The document provides the competency standards for the Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II Qualification in the Philippines. It consists of 4 sections: (1) defines the qualification and units of competency, (2) provides the competency standards for basic, common and core units, (3) outlines the training standards for curriculum design, delivery, assessment and certification, and (4) describes the national assessment and certification arrangements. The qualification consists of competencies required to plan, provide pre-service, apply massage techniques and provide post-advice for hilot wellness clients.
The document provides the competency standards for the Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II Qualification in the Philippines. It consists of 4 sections: (1) defines the qualification and units of competency, (2) provides the competency standards for basic, common and core units, (3) outlines the training standards for curriculum design, delivery, assessment and certification, and (4) describes the national assessment and certification arrangements. The qualification consists of competencies required to plan, provide pre-service, apply massage techniques and provide post-advice for hilot wellness clients.
Original Description:
training regulation hilot wellness massage nc2 tesda technical education skills development
The document provides the competency standards for the Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II Qualification in the Philippines. It consists of 4 sections: (1) defines the qualification and units of competency, (2) provides the competency standards for basic, common and core units, (3) outlines the training standards for curriculum design, delivery, assessment and certification, and (4) describes the national assessment and certification arrangements. The qualification consists of competencies required to plan, provide pre-service, apply massage techniques and provide post-advice for hilot wellness clients.
The document provides the competency standards for the Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II Qualification in the Philippines. It consists of 4 sections: (1) defines the qualification and units of competency, (2) provides the competency standards for basic, common and core units, (3) outlines the training standards for curriculum design, delivery, assessment and certification, and (4) describes the national assessment and certification arrangements. The qualification consists of competencies required to plan, provide pre-service, apply massage techniques and provide post-advice for hilot wellness clients.
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DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTOR Technical Education and Skills Development Authority East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig, City Metro Manila Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994 (Republic Act No. 9!" Section 22, Et!"#i$%ent !n& A&%init'!tion o( t$e N!tion!# T'!&e S)i## St!n&!'&* o( t$e RA ++,- )no.n ! t$e TESDA Act %!n&!te TESDA to et!"#i$ n!tion!# occ/0!tion!# )i## t!n&!'&1 T$e A/t$o'it2 $!## &e3e#o0 !n& i%0#e%ent ! ce'ti(ic!tion !n& !cc'e&it!tion 0'o4'!% in .$ic$ 0'i3!te in&/t'2 4'o/0 !n& t'!&e !oci!tion !'e !cc'e&ite& to con&/ct !00'o3e& t'!&e tet, !n& t$e #oc!# 4o3e'n%ent /nit to 0'o%ote /c$ t'!&e tetin4 !cti3itie in t$ei' 'e0ecti3e !'e! in !cco'&!nce .it$ t$e 4/i&e#ine to "e et "2 t$e A/t$o'it21 The Competency Standards (CS) serve as basis for the: 1. Competency assessment and certification; 2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and . !evelopment of c"rric"l"m and assessment instr"ments. #ach CS has fo"r sections: Section 1 !efinition of $"alification % refers to the gro"p of competencies that describes the different f"nctions of the &"alification. Section 2 Competency Standards % gives the specifications of competencies re&"ired for effective 'or( performance. Section Training Standards % contains information and re&"irements in designing training program for certain $"alification. )t incl"des c"rric"l"m design; training delivery; trainee entry re&"irements; tools* e&"ipment and materials; training facilities; trainer+s &"alification; and instit"tional assessment. Section , -ational .ssessment and Certification .rrangement % describes the policies governing assessment and certification proced"re. TA5LE O6 CONTENTS HEALTH, SOCIAL AND OTHER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTOR HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II /age -o. SECTION 7 HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II 7 SECTION 2 COMPETENCY STANDARDS 5!ic Co%0etencie 2879 Co%%on Co%0etencie 7:82, Co'e Co%0etencie 9;8<2 SECTION 9 TRAINING STANDARDS 917 C/''ic/#/% Dei4n 5!ic Co%0etencie <9 Co%%on Co%0etencie <: Co'e Co%0etencie <<8<- 912 T'!inin4 De#i3e'2 <- 919 T'!inee Ent'2 Re=/i'e%ent <+ 91: Lit o( Too#, E=/i0%ent !n& M!te'i!# <+ 91< T'!inin4 6!ci#itie <> 91- T'!ine'? @/!#i(ic!tion <> 91+ Intit/tion!# Ae%ent <> SECTION : NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTI6ICATION ARRANGEMENTS <, COMPETENCY MAP -; DE6INITION O6 TERMS -7 ACANOWLEDGEMENTS TRAINING REGULATIONS 6OR HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II SECTION 7 HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II @UALI6ICATION This HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II $"alification consists of competencies that a person m"st achieve to plan the hilot 'ellness program of client0s* provide pre%service to client0s* apply hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es and provide post%advice on post%services to clients. The 1nits of Competency comprising this &"alification incl"de the follo'ing:
UNIT CODE 5ASIC COMPETENCIES 23311132 /articipate in 'or(place comm"nication 23311134 5or( in a team environment 23311136 /ractice career professionalism 23311137 /ractice occ"pational health and safety proced"res UNIT CODE COMMON COMPETENCIES 8CS2231 )mplement and monitor infection control policies and proced"res 8CS222232 Respond effectively to diffic"lty0challenging behavior 8CS223 .pply basic first aid 8CS223, 9aintain high standards of patient0client services UNIT CODE CORE COMPETENCIES 8CS22231 /lan the hilot 'ellness program of client0s 8CS22232 /rovide pre%service to hilot client0s 8CS2223 .pply hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 8CS2223, /rovide post advice and post%services to hilot clients . person 'ho has achieved this $"alification is competent to be: Hi#ot (We##ne) M!!4e T$e'!0it TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 1 % SECTION 2 COMPETENCY STANDARDS This section gives the details of the contents of the basic* common and core "nits of competency re&"ired in HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II.
5ASIC COMPETENCIES 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : PARTICIPATE IN WORAPLACE COMMUNICATION 1-)T C:!# : <;;9777;< 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to gather* interpret and convey information in response to 'or(place re&"irements. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. :btain and convey 'or(place information 1.1 Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources. 1.2 #ffective &"estioning* active listening and spea(ing s(ills are "sed to gather and convey information. 1. .ppropriate medium is "sed to transfer information and ideas 1., .ppropriate non% verbal comm"nication is "sed. 1.2 .ppropriate lines of comm"nication 'ith s"pervisors and colleag"es are identified and follo'ed. 1.4 !efined 'or(place proced"res for the location and storage of information are "sed. 1.6 /ersonal interaction is carried o"t clearly and concisely. 2. /articipate in 'or(place meetings and disc"ssions 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time. 2.2 :'n opinions are clearly e>pressed and those of others are listened to 'itho"t interr"ption. 2. 9eeting inp"ts are consistent 'ith the meeting p"rpose and established protocols. 2., Workplace interactions are cond"cted in a co"rteo"s manner. 2.2 $"estions abo"t simple ro"tine 'or(place proced"res and maters concerning 'or(ing conditions of employment are as(ed and responded to. 2.4 9eetings o"tcomes are interpreted and implemented. . Complete relevant 'or( related doc"ments .1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment is completed acc"rately and legibly. .2 5or(place data is recorded on standard 'or(place forms and doc"ments. . ?asic mathematical processes are "sed for ro"tine calc"lations. ., #rrors in recording information on forms0 doc"ments are identified and properly acted "pon. .2 Reporting re&"irements to s"pervisor are completed according to organi@ational g"idelines. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. .ppropriate so"rces 1.1 Team members 1.2 S"ppliers 1. Trade personnel 1., Aocal government 1.2 )nd"stry bodies 2. 9edi"m 2.1 9emorand"m 2.2 Circ"lar 2. -otice 2., )nformation disc"ssion 2.2 ;ollo'%"p or verbal instr"ctions 2.4 ;ace to face comm"nication . Storage .1 9an"al filing system .2 Comp"ter%based filing system ,. ;orms ,.1 /ersonnel forms* telephone message forms* safety reports 2. 5or(place interactions 2.1 ;ace to face 2.2 Telephone 2. #lectronic and t'o 'ay radio 2., 5ritten incl"ding electronic* memos* instr"ction and forms* non%verbal incl"ding gest"res* signals* signs and diagrams 4. /rotocols 4.1 :bserving meeting 4.2 Compliance 'ith meeting decisions 4. :beying meeting instr"ctions TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 /repared 'ritten comm"nication follo'ing standard format of the organi@ation 1.2 .ccessed information "sing comm"nication e&"ipment 1. 9ade "se of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively 1., Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal comm"nication 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 #ffective comm"nication 2.2 !ifferent modes of comm"nication 2. 5ritten comm"nication 2., :rgani@ational policies 2.2 Comm"nication proced"res and systems 2.4 Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individ"al+s 'or( responsibilities . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 ;ollo' simple spo(en lang"age .2 /erform ro"tine 'or(place d"ties follo'ing simple 'ritten notices . /articipate in 'or(place meetings and disc"ssions ., Complete 'or( related doc"ments .2 #stimate* calc"late and record ro"tine 'or(place meas"res .4 ?asic mathematical processes of addition* s"btraction* division and m"ltiplication .6 .bility to relate to people of social range in the 'or(place .7 Bather and provide information in response to 'or(place Re&"irements ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 ;a> machine ,.2 Telephone ,. 5riting materials ,., )nternet 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 !irect observation 'ith &"estioning 2.2 :ral intervie' and 'ritten test 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed individ"ally in the act"al 'or(place or thro"gh accredited instit"tion TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % , % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : WORA IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT 1-)T C:!# : <;;9777;- 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the s(ills* (no'ledge and attit"des to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. !escribe team role and scope 1.1 The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information. 1.2 Team parameters* reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team disc"ssions and appropriate e>ternal so"rces. 2. )dentify o'n role and responsibility 'ithin team 2.1 )ndivid"al role and responsibilities 'ithin the team environment are identified. 2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recogni@ed. 2. Reporting relationships 'ithin team and e>ternal to team are identified. . 5or( as a team member .1 #ffective and appropriate forms of comm"nications "sed and interactions "nderta(en 'ith team members 'ho contrib"te to (no'n team activities and obCectives. .2 #ffective and appropriate contrib"tions made to complement team activities and obCectives* based on individ"al s(ills and competencies and workplace context. . :bserved protocols in reporting "sing standard operating proced"res. ., Contrib"te to the development of team 'or( plans based on an "nderstanding of team+s role and obCectives and individ"al competencies of the members. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Role and obCective of team 1.1 5or( activities in a team environment 'ith enterprise or specific sector 1.2 Aimited discretion* initiative and C"dgment maybe demonstrated on the Cob* either individ"ally or in a team environment 2. So"rces of information 2.1 Standard operating and0or other 'or(place proced"res 2.2 Dob proced"res 2. 9achine0e&"ipment man"fact"rer+s specifications and instr"ctions 2., :rgani@ational or e>ternal personnel 2.2 Client0s"pplier instr"ctions 2.4 $"ality standards 2.6 :8S and environmental standards . 5or(place conte>t .1 5or( proced"res and practices .2 Conditions of 'or( environments . Aegislation and ind"strial agreements ., Standard 'or( practice incl"ding the storage* safe handling and disposal of chemicals .2 Safety* environmental* ho"se(eeping and &"ality g"idelines TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 4 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 :perated in a team to complete 'or(place activity 1.2 5or(ed effectively 'ith others 1. Conveyed information in 'ritten or oral form 1., Selected and "sed appropriate 'or(place lang"age 1.2 ;ollo'ed designated 'or( plan for the Cob 1.4 Reported o"tcomes 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 Comm"nication process 2.2 Team str"ct"re 2. Team roles 2., Bro"p planning and decision ma(ing . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 Comm"nicate appropriately* consistent 'ith the c"lt"re of the 'or(place ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately sim"lated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place ,.2 9aterials relevant to the proposed activity or tas(s 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 :bservation of the individ"al member in relation to the 'or( activities of the gro"p 2.2 :bservation of sim"lation and or role play involving the participation of individ"al member to the attainment of organi@ational goal 2. Case st"dies and scenarios as a basis for disc"ssion of iss"es and strategies in team'or( 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in 'or(place or in a sim"lated 'or(place setting 4.2 .ssessment shall be observed 'hile tas( are being "nderta(en 'hether individ"ally or in gro"p TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 6 % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : PRACTICE CAREER PRO6ESSIONALISM 1-)T C:!# : <;;9777;+ 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des in promoting career gro'th and advancement. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. )ntegrate personal obCectives 'ith organi@ational goals 1.1 /ersonal gro'th and 'or( plans are p"rs"ed to'ards improving the &"alifications set for the profession. 1.2 )ntra and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the co"rse of managing oneself based on performance evaluation. 1. Commitment to the organi@ation and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of d"ties. 2. Set and meet 'or( priorities 2.1 Competing demands are prioriti@ed to achieve personal* team and organi@ational goals and obCectives. 2.2 Resources are "tili@ed efficiently and effectively to manage 'or( priorities and commitments. 2. /ractices along economic "se and maintenance of e&"ipment and facilities are follo'ed as per established proced"res. . 9aintain professional gro'th and development .1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on Cob re&"irements. .2 Recognitions are so"ght0received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement. . Licenses andor certifications relevant to Cob and career are obtained and rene'ed. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 7 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. #val"ation 1.1 /erformance .ppraisal 1.2 /sychological /rofile 1. .ptit"de Tests 2. Reso"rces 2.1 8"man 2.2 ;inancial 2. Technology 2..1 8ard'are 2..2 Soft'are . Trainings and career opport"nities .1 /articipation in training programs .1.1 Technical .1.2 S"pervisory .1. 9anagerial .1., Contin"ing #d"cation .2 Serving as Reso"rce /ersons in conferences and 'or(shops ,. Recognitions ,.1 Recommendations ,.2 Citations ,. Certificate of .ppreciations ,., Commendations ,.2 .'ards ,.4 Tangible and )ntangible Re'ards 2. Aicenses and0or certifications 2.1 -ational Certificates 2.2 Certificate of Competency 2. S"pport Aevel Aicenses 2., /rofessional Aicenses TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % E % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 .ttained Cob targets 'ithin (ey res"lt areas (FR.s) 1.2 9aintained intra % and interpersonal relationship in the co"rse of managing oneself based on performance eval"ation 1. Completed trainings and career opport"nities 'hich are based on the re&"irements of the ind"stries 1., .c&"ired and maintained licenses and0or certifications according to the re&"irement of the &"alification 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 5or( val"es and ethics (Code of Cond"ct* Code of #thics* etc.) 2.2 Company policies 2. Company operations* proced"res and standards 2., ;"ndamental rights at 'or( incl"ding gender sensitivity 2.2 /ersonal hygiene practices . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 .ppropriate practice of personal hygiene .2 )ntra and )nterpersonal s(ills . Comm"nication s(ills ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 5or(place or assessment location ,.2 Case st"dies0scenarios 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 /ortfolio .ssessment 2.2 )ntervie' 2. Sim"lation0Role%plays 2., :bservation 'ith &"estioning 2.2 Third /arty Reports 2.4 #>ams and Tests 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or( place or in a sim"lated 'or( place setting TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 13 % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SA6ETY PROCEDURES 1-)T C:!# : <;;9777;> 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the o"tcomes re&"ired to comply 'ith reg"latory and organi@ational re&"irements for occ"pational health and safety. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. )dentify ha@ards and ris(s 1.1 !afet" regulations and 'or(place safety and ha@ard control practices and proced"res are clarified and e>plained based on organi@ation proced"res. 1.2 #azardsrisks in the 'or(place and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimi@e or eliminate ris( to co% 'or(ers* 'or(place and environment in accordance 'ith organi@ation proced"res. 1. $ontingenc" measures d"ring 'or(place accidents* fire and other emergencies are recogni@ed and established in accordance 'ith organi@ation proced"res. 2. #val"ate ha@ards and ris(s 2.1Terms of ma>im"m tolerable limits 'hich 'hen e>ceeded 'ill res"lt in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit val"es (TA=). 2.2#ffects of the ha@ards are determined. 2. :8S iss"es and0or concerns and identified safety ha@ards are reported to designated personnel in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&"irements and relevant 'or(place :8S legislation. . Control ha@ards and ris(s .1:cc"pational 8ealth and Safety (:8S) proced"res for controlling ha@ards0ris(s in 'or(place are consistently follo'ed. .2/roced"res for dealing 'ith 'or(place accidents* fire and emergencies are follo'ed in accordance 'ith organi@ation :8S policies. .%ersonal protective e&uipment '%%() is correctly "sed in accordance 'ith organi@ation :8S proced"res and practices. .,.ppropriate assistance is provided in the event of a 'or(place emergency in accordance 'ith established organi@ation protocol. ,. 9aintain :8S a'areness ,.1(mergenc"*related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organi@ation g"idelines and proced"res. ,.2+#! personal records are completed and "pdated in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&"irements. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 11 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Safety reg"lations 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 1.1 Clean .ir .ct 1.2 ?"ilding code 1. -ational #lectrical and ;ire Safety Codes 1., 5aste management stat"tes and r"les 1.2 /hilippine :cc"pational Safety and 8ealth Standards 1.4 !:A# reg"lations on safety legal re&"irements 1.6 #CC reg"lations 2. 8a@ards0ris(s 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 2.1 /hysical ha@ards G impact* ill"mination* press"re* noise* vibration* temperat"re* radiation 2.2 ?iological ha@ards% bacteria* vir"ses* plants* parasites* mites* molds* f"ngi* insects 2. Chemical ha@ards G d"sts* fibers* mists* f"mes* smo(e* gasses* vapors 2., #rgonomics /sychological factors G over e>ertion0 e>cessive force* a'('ard0static positions* fatig"e* direct press"re* varying metabolic cycles /hysiological factors G monotony* personal relationship* 'or( o"t cycle . Contingency meas"res 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: .1 #vac"ation .2 )solation . !econtamination ., (Calling designed) emergency personnel ,. //# 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: ,.1 9as( ,.2 Bloves ,. Boggles ,., 8air -et0cap0bonnet ,.2 ;ace mas(0shield ,.4 #ar m"ffs ,.6 .pron0Bo'n0coverall0C"mp s"it ,.7 .nti%static s"its 2. #mergency%related drills and training 2.1 ;ire drill 2.2 #arth&"a(e drill 2. ?asic life s"pport0C/R 2., ;irst aid 2.2 Spillage control 2.4 !econtamination of chemical and to>ic 2.6 !isaster preparedness0management 4. :8S personal records 4.1 9edical08ealth records 4.2 )ncident reports 4. .ccident reports 4., :8S%related training completed TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 12 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 #>plained clearly established 'or(place safety and ha@ard control practices and proced"res 1.2 )dentified ha@ards0ris(s in the 'or(place and its corresponding indicators in accordance 'ith company proced"res 1. Recogni@ed contingency meas"res d"ring 'or(place accidents* fire and other emergencies 1., )dentified terms of ma>im"m tolerable limits based on threshold limit val"e% TA=. 1.2 ;ollo'ed :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety (:8S) proced"res for controlling ha@ards0ris(s in 'or(place 1.4 1sed /ersonal /rotective #&"ipment (//#) in accordance 'ith company :8S proced"res and practices 1.6 Completed and "pdated :8S personal records in accordance 'ith 'or(place re&"irements 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 :8S proced"res and practices and reg"lations 2.2 //# types and "ses 2. /ersonal hygiene practices 2., 8a@ards0ris(s identification and control 2.2 Threshold Aimit =al"e %TA= 2.4 :8S indicators 2.6 :rgani@ation safety and health protocol 2.7 Safety conscio"sness 2.E 8ealth conscio"sness . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 /ractice of personal hygiene .2 8a@ards0ris(s identification and control s(ills . )nterpersonal s(ills ., Comm"nication s(ills ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 5or(place or assessment location ,.2 :8S personal records ,. //# ,., 8ealth records 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1/ortfolio .ssessment 2.2)ntervie' 2. Case St"dy0Sit"ation 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1Competency may be assessed in the 'or( place or in a sim"lated 'or( place setting TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 1 % COMMON COMPETENCIES 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR IN6ECTION8 CONTROL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1-)T C:!# : HCS9292;7 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit is concerned 'ith infection control responsibilities of employees 'ith s"pervisory acco"ntability to implement and monitor infection control policy and proced"res in a specific 'or( "nit or team 'ithin an organi@ation. This "nit does not apply to a role 'ith organi@ation%'ide responsibilities for infection control policy and proced"re development* implementation or monitoring. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. /rovide information to the 'or( gro"p abo"t the organi@ationHs infection control policies and proced"res 1.1 Relevant information abo"t the organi@ationHs infection control policy and proced"res* and applicable industr" codes of practice are acc"rately and clearly e>plained to the 'or( gro"p. 1.2 )nformation abo"t identified $!B!'& !n& t$e outcomes of infection risk assessments is reg"larly provided to the 'or( gro"p. 1. :pport"nity is provided for the 'or( gro"p to see( f"rther information on 'or(place infection control iss"es and practices. 2. )ntegrate the organi@ationHs infection control policy and proced"re into 'or( practices 2.1 Infection*control policies and proced"res are implemented by s"pervisor and members of the 'or( gro"p. 2.2 Aiaison is maintained 'ith person responsible for organi@ation% 'ide infection control. 2. The S"pervisorHs coaching s"pport ens"res that individ"als0teams are able to implement infection control practices. 2., 5or( proced"res are adopted to reflect appropriate infection control practice. 2.2 )ss"es raised thro"gh cons"ltation are dealt 'ith and resolved promptly or referred to the appropriate personnel for resol"tion. 2.4 5or(place proced"res for dealing 'ith infection control ris(s and ha@ardo"s events are implemented 'henever necessary. 2.6 #mployees are enco"raged to report infection ris(s and to improve infection control proced"res. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 1, % ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables . 9onitor infection control performance and implement improvements in practices .1 )nfection control ha@ardo"s events are investigated promptly to identify their ca"se in accordance 'ith organi@ation policy and proced"res. .2 5or( proced"res to control infection ris(s are monitored to ens"re compliance. . 5or( proced"res are reg"larly revie'ed and adC"sted to ens"re improvements in infection control practice. ., S"pervisor provides feedbac( to team and individ"als on compliance iss"es* changes in 'or( proced"res and infection control o"tcomes. .2 Training in 'or( proced"res is provided as re&"ired to ens"re maintenance of infection control standards. .4 )nade&"acies in 'or( proced"res and infection control meas"res are identified* corrected or reported to designated personnel. .6 Records of infection control ris(s and incidents are acc"rately maintained as re&"ired. 3.8 ,ggregate infection control information reports are "sed to identify ha@ards* to monitor and improve ris( control methods and to indicate training needs. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 12 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. )nfection Control /olicies and /roced"res This may incl"de b"t not limited to: 1.1Cleaning proced"res and sched"les 1.2Cleaning agents 1.Cleaning e&"ipment 1.,8andling* storage and disposal of all types of 'aste 1.2;ood handling and food safety 1.48ygiene proced"res 1.6)nfection control ris( management 1.7)nfection control incident and ha@ard reporting 1.ESterili@ing 1.13 Ainen prod"ction and handling 1.11 9aintenance proced"res 1.12 Storage re&"irements 1.1 /ersonal protective clothing 1.1, 5or( flo's 1.12 9anagement of blood and body fl"id spills 1.14 Single "se of disposables 1.16 .septic techni&"es 1.17 S(in preparation proced"res 1.1E )mm"ni@ation 1.23 -eedle stic( inC"ries 1.21 /ersonal contact 'ith infectio"s patients 1.22 Standard and additional preca"tions 1.2 Confidentiality 1.2, #mployee training 1.22 Contractors 2. )nd"stry Codes of /ractice 2.1Aocal I -ational Bovernment B"idelines and Standards 2.29an"fact"rerHs recommendations and operating man"als . )dentified ha@ards and the o"tcomes of infection ris( assessments .1 Sharps .2 Blass . 5aste ., 8"man 'aste and h"man tiss"es .2 /ersonal contact 'ith infectio"s patients .4 .nimals* insects and vermin .6 Stoc(* incl"ding food* 'hich has passed J"sed%byJ dates. .7 )ncorrect concentration of disinfectants and chemicals .E Cleaning proced"res .13Ainen handling proced"res .11 5or( flo's TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 14 % VARIA5LE RANGE .121se of personal protective clothing .1;ood safety .1,/ersonal hygiene ,. )nfection Control 9onitoring /roced"res ,.1 :bservations ,.2 )ntervie's ,. S"rveys and inspections ,., $"ality ass"rance activities ,.2 Revie' of o"tcomes ,.4 !ata analysis 2. !esignated /ersonnel 2.1 9anager 2.2 )nfection Control Coordinator 2. $"ality )mprovement Coordinator 2., )nfection Control Committee 2.2 :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety Committee 4. .ggregate )nfection Control )nformation 4.1 Records of needle stic( inC"ries 4.2 8ospital%ac&"ired infection rates 4. !:8 healthcare standards clinical indicators 4., 8.CC/ records 4.2 8a@ard reports TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 16 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Comm"nicated 'ith team and individ"als on organi@ational policy and proced"res for infection control 1.2 .pplied infection control policies and proced"res 'hich impact on 'or( processes of the specific 'or( "nit 1. .pplied proced"res for adopting appropriate infection practices 'ithin 'or( "nit 1., /rovided appropriate s"pervision of 'or( gro"p 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.15or(ing (no'ledge* consistent 'ith the elements of competence* of the organi@ationHs applicable infection control policy and proced"res and relevant ind"stry codes of practice 2.2The hierarchy ris( control meas"res from most to least preferred* that is* elimination* engineering controls* administrative control* and lastly* personal protective e&"ipment 2.Fno'ledge of infection ris(s and control meas"res in specific 'or( "nit and related 'or( processes 2.,The significance of patient confidentiality in relation to infection control 2.2The significance of other management systems and proced"res for infection control 2.4Aiteracy levels and comm"nication s(ills of 'or( gro"p members and conse&"ent s"itable comm"nication techni&"es 2.6:rgani@ational proced"res for monitoring* training 2.7?asic "nderstanding of comm"nicable disease transmission . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 #ffective comm"nication and interpersonal s(ills incl"ding: lang"age competence literacy and reading competence .2 -egotiation . 5or( planning and management ., 9anagement of change of 'or( processes .2 9onitoring compliance 'ith policy and proced"res .4 9aintain and interpret infection control records ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 5or(place infection control and health and safety policies and proced"res ,.2 5aste management proced"res ,. ;ood safety proced"res ,., :ther organi@ational policies and proced"res ,.2 !"ties statements and0or Cob descriptions 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 :bservation 'ith &"estioning 2.2 )ntervie' 2. /ortfolio 2., !emonstration 'ith &"estioning 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment may be done in the 'or(place or in a sim"lated 'or(place setting. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 17 % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C<: RESPOND E66ECTIVELY TO DI66ICULTYCCHALLENGING 5EHAVIOR 1-)T C:!# : HCS9292;2 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit of competency covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to effectively respond to diffic"lt or challenging behavior of patients. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. /lan responses 717 Responses are planned to instances of diffic"lt or challenging behavior to ma>imi@e the availability of other appropriate staff and reso"rces. 712 Specific manifestations of difficult o# challenging behavior are identified and strategies appropriate to these behaviors are planned as re&"ired. 719 Safety of self and others is given priority in responding to diffic"lt or challenging behavior according to instit"tional policies and proced"res. 2. .pply response 217 !iffic"lt or challenging behavior is dealt 'ith promptly* firmly and diplomatically in accordance 'ith institutional polic" and procedures1 212 Comm"nication is "sed effectively to achieve the desired o"tcomes in responding to diffic"lt or challenging behavior. 219 ,ppropriate strategies are selected to s"it partic"lar instances of diffic"lt or challenging behavior. . Report and revie' incidents 917 )ncidents are reported according to instit"tional policies and proced"res. 912 )ncidents are revie'ed 'ith appropriate staff and s"ggestions appropriate to area of responsibility are made. 919 !ebriefing mechanisms and other activities are "sed and participated in. 91: .dvice and assistance is so"ght from legitimate so"rces 'hen appropriate. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 1E % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. /lanned responses 1.1 :'n ability and e>perience 1.2 #stablished instit"tional proced"res 1. Fno'ledge of individ"al persons and "nderlying ca"ses 2. !iffic"lt or challenging behavior 2.1 .ggression 0 .ssa"ltive behavior 2.2 Conf"sion or other cognitive impairment 2. -oisiness 2., 9anip"lative 2.2 5andering 2.4 Self%destr"ctive 2.6 )nto>ication 2.7 5ithdra'n 0 depressed 2.E -egativistic 2.13 )ntr"sive behavior 2.11=erbal offensiveness . Strategies for dealing 'ith challenging behaviors .1 !iversional activities .2 Referring to appropriate personnel e.g. s"pervisor* sec"rity officer . ;ollo'ing established emergency response proced"res ,. Selection of strategies for dealing 'ith challenging behaviors ,.1 The nat"re of the incident ,.2 /otential effect on different parties* patient* staff and others ,. #stablished proced"res and g"idelines 2. )nstit"tional polices and proced"res 2.1 )ncident reporting and doc"mentation 2.2 :perational g"idelines for handling incidents and0or cases involving diffic"lt and challenging behavior 2. !ebriefing of staff involved in the incident TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 23 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 )dentified specific manifestations of diffic"lt or challenging behavior and strategies are planned* selected and applied as re&"ired 1.2 9aintained personal safety and the safety of others 1. Reported incidents* revie'ed and responded &"ic(ly and effectively to contingencies 1., !ebriefing mechanisms are "sed 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge and attit"des 2.1 :S8 and iss"es relating to diffic"lt and challenging behavior 2.2 /atient iss"es 'hich need to be referred to an appropriate health professional 2. .bility to interpret and follo' the instr"ctions and g"idance of health professionals involved 'ith the care of patient 0 client . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 #ffectively "sing techni&"es for monitoring o'n service area incl"ding client satisfaction .2 Spea(ing in a firm* diplomatic and c"lt"rally appropriate manner . Remaining calm and positive in adversity ., Thin(ing and responding &"ic(ly and strategically .2 Remaining alert to potential incidents of diffic"lt or challenging behavior .4 9onitoring and0or maintaining sec"rity e&"ipment .6 5or(ing 'ith others and displaying empathy 'ith patient and relatives ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately sim"lated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place ,.2 Relevant instit"tional policy* g"idelines* proced"res and protocols ,. #mergency response proced"res and employee s"pport arrangements 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 :bservation 'ith &"estioning 2.2 !emonstration 'ith &"estioning 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment may be done in the 'or(place or in a sim"lated 'or(place setting. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 21 % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : APPLY 5ASIC 6IRST AID 1-)T C:!# : HCS9292;9 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to provide an initial response 'here ;irst .id is re&"ired. )n this "nit it is ass"med that the ;irst .ider is 'or(ing "nder the s"pervision and0or according to established 'or(place ;irst .id proced"res and policies. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. .ssess the sit"ation 1.1%h"sical hazards to self and cas"alty+s health and safety are identified. 1.2)mmediate ris(s to self and cas"alty+s occ"pational health and safety (:S8) are minimi@ed by controlling the ha@ard in accordance 'ith :S8 re&"irements. 1. Cas"alty+s vital signs and physical condition are assessed in accordance 'ith 'or(place proced"res. 2 .pply basic first aid techni&"es 2.1 -irst ,id management is provided in accordance 'ith established ;irst .id proced"res. 2.2 Cas"alty is reass"red in a caring and clam manner and made comfortable "sing available reso"rces. 2. ;irst .id assistance is so"ght from others in a timely manner and as appropriate. 2., $asualt".s condition is monitored and responded to in accordance 'ith effective -irst ,id principles 'or(place proced"res. 2.2 !etails of cas"alty+s physical condition* changes in conditions* management and response are acc"rately recorded in line 'ith organi@ational proced"res. 2.4 Cas"alty management is finali@ed according to his0her needs and ;irst .id principles. . Comm"nicate details of the incident .1 .ppropriate medical assistance is re&"ested "sing relevant communication media and e&uipment. .2!etails of cas"alty+s condition and management activities are acc"rately conveyed to emergency services0relieving personnel. . Reports to s"pervisors are prepared in a timely manner* presenting all relevant facts according to established company proced"res. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 22 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. ;irst .id 9anagement This may incl"de b"t not limited to: 1.1 5or(place policies and proced"res 1.2 )nd"stry0site specific reg"lations* codes 1. :S8 1., -ational 'or(place health and safety re&"irements 1.2 .llergies the cas"alty may have 2. /hysical 8a@ards 9ay incl"de: 2.1 5or(place ha@ards 2.2 #nvironmental ha@ards 2. /ro>imity of other people 2., 8a@ards associated 'ith cas"alty management processes . Ris(s 9ay incl"de: .1 5or(site e&"ipment* machinery and s"bstances .2 #nvironmental ris(s . ?odily fl"ids ., Ris( of f"rther inC"ry to the cas"alty .2 Ris( associated 'ith the pro>imity of the others and bystanders ,. Cas"alty+s Condition 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: ,.1 C/R ,.2 .llergic reactions (anaphyla>is) ,. hypothermia ,., ?"rns%thermal* chemical* friction* electrical ,.2 ?listers ,.4 Chemical contamination ,.6 Cold inC"ries ,.7 !islocations ,.E !ro'ning ,.13 Sprain ,.119inor s(in inC"ries (br"ise* c"ts and scrapes) ,.12 Shoc( ,.1 Smo(e inhalation 2. #&"ipment and Reso"rces This may incl"de b"t not limited to: 2.1 !efibrillation "nits 2.2 /ress"re bandages 2. Thermometers 2., ;irst .id (it 2.2 #ye'ash 2.4 Thermal blan(ets 2.6 /oc(et face mas(s TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % VARIA5LE RANGE 2.7 R"bber gloves 2.E !ressing 2.13 Space device 2.11 Cervical collars 4. Comm"nication System 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 4.1 9obile phones 4.2 Satellite phones 4. 8;0=8; radio 4., ;lags 4.2 ;lares 4.4 T'o%'ay radio 4.6 #%mail 4.7 #lectronic e&"ipment 6. =ital signs 6.1 .ir'ay 6.2 ?reathing 6. Circ"lation 6., Conscio"sness 7. ;irst .id /rinciples 7.1 Chec(ing the site for danger to self* cas"alty and others and minimi@ing the danger 7.2 Chec(ing and maintaining the cas"alty+s air'ays* breathing and circ"lation TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2, % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspect of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Complied 'ith instit"tional* :S8 la's infections control and man"al handling proced"res and relevant health reg"lations 1.2 )dentified physical ha@ards of the cas"alty and minimi@ed immediate ris(s 1. .ssessed and monitored the physical condition of the cas"alty 1., Responded to emergency "sing basic life s"pport meas"res 1.2 /rovided initial response 'here ;irst .id is re&"ired 1.4 !ealt 'ith comple> cas"alties or incident 1.6 /repared reports to concerned personnel in a timely manner 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 ?asic anatomy and physiology 2.2 Company standard operating proced"res (S:/s) 2. !ealing 'ith confidentiality 2., Fno'ledge of the ;irst .iders+ s(ills limitations 2.2 :S8 legislation and reg"lations 2.4 8o' to gain access to and interpret material safety data sheets . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 Res"scitation .2 Safe man"al handling of cas"alty . Consideration of the 'elfare of the cas"alty ., Report preparation .2 Comm"nication s(ills .4 )nterpreting and "sing listed doc"ments ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or( station ,.2 Relevant instit"tional policies* g"idelines* proced"res and protocol ,. #&"ipment and materials relevant to the proposed activities 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 !emonstration 'ith &"estioning 2.2 )ntervie' 2. Third /arty Report 2., /ortfolio 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment may be done in a 'or(place or sim"lated 'or( area setting. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 22 % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : MAINTAIN HIGH STANDARDS O6 PATIENTCCLIENT SERVICES 1-)T C:!# : HCS9292;: 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired in the maintenance of high standards of patient0client services. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. Comm"nicate appropriately 'ith patients0clients 1.1 #ffective communication strategies and techni&"es are identified and "sed to achieve best patient0client service o"tcomes. 1.2 Complaints are responded to in accordance 'ith organi@ational policy to ens"re best service to patient0clients. 1. Complaints are dealt 'ith in accordance 'ith established proced"res. 1., )nterpreter services are accessed as re&"ired. 1.2 .ction is ta(en to resolve conflicts either directly* 'here a positive o"tcome can be immediately achieved* or by referral to the appropriate personnel. 1.4 /articipation in 'or( team is constr"ctive and collaborative and demonstrates an "nderstanding of o'n role. 2. #stablish and maintain good interpersonal relationship 'ith patient0clients 1.6 Rapport is established to ens"re the service is appropriate to and in the best interests of patient0clients. 2.1 #ffective listening s(ills are "sed to ens"re a high level of effective comm"nication and &"ality of service. 2.2 /atient0client concerns and needs are correctly identified and responded to responsibly and according to established proced"res and g"idelines. 2. #ffectiveness of interpersonal interaction is consistently monitored and eval"ated to ens"re best patient0client service o"tcomes. . .ct in a respectf"l manner at all times .1 Respect for differences is positively* actively and consistently demonstrated in all 'or(. .2 $onfidentialit" and privac" of patientclient is maintained. . Co"rtesy is demonstrated in all interactions 'ith patient0client. ., .ssistance 'ith the care of patient0client 'ith challenging behaviors is provided in accordance 'ith established proced"res. .2 Techni&"es are "sed to manage and minimi@e aggression. ,. #val"ate o'n 'or( to maintain a high standard of patient0client service ,.1 .dvice and assistance is received or so"ght from appropriate so"rces on o'n performance. ,.2 :'n 'or( is adC"sted* incorporating recommendations that address performance iss"es* to maintain the agreed standard of patient s"pport. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 24 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. /atients0client This may incl"de b"t not limited to: 1.1 /atients0clients 1.2 /rospective patients0clients to the service or services 1. /atients0clients may be in contact 'ith the instit"tion thro"gh appropriate health care personnel and professionals or other advocates or agencies 2. :thers 'ith 'hom interaction is re&"ired in regard to patient0client services 2.1 :ther staff and team members 2.2 Service "nits or departments 2. ;amily members and friends of patients0clients 2., /rofessional representatives or agents of patient0clients s"ch as: % 9edical specialist % -"rses % Social 'or(ers % !ietitians % Therapists % .llied health professionals % =ol"nteers % Teachers and0or spirit"al % Comm"nity 2.2 Beneral p"blic . Comm"nication .1 #nglish 0 Tagalog 0 =ernac"lar .2 Sign lang"age . Thro"gh an interpreter ., Comm"nity lang"age as re&"ired by the service 0 organi@ation ,. 9odes of comm"nication: ,.1 Contin"ing interaction 'ith patients and clients ,.2 =erbal conversations either in person or via telephone ,. 5ritten notes by post or electronic media ,., 5or(er* family member friend or professional interpreter 'ho has relevant lang"ages TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 26 % VARIA5LE RANGE 2. Respect for difference 2.1 /hysical 2.2 Cognitive 0 mental or intellect"al iss"es that may impact on comm"nication 2. C"lt"ral and ethnic 2., Religio"s 0 spirit"al 2.2 Social 2.4 .ge 2.6 Aang"age literacy and n"meracy abilities 2.7 Se>"ality and se>"al preference 4. Confidentiality and privacy of patients0clients 4.1 ;ees 4.2 8ealth f"nd entitlements 4. 5elfare entitlements 4., /ayment methods and records 4.2 /"blic environments 4.4 Aegal and ethical re&"irements 4.6 5riting details i.e. medical and consent forms 4.7 Conversations on the telephone 4.E Sec"re location for 'ritten records 4.13 :ffering a private location for disc"ssions 4.11)nformation disclosed to an appropriate person consistent 'ith one+s level of responsibility 6. /erformance monitoring 6.1 Self%monitoring 6.2 S"pervisor assessment 6. /atient0client feedbac( TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 27 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidences that the candidate: 1.1 Comm"nicated appropriately 'ith patients 1.2 8andled complaints and resolved conflict* or referred matters to s"pervisors 'hen re&"ired 1. Complied 'ith relevant policies* protocols* g"idelines and proced"res of the organi@ation 1., #stablish and maintained good interpersonal relationship 'ith patients 1.2 !emonstrated co"rtesy in all interactions 'ith patients* their visitors* and family 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge and attit"des 2.1 Roles and responsibilities of self and other 'or(ers 'ithin the organi@ation 2.2 5hen client 0 patient iss"es need to be referred to an appropriate health professional 2. :rgani@ational policies and proced"res for privacy and confidentiality of information provided by patients and others 2., Fno'ledge of c"lt"res relevant to the partic"lar service 2.2 )nstit"tional policy on patient rights and responsibilities . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 #stablishing and maintaining relationships* ta(ing into acco"nt individ"al differences .2 1sing effective listening techni&"es . 1sing appropriate verbal and non verbal comm"nication styles ., )nterpreting and follo'ing the instr"ctions and g"idance of health professionals involved 'ith the care of patients 0 clients .2 :ral and 'ritten comm"nication .4 /roblem solving s(ills re&"ired incl"de the ability to "se available reso"rces and prioriti@e 'or(load .6 !ealing 'ith conflict .7 5or(ing 'ith others and displaying empathy 'ith patient and relatives ,. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: ,.1 .ccess to relevant 'or(place or appropriately sim"lated environment 'here assessment can ta(e place. ,.2 Relevant government and organi@ational policy g"idelines* proced"res and protocols ,. .ny relevant legislation in relation to service delivery 2. 9ethod of assessment Competency may be assessed thro"gh: 2.1 !emonstration 'ith &"estioning 2.2 )ntervie' 2. Third party report 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment may be done in a sim"lated 'or(place setting TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2E % CORE COMPETENCIES 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : PLAN THE HILOT WELLNESS PROGRAM O6 CLIENTCS 1-)T C:!# : HCS2229;7 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit describes the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to cons"lt 'ith client0s and select and se&"ence a range of hilot 'ellness techni&"es as a program. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. .ssess0)ntervie' client 1.1 5hen necessary* hilot is e>plained to client in simple terms 1.2 Relevant information is obtained from the client to determine their expectationsre&uirements. 1. #ilot wellness services and products are e>plained to the client. 1., $ontra*indications are identified* disc"ssed 'ith the client and referred to an appropriate professional 'here re&"ired. 1.2 !pecial needs of the client are identified. 2. !etermine the hilot 'ellness program /.0 #ilot wellness service recommendations are disc"ssed 'ith client. /./ Treatment0s are agreed and sched"led 'ith client. /.1 %re*hilot wellness advice and post*hilot wellness advice is provided to client according to the hilot 'ellness program. /.2 #ilot wellness program is recorded according to workplace policies and procedures. /.3 Client is boo(ed for hilot 'ellness program. . Confirm hilot 'ellness program 1.0 Client hilot 'ellness program is assessed. 1./ .ny variations in the hilot wellness program are identified and noted. 1.1 The hilot 'ellness program is confirmed 'ith the client. 1.2 5ritten consent is obtained from client. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 3 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 8ilot 9"st incl"de b"t are not limited to: 1.1 8ilot history and development 1.1.1 8istory of ;ilipino traditional medicine 1.1.2 8ealth Concepts in ;ilipino Traditional 9edicine 1.1. The ;ilipino Traditional 8ealers 1.1., /ractices of ;ilipino Traditional 8ealers 1.2 8ilot ;rame'or( (/hilosophy and Science) 1.2.1 /hilosophy of hilot 1niversal Aa's and -at"ral Aa's 1.2.2 8ealth concepts 8armony of the three fac"lties (mind* body* emotion) ?alance of ;o"r #lements 1. 8ealing concepts 1..1 =al"ing process KpagpapahalagaL 1..2 ?alancing of the fo"r elements thr" the follo'ing 8ealing modalities 8ilot 8erbal 8ilot 9assage 8ilot :racion 1., 8ilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1.,.1 /re%hilot /roced"re 1.,.2 9ethods in scanning imbalances in the body 1.,. 8ilot .reas 1.,., 8ilot 9assage Stro(es 1.,.2 .pplication of press"re 1.,.4 !"ration of .pplication of /ress"re 2 Relevant information 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 2.1 =ital signs 2.2 /revio"s treatments 2. /hysical attrib"tes 2., Aifestyle 2.2 Time constraints 2.4 ?"dgetary constraints Client0s 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: .1 -e' or reg"lar g"ests 'ith ro"tine or special needs , #>pectations re&"irements 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: ,.1 )mproved rela>ation ,.2 )mproved sense of 'ell%being ,. )mproved s(in condition ,., Stress red"ction 2 8ilot 'ellness services 2.1 9"st incl"de: 2.1.1 8ilot 'ellness massage 2.1.2 1se of cocon"t%based oils 2.2 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 2.2.1 8erbal Treatments 2.2.2 :ils and #ssences 2.2. 9ineral Treatments 2.2., 5ater Treatments TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 1 % VARIA5LE RANGE 4 8ilot prod"cts 9"st incl"de: 4.1 Cocon"t%based oils 4.1.1 /re%blended aromatic plant oils 4.1.2 #>foliants 4.1. 9"ds0Clays0.lgae 4.1., ?anana Aeaves 6 Contra%indications 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 6.1 ?acterial* viral or f"ngal infections 6.2 Scabies 6. ?oils0Carb"ncles 6., Ring'orm 6.2 .llergies 6.4 .ll Finds of ?"rns 6.6 S(in Aesions 6.7 S(in Tra"ma 6.E 9etal )mplants0/acema(ers 6.13 8ypertension 6.11 )nto>ication form alcohol and dangero"s dr"gs 6.12 Conditions re&"iring consent from a medical practitioner 7 .ppropriate professional 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 7.1 9edical /ractitioner 7.2 Complementary Therapist (.lb"laryo) E Special needs 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: E.1 9obility assistance E.2 C"lt"ral re&"irements 13 8ilot 'ellness services and prod"cts recommendations 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 13.1 Types of hilot 'ellness services and prod"cts 13.2 8ilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 13. !"ration and intensity of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 13., /ost hilot 'ellness advice 11 /re%hilot 'ellness advice 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 11.1 .bstaining from alcohol and dangero"s dr"gs 11.2 .voiding over%eating or having a f"ll stomach 11. Ta(ing a bath or sho'er 12 /ost%hilot 'ellness advice 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 12.1 Room Temperat"re or 5arm 8ydration 12.2 .voiding e>pos"re to e>treme temperat"res 12. .voiding ta(ing a bath "ntil body temperat"re normali@es (at least 4 hrs) 1 8ilot 'ellness program 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 1.1 $"ieting and0or prayer0invocation 1.2 !iagnosis of energy bloc(ages 1. 8ilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1., !"ration of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1.2 /rod"cts 1.4 #&"ipment 1.6 Contra%indications 1.7 Special -eeds 1.E /ost%hilot 'ellness service0care TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % VARIA5LE RANGE 1, 5or(place policies and proced"res 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 1,.1 8ealth and hygiene legislation0reg"lations 1,.2 Se&"encing hilot 'ellness program 1,. /rivacy of client information 1,., :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety 1,.2 5or(place0:rgani@ational B"idelines 12 =ariations in hilot 'ellness program 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 12.1 Changes in client+s physical condition 12.2 Changes in client+s re&"irements EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 #>plained hilot history and development 1.2 #>plained hilot frame'or( 1. !etermined the hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1., .pplied (no'ledge of hilot principles in the selection and se&"encing of hilot 'ellness services 1.2 .pplied (no'ledge of personal hygiene* incl"ding the prevention of cross infection 1.4 ;ollo'ed safety 'or( practices 1.6 Recogni@ed and managed contra%indications 1.7 1sed available f"rnishings and paraphernalia 1.E 1sed effective &"estioning and active listening techni&"es to cons"lt* reass"re and negotiate 'ith clients 'hile maintaining discretion* tact and confidentiality 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 8ilot 8istory and !evelopment* ;rame'or( 2.2 /ersonal 8ygiene and /revention of Cross )nfections 2. The provisions relevant to :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety Reg"lations 2., 5or(place policies and proced"res in regard to the selection and se&"encing of hilot 'ellness massage services 2.2 .ppearance and management of contra%indications and adverse effects 2.4 /re% and post re&"irements for recommended hilot 'ellness massage services 2.6 .natomy* physiology and pathology of the s(in and s(in str"ct"res and biomechanics as it relates to hilot 'ellness services* incl"ding: 2.6.1 a simplified cross%section of s(in 2.6.2 glands as they relate to basic s(in f"nction 2.6. phases of gro'th* cell rene'al* healing of s(in and factors affecting epidermal mitosis 2.6., normal process of s(in ageing and str"ct"ral change 2.6.2 perc"taneo"s absorption and factors affecting penetration of cosmetics 2.7 ?asic n"trition and the relationship bet'een n"trition TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % % and s(in* partic"larly foods 'hich may have an effect on the s(in or 'hich may be contra%indicated in combination 'ith relevant s(in conditions or prod"cts "sed in a hilot 'ellness service . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 .pplying hilot principles to the selection and se&"encing of hilot 'ellness services .2 Responding to contra%indications and adverse effects . Se&"encing hilot 'ellness service to meet the needs of the client and ma(e efficient "se of f"rnishings and paraphernalia ., Comm"nications s(ills to cons"lt 'ith client to select hilot 'ellness massage service and ma(e recommendations .2 Aang"age* literacy and n"meracy s(ills relevant to the role and 'or(place re&"irements ,. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh any t'o of the follo'ing: ,.1 !emonstration 'ith &"estioning ,.2 :ral &"estioning0)ntervie' ,. Third /arty Report ,., 5ritten Report 2. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: 2.1 Relevant doc"mentation* s"ch as: 'or(place policy and proced"res man"als 2.2 .ccess to a range of clients 'ith different re&"irements 2. . range of f"rnishings and paraphernalia 2., /rod"ct labels and so"rces of prod"ct information 2.2 . &"alified 'or(place assessor 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment $o/#& be cond"cted in the 'or(place o' in a sim"lated environment TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % , % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : PROVIDE PRE8SERVICE TO CLIENTS 1-)T C:!# : HCS2229;2 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit describes the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to deliver preparatory services to hilot 'ellness clients* incl"ding receiving clients* ma(ing appointments and responding to client complaints. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. Sched"le clients 1.1.ppointments are sched"led according to length of time re&"ired for service0s* availability of staff and rooms and 'or(place policies and proced"res. 1.2 .ppointments are confirmed 'ith client and details recorded. 2. Receive clients 2.1$ommunication 'ith clients is cond"cted according to workplace policies and procedures. 2.2Client c"stomer service needs and reasonable re&"ests are met or referred to s"pervisor according to 'or(place policies. 2.Client 'ellness form is so"rced from file or ne' 'ellness form established. 2.,$lient information is noted in record s"stem according to 'or(place policies and proced"res and relevant laws. 2.2 Client is directed to designated area for specific hilot 'ellness service. . )dentify clients+ special c"stomer service needs0re&"irements .1Clients+ 'ith special needs or re&"irements are identified promptly by observation and &"estioning. .2. 'illingness to assist is conveyed verbally and non%verbally. . Client needs are promptly serviced* referred or redirected as re&"ired. ,. !eliver hilot 'ellness service to client0s ,.1/ossible problems are identified* anticipated and action is ta(en to minimi@e client dissatisfaction ,.2:pport"nities to deliver additional levels of hilot wellness services beyond the client+s immediate re&"est are recogni@ed and acted "pon. ,. Client is bidden fare'ell according to 'or(place policies and proced"res. ,., =erbal and non%verbal comm"nication is "sed to develop rapport and maintain contact 'ith client d"ring c"stomer service delivery. ,.2 Reg"lar c"stomer is enco"raged by promotion of appropriate hilot wellness services and products according to 'or(place policies and proced"res. ,.4 Sales* ret"rns or ref"nds are processed according to 'or(place policies and proced"res. 2. Respond to client0s complaint0s 2.1 4ature of complaint is established by active listening and &"estioning and confirmed 'ith the client. 2.2 $omplaint resolution procedures are implemented. 2. 1nresolved complaints are promptly referred to s"pervisor. 2., :pport"nities are ta(en to t"rn incidents of g"est dissatisfaction into a demonstration of high &"ality c"stomer service in line 'ith 'or(place policies and proced"res. 2.2 5ocumentation regarding client dissatisfaction or complaints is completed. 2.2 ;ollo'%"p action is ta(en as necessary to ens"re client satisfaction. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. Comm"nication 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 1.1 /ersonal 1.2 Telephone 1. =erbal and -on%=erbal 2. Clients 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 2.1 -e' or reg"lar g"est0s 'ith ro"tine or special needs . 5or(place policies and proced"res 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: .1 C"stomer service techni&"es .2 /ersonal presentation . Record (eeping ., Comm"nication .2 Sched"ling clients .4 Sales* ret"rns and ref"nds .6 Complaint resol"tion ,. Client information 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: ,.1 Type of treatment0s ,.2 Special needs or re&"irements of client ,. /rod"cts ,., !"ration of hilot 'ellness service ,.2 !ate and time of 'ellness service ,.4 Charges and method of payment ,.6-ame of staff providing hilot 'ellness service 2. Record system 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 2.1 #lectronic 2.2 9an"al 4. Relevant la's 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 4.1 Cons"mer Aa' 4.2 /rivacy Aa' 4. :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety reg"lations 4., .nti%!iscrimination Aegislation 4.2 )nd"stry Codes of /ractice 6 Special needs 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 6.1 Contra%indications to prod"cts or services 6.2 9obility or other disability assistance 6. Aang"age needs and c"lt"ral "nderstandings 6., /ayment arrangements TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 4 % VARIA5LE RANGE 7 /roblems 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 7.1 !elays 7.2 1navailability of prod"cts E .dditional levels of hilot 'ellness service 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: E.1 #>tending the hilot 'ellness service period E.2 :ffering complementary hilot 'ellness prod"cts E. :ffering home prod"cts 13 /romotion of appropriate 'ellness services and prod"cts 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 13.1 Complimentary 'ellness services0prod"cts 13.2 !isco"nted 'ellness services0prod"cts 13. Special pac(ages of 'ellness services0prod"cts 11 -at"re of complaint 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 11.1 /rice 11.2 $"ality of Service 11. Timeliness of Service 11., Range of Services 12 Complaint resol"tion proced"res 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 12.1 Referral to manager 12.2 /rovide a f"ller e>planation of service0prod"ct 12. Ref"nd of charges 12., Replacement of prod"ct 1 !oc"mentation 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 1.1 /aper based 1.2 #lectronic TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 6 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1;ollo'ed 'or(place policies and proced"res and safe 'or( practices in regard to the provision of service to clients 1.2 ;ollo'ed relevant la's 1. Sched"led clients and made appointments 1.,/rovided a consistently 'elcoming client environment by treating clients in a co"rteo"s* professional manner "sing c"lt"rally appropriate greetings and fare'ells 1.2)nterpreted acc"rately the nat"re of client complaints and too( appropriate action to resolve complaints 1.4;ollo'ed 'or(place policies and proced"res in regard to personal dress and presentation 1.61sed consistently effective &"estioning and active listening techni&"es to cons"lt* reass"re and negotiate 'ith clients 'hile maintaining discretion* tact and confidentiality 1.7 1sed time effectively 2 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1The provision of relevant legislation incl"ding cons"mer la'* privacy la'* :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety re&"irements and )nd"stry Codes of /ractice 2.25or(place policies and proced"res in regard to personal presentation* record (eeping* sales* ret"rns and ref"nds* receiving and sched"ling clients and ma(ing appointments 2. 5or(place feat"res* incl"ding: 2..1 'or(place prod"ct and service range 2..2 location of 'or(place areas0sections 2.. f"nction and "se of 'or(place telephone system 2.., message ta(en in person or by telephone 2..2 client record system 2..4 'ritten record of complaints 1nderpinning s(ills .1C"stomer service re&"ired for selling prod"cts and services* receiving and sched"ling clients and ma(ing appointments and resolving complaints incl"ding: .1.1 listening and &"estioning techni&"es .1.2 verbal and non%verbal comm"nication s(ills .1. negotiation techni&"es .1., conflict resol"tion s(ills .1.2 techni&"es for dealing 'ith diffic"lt or ab"sive clients .1.4 greeting and bidding fare'ell techni&"es .1.6 (no'ledge of clients+ special needs .1.7 dealing 'ith clients in a c"lt"rally appropriate manner .1.E telephone techni&"es .1.13 Aang"age* literacy and n"meracy relevant to the role and 'or(place re&"irements TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 7 % ,. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh any t'o of the follo'ing: ,.1 !emonstration 'ith &"estioning ,.2 :ral &"estioning0)ntervie' ,. Third /arty Report ,., 5ritten Report 2. Reso"rce implications The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: 2.1 Relevant doc"mentation* s"ch as: 'or(place policy and proced"res man"als 2.2 .ccess to a range of clients 'ith different re&"irements 2. . range of f"rnishings and paraphernalia 2., /rod"ct labels and so"rces of prod"ct information 2.2 . &"alified 'or(place assessor 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment $o/#& be cond"cted in the 'or(place or in a sim"lated environment TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % E % 1-)T :; C:9/#T#-C< : APPLY HILOT WELLNESS MASSAGE TECHNI@UES 1-)T C:!# : HCS2229;9 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to perform a range of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. /repare client and 'or( area for hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1.1 Work areas and work area environment are prepared se&"entially according to hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es and client needs* relevant laws and workplace policies and procedures. 1.2 $lient preparation is cond"cted according to the hilot wellness program* relevant la's and 'or(place policies and proced"res. 1. #ilot areas is0are prepared according to the hilot 'ellness program* relevant la's and 'or(place policies and proced"res. 1., Wellness products6 furnishings and paraphernalia are prepared and se&"enced according to the hilot 'ellness program* man"fact"rer instr"ctions* relevant la's and 'or(place policies and proced"res. 2. /repare self for hilot 'ellness session 2.1%ersonal h"giene practices are performed in accordance 'ith standard operating proced"res. 2.2%re*hilot procedure is performed based on standard operating proced"res. . /erform hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es .1 Imbalances in the bod" are located in accordance 'ith methods of scanning "sed by hilot. .2 8ilot press"re areas are determined in accordance 'ith its characteristics* location and indications. . #ilot wellness massage techni&ues are applied in accordance 'ith 'or(place policies and proced"res. ., Aength of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es is varied to s"it client re&"irements. 1.3 $lient response is monitored thro"gho"t the hilot 'ellness session and hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es are eval"ated and adapted as re&"ired. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,3 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. 8ilot 'ellness program 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 1.1 Types of services 1.1.1 s"ob 1.1.2 banyos 1.1. paligo 1.1., dagdagay 1.1.2 bentosa 1.1.4 hilod 1.2 8ilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 1. !"ration of hilot 'ellness program 1., /rod"cts 1.2 ;"rnishings and paraphernalia 2. 5or( area0s 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 2.1 Changing area 2.2 5ellness lo"nge 2. 5ellness rooms . Relevant la's 9"st incl"de b"t is not limited to: .1 -ational and Aocal 8ealth and 8ygiene Reg"lations .2 :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety Reg"lations . )nd"stry Codes of /ractice ,. 5or(place policies and proced"res 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: ,.1 /ersonal hygiene ,.2 Selection of prod"cts ,. Selection of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es ,., !"ration of 'ellness service ,.2 5or( ethics ,.4 Cleaning and maintenance of e&"ipment and facilities ,.6 Response proced"re to client behavior ,.7 5aste disposal 2. 5or( area environment 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 2.1 /rivacy 2.2 Temperat"re Control 2. Aighting 2., So"nds and Scents 4. Client preparation 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 4.1 !isrobing 4.2 Sho'ering 4. .ppropriate 5ardrobe TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,1 % VARIA5LE RANGE 6. 5ellness prod"cts 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 6.1 :ils and #ssences 6.2 #>foliants 6. Salt09inerals 6., 9"ds0Clays0.lgae 7. ;"rnishings and paraphernalia 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 7.1 ?ed 7.2 !ipping t"b 7. Table 7., Sa"na0Steam 7.2 =apori@ers 7.4 To'els E. /ersonal hygiene practices 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: E.1 8and 'ashing E.2 5earing appropriate attire 13. /re%hilot proced"re 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 13.1 Silent prayer 13.2 Bather positive energy 'ith conscio"s breathing 13. .pply cocon"t%based oil to hands 13., 5arm hands by r"bbing them together or hold over a scented candle light 11. 8ilot methods of scanning 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 11.1 8and Scanning0/alpation 11.2 8ilot /"lse Reading 11. 8ilot Thermal Reading ()nit%Aamig) 11., /roced"res "sing banana and other leaves 12. 8ilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 9"st incl"de b"t are not limited to: 12.1 Aocating the imbalances in the body 12.2 8ilot /ress"re .reas 12. Stro(es % 8agod (long deep stro(e) % 8aplos (short light stro(e) % /indot (one finger press) % /isil (t'o or more finger press) % /iga (grasping) G optional 12., C"stomi@ed .mo"nt of /ress"re .pplied 12.2 !"ration of .pplication of /ress"re 12.4 !irection of 9assage % generally to'ards the heart % hot part of the body to cold (thermal flo') % to'ards the lesser l"mps 12.6 /re%8ilot /roced"re 12.7 1se of hands and fingers as medi"m based on hilot area0body part* d"ration* fre&"ency* rhythm* and amo"nt of press"re M M Re(e' to t$e M!t'iD 4/i&e (o' %o'e &et!i#e& 4/i&e#ine C &ec'i0tion o( t$e !"o3e tec$ni=/e TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,2 % MATRIX GUIDE Hilot Area / Body Part S t r o k e ([a] from te ot area to te !old area" or [#] from te m$lti%le &od$le to te 'i&(le &od$le) * r e + $ e & ! y Rytm (Ma#a(al) Amo$&t of Pre''$re (Ma'akit &($&it kaya&( tii'i&) Te fi($re' #elo, are i&di!ati-e &o'.to 'tart ,it D$ratio& (a&((a&( makita/madama a&( %a(#a#a(o" te fi($re' #elo, are i&di!ati-e &o'. to 'tart ,it) H a ( o d P i & d o t P i ' i l P i ( a long deep stroke short light stroke one finger press two finger press g r a s p i n g
ankle X X X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 3 lbs 7 sec bukong bukong / Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2
temple X X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs
thigh X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 3-! lbs 3 sec #babaw ng $ita %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin
(oob ng $ita %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin
abdomen around the na)el X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3 min
back of knee X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3* sec
back of leg X X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 3-! lbs 3 sec likod ng binti X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
ball of palm X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 3 lbs 3 min palad X X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
ball of the foot X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 3-! lbs 3 sec sakong X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % , % center of palm to fingers X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 sec palad X X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
chest%dibdib' X X 21x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 seconds from palm center to fingertips
dorsal side of arm X X X X 7x 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm and 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 min
dorsal side of arm X X X X 7x 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm and 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3min bisig nakataob %labas& loob& gitna' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min braso nakataob %labas& loob& gitna' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
dorsal side of fingers X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 min
dorsum of foot X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs one second per fingertips ibabaw ng paa X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
dorsum of the hand X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 1 min ibabaw ng kamay X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 3min
fingertips X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1lb to 3 lbs 3 sec from wrist to fingertips daliri ng kamay X X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
flank %optional' X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb one second per fingertips gilid ng ribs mula kilikili hanggang baywang
forehead X X +x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3* sec noo X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 1min
front thigh X X 2x 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm and 1-2-3 rhythm 3-! lbs 3* sec #babaw ng $ita %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,, % harap ng binti %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
head X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3 min ibabaw ng ulo X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
head apex %tuktok' X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3* sec ibabaw ng ulo X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
hypogastric area %puson' X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3sec
kneecap X 1x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3* sec tuhod X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
lateral side of foot X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3 sec
lateral side of leg X X 12x 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs 1 min (ikod na $ita %labas& loob& gitna' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin "min
lower back X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3 min ibabang gulugod X X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min medial border of scapula X X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3 min paypay %kanan,kaliwa' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 3min medial side of foot X X
12x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3* sec talampakan X X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
medial side of leg X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3 min TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,2 % likod ng binti %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min (ikod na $ita %labas& loob& gitna' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin "min
nape X X X +x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 min batok X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
sacrum and pel)is X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3* sec baywang %kaliwa,kanan' Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin
balakang %kaliwa,kanan' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min puwet %kaliwa,kanan' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
shin bone X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 1 min harap ng binti %loob& labas' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
shoulders X X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 min balikat X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
side of the spine X X X 12x 1-2-3 rhytm and 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs 1-! min gitnang likod %kaliwa,kanan' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
sole of foot X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm 3-! lbs 3 min talampakan X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
spine %gulugod' X X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs 1-! min
sternum area X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 lb 3 min
TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,4 %
toes X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1-3 lbs 3* sec dulo ng daliri ng paa X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 2min
upper back X X X 12x 1-2-3 rhythm & 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm 1-3 lbs one second per toe taas na likod X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 3min
)entral side of arm X X X X 7x 1-2-3--!-"-7 rhythm and 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 min bisig nakatihaya %labas& loob& gitna' X
Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min braso nakatihaya %labas& loob& gitna' X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin min
web between thumb & forefinger X 3x 1-2-3 rhythm 1 to 3 lbs 3 sec ibabaw ng kamay X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 3min daliri ng kamay X Mabagal Masakit ngunit kayang tiisin 3min TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,6 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspect of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 )nterpreted a hilot 'ellness program and made any adC"stments re&"ired by variations in the client+s condition 1.2 .pplied consistently (no'ledge on personal hygiene* incl"ding the prevention of cross infection 1. .pplied consistently (no'ledge on relevant national and local la's0re&"irements and ind"stry Codes of /ractice 1., Recogni@ed and managed all aspects of area safety 1.2 Recogni@ed and managed contra%indications and adverse effects 1.4 9onitored and applied appropriate service* techni&"e and f"rnishings and paraphernalia according to client+s needs 1.6 1sed consistently effective &"estioning and active listening techni&"es to cons"lt* reass"re and negotiate 'ith clients 'hile maintaining discretion* tact and confidentiality 1.7 .pplied (no'ledge of a variety of hilot prod"cts 1.E 1sed time consistently* effectively and controlled prod"ct 'aste 1.13 #val"ated a hilot 'ellness program and advised the client on f"t"re treatments* homecare and complementary prod"cts 1.1Read* interpreted acc"rately and applied consistently man"fact"rer+s instr"ction for prod"cts and e&"ipment 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge
2.1 /rovisions of relevant health and hygiene reg"lations0 re&"irements 2.2 /rovisions of relevant :cc"pational 8ealth and Safety Reg"lations0Re&"irements 2. /ersonal hygiene and the transmission of microbes and infections 2., 5or(place policies and proced"res in regard to the performance of hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 2.2 The effects and benefits of a defined range of hilot prod"cts and paraphernalia 2.4 ;actors li(ely to affect the s"itability of each hilot 'ellness massage techni&"e to client needs and the effects and benefits. 2.6 .natomy* physiology and pathology of the s(in and s(in str"ct"res as it relates to hilot 'ellness techni&"es* incl"ding: % a simplified cross%section of s(in % glands as they relate to basic s(in f"nction % s(in chemicals* incl"ding seb"m and s'eat prod"ction* normal and abnormal* collagen* elastin and lipids % phases of gro'th* cell rene'al* healing of s(in and factors affecting epidermal mitosis % normal process of s(in and ageing and str"ct"ral change - perc"taneo"s absorption and factors affecting penetration of cosmetics TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,7 % 2.7 The follo'ing body systems as listed belo'* in regard to their interdependence and p"rpose: % s(eletal and m"sc"lar system* incl"ding m"scle movements and motor points* position and action of s"perficial m"scles of the face* throat and chest % nervo"s system and its relationship to s(in sensations % lymphatic* digestive* respiratory and circ"latory systems and their relationship to s(in f"nction* incl"ding thermoreg"lation and homeostasis % endocrine and reprod"ctive systems in relationship to hormonal control of the s(in % integ"mentary system 2.E ?asic n"trition and its relationship to body 'ellness 2.13 8erbs* oils* minerals and other ingredients in relevant hilot prod"cts and their effects on the s(in . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 .pplying appropriate hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es and prod"cts based on client needs and condition .2 .pplying personal hygiene . .pplying area safety ., Ta(ing appropriate action against adverse effects .2 .ns'ering &"estions of clients and providing information as needed 1.7 .pplying lang"age* literacy and n"meracy s(ills relevant to the role and 'or(place re&"irements ,. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh any t'o of the follo'ing: ,.1 !emonstration 'ith oral &"estioning ,.2 :bservation 'ith oral &"estioning ,. )ntervie' ,., Third /arty Report 2. Reso"rce implication The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: 2.1 Relevant doc"mentation* s"ch as: % 'or(place policy and proced"res man"als 2.2 .ccess to a range of clients 'ith different re&"irements 2. . range of services* prod"cts and paraphernalia appropriate to the 'or(place 2.1 /rod"ct labels and so"rces of prod"ct information 2.2 . &"alified 'or(place assessor
4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment $o/#& be cond"cted in the 'or(place or in a sim"lated environment TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % ,E % UNIT O6 COMPETENCY E PROVIDE POST8ADVICE AND POST8SERVICES TO CLIENTS 1-)T C:!# : HCS9779;: 1-)T !#SCR)/T:R : This "nit covers the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des re&"ired to advise on post hilot 'ellness services. ELEMENT PER6ORMANCE CRITERIA Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of =ariables 1. )dentify prod"cts and services 1.1/rod"cts "sed in hilot 'ellness massage are identified and e>plained in accordance 'ith 'or(place proced"res 1.2/rod"cts and range of services are identified and their benefits and comparative advantage. 2. #>plain prod"ct and services (no'ledge 2.1 Fno'ledge of products and services is e>plained* maintained and conveyed to other staff members as re&"ired. 2.2 $omparisons bet'een prod"cts and services are applied. 2.Fno'ledge of competitors+ prod"ct and range of service and pricing str"ct"re is e>plained. . Recommend speciali@ed prod"cts and services .1 $lients needs and condition are identified. .2 ;eat"res and benefits of prod"cts and services are e>plained to enco"rage clients to avail them. ,. /erform aftercare service ,.1 Client is monitored according to 'or(place policies and proced"res. ,.2 ,dverse effects are identified and responded to as re&"ired. ,. ,ftercare products are applied as re&"ired. ,., ,ftercare services are provided according to the hilot 'ellness program* 'or(place policies and proced"res and client needs. 2. .dminister service 2.1 +utcomes of the hilot 'ellness program are eval"ated and noted. Recommendations for further adviceservice are made. 2.2 Clients are advised of s"itable 'ellness prod"cts and appropriate lifest"le changes. 2. /rod"ct "se is e>plained and the application is demonstrated as re&"ired. 2., Client is advised of e>pected o"tcomes of f"t"re treatments. 2.2 Client is reboo(ed according to agreed hilot 'ellness program. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 23 % RANGE O6 VARIA5LES VARIA5LE RANGE 1. /rod"cts 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 1.1 /re%blended aromatic plant oils 1.2 #>foliants 1. 8erbal teas and beverages 1., 9"d0clays 1.2 8erbal baths and po"ltices 1.4 9inerals (al"m* incense* etc.) 2. Services 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 2.1 8erbal baths and scr"bs 2.2 ?ody Services 2. 5ellness and rela>ation techni&"es 2., #>ercise programs 2.2 !iet and n"trition programs 2.4 !eto>ification programs . Comparisons 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: .1 /rod"cts and service options .2 Types* /roced"res* Techni&"es . ?rand :ptions ., ?enefits and effects of prod"cts and services .2 Targeted res"lts and o"tcomes .4 /rice .6 )ngredients and form"lations ,. Clients 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: ,.1 -e' or reg"lar clients 'ith ro"tine or special needs ,.2 Clients 'ho e>perienced adverse effects 2. .dverse effects 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 2.1 .llergic reaction to prod"cts 2.2 S(in reactions d"e to hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es 2. Reactions to changes 4. .ftercare prod"cts 9ay incl"de b"t is not limited to: 4.1 8erbal prod"cts 4.2?ody oils TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 21 % VARIA5LE RANGE 6. .ftercare services 9"st incl"de b"t are not limited to: 6.1 Rest period after service 6.2)mmediate bathing sho"ld be avoided (at least 4 hrs. after the service) 6. :ffering 'arm tea 7. :"tcomes 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 7.1 #ffects of service rendered 7.2 Client+s condition E. ;"rther advice0service 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: E.1 9aintenance prod"cts0services E.2 :ther complementary prod"cts0services 13. Aifestyle change 9ay incl"de b"t are not limited to: 13.1 /roper diet and good n"trition 13.2 Red"ction of alcohol0tobacco cons"mption 13. :ptim"m e>ercise TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 22 % EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspect of competency .ssessment re&"ires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 .pplied consistently (no'ledge of 'or(place policies and proced"res and safe 'or( practices in relation to advising on 'ellness program 1.2 .pplied consistently (no'ledge of relevant national and local health and hygiene reg"lations 1. Recogni@ed and managed contra%indications 1., Read* acc"rately interpreted and consistently applied and advised on man"fact"rer+s instr"ctions for prod"cts 1.2 1sed effective &"estioning and active listening techni&"es to cons"lt* reass"re and negotiate 'ith clients 'hile maintaining discretion* tact and confidentiality 1.4 .pplied prod"ct (no'ledge incl"ding comparisons bet'een prod"cts and offered advice to clients 1.6 )dentified client re&"irements0needs 1.7 Recommended prod"cts and services to clients* incl"ding the incorporation of detailed speciali@ed prod"ct (no'ledge and demonstrated prod"cts and services to provide advice to g"ests. 1.E 1sed time effectively 2. 1nderpinning (no'ledge 2.1 The provisions of relevant :cc"pational health and Safety reg"lations0re&"irements 2.2 5or(place policies and proced"res in regard to the performance of services and selling prod"cts 2. ;actors li(ely to affect the s"itability of each 'or(place treatment to clients+ needs and the effects and benefits of vario"s treatments 2.,The ca"ses of s(in reactions0allergies in regard to treatments . 1nderpinning s(ills .1 )dentifying client re&"irements0needs .2 S(ills needed in promoting prod"cts and services* incl"ding: % listening and &"estioning techni&"es % verbal and non%verbal comm"nication s(ills % dealing 'ith client in a c"lt"rally appropriate manner % negotiation techni&"es % conflict resol"tion s(ills % problem solving techni&"es . Bathering and organi@ing information to develop and maintain prod"ct and service (no'ledge . Aang"age* literacy and n"meracy s(ills relevant to the role and 'or(place re&"irements TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2 % ,. 9ethod of assessment Competency MUST be assessed thro"gh any t'o of the follo'ing: ,.1 !emonstration 'ith oral &"estioning ,.2 :bservation 'ith oral &"estioning ,. )ntervie' ,., Third /arty Report 2. Reso"rce implication The follo'ing reso"rces MUST be provided: 2.1 Relevant doc"mentation* s"ch as: % 'or(place policy and proced"res man"als 2.2 .ccess to a range of clients 'ith different re&"irements 2. . range of services and prod"cts appropriate to 'or(place 2., . &"alified 'or(place assessor 4. Conte>t of assessment 4.1 .ssessment $o/#& be cond"cted in the 'or(place or in a sim"lated environment TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2, % SECTION 9 TRAINING STANDARDS These standards are set to provide Technical and =ocational #d"cation and Training (T=#T) providers 'ith information and other important re&"irements to consider 'hen designing training programs for HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II1 917 CURRICULUM DESIGN Co"rse Title: HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) -C Aevel: NC II -ominal Training 8o"rs: 72; Ho/' Co"rse !escription: This co"rse is designed to enhance the (no'ledge* s(ills and attit"des of HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) in accordance 'ith ind"stry standards. )t covers basic* common and core competencies in -C )). 5ASIC COMPETENCIES (7> Ho/') UNIT O6 COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 1. /articipate in 'or(place comm"nication 1.1 :btain and convey 'or(place information. 1.2 Complete relevant 'or( related doc"ments. 1. /articipate in 'or(place meeting and disc"ssion. Bro"p disc"ssion )nteraction !emonstratio n :bservation )ntervie's0 $"estioning 2. 5or( in a team environment 2.1 !escribe team role and scope 2.2)dentify o'n role and responsibility 'ithin team 2.5or( as a team member. !isc"ssion )nteraction !emonstratio n :bservation )ntervie's0 $"estioning . /ractice career professionalism .1 )ntegrate personal obCectives 'ith organi@ational goals. .2 Set and meet 'or( priorities. . 9aintain professional gro'th and development. Bro"p disc"ssion )nteraction !emonstratio n :bservation )ntervie's0 $"estioning ,. /ractice occ"pational health and safety ,.1)dentify ha@ards and ris(s ,.2#val"ate ha@ards and ris(s. !isc"ssion /lant To"r Symposi"m :bservation )ntervie's ,.Control ha@ards and ris(s. ,. 9aintain occ"pational health and safety (:8S) a'areness. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 22 % COMMON COMPETENCIES (22 Ho/') UNIT O6 COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOMES METHODOLOGY ASSESSMENT APPROACH 1. )mplement and monitor infection control policies and proced"res 1.1 /rovide information to the 'or( gro"p abo"t the organi@ation+s infection control policies and proced"res. 1.2 )ntegrate the organi@ation+s infection control policy and proced"re into 'or( practices. 1. 9onitor infection control performance and implement improvements in practices Aect"rette )nteraction :bservation and oral &"estioning Brid &"estioning /ractical e>ercise 2. Respond effectively to diffic"lt 0 challenging behavior 2.1 /lan and respond to emergencies 2.2 Report and revie' incidents Aect"rette ?rainstroming :bservation and oral &"estioning Brid &"estioning /ractical e>ercise . .pply basic first aid .1 .ssess the sit"ation. .2 .pply basic first aid techni&"es. . Comm"nicate details of the incident. Aect"rrette ?rainstorming :bservation and oral &"estioning Brid &"estioning /ractical e>ercise ,. 9aintain high standard of patient0client services ,.1.1 Comm"nicate appropriately 'ith patients0clients ,.1.2 #stablish and maintain good interpersonal relationship 'ith patients0clients ,.1. .ct in a respectf"l manner at all times ,.1., #val"ate o'n 'or( to maintain high standard of patient0client services Aect"rrette ?rainstorming :bservation and oral &"estioning Brid &"estioning /ractical e>ercise TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 24 % CORE COMPETENCIES (>; Ho/') UNIT O6 COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOME METHODOLOGY ASSESSMEN T APPROACH 1. /lan the hilot 'ellness program of clients 1.1 )dentify vital information to client 1.2 #>plain hilot 1. #>plain the hilot 'ellness services and prod"cts 1., Confirm hilot 'ellness program Aect"re !isc"ssion !emo Role /lay 5ritten e>aminatio n )ntervie' Ret"rn !emo /ractical Test 2. /rovide pre%service to clients 2.1Sched"le clients+ 2.2Cond"ct preliminary services to clients+ Aect"re !isc"ssion !emo Role /lay 5ritten e>aminatio n )ntervie' Ret"rn !emo /ractical Test . .pply hilot 'ellness techni&"es .1/repare client and 'or( area for hilot 'ellness massage .2/erform self assessment for hilot 'ellness session ./erform hilot 'ellness techni&"es !emonstration0 /ractical 8ands% on #>ercises Competency% ?ased Aearning 9aterials 9ethod 5ritten e>aminatio n :bservatio n $"estioning ,. /rovide advice on post hilot 'ellness services ,.1 /erform aftercare service ,.2 )dentify and e>plain the prod"cts ,. #n"merate and e>plain other services !emonstration0 /ractical 8ands% on #>ercises Competency% ?ased Aearning 9aterials 9ethod 5ritten e>aminatio n :bservatio n $"estioning TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 26 % 912 TRAINING DELIVERY The delivery of training sho"ld adhere to the design of the c"rric"l"m. !elivery sho"ld be g"ided by the 13 basic principles of competency%based T=#T. The training is based on c"rric"l"m developed from the competency standards; Aearning is mod"lar in its str"ct"re; Training delivery is individ"ali@ed and self%paced; Training is based on 'or( that m"st be performed; Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the c"rric"l"m mod"les; .ssessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of 'or( to the ind"stry re&"ired standard; Training is based both on and off%the%Cob components; .llo's for recognition of prior learning (R/A) or c"rrent competencies; Training allo's for m"ltiple entry and e>it; and .pproved training programs are nationally accredited. The competency G based T=#T system recogni@es vario"s types of delivery modes* both on and off%the%Cob as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the ind"stry. The follo'ing training modalities may be adopted 'hen designing training programs: The d"ali@ed mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Th"s programs 'o"ld contain both in%school and in G ind"stry training or field'or( components. !etails can be referred to the !"al Training System (!TS) )mplementing R"les and Reg"lations. 9od"lar0self%paced learning is a competency%based training modality 'herein the trainee is allo'ed to progress at his o'n pace. The trainer facilitates the training delivery /eer teaching0mentoring is a training modality 'herein fast learners are given the opport"nity to assist the slo' learners S"pervised ind"stry training or on%the%Cob training is an approach in training designed to enhance the (no'ledge an s(ills of the trainee thro"gh act"al e>perience in the 'or(place to ac&"ire specific competencies prescribed in the training reg"lations. !istance learning is a formal ed"cation process in 'hich maCority of the instr"ction occ"rs 'hen the st"dents and instr"ctor are not in the same place. !istance learning may employ correspondence st"dy* or a"dio* video or comp"ter technologies. /roCect%?ased )nstr"ction is an a"thentic instr"ctional model or strategy in 'hich st"dents plan* implement and eval"ate proCects that have real 'orld applicants. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 27 % 919 TRAINEE ENTRY RE@UIREMENTSE Trainees or st"dents 'ishing to gain entry into these &"alifications sho"ld possess the follo'ing re&"irements: 17 years old and above 9"st pass the personality 0 aptit"de test Can comm"nicate effectively both oral and 'ritten form /hysically* emotionally and mentally fit Bood moral character This list does not incl"de specific instit"tional re&"irements s"ch as ed"cational attainment* appropriate 'or( e>perience* and others that may be re&"ired of the trainees by the school or training center delivering this T=#T program. 91: TOOLS, MATERIALS AND E@UIPMENTE HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II Recommended list of tools* e&"ipment and materials for the training of 23 trainees for 8)A:T (5#AA-#SS 9.SS.B#) -C )) are as follo's:
TOOLS E@UIPMENT MATERIALS $ty. !escription $ty. !escription $ty. !escription 13 Thermometer 1 C!0!=! /layer (C!0!=!) 2 btls. Cocon"t :il 2 Sphygmomanometer 1 T= 13 ?anana Aeaf Strips and :ther Aeaves 2 Stethoscope 1 :8/ 13 ?ath to'els 1 5hiteboard 3 ;ace to'el0hand to'el 13 Stool 13 ?ed sheets 2 Trolley 13 ?o'ls 9assage Table: A N 1.79 5 N 3.79 8 N 3.6 9 13 Shorts 4 /illo's 13 Smoc( go'ns0bath robes09alongs 13 Ba"@e mas(s 13 /illo' cases 2 .lcohol (#thyl)08and Saniti@er 2 ?asins 2 Co"ch Roll (!isposable /aper) References: .natomy* /hysiology and ;irst .id TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 2E % 91< TRAINING 6ACILITIES HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II The 8ilot (5ellness 9assage) Therapy Aearning ;acility m"st be of concrete str"ct"re. ?ased on class si@e of 2; st"dents 0 trainees the space re&"irements for the teaching 0 learning and c"rric"l"m areas are as follo's. TEACHING C LEARNING AREAS SIFE IN METERS AREA IN S1 METERS TOTAL AREA IN S@1 METERS Aaboratory .rea , O 2 23 23 Aearning Reso"rces .rea O 2 4 4 5ash .rea0Comfort Room (male I female) 2.2 O , 13 13 .dmin and Staff Room , O 2 23 23 Circ"lation .rea , O , 14 14 Tot!# Wo')$o0 A'e! 77: =1 %ete'
91- TRAINER @UALI6ICATION (T@ II) 9"st be a certified 8ilot 9"st have "ndergone training on Training 9ethodology )) (T9 ))) or holder of -TTC Certificate for 8ealthcare /rofessionals 9"st be physically* emotionally and mentally fit 9"st possess good moral character 5ith at least 2 years e>perience in the health service ind"stry 91+ INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT )nstit"tional .ssessment is "nderta(en by trainees to determine their achievement of "nits of competency. . certificate of achievement is iss"ed for each "nit of competency. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 43 % SECTION : NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTI6ICATION ARRANGEMENTS ,.1 To attain the -ational $"alification of 8ilot (5ellness 9assage) -C )) the candidate m"st demonstrate competence thro"gh proCect%type assessment covering all the "nits listed in Section 1. S"ccessf"l candidates shall be a'arded a -ational Certificate signed by the T#S!. !irector Beneral. ,.2 .ssessment shall foc"s on the core "nits of competency. The basic and common "nits shall be integrated or assessed conc"rrently 'ith the core "nits. ,. The follo'ing are &"alified to apply for assessment and certification: ,..1 Brad"ates of formal* non%formal and informal incl"ding enterprise%based training programs. ,..2 #>perienced 5or(ers ('age employed or self G employed) ,., Reassessment is allo'ed only after one month from the date of assessment. Reassessment for a -ational Certificate shall be done only on the tas(0s that the candidate did not s"ccessf"lly achieve. ,.2 . candidate 'ho fails the assessment for t'o (2) consec"tive times 'ill be re&"ired to go thro"gh a refresher co"rse before ta(ing another assessment. ,.4 :nly certified individ"als in this $"alification may be nominated by the ind"stry sector for accreditation as competency assessor. ,.6 :nly accredited competency assessors are allo'ed to cond"ct competency assessment* ho'ever* trainees 'ho are accredited competency assessors are not allo'ed to assess their trainees. ,.7 .ssessment of competence m"st be "nderta(en only in the T#S!. accredited assessment center. The performance assessment (demonstration of competence)* ho'ever* may be done in any ven"e or 'or(place d"ly designated by an accredited assessment center. ,.E The g"idelines on assessment and certification are disc"ssed in detail in the K/roced"res 9an"al on .ssessment and CertificationL and KB"idelines on the )mplementation of the /hilippine T=#T $"alification and Certification System (/T$CS)L. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 41 % COMPETENCY MAP G HEALTH CARE SECTOR (HILOT (WELLNESS MASSAGE) NC II) 5ASIC COMPETENCIES Receive and respond to 'or(place comm"nication 5or( 'ith others !emonstrate 'or( val"es /ractice basic ho"se(eeping proced"res /articipate in 'or(place comm"nication 5or( in team environment /ractice career professionalism /ractice occ"pational health and safety proced"res Aead 'or(place comm"nication Aead small team !evelop and practice negotiation s(ills Solve problems related to 'or( activities 1se mathematical concepts and techni&"es 1se relevant technologies 1tili@e speciali@ed comm"nication s(ills !evelop teams and individ"als .pply problem solving techni&"es in the 'or(place Collect* analy@e and organi@e information /lan and organi@e 'or( /romote environmental protection COMMON COMPETENCIES )mplement and monitor infection control policies and proced"res Respond effectively to diffic"lt0challenging behavior .pply basic first aid 9aintain high standard of patient services 9aintain an effective relationship 'ith clients0c"stomers 9anage o'n performance #stablish professionalism in the sec"rity service /rocess re"sable instr"ments and e&"ipment in health 'or( /repare for and assist 'ith oral health care proced"res .ssist 'ith administration in dental practice ;ollo' occ"pational health and safety policies in dental practice 9aintain infection control in dental practice CORE COMPETENCIES /rovide care and s"pport to infants and toddlers /rovide care and s"pport to children ;oster social* intellect"al* creative and emotional development of children ;oster the physical development of children /rovide care and s"pport to elderly /rovide care and s"pport to people 'ith special needs 9aintain a healthy and safe environment Respond to emergency Clean living room* dining room* bedrooms* toilet and bathroom 5ash and iron clothes* linen and fabric /repare hot and cold meals /repare and maintain beds Collect and maintain linen stoc(s at end "sers location .ssist in patient mobility .ssist in transporting patients .ssist in bio%psychosocial s"pport care of patients 8andle 'aste in a health care environment )nstall biomedical e&"ipment /erform corrective maintenance on biomedical e&"ipment /erform preventive maintenance on biomedical e&"ipment Repair biomedical e&"ipment /erform basic life s"pport 9aintain life s"pport e&"ipment and reso"rces )mplement safe access and e>trication proced"res in an emergency 9anage re&"est for amb"lance service .llocate amb"lance service reso"rces Coordinate emergency reso"rces !eliver basic amb"lance comm"nication s(ills S"pervise on%road operations 9anage the scene of a special event 9anage ro"tine scene !eliver pre%hospital patient care 9anage amb"lance operations Transport emergency patients Transport non% emergency patients !rive vehicles "nder operational conditions 5or( 'ithin a holistic therape"tic massage frame'or( /erform therape"tic massage assessment /lan the therape"tic massage treatment )mplement therape"tic massage treatment /erform remedial therape"tic massage treatment 5or( 'ithin a comm"nity development frame'or( TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 42 % /repare for 'or( in the comm"nity service ind"stry S"pport comm"nity reso"rces /rovide primary0residential care S"pport comm"nity participation Recr"it and coordinate vol"nteers Respond holistically to client iss"es !evelop and provide health ed"cation program in the comm"nity ;abricate models ;abricate c"stom impression trays ;abricate registration bite rims .rtic"late models and transfer records ;abricate mo"thgard .rrange artificial teeth for complete dent"res Set%"p and 'a> removable partial dent"res 5a>* process and finish acrylic dent"res and appliances Cast metal alloy removable partial dent"re 'or( ;abricate oral splints ;abricate orthodontic appliances ;abricate thermo formed bases and appliances ;abricate metal cro'n and bridge str"ct"res ;abricate ceramic restorations ;abricate indirect composite0polymer fi>ed restorations Doin alloy str"ct"res /lan the hilot 'ellness program of client /rovide pre% service of client .pply hilot 'ellness massage techni&"es /rovide post%dvice on post%services to hilot clients TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 4 % ;or the p"rpose of this standard* the 'ord A#te'n!ti3e Me&icine -on%5estern healing therapies. .lso called complementary or integrative medicine. An!to%2 the science of the shape and str"ct"re of organisms and their parts. 5!n!n! Le!( Met$o& the banana leaf is "tili@ed in hilot to assist in determining 'here the energy bloc( is. The leaf of the banana* the saba variety is preferred over other species of bananas. The leaf is c"t into lengths of one foot to one and a half feet and 'idth of t'o to three inches. The banana leaf strips are then laced 'ith cocon"t oil* 'armed over candle fire and r"n thro"gh the different body areas. )f the banana leaf strip stops at a partic"lar body area or if the hilot practitioner senses a t"g of the banana leaf against the s(in of the patient* s"ch body area is considered to have energy bloc(. 9assage in then foc"sed on these areas 'here the banana lead strip stops or t"gs. 5e!/t2 T'e!t%ent cosmetic applications and services that enhance one+s appearance; e.g. facials* hair treatments* manic"res* pedic"res* 'a>ing and ma(e"p. 5ento! c"pping of heated glasses applied on the body s"rface mainly for cold and 'ind diseases. 5o&2 Sc'/" a therapy for e>foliating the s(in "sing applications applied 'ith a br"sh or loofah sponge. 5o&2 T'e!t%ent any therapy applied to the body* incl"ding massages* 'raps* scr"bs* mas(s and baths. 5o&2 W'!0 cocooning the body in 'arm sheets that "s"ally have been steeped in an herbal mi>t"re; or 'rapping the body in plastic* 9ylar* or 'oolen blan(ets after a body treatment s"ch as a m"d bath or mas(. C$i'o0'!ctic a physical therapy that realigns the spine to correct nerve malf"nctions; "ses man"al manip"lations to help the body regain optimal f"nction. D!!#, 5/#on4, O'!cion prayers and chants as(ing for spirit"al blessings and g"idance. Eenti!# Oi# distilled and p"rified e>tracts of flo'ers* plants* grasses* fr"it* leaves* bar(* herbs and seeds; said to have healing* o>ygenating* p"rifying and rela>ing properties. ED(o#i!tion removal of dead cells from the s(in+s s"rface* "sing a variety of lotions* m"ds* oils and scr"bs 'ith a variety of tools (e.g. loofah sponges and br"shes). TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 4, % 6!ci!# deep cleansing and0or massage for the face* nec( and "pper chest "sing vario"s m"ds* oils* lotions and0or mas(s to remove dead s(in and imp"rities* close pores* and enhance circ"lation; can be man"al and0or involve e&"ipment to steam* tone and tighten the s(in. He'"!# 5!t$ a hydrotherapy treatment 'ith the addition of herbal preparations for rela>ation and healing. He'"!# W'!0 a body treatment that "ses linen sheets steeped in an herbal preparation. The sheets are 'rapped aro"nd the client li(e a cocoon for deto>ification* rela>ation and increased circ"lation. Hi#ot The art and science of the ancient ;ilipino 8ealing. Hi#ot (We##ne) can "se0apply massage* herbal treatments* oil and essences* mineral treatments and 'ater treatment. P!#i4o bathing practices "sing decoctions of aromatic herbs performed after an illness* a childbirth or an e>ha"sting 'or(. P!#0!tion a method "sed in locating energy bloc(ages in the body. This is done by palpating the parts of the body 'here the patient feels pain* discomfort* n"mbness or tingling sensations. Then the other body areas to determine other areas of energy bloc(ages. P/#e Di!4noi the "se of fingers to palpate the p"lses that determine the bloc(age in the body in relation to the signs and symptoms manifestations based on the philosophical concepts of hilot. R!. E44 Met$o& a 'hole ra' egg is r"n thro"gho"t the different body areas. .fter 'hich the egg is bro(en over a plate and the hilot is able to diagnose the location of the energy bloc(age or 'here the e>cess 'ind or cold permeates by the shape and character of the egg 'hite and the yol(. There have been no investigative st"dies to find o"t the science behind the ra' egg as a diagnostic tool for hot%cold imbalances. Re(#eDo#o42 based on an ancient :riental system* a press"re point massage applied to specific places on the feet that correspond* or Krefle>L* to all parts of the body. 1s"ally performed on the feet* b"t also on ears and hands; also called @one therapy. S!/n! based on a ;innish tradition tan(; a dry treatment in a very hot* 'ooden chamber* 'hich cleanses and deto>ifies thro"gh the body+s perspiration. Traditional sa"nas incl"de birch t'igs "sed to beat the body to f"rther stim"late circ"lation and are follo'ed by a dip into a cold pool or stream to cool do'n. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 42 % Sc!#0 T'e!t%ent a massage therapy and application of oils* lotions and tonics to the scalp* "sed for rela>ation and hair stim"lation and conditioning. S0! a facility dedicated to rela>ation* bea"ty* pampering and 'ellness. :r* a hot t"b. S/o" "sing medicinal herbs and0or mineral medicine* steam or smo(e ind"ced heat e>pelled thro"gh perspiration. Ue o( Ce##o0$!ne !n& E%0t2 5ott#e 8 cellophane sheets* t'o inches by fo"r inches in si@e and empty ro"nd bottles* si> inches tall and fo"r inches diameter* to detect energy bloc(ages in the body. )n the same manner as the banana leaf strips* the cellophane sheets or empty bottles are r"n thro"gh body areas li(e the bac(* "pper and lo'er arm* chest and abdomen* "pper and lo'er legs. 5here ever the cellophane sheet gets st"c( in a body area or 'here the empty bottle stops are the areas that have energy bloc(ages or e>cess 'ind. We##ne a healthy balance of the mind of mind* body and spirit that res"lts in an overall feeling of 'ell%being. TR 8ilot 5ellness 9assage -C)) % 44 % ACANOWLEDGEMENT The Technical #d"cation and S(ills !evelopment ."thority (T#S!.) 'ishes to e>tend than(s and appreciation to the many representatives of b"siness* ind"stry* academe and government agencies* non%government organi@ations incl"ding professional associations 'ho rendered their time and e>pertise to the development and validation of these Training Reg"lations. MS1 MARHORIE P1 LOPINGCO MR1 HASON T1 LAO /resident !irector Spa .ssociation of the /hilippines* )nc. ?"rea" of #>port Trade /romotion C0o :ffice of /rod"ct Research and !evelopment !epartment of Trade and )nd"stry Rm. ,12 !epartment of To"rism 2 nd ;lr. !T) )nternational ?"ilding T.9. Fala'* 9anila P62 Sen. Bil /"yat .ven"e 9a(ati City DR1 HAIME GALVEF8TAN Chairman of the ?oard MS1 TESS LORING Creative Concoctions )nc. ?"rea" of #>port Trade /romotion 110; .g"stin 1 ?ldg.* ;. :rtigas Dr. !epartment of Trade and )nd"stry (formerly #merald .ve.) 2 nd ;lr. !T) )nternational ?"ilding :rtigas Center* /asig City P62 Sen. Bil /"yat .ven"e 9a(ati City MS1 MA1 RE5ECCA M1 GALVEF8TAN !irector 8ealth ;"t"res ;o"ndation* )nc. MS1 CHERYL M1 PELO 1374 !el 9onte .ven"e )nternational Services !ivision $"e@on City ?"rea" of #>port Trade /romotion !epartment of Trade and )nd"stry MR1 5I5IANO S1 6AHARDO 2 nd ;lr. !T) )nternational ?"ilding /resident P62 Sen. Bil /"yat .ven"e .ssociation of Traditional 8ealth .id Bivers* )nc. 9a(ati City 2 nd ;lr. Dacinto ?"ilding 2 #!S. B"adal"pe -"evo DR1 6RANCIS VICENTE S1 RAS 9a(ati City Chief* #d"cation I Training !ivision /hilippine )nstit"te of Traditional and .lternative MR1 MAR GUTIERREF 8ealth Care .ssociation of Traditional 8ealth .id Bivers* )nc. 1nit 2,32* .tlanta Centre -o.1 .nnapolis St. 2 nd ;lr. Dacinto ?"ilding 2 Breenhills San D"an* 9etro 9anila #!S. B"adal"pe -"evo 9a(ati City MS1 GERTIE CAY Spa .ssociation of the /hils.* )nc. MS1 ALELI V1 PANSACOLA c0o :ffice of /rod"ct Research and !ev+t .ssociation of Traditional 8ealth .id Bivers* )nc. Rm. ,12 !epartment of To"rism 2 nd ;lr. Dacinto ?"ilding 2 T.9. Fala'* 9anila #!S. B"adal"pe -"evo 9a(ati City MS1 TESS 6EVIDAL :ffice of /rod"ct Research and !evelopment MR1 LARRY SUNICO !epartment of To"rism Creative Concoctions )nc. Rm. ,12 !epartment of To"rism ?ldg. 110; .g"stin ) ?"ilding T.9. Fala'* 9anila ;. :rtigas Dr. (formerly #merald .ve.) :rtigas Center* /asig City MS1 MARIE RECANO :ffice of /rod"ct Research and !evelopment !epartment of To"rism Rm. ,12 !epartment of To"rism ?ldg. T1M1 A!#!., M!ni#! Lit o( P/"#i$e& T'!inin4 Re4/#!tion .nimal /rod"ction -C )) .&"ac"lt"re -C )) ."tomotive ?ody /ainting0;inishing -C )) ."tomotive ?ody Repair -C )) ."tomotive #ngine Reb"ilding -C )) ."tomotive Servicing -C )) ?artending -C )) Hi#ot We##ne M!!4e NC II ?"ilding 5iring )nstallation -C )) Carpentry -C )) Commercial Coo(ing -C )) Comp"ter 8ard'are Servicing -C )) !ec( Seafaring -C )) !ressma(ing -C )) !riving -C )) #ngine Seafaring -C )) ;ood and ?everage Services -C )) ;oot'ear 9a(ing -C )) 8eavy #&"ipment :peration -C )) 8ortic"lt"re -C )) 8o"sehold Services -C )) 8o"se(eeping -C )) 8ealth Care Services -C )) 9achining -C )) 9asonry -C )) 9otorcycle and Small #ngine Servicing -C )) /l"mbing -C )) /yrotechnics -C )) R.C Servicing -C ) R.C Servicing -C )) Sec"rity Services -C )) Tailoring -C )) To"r B"iding Services -C )) Transport R.C Servicing -C )) Travel Services -C )) 5elding -C )) These mate#ials a#e available in both p#inted and elect#onic copies. $o# mo#e info#mation please contact% Tec$nic!# E&/c!tion !n& S)i## De3e#o0%ent A/t$o'it2 (TESDA) Telephone Nos.% &9'(&')'* &9'(+1'9, &1(4)! to &+ loc. !1- to !1 o# visit ou# .ebsite% ....tesda./