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Smooth effective billing with

Dollar Universe Solutions
and SAP IS-U
" The successful integration of machines which need to cooperate to
Dollar Universe Solutions into process jobs efficiently.
our extensive SAP R/3 When RheinEnergie AG decided to invest
in a job scheduler, it was facing an increa
environment encourages us
sing volume of batch production whilst
to deploy our job scheduling
many operations were processed manually
solution within all other or based on internal development. It
aspects of our IT Operations became essential to automate and
activities. " claims RheinEnergie AG’s harmonize automation tools. Using
Applications Manager SAP ISU, RheinEnergie AG was looking
RheinEnergie AG supplies millions of people
for a job scheduler that could be integrated
Challenge with safe, inexpensive and environmentally
friendly energy and drinking water. fully into all their SAP R/3 structures.
To provide the reliable handling of
billing jobs through: “RheinEnergie AG was looking
n A complementary job scheduler
RheinEnergie AG is a leading utilities for a tailored job scheduling
deeply integrated into SAP R/3 and
company in Germany, whose principal solution that would fully
HP OpenView Operations
activity is in NordrheinWestfalen (18
n A solution able to orchestrate growing integrate into their existing
million inhabitants). RheinEnergie AG
volumes of operations in distributed SAP environment.”
has an annual turnover of around €850
and heterogeneous environments.
million euros and provides energy,
drinking water and associated services Specific needs to manage
in the Cologne region. their billing activity
Dollar Universe job scheduler, its integra-
tion into SAP R/3 and into HP OpenView
RheinEnergie AG required a solution:
Operations. Cluster architecture. High volume, mission-critical
batch activity n To control and synchronize any job
Benefits achieved generated by SAP ISU
n One single solution In Germany, household customers only get n To manage high volumes of batch activity
n Ability to manage high volumes of jobs one bill per year to pay for all their energy n To ensure efficient coordination of
n Effective supervision (gas and electricity) and water consumption. activity regardless of hardware and O.S.
n Fast replication into other services This billing process entails huge batch n To provide supervision of operations
activity once a year which is absolutely through the HP OpenView operation
ORSYP France ORSYP Italia missioncritical. Billing must be faultless interface
Paris Milan, Rome and completed on time. RheinEnergie AG n To orchestrate both SAP R/3 and non
wanted to rely on one solution to take full SAP R/3 jobs
ORSYP Software Inc. ORSYP Ibérica
control of this batch activity so as to get a n Scalable for fast replication of automation
Boston, Atlanta, Madrid capabilities into other entities
San Francisco
reliable, efficient and cost effective billing
Implementation had to be completed
ORSYP Deutschland ORSYP UK RheinEnergie AG has been growing
billing process would take place on time.
Kôln, Walldorf London steadily over recent years. The company’s
IT environment was made up of different
ORSYP Benelux ORSYP Suisse
systems introduced from acquisitions and
Amsterdam Genève
its holding organization. RheinEnergie
AG’s IT environment is therefore made up
www.orsyp.com of several departments using different
RheinEnergie AG opted
AG’s resources and network requirements.
for ORSYP’s solution
Effective supervision
RheinEnergie AG chose Dollar Universe Thanks to the close collaboration between
because: Dollar Universe and HP OpenView
n ORSYP consultants had developed a Operations, RheinEnergie AG’s Team are
method enabling Dollar Universe to now able to supervise all batch activities
manage SAP ISU activity. Dollar Universe at any time. When an incident occurs,
is SAP certified and integrates fully into they are immediately alerted and can
the SAP R/3 environment, enriching therefore react effectively and efficiently.
the CCMS job scheduling capabilities
n Dollar Universe’s unique architecture Other services can now
provides unrivalled processing benefit quickly from
performance for high volume operations Dollar Universe integration
n Dollar Universe provides dynamic Due to the easy replication provided by
automation of crossplatform operations Dollar Universe’s “logical” view of the
RheinEnergie AG is regarded as Germany’s
n Dollar Universe’s integration is HP most successful municipal utility corporation. systems architecture and organisation,
OpenView Operations certified and RheinEnergie AG has now decided to
provides clear visibility, activating extend its use of Dollar Universe across its
warnings as and when necessary n Dollar Universe’s unique design concepts other SAP ISU services. Thanks to this
enables fast replication unique concept, the majority of the work
ORSYP: a trusted partner bringing carried out in fulfilling RheinEnergie AG’s
expertise and practical solutions billing requirements is relevant for the
company’s other services. Replication will

Key facts and figures ORSYP brought IT Operations expertise therefore be fast and easy.
and designed a successful solution hand As a result of their experience with ORSYP,
n Head Office in hand with RheinEnergie AG. Together, RheinEnergie AG now wants to extend
Cologne, Germany
they built a job scheduling configuration the use of Dollar Universe to its SAP
n Capital
totally integrated into RheinEnergie AG’s Classics and SAP HR operations.
100% SWK GmbH
IT environment, taking into account all
n Turnover About RheinEnergie AG
aspects of RheinEnergie AG’s activity.
850 million euros
The solution was operational on time for RheinEnergie AG ensures that millions of
n Staff
RheinEnergie AG’s 2001 annual billing. customers in the Cologne metropolitan
2,600 employees
n Activity area (households, trade and industry) are
“RheinEnergie AG now benefits supplied with safe, inexpensive and
Heating: 10,4 TJ from reliable, cost effective,
Electricity: 12,12 GWh environmentally friendly energy and
batch processing
n Automated applications management for its billing.” drinking water 24 hours a day.
Billing based on SAP IS-U RheinEnergie AG is regarded as
n Supervision tool One single solution for all production Germany’s most successful municipal
HP OpenView Operations energy utility corporation and is a major
RheinEnergie AG can now manage and economic factor in the Cologne
n Job Scheduler
coordinate the billing batch activity of region. RheinEnergie AG provides
Dollar Universe
several IT operations services across electricity and associated services
n Integration modules
several different platforms with a single outside of Cologne as well.
Dollar Universe SAP Agent
job scheduler. It is now simple for
Dollar Universe Integration
RheinEnergie AG to manage its For more information,
for HP OpenView Operations
distributed and centralized environments. Please contact us:
n IT Architecture
Sun E6500 High volume operations management info@orsyp.com
20 CPUs
Logical partitioning Dollar Universe’s Automation Power Grid
Cluster architecture architecture” allows RheinEnergie AG to
manage high volumes of operations by
+ 33 (0)1 47 73 12 10
removing the typical master/agent
performance and execution bottlenecks.
Tour Franklin
In addition, Dollar Universe’s intelligent
F-92042 La Défense
automation based on its event driven
engine provides justintime sequencing ORSYP, the ORSYP logo and Dollar Universe are trademarks of ORSYP S.A. All
other products or company names mentioned are used for identification pur
and scheduling, minimizing RheinEnergie poses only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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