nm (330 lb ft).
Illustration 107
12. Install bolts (15) to the front lifting bracket. Tighten
the bolts to a torque of 105 Nm (77 lb ft).
Illustration 108
Typical example
13. Install a new O-ring seal to air inlet elbow (11).
Position the bracket and air inlet elbow (11) on the
cylinder head. Install bolts (12) and tighten to a
torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the air inlet elbow is installed in the
correct orientation.
14. Connect hose assembly (9) to the cylinder head.
Install the bolt and the clip that secures the hose
assembly to the cylinder head.
15. Connect hose assembly (8) to the cylinder head.
Install the bolt and the clip that secures the hose
assembly to the cylinder head.
16. Install bolt (14), the clip and the spacer that
secures the breather tube to the cylinder head.
Tighten bolt (14) to a torque of 10 Nm (89 lb in).
17. Position the bracket on the cylinder head and
install bolts (7). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
18. Connect the harness assembly to inlet manifold
pressure sensor (10). Slide the locking tab into
the locked position.
19. Connect the harness assembly to inlet manifold
temperature sensor (13). Slide the locking tab into
the locked position.
20. Install the bolts and the clips that secure the
harness assembly to the cylinder head.
Illustration 109
21. Install O-ring seal (5) and O-ring seal (6) on
sealing plate (3). Lubricate O-ring seal (5) with
Tooling (E).
22. Install adapter assembly (4) and sealing plate (3).
Ensure that the dowel in adapter assembly (4)
engages the hole in the camshaft.
Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal stays in the groove
in sealing plate (3).
23. Install thrust plate (1). Apply Tooling (F) to bolts
(2). Hold the thrust plate in position and install
bolts (2). Evenly tighten bolts (2) to a torque of
12 Nm (106 lb in).
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56 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal stays in the groove
in sealing plate (3).
End By:
a. Install the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Install.
b. Install the electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit
Injector - Install.
c. Install the water temperature regulator housing.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Water
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
d. Install the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Turbocharger - Install.
Camshaft - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 34
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50018 Cradle 1
B GE50017 Guide 1
C GE50015 Camshaft Pilot 2
D GE50025 Camshaft Hook 2
Start By:
a. Remove the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Remove and
b. Remove the rocker arms and the rocker shafts.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker Arm
and Shaft - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Illustration 110
1. Remove bolts (2) and thrust plate (1).
2. Remove sealing plate (3) from the front housing.
Remove adapter assembly (4) from the camshaft.
3. Remove O-ring seal (5) and O-ring seal (6) from
sealing plate (3).
Care must be used when removing or installing the
camshaft. Do not damage the finshed surfaces of the
camshaft or the camshaft bearings.
Illustration 111
Typical example
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KENR6232 57
Disassembly and Assembly Section
4. Use the bolts for the rocker arm shaft assembly to
install Tooling (A) at Location (Y).
Illustration 112
Typical example
5. Install Tooling (B) on front housing (7). Tooling (B)
is used to support camshaft (8). Do not tighten the
bolts for Tooling (B) at this time.
Illustration 113
Typical example
6. Remove Torx screws (9) and cover (10). Remove
the O-ring seal from the cover.
Illustration 114
Illustration 115
Typical example
7. Move camshaft (8) forward and install one Tooling
(C) to the end of the camshaft. Again, move the
camshaft forward and install remaining Tooling (C)
to the back of first Tooling (C). Align camshaft (8)
with the bore of Tooling (B). Tighten the bolts that
hold Tooling (B) to front housing (7).
Note: Tooling (C) will support the rear of the camshaft
as the camshaft is moved out of the cylinder head
and into Tooling (B).
8. Use Tooling (D) to move camshaft (8) toward the
front of the engine. Reposition Tooling (D), as
Note: Avoid lifting the camshaft with Tooling (D). The
camshaft should rest on Tooling (A). Lifting of the
camshaft can cause misalignment as the camshaft
is removed, resulting in damage to the camshaft
9. Carefully slide the camshaft to the front of the
engine for removal. Use two people to remove
the camshaft. Keep the camshaft level while the
camshaft is being removed from the cylinder
head. The weight of camshaft (8) is approximately
39 kg (86 lb).
Note: Rotate the camshaft during removal. This will
prevent the camshaft from binding in the camshaft
10. Remove Tooling (C) from the camshaft.
11. Remove Tooling (B) from front housing (7).
12. Remove Tooling (A) from the cylinder head.
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58 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Camshaft - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 35
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50018 Cradle 1
B GE50017 Guide 1
C GE50015 Camshaft Pilot 2
D GE50025 Camshaft Hook 2
H GE50016 Alignment Sleeve 1
J 21820221
Rubber Grease
K 21820117
Thread Lock and Nut
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Care must be used when removing or installing the
camshaft. Do not damage the finshed surfaces of the
camshaft or the camshaft bearings.
1. Ensure that the camshaft and camshaft bearings
are thoroughly clean. Lubricate the camshaft
bearings with clean engine oil.
Illustration 116
2. Install Tooling (A) on the cylinder head at Location
Illustration 117
Typical example
3. Install Tooling (B) on front housing (7). Do not
tighten the bolts that hold Tooling (B) to front
housing (7) at this time.
4. Use Tooling (H) to align Tooling (B) with the
camshaft bearings. Tighten the bolts that hold
Tooling (B) to front housing (7). Remove Tooling
Note: Tooling (H) should move freely from the bore
of Tooling (B).
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KENR6232 59
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 118
Typical example
5. Install both Tooling (C) to the rear of camshaft (8).
6. Use two people to install the camshaft. Use
Tooling (D) to assist in aligning camshaft (8)
with the camshaft bearings. Carefully slide the
camshaft into the cylinder head from the front of
the engine. Keep the camshaft level while the
camshaft is being installed in the cylinder head.
The weight of camshaft (8) is approximately 39 kg
(86 lb).
Note: Rotate the camshaft during installation. This
will prevent the camshaft from binding in the camshaft
7. Remove Tooling (C) when camshaft (8) is fully
installed in the bore.
8. Remove Tooling (A) from the cylinder head.
9. Remove Tooling (B) from the front housing.
Illustration 119
10. Install a new O-ring seal on cover (10). Position
the cover on the rear of the cylinder head. Install
torx screws (9) and tighten to a torque of 6 Nm
(53 lb in).
Illustration 120
11. Install O-ring seals (5) and (6) in sealing plate (3).
Lubricate O-ring seal (5) with a Tooling (J).
12. Install adapter assembly (4) and sealing plate (3).
Ensure that the dowel in adapter assembly (4)
engages the hole in the camshaft.
Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal stays in the groove
in sealing plate (3).
13. Install thrust plate (1). Apply Tooling (K) to bolts
(2). Hold the thrust plate in position and install
bolts (2). Evenly tighten bolts (2) to a torque of
12 Nm (106 lb in).
Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal stays in the groove
in sealing plate (3).
14. Lubricate the camshaft lobes with clean engine
End By:
a. Install the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Camshaft Gear - Remove and
b. Install the rocker arms and the rocker shafts.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Rocker
Arms and Shaft - Install.
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60 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Camshaft Gear - Remove and
Removal Procedure
Table 36
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50019 Guide Stud 1
Start By:
a. Remove the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Front Cover - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
Illustration 121
1. Position the No. 1 piston at the top center of the
compression stroke. Refer to Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting, Finding Top Center
Position for No. 1 Piston.
2. Verify that the timing mark on camshaft gear (1) is
aligned with Timing Mark (X) on front housing (3).
Illustration 122
3. Remove one bolt (2). Install Tooling (A).
4. Remove the remaining bolts (2) and remove
camshaft gear (1).
Installation Procedure
Table 37
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A GE50019 Guide Stud 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Do not turn the crankshaft or the camshaft while the
camshaft gear is removed. If the front gear group is
not correctly timed during installation, interference can
occur between the pistons and the valves, resulting in
damage to the engine.
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KENR6232 61
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 123
1. Align the hole in the back of camshaft gear (1) with
the dowel in the adapter. Position camshaft gear
(1) onto Tooling (A) and install the camshaft gear.
Illustration 124
Note: Camshaft timing is critical. The timing mark on
the camshaft gear must be aligned with the timing
mark on the front cover when the No. 1 piston is at
the top center of the compression stroke. Refer to
Systems Operation,Testing and Adjusting, Gear
Group (Front) - Time.
2. Verify that the timing mark on camshaft gear (1) is
aligned with Timing Mark (X) on front housing (3).
Note: If the timing marks are not aligned, remove
camshaft gear (1) and rotate the camshaft until the
timing marks are aligned.
3. Install bolts (2) finger tight. Remove Tooling (A)
and install the remaining bolt (2).
Illustration 125
Torque sequence for the camshaft gear
4. Tighten the bolts for the camshaft gear in a
numeric sequence 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4 to a torque
of 240 Nm (180 lb ft).
5. Check the backlash between the camshaft gear
and the adjustable idler gear. The backlash should
be 0.216 0.114 mm (0.0085 0.0045 inch). Refer
to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
Gear Group (Front) - Time for the backlash
adjustment procedure.
End By:
a. Install the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Front Cover - Install.
Camshaft Bearings - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 38
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 27610271
Camshaft Bearing Tool
27610312 Camshaft Bearing Pilot 1
Taperlock Stud
1/2 - 13 by 1 9/16 inch
C 27610314 Puller Plate 1
Start By:
a. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Camshaft - Remove.
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62 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 126
1. Remove the No. 7 camshaft bearing (rear). Work
from the rear of the engine to the front of the
2. Install the small end of Tooling (B) in camshaft
bearing (1).
3. Position Tooling (C) over Tooling (A). Install
Tooling (A) through the cylinder head on Tooling
Note: Tooling (C) is installed on the outside of the
cylinder head. Tooling (C) is required in order to
remove all the camshaft bearings from the cylinder
4. Use Tooling (A) to remove camshaft bearing (1)
from the cylinder head.
5. Remove Tooling (B) from Tooling (A) and remove
the camshaft bearing.
Camshaft Bearings - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 39
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A 27610271
Camshaft Bearing Tool
27610312 Camshaft Bearing Pilot 1
Taperlock Stud
1/2 - 13 by 1 9/16 inch
C 27610314 Puller Plate 1
D 27610315 Alignment Bushing 1
27610316 Backup Plate 1
1/2 - 13 by 1 inch
F 27610318 Spacer Plate 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 127
1. Install the No. 7 camshaft bearing (rear), as
a. Insert the large end of Tooling (B) into the No.
7 camshaft bore.
b. Position Tooling (C) over Tooling (A). Install
Tooling (A) through the cylinder head on
Tooling (B).
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Disassembly and Assembly Section
c. Position camshaft bearing (1) on Tooling (B).
Install Tooling (E) on Tooling (B).
Note: Refer to Specifications, Cylinder Head for
appropriate information for the orientation of the
camshaft bearings in the cylinder head.
d. Use Tooling (A) in order to pull camshaft
bearing (1) into the camshaft bore.
Note: When the chamfer of Tooling (E) contacts the
face of the camshaft bore, the camshaft bearing is
properly installed.
Illustration 128
2. Install the No. 6 through No. 2 camshaft bearings,
as follows:
a. Insert the large end of Tooling (B) into the
camshaft bore.
Note: Use Tooling (D) to align Tooling (A) and Tooling
(B) with the camshaft bearing bores. Install Tooling
(D) in the inside diameter of any installed camshaft
bearing between Tooling (A) and Tooling (B).
b. Install Tooling (A) on Tooling (B). Position
camshaft bearing (1) on Tooling (B). Install
Tooling (E) on Tooling (B).
Note: Refer to Specifications, Cylinder Head for
appropriate information for the location and the
orientation of the camshaft bearings in the cylinder
c. Use Tooling (A) in order to pull camshaft
bearing (1) into the camshaft bore.
Note: When the chamfer of Tooling (E) contacts the
face of the camshaft bore, the camshaft bearing is
properly installed.
Illustration 129
3. Install the No. 1 camshaft bearing (front), as
a. Insert the large end of Tooling (B) into the No.
1 camshaft bore. Assemble Tooling (A) and
Tooling (D) on Tooling (B).
b. Position camshaft bearing (1) on Tooling (B).
Install Tooling (E) and Tooling (F) on Tooling
Note: Refer to Specifications, Cylinder Head for
appropriate information for the location and the
orientation of the camshaft bearings in the cylinder
Note: Tooling (F) is used to seat the No. 1 camshaft
bearing to the correct depth in the camshaft bore.
c. Use Tooling (A) in order to pull the No. 1
camshaft bearing into the No. 1 camshaft bore.
When the chamfer of Tooling (E) contacts
the face of the camshaft bore, the camshaft
bearing is properly installed.
End By:
a. Install the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Camshaft - Install.
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
64 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact the skin.
1. Drain the engine oil into a suitable container
for storage or disposal. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, Engine Oil - Change.
Illustration 130
Typical example
2. Remove drain plug (3). Remove washer (2) from
drain plug (3).
3. Loosen bolts (5). Remove engine oil pan (4).
4. Remove bolts (5) and seal (1) from engine oil pan
Installation Procedure
Table 40
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A CH10888 Silicone Gasket 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Clean the mating surfaces of the engine oil pan,
cylinder block, front housing, and the flywheel
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KENR6232 65
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 131
Typical example
2. Install seal (1) and bolts (5) to engine oil pan (4).
Illustration 132
Typical example
3. Apply a bead of Tooling (A) to positions (X).
Illustration 133
Tightening sequence
4. Install engine oil pan (4). Tighten bolts (5) in the
numerical sequence that is shown in Illustration
133. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm
(35 lb ft).
5. Install a new washer (2) to drain plug (3). Install
drain plug (3) to engine oil pan (4). Tighten the
drain plug to a torque of 45 Nm (33 lb ft).
6. Fill the engine oil pan to the correct level. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Engine Oil
- Change.
Cylinder Liner - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 41
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A GE50001 Cylinder Liner Puller 1
Start By:
a. Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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66 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Make temporary identification marks in order to
show the location of the cylinder liners.
Illustration 134
2. Use Tooling (A) to remove cylinder liner (1).
3. Remove liner seals (3) and filler band (2) from
cylinder liner (1).
Cylinder Liner - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 42
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
B GE50000 Cylinder Liner Installer 1
C 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Ensure that the cylinder liners and the cylinder
block are clean and free from damage.
1. Check the cylinder liner projection. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
Cylinder Liner Projection - Inspect.
Illustration 135
2. Install liner seals (3) on cylinder liner (1).
3. Apply Tooling (C) on the cylinder block liner bore
surfaces and liner seals (3).
4. Dip filler band (2) in clean engine oil for a
moment. Install the filler band on the cylinder liner
5. Use Tooling (B) to install cylinder liner (1) in the
cylinder block. Ensure that any marks in relation
to the cylinder liner projection are in alignment.
End By:
a. Install the pistons and connecting rods. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Install.
Piston Cooling Jets - Remove
and Install
Removal Procedure
Table 43
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump -
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 67
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 136
1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft in order to
gain access to the piston cooling jet.
2. Remove bolt (1) and piston cooling jet (2).
Installation Procedure
Table 44
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 137
1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft in order to
gain access to the piston cooling jet.
2. Position piston cooling jet (2) in the cylinder block.
Install bolt (1). Tighten the bolt to a torque of
40 Nm (30 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the nozzles of the piston cooling
jet are not damaged or distorted.
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump - Install.
Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 45
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Cylinder Head - Remove.
b. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump -
c. Remove the piston cooling jets. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Piston Cooling Jets
- Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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68 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 138
1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft until the
piston is at the bottom center.
2. Remove the carbon ridge from the top inside
surface of the cylinder liner.
3. Inspect the connecting rod and connecting rod cap
for the proper identification mark. The connecting
rod and the connecting rod cap should have an
etched number on the side. The number should
match the cylinder number. Mark the connecting
rod and the connecting rod cap, if necessary.
Note: Do not stamp the connecting rod assembly.
Stamping or punching the connecting rod assembly
could cause the connecting rod to fracture.
4. Remove bolts (1) and connecting rod bearing cap
(2). Push the connecting rod until the piston rings
are out of the cylinder liner.
Illustration 139
5. Remove piston (3) and the connecting rod from
the cylinder liner.
Note: Be careful not to damage the cylinder liner
or the crankshaft journal during the removal of the
piston and the connecting rod.
Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Disassemble
Disassembly Procedure
Table 46
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A - Retaining Ring Pliers 1
B - Piston Ring Expander 1
Start By:
a. Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Remove.
Note: Mark the components of each piston and
connecting rod assembly. The components must be
reinstalled in the original location. Do not interchange
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 140
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KENR6232 69
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Remove connecting rod bearing (9) from
connecting rod bearing cap (10). Remove
connecting rod bearing (9) from connecting rod
2. Use Tooling (A) to remove circlips (5) from piston
3. Remove piston pin (8) and connecting rod (6) from
piston (4).
4. Use Tooling (B) to remove piston rings (1), (2),
and (3) from piston (4).
5. Do not remove bearing (7) from connecting rod
Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Assemble
Assembly Procedure
Table 47
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A - Retaining Ring Pliers 1
B - Piston Ring Expander 1
Note: Prior to removal from the engine, the pistons
and connecting rod assemblies were marked.
The components must be reassembled together.
The components must be installed in the original
location in the engine. Do not interchange any of the
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Check the clearance between the ends of piston
rings (1), (2), and (3). Refer to the Specifications
Manual, Pistons And Rings for the specifications.
Illustration 141
2. Position the spring for oil control ring (3) in the oil
ring groove in piston (4).
3. Position oil control ring (3) over the spring.
Position the oil control ring so that the gap is 180
degrees from the joint in the spring. Install the oil
control ring on the piston with Tooling (B).
4. Use Tooling (B) to install intermediate piston ring
(2) with the side that has the identification UP-2
toward the top of the piston.
5. Use Tooling (B) to install top piston ring (1) with
the side that has the identification UP-1 toward
the top of the piston.
6. Position piston rings (1), (2), and (3) so the gaps
are 120 degrees from each other.
7. Put piston (4) in position on connecting rod (6).
Apply clean engine oil to piston pin (8) and install
piston pin (8). Install circlips (5) with Tooling (A).
Make sure that the circlips are fully seated in the
grooves of piston (4).
8. Install connecting rod bearings (9) in connecting
rod (6) and connecting rod cap (10). Make sure
that rod bearings (9) are installed so that the
bearing tabs fit into the notches in connecting rod
(6) and in connecting rod cap (10).
9. Ensure that the dowels are installed in connecting
rod cap (10) or in connecting rod (6).
End By:
a. Install the pistons and connecting rods. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Install.
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70 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Pistons and Connecting Rods
- Install
Installation Procedure
Table 48
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
B GE50045 Piston Ring Compressor 1
C 21825607 Angle Gauge 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Install the connecting rod bearings dry
when clearance checks are performed. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Bearing Clearance -
Check. Apply clean engine oil on the connecting rod
bearings for final assembly.
1. Apply clean engine oil to the cylinder liner bore,
to the piston rings, and to the outer surface of
the piston.
Note: The piston and connecting rod are matched to
a specific cylinder. Ensure that the connecting rod
and pistons are installed in the correct cylinder.
2. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft until
the connecting rod journal is at the top center.
Lubricate the connecting rod bearings and the
connecting rod journal with clean engine oil.
Illustration 142
Note: Be careful not to damage the cylinder liner,
the crankshaft journal during installation of the piston
and the connecting rod.
3. Use Tooling (B) to install piston (3) and the
connecting rod in the cylinder liner. Ensure that the
connecting rod is seated on the crankshaft journal.
Note: Install the connecting rod so that the bearing
tab is located on the side of the piston cooling jet.
Ensure that the gaps for the piston rings are at 120
degrees away from each other.
Illustration 143
4. Position connecting rod bearing cap (2) on the
connecting rod.
Note: Ensure that the number on the side of the
connecting rod bearing cap is on the same side as
the number on the connecting rod. The bearing tabs
of the connecting rod bearing cap and the connecting
rod are located on the side of the piston cooling jet.
5. Lubricate the threads of bolts (1) with clean engine
oil. Install the bolts.
6. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft until the
connecting rod journal is at the bottom center.
7. Tighten bolts (1), as follows:
a. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
b. Tighten Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
c. Turn Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) for an additional 60
degrees (1/6 turn).
d. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
e. Turn Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) for an additional 60
degrees (1/6 turn).
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KENR6232 71
Disassembly and Assembly Section
f. Ensure that the installed connecting rod
assembly has tactile side play. Carefully rotate
the crankshaft in order to ensure that there is
no binding.
End By:
a. Install the piston cooling jets. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Piston Cooling Jets - Remove
and Install.
b. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump - Install.
c. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Cylinder Head - Install.
Connecting Rod Bearings -
(Connecting rods in position)
Removal Procedure
Table 49
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump -
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 144
1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft until the
connecting rod is at the bottom center.
2. Inspect the connecting rod and connecting rod cap
for the proper identification mark. The connecting
rod and the connecting rod cap should have an
etched number on the side. The number should
match the cylinder number. Mark the connecting
rod and the connecting rod cap, if necessary.
Note: Do not stamp the connecting rod assembly.
Stamping or punching the connecting rod assembly
could cause the connecting rod to fracture.
3. Remove bolts (1) and connecting rod bearing cap
(2) from the connecting rod.
4. Remove the lower half of the connecting rod
bearing from the connecting rod bearing cap.
5. Push the connecting rod away from the crankshaft.
Remove the upper half of the connecting rod
bearing from the connecting rod.
Connecting Rod Bearings -
(Connecting rods in position)
Installation Procedure
Table 50
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
B 21825607 Angle Gauge 1
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
72 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Install the connecting rod bearings dry
when clearance checks are performed. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Bearing Clearance -
Check. Apply clean engine oil on the connecting rod
bearings for final assembly.
Illustration 145
1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft until the
connecting rod journal is at the bottom center.
2. Install lower half connecting rod bearing (3) in
connecting rod bearing cap (2). Ensure that
bearing tab (4) is located in the notch of the
connecting rod bearing cap.
3. Install the upper half connecting rod bearing in
the connecting rod. Ensure that the bearing tab is
located in the notch of the connecting rod.
Note: The upper half connecting rod bearing has an
oil hole.
4. Ensure that the dowels are installed in connecting
rod cap (2) or in the connecting rod.
5. Pull the connecting rod onto the crankshaft.
Illustration 146
6. Position connecting rod bearing cap (2) on the
connecting rod.
Note: Ensure that the number on the side of the
connecting rod bearing cap is on the same side as
the number on the connecting rod. The bearing tabs
of the connecting rod bearing cap and the connecting
rod are located on the side of the piston cooling jet.
7. Lubricate the threads of bolts (1) with clean engine
oil. Install the bolts.
8. Tighten bolts (1), as follows:
a. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
b. Tighten Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
c. Turn Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) for an additional 60
degrees (1/6 turn).
d. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) again to a torque
of 70 Nm (52 lb ft).
e. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) for an additional
60 degrees (1/6 turn).
f. Ensure that the installed connecting rod
assembly has tactile side play. Carefully rotate
the crankshaft in order to ensure that there is
no binding.
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump - Install.
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KENR6232 73
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Crankshaft Main Bearings -
Removal Procedure
Table 51
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610319 Bearing Tool 1
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump -
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Check the main bearing caps for identification of
the location and check the direction of the main
bearing caps in relation to the cylinder block. The
main bearing caps must be installed in the original
location and the original direction.
Illustration 147
2. Remove bolts (1) from No. 2 through No. 6 main
bearing caps (2).
Note: Remove No. 1 and No. 7 main bearing caps
(2) after No. 2 through No. 6 main bearing caps have
been installed.
Illustration 148
3. Install Tooling (A) in the oil hole of the crankshaft.
Carefully rotate the crankshaft in order to remove
upper main bearing (3) from the cylinder block.
Note: Push the upper main bearing from the opposite
side of the bearing tab with Tooling (A). If the
crankshaft is turned in the wrong direction, the tab on
the bearing will be pushed between the crankshaft
and the bearing area of the cylinder block. This can
result in damage to the cylinder block and/or the
Illustration 149
4. Remove thrust plates (4) from each side of the
No. 4 main bearing.
5. Remove the lower halves of the main bearings
from the main bearing caps.
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74 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Crankshaft Main Bearings -
Installation Procedure
Table 52
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610319 Bearing Tool 1
B 21825617 Dial Indicator 1
C 21825607 Angle Gauge 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Install the main bearings dry when clearance
checks are performed. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Bearing Clearance - Check. Apply clean
engine oil on the main bearings for final assembly.
Note: Ensure that the main bearings are installed
so that bearing tabs fit into the notch in the cylinder
block. The upper halves of the main bearings have
the oil groove and the oil hole.
Illustration 150
1. Position upper main bearing (3) on the crankshaft.
Insert the end of the upper main bearing that
does not have the tab into the cylinder block.
Install Tooling (A) in the oil hole of the crankshaft.
Carefully rotate the crankshaft in order to push the
upper main bearing into the cylinder block. When
the upper main bearing is flush with the cylinder
block, remove Tooling (A).
Note: Push the upper main bearing from the side of
the bearing tab with Tooling (A). If the crankshaft is
turned in the wrong direction, the tab on the bearing
will be pushed between the crankshaft and the
bearing area of the cylinder block. This can result in
damage to the cylinder block and/or the crankshaft.
Illustration 151
2. Install thrust plates (4) on each side of the No. 4
main bearing.
Note: Install the thrust plates with the words Block
Side toward the cylinder block.
3. Install the lower halves of the crankshaft main
bearings in the main bearing caps.
Note: Ensure that the main bearings are installed so
that bearing tabs fit into the notch in the main bearing
Illustration 152
4. Position main bearing caps (2) on the crankshaft.
Note: Ensure that the numbers on the main bearing
caps match the numbers on the cylinder block. Also
ensure that the FRONT on the main bearing cap is
installed toward the front of the cylinder block.
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KENR6232 75
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Lubricate the threads of bolts (1) with clean engine
oil. Install the bolts to the main bearing caps.
Evenly tighten the bolts in order to pull the cap into
position. Ensure that the cap is correctly seated.
Note: Do not tap the cap into position as the bearing
shell may be dislodged.
6. Tighten bolts (1) for the main bearing caps, as
a. Tighten Bolt (A) to a torque of 258 Nm
(190 lb ft).
Note: Bolt (A) is on the bearing tab side of the main
bearing cap.
b. Tighten Bolt (B) to a torque of 258 Nm
(190 lb ft).
Note: Bolt (B) is on the opposite side of the bearing
tab of the main bearing cap.
c. Use Tooling (C) to tighten Bolt (B) for an
additional 120 degrees (2 flats).
d. Use Tooling (C) to tighten Bolt (A) for an
additional 120 degrees (2 flats).
e. Rotate the crankshaft in order to ensure that
the crankshaft turns freely.
Illustration 153
Typical example
7. Use Tooling (B) to check the crankshaft end play.
Ensure that Tooling (B) is against a machined
surface. The end play is controlled by the thrust
plates of No. 4 main bearing (center).
Crankshaft end play (new thrust
plates) ....... 0.11 to 0.57 mm (0.004 to 0.022 inch)
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Engine Oil Pump - Install.
Crankshaft - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 53
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
Bearing Puller 1
Puller 1
Crossblock 1
Puller Leg 2
Dowel Extractor 1
Start By:
a. Remove the front housing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Housing (Front) - Remove.
b. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Flywheel Housing
- Remove and Install.
c. Remove the piston cooling jets. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Piston Cooling Jets
- Remove and Install.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Check the main bearing caps for identification for
the location and the direction in the cylinder block.
The identification marks on the main bearing caps
must be installed in the same direction prior to
2. Check the connecting rod and the connecting rod
bearing caps for identification and the location in
the cylinder block.
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76 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 154
3. Remove bolts (1) for connecting rod bearing cap
(2). Remove the connecting rod bearing caps.
Illustration 155
4. Remove bolts (3) for main bearing cap (4).
Remove the main bearing caps.
Illustration 156
5. Install a suitable lifting device on each end of
crankshaft (5). The weight of crankshaft (5) is
approximately 177 kg (390 lb).
6. Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder block.
7. Remove the thrust plates from each side of the
No. 4 main bearing.
8. Remove the lower main bearings from the main
bearing caps. Remove the upper main bearings
from the cylinder block.
Note: Mark the used main bearings or identify
the used main bearings for installation if the main
bearings will be used again.
Illustration 157
9. Use Tooling (A) to remove crankshaft gear (6)
from crankshaft (5).
Illustration 158
10. If necessary, use Tooling (B) to remove dowel (7)
and dowel (8) from crankshaft (5).
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KENR6232 77
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Crankshaft - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 54
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
C 21825617 Dial Indicator Group 1
D 21825607 Angle Gauge 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 159
1. If necessary, install dowel (7) in the crankshaft.
Protrusion of dowel (7) from the crankshaft
face ........................................ 6.4 mm (0.25 inch)
2. If necessary, install dowel (8) in the crankshaft.
Protrusion of dowel (8) from the crankshaft
............................ 4.1 0.5 mm (0.16 0.02 inch)
Hot parts or hot components can cause burns or
personal injury. Do not allow hot parts or compo-
nents to contact your skin. Use protective clothing
or protective equipment to protect your skin.
3. The crankshaft gear is an interference fit on the
crankshaft. Heat crankshaft gear (6) in an oven
to 177 C (350 F).
4. Align the keyway in crankshaft gear (6) to dowel
(8) on the crankshaft . The Timing Mark V on the
gear should face away from crankshaft (5).
5. Clean the cylinder block and the main bearing
caps thoroughly.
Illustration 160
Note: Install the main bearings dry when clearance
checks are performed. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Bearing Clearance - Check. Apply clean
engine oil on the face of the main bearings for final
6. Install the upper halves of main bearings (9) in
the cylinder block.
Note: Ensure that the main bearings are installed so
that the bearing tabs fit into the notch in the cylinder
block. The upper halves of the main bearings have
the oil groove and the oil hole.
7. Install a suitable lifting device to crankshaft (5).
The weight of crankshaft (5) is approximately
177 kg (390 lb).
8. Install crankshaft (5) to the cylinder block.
Illustration 161
9. Install thrust plates (10) on each side of the No. 4
main bearing.
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78 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Note: Install the thrust plates with the words Block
Side toward the cylinder block.
10. Install the lower halves of the crankshaft main
bearings in the main bearing caps.
Note: Ensure that the main bearings are installed
so that the bearing tabs fit into the notch in the main
bearing cap.
Illustration 162
11. Position main bearing caps (4) on the crankshaft.
Note: Ensure that the numbers on the main bearing
caps match the numbers on the cylinder block. Also
ensure that the FRONT on the main bearing cap is
installed toward the front of the cylinder block.
12. Lubricate the threads of bolts (3) with clean
engine oil. Install the bolts to the main bearing
caps. Evenly tighten the bolts in order to pull the
cap into position. Ensure that the cap is correctly
Note: Do not tap the cap into position as the bearing
shell may be dislodged.
13. Tighten bolts (3) for the main bearing caps, as
a. Tighten Bolt (A) to a torque of 258 Nm
(190 lb ft).
Note: Bolt (A) is on the bearing tab side of the main
bearing cap.
b. Tighten Bolt (B) opposite the bearing tab side
to a torque of 258 Nm (190 lb ft).
Note: Bolt (B) is on the opposite side of the bearing
tab of the main bearing cap.
c. Use Tooling (D) to tighten Bolt (B) through an
additional 120 degrees (2 flats).
d. Use Tooling (D) to tighten Bolt (A) through an
additional 120 degrees (2 flats).
e. Rotate the crankshaft in order to ensure that
the crankshaft turns freely.
Illustration 163
Typical example
14. Use Tooling (C) to check the crankshaft end play.
Ensure that Tooling (C) is against a machined
surface. The end play is controlled by the thrust
plates of No. 4 main bearing (center).
Crankshaft end play (new thrust
plates) ....... 0.11 to 0.57 mm (0.004 to 0.022 inch)
Note: Install the connecting rod bearings dry
when clearance checks are performed. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Bearing Clearance -
Check. Apply clean engine oil on the face of the
connecting rod bearings for final assembly.
Illustration 164
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KENR6232 79
Disassembly and Assembly Section
15. Position the connecting rod against the
crankshaft. Install connecting rod bearing cap (2)
on the connecting rod.
Note: Ensure that the number on the side of the
connecting rod bearing cap is on the same side as
the number on the connecting rod. The bearing tabs
of the connecting rod bearing cap and the connecting
rod are located on the side of the piston cooling jet.
16. Lubricate the threads of bolts (1) with clean
engine oil. Install the bolts.
17. Tighten bolts (1), as follows:
a. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
b. Tighten Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
c. Use Tooling (D) to turn Bolt (B) and Bolt (D) for
an additional 60 degrees (1/6 turn).
d. Tighten Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) to a torque of
70 Nm (52 lb ft).
e. Use Tooling (D) to turn Bolt (A) and Bolt (C) for
an additional 60 degrees (1/6 turn).
f. Ensure that the installed connecting rod
assembly has tactile side play. Carefully rotate
the crankshaft in order to ensure that there is
no binding.
End By:
a. Install the piston cooling jets. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Piston Cooling Jets - Remove
and Install.
b. Install the flywheel housing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Flywheel Housing - Remove and
c. Install the front housing. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Housing (Front) - Install.
Bearing Clearance - Check
Measurement Procedure
Table 55
Required Tools
Description Qty
Plastigauge (Green)
0.025 to 0.076 mm
(0.001 to 0.003 inch)
Plastigauge (Red)
0.051 to 0.152 mm
(0.002 to 0.006 inch)
Plastigauge (Blue)
0.102 to 0.229 mm
(0.004 to 0.009 inch)
Plastic Gauge (Yellow)
0.230 to 0.510 mm
(0.009 to 0.020 inch)
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Note: Perkins does not recommend the checking of
the actual clearances of the bearing shells particularly
on small engines. This is because of the possibility
of obtaining inaccurate results and of damaging the
bearing shell or the journal surfaces. Each Perkins
bearing shell is quality checked for specific wall
thickness. However, if the technician still wants to
measure the clearance of the bearing shell , the use
of Plastigauge is an acceptable method. Plastigauge
is less accurate on journals with small diameters if
clearances are less than 0.10 mm (0.004 inch).
Note: The bearing clearance for the crankshaft
should be within specifications if the crankshaft
journals and the crankshaft pins were checked before
installing the crankshaft and the correct bearing shells
are installed. No further checks should be necessary.
Lead wire, shim stock or a dial bore gauge can dam-
age the bearing surfaces.
The technician must be very careful to use
Plastigauge correctly. The following points must be

Ensure that the backs of the bearing shells and the

bores of the bearing shells are clean and dry.
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80 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section

If the bearing shells have locating tabs ensure that

the locating tabs are properly seated in the tab

The crankshaft must be clean and free of oil at the

contact points of the Plastigauge.
Illustration 165
Typical example
1. Place a piece of the Plastigauge (1) onto the
crown of the bearing shell that is in the cap.
Note: Do not allow the Plastigauge (1) to extend over
the edge of the bearing shell.
2. Use the correct torque-turn specifications in order
to install the bearing cap. Do not use an impact
wrench. Be careful not to dislodge the bearing
shell when the cap is installed.
Note: Do not turn the crankshaft when the
Plastigauge (1) is installed.
3. Carefully remove the bearing cap, but do not
remove the Plastigauge (1). Measure the width of
the Plastigauge (1) while the Plastigauge is in the
bearing cap or on the crankshaft journal. Refer
to the Illustration 165.
4. Remove all of the Plastigauge (1) before you
install the bearing cap.
Note: When Plastigauge is used, the readings can
sometimes be unclear. For example, all parts of the
Plastigauge are not the same width. Measure the
major width in order to ensure that the parts are within
the specification range. Refer to the Specifications
Manual, Connecting Rod Bearing Journal and refer
to the Specifications Manual, Main Bearing Journal
for the correct clearances.
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
- Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 166
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect harness assembly (1) from
atmospheric pressure sensor (2).
2. Remove atmospheric pressure sensor (2) from
the adapter on the cylinder block.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from atmospheric
pressure sensor (2).
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KENR6232 81
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 56
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 167
1. Install a new O-ring seal to atmospheric pressure
sensor (2). Lubricate the O-ring seal with Tooling
2. Use a deep socket to install atmospheric pressure
sensor (2) to the adapter on the cylinder block.
Tighten the atmospheric pressure sensor to a
torque of 10 Nm (89 lb in).
3. Connect harness assembly (1) to atmospheric
pressure sensor (2). Slide the locking tab into the
locked position.
Camshaft Position Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 168
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect harness assembly (4).
2. Remove bolt (3). Carefully remove camshaft
position sensor (1) from adapter (2).
Note: Do not use a lever to remove the camshaft
position sensor from the adapter.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from camshaft position
sensor (1).
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82 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 57
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 169
1. Install a new O-ring seal to the camshaft position
sensor (1). Lubricate the O-ring seal with Tooling
2. Position camshaft position sensor (1) into adapter
(2) and install bolt (3). Tighten the bolt to a torque
of 25 Nm (18 lb ft).
3. Connect harness assembly (4). Slide the locking
tab into the locked position.
Crankshaft Position Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 170
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect harness assembly (3). Cut the cable
tie that secures the sensor wire.
2. Remove bolt (2) that fastens crankshaft position
sensor (1) to the front housing. Carefully remove
the crankshaft position sensor.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from the crankshaft
position sensor (1).
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KENR6232 83
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 58
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 171
1. Install a new O-ring seal on the crankshaft position
sensor (1). Lubricate the O-ring seal with Tooling
2. Install crankshaft position sensor (1) into the front
housing. Install bolt (2). Tighten the bolt to a
torque of 25 Nm (18 lb ft).
3. Connect harness assembly (3). Slide the locking
tab into the locked position. Use a new cable tie in
order to secure the sensor wire.
Coolant Temperature Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a
level below the coolant temperature sensor into a
suitable container for storage or disposal. Refer
to Operation and Maintenance Manual, Cooling
System Coolant - Change.
Illustration 172
2. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect the harness assembly from coolant
temperature sensor (1).
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84 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Use a deep socket in order to remove coolant
temperature sensor (1) fromthe water temperature
regulator housing.
4. Remove the O-ring seal from the coolant
temperature sensor.
Installation Procedure
Table 59
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 173
1. Install a new O-ring seal on the coolant
temperature sensor. Lubricate the O-ring seal with
Tooling (A).
2. Install coolant temperature sensor (1) to the water
temperature regulator housing. Use a deep socket
to tighten the coolant temperature sensor to a
torque of 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
3. Connect the harness assembly to coolant
temperature sensor (1). Slide the locking tab into
the locked position.
4. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, Cooling
System Coolant - Change.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 174
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect harness assembly (1) from engine oil
pressure sensor (2).
2. Remove engine oil pressure sensor (2) from
adapter (3).
3. Remove the O-ring seal from adapter (3).
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KENR6232 85
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 60
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 175
1. Lubricate a new O-ring seal with Tooling (A).
Install the O-ring seal to adapter (3).
2. Install engine oil pressure sensor (2) to adapter
(3). Tighten the engine oil pressure sensor to a
torque of 10 Nm (89 lb in).
3. Connect harness assembly (1) to engine oil
pressure sensor (2). Slide the locking tab into the
locked position.
Fuel Temperature Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 176
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect the harness assembly from fuel
temperature sensor (1).
2. Use a deep socket in order to remove fuel
temperature sensor (1) from the fuel filter base.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from the fuel temperature
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
86 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 61
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 177
1. Install a new O-ring seal to fuel temperature
sensor (1). Lubricate the O-ring seal with Tooling
2. Install fuel temperature sensor (1) to the fuel
filter base. Use a deep socket to tighten the fuel
temperature sensor to a torque of 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
3. Connect the harness assembly to fuel temperature
sensor (1). Slide the locking tab into the locked
Inlet Manifold Temperature
Sensor - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 178
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect the harness assembly from inlet
manifold temperature sensor (1).
2. Use a deep socket to remove inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1) from the cylinder head.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1).
Installation Procedure
Table 62
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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KENR6232 87
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 179
Typical example
1. Install a new O-ring seal to inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1). Lubricate the O-ring seal
with Tooling (A).
2. Use a deep socket to install inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1) to the cylinder head.
Tighten the inlet manifold temperature sensor to a
torque of 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
3. Connect the harness assembly to inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1). Slide the locking tab into
the locked position.
Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor
- Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 180
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.
Disconnect the harness assembly from inlet
manifold pressure sensor (1).
2. Use a deep socket to remove inlet manifold
pressure sensor (1) from the adapter in the
cylinder head.
3. Remove the O-ring seal from inlet manifold
pressure sensor (1).
Installation Procedure
Table 63
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A 21820221
Rubber Grease
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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88 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 181
Typical example
1. Install a new O-ring seal to inlet manifold pressure
sensor (1). Lubricate the O-ring seal with Tooling
2. Use a deep socket to install inlet manifold
pressure sensor (1) to the adapter in the cylinder
head. Tighten the inlet manifold pressure sensor
to a torque of 10 Nm (89 lb in).
3. Connect the harness assembly to inlet manifold
pressure sensor (1). Slide the locking tab into the
locked position.
Belt Tightener - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the alternator. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Alternator - Remove and Install.
Illustration 182
1. Loosen nut (1).
2. Rotate bolt (2) in order to release the tension on
the V-belts. Remove the V-belts from the pulley of
belt tightener (3).
3. Remove bolts (4) and remove belt tightener (3).
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KENR6232 89
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Belt Tightener - Install
Installation Procedure
Illustration 183
1. Position belt tightener (3) and install bolts (4).
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
2. Install the V-belts on the pulley of belt tightener (3).
3. Rotate bolt (2) in order to adjust the tension of
the V-belts. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, Belt Tension Chart.
4. Tighten nut (1).
End By:
a. Install the alternator. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Alternator - Remove and Install.
Fan - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Illustration 184
Typical example
1. Remove the engine fan guards.
2. Remove bolts (1).
Note: Ensure that the radiator is protected during
removal of the fan assembly.
3. Remove fan (3) and adapter (2) as a assembly.
4. If necessary, remove fan (3) from adapter (2).
Note the orientation of fan.
Installation Procedure
1. Ensure that all the components are free damage.
If necessary, replace any components that are
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90 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 185
Typical example
2. If necessary, install fan (3) to adapter (2). Ensure
that the fan is correctly oriented. Install bolts (4)
and tighten to a torque of 47 Nm (35 lb ft).
3. Install the assembly of the fan and the adapter.
Note: Ensure that the radiator is protected during
installation of the fan assembly.
4. Install bolts (1). Tighten bolts (1) to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
5. Install the engine fan guards.
Fan Drive - Remove
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the fan. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan - Remove and Install.
1. Remove the V-belt from the alternator pulley.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Alternator -
Remove and Install for the correct procedure.
Illustration 186
2. Loosen nut (1). Rotate bolt (2) in order to release
the tension on the V-belts.
Illustration 187
3. Remove the V-belts from the pulley of fan drive
4. Attach a suitable lifting strap to the assembly of fan
drive (3). Support the weight of the fan drive. The
assembly of the fan drive weighs approximately
17 kg (37 lb).
5. Remove nuts and washers (4) from the assembly
of fan drive (3).
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KENR6232 91
Disassembly and Assembly Section
6. Use the lifting strap in order to remove the
assembly of the drive (3).
Fan Drive - Install
Installation Procedure
Illustration 188
1. Use a suitable lifting strap in order to position the
assembly of fan drive (3) on the front housing. The
assembly of the fan drive weighs approximately
17 kg (37 lb).
2. Install washers and nuts (4). Tighten the nuts to a
torque of 105 Nm (77 lb ft).
3. Remove the lifting strap.
Illustration 189
4. Position the V-belts on the pulley of fan drive (3)
and the pulley of the belt tightener.
5. Rotate bolt (2) in order to adjust the tension of the
V-belts. Refer to Systems Operation, Test and
Adjusting , Belt Tension Chart.
6. Tighten nut (1).
7. Install the V-belt to the alternator pulley. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Alternator - Remove
and Install for the correct procedure.
End By:
a. Install the fan. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Fan - Remove and Install.
Pump Drive - Remove
(Transfer pump)
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the fuel transfer pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Fuel Transfer Pump
- Remove.
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92 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 190
1. Remove bolts (2).
2. Use a soft hammer in order to remove assembly of
pump drive (3) from front housing (1). Remove the
O-ring seal from the assembly of the pump drive.
Pump Drive - Disassemble
(Transfer pump)
Disassembly Procedure
Table 64
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
A - Retaining Ring Pliers 1
- Bearing Puller 1
- Puller 1
- Crossblock 1
- Puller Leg 2
Start By:
a. Remove the pump drive. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Pump Drive - Remove.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 191
1. Remove bolts (3) and washers (4) that secure
adapter (7) to bearing (6).
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KENR6232 93
Disassembly and Assembly Section
2. Place the pump drive onto a suitable support.
Press the assembly of gear (2) and bearings (1)
and (6) out of adapter (7).
3. Use Tooling (A) to remove retaining ring (5).
4. Use Tooling (B) or use a suitable press in order to
remove bearings (1) and (6) from gear (2).
Pump Drive - Assemble
(Transfer pump)
Assembly Procedure
Table 65
Required Tools
Number Part Description Qty
A - Retaining Ring Pliers 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Inspect the condition of the teeth and the splines
of gear (2) for wear or damage. Inspect bearings
(1) and (6), retaining ring (5), and adapter (7) for
wear or damage. Replace any components that
are worn or damaged.
Illustration 192
2. Place the gear shaft on a suitable support. Press
on the inner race of bearing (1) until the bearing
is against gear (2).
3. Place the inner race of bearing (6) onto a suitable
support. Press the shaft of gear (2) into bearing
(6) until the shoulder on the gear is against the
4. Use Tooling (A) to install retaining ring (5).
5. Place adapter (7) on a suitable support. Press the
assembly of the gear and the bearings into the
adapter. Ensure that bearing (6) is against the
front face of the recess in adapter (7).
6. Install bolts (3) and washers (4). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 12 Nm (105 lb in).
End By:
a. Install the pump drive. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, Pump Drive - Install.
Pump Drive - Install
(Transfer pump)
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 193
1. Install a new O-ring seal to the assembly of pump
drive (3).
2. Install the assembly of pump drive (3) to front
housing (1).
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94 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Install bolts (2). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
47 Nm (35 lb ft).
Note: The bolts are different lengths. Ensure that the
bolts are installed in the correct position.
End By:
a. Install the fuel transfer pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Fuel Transfer Pump - Install.
Electronic Control Module -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal at the
Illustration 194
2. Remove nuts (6). Loosen allen head screw (4).
Disconnect the OEM harness (5) from electronic
control module (10).
3. Cut cable tie (3). Loosen allen head screw (1).
Disconnect engine harness assembly (2) from
electronic control module (10).
4. Remove bolts (8) and remove the assembly of
electronic control module (10). Note the position
of any brackets that are secured by the bolts.
5. Remove washers and the isolation mounts (9)
from the electronic control module.
6. If necessary, remove the brackets that support
the harness assemblies.
Installation Procedure
1. If a replacement electronic control module is
installed, the module must be programmed with
the correct information. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Replacing the ECM and refer to Troubleshooting,
Flash Programming for the correct procedure.
2. If necessary, install the brackets that support the
wiring harnesses.
Illustration 195
3. Install isolation mounts and spacers (9) to
electronic control module (10). Install washers and
bolts (8) to electronic control module (10). Ensure
that ground strap (7) for the electronic control
module is clamped between the washer and the
appropriate bolt.
4. Install the assembly of the electronic control
module. Tighten bolts (8) to a torque of 25 Nm
(18 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the ground strap is not strained
as the bolt is tightened.
5. Connect engine wiring harness (2) to electronic
control module (10). Tighten allen head screw (1)
to a torque of 5 Nm (44 lb in).
Note: Care must be taken in order to avoid damage to
the connector pins during installation of the harness.
6. Position engine wiring harness (2) against the
support bracket. Use a new cable tie (3), in order
to secure the engine wiring harness to the bracket.
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KENR6232 95
Disassembly and Assembly Section
7. Connect OEM wiring harness (5) to electronic
control module (10). Tighten allen head screw (4)
to a torque of 5 Nm (44 lb in).
Note: Care must be taken in order to avoid damage to
the connector pins during installation of the harness.
8. Position OEM wiring harness (5) against the
support bracket. Install nuts (6) in order to secure
OEM wiring harness (5) to the bracket.
9. Connect the negative battery terminal at the
Alternator - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Personal injury can result from failure to discon-
nect the battery.
First, disconnect the negative battery cable. Then,
disconnect the positive battery cable.
A positive power lead can cause sparks if the bat-
tery is not disconnected. Sparks can possibly re-
sult in battery explosion or fire.
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Place identification marks on all of the wiring
harness connections.
Illustration 196
Typical Example
3. Disconnect the wiring harness assembly from
alternator (5).
4. Loosen bolt (1) and nut (6). Loosen the bolt for
link (3). Push the alternator toward the engine.
Remove the V-belt from the alternator pulley.
5. Remove bolt (1), washer (2) and spacer (4) from
alternator (5).
6. Remove nut (6) and washer (7). Remove bolt (8),
washer (10) and spacer (9) from alternator (5).
Remove the alternator.
Installation Procedure
Illustration 197
1. Put alternator (5) in position and install bolt (8),
washer (10) and spacer (9). Install nut (6) and
washer (7) finger tight.
2. Put link (3) into position on the alternator and
loosely install bolt (1), washer (2) and spacer (4) .
3. Install the V-belt. Tension the V-belt. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Belt
Tension Chart.
4. Tighten bolt (1) to a torque of 70 Nm (52 lb ft).
Tighten nut (6) to a torque of 105 Nm (77 lb ft).
Tighten the bolt for link (3) to a torque of 105 Nm
(77 lb ft).
5. Connect the harness assemblies to the alternator.
Refer to Specifications, Alternator for the torque
6. Connect the battery.
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96 KENR6232
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Electric Starting Motor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Accidental engine starting can cause injury or
death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative () battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to prevent
contact with other metal surfaces which could ac-
tivate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop switch
location to inform personnel that the equipment is
being worked on.
1. Disconnect the batteries.
2. Put an identification mark on the harness
assemblies that are connected to the electric
starting motor and the solenoid.
Illustration 198
3. Disconnect the harness assemblies from solenoid
4. Disconnect the harness assembly from electric
starting motor (2).
5. Attach a suitable lifting device to electric starting
motor (2). The weight of electric starting motor is
approximately 26.5 kg (58.4 lb).
6. Remove bolts (3). Remove electric starting motor
(2) from the flywheel housing.
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 199
1. Attach a suitable lifting device to electric starting
motor (2). The weight of electric starting motor is
approximately 26.5 kg (58.4 lb).
2. Position electric starting motor (2) on the flywheel
housing. Install bolts (3). Tighten the bolts to a
torque of 215 Nm (160 lb ft). Remove the lifting
device from the electric starting motor.
3. Connect the harness assemblies to solenoid (1).
Tighten the nuts. Refer to Specifications, Electric
Starting Motor for the correct torque values.
4. Connect the harness assemblies to electric
starting motor (2). Tighten the nuts. Refer to
Specifications, Electric Starting Motor for the
correct torque value.
5. Connect the batteries.
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 97
Index Section
Alternator - Remove and Install ............................. 95
Installation Procedure ........................................ 95
Removal Procedure........................................... 95
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 80
Installation Procedure ........................................ 81
Removal Procedure........................................... 80
Bearing Clearance - Check ................................... 79
Measurement Procedure ................................... 79
Belt Tightener - Install............................................ 89
Installation Procedure ........................................ 89
Belt Tightener - Remove........................................ 88
Removal Procedure........................................... 88
Camshaft - Install................................................... 58
Installation Procedure ........................................ 58
Camshaft - Remove............................................... 56
Removal Procedure........................................... 56
Camshaft Bearings - Install ................................... 62
Installation Procedure ........................................ 62
Camshaft Bearings - Remove ............................... 61
Removal Procedure........................................... 61
Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install .................... 60
Installation Procedure ........................................ 60
Removal Procedure........................................... 60
Camshaft Position Sensor - Remove and Install ... 81
Installation Procedure ........................................ 82
Removal Procedure........................................... 81
Connecting Rod Bearings - Install (Connecting rods
in position) ........................................................... 71
Installation Procedure ........................................ 71
Connecting Rod Bearings - Remove (Connecting
rods in position) ................................................... 71
Removal Procedure........................................... 71
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 83
Installation Procedure ........................................ 84
Removal Procedure........................................... 83
Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (Open
Breather).............................................................. 47
Installation Procedure ........................................ 47
Removal Procedure........................................... 47
Crankshaft - Install................................................. 77
Installation Procedure ........................................ 77
Crankshaft - Remove............................................. 75
Removal Procedure ........................................... 75
Crankshaft Front Seal - Install ............................... 39
Installation Procedure ........................................ 39
Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove........................... 38
Removal Procedure........................................... 38
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install......................... 74
Installation Procedure........................................ 74
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove..................... 73
Removal Procedure ........................................... 73
Crankshaft Position Sensor - Remove and Install .. 82
Installation Procedure........................................ 83
Removal Procedure ........................................... 82
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install................................ 34
Installation Procedure........................................ 34
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove............................ 33
Removal Procedure ........................................... 33
Cylinder Head - Install ........................................... 53
Installation Procedure........................................ 53
Cylinder Head - Remove....................................... 51
Removal Procedure ........................................... 51
Cylinder Liner - Install ............................................ 66
Installation Procedure........................................ 66
Cylinder Liner - Remove........................................ 65
Removal Procedure ........................................... 65
Disassembly and Assembly Section...................... 4
Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install ......... 96
Installation Procedure........................................ 96
Removal Procedure ........................................... 96
Electronic Control Module - Remove and Install ... 94
Installation Procedure........................................ 94
Removal Procedure ........................................... 94
Electronic Unit Injector - Install .............................. 9
Installation Procedure........................................ 9
Electronic Unit Injector - Remove.......................... 8
Removal Procedure ........................................... 8
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Install .................. 11
Installation Procedure........................................ 11
Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Remove.............. 10
Removal Procedure ........................................... 10
Engine Oil Cooler - Install ...................................... 23
Installation Procedure........................................ 23
Engine Oil Cooler - Remove.................................. 23
Removal Procedure ........................................... 23
Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble......................... 21
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 21
Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble.................... 21
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 21
Engine Oil Filter Base - Install ............................... 22
Installation Procedure........................................ 22
Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove ........................... 20
Removal Procedure ........................................... 20
Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install..................... 64
Installation Procedure........................................ 64
Removal Procedure ........................................... 64
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install .. 84
Installation Procedure........................................ 85
Removal Procedure ........................................... 84
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
98 KENR6232
Index Section
Engine Oil Pump - Assemble................................. 25
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 25
Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble............................ 24
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 24
Engine Oil Pump - Install ....................................... 26
Installation Procedure ........................................ 26
Engine Oil Pump - Remove................................... 24
Removal Procedure........................................... 24
Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install ........ 30
Installation Procedure ........................................ 31
Removal Procedure........................................... 30
Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install..................... 15
Installation Procedures ...................................... 15
Removal Procedure........................................... 15
Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install ................. 14
Installation Procedure ........................................ 14
Removal Procedure ........................................... 14
Fan - Remove and Install ...................................... 89
Installation Procedure ........................................ 89
Removal Procedure........................................... 89
Fan Drive - Install .................................................. 91
Installation Procedure ........................................ 91
Fan Drive - Remove .............................................. 90
Removal Procedure........................................... 90
Flywheel - Install .................................................... 32
Installation Procedure ........................................ 32
Flywheel - Remove................................................ 31
Removal Procedure........................................... 31
Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install ................ 34
Installation Procedure ........................................ 35
Removal Procedure........................................... 34
Front Cover - Install ............................................... 41
Installation Procedure ........................................ 41
Front Cover - Remove........................................... 40
Removal Procedure........................................... 40
Fuel Filter Base - Assemble .................................. 6
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 6
Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble.............................. 5
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 5
Fuel Filter Base - Install ......................................... 6
Installation Procedure ........................................ 6
Fuel Filter Base - Remove..................................... 4
Removal Procedure........................................... 4
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install .............. 4
Installation Procedure ........................................ 4
Removal Procedure........................................... 4
Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install .... 85
Installation Procedure ........................................ 86
Removal Procedure........................................... 85
Fuel Transfer Pump - Install .................................. 7
Installation Procedure ........................................ 7
Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove .............................. 7
Removal Procedure........................................... 7
Gear Group (Front) - Install ................................... 43
Installation Procedure........................................ 43
Gear Group (Front) - Remove ............................... 41
Removal Procedure ........................................... 41
Housing (Front) - Install ......................................... 46
Installation Procedure........................................ 46
Housing (Front) - Remove..................................... 45
Removal Procedure ........................................... 45
Important Safety Information................................. 2
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 19
Installation Procedure........................................ 20
Removal Procedure ........................................... 19
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Springs - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 15
Installation Procedure........................................ 17
Removal Procedure ........................................... 15
Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install ..... 17
Installation Procedure........................................ 18
Removal Procedure ........................................... 17
Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 87
Installation Procedure........................................ 87
Removal Procedure ........................................... 87
Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 86
Installation Procedure........................................ 86
Removal Procedure ........................................... 86
Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install.............. 66
Installation Procedure........................................ 67
Removal Procedure ........................................... 66
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble ............ 69
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 69
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble ....... 68
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 68
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install................... 70
Installation Procedure........................................ 70
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove............... 67
Removal Procedure ........................................... 67
Pump Drive - Assemble (Transfer pump) .............. 93
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 93
Pump Drive - Disassemble (Transfer pump) ......... 92
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 92
Pump Drive - Install (Transfer pump) .................... 93
Installation Procedure........................................ 93
Pump Drive - Remove (Transfer pump) ................ 91
Removal Procedure ........................................... 91
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
KENR6232 99
Index Section
Rocker Arm - Assemble......................................... 50
Assembly Procedure.......................................... 50
Rocker Arm - Disassemble.................................... 49
Disassembly Procedure..................................... 49
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install............................... 51
Installation Procedure ........................................ 51
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Remove........................... 49
Removal Procedure........................................... 49
Table of Contents................................................... 3
Turbocharger - Install ............................................ 13
Installation Procedure ........................................ 13
Turbocharger - Remove ........................................ 12
Removal Procedure........................................... 12
Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install ...... 48
Installation Procedure ........................................ 48
Removal Procedure........................................... 48
Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 36
Installation Procedure ........................................ 37
Removal Procedure........................................... 36
Water Pump - Install .............................................. 28
Installation Procedure ........................................ 28
Water Pump - Remove.......................................... 27
Removal Procedure........................................... 27
Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
Install ................................................................... 28
Installation Procedure ........................................ 29
Removal Procedure........................................... 28
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale
Copyright 2006 Perkins Engines Company Limited
AllRightsReserved Printed in U.K .
This document has been printed from SPI. Not for Resale

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