Derivatization of Bichromic Cyclometalated Ru (II) Complexes With Hydrophobic Substituents
Derivatization of Bichromic Cyclometalated Ru (II) Complexes With Hydrophobic Substituents
Derivatization of Bichromic Cyclometalated Ru (II) Complexes With Hydrophobic Substituents
Hydrophobic Substituents
Kiyoshi C. D. Robson, Bryan D. Koivisto, and Curtis P. Berlinguette*
Department of Chemistry, Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy, and Centre for Advanced Solar Materials,
University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive Northwest, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
*S Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: The syntheses and physical properties of cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes
containing a triphenylamine (TPA) unit bearing aliphatic groups are reported. Each member of
the series consists of an octahedral Ru(II) center coordinated by a tridentate polypyridyl ligand and
a tridentate cyclometalating ligand. One of the chelating ligands contains electron-deficient methyl
ester groups, while a TPA unit is attached to the central ring of the adjacent chelating ligand through
a thiophene bridge. This study builds on our previous work (Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 60196028;
Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 54945508) by (i) outlining a synthetic protocol for installing aliphatic
groups on the TPA substituents, (ii) examining the role that terminal O-hexyl and S-hexyl
groups situated on the TPA have on the electrochemical properties, and (iii) demonstrating the
potential benefit of installing the TPA on the neutral chelating ligand rather than the anionic
chelating ligand. The results reported herein provide important synthetic advances for our broader
goal of developing bis-tridentate cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes for light-harvesting applications.
There has been a recent renaissance in the design and study of
cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes in light of their proven utility
in solar energy conversion schemes
and biological
This interest is rooted in the broad absorption
profiles and well-defined redox behavior stabilities for this class
of compounds.
Moreover, the presence of a single anionic
cyclometalating ligand about an octahedral Ru center that is
coordinatively saturated by neutral polypyridal ligands induces
an electronic asymmetry that offers acute control of the frontier
molecular orbitals.
Consequently, the thermodynamic
positions of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)
and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) can be
easily modulated through judicious installation of substituents
on the anionic and neutral ligands, respectively.
While this
chemical control of the physicochemical properties translates to
other metals,
it has proven to be particularly useful in
developing Ru-based dyes that are capable of generating high
power conversion efficiencies in the dye-sensitized solar cell
Bis-tridentate Ru(II) complexes bearing a cyclometalating
ligand (e.g., pbpy = 6-phenyl-2,2-bipyridine) have a rich history
in the literature that extends back to the early work of
Constable et al.
and Sauvage et al.
We recently added to this
catalogue a series of cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes bearing
triphenylamine (TPA) units (e.g., Figure 1d) to augment light
absorption and enhance excited-state charge separation.
While these features had been previously observed for
polypyridyl Ru(II) architectures,
the optical properties
and thermodynamic energy levels of the frontier molecular
orbitals of the cyclometalated derivatives are better positioned
for sensitizing TiO
Indeed, the high performance of these
dyes in the DSSC was made possible by recognizing that the
TPA and metal act as electrochemically isolated units in the
ground state, thus enabling a desirable energy level gradient
where the HOMO is confined to the TPA unit.
These promising results provided the impetus to further
develop the chemistry of the TPA-substituted platform
highlighted in Figure 1d. We therefore set out to investigate
the syntheses and properties of complexes containing alkyl
substituents on the TPA groups (25; Chart 1) in accordance
with a well-documented approach for improving the power
output and stability of the DSSC that involves placing
hydrophobic groups on one of the bidentate polypyridyl
ligands (Figure 1a and 1b).
The purported sensitivity of
dye regeneration by electrolytes to chalcogenides on the metal
complex also prompted us to develop a series where thiolates
and alkoxy groups are positioned about the TPA unit.
article also addresses how the position of the anionic ring
relative to the TPA unit (e.g., 2 vs 4; Chart 1) affects the optical
and electrochemical properties. The syntheses and physical
properties of these complexes are described herein and set the
stage for studying the light-absorption and charge-separation
events of bichromic cyclometalated complexes in future studies.
Physical Methods. Elemental analysis (EA), electrospray ioniza-
tion mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and electron impact (EI) mass
spectrometry data were collected at the Chemistry Instrumentation
Facility of the University of Calgary. Electrochemical measurements
were performed under anaerobic conditions with a Princeton Applied
Research VersaStat 3 potentiostat using dry solvents, a glassy carbon
Received: August 14, 2011
Published: January 13, 2012
2012 American Chemical Society 1501 | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 15011507
working electrodes, a Pt wire counter electrode, a Ag pseudoreference
electrode, and 0.1 M NBu
MeCN supporting electrolyte solutions.
Electronic spectroscopic data were collected on MeCN solutions
collected using a Cary 5000 UVvis spectrophotometer (Varian).
H and
C NMR spectra were recorded at 400 and 100 MHz,
respectively, on a Bruker AV 400 instrument at ambient temperature.
Chemical shifts () are reported in parts per million (ppm) from low
to high field and referenced to residual nondeuterated solvent.
Standard abbreviations indicating multiplicity are used as follows: s =
singlet; d = doublet; t = triplet; m = multiplet. All proton assignments
correspond to the generic molecular schemes that are provided
(Figure 2).
Preparation of Compounds. All reactions and manipulations
were performed using solvents passed through an MBraun solvent
purification system prior to use. All reagents were purchased from
Aldrich and used without further purification except for RuCl
(Pressure Chemical Company) and trimethyl-4,4,4-tricarboxylate-
2,2:6,2-terpyridine (Me
tctpy (L6); Helio Chemical Co., Switzer-
land). Purification by column chromatography was carried out using
silica (Silicycle, Ultrapure Flash Silica). Analytical thin-layer
chromatography (TLC) was performed on aluminum-backed sheets
precoated with silica 60 F254 adsorbent (0.25 mm thick; Merck,
Germany) and visualized under UV light. Organic and inorganic
compounds 4-(hexyloxy)-N-(4-(hexyloxy)phenyl)-N-(4-(4,4,5,5-tetra-
methyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl)aniline (P1),
thienyl)-2,2:6,2-terpyridine (P3),
phenyl-2,2-bipyridine (P4),
dimethyl 6-phenyl-2,2-bipyridine-4,4-
dicarboxylate (L7H),
and 1
prepared according to literature procedures. The experimental
procedures for preparation of 4-(hexylthio)-N-(4-(hexylthio)phenyl)-
N-(4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl)aniline (P2)
and its precursors (P2b and P2bc) and the ligands L2HL4H are
provided as Supporting Information.
(C1). A 250-mL round-bottom flask (RBF)
containing Ru(L6)Cl
(0.200 g, 0.33 mmol) and 4-(5-bromothiophen-
2-yl)-6-phenyl-2,2-bipyridine (P4) (0.141 g, 0.36 mmol) was charged
with a 120 mL of MeOH/H
O (5:1 v/v) solution containing 0.5 mL
of n-ethylmorpholine and then left at reflux for 14 h. After the reaction
was cooled, AgNO
(0.166 g, 0.98 mmol) was added and the reaction
mixture was set to reflux for an additional 2 h. The hot solution was
filtered, and the solvent was removed in vacuo. The residue was
purified by column chromatography [SiO
, acetone/MeOH, 8:1; R
0.50] to yield 0.252 g (80.6%) of the product as a dark black
microcrystalline solid.
H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl
): = 9.13 (s, 2H,
Figure 1. Listing of representative high-performance DSSC dyes that
contain anionic (a) monodentate,
(b) bidentate,
and (c, d)
tridentate ligands.
A common approach for improving the
performance of bidentate Ru-based dyestuff in the DSSC is to install
alkylated thiophenes at the R site.
The bichromic scaffold that serves
as the foundation of this study is highlighted by the enclosure.
Chart 1. Designation of Complexes and Ligands
Counterion = NO
The primary objective of this study was to develop a protocol
for isolating hydrophobic bichromic cyclometalated Ru(II)
complexes related to 1.
Functionalization of the TPA units
with aliphatic chains gave rise to a host of solubility issues that
rendered our previously established synthetic methodologies
unsuccessful. Fortunately, it was found that Pd-catalyzed CC
cross-coupling reactions between appropriately functionalized
bis-tridentate Ru metal complexes (C1 and C2) and TPA units
were remarkably efficient for making the target complexes. This
synthetic endeavor also enabled us to position the organo-
metallic bond within the scaffold of 1 from the ligand bearing
the TPA unit to the anchoring chelate. Not only does this
arrangement induce a bathochromically shifted absorption
envelope better matched to the incident solar flux but it also
sidesteps the use of the expensive tctpy ligand.
While the TPA unit is a common constituent in organic
DSSC dyes,
there is currently no example of an organic or
metal sensitizer where the TPA has been substituted with
thiolate groups. This observation prompted us to develop a
synthetic scheme for isolating Ru complexes bearing TPA units
that have been functionalized with thiolate groups. Character-
ization of these dyes, however, reveals that the thiolates are
weaker donors than the alkoxy groups because of the less
favorable orbital interactions with the phenyl rings of the TPA
group. This finding has consequences when inducing intra-
molecular charge transfer, namely, there will be a lower
thermodynamic driving force for the thiolate-substituted TPA
group to reduce the photo-oxidized metal fragment. Con-
sequently, we do not expect the sensitization of n-type
semiconductors with bichromic sensitizers bearing thiolate-
substituted TPA groups to be enhanced (if kinetic parameters
are held at parity). Studies are underway to verify this claim.
With the synthetic chemistry for bichromic cyclometalated
Ru(II) complexes now fully developed, future studies will focus
exclusively on probing the interaction between the chalcoge-
nide-substituted TPA units and the I
*S Supporting Information
Synthetic schemes for P2 and ligands L2HL3H and L4 and
experimental details. This material is available free of charge via
the Internet at
Corresponding Author
Figure 5. UVvis spectra and cyclic voltammograms of select
compounds in MeCN highlight the effect on the optical and
electrochemical properties upon (a) altering the position of the Ru
C bond (R
= -O-hex) and (b) substitution of the chalcogen (O vs S)
para to the N of the TPA.
Inorganic Chemistry Article | Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 15011507 1506
This work was financially supported by the Canadian Natural
Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada
Research Chairs, Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI),
Alberta Ingenuity, and the Canada School of Energy and
Environment (CSEE). K.C.D.R. is grateful to NSERC and
Alberta Innovates for student fellowships. We thank Prof. Todd
Sutherland (University of Calgary) for access to spectroelec-
trochemical of equipment.
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