Finite Element Analysis Pipe Flow With Ansys
Finite Element Analysis Pipe Flow With Ansys
Finite Element Analysis Pipe Flow With Ansys
20 Aug, 2013 Finite Element Method Applications Ugur Dincer Permalink
In the area of fluid mechanics, pipe flow event will be examined with using Ansys. First, lets understand what
is the flow in the pipe. As is known, all of the fluid has a specific viscosity. In the force flows in the pipe, at
points of contact with the fluid and the pipe has zero a fluid velocity. We know that the maximum velocity is in
the center of the pipe.
The following picture will be more descriptive.
Flow will be to streamline after a certain period. although the difference of the first and final velocity profile at
the entrance, velocity profile must be the same average speed. This is because of the mass flow protection. This
analysis will help us understand the finite element method. In addition we will do a good practice with ANSYS.
Also on our website you will find the steps of the finite element method. If you dont know anything about finite
element analysis, please check it out before reading this article.
Lets analyze the flow in the pipe with the finite element method and ANSYS.
First, we open workbench.
Then, choose the name of the project and the analysis type.
Then, under the Analysis Systems category, please choose Fluid Flow Analysis Systems (FLUENT). Please ,
right click on it and drag it on the right side
Now create the geometry.
We choose the unit of length used for creating the geometry. We chose millimeters.
Then, by ourselves upfront axis.
Click on the button called sketching. It is on the bottom left corner.
Here we choose a rectangle. Making process of the drawing as follows:
Then click on the button at the bottom left called dimensions. From here, you can create any geometry sizes.
Adjusting the length of the pipe in here.
Here you can set the radius of the pipe.
As follows, we have to enter the length and radius values.
Geometry should become the following form.
Now click on the bottom called modeling, its in the bottom right.
Click to Sketch 1 to begin the revolve process.
We created our pipe.
Design process is now over. The next stage of the finite element method, mesh process will be next.
For the mesh process, the following steps must be done respectively.
For more accurate result , a mesh must be better.
Now, we must clarify the sections that fluid enters and leaves the pipe.
Meshing is complete. Now you can go to the next process.
Do not forget to update after exiting.
We can choose the fluid in the ANSYS database.
Here, we must the define a velocity for fluid that enters into the pipe
We must define the effective pressure of the outlet.
As can be seen, while the velocity is faster on the center of the pipe, it becomes slower in the surfaces of the
ANSYSfinite element methodpipe flow
Job: Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering University: Dou University Speciality: Numerical
Analysis, Programing Languages, Finite Element Method. Facebook: Twitter: Eng_Handbook
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