SymantecTM Backup Exec For Windows Servers
SymantecTM Backup Exec For Windows Servers
SymantecTM Backup Exec For Windows Servers
Windows Servers
The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and
“commercial computer software documentation” as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS
Section 227.7202.
Symantec Corporation
20330 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Cupertino, CA 95014
Creating a policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Using job template script files within a policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Creating a backup job template script file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Creating a duplicate backup job template script file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Creating a synthetic full job template script file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Using a schedule script with device and media operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Understanding job status messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
The Backup Exec Command Line Applet is a convenient way to access some of the most
useful features of Backup Exec from a command prompt. The Command Line Applet
allows management of only one media server at a time, but allows for remote
management of media servers within an enterprise. However, if the Central Admin
Server Option (CASO) is installed, you can administer all servers managed by the central
administration server.
Backup Exec must be installed and running on a media server in order for the Command
Line Applet to target it, but the Command Line Applet does not have to be run from a
media server. The Command Line Applet uses functional command switches typed in a
command prompt window to perform most Backup Exec functions and utilities.
Note Backup Exec Command Line Applet is only backwards compatible for a previous
release and dot releases of the same version of Backup Exec.
Command Line Applet requirements
Operating System You can find a list of compatible operating systems, platforms, and
applications at the following URL:
Note This release of the Command Line Applet does not support submission of verify or
rewind jobs.
Note The Command Line Applet can target clustered media servers. The only limitation
is that the Command Line Applet can target a device pool, but not a specific device
in that device pool.
Using command line switches
When connecting to a remote server, if you are required to provide a user name and
password, type the following at the command prompt, substituting the text appearing in
italics with the correct names:
bemcmd -cGenesis -nuser_name -ppassword -o1 -j"Operations
If the value contains a space or a colon, enclose the value with quotation marks. If the
switch contains more than one letter a colon must appear immediately after the switch
or the switch itself must be enclosed in quotation marks. Switches that consist of only a
single character do no require a colon after the switch.
In each of the previous examples, a -1 is returned if the job fails. You can also track the
status of the job submission by including the Verbose Output command line switch -v.
Substitute the text that appears in italics next to the command, such as job name, with
a value, such as the correct job name.
For commands using Job IDs, this version of Backup Exec uses a globally unique
identifier (GUID) in a 16-byte hex string format for each job.
Item Description
-cmedia server Specifies the name of the media server where the operation is to
be performed. If a media server name is not specified, the local
computer name is used by default.
-llogfile Directs all output to a specified logfile and to the console. You
must specify the logfile name where the output is to be written.
-la:logfile Appends all output to the specified logfile and to the console. You
must specify the logfile name where the output is to be written.
Item Description
-nuser name Specifies the user name credential for logging on to a remote
Backup Exec server. If a user name is not specified, the current
credential is used.
-tBackup Exec server Specifies the type of OS the server is running. The default is
type Windows.
To specify a NetWare server, type -tNW.
To specify a Windows server, type -tNT.
-w Waits for the job to complete before exiting the program. The
commands with switch -w returns a 1 if successful or -1 on-0
Using command line switches
-o1 Run backup job Runs a backup job that has been previously
defined. Returns a job instance ID. Also
returns a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if
the command fails.
-o2 Create backup Creates and runs a backup job for a specified
job list of files. This operation returns a job
instance ID. Also returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
-rl: List of server Specifies the server name and logon account
and logon GUIDs. The list should be comma delimited.
Using command line switches
-rf: File name of Specifies the name of the file that contains
server and logon the server name and logon account GUIDs.
accounts The list should be comma delimited with a
blank line at the end of the list.
-o3 Back up server Creates and runs a backup job to back up the
drive specified drive on the media server. Returns a
job instance ID. Also returns a 1 if the
command succeeds or a -1 if the command
Using command line switches
-o5 Back up SQL This option is not for SQL 2000. If you are
server running SQL 2000, use operation -o8.
Creates and runs a backup job to back up the
Microsoft SQL Server on the media server.
Returns a job instance ID. Also returns a 1 if
the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
Note Although individual tables and file
groups cannot be selected for backup,
all subcontainers except for the master
filegroup are included in a server
Using command line switches
-o8 Back up SQL Creates and runs a backup job for SQL Server
Server 2000 2000. Returns a job instance ID. Also returns
a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
Note The Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
must be enabled on the media server in
order for this command to work.
Using command line switches
-o17 Back up Lotus Creates and runs a backup job of the Lotus
Notes server Notes server. Returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o18 Back up Oracle Creates and runs a backup job of the Oracle
server server. Returns a 1 if the command succeeds
or -1 if the command fails.
Note Only one SID can be specified per
command. Use -si to indicate the SID
name to back up.
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
-o28 Use Oracle Use RMAN to create and run a backup job for
Recovery an Oracle database. Returns a job instance ID.
Manager Also returns a 1 if the command succeeds or a
(RMAN) to back -1 if the command fails.
up an Oracle
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
-kt:key type Specifies the key type for the encryption key.
Enter 1 for a common key; otherwise, enter 0
for a restricted key.
If a key is common, any Backup Exec user can
use the key to back up and restore data.
If a key is restricted, any Backup Exec user
can use the key to back up data, but only the
key owner or a user who knows the pass
phrase can use the key to restore the
encrypted data.
Using command line switches
-eerror code Specifies the error code for the error message
you want to display.
-o15 Get job state Displays one of many predefined job states if
the command was successful. Also returns a 1
if the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
-o16 Dump job status Copies to the console the job information and
for scheduled descriptive headings for each item associated
and active job with the job ID. Returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
-o22 Jobs on hold Displays all the jobs that have the on hold
status. If you do not specify -j or -i only the
number of jobs on hold appears.
-o23 Query job Displays information about all job states and
job types in the Job Monitor.
Using command line switches
-o30 Dump job log Copies to the console the job log name that is
name of associated with the specified job ID or job
completed job name. Returns a 1 if the command succeeds
or a -1 if the command fails.
-o31 Dump job log Copies to the console the contents of the job
contents log specified on the command line. Returns a
1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
-jn:new job name New name for Required.Provides the new name for the job.
the job.
-o200 Place job on hold Places the specified job on hold. Returns a 1 if
the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
You must specify either the -j switch or the -f
-o201 Take job off hold Takes the specified job off hold. Returns a 1 if
the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
You must specify either the -j switch or the -f
-o251 List all backup Displays all available backup selection lists.
selection lists. Returns a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if
the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o7 Run a restore job Runs a restore job that has been previously
defined for a media server. Returns a job
instance ID. Also returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o29 Use Oracle Use RMAN to create and run a restore for an
Recovery Oracle database.
(RMAN) to
restore an
Oracle database
Using command line switches
-o36 Create a SQL Creates and runs a restore job of a SQL 2000
2000 server server.
restore job
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
See also:
“Using job script files” on page 119
-i Dump alert IDs Displays all the alert IDs on the screen.
-o42 Dump alert text Dumps the alert title and message to the
console. Returns a 1 if the command succeeds
or a -1 if the command fails.
-i Dump all alert If -i is used with this command, all alert IDs
IDs will be displayed on the screen.
Using command line switches
-i Dump all alert If -i is used with this command, all alert IDs
IDs will be displayed on the screen.
-o47 Get all warning Displays the number of warning alerts on the
alerts computer. Also returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
-i Dump all alert If -i is used with this command, all alert IDs
IDs display on the screen.
-o48 Get all error Displays the number of error alerts on the
alerts computer. Also returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
-i Dump all alert If -i is used with this command, all alert IDs
IDs display on the screen.
Using command line switches
-i Dump all alert If -i is used with this command, all alert IDs
IDs will be displayed on the screen.
-jl: or -nj: Enable inclusion Sends the job log or disables the inclusion of
of job log or the job log to the alert recipient that is
disable inclusion configured for notification.
of job log
-ac:timeout or Set time for Sets the time in days, hours, or minutes for
-na: automatic Backup Exec to automatically clear the alert
clearing of alert or disables the automatic clearing of alerts.
or disable Set the time as D=days, H=hours, or
automatic alert M=minutes.
clearing The length of time entered cannot be more
than seven days.
-ar:response Set the Sets the automatic response for an alert. The
automatic possible responses are Yes, No, and Cancel.
response for an
Using command line switches
-pj: Pause job on Indicates the job is to be paused until the user
error has taken action to clear the error. If this
switch is absent, the job will be cancelled
until its next scheduled run.
Using command line switches
-o70 Dump media set Displays properties of the media set. Returns
properties a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
Using command line switches
-rsRead single Specifies that this device read only one block
block mode of data at a time.
-wsWrite single Specifies that this device write only one block
block mode of data at a time.
Using command line switches
-o81 Export drive Exports a list of backup tapes. Returns the job
slots ID and a 1 if the command succeeds, or a -1 if
the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o101 Create media set Creates a media set with the specified name.
Returns a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if
the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o102 Create drive pool Creates a drive pool with the specified name
and assigns the given drives to it.
Returns a 1 if the command succeeds, a 0 if
one or more specified drives cannot be found,
or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
-o115 Eject media Ejects the tape in the specified drive. Returns
from drive the job ID and a 1 if the command succeeds,
or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
-o120 Delete media set Deletes the specified media set. Returns 1 if
the command is successful or -1 if it failed.
Using command line switches
-o121 Delete drive pool Deletes the specified drive pool. Returns a 1 if
the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
Using command line switches
-o132 List media label Lists the media labels contained in a specified
media set. Returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
Using command line switches
-o136 Get list of media Displays the managed media vaults. Returns
vaults a 1 if the command succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
-o107 Set wizards as Sets the registry so that the startup wizards
run do not run. Returns a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the command fails.
-o501 Are Backup Exec Checks if the Backup Exec system services are
system services running. Returns 1 if the Backup Exec
running services are running on the computer. If the
system services are not running, a 0 is
displayed. If the command fails, a -1 is
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
Report switches
-ft:format Use:
◆ -ft:1 for HTML file type.
◆ -ft:2 for XML file type.
◆ -ft:3 for Microsoft Excel file type.
◆ -ft:4 for Comma Separated Variables (CSV)
◆ -ft:5 for Adobe Portable Document Format
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
Using command line switches
The default parameters set through the -o300 switch can be overridden when creating an
individual job. The following default options can be set using the -o300 switch:
Using command line switches
DO_JOB_PRIORITY Set job priority Specifies the priority for the job. If
another job is scheduled to run at the
same time as this job, the priority
determines which job runs first.
If a priority is not entered, the priority
will be Medium. Priority options
◆ 0 = Low
◆ 1 = Lowest
◆ 2 = Medium
◆ 3 = High
◆ 4 = Highest
DO_JOB_LIMITAVAIL_DATE First available date for Enter the first date when the selection
availability window list should be available to be backed
DO_JOB_LIMITAVAIL_BEGINT Begin time for Enter the earliest time when the
IME availability window selection list is available for backup.
DO_JOB_LIMITAVAIL_ENDTI End time for availability Enter the latest time when the
ME window selection list is available for backup.
DO_JOB_RUNJOBIFPRE Run job only if the Enter 1 to run the job only if the
SUCCESS pre-job command is pre-job command is successful;
successful. otherwise, enter 0. If the pre-job
command is not successful, the job
does not run, and is marked as failed.
DO_JOB_CMDTIMEOUT Specify time interval for Specifies the amount of time before or
command after the job in which the pre- or
post-command should run.
DO_JOB_ Cancel the job if not Specifies the amount of time Backup
CANCELTHRESHOLD completed within the Exec should wait for the job to
specified time. complete before cancelling the job.
This value should be provided in
DO_JOB_ Set default device for job Specifies the drive pool or stand-alone
DEVICEGUID drive to be used for processing the
DO_JOB_ Set the default media set Specifies the media set for the job.
Using command line switches
DO_BACKUP_ Set last access date Note If 5 was entered as the value for
must be completed.
Enter the number of days during
which files that you want to include in
the backup were last accessed. For
example, to specify a working set
backup to include all files last accessed
within 30 days, type:
Using command line switches
DO_BACKUP_HSM Back up data in remote Enter 1 to back up data that has been
storage migrated from primary storage to
secondary storage; otherwise, enter 0.
When using this option, the data will
not be recalled to its original location;
it will be backed up directly to the
backup media.
This option should not be used if:
◆ A single device containing one
drive is used for secondary storage
and backups because Remote
Storage and Backup Exec will
compete for use of the drive.
◆ You want to run a backup of the
entire system because Backup Exec
attempts to access all data that has
been migrated to secondary
storage and this may take a
considerable amount of time.
DO_BACKUP_ Back up open file if closed If 3 was entered for the value for
enter a number from 1 to 999 to
specify the number of seconds Backup
Exec is to wait for an open file to close
before continuing the backup. If the
files do not close during the specified
interval, they are skipped.
DO_RESTORE_ Restore over existing files Enter 1 to overwrite files on the target
EXISTINGMETHOD device that have the same name as
files that are being restored; otherwise,
enter 0.
Using command line switches
DO_RESTORE_TEMPPATH Path on media server for Type the path on the media server
staging temporary where you want to stage temporary
restore data restore data when using Backup Exec
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
to restore individual items from tape.
DO_TRIAL_ Check media capacity for Enter 1 to test whether enough tape is
CHECKCAPACITY trial run job available to complete the job;
otherwise, enter 0.
Note During the test run job, the
number of scheduled jobs in the
queue is not checked; therefore,
jobs that are scheduled before
the test run job may use the
media that was available when
the test run job was performed.
Using command line switches
DO_TRIAL_CHECKMEDIA Check media for trial run Enter 1 to test whether the media is
job online and overwritable for a trial run
job; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_TRIAL_ Place job on hold if trial Enter 1 to have the scheduled job
HOLDONFAILURE job fails placed on hold if any failures are
detected during the test run;
otherwise, enter 0.
Using command line switches
DO_LOG_SUMMARYLEVEL Select summary level for Enter one of the following values for
job log the job log summary level:
◆ 0 = Summary only
◆ 1 = Summary and directories
◆ 2 = Summary, directories, and files
◆ 3 = Summary, directories, files, and
DO_LOG_FILEBASE Specify job log name Specify a job log name FILENAME#.txt.
The # starts at 00. The default is
DO_LOG_ATTACH Attach job log as html Enter 1 to attach the job logs in an
html format when an email
notification is sent; otherwise, enter 0.
Using command line switches
DO_SQL_BACKUPMETHOD Select the SQL backup Select the backup method to be used
method for SQL databases by entering one of
the following values:
◆ 0 = full
◆ 1 = log
◆ 2 = log no truncate
◆ 3 = differential
DO_SQL_ Continue with backup if Enter 1 if you want the backup job to
CONTINUEIFCHECKFAILS consistency check fails continue if the consistency check fails;
otherwise, enter 0.
DO_SQL_ CHECKSUM Use checksums on Enter 1 if you want to have SQL 2005
backup (SQL 2005 only) add checksums to the SQL 2005
database data that is backed up by
Backup Exec; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_SQL_SAVEPATH Specify the path in which Enter the path for the on-disk copy of
to save on-disk copies of the SQL backup. To use this option,
SQL backups you must enter 1 for
DO_SQL_RESTOREMETHOD SQL restore method Select the default restore method for
SQL databases. Values include:
◆ 0 = no recover
◆ 1 = recover
◆ 2 = standby
Using command line switches
DO_XCH_LOGPATH Select temporary location Enter the temporary location for log
for log and patch files and patch files.
Using command line switches
DO_SPPS2_CONT_ON_DBCC_ Continue with backup job Enter 1 to continue with the backup
ERROR even if consistency check operation even if the consistency
fails check fails; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_DOMINO_ Lotus Domino backup Select the default method for backing
BACKUPMETHOD method up Lotus Domino databases. Values
◆ 0 = full
◆ 1 = differential
◆ 2 = incremental
DO_DOMINO_ Mark archive logs for Enter 1 to mark archive logs for
RECYCLELOGS recycling recycling; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_DOMINO_ Seconds to wait for Specify the number of seconds for the
SECONDSTOWAIT database restore process to wait for a database
that is in use by entering a value from
0 to 999.
Using command line switches
DO_ORACLE_DELETELOGS Delete backed up archive Enter 1 to have Backup Exec delete the
log files archived log files automatically after
the backup job. Otherwise, enter 0.
DO_ORACLE_DONT_REBACK Do not back up archive Enter 1 to have Backup Exec skip any
UP_LOGS log files that have already archived log files that were backed up
been backed up previously; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_ORACLE_BACKUPOFFLIN Perform the backup Enter 1 to have Backup Exec take the
E offline database offline before you start the
backup job; otherwise, enter 0.
DO_UNIXMAC_FOLLOW_LOC Follow local mount points Enter 1 to have Backup Exec follow
ALMOUNT local mount points during backup jobs;
otherwise, enter 0.
Using command line switches
DO_NDMP_DIRECTRECOVER Enable Direct Access Enter 1 to have Backup Exec use Direct
Y Recovery Access Recovery (DAR) during the
restore job; otherwise, enter 0. With
DAR-enabled recovery, Backup Exec
can specify the exact location of a file
in a backup data stream. The NDMP
server can then read the data
applicable to the single file being
restored. DAR reduces the amount of
information that is processed and
significantly reduces recovery time. If
DAR is not available, the restore may
take significantly longer.
DO_SCHEDULE_DELETION Job deletion for run once Enter one of the following values:
jobs ◆ 0 = Delete the job if the job
successfully completes
◆ 1 = Delete the job after the job
◆ 2 = Do not delete the job
DO_STATUSRECOVERY_STAL Time before job status Enter the number of seconds before
LED becomes stalled the statuses of active jobs are changed
to Stalled when the Backup Exec
engine service fails to respond.
DO_STATUSRECOVERY_REC Time before job status Enter the number of seconds before
OVERED becomes recovered jobs are failed and then recovered by
Backup Exec. A custom error-handling
rule named Recovered Jobs is applied
to recovered jobs. If this rule is
disabled, then any other error-
handling rules that are enabled will
apply to the recovered jobs. If there are
no error-handling rules that apply to
the job, then the job fails.
DO_CAT_MEDIA_INSEQUENC Request all media in the Enter 1 to catalog media starting with
E sequence for catalog the lowest known tape number in the
operations tape family. For example, if you don’t
have tape one, the catalog begins with
tape two. Otherwise, enter 0.
Using command line switches
DO_CAT_TRUNCATEDDAYS Amount of days before Enter the amount of days before file
truncating catalogs and directory details are removed from
the catalogs. The value can be between
1 and 999.
DO_CAT_PATH Set catalog path Specify a path on the volume for the
catalog files.
DO_MEDIA_ Set the media overwrite Enter one of the following values:
OVERWRITEOPTIONS options ◆ 0 = Overwrite scratch media before
overwriting recyclable media
contained in the targeted media set
◆ 1 = Overwrite recyclable media
contained in the targeted media set
before overwriting scratch media
DO_MEDIA_DEFAULTVAULT Specify the default media Enter the default vault that you want
vault media moved to when a job is run to
move media to a vault or to export
DO_B2D_MAXFILESIZE Maximum size for Type the maximum size for each
backup-to-disk files backup-to-disk file, including either
MB or GB. The file size can be from 1
MB to 4096 GB. The default is 4 GB.
Using command line switches
DO_DB_GROOM Remove old data from the Enter 1 if you want Backup Exec to
Backup Exec database automatically delete old data from its
database, using specified criteria.
Otherwise, enter 0.
DO_DB_TIME Time to perform database Enter the time you want to perform
maintenance database maintenance. All the
maintenance occurs once a day at the
time you specify.
DO_DB_ENABLE_JOBHISTOR Keep job history Select one of the following options for
YDAYS keeping job history data:
◆ 0 = Keep job history for data on
media that have current overwrite
protection periods.
◆ 1 = Keep job history for a specified
number of days. This option is used
with the
DO_DB_JOBHISTORYDAYS Number of days to keep Enter the number of days for job
job history data history data to remain on the Backup
Exec database.
DO_DB_ Number of days to keep Enter the number of days for alert
ALERTHISTORYDAYS alert history data history data to remain on the Backup
Exec database.
DO_DB_JOBLOGDAYS Number of days to keep Enter the number of days for job logs
job logs to remain on the Backup Exec
DO_DB_REPORTDAYS Number of days to keep Enter the number of days for report
report data data to remain on the Backup Exec
Using command line switches
DO_DB_AUDITLOGDAYS Number of days to keep Enter the number of days for audit
audit logs logs to remain on the Backup Exec
DO_DB_COMPACT Compact the Backup Exec Enter 1 if you want to compact the
database Backup Exec database; otherwise,
enter 0.
DO_REPORTS_COMPANYLOG Use company logo image Enter 1 if you want to use a company
O file logo in the report header; otherwise,
enter O.
DO_REPORTS_IMAGEFILE Specify image file path Type the path to the logo that you want
to use in all custom reports.
DO_REPORTS_BANNERCOLO Specify the color to use Type the numbers that correspond to
R for the report banner the values for red, green, and blue that
you want to use for the banner color.
Use the following format:
<value for red>. <value for green>,
<value for blue>
Values can range from 0 through 255
DO_REPORTS_FOOTERTEXT Specify text to appear in Type the text you want to appear in the
the report footer report footer.
DO_REPORTS_FOOTERTIME Include time in footer Enter 1 if you want to include the time
the report ran in the report footer;
otherwise, enter O.
Using job script files
Each entry included for the various sections must be typed in capital letters and be
immediately followed by an equal (=) sign. The value for the entry must immediately
follow the equal sign and contain no spaces or quotes unless they are part of the value
itself. For example, to specify in the script that the job name is Workstation Backups and
the job type is backup, the script file for the [General] section would appear as:
JOB_NAME=Workstation Backups
All possible entries for a Backup Job Script File are described in the following table. In
creating a script file, you would not want to include all entries. For example, either
INTERVAL_DAY or INTERVAL_WEEK, but not both entries, could be present in a script
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
[SQL Server]
Using job script files
[Offhost provider]
Using job script files
[Media Options]
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Note You must enter values when you select to use either SCHED_REPEAT_INTERVAL,
SCHED_DAYSOF MNTH, SCHED_DAYSOF WEEK, or DATE before the job is created.
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
EXCH2SG2=Second Storage Group
EXCH2SG3=Second Storage Group
SQL2DB?=SQL Server 2000 database Specifies the name of the SQL Server
name 2000 database to back up. Type *.* to
back up all the databases. Change ? to
a number that corresponds to the
number of the selection.
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Note The Job History GUID is required for bemcmd -o90 restores. To obtain the Job
History GUID, first use -o23 and /or -o506 to obtain the Job Instance GUID. Then
use the Job Instance GUID with -o21 to obtain the Job History GUID.
[Restore Options]
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
[Catalog Options]
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
Using job script files
[Selection List]
[Login Account
Using job script files
Using scripts and selection lists
Using scripts and selection lists
EXCH2SG2=Second Storage Group
EXCH2SG3=Second Storage Group
SQL2DB?=SQL Server 2000 database Specifies the name of the SQL Server
name 2000 database to back up. Type *.* to
back up all the databases. Change ? to
a number that corresponds to the
number of the selection.
Using scripts and selection lists
Note Alias selections will be ignored unless RUN_IMMEDIATE=1 in the [Schedule] section of
backup job or backup job template.
Using scripts and selection lists
Policy Commands
Using Policy Commands
Creating a policy
Command line switch -o260 creates a policy by reading a policy script file, such as the
example script file policy.txt. The policy contains a set of required and optional entries
for creating a policy.
The FILEx entries specify the names of separate template script files and the TYPEx
entries specify the type of template.
A sample policy script file (policy.txt) is included in the UTILS directory on the
installation CD. To activate an entry in this sample file, delete the forward slashes (//) at
the beginning of the line.
Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to create a policy that contains three sections, and
entries for each section. The sections of a policy file are:
■ [General]
■ [Templates]
■ [Rules]
Using Policy Commands
Using Policy Commands
Note The duplicate backup sets template cannot be set to run now.
Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to create a job template script file that contains all
settings and options for a job, except for the data selections.
Each entry included in the job template script file must be typed in capital letters and
must be immediately followed by an equal (=) sign. The value for the entry must
immediately follow the equal sign and contain no spaces unless they are part of the value
itself. For example, to specify in the script that the backup method is working set and
that the device name is Backup-to-Disk Folder 1, the script should appear as:
DEVICE_NAME="Backup-to-Disk Folder 1"
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
[Media Options]
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a backup job template script file
Note You must enter values when you select to use either SCHED_REPEAT_INTERVAL,
SCHED_DAYSOF MNTH, SCHED_DAYSOF WEEK, or DATE before the job is created.
Creating a backup job template script file
Creating a duplicate backup job template script file
Creating a duplicate backup job template script file
Creating a duplicate backup job template script file
Creating a synthetic full job template script file
Note You must enter values when you select to use either SCHED_REPEAT_INTERVAL,
SCHED_DAYSOF MNTH, SCHED_DAYSOF WEEK, or DATE before the job is created.
Creating a synthetic full job template script file
Using a schedule script with device and media operations
Using a schedule script with device and media operations
Using a schedule script with device and media operations
Understanding job status messages
JOB_STATE_INVALID SCHEDULE = 7 The schedule for the task is invalid. The job will
never run.
JOB_STATE_LINKED_JOB = 23 The job is linked to another job, and will not start
until that job is finished.
Understanding job status messages
Microsoft SharePoint, 107 I
NDMP, 112 inventory job
NetWare SMS, 111 robotic library, 64
network and security, 98 stand-alone drive, 73
Oracle server, 110
reports, 118
schedule, 113
administrating, 36
setting, 90
canceling, 36
setting general options, 91
job log, copying to console, 38
setting job priority, 92
job monitor switches, 36
setting startup inventory option, 91
job priority, specifying, 10, 32
SQL server, 104
job status messages, 248
trial job, 99
device management switches, 55 L
devices, managing, 55 label media, 70, 79
discovery job logon account switches, 82
creating using script file, 175 Lotus Domino Agent
script file, creating and using, 175 backup job script method, using, 127,
discovery job script file 220
creating, 175 setting default options, 109
setting discovery options, 176 using for backup, 21
setting general options, 175 M
setting schedule options, 178 media
specifying domains, 178 ejecting from drive, 71
discoveryscript.txt, 119 erasing, 68
djscript.txt, 119 formatting, 70
djtemplatescript.txt, 213 label, 79
drive pool labeling, 70
creating, 64 moving, 78
deleting, 76 renaming, 79
duplicate backup job, creating using script retension tape, 69
file, 181 media management switches, 55
duplicate backup template script media options
creating, 232 backup job template script, 224
setting device and media options, 183 default, 114
setting general options, 181 media overwrite protection period,
duplicate job script file, creating, 181 setting, 67
E media protection level, setting for backup
eject media job, 71 job, 13
encryption keys, creating and media server pool
maintaining, 33 adding server to, 77
error-handling rules switches, 54 creating, 76
Exchange 2000 server, backing up, 18 deleting, 76
Exchange server displaying ID, 77
backing up, 15 removing server from, 78
restore job script file entries, 153 renaming, 76
media sets
creating, 63
global command line switches, 8
Index 253
254 Symantec Backup Exec Command Line Applet