Forward Osmosis: Potential Use in Desalination and Water Reuse
Forward Osmosis: Potential Use in Desalination and Water Reuse
Forward Osmosis: Potential Use in Desalination and Water Reuse
Es = [2]
Where Es is the power generation from the PRO, P
is the pressure of feed solution to the turbine, V is the
volume of feed solution to the turbine, and is the
pump efficiency. The generated power from PRO
process increases with increasing the volume and
pressure of the feed solution to the turbine system.
Earlier FO membrane exhibited a low flow due to the
adverse impact of concentration polarization (Figure 1).
External and/or internal salt accumulation at the feed
side of the membrane surface reduces the osmotic
pressure gradient and hence the driving force for fresh
water extraction. Luckily, new FO membranes dealt
with this problem through reducing the thickness of the
support layer which resulted in reducing salt
accumulation at the membrane surface (Figure 14)
[16]. This development encouraged scientists and
pushed the PRO process a step ahead towards
commer-cialization. The concerted efforts were
culminated by building the world first power generation
plant by using the PRO process [14]. Fresh water was
used as feed solution while seawater was the draw
solution. Using fresh water as a feed solution will
eliminate the effect of concentrative concentration
polarization at the membrane surface. However, the
process is site specific; i.e. it is dependent on the
availability of draw and feed solutions. In many
countries affected by water shortage it is rather
impossible using fresh water as a feed solution for
power generation by the PRO process. Since water
shortage problem has affected many areas around the
world, seawater was proposed to be the feed solution
provided that the draw solution must be a solution of
higher concentration. In the latter design, the
concentrative concentration polarization plays an
important role in determining the net water flux across
the membrane [15]. Indeed, PRO process for power
generation using fresh water as a feed solution and
seawater as a draw solution is a site specific process
and cant be generalized worldwide. It depends on the
abundancy of the feed and draw solutions in a
particular area.
Alternatively, wastewater effluent was proposed to
replace the fresh water as a feed solution in the PRO
process to overcome the fresh water shortage problem
[10, 12]. Any impaired solution with low salinity can be
used as a feed solution. The PRO process diagram
using wastewater effluent and seawater as feed and
draw solution respectively is shown in Figure 14.
Wastewater effluent contains a number of impurities
such as organic matters, total nitrogen (T-N), total
phosphorus (T-P) and suspended solids (TSS).
Organic matters presence, in particular, in feed
wastewater effluent increases the propensity of
membrane fouling propensity and affecting the overall
water transport across the membrane [15, 28]. The
coupled effect of organic matter and the concentration
Figure 12: Schematic diagram of PRO process.
Donor solution
90 Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 2 Ali Altaee
polarization effect were well investigated in the
literature [15]. The experimental work showed that
PRO operates better when the wastewater effluent
facing the membrane surface while the draw solution
facing the support layer [15]. Although such design
reduces the osmotic driving force across the
membrane but it is more efficient in reducing the
coupled effect of organic matter fouling and
concentration polarization.
Shung et al. suggested a conceptual PRO design
using wastewater effluent as a feed solution while
seawater was the draw solution (Figure 15). Part of the
diluted draw solution is passed through a pressure
exchanger for energy reuse then it is mixed with the
rest of the diluted draw solution and sent to a second
FO membrane. In the latter membrane a custom
design draw solution is used for water extraction from
the diluted seawater. Although using wastewater
effluent as a feed solution will overcome the problem of
Figure 13: StatKraft PRO power generation plant (from StatKraft website).
Figure 14: Concentration polarization in RO and FO membranes.
RO membrane
FO membrane
Forward Osmosis Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 2 91
fresh water shortage, the process performance will be
lower than the fresh water feed. Organic matter fouling
is the main drawbacks of using wastewater effluent as
a feed in PRO. To alleviate the effect of organic fouling,
wastewater effluent should face the selective layer of
FO membrane while the draw solution faces the
support layer. This operating mode is renown of
yielding a lower membrane flux but more effective in
reducing the FO membrane fouling [15]. Practically, the
concentration of organic impurities in wastewater
effluent varies depending on the type and level of
wastewater treatment.
The PRO design shown in Figure 15 has two of FO
membrane systems which makes it rather complicated.
The diluted seawater from the first FO process can be
treated directly by thermal or membrane processes for
fresh water extraction and draw solution recycling
(Figure 16). This will reduce the FO membrane area
and cost. Additionally, the plant foot plant will be less.
Figure 15: An integrated osmotic MBR, osmotic power generation and seawater desalination system (Tai-Shung Chung et al.,
Figure 16: PRO process using wastewater effluent as a feed and seawater as the draw solution.
92 Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 2 Ali Altaee
The wastewater concentrate leaving the FO membrane
can be used for irrigation or discharge to a proper
water system. Either design in Figure 15 or 16 are an
alternative to the use of freshwater and they need to be
confirmed experimentally.
4. Conclusion
Despite the wealth of literature and experimental
work conducted in FO membrane process, its
application is still limited to bench and some pilot plant
studies. In seawater desalination, the process is still
under investigation. Its wide application in seawater
desalination was hampered, at the beginning, due to
the lack of appropriate membrane. Understanding the
phenomenon of concentration polarization in the FO
process has resulted in the development of a suitable
FO membrane for seawater desalination. The real
challenge encountered the commercial application of
FO process was the economic feasibility of the FO and
if it can be competitive to the existing membrane
desalination technologies such as RO. Any successful
application of FO requires a cost-effective regeneration
process. This is because most of the energy required in
FO desalination is spent in the regeneration process.
Results from previous research studies suggested
using NF membrane in the regeneration of tailored
design draw solution constituted of large divalent ions
such as MgSO4. Such design is more suitable for
brackish water desalination as most of the available NF
membrane cant tolerate feed pressure more than 40
bar. Different organic and inorganic salts were
suggested to be used as draw solution. The simulation
results in this study showed that NaCl is more efficient
than MgSO
and MgCl
due to the higher recovery rate
that can be achieved at lower power consumption.
Osmotic agent of small molecular weight, probably, is
more efficient draw solution than large molecular
weight osmotic agent due to the higher osmotic
pressure possessed by the former osmotic agent.
One of the inherent problems in FO is the salt
diffusion from seawater to the draw solution side of the
membrane. In particular, this is important when
MD/thermal processes are used for draw solution
evaporation and concentration such as in ammonia
carbon dioxide. Low pressure BWRO membrane
process can be used for salt removal from permeate to
the desirable level. But the cost of the process be
higher than the basic conventional design.
Additionally, FO process has the potential of
application in power generation by what so called PRO
process. The only commercial application of such
process in power generation is the pilot plant built by
StatKraft in Norway. Such process is a site specific as
it uses fresh water and seawater as feed and draw
solution respectively. Wastewater effluent was
proposed as a feed solution and hence the geographic
application of PRO is extended to include water
shortage areas. However, membrane fouling by the
organic matters in the wastewater effluent should be
further investigated to reduce the treatment cost.
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Received on 15-08-2012 Accepted on 08-12-2012 Published on 31-12-2012