Software Requirement Specification of Job Portal
Software Requirement Specification of Job Portal
Software Requirement Specification of Job Portal
The Purpose of Application is to Provide Jobs portal for Job Seekers to
submit their CV and apply for job posting and mployer can select best
mployees from Available CV based on their payment option selection!
This is basically a Job portal "here job Seeker applies for jobs and
employer post jobs and select prospective applicant!
Application "ill be $eb %ased &%ro"ser %ased'!Application (e)uires
mployee (egistration * Pro+les, Job Search, mployer (egistration *
Pro+les, Subscription -ption for both mployee and mployer
etc!There "ill be Separate Control Panel for Job Seeker, mployer and
Admin &Super .ser'!mployer can add -"n Pro+le and post jobs and
Job Seeker can Search Jobs based on /eographical Area &Country,
State, City', 0uali+cation, Company "ise or on the %asis of 1perience
and 1pertise "ise!
There are Three Categories of .sers "ho can .se Application
2! Job Seeker
3! mployer&Job Provider'
4! Admin&Super .ser'
$e can 5ivide $hole Application "ithin 4 6odules
2! Employer Module: (e)uired 7unctionality for mployer
Ability to Search resume by key"ords, job category, days since
Post jobs "ith detailed job description &job title, company name,
company url, location, salary, job type, "ork type, description,
re)uired skills!!!'
Ability to create and edit a company pro+le!
Ability to add a Company 8ogo!
(etrieve pass"ords reset by automated email!
Ability for mployers and (ecruiters to create multiple (esume
Agents to receive daily emails of resumes that match their
-ther paid features like making o9ers bold, highlight etc!
Activate the search resume facility by paying fee based on your
mployer:Agency (egistration
Purchase individual or package of job adverts by Credit Card
(eporting information on ho" much time left on each job posting
and ho" long left on CV access
Post and modify jobs "ith con+rmation of remaining credits after
each job posting;
Payment option by invoice, credit:debit card;
Add logo to job adverts
#nformation on number of vacancy vie"ings and applications
Ability to attach application forms to job adverts
Ability to post jobs via sites such as %roadbean, Conkers * Jobmate
&if used by the Advertiser'
(eceive high )uality applications from a job board "hich is
customi<ed to the employer=s industry:profession!
6aintain internal notes on applicants!
(egister and sign>up online for 6emberships, Job packages, job
postings or resume database access!
0uick mployer registration using email and pass"ord!
Setup multiple registration accounts for colleagues!
-ption of including company pro+le and logo!
?e" Account ?oti+cation > an email message is sent to them as
auto responder "ith username and pass"ord!
(etrieve pass"ords by automated email!
.pdate pro+le at any time!
Search resume or CV
Vie" Submitted Job Seeker CV
5o"nload CV or application submitted by jobseekers
Applicant Screening > ability for employers to create )uestions to job
postings for applicants to respond "hen applying to a job!
Search agents "ill automatically send resumes that match user
speci+ed criteria via email daily!
Provision of Calendar Schedule for +1ing meetings!
?e"sletter > Subscribe or unsubscribe to opt>in mail list!
Ability to customi<ed job listing to include company info, job type,
job category, job re)uirement, hour:"k $ages, bene+ts@! and apply
button for applicant to apply
Statistics on vie" and applicant applying for posting
3! Job Seeer Module: (e)uired 7unctionality for Job>Seeker 6odule
Search jobs by key"ords, category, "ork status
Ability to create a resume using (esume 6aker Tool!
Apply for a job "ith the click of a button
(esume Posting capabilities, &create, edit, e1pire'
Ability for candidates to opt>in and create Job Agents to receive
daily noti+cations of jobs that match their key"ords!
Ability for candidates to save jobs that interest them in their )ueue
Automatically retrieve pass"ords by email!
Job Seeker (egistration > add CV as $ord +le etc! to CV database
8ogin and update pro+le, including forgotten pass"ord reminders
Jobs by mail
mail a friend
Vie" Application Aistory from pro+le
-ption to remain anonymous on CV database but allo"
employers:agencies to email them
Po"erful online job search tool!
Automated BJob AgentsB scan for relevant jobs and notify job
seekers via email banner ads on header of email
Job seeker sets =privacy level= to control ho" much information is
visible to employers through resume searches!
Search jobs by location, )uali+cation, categories, company, location,
e1perience and key"ords!
Aave resumes option > Private:Public:Con+dential (esumes!
Aide contact information!
Aide resume from a particular company!
Add multiple lists of )uali+cation and e1perience!
Ability to add and submit Photos to pro+le!
Ability to add Cover 8etter "hen apply for job!
?e"sletter > Subscribe or .nsubscribe to opt>in mail list!
-ption to receive ne"sletter in html or te1t!
Add Jobs to #nbo1 for later vie"ing!
Vie" ho" often interested employers vie"ed the resume!
/et Automated Job Application (esponse!
Add, dit, Activate or 5elete Job Search Agent!
Ability to apply for a job by clicking the apply button
Ability to arrange job search results by dates, location
4! !dmin Module: (e)uired 7unctionality Admin 6odule
6anage Job Seeker and mployer Pro+les
6anage Payments of %oth mployer
Add ?e" Services &(elated to mployers or Job Seekers'
Send 6essage to mployer and Job seeker for Subscription etc!
Provide (oles and Authentication to .sers
Set Criteria for both .sers &Job Seekers and mployer'
Static contents can be updated by online C6S
Ability to change the look and feel of your site by changing one
template AT68 +le
Ability to send email noti+cations to candidates, members, or
employers depending on their account status, right from
administrative Panel!
Automated mails indicating that accounts have e1pired!
6ost (ecent Jobs to be displayed on homepage
Send ?e"sletters and emails to mployers and Job Seekers
Search jobs based on key"ords, categories, locations etc!
1tensive usage stats &7or categories, members, ne" sign ups,
resumes, jobs etc'!
Job categories management console &multilevel'
7ully customi<able graphic elements &directly from admin panel'
Create : dit : Save as many icon sets as you like
Con+gure fees like job posting, premium membership, bold,
featured job o9ers etc
Vie" all billing transactions
8ocation management console to add:edit:remove locations for
"hich jobs can be posted
6anage premium employers
Search subscribers
Sponsored ad management
Support for banner ads, te1t ads and aEliate ads
Admin can Add:dit:5elete:Approve:5isapprove any ad
Add and remove banner adverts
Add and remove job advertising credits
Private labeled and fully integrated "ith your e1isting "eb site=s
look and feel!
Customi<able search +elds and input forms allo" you to address the
speci+c informational needs of your market!
#ncludes full e>commerce capabilities, real>time credit card
processing and invoicing:accounts receivable functionality!
Sales reporting by associate:salesperson, employer and product!
1port job seeker data in F68 or comma delimited formats!
Site administrators have control over "hat is displayed in nearly all
dropdo"n lists and list bo1es throughout the site i!e!: B7unctionsB,
BCountriesB, BSearch CategoriesB, B8anguagesB, BCiti<enship
B,BSalary range B,B1perience B, etc!
Search Jobseekers and mployers on the basis of Gey"ord, name,
mail>address, Country, #ndustry sector etc!
Set up multiple Hat>fee memberships for mployers "ith varying
prices, time periods and access levels or number of units available
&ie: 2I job postings'! Products can also be given a"ay in Bdemo
modeB or free membership!
Apply (estrictions on Job Posting, (esume Search, Contact #nfo,
Applicant Screening, Company Pro+le!
Ability to send invoices to a company!
6anage 7eatured mployers Sho"case!
Vie" reports on total system sales, jobs, jobseekers, recruiters,
accounting and order history data, invoices sent out on
monthly:yearly basis!
Admin has the option of printing full list of job seekers and
employers in the database along "ith their contact information!
#mport resumes directly from e1isting database!
Possibility to set up limits for cvs vie"s
Alert send to administrator in case of non normal activity by an user
& # too much cvs opened at the same time'
%anner management application > you can use to serve and track
banner ads on your site! Self Serve Pay Per Click Ads, Pay %y
#mpressions Ads and 7lat (ate Ads!
5atabase backup!
Setup multiple admin "ith +le access privileges!
Silent 7eatures of Application
2! Control Panel for Admin, mployer and Job Seeker only the site
administrators have access to the control panel
3! mployer may be /eneral employer but "e can Create Subscription
option for employer like Silver, /old, and 5iamond for Special -9ers and
Services! This o9er "ill allo" them di9erent number of resume or CV they
can do"nload!
4! 7or /eneral Job Seeker "e can set no that they can respond only some
?umber &8imited' pro+les per day!
C! Payment /ate"ay #ntegration like PayPal, #nters"itch etc!
D! 6ultilingual &nglish and 7rench'
J! 7ully 5ynamic all 5ata Comes from 5atabase
K! AJAF nabled &Asynchronous Page Post backs' to (educe Page (ound trip
%et"een Server and %ro"ser!
L! Proper Validation &%oth Client and Server side', #f Validation 7ailed then
Proper Color #ndication for Those 7ields and set 7ocus on Those 7ields on
M! mail Veri+cation $hen .ser (egister on this Site
2I! 7acebook,T"itter ,8inked#n 8inks from Application
22! All %ro"ser Compatibility &#,6o<ila,Crome etc'