My Digest-Pla Vs Agrava
My Digest-Pla Vs Agrava
My Digest-Pla Vs Agrava
Philippines Patent Office
G.R. No. L-12426 February 16, 1959
On May 27, 1957, respondent Director Celedonio Agrava issued a circular announcing that he
had scheduled for June 27, 1957 an examination for the purpose of determining who are qualified to
practice as patent attorneys before the Philippines Patent Office. The petitioner opposes that one who
has passed the bar examinations and is licensed by the Supreme Court to practice law in the Philippines
and who is in good standing, is duly qualified to practice before the Philippines Patent Office and that
the respondent Directors holding an examination for the purpose is in excess of his jurisdiction and is in
violation of the law.
In his reply, the respondent maintains that the prosecution of patent cases does not involve
entirely or purely the practice of law but includes the application of scientific and technical knowledge
and training as a matter of actual practice so as to include engineers and other individuals who passed
the examination can practice before the Patent Office.
Whether or not the appearance before the patent Office and the preparation and the prosecution of
patent application, etc., constitutes or is included in the practice of law.
The Supreme Court held that the practice of law includes such appearance before the Patent
Office, the representation of applicants, oppositors, and other persons, and the prosecution of their
applications for patent, their opposition thereto, or the enforcement of their rights in patent cases.
Moreover, the practice before the patent Office includes the interpretation and determination of the
scope and application of the Patent Law and other laws applicable, as well as the presentation of
evidence to establish facts involved. Furthermore, the law provides that any party may appeal to the
Supreme Court from any final order or decision of the Patent director and not to a board of scientists,
engineers or technical men.
The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases or litigation in court. It embraces the
preparation of pleadings and other papers incident to actions and special proceedings, the management
of such actions and proceedings on behalf of clients, and other works where the work done involves the
determination of the trained legal mind of the legal effect of facts and conditions.