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Biology 2005

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Questions 1 to 3 refer to the information
given in the table below. The table shows
the rate of blood flow through different parts
of the body as increasingly strenuous
exercises are carried out. Study the
information and answer the questions.

1. Which conclusion based on the
above results is correct?

1 Mans brain activities are
reduced with increasing
strenuous exercise

2 Less waste material is
formed during more
strenuous exercise and
filtered through the kidneys
3 More blood flows to the
muscles and less to the
digestive organs during
increasingly strenuous
4 During more strenuous
exercise, more oxygen is
directed towards the
muscles than to the lungs

Answer: 3
The neurons of the brain constantly require
a lot of energy. Although the brain
represents only 2% of the body weight, it
receives 15% of the cardiac output, 20% of
total body oxygen consumption, and 25% of
total body glucose utilization. Thus, blood
supply to the brain is never sacrificed, as
evident from the table!
Heat is produced in large amounts by
physiological oxidative reactions and even
more so during strenuous activity, and the
blood is essential for its distributing and
disposing of this heat. The circulation
assures relative uniformity of temperature
throughout the body and also carries the
warm blood to the surface, where heat is
lost to the external environment. A heat-
regulating centre in the hypothalamus of the
brain functions much like a thermostat. It is
sensitive to changes in temperature of the
blood flowing through it and, in response to
the changes, gives off nerve impulses that
control the diameter of the blood vessels in
the skin and thus determine blood flow and
skin temperature. A rise in skin temperature

Blood flow in cm
per minute Part of
Brain 750 750 750 750
Skin 500 1500 1900 600
250 350 750 1000
1200 4500 12500 22000
Kidneys 1100 900 600 250
1400 1100 600 300
Other 600 400 400 100
increases heat loss from the body surface.
Heat is continuously lost by evaporation of
water from the lungs and skin, but this loss
can be greatly increased when more water
is made available from the sweat glands.
The activity of the sweat glands is controlled
by the nervous system under direction of the
temperature-regulating centre. Constancy of
body temperature is achieved by control of
the rate of heat loss by these mechanisms.

2. Why is more blood transported to
the skin during strenuous exercise?

1 To make sweat glands more
2 To radiate less heat
3 To excrete more waste
products formed during
4 To take in more oxygen

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The following is an expansion to the detailed
explanation given in Question 1.
As the interface with the surroundings, skin
plays the most important role in protecting
(the body) against pathogens. Its other main
functions are insulation and temperature
regulation, sensation, and synthesis of
vitamin D. Humans have 2,000,000 to
5,000,000 eccrine sweat glands, with an
average distribution of 150 to 340 per
square centimetre of skin. They are most
numerous on the palms and soles and then,
in decreasing order, on the head, trunk, and
extremities. Some individuals have more
glands than others, but there is no difference
in number between men and women. The
specific function of sweat glands is to
secrete water upon the surface so that it can
cool the skin when it evaporates. The
purpose of the glands on the palms and
soles, however, is to keep these surfaces
damp, to prevent flaking or hardening of the
horny layer, and thus to maintain tactile
sensibility. A dry hand does not grip well and
is minimally sensitive. The eccrine glands,
then, can be divided into those that respond
to thermal stimulation, the function of which
is thermoregulation, and those that respond
to psychological stimuli and keep friction
surfaces moist. When the body temperature
rises, the sympathetic nervous system
stimulates the eccrine sweat glands to
secrete water to the skin surface, where it
cools the body by evaporation. Thus,
eccrine sweat is an important mechanism for
temperature control. In extreme conditions,
human beings may excrete several litres of
such sweat in an hour.

3. Which blood vessel transports
oxygenated blood from the lungs to
the heart?

1 Aorta
2 Pulmonary artery
3 Pulmonary vein
4 Coronary artery

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A vein is any of the vessels that, with four
exceptions, carry oxygen-depleted blood to
the right upper chamber (atrium) of the
heart. The four exceptionsthe pulmonary
veins transport oxygenated blood from the
lungs to the left upper chamber of the heart.
The oxygen-depleted blood transported by
most veins is collected from the networks of
microscopic vessels called capillaries by
thread-sized veins called venules. As in the
arteries, the walls of veins have three layers,
or coats: an inner layer, or tunica intima; a
middle layer, or tunica media; and an outer
layer, or tunica adventitia. Veins are more
numerous than arteries and have thinner
walls owing to lower blood pressure. They
tend to parallel the course of arteries.

4. Why doesnt blood clot in the bags
stored at the Blood Transfusion

1 It is not in contact with
2 It is kept at human body
3 A substance like heparin is
added to the blood in the
4 Thrombin is added to the
blood in the bags

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Heparin is an anticoagulant drug that is used
to prevent blood clots from forming during
and after surgery and to treat various heart,
lung, and circulatory disorders in which there
is an increased risk of blood clot formation.
Discovered in 1922 by American
physiologist William Henry Howell, heparin
is a naturally occurring mixture of
mucopolysaccharides that is present in the
human body in tissues of the liver and lungs.
Most commercial heparin is obtained from
cow lungs or pig intestines. Heparin was
originally used to prevent the clotting of
blood taken for laboratory tests. Its use as a
therapy for patients who already have a
blood clot in a vein (venous thrombosis)
began in the 1940s; low-dose heparin
treatment to prevent blood clots from
forming in patients who are at high risk for
pulmonary embolisms and other clotting
disorders was introduced in the early 1970s.
Coagulation is the replacement of a
relatively unstable platelet plug with a
stronger, more resilient blood clot through a
series of interdependent, enzyme-mediated
reactions that bring about the generation of
thrombin; a coagulation enzyme, a serine
protease (EC that converts soluble
fibrinogen into insoluble strands of fibrin, as
well as catalyzing many other coagulation-
related reactions. The intrinsic and the
extrinsic pathways of coagulation are
involved in regulating coagulation; each is
activated by a different trigger, although they
share many steps in the course of the
generation of thrombin. All the components
necessary for the clotting process to
proceed are found in the blood. As such, the
proteins required for such clotting to take
place are part of the intrinsic pathway of
blood coagulation. This pathway involves a
series of proteins, protein cofactors, and
enzymes, which interact in reactions that
take place on membrane surfaces. These
reactions are initiated by tissue injury and
result in the formation of a fibrin clot.

5. Which fluid is different from the
other fluids with regard to

1 Lymph
2 Saliva
3 Tissue fluid
4 Blood plasma

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Lymph is the pale fluid that bathes the
tissues of an organism, maintaining fluid
balance, and removes bacteria from tissues;
it enters the blood system by way of
lymphatic channels and ducts. Prominent
among the constituents of lymph are
lymphocytes and macrophages, the primary
cells of the immune system with which the
body defends itself from invasion by foreign
microorganisms. Lymph is conveyed from
the tissues to the venous bloodstream via
the lymphatic vessels. On the way, it is
filtered through the lymphatic organs (spleen
and thymus) and lymph nodes. Although the
primary function of the lymphatic system is
to return proteins and fluids to the blood, this
immune function accounts for the tendency
of many infections and other disease
processes to cause swelling of the lymph
nodes. Bacteria, allergenic particles, and
cancerous cells from elsewhere in the body
that have collected in the nodes stimulate
lymphocyte proliferation, thereby greatly
enlarging the node. Interference with
lymphatic flow may cause an accumulation
of fluid in the tissues that are drained by the
blocked vessel, producing tissue swelling
known as lymphedema.
Plasma is the liquid portion of blood. Plasma
serves as a transport medium for delivering
nutrients to the cells of the various organs of
the body and for transporting waste products
derived from cellular metabolism to the
kidneys, liver, and lungs for excretion. It is
also a transport system for blood cells, and it
plays a critical role in maintaining normal
blood pressure. Plasma helps to distribute
heat throughout the body and to maintain
homeostasis, or biological stability, including
acid-base balance in the blood and body.
Plasma is derived when all the blood cells
red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood
cells (leukocytes), and platelets
(thrombocytes)are separated from whole
blood. The remaining straw-coloured fluid is
9092 percent water, but it contains critical
solutes necessary for sustaining health and
life. Important constituents include
electrolytes such as sodium, potassium,
chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium, and
calcium. In addition, there are trace amounts
of other substances, including amino acids,
vitamins, organic acids, pigments, and
enzymes. Hormones such as insulin,
corticosteroids, and thyroxine are secreted
into the blood by the endocrine system.
Plasma concentrations of hormones must be
carefully regulated for good health.
Nitrogenous wastes (e.g., urea and
creatinine) transported to the kidney for
excretion increase markedly with renal
failure. Plasma contains 68 percent
proteins. One critical group is the
coagulation proteins and their inhibitors,
synthesized primarily in the liver. When
blood clotting is activated, fibrinogen
circulating in the blood is converted to fibrin,
which in turn helps to form a stable blood
clot at the site of vascular disruption.
Coagulation inhibitor proteins help to
prevent abnormal coagulation
(hypercoagulability) and to resolve clots
after they are formed. When plasma is
allowed to clot, fibrinogen converts to fibrin,
trapping the cellular elements of blood. The
resulting liquid, devoid of cells and
fibrinogen, is called serum. Biochemical
testing of plasma and serum is an important
part of modern clinical diagnosis and
treatment monitoring. High or low
concentrations of glucose in the plasma or
serum help to confirm serious disorders
such as diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia.
Substances secreted into the plasma by
cancers may indicate an occult malignancy;
for instance, an increased concentration of
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a middle-
aged asymptomatic man may indicate
undiagnosed prostate cancer. Serum is the
portion of plasma remaining after
coagulation of blood, during which process
the plasma protein fibrinogen is converted to
fibrin and remains behind in the clot.
Antiserum, which is prepared from the blood
of animals or humans that have been
exposed to a disease and have developed
specific antibodies, is used to protect
persons against disease to which they have
been exposed.
Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid, or intercellular
fluid) is a solution which bathes and
surrounds the cells of multicellular animals.
It is the main component of the extracellular
fluid, which also includes plasma and
transcellular fluid. Plasma and interstitial
fluid are very similar. Plasma, the major
component in blood, communicates freely
with interstitial fluid through pores and
intercellular clefts in capillary endothelium.
Interstitial fluid consists of a water solvent
containing amino acids, sugars, fatty acids,
coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters,
salts, as well as waste products from the
cells. The composition of tissue fluid
depends upon the exchanges between the
cells in the tissue and the blood. This means
that tissue fluid has a different composition
in different tissues and in different areas of
the body. Not all of the contents of the blood
pass into the tissue, which means that tissue
fluid and blood are not the same. Red blood
cells, platelets and plasma proteins cannot
pass through the walls of the capillaries. The
resulting mixture that does pass through is
essentially blood plasma without the plasma
proteins. Tissue fluid also contains some
types of white blood cell, which help combat
infection. Lymph is considered a part of the
interstitial fluid. The lymphatic system
returns protein and excess interstitial fluid to
the circulation.
Saliva is the thick, colourless, opalescent
fluid that is constantly present in the mouth
of humans and other vertebrates. It is
composed of water, mucus, proteins,
mineral salts, and amylase. As saliva
circulates in the mouth cavity it picks up food
debris, bacterial cells, and white blood cells.
One to two litres of fluid are excreted daily
into the human mouth. Three major pairs of
salivary glands and many smaller glands
scattered in the surface tissue of the cheeks,
lips, tongue, and palate contribute to the
total amount of saliva. Small amounts of
saliva are continually being secreted into the
mouth, but the presence of food, or even the
mere smell or thought of it, will rapidly
increase saliva flow. The functions of saliva
are numerous. Primarily, it lubricates and
moistens the inside of the mouth to help with
speech and to change food into a liquid or
semisolid mass that can be tasted and
swallowed more easily. Saliva helps to
control the body's water balance; if water is
lacking, the salivary glands become
dehydrated, leaving the mouth dry, which
causes a sensation of thirst and stimulates
the need to drink. Saliva reduces tooth
decay and infection by removing food
debris, dead cells, bacteria, and white blood
cells. It also contains small amounts of the
digestive enzyme amylase, which chemically
breaks down carbohydrates into simpler

6. Pearl divers can stay under water
for more than four minutes without
using SCUBA gear. From where is
the oxygen obtained for the
respiration process?

1 Their lungs
2 The water
3 The blood plasma
4 They have many red blood

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica/
Continuous diving and holding ones breath
for longer periods results in the body making
more red blood cells to hold more oxygen.
This is similar to altitude training, a practice
by some endurance athletes of training at
high altitude, usually over 2,500 m (8,000 ft)
above sea level, for several weeks. At this
altitude although the air still contains
approximately 20.9% oxygen, the barometric
pressure and thus the partial pressure of
oxygen is reduced. The body adapts to the
relative lack of oxygen by increasing the
concentration of red blood cells and
haemoglobin. Proponents claim that when
such athletes return to sea level (where they
are competing) they will still have a higher
concentration of red blood cells for 10-14
Before the beginning of the 20th century, the
only means of obtaining pearls was by
searching through oysters manually
gathered and opened at random on the
ocean floor or on lake or river bottoms. Free-
divers were often forced to descend to
depths of over 100 feet on a single breath,
exposing them to the dangers of hostile
creatures, waves, and drowning, often as a
result of deep water blackout on resurfacing.
Often, because of these dangers, divers
were slaves or of low social status (which is
also true of many fisherfolk around the
world). Because of the difficulty of diving and
the unpredictable nature of natural pearl
growth in oysters, pearls of the time were
extremely rare and of varying quality. Today,
pearl diving has largely been supplanted by
cultured pearl farms, which use a process
developed by Japanese entrepreneur
Kokichi Mikimoto. Particles implanted in the
oyster encourage the formation of pearls,
and allow for more predictable production.
Today's cultured pearl industry produces
millions of high quality pearls every year.

Study the following information and answer
questions 7 to 10.

The concentration of lactic acid in the blood
of an athlete was measured at intervals
before, during and after a long distance race
which lasted 10 minutes.

Start of race End of race
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 55 60





7. For how long did the concentration
of lactic acid continue to increase
after the end of the race?

1 10 minutes
2 15 minutes
3 20 minutes
4 30 minutes

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Also called -hydroxypropionic acid, or 2-
hydroxypropanoic acid, lactic acid is an
organic compound (formula
CH(OH)COOH) belonging to the family
of carboxylic acids, present in certain plant
juices, in the blood and muscles of animals,
and in the soil. It is the commonest acidic
constituent of fermented milk products such
as sour milk, cheese, and buttermilk. In
muscle cells functioning vigorously in the
absence of adequate supplies of oxygen,
pyruvate, derived from the breakdown of
glucose for ATP generation (glycolysis) is
reduced to lactate via a reaction catalyzed
by lactate dehydrogenase.

8. Why didnt the concentration of
lactic acid increase during the first 5
minutes of the race?

1 The athlete started slowly
and gradually ran faster
2 The athlete inhaled deeply
and no oxygen debt was
built up
3 There was enough water in
the blood to bread down the
lactic acid
4 There was no lactic acid
formed because enough
oxygen was available in the

Answer: 4 (Wikipedia)
In animals, L-lactate is constantly produced
from pyruvate via the enzyme lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH) in a process of
fermentation during normal metabolism and
exercise. It does not increase in
concentration until the rate of lactate
production exceeds the rate of lactate
removal which is governed by a number of
factors including: monocarboxylate
transporters, concentration and isoform of
LDH and oxidative capacity of tissues. The
concentration of blood lactate is usually 1-2
mmol/L at rest, but can rise to over 20
mmol/L during intense exertion.

9. How long after the race did the
concentration of lactic acid take to
reach the normal level again?

1 20 minutes
2 25 minutes
3 30 minutes
4 35 minutes

Answer: 4
The race ended after 20 minutes but the
lactate concentration only reached the
normal/original levels after 55 minutes.

10. What can the athlete do to prevent a
build-up of lactic acid in the

1 Drink more water during the
2 Train more often and use a
training programme
3 Change the diet
4 Warm up before a race

Answer: 2 (Wikipedia)
During power-intensive exercises such as
sprinting, when the rate of demand for
energy is high, lactate is produced faster
than the ability of the tissues to remove it
and lactate concentration begins to rise.
This is a beneficial process since the
regeneration of NAD
ensures that energy
production is maintained and exercise can
continue. The increased lactate produced
can be removed in a number of ways
including (i) oxidation to pyruvate by well-
oxygenated muscle cells which is then
directly used to fuel the citric acid cycle and
(ii) conversion to glucose via the Cori cycle
in the liver through the process of
To physically adapt, the athlete should
undergo endurance training. This induces
many physiological adaptations both
centrally and peripherally mediated. Central
cardiovascular adaptations include
decreased heart rate, increased red blood
cell count, increased blood plasma which
reduces blood viscosity and increased
cardiac output. Adaptations of the peripheral
include an increase in the surface area that
both the venous and arterial capillaries
supply. This also allows for increased heat
dissipation during strenuous exercise. The
muscles heighten their glycogen and fat
storing capabilities in endurance athletes in
order to increase the length in time in which
they can perform work.

11. Human skin can get badly sunburnt,
even in winter. Which rays cause
the damage?

1 Infrared rays
2 Heat waves
3 Ultraviolet rays
4 Laser beams from the sun

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Sunburn is acute cutaneous inflammation
caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV)
radiation of the so-called UVB wavelength
band (290320 nanometre; a nanometre is
metre), which originates from sunlight or
artificial sources. Reactions to overexposure
range in severity from mild redness and
tenderness to intense pain, edema
(swelling), and blistering; systemic
symptoms include shock, chills, fever, and
nausea. The visible manifestations of
sunburn usually begin within 612 hours
after the first ultraviolet exposure and peak
within 2428 hours, followed by a gradual
easing of symptoms and light tanning or
peeling (the sloughing off of the skin),
depending on the severity of the burn.

12. Which part of a neuron is
responsible for the regeneration of a
damaged nerve?

1 Myelin sheath
2 Axon
3 Schwann cell
4 Neurilemma

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A neuron or nerve cell is the basic cell of the
nervous system in vertebrates and most
invertebrates from the level of the cnidarians
(e.g., corals, jellyfish) upward. A typical
neuron has a cell body containing a nucleus
and two or more long fibres. Impulses are
carried along one or more of these fibres,
called dendrites, to the cell body; in higher
nervous systems, only one fibre, the axon,
carries the impulse away from the cell body.
Bundles of fibres from neurons are held
together by connective tissue and form
nerves. Some nerves in large vertebrates
are several feet long. A sensory neuron
transmits impulses from a receptor, such as
those in the eye or ear, to a more central
location in the nervous system, such as the
spinal cord or brain. A motor neuron
transmits impulses from a central area of the
nervous system to an effector, such as a
Myelin is the white, insulating sheath
composed of fatty materials, protein, and
water on the axon of many nerve fibres. The
myelin sheath is deposited by Schwann cells
in layers surrounding the nerve fibres of the
central and peripheral nervous systems of
many organisms. The sheath is interrupted
at intervals by gaps called nodes of Ranvier;
this structure speeds nerve conduction, as
impulses jump from node to node in a
process known as saltatory conduction.

Named after the German physiologist
Theodor Schwann, Schwann cells (also
referred to as neurolemmocytes) are a
variety of glial cell that mainly provide myelin
insulation to axons in the peripheral nervous
system of jawed vertebrates. The vertebrate
nervous system relies on this myelin sheath
for insulation and as a method of decreasing
membrane capacitance in the axon, thus
allowing for saltatory conduction to occur
and for an increase in impulse speed,
without an increase in axonal diameter. Non-
myelinating Schwann cells are involved in
maintenance of axons and are crucial for
neuronal survival. Some group around
smaller axons and form Remak bundles.
Schwann cells are the peripheral nervous
system's analogues of the central nervous
system oligodendrocytes.
Neurolemma (also neurilemma and sheath
of Schwann) is the outermost layer of nerve
fibers in the peripheral nervous system. It is
a nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann
cells that surrounds the myelin sheath of
axons. Unlike the axon and the myelin
sheath, the neurolemma does not
degenerate after a nerve has been cut or
crushed; the hollow tube formed by the
neurolemma is instrumental in regenerating
the nerve fiber. It is important to note that in
CNS, axons are myelinated by
oligodendrocytes, thus lack neurolemma.

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the information
and table below.

Aphids are small insects which feed on plant
sap. They have tubular mouth parts, called
stylets, which are pushed through the
surface of the plants stem into the
underlying tissues. Sap flows though the
stylets into the aphids as shown in the
diagram below. Aphids may be used to
sample plant sap. If the stylet is cut near the
aphids head, the sap continues to flow out
of the broken stylet.

The following table shows an analysis of the
sap collected from the broken stylet.

( in arbitrary units)
Sucrose 250
Potassium ions 80
Amino acids 40
Chloride ions 15
Phosphate ions 10
Magnesium ions 5
Sodium ions 2
ATP 0.5
Nitrate ions 0
Growth hormones traces

13. From which plant tissue is the
sample appearing in the table

1 Xylem
2 Phloem
3 Epidermis
4 Cambium

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The high sucrose and amino acid content of
this fluid shows that this is not just water
absorbed from the soil but that the plant has
produced these solutes itself (through
photosynthesis). The phloem (also called
bast) are tissues in plants that conduct foods
made in the leaves to all other parts of the
plant. Phloem is composed of various
specialized cells called sieve tubes,
companion cells, phloem fibres, and phloem
parenchyma cells. Primary phloem is formed
by the apical meristems (zones of new cell
production) of root and shoot tips; it may be
either protophloem, the cells of which are
matured before elongation (during growth) of
the area in which it lies, or metaphloem, the
cells of which mature after elongation. Sieve
tubes of protophloem are unable to stretch
with the elongating tissues and are torn and
destroyed as the plant ages. The other cell
types in the phloem may be converted to
fibres. The later maturing metaphloem is not
destroyed and may function during the rest
of the plant's life in plants such as palms but
is replaced by secondary phloem in plants
that have a cambium.
The xylem is part of the plant vascular
system that conveys water and dissolved
minerals from the roots to the rest of the
plant and may also furnish mechanical
support. Xylem consists of specialized
water-conducting tissues made up mostly of
narrow, elongated, hollow cells. These cells
may be of several types, including tracheids
(the basic cell type), vessel members, fibres,
and parenchyma. Xylem constitutes the
major part of a mature woody stem or root;
the wood of a tree is composed of xylem.
Xylem formation begins when the actively
dividing cells of growing root and shoot tips
(apical meristems) give rise to primary
xylem. As the growing part of the plant
builds past the xylem thus formed, the
vascular cambium produces secondary
xylem tissues that cover the primary xylem.
When this happens the primary xylem cells
become dead and empty, losing their
conducting function and forming a hard
skeleton that serves only to support the
plant. Thus, in the trunk and older branches
of a large tree only the outer part of the
wood (secondary xylem) serves in water
conduction, while the inner part (heartwood)
is composed of dead but structurally strong
primary xylem.

14. Which substance is manufactured
by the plant itself?

1 Phosphate ions
2 Nitrate ions
3 Potassium ions
4 Amino acids

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Plants, as autotrophic organisms, use light
energy to photosynthesize sugars from CO

and water. They also synthesize amino
acids and vitamins from carbon fixed in
photosynthesis and from inorganic elements
garnered from the environment. (Animals, as
heterotrophic organisms, cannot synthesize
many nutrients, including certain amino
acids and vitamins, and so must take them
from the environment.). Plants can make all
of the amino acids required for protein
synthesis, with either ammonia (NH
) or
nitrate (NO
) as the nitrogen source. Some
bacteria, and leguminous plants (e.g., peas)
that harbour such bacteria in their root
nodules, are able to utilize nitrogen from the
air to form ammonia and use the latter for
amino-acid synthesis. Each of the 20
common amino acids is synthesized by a
different pathway, the complexity of which
reflects the chemical complexity of the
amino acid formed.

15. Aphids are classified under which
group of animals

1 Arachnida (spiders, mites
and ticks)
2 Crustacea (crabs, crayfish)
3 Coleoptera (beetles, wood
borers, dung beetles)
4 Insecta (insects)

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Aphids, also known as greenfly or plant lice,
are minute plant-feeding insects. Many, but
far from all, aphids are monophagous (i.e.
feeding only on 1 species of plant). Others,
like Myzus persicae feed on hundreds of
plant species across many families. Similarly
to related families, aphids passively feed on
sap of phloem vessels in plants. This sap
being kept under high pressure, once a
phloem vessel is punctured, it is forced into
the food canal. As they feed, aphids often
transmit plant viruses to their food plants.
These viruses can sometimes kill the plants.
Some species of ants "farm" aphids,
protecting them on the plant they eat, and
eating the honeydew that the aphids
secrete; this is a mutualistic relationship.
Aphid honeydew is rich in carbohydrates, of
which the aphids ingest an excess, being
phloem-feeders. Many aphids are host to
endosymbiont bacteria, Buchnera, which live
in specialized cells called bacteriocytes
inside the aphid. These bacteria synthesize
some essential amino acids that are absent
in the phloem that the aphids eat.

Read the following experimental setup
carefully and answer questions 16 to 20.

Aim: An investigation was carried out to
determine the effect of different
wavelengths of light on the process
of photosynthesis in a green alga

Setup: Mobile bacteria were placed in a
large glass tube and allowed to use
up all the available oxygen in the
water. These bacteria were evenly
distributed at the beginning of the
The green alga was then placed in
the glass tube which was sealed
with a stopper. The complete setup
was then exposed to different
wavelengths of light.
Results: The following diagram is
made of the results.

16. Why do the bacteria move to certain
areas of the wavelength of light?

1 The bacteria move to areas
where there is more light
2 The bacteria move to areas
where there is more oxygen
3 The bacteria move to areas
where they can live more
anaerobically (without
4 The bacteria move to areas
where there is more food

Answer: 2
The apparent clumping of the aerobic
bacterial cells at two regions of different
wavelengths can only suggest that there is
more oxygen available in these regions.

17. Which is the most correct
conclusion that can be made from
these results?

1 Bacteria move towards
certain wavelengths of light
where they feel comfortable
2 Certain wavelengths of light
are warmer than others and
bacteria move accordingly
3 Photosynthesis takes place
at certain wavelengths of
4 Alga and bacteria live
symbiotically, especially at
certain wavelengths of light

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The complex mechanism of photosynthesis
includes a photochemical, or light-
dependent, stage and an enzymatic, or dark,
stage that involves chemical reactions.
These stages can be distinguished by
studying the rates of photosynthesis at
various degrees of light saturation (i.e.,
intensity) and at different temperatures.
Over a range of moderate temperatures and
at low to medium light intensities (relative to
the normal range of the plant species), the
rate of photosynthesis increases as the
intensity increases and is independent of
temperature. As the light intensity increases
to higher levels, however, the rate becomes
increasingly dependent on temperature and
less dependent on intensity; light
saturation is achieved at a specific light
intensity, and the rate then is dependent
only on temperature if all other factors are
constant. In the light-dependent range
before saturation, therefore, the rate of
photosynthesis is determined by the rates of
photochemical steps. At high light
intensities, some of the chemical reactions
of the dark stage become rate-limiting. At
light saturation, rate increases with
temperature until a point is reached beyond
which no further rate increase can occur. In
many land plants, moreover, a process
called photorespiration occurs at high light
intensities and temperatures.
Photorespiration competes with
photosynthesis and limits further increases
in the rate of photosynthesis, especially if
the supply of water is limited. The quantum
requirements of the individual light reactions
of photosynthesis are defined as the number
of light photons absorbed for the transfer of
one electron. The quantum requirement for
each light reaction has been found to be
approximately one photon. The total number
of quanta required, therefore, to transfer the
four electrons that result in the formation of
one molecule of oxygen via the two light
reactions should be four times two, or eight.
It appears, however, that additional light is
absorbed and used to form ATP by a cyclic
photophosphorylation pathway. The electron
transfers of the light reactions provide the
energy for the synthesis of two compounds
vital to the dark reactions: NADPH and ATP.

18. In which organelle does
photosynthesis take place?

1 The chloroplasts of the
2 The chloroplast of the algae
3 The nucleus of the algae
4 The pyrenoid of the algae

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The process of plant photosynthesis takes
place entirely within the chloroplasts. The
chloroplast is enclosed in a double outer
membrane, and its size approximates a
spheroid about 2,500 nanometres thick and
5,000 nanometres long. Some single-celled
algae have one chloroplast that occupies
more than half the cell volume. Leaf cells of
higher plants contain many chloroplasts,
each approximately the size of the one in
some algal cells. When thin sections of a
chloroplast are examined under the electron
microscope, several features are apparent.
Chief among these are the intricate internal
membranes (i.e., the lamellae) and the
stroma, a colourless matrix in which the
lamellae are embedded. Also visible are
starch granules, which appear as dense
bodies. The stroma is basically a solution of
enzymes and small molecules. The dark
reactions occur in the stroma, the soluble
enzymes of which catalyze the conversion of
carbon dioxide and minerals to
carbohydrates and other organic
compounds. The capacity for carbon fixation
and reduction is lost if the outer membrane
of the chloroplast is broken, allowing the
stroma enzymes to leak out. A single
lamella, which contains all the
photosynthetic pigments, is approximately
1015 nanometres thick. The lamellae exist
in more-or-less flat sheets, a few of which
extend through much of the length of the
chloroplast. Examination of cross sections of
lamellae under the electron microscope
shows that their edges are joined to form
closed hollow disks that are called
thylakoids (saclike). The chloroplasts of
most higher plants have regions, called
grana, in which the thylakoids are very
tightly stacked. When viewed by electron
microscopy at an oblique angle, the grana
appear as stacks of disks. When viewed in
cross section, it is apparent that some
thylakoids extend from one grana through
the stroma into other grana. The thin
aqueous spaces inside the thylakoids are
believed to be connected with each other via
these stroma thylakoids. These thylakoid
spaces are isolated from the stroma spaces
by the relatively impermeable lamellae. The
light reactions occur exclusively in the
thylakoids. The complex structural
organization of lamellae is required for
proper thylakoid function; intact thylakoids
apparently are necessary for the formation
of ATP.

19. Which difference between algae and
bacteria is clearly observed during
this experiment?

1 All bacteria are mobile and
all algae are immobile
2 Algae have cell walls and
bacteria have none
3 Algae reproduce by
conjugation and bacteria by
binary fission
4 Algae use CO
during the
day and bacteria O
the day

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
In the presence of light (daytime) algae will
photosynthesise, using carbon dioxide to
produce food and releasing water and
oxygen as by-products. This oxygen is
subsequently used by bacteria for cellular

20. Predict what will happen in the glass
tube if the whole tube is exposed to
light at 550 nm.

1 The algae will have a higher
rate of photosynthesis
2 The bacteria will move
towards the centre of the
glass tube
3 The photosynthetic process
in algae will stop and
bacteria will spread out
4 The photosynthetic process
in algae will stop and
bacteria will move as
indicated on the diagram.

Answer: 2
Logical elimination of invalid/incorrect
options is as follows:
From the experimental setup, it is evident
that photosynthesis takes place at all the
wavelengths depicted (400-750
nanometres). This is why there are bacterial
cells scattered throughout the tube.
However, there are more bacterial cells at
around 400 and 625 nm, meaning that there
is more oxygen hence higher photosynthesis
rates there. This renders option 1 invalid.
Exposing the entire tube to light of
wavelength 550 nm will not stop
photosynthesis, there would be no bacterial
cells at 550 nm originally, if this was true.
Thus options 3 and 4 are incorrect. The only
answer is thus option 2.

21. What is the most important factor to
limit algae from growing in
swimming pools?

1 pH
2 Temperature
3 Chlorine level
4 Keep water in motion

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
All these answers are in fact correct!
However, as those with swimming pools can
tell, algal growth in prevalent in summer,
despite treatment of water with sanitizers
and acid and agitation of the water (with
Creepy-Crawly for example). In general,
algal abundance and diversity vary from one
environment to the next, just as land plant
abundance and diversity vary from tropical
forests to deserts. Terrestrial vegetation
(plants and algae) is influenced most by
precipitation and temperature, whereas
aquatic vegetation (primarily algae) is
influenced most by light and nutrients. When
nutrients are abundant, as in some polluted
waters, algal cell numbers can become
great enough to produce obvious patches of
algae called blooms or red tides, usually
linked to favourable growing conditions,
including an abundance of nutrients.
Pools must be sanitized to prevent growth
and spread of bacteria, viruses, algae and
insect larvae that can cause disease. This is
done using filters and chemical disinfectants
such as chlorine (by using the commercial
bleaching agent HTH, for example) ,
bromine or mineral sanitizers. A pool cover
can keep debris out of a pool that is not in
use. In cold climates, pools must be closed
in winter to prevent them and their pipes
from cracking due to ice.

22. Which product is least damaged by

1 Cheese
2 Wine
3 Unused paint
4 Jam

Answer: 3 (Wikipedia/Encyclopaedia)
As decomposers, bacteria will degrade any
dead organic matter, including food (this is
why there are preservation methods such as
canning and refrigeration). Paint is any
liquid, liquifiable, or mastic composition
consisting of a pigment suspended in a
vehicle, or binder, which after application to
a substrate in a thin layer is converted to an
opaque solid film. Paint is used to protect,
decorate (such as adding colour), or add
functionality to an object or surface by
covering it with a pigmented coating. An
example of protection is to retard corrosion
of metal. An example of decoration is to add
festive trim to a room interior. An example of
added functionality is to modify light
reflection or heat radiation of a surface.
Another example of functionality would be
the use of colour to identify hazards or
function of equipment and pipelines. The
basic white pigments include zinc oxide, zinc
sulfide, lithopone, and titanium dioxide. Most
black pigments are composed of elemental
carbon. Common red pigments include the
minerals iron oxide, cadmium, and cuprous
oxide and various synthetic organic
pigments. Yellow and orange pigments
include chromates, molybdates, and
cadmium compounds. Blue and green
pigments are either inorganic (synthetic
ultramarines and iron blues) or organic

23. How is it possible that algae can
grow in caves which are visited by
many tourists?

1 There is lots of oxygen and
2 There is enough sunlight
and water
3 There are high carbon
dioxide levels (exhaled by
humans) and lots of water
4 There are many electrical
lights, carbon dioxide and

Answer: 4 Encyclopaedia Britannica)
An alga is a member of a group of
predominantly aquatic, photosynthetic
organisms of the kingdom Protista. Algae
range in size from the tiny flagellate
Micromonas that is 1 micrometre (0.00004
inch) in diameter to giant kelps that reach 60
metres (200 feet) in length. Algae provide
much of the Earth's oxygen, they are the
food base for almost all aquatic life, they are
a source of crude oil, and they provide foods
and pharmaceutical and industrial products
for humans. The algae have many types of
life cycles. Their photosynthetic pigments
are more varied than those of plants, and
their cells have features not found among
plants and animals. Some groups of algae
are ancient, whereas other groups appear to
have evolved more recently. The taxonomy
of algae is subject to rapid change because
new information is constantly being
discovered. The study of algae is termed
phycology, and one who studies algae is
known as a phycologist.
As autotrophs, algae need light, carbon
dioxide and water for growth. In artificially lit
caves for tourism, algae will grow.

24. Which one of the following groups of
fruit is not all citrus?

1 Navels and citrones
2 Lemons, limes and
3 Mineolas and grapefruit
4 Oranges, tangerines and

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Citrus is a genus of plants belonging to the
rue family (Rutaceae), and yielding pulpy
fruits covered with fairly thick skins. Plants in
this group include the lemon (C. limon), lime
(C. aurantifolia), sweet orange (C. sinensis),
sour orange (C. aurantium), tangerine (C.
reticulata), grapefruit (C. paradisi), citron (C.
medica), and shaddock ( C. maxima, or C.
grandis; pomelo).
The citron melon (Citrullus lanatus), or
tsamma, is thought to be the
original/ancestral variety of watermelon, a
cucurbit. Its fruit has a hard white flesh,
rendering it less likely to be eaten raw; more
often it is "pickled" or used to make
preserves. It is especially useful for the
latter, because it has a high pectin content.
The citron melon is native to Africa, probably
the Kalahari desert, where it still grows
abundantly. Its taxonomic classification is as
follows: Kingdom: Plantae, Division:
Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida,
Order: Cucurbitales, Family: Cucurbitaceae,
Genus: Citrullus, Species: C. lanatus

25. Amoeba is classified as an animal
because it.

1 is not green
2 has a nucleus
3 has no cell wall
4 has a cell membrane

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Amoeba, also spelled Ameba, plural
Amoebas, or Amoebae, is any of the
microscopic unicellular protozoans of the
rhizopodan order Amoebida. The well-
known type species, Amoeba proteus, is
found on decaying bottom vegetation of
freshwater streams and ponds. There are
numerous parasitic amoebas. Of six species
found in the human alimentary tract,
Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic
dysentery. Two related free-living genera of
increasing biomedical importance are
Acanthamoeba and Naegleria, strains of
which have been recognized as disease-
causing parasites in several vertebrates,
including humans. Amoebas are identified
by their ability to form temporary cytoplasmic
extensions called pseudopodia, or false feet,
by means of which they move about. This
type of movement, called amoeboid
movement, is considered to be the most
primitive form of animal locomotion. Each
amoeba contains a small mass of jellylike
cytoplasm, which is differentiated into a thin
outer plasma membrane, a layer of stiff,
clear ectoplasm just within the plasma
membrane, and a central granular
endoplasm. The endoplasm contains food
vacuoles, a granular nucleus, and a clear
contractile vacuole. The amoeba has no
mouth or anus; food is taken in and material
excreted at any point on the cell surface.
During feeding, extensions of cytoplasm flow
around food particles, surrounding them and
forming a vacuole into which enzymes are
secreted to digest the particles. Oxygen
diffuses into the cell from the surrounding
water, and metabolic wastes diffuse from the
amoeba into the surrounding water. A
contractile vacuole, which removes excess
water from the amoeba, is absent in most
marine and parasitic species. Reproduction
is asexual (binary fission).

26. Sessile animals like Hydra are

1 hermaphroditic
2 bilaterally symmetrical
3 without cilia
4 oviparous

Answer: 1 (Wikipedia)
In zoology, sessile animals are those which
are not able to move about. They are usually
permanently attached to a solid substrate of
some kind, such as a rock, or the hull of a
ship in the case of barnacles. Corals lay
down their own substrate. Sessile animals
typically have a motile phase in their
development. Sponges have a motile larval
stage, which becomes sessile at maturity. In
contrast, many jellyfish develop as sessile
polyps early in their life cycle. Many sessile
animals, including sponges, corals, and
hydra, are capable of asexual reproduction
in situ by a process of budding.

27. Which animal does not have scales
as skin covering?

1 Birds
2 Snakes
3 Fish
4 Insects

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Scales provide protection from the
environment and from predators. Fish scales
are formed of bone from the deeper, or
dermal, skin layer. The elasmobranchs (e.g.,
sharks) have placoid scales; these are bony,
spiny projections with an enamel-like
covering. Ganoid scales, which are found on
such fishes as gars and the bowfin, are
similar to placoid scales but are covered
with a peculiar enamel-like substance called
ganoin. It is thought that true teeth
developed from placoid scales. The
advanced fish have either cycloid scales
(e.g., carp) or ctenoid scales (e.g., perch;
sunfish). These are the typical overlapping
fish scales. Cycloid scales are large, thin,
and round or oval in shape, and exhibit
growth rings. Ctenoid scales resemble
cycloid scales but have comb-like teeth on
their overlapping edge. Horny scutes, or
corneoscutes, derived from the upper, or
epidermal, skin layer, appear in reptiles and
on the legs of birds. In crocodilians and
some lizards, bony dermal scales
(osteoderms) underlie the external scales.
Bird feathers are developmentally modified
epidermal scales. Modified epidermal tissue,
mostly made up of keratin, forms the scaly
surface found on some mammals (e.g., rats;
pangolins); however, although mammalian
hair is also largely keratin, it is not a
modified scale. The term scale is also
applied to modified body coverings on
certain insects, e.g., moths.

Study the table below and answer questions
28 to 30.

The table below compares the percentage of
food eaten which is used in respiration and
growth in different animals.

Percentage of food
eaten which is:

Type of

Used in
Caterpillar Herbivore 17 23
Spider Carnivore 57 27
Cow Herbivore 39 1
Owl Carnivore 82 1

28. Which animal uses more food for
growth than in respiration?

1 Caterpillar
2 Spider
3 Cow
4 Owl

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or
moth (Lepidoptera). Caterpillars have
cylindrical bodies consisting of 13 segments,
with three pairs of true legs on the thorax
and several pairs of short, fleshy pro-legs on
the abdomen. The head has six small eyes
(stemmata) on each side, short antennae,
and strong jaws. The head bears a pair of
very short antennae and on each side a
cluster of minute simple eyes (stemmata). A
short liplike labrum is in front of the mouth.
Behind the labrum are paired jaws
(mandibles) that are short, broad, and
powerful to allow consumption of large
amounts of plant material. Caterpillars are
voracious feeders and many of them are
considered pests in agriculture. Many moth
species are better known in their caterpillar
stages because of the damage they cause
to fruits and other agricultural produce.

29. Why does the owl use so much
more food in respiration than the
other animals?

1 It eats less frequently than
the other animals and
maximum energy is used for
2 The owl feeds in the night
when more energy is
needed to keep the bird
3 The owl uses lots of energy
for flying and does not use it
for growth
4 The food stays in the
alimentary canal for a
longer period and it
therefore gets more energy
from it

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Birds must be capable of high rates of gas
exchange because their oxygen
consumption at rest (for cellular respiration)
is higher than that of all other vertebrates,
including mammals, and it increases many
times during flight. The flight of owls is a
steady flapping on a straight path, ending in
a short upward glide to the perch. Hunting,
usually done from a perch, rarely involves
extensive flight, requiring only a short burst
of speed to surprise the prey on the ground.
Short-eared owls flap slowly, the large area
of the wings causing the light body to bob up
and down; they also glide for brief periods
with the wings held in a high V over the

30. What general conclusion can be
made from the information in the
table above?

1 Herbivores grow faster than
2 Carnivores use more food in
respiration than in growth
3 Cold-blooded animals
(ectotherms) grow faster
than warm-blooded animals
4 Herbivores eat all the time

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Being meat eaters, carnivores are at the top
of the food chain and form the highest
trophic level within ecosystems. As such,
they are basic to maintaining the balance of
nature within those systems. In areas of
human settlement, this precarious balance
has frequently been upset by the
extermination of many carnivores formerly
considered undesirable because of their
predatory habits. Now, however, carnivores
are recognized to be necessary elements in
natural systems; they improve the stability of
prey populations by keeping them within the
carrying capacity of the food supply. As a
result, the surviving animals are better fed
and less subject to disease.
Carnivores necessarily form only a small
portion of the animal kingdom, because
each animal must eat a great many other
animals of equivalent size in order to
maintain itself over a lifetime. In addition to
possessing the teeth and claws needed to
kill their prey and then tear the flesh apart,
carnivores have digestive enzymes that are
able to break down muscle protein into
amino acids, which can then diffuse through
the walls of the small intestine. Therefore,
carnivores have no need for any special
development of the gut that allows for
fermentation. Carnivores are also able to
utilize animal fat. If their prey is small, they
can chew and swallow bones, which serve
as a source of calcium. Some carnivores,
particularly cats (family Felidae), are
obligate carnivores, meaning they cannot
obtain all the nutrients that they need from
the plant kingdom and bacteria. In particular,
obligate carnivores lack the enzyme needed
to split carotene, obtained from plants, into
vitamin A. Instead, these animals obtain
vitamin A from the liver of their prey.
Obligate carnivores are similarly unable to
synthesize some essential very-long-chain,
highly unsaturated fatty acids that other
animals can make from shorter fatty acids
found in plants.

31. Which animals echo-locate?

A. Whales
B Dolphins
C. Bats
D. Insects

1 A, B and C
2 Only C
3 B and C
4 C and D

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Echolocation is a physiological process for
locating distant or invisible objects (such as
prey) by means of sound waves reflected
back to the emitter (such as a bat) by the
objects. Echolocation is used for orientation,
obstacle avoidance, food procurement, and
social interactions. Echolocation is known to
be employed by most bats (all members of
the suborder Microchiroptera and one
genus, Rousettus, of the Megachiroptera);
most, if not all, toothed whales and
porpoises (Odontoceti), but apparently no
baleen whales; a few shrews; and two kinds
of birds, the oilbird (Steatornis caripensis) of
northern South America and certain cave
swiftlets (Collocalia) of Southeast Asia.
Echolocation pulses consist of short bursts
of sound at frequencies ranging from about
1,000 hertz in birds to at least 200,000 hertz
in whales. Bats utilize frequencies from
about 30,000 to about 120,000 hertz. The
pulses are repeated at varying rates (often
in a single individual, depending upon the
situation) beginning at about one per
second. The rate may reach several
hundred per second (e.g., in a bat close to
its target).

32. If you were asked to euthanize a
grasshopper, where would you put
the cotton wool with chloroform?

1 At the ostia
2 At the sides of the thorax
3 At the rear end of the
4 At the front side at the
mouth parts

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A grasshopper is a jumping insect (order
Orthoptera) that found in a variety of
habitats. Grasshoppers occur in greatest
numbers in lowland tropical forests, semiarid
regions, and grasslands. They range in
colour from green to olive or brown and may
have yellow or red markings. Insects have
segmented bodies, jointed legs, and
external skeletons (exoskeletons). Insects
are distinguished from other arthropods by
their body, which is divided into three major
regions: (1) the head, which bears the
mouthparts, eyes, and a pair of antennae,
(2) the three-segmented thorax, which
usually has three pairs of legs (hence
Hexapoda) in adults and usually one or
two pairs of wings, and (3) the many-
segmented abdomen, which contains the
digestive, excretory, and reproductive
organs. The respiratory system of insects
consists of air-filled tubes or tracheae, which
open at the surface of the thorax and
abdomen through paired spiracles. The
muscular valves of the spiracles, closed
most of the time, open only to allow the
uptake of oxygen and the escape of carbon
dioxide. The tracheal tubes are continuous
with the cuticle of the body surface. The
tracheae are stiffened by spiral thickenings
or threadlike ridges called taenidia, which
branch repeatedly, becoming reduced in
cross section and ending in fine thin-walled
tracheoles less than one micron in diameter.
The tracheoles insinuate themselves
between cells, sometimes appearing to
penetrate into them, and push deeply into
the plasma membrane. Although
movements of oxygen and carbon dioxide
occur solely by gaseous diffusion in
sedentary insects, the system is ventilated
mechanically in active species. Pumping
movements of the abdomen provide the
force necessary to drive out streams of air at
some spiracles and suck them in at others.
The taenidia keep the tracheae distended,
thus allowing free passage of air. In addition,
the most active insects have large thin-
walled dilatations of the tracheae called air
sacs, which serve to increase the volume of
air displaced during respiratory movements.
Both lack of oxygen and accumulation of
carbon dioxide provide stimuli to nerve
centres that induce increased respiration
during muscular activity.

33. Why are tapeworms not digested by
the enzymes inside the hosts body?

1 The epidermis is resistant to
stomach acids
2 It secretes a chemical which
neutralises digestive
3 The epidermis contains
cellulose which is
4 The epidermis contains
chitin similar to the
exoskeleton of insects

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Also called Cestode , a tapeworm is any
member of the invertebrate class Cestoda
(phylum Platyhelminthes), a group of
parasitic flatworms containing about 3,000
species. Tapeworms, which occur worldwide
and range in size from about 1 mm (0.04
inch) to more than 15 m (50 feet), are
internal parasites, affecting certain
invertebrates and the liver or digestive tracts
of all types of vertebratesincluding
humans, domestic animals, and other food
animals, such as fish. Some attack a single
host, others require one or two intermediate
hosts as well as a final, or definitive, host
during their life cycle. The disease caused
by tapeworms is known as cestodiasis.
Tapeworms are bilaterally symmetrical (i.e.,
the right and left sides are similar). Some
consist of one long segment; others have a
definite head, followed by a series of
identical segments called proglottids. The
head, or scolex, bears suckers and often
hooks, which are used for attachment to the
host. The body covering is a tough cuticle,
through which food is absorbed. There is
neither a mouth nor a digestive tract.

Study the histogram showing the average
number of offspring per season of the five
vertebrate animal groups.

34. The main reason why the rabbit has
so few offspring is.

1 the rabbit has good parental
2 the rabbit is fertilized
3 that it has the fewest
4 that is has a safe nest to
ensure the survival of all

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The reproductive behaviour of fishes is
remarkably diversified: they may be
oviparous (lay eggs), ovoviparous (retain the
eggs in the body until they hatch), or
viviparous (have a direct tissue connection
with the developing embryos and give birth
to live young). All cartilaginous fishesthe
elasmobranches (e.g., sharks, rays, and
skates)employ internal fertilization and
usually lay large, heavy-shelled eggs or give
birth to live young. The most characteristic
features of the more primitive bony fishes is
the assemblage of polyandrous (many
males) breeding aggregations in open water
and the absence of parental care for the
eggs. Many of the species in this group,
such as herrings, make what appear to be
completely chaotic migrations to their
breeding areas. Actually, however, each of
these huge spawning aggregations is made
up of small, coordinated parties consisting of
one female and one or more males.
Although true viviparity has been described
in the African frog Nectophrynoides, most
amphibians lay eggs. Some salamanders,
however, retain the eggs within their body
and give birth to live young. Most frogs and
salamanders do not show brood care. The
annual breeding of frogs usually takes place
in freshwater. In the sexual embrace
(amplexus) the male clasps the female from
behind and extrudes sperm over the eggs as
they are ejected by the female. The eggs,
laid in numbers varying from a few hundred
to several thousand (depending on the
species), then float off in clusters or sheets
and may become attached to the stems of
water plants; the eggs of some species sink.
The tadpole hatches in a few days to a week
or more and metamorphoses into a frog
within two months to three years. During
metamorphosis the lungs develop, limbs
appear, the tail is absorbed, and the mouth
becomes typically froglike. In some Oriental
species the eggs are deposited on land and
the young hatch as froglets, not tadpoles.
Most rabbits produce many offspring
(kittens) each year, although scarcity of
resources may cause this potential to be
suppressed. A combination of factors allows
the high rates of reproduction commonly
associated with rabbits. Rabbits generally
are able to breed at a young age, and many
regularly conceive litters of up to seven
young, often doing so four or five times a
year. In addition, females (does) exhibit
induced ovulation, their ovaries releasing
eggs in response to copulation rather than
according to a regular cycle. They can also
undergo postpartum oestrus, conceiving
immediately after a litter has been born.
Newborn rabbits are naked, blind, and
helpless at birth (altricial). Mothers are
remarkably inattentive to their young and are
almost absentee parents, commonly nursing
their young only once per day and for just a
few minutes. To overcome this lack of
attention, the milk of rabbits is highly
nutritious and among the richest of that of all
mammals. The young grow rapidly, and
most are weaned in about a month. Males
(bucks) do not assist in rearing the kittens.
Most lizards reproduce by laying eggs. In
some small species the number of eggs is
rather uniform for each laying or clutch.
Lizard eggs are usually leathery shelled and
porous and can expand by absorption of
moisture as the embryos grow. An exception
occurs in the majority of egg-laying geckos,
whose eggs have shells that harden soon
after deposition and then show no further
change in size or shape. Some lizards bear
live young. In the family Scincidae this is
true for about one-third of the species, many
of which are tropical. Parental care among
lizards tends to be minimal following egg
deposition. Many species dig holes in which
the eggs are placed; others bury them under
leaf litter or utilize a cranny in a tree or cave.
Juvenile lizards are essentially miniature
adults; they do not go through any larval
phase nor any stage of dependence upon
Most birds build nests in which the eggs are
laid. Nests vary widely: they may be a
scrape in the sand, a deep burrow, a hole in
a tree or rock, an open cup, a globular or
retort-shaped mass with a side entrance
tube, or an elaborately woven hanging
structure. All birds incubate their eggs,
except megapodes (mound builders), which
depend on the heat generated by decaying
vegetation or other external sources, and
brood parasites such as cuckoos and
cowbirds, which lay their eggs in the nests of
other species. Murres and the king and
emperor penguins build no nest but incubate
with the egg resting on top of the feet.
Incubation takes from 11 to 80 days,
depending at least in part on the size of the
bird and the degree of development at
hatching. The length of time that parents
care for young birds varies widely. Young
megapodes can fly shortly after hatching
and are entirely independent of their
parents; young royal albatrosses may spend
more than eight months at the nest and in
the area immediately around it before they
can fly. The length of time needed to attain
independence is related to size and
condition at hatching. Ground-nesting birds
tend to take less and hole-nesting birds
more time than the average.

Study the graph showing the relationship
between body temperature and
environmental temperature of two animals.

35. Which deduction can be made from
this graph?

1 That A is an endotherm and
B is an ectotherm
2 That A is an ectotherm and
B is an endotherm
3 That the body temperature
of ectothermic animals
increases during the day
4 That environmental
temperature has no
influence on endothermic

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The body temperature of A stays constant
despite the change in the temperature of the
environment, whilst that of B increases as
the environment warms up.
All animals thermoregulate. The internal
environment of the body is under the
influence of both external and internal
conditions. Land animals thermoregulate in
several ways. They do so behaviorally, by
moving to a colder or warmer place, by
exercising to generate body heat, or by
panting or sweating to lose it. They also
thermoregulate physiologically, by activating
internal metabolic processes that warm or
cool the blood. But these efforts have limits,
and, as a result, external temperatures and
climatic conditions are among the most
important factors controlling the geographic
distribution of animals.
Today's so-called warm-blooded animals
are the mammals and birds; reptiles,
amphibians, and most fishes are called cold-
blooded. These two terms, however, are
imprecise and misleading. Some cold-
blooded lizards have higher normal body
temperatures than do some mammals, for
instance. Another pair of terms, ectothermy
and endothermy, describes whether most of
an animal's heat is absorbed from the
environment (ecto-) or generated by
internal processes (endo-). A third pair of
terms, poikilothermy and homeothermy,
describes whether the body temperature
tends to vary with that of the immediate
environment or remains relatively constant.
Mammals and birds have a high metabolism
and are considered endotherms, which
produce body heat internally. They possess
biological temperature sensors that control
heat production and switch on heat-loss
mechanisms such as perspiration. Today's
reptiles and amphibians, on the other hand,
are ectotherms that mostly gain heat energy
from sunlight, a heated rock surface, or
some other external source. The
endothermic state is effective but
metabolically expensive, as the body must
produce heat continuously, which requires
correspondingly high quantities of fuel in the
form of food. On the other hand, endotherms
can be more active and survive lower
external temperatures. Ectotherms do not
require as much fuel, but most cannot deal
as well with cold surroundings.

36. Which one is not associated with
bilateral symmetry?

1 Cephalisation
2 Effective locomotion
3 Triploblastic
4 Inability to react with equal
speed to stimuli from all

Symmetry refers to a correspondence of
body parts, in size, shape, and relative
position, on opposite sides of a dividing line
or distributed around a central point or axis.
With the exception of radial symmetry (see
below), external form has little relation to
internal anatomy, since animals of very
different anatomical construction may have
the same type of symmetry. Certain animals,
particularly most sponges and the ameboid
protozoans, lack symmetry, having either an
irregular shape different for each individual
or else one undergoing constant changes of
form. The vast majority of animals, however,
exhibit a definite symmetrical form. Four
such patterns of symmetry occur among
animals: spherical, radial, biradial, and
In spherical symmetry, illustrated only by the
protozoan groups Radiolaria and Heliozoia,
the body has the shape of a sphere and the
parts are arranged concentrically around or
radiate from the centre of the sphere. Such
an animal has no ends or sides, and any
plane passing through the centre will divide
the animal into equivalent halves. The
spherical type of symmetry is possible only
in minute animals of simple internal
construction, since in spheres the interior
mass is large relative to the surface area
and becomes too large for efficient
functioning with increase in size and
In radial symmetry the body has the general
form of a short or long cylinder or bowl, with
a central axis from which the body parts
radiate or along which they are arranged in
regular fashion. The main axis is
heteropolari.e., with unlike ends, one of
which bears the mouth and is termed the
oral, or anterior, end, and the other of which,
called the aboral, or posterior, end, forms
the rear end of the animal and may bear the
anus. The main axis is hence termed the
oral-aboral, or anteroposterior, axis. Except
in animals having an odd number of parts
arranged in circular fashion (as in the five-
armed starfishes), any plane passing
through this axis will divide the animal into
symmetrical halves. Animals having three,
five, seven, etc., parts in a circle have
symmetry that may be referred to,
respectively, as three-rayed, five-rayed,
seven-rayed, etc.; only certain planes
through the axis will divide such animals into
symmetrical halves. Radial symmetry is
found in the coelenterates and echinoderms.
In biradial symmetry, in addition to the
anteroposterior axis, there are also two
other axes or planes of symmetry at right
angles to it and to each other: the sagittal, or
median vertical-longitudinal, and transverse,
or cross, axes. Such an animal therefore not
only has two ends but also has two pairs of
symmetrical sides. There are but two planes
of symmetry in a biradial animal, one
passing through the anteroposterior and
sagittal axes and the other through the
anteroposterior and transverse axes.
Biradial symmetry occurs in the comb jellies.
In bilateral symmetry there are the same
three axes as in biradial symmetry but only
one pair of symmetrical sides, the lateral
sides, since the other two sides, called the
dorsal (back) and ventral (belly) surfaces,
are unlike. Thus, only one plane of
symmetry will divide a bilateral animal into
symmetrical halves, the median longitudinal,
or sagittal, plane. Bilateral symmetry is
characteristic of the vast majority of animals,
including insects, fishes, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, mammals, and most
crustaceans. Bilateral symmetry permits
streamlining, favors the formation of a
central nerve center, contributes to
cephalization, and promotes actively moving
organisms. Bilateral symmetry is an aspect
of both chordates and invertebrates.

37. Which organ detects depth/pressure
in fish?

1 Swim bladder
2 Lateral line system
3 Brain
4 Gills

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
The lateral line system is a network of
sensory receptors located along the head
and sides of fishes and amphibians. The
system serves to detect movements and
pressure changes in the surrounding water.
The individual receptor, called a lateral line
organ, or neuromast, consists of a cluster of
innervated hairs surrounded by a jellylike
projection (cupula) that bends in response to
water movements. The neuromasts of most
bony fishes are set in a series of
interconnected depressions, forming a
canal, with openings at intervals to the

38. Which one of the following is not a
water pollutant?

1 Insecticides and chemical
sprays which accumulate in
the food chain
2 Sewerage that contains
intestinal bacteria
3 CFC gases which break up
the ozone layer
4 Phosphate compounds
which accelerate algae
growth and thus deplete the
oxygen level in water
causing many fish to die

Answer: 3 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Water pollution involves the release into
lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans of
substances that become dissolved or
suspended in the water or deposited upon
the bottom and accumulate to the extent that
they interfere with the functioning of aquatic
ecosystems. It may also include the release
of energy in the form of radioactivity or heat,
as in the case of thermal pollution. Any body
of water has the capacity to absorb, break
down, or recycle introduced materials.
Under normal circumstances, inorganic
substances are widely dispersed and have
little or no effect on life within the bodies of
water into which they are released; organic
materials are broken down by bacteria or
other organisms and converted into a form
in which they are useful to aquatic life. But, if
the capacity of a body of water to dissolve,
disperse, or recycle is exceeded, all
additional substances or forms of energy
become pollutants. Thus, thermal pollution,
which is usually caused by the discharge of
water that has been used as a coolant in
fossil-fuelled or nuclear-power plants, can
favour a diversity of aquatic life in waters
that would otherwise be too cold. In a
warmer body of water, however, the addition
of heat changes its characteristics and may
make it less suited to species that are
considered desirable. Pollution may begin
as water moves through the air, if the air is
polluted. Soil erosion adds silt as a pollutant.
The use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or
other materials on watershed lands is an
additional factor contributing to water
pollution. The runoff from septic tanks and
the outflow of manures from livestock
feedlots along the watershed are sources of
organic pollutants. Industries located along
waterways downstream contribute a number
of chemical pollutants, some of which are
toxic if present in any concentration. Finally,
cities and towns contribute their loads of
sewage and other urban wastes. Thus, a
community far upstream in a watershed may
receive relatively clean water, whereas one
farther downstream receives a partly diluted
mixture of urban, industrial, and rural
wastes. The cost of cleaning and purifying
this water for community use may be high,
and the process may be only partially
effective. To add to the problem, the cities
and towns in the lower, or downstream,
regions of the river basin contribute
additional wastes that flow into estuaries,
creating new pollution problems. The output
of industries, agriculture, and urban
communities generally exceeds the biologic
capacities of aquatic systems, causing
waters to become choked with an excess of
organic substances and organisms to be
poisoned by toxic materials. When organic
matter exceeds the capacity of those
microorganisms in water that break it down
and recycle it, the excess of nutrients in
such matter encourages rapid growth, or
blooms, of algae. When they die, the
remains of the dead algae add further to the
organic wastes already in the water;
eventually, the water becomes deficient in
oxygen. Anaerobic organisms (those that do
not require oxygen to live) then attack the
organic wastes, releasing gases such as
methane and hydrogen sulfide, which are
harmful to the oxygen-requiring (aerobic)
forms of life. The result is a foul-smelling,
waste-filled body of water, a situation that
has already occurred in such places as Lake
Erie and the Baltic Sea and is a growing
problem in freshwater lakes of Europe and
North America. The process by which a lake
or any other body of water changes from a
clean, clear conditionwith a relatively low
concentration of dissolved nutrients and a
balanced aquatic communityto a nutrient-
rich, algae-filled body and thence to an
oxygen-deficient, waste-filled condition is
known as accelerated eutrophication.
A chlorofluorocarbon is any of several
organic compounds composed of carbon,
fluorine, chlorine, and hydrogen. Developed
during the 1930s and manufactured under
the trade name Freon, CFCs found wide
application after World War II. These
halogenated hydrocarbons, notably
trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11, or F-11)
and dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12, or F-
12), were used extensively as aerosol-spray
propellants, refrigerants, solvents, and foam-
blowing agents. They are well-suited for
these and other applications because they
are non-toxic and non-flammable and can
be readily converted from a liquid to a gas
and vice versa. Their commercial and
industrial value notwithstanding, CFCs have
been found to pose a serious environmental
threat. Studies undertaken by various
scientists during the 1970s revealed that
CFCs released into the atmosphere
accumulate in the stratosphere, where they
have a deleterious effect on the ozone layer.
Stratospheric ozone shields living organisms
on Earth from the harmful effects of the
Sun's ultraviolet radiation; even a relatively
small decrease in the stratospheric ozone
concentration can result in an increased
incidence of skin cancer in humans and in
genetic damage in many organisms. In the
stratosphere the CFC molecules break down
by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation
and release their constituent chlorine atoms.
These then react with the ozone molecules,
resulting in their removal. Because of a
growing concern over stratospheric ozone
depletion and its attendant dangers, a ban
was imposed on the use of CFCs in aerosol-
spray dispensers.

Questions 39 to 42 refer to the table below
which contains information about certain
aspects of game animals and also the price
of these animals.

39. You seriously plan to establish a
game farm and your aim is to
manage a hunting business and not
a tourist attraction. Which game will
you buy first?

1 Elephant
2 Lion
3 Giraffe
4 Impala

Answer: 4
This is the logical choice, not only are
impala cheaper and having a high
reproduction rate but as herbivores they
feed on grass and plants and thus need no
Impala (Aepyceros melampus), is a swift-
running antelope, family Bovidae (order
Artiodactyla), that is found in large herds,
usually near water, on the savannas and
open woodlands of central and southern
Africa. Impalas are noted for their grace and
their ability to jump; when alarmed, they
bound off in leaps up to 9 m (30 feet) in
length and 3 m high. A lightly built animal,
the impala stands 75100 cm (29.539
inches) at the shoulder. It has a golden to
reddish brown coat, white underparts, a
vertical black stripe on each thigh, and a
black tuft behind each hind hoof. The male
has long, lyre-shaped horns.

40. At the first auction you decide to
buy only one herd of animals.
Which herd will be the cheapest?

1 Impala
2 Kudu
3 Springbok
4 Blesbok

Answer: 4
Mathematically, a herd of impala will set you
back 30R600 = R18 000. That of Kudus
will cost 15R1800 = R27 000, that of
springbok will be 30R500 = R15 000 whilst
that of blesbok will require 20R700 =
R14 000.
A bleskbok is a sassaby, any of a few
species of antelope belonging to the family
Bovidae (order Artiodactyla) and inhabiting
sub-Saharan grasslands, floodplains, and
dense brush from western to eastern Africa
Sex ratio
to one
in herd
growth (%
per year)
price (per
Impala 25 30 35% R600
Kudu 10 15 20% R1 800
Lion 3 5 50% R20 000
Ostrich 1 10 50% R1 000
Springbok 15 30 40% R500
Blesbok 15 20 30% R700
Warthog 10 15 20% R600
Giraffe 3 2 15% R11 000
Elephant 4 10 8% R30 000
and southward to southern Africa. Modern
classifications are not uniform, but generally
two subgenera and three species are
recognized: the subgenus Beatragus,
consisting of a single species, D. hunteri
(Hunter's hartebeest, or hirola), found in
eastern Kenya and southwestern Somalia;
and the subgenus Damaliscus, consisting of
two species, D. dorcas (the bontebok
[subspecies D. dorcas dorcas] and the
blesbok [subspecies D. dorcas phillipsi]) and
D. lunatus (topi), ranging widely from
Senegal to Ethiopia and to South Africa. The
sassabies stand shoulder-height about 90 to
120 cm (35 to 47 inches) and measure in
body-and-head length from 130 to 200 cm
(50 to 80 inches). The graceful lyre-shaped
horns may extend as much as 70 cm (28
inches). The hair, generally iridescent and
soft, ranges from grey to almost black or
from red to rich brown and is often marked
by contrasting white patches on the face,
legs, or hips. The sassabies feed on grass.

41. Which herd (mentioned in question
40) will have the most siblings after
one year?

1 Impala
2 Kudu
3 Springbok
4 Blesbok

Answer: 3
A herd of impala grows at 30% per year,
which means in the first year there will be
30 1.35 = 40 animals. Using the same
reasoning, there will be 151.20 = 18 kudus,
301.40 = 42 springboks and 201.30 = 26

42. Calculate the value of a herd of
Kudu after one year of breeding.
Assume the selling price (hunting
price) is equal to the auction price

1 R5 400
2 R27 000
3 R32 400
4 R90 000

Answer: 3
After one year of breeding, there will be
151.20 = 18 kudus. With the price staying
the same at R1800 per animal, the total
price will be R32 400.
A kudu is a handsome, slender antelope of
the genus Tragelaphus, family Bovidae
(order Artiodactyla). The greater kudu (T.
strepsiceros) lives in small groups in hilly
bush country or open woods of eastern and
southern Africa. It stands about 1.3 m (51
inches) at the shoulder. It has a fringe on the
throat and a crest of hair on the neck and
back, and it is reddish brown to blue-gray,
with a white mark between the eyes and
narrow, vertical white stripes on the body.
The male has long, divergent, corkscrewlike
horns. Kudus browse on shrubs and tree
leaves. Apart from mating periods, mature
kudu live in segregated groups of males and

43. Which one of the following is a
better nature conservation principle?

1 Foreign hunters shoot the
biggest and best animals as
2 Khoi-San are allowed to
hunt the slow and weak
animals in closed
conservation areas
3 Sangomas collect certain
plant roots, tubers and bark
4 To wipe out indigenous
problematic animals like the

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Hunting the biggest and the best animals
amounts to killing the ones that carry the
best genes for survival and thus detrimental
to the population of that species and
contrary to natural selection. This thus
makes option 2 the correct answer.
Unregulated gathering of plants by
sangomas will also lead to complete
extermination of the plants. Killing of all
jackals will also upset the ecosystem, these
animals are not vermin, they fulfil an
indispensable role in the wild as carnivores
and scavengers.
Natural selection is the differential
reproduction of alternative hereditary
variants, determined by the fact that some
variants increase the likelihood that the
organisms having them will survive and
reproduce more successfully than will
organisms carrying alternative variants.
Selection may occur as a result of
differences in survival, in fertility, in rate of
development, in mating success, or in any
other aspect of the life cycle. All of these
differences can be incorporated under the
term differential reproduction because all
result in natural selection to the extent that
they affect the number of progeny an
organism leaves. Natural selection
moderates the disorganizing effects of these
processes because it multiplies the
incidence of beneficial mutations over the
generations and eliminates harmful ones,
since their carriers leave few or no
descendants. Natural selection enhances
the preservation of a group of organisms
that are best adjusted to the physical and
biological conditions of their environment
and may also result in their improvement in
some cases.

44. Why do many birds migrate annually
from Europe to South Africa

1 It is warmer in South Africa
2 They cannot fly further
3 They go where the winds
take them
4 The SA Highveld has lots of
grasslands and insects

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Migration is most evident among birds. Most
species, because of their high metabolic
rate, require a rich, abundant supply of food
at frequent intervals. Such a situation does
not always prevail throughout the year in
any given region. Birds have thus evolved a
highly efficient means for travelling swiftly
over long distances with great economy of
energy. The populations of many northern
and eastern European species of birds have
pronounced migratory tendencies; the
populations of Western Europe, on the other
hand, are more sedentary. Some birds are
nomadic in winter; others spend the colder
months in the south-western part of the
continent or in the Mediterranean region.
Many migrant populations migrate to Africa
south of the Sahara. Geographical
conditions determine several main routes.
The Alps are an important barrier to
migratory birds. About 150 species travel
westward and south-westward; others travel
south-eastward. Insectivorous (insect-
eating) species, such as warblers,
flycatchers, and wagtails, are highly
migratory and spend the winter in the
tropics, chiefly in Africa. They migrate to
Sierra Leone on the west coast, Tanzania
on the east coast, and all the way southward
to the tip of the continent. Most of these
migrants use different routes to cross the
Mediterranean, chiefly in the western
portion, although some migrate only
southeastward. Golden orioles (Oriolus
oriolus) and red-backed shrikes (Lanius
collurio) go to East Africa by way of Greece
and Egypt. Swallowsparticularly barn
swallows (Hirundo rustica) and house
martins (Delichon urbica)and swifts (Apus
apus) pass the winter in Africa south of 20
N latitude, particularly in South Africa, in the
Congo River region, and in some coastal
areas of West Africa. Wading birds
(shorebirds) also are typical migrants, most
of them nesting in tundra of the Arctic region
and wintering along the seacoasts from
western Europe to South Africa.

45. Why do black herons fold their
wings over their heads like an

1 It protects them from the hot
2 It protects them when it
3 It leads the prey into the
shade because they usually
hide in the shady areas
4 It camouflages itself and the
nest in this way

Answer: 3 (Wikipedia)
The Black Heron, Egretta ardesiaca is an
African heron. It is a medium-sized (42.566
cm in height), black plumaged heron with
yellow legs and feet. It is found south of the
Sahara Desert, including Madagascar, and
prefers shallow open, waters, such as the
edges of fresh water lakes and ponds. It
may also be found in marshes, river edges,
rice fields, and seasonally flooded
grasslands. The black heron has an
interesting hunting method, called canopy
feeding - it uses its wings like an umbrella,
and uses the shade it creates to attract fish.
Some black herons feed solitarily, while
others feed in groups of up to 50 individuals,
200 being the highest number reported. The
black heron feeds by day but especially
prefers the time around sunset. It roosts
communally at night, and coastal flocks
roost at high tide. The primary food of the
black heron is small fish, but it will also eat
aquatic insects and crustaceans.

46. Brazilian scientists recently
discovered a caffeine-free coffee
plant. After 8 years of research
where several recessive
characteristics were crossed, the
plants unique feature was
discovered. This is proof that.

1 plants have great genetic
diversity in gene banks
2 ages ago, coffee was
caffeine free
3 any research will always be
4 caffeine is harmful to

Answer: 1 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Details of this research were published in
the Scientific magazine/journal Nature, in
Volume 429, on 24 JUNE 2004. The plants
were found to be lacking the enzyme
caffeine synthase which converts
theobromine to caffeine, and high levels of
theobromine were detected in them.
Coffee is the beverage brewed from the
roasted and ground seeds of the tropical
evergreen coffee plant of African origin. It is
consumed either hot or cold by about one-
third of the people in the world, in amounts
larger than those of any other drink. Its
popularity can be attributed to its
invigorating effect, which is produced by
caffeine, an alkaloid stimulant present in
green coffee in amounts between 0.8 and
1.5 percent for the Arabica varieties and 1.6
to 2.5 percent for Robusta. Two species of
the coffee plant, Coffea arabica and C.
canephora, supply almost all of the world's
consumption. Arabica coffee, which is
divided between Brazilians and milds, is
considered to brew a more flavourful and
aromatic beverage than Robusta, the main
variety of C. canephora. Arabicas are grown
in Central and South America, the
Caribbean, and Indonesia, while Robustas
are grown mainly in Africa. Because of some
undesirable effects of caffeine, many
attempts have been made to decaffeinate
coffee, with the industrial process of solvent
extraction being the commercial route.
Genetic engineering attempts have thus far
failed to provide plants whose seeds give
coffee of the same quality, taste and aroma.

47. Recessive characteristics are
features which.

1 develop as the organism
adapts to the environment
2 can never be eliminated and
often appear in a next
3 are carried on the sex
4 can only be separated from
dominant genes though

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Recessiveness is the failure of one of a pair
of genes (alleles) present in an individual to
express itself in an observable manner
because of the greater influence, or
dominance, of its opposite-acting partner.
Both alleles affect the same inherited
characteristic, but the presence of the
recessive gene cannot be determined by
observation of the organism; i.e., although
present in the organism's genotype, the
recessive trait is not evident in its
phenotype. The term recessive is applied
both to the organism having the alleles of a
gene pair in the recessive condition and to
the allele whose effect can be masked by
another allele of the same gene.
Dominance is greater influence by one of a
pair of genes (alleles) that affect the same
inherited character. If an individual pea plant
with the alleles T and t (T = tallness, t =
shortness) is the same height as a TT
individual, the T allele (and the trait of
tallness) is said to be completely dominant;
if the Tt individual is shorter than the TT but
still taller than the tt individual, T is said to
be partially or incompletely dominant; i.e., it
has a greater influence than t but does not
completely mask the presence of t, which is
said to be recessive.
Also called allelomorph, an allele is any one
of two or more genes that may occur
alternatively at a given site (locus) on a
chromosome. Alleles may occur in pairs, or
there may be multiple alleles affecting the
expression (phenotype) of a particular trait.
If the paired alleles are the same, the
organism is said to be homozygous for that
trait; if they are different, the organism is
heterozygous. A dominant allele will override
the traits of a recessive allele in a
heterozygous pairing. In some traits,
however, alleles may be co-dominanti.e.,
neither acts as dominant or recessive. An
example is the human ABO blood system;
persons with type AB blood have one allele
for A and one for B. (Persons with neither
are type O.). Most traits are determined by
more than two alleles. Multiple forms of the
allele may exist, though only two will attach
to the designated gene site during meiosis.
Also, some traits are controlled by two or
more gene sites. Both possibilities multiply
the number of alleles involved. All genetic
traits are the result of the interactions of
alleles. Mutation, crossing over, and
environmental conditions selectively change
the frequency of phenotypes (and thus their
alleles) within a population.

48. What is the biggest disadvantage of
genetically manipulated cotton

1 They are more resistant to
insects; fewer insecticides
are sold
2 The quality of cotton linters
is very high; clothes are
more expensive because
cheap cloth disappears
3 Cotton growers must replant
plantations; previous
product doesnt sell
4 less high quality cotton is
imported; more import
companies go bankrupt

Answer: 3 (Wikipedia/Encyclopaedia
Transgenic plants possess a gene or genes
that have been transferred from a different
species. Although DNA of another species
can be integrated in a plant genome by
natural processes, the term "transgenic
plants" refers to plants created in a
laboratory using recombinant DNA
technology. The aim is to design plants with
specific characteristics by artificial insertion
of genes from other species or sometimes
entirely different kingdoms.
Cotton is attacked by several hundred
species of insects, including such harmful
species as the boll weevil, pink bollworm,
cotton leafworm, cotton fleahopper, cotton
aphid, rapid plant bug, conchuela, southern
green stinkbug, spider mites (red spiders),
grasshoppers, thrips, and tarnished plant
bugs. Limited control of damage by insect
pests can be achieved by proper timing of
planting and other cultural practices or by
selective breeding of varieties having some
resistance to insect damage. Chemical
insecticides, which were first introduced in
the early 1900s, require careful and
selective use because of ecological
considerations but appear to be the most
effective and efficient means of control.
Cotton plants are also subject to diseases
caused by various pathogenic fungi,
bacteria, and viruses and to damage by
nematodes (parasitic worms) and
physiological disturbances also classified as
diseases. Because young seedlings are
especially sensitive to attack by a complex
of disease organisms, treatment of seeds
before planting is common. Some varieties
have been bred that are resistant to a
bacterial disease called angular leaf spot.
Soil fumigation moderately succeeded in
combating such fungus diseases as
fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, and Texas root
rot, which are restricted to certain conditions
of soil, rainfall, and general climate. The
breeding of resistant varieties, however, has
been more effective. Genetically modified
(GM) cotton contains the Bacillus
thuringiensis (a bacterium) genes that
encode toxins which have specific activities
against species of the orders Lepidoptera
(Moths and Butterflies), Diptera (Flies and
Mosquitoes) and Coleoptera (Beetles).
However, like many GM crops, the seeds of
the plants are not viable for re-cultivation
and new GM seed must be purchased at the
beginning of every planting season.

49. Which chromosome determines that
a boy is born instead of a girl?

1 The X-chromosome of the
2 The Y-chromosome of the
3 The X-chromosome of the
4 The Y-chromosome of the

Answer: 4 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
Sex chromosomes are either of a pair of
chromosomes that determine whether an
individual is male or female. The sex
chromosomes of human beings and other
mammals are designated by scientists as X
and Y. In humans the sex chromosomes
comprise one pair of the total of 23 pairs of
chromosomes. The other 22 pairs of
chromosomes are called autosomes.
Individuals having two X chromosomes (XX)
are female; individuals having one X
chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY)
are male. The X chromosome resembles a
large autosomal chromosome with a long
and a short arm. The Y chromosome has
one long arm and a very short second arm.
This path to maleness or femaleness
originates at the moment of meiosis, when a
cell divides to produce gametes, or sex cells
having half the normal number of
chromosomes. During meiosis the male XY
sex-chromosome pair separates and passes
on an X or a Y to separate gametes; the
result is that one-half of the gametes
(sperm) that are formed contains the X
chromosome and the other half contains the
Y chromosome. The female has two X
chromosomes, and all female egg cells
normally carry a single X. The eggs fertilized
by X-bearing sperm become females (XX),
whereas those fertilized by Y-bearing sperm
become males (XY).

The diagram below shows the results of an
experiment concerning anaerobic respiration
(fermentation). Carbon dioxide is given off.

50. What is important during the
planning stage and execution of the

1 It is not necessary to take
temperature readings
2 The same amount of yeast,
sugar and water should be
used in each test tube
3 The size of the test tube
and the size of the balloon
is important
4 The experiment in all the
test tubes should start at the
same time

Answer: 2 (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
This experiment also proves that yeast cells
are living, which is why the test tube in
which the contents were first boiled, failed to
produce carbon dioxide. In conducting
experiments, normally only one variable (the
one under experimentation) is allowed,
everything else must be kept the same; in
this case temperature, the size of test tubes
and the amounts of sugar, water and yeast
Bakers yeast is composed of living cells of
the yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
It is a fungus commonly used to leaven
bread. Bakers' yeast performs its leavening
function by fermenting sugars such as
glucose, fructose, maltose, and sucrose. It
cannot use lactose, the predominant sugar
of milk, or certain other carbohydrates. The
principal products of fermentation are
carbon dioxide, the leavening agent, and
ethanol, an important component of the
aroma of freshly baked bread. In the
process of fermentation (generally known as
glycolysis), which involves the activity of
several enzymes, glucose is broken down
into fructose 1,6-diphosphate, containing a
phosphoryl group (originating from ATP) at
each end. This molecule is then split into
two smaller fragments (dihydroxyacetone
phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate)
that are interconvertible. Subsequent steps
convert these three carbon fragments into
phosphoenol pyruvate which in turn is
converted to pyruvate with concomitant
production of ATP. The net yield is two
molecules of ATP for each six-carbon sugar.
In certain bacteria (e.g., so-called lactic acid
bacteria) or in muscle cells functioning
vigorously in the absence of adequate
supplies of oxygen, pyruvate is then reduced
to lactate via a reaction catalyzed by lactate
dehydrogenase. Alternatively, in organisms
such as yeast, pyruvate is first
decarboxylated to form acetaldehyde and
carbon dioxide in a reaction catalyzed by
pyruvate decarboxylase. Acetaldehyde is
then reduced to ethanol with alcohol
dehydrogenase acting as the catalyst.

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